For me the RTD from 2005 to 2010 is my favourite era of Doctor Who, my only worry is that it will use a lot of nostalgia and references. I just hope RTD has a lot of new ideas and takes risks with this new RTD era.
I agree, no romance between the Doctor and the companions please. With River, I'm still a little bit iffy with it, but at least she has an augmented life span, so it makes a bit more sense. Also, I'm completely with you about Arrow, if there was going to be a love interest there it should have been the Black Canary.
RTD has had almost two decades to think about what he should’ve/shouldn’t have done on Doctor who. He’s written multiple award winning shows since, RTD2 will feel familiar but it will not be the same as the first era.
In the classic series, the closest the Doctor has gotten to romance was in the Hartnell serial, The Aztecs, one of my favourite Hartnell stories. Originally, it started out as the Doctor being forced into a relationship with an Aztec woman, as the episode progresses, he came to have admiration for the woman's intelligence and by the end of the serial, it's hinted the Doctor might have developed feelings for her as the TARDIS crew left.
Tbf and I’m in no way saying I think this is a fact or important (or even something I’d want) but I also think that 4 and romana 2 could come across as a couple at times. Sure I know the real world reasons behind that but they do give the impression in and of themselves imo.
I seem to recall that a popular Doctor Who book of the early 70s (The Making of Doctor Who) summarised that as "the Doctor flirts mildly with Cameca" in its episode guide for The Aztecs. "Flirting mildly" is fine by me, as long as that's as far as it goes! I just couldn't stand all that adolescent, cow-eyed swooning and/or unrequited love that characterised Series 2 and 3.
@@ftumschk I think it’s just the amount of romance, the centrality of it to the narrative and the melodrama of it all. If it was infrequent and only an aspect of a character/s I’d be fine with it. As it has been it’s been a bit ridiculous and the age difference in 10/Rose as well as the Martha situation were really off.
@@moonsofmadness8850 yeah that’s almost certainly why the characters relationship comes across that way since if you stop and think about it romana is roughly an out of uni young adult to the Doctor’s old man. So I doubt they were intentionally written that way and certainly weren’t during Romana 1’s season but it is definitely a part of season 17-18 whether intentionally or not.
"Never go back" is a saying I think is all too often borne out to be true. I'm hoping RTD proves to be one of the exceptions to this. I concur that the Doctor's romantic entanglements are superfluous to the requirements of a show that has all of time and space and it's resulting themes to explore.
Russell has already said he only returned to Doctor Who because it's always a black canvas and Moffat, who heard Russell's ideas, is also saying that we'll get something new, so I'm not at all worried about not getting something new. In fact, part of the reason I'm looking forward to this era so much is because I'm guessing Russell's gonna give us the most original stuff Doctor Who has done since he revived it.
I agree with the doctor not having any romantic feelings for the companions since I feel like it’s not necessary overall in terms of the Doctor being a good enough character to not need that.
If we have another Modern Day Earth Companion, I will Lose It... Because we haven't had a Main (Not Jack, River, Nardole) Companion, not from Modern Day Earth (On Screen and not a One Off) since Mel...Nearly 40 Years and we haven't had a lot of difference in Companions outside of Age and Background in a LONG TIME!!! Seeing that it is RTD my wish will not be given to me...
I don't like the romantic Doctor stuff either. Russell's a sharp cookie, though, so he'll probably be aware that the most highly regarded and consistent series of his first run was the one with the romance-free Doctor/Donna combo.
You've hit the nail on the head here Wingy. The romance part, especially with Rose and The Doctor has always grated me, it isn't what the 'spirit' of the show is about. I felt the same later with River Song and the awkward sexual tension between Eleven and Amy, and recently Yaz and Jodie, so it isn't specific to one showrunner. I think the main issue is that the show is trying to straddle two different audiences - on the one hand, you have the strong desire for large, conceptual science-fiction, and on the other, you have essentially a space drama, driven by characters and their relationship with the Doctor. Unfortunately, Modern Who most of the time, and not always, is more of the latter. I still enjoy it, but often it feels like you are watching a drama, which happens to involve space travel and aliens, rather than a science-fiction show with an element of drama. The sliders need to be shifted the other way, for me personally, and I hope RTD doesn't continue the shift towards sentimentality and drama 101.
I'm hoping RTDs original take on Who was essentially a way of tricking the traditional casual 'Saturday night TV' audience into thinking they like Doctor Who. Times have changed and that audience are now irrelevant so I'm hoping Russell wants something much more Big Finish in style now he doesn't need to go there.
I agree with the romantic entanglements but I also don’t want to see previous actors coming back to play the doctor again. As much as I loved them at the time, I think it will show a lack of new ideas and not to mention the character arcs of 10 and 12 saying they don’t want to change again. That would be undone if the actor came back to play the new doctor. Note: this doesn’t include coming back to play the SAME character in a special such as 10 in Day of the Doctor as he played his old character, not a regenerated future version of the doctor.
Yeah, the next doctor will be a new doctor, I'm sure. The idea of bringing back the old favourites is obviously a terrible one and I'm sure is just the usual tabloid nonsense. However, I agree for specials it works extremely well. Doctors tend to be better when they are older - probably because they are playing an old character, or an 'old' version of themselves. Whilst they've rarely been the best of the show, Three doctors, Five Doctors and Two Doctors are fun, but not great Who. Day of The doctor I'd say was the exception. to this old fan I thought it was excellent.
oddly my biggest worry is it will probably be another era where the concept of the cybermen are not properly explored. On the flipside im hopeful that the daleks will be great again under RTD
And make the Sontarans a credible threat again instead of just comic relief. 🙄 Moffat really dropped the ball there and Chibnall doubled down with that whole chocolate store thing.
In the Russel era we got rise of the cybermen age of steel. And army of ghost and doomsday episodes. The cybermen got explored just from a parallel world.
I’m going it into it with no expectations, it’s not going to be like it was last time with RTD and that’s a good thing I hope it’s different and he can surprise us in new ways
I agree with the romance point, though I'm not 100% against the concept as I was at one point. But it seems fairly unlikely that RTD would go that route, given he's immediately following the 13/Yaz stuff. (Unless Yaz stays on with the 14th Doctor and that aspect of it continues... probably not but I guess it's not impossible.)
I agree. Romance with the doctor just doesn’t work. Because the doctors character isn’t about falling in love, it’s the adventures and life experiences in time and space
Forget the name and # but when I first saw this series it was the Doctor with the extremely long scarf.... Started watching in the 80's He was the BEST!!!
I feel like the romance was interesting once with Rose as it was new, and kind of made sense with River for me, but besides that yea I agree, although I’m interested about Thasmin
The Rose thing never sat right with me. She was 19 when they met and he was what... 900ish? I couldn't even date 19 year olds when I was 22. They're kids. I'm now slightly younger than Tennant was at the time and gosh does it come off as creepy. Putting all that aside, she didn't even seem particularly special. For him to fall in love with her and nobody else in the entire run of the show up to that point just seems iffy. The River thing made some narrative sense at least, but still never felt right. The doctor being asexual just makes sense in a way that none of the romances have.
I personally love Doctor Who for being itself. It's like nothing else and that's great. I worry Russell may try to make it popular and fashionable and therefore not Doctor Who
I have the same concerns. I also hate the romance element that has been most of the way through New Who. RTD had a great run but to be honest each series he done started to feel like more of the same. Good thing is though, it surely can’t get as bad as it has in the last few years.
I think I have a lot of nostalgia for the RTD years that possibly isn't warranted. He had Eccleston and Tennant going for him. People really loved Billie Piper as Rose and a ridiculous number of other amazing actors. When you add in Moffat's fantastic scripts in that era it all cushioned some of his worst traits. The informed ability, the lackluster sci-fi storylines, repeating words over and over instead of an actual through line. When he moved on to Torchwood we got a lot of the same issues until the madness of the Fox series. Then he did Wizards and Aliens which I have never heard anyone bring up ever, in addition to a lot of very interesting non sci-fi projects. I don't see any hints he's improved his sci-fi skills in the interim and I can't imagine he was saving his really good ideas until later which means aliens that look like overweight people who fart a lot might be as good as it gets. Also people who look like cats. If we're just going to get a treck through nostalgia with his greatest hits and whatever he's thought up since people who look like trees, it's not going to win anyone over. That is without lightining striking twice with a new collection of fan favourite actors and someone adding in the next Girl in the Fireplace or Blink. Clearly he did manage that the first time around and he's going to have, hopefully, a lot more faith from the Beeb behind his decisions. But if I tune in and it's water but it looks like people, I'm not going to want to stick around. Also I actually drew a blank trying to remember how that ended. Did he turn the water into ice cubes? Of course he didn't actually do anything except act as a lifeboat ex machina. It's yet another RTD script where a bunch of people die heroically or senselessly around the hero who happens to have some handwavium (or someone hands him handwavium) to save the day.
Completely agree also the whole woke with sexuality to the show is stupid, it over laps with the romance point just not needed in DW there’s a line between storytelling and let’s just throw this in there.
For me what I see as a worry is a desire to run before they can walk. Talk of Whoniverses and spin-off's, when the show is less popular than the Antiques Roadshow. I don't know if RTD fully understands that the show is at a low ebb right now, with little to no interest from casual viewers, and a fragmented (to put it mildly) remaining fanbase. But then he must know, there's no way the BBC would have basically handed him the show if it was doing well, and he's no dummy.
I actually think spinoffs are a good idea, specifically spinoffs that aren't mainly advertised as Doctor Who spinoffs. If they're good, that would bring in a lot of new fans who were initially hesitant to watch Doctor Who either because of what they've heard about the Chibnall era or because of the intimidating size of the franchise.
All RTD needs is one solid season (maybe two, considering its present state as you point out) with some good characters (which we know he can do) then he can spin off to other shows which we also know he can do. We'll see. There's a lot of damage to correct first, though.
@@leejones8582 Aye, am not surprised, they've dragged this out so much it's ludicrous. People aren't sorry to see 13 go, they just want it over and done with so we can all move on. People have checked out.
Chocolate and Pasta? well... thats a first. I agree with all that romance shit too. I think The Doctor having romance with his companions, who in his earlier/younger incarnations never did this, is beyond weird as we forget how old he really is just because he is played by younger people. It would honestly make more sense for the earlier Doctors to do that stuff because theyre younger and obviously less experienced, but 10 and 11 doing this (who are hunderds of years older than all their previous incarnations) starting to do it randomly just because they look young is pretty creepy. It really didnt work with the show. The newer doctor incarnations having relationships and the earlier doctors not kind of feels like a man throughout his 20s and 30s never having a romantic partner or sex, but then suddenly in his 80s and 90s he decides to sleep around. It doesnt make sense.
I agree about Russell retreading tired ground. Especially since I feel that alot of the elements that made sense at the start of his era made much more sense, especially as most were intentional choices, under Moffat and Chibnall, the Same companion template, always having some form of mystery box, the short run time, feels more of a burden. Don't really want to see a decent execution of something which has gotten pretty tired by this point.
I don't mind the romance, I just hope if Russell does another Doctor/companion love story, I hope there's no love triangle with a 3rd party who's belittled or bullied by the experience, it makes the companion and to a lesser extent the Doctor look really bad, I appreciate that this was dropped for 13/Yaz.
Honestly as someone who enjoys a big happy community surrounding the show, I'm worried that he'll change things up too much from his past era, and people will be once again divided if it's not what people were expecting, or if they don't enjoy it as much. There's already going to be significantly more LGBTQ representation, which is going to set a portion of the fan base off already, and I just can't be dealing with the arguments and widespread negativity anymore if more variables are thrown in.
Representation done right, but with actual good writing from the showrunner who was *really good* at characterizing the Doctor, I think could make the majority happy. Timeless Child was an absolute mess in Chibnall's hands but I genuinely think RTD could do something with it.
I'd have preferred Sally Wainwright as show runner for freshness, but there you go. For me, it detracts from the Doctor's alien quality to become embroiled in romances.
100% agree mate. Everything you said about series 2 was like it was lifted from my brain 😂 Rose and the Doctor's smarmy cringe behaviour just plagues that series and it would just be the worst idea to bring back again.
Romance between the doctor and their companion is a well I hope RTD doesn't go back to. The Doctor has thousands of years of life experience compared to their mostly twenty something companions. The power imbalance is massive. Companions come and go as well. The Doctor having romantic tension with a series of ever-changing companions will just turn them into a Captain Kirk like figure with a girl (or boy😉) in every port.
Bring in Andrew Cartmel as producer. He's had experience and would do something different. He was never given the chance. RTD mainstream Doctor Who was never for me and it only got worse from there.
@@chrisdavie8163 I'd literally scrap half the new series and go back to Lungbarrow. Maybe even ask Sylvester to reprise his role (1 season only...he's old) and forget about anything TV movie or after. Don't disregard it entirely, just never mention it. I like Eccleston and Tennant. But tbh the only 2 Matt Smith era episodes I like are the ones by Neil Gaiman. The rest of it is absolutely terrible and no one can convince me otherwise Capaldi had a couple good episodes, but the rest of it was just him getting forced to hit out with anti white man woke crap. His last episode with the 1st Doctor was amazing...if you just take out the scenes of Bill lecturing the 1st Doctor on racism (basically Shi**ing all over Hartnell's legacy...and also forgetting the Doctor is an alien and not some "racist white guy" from earth)
@@chrisdavie8163 I also feel Russel took other people's ideas and never gave them credit for them The "anomaly'' in Torchwood is literally a ley line that travels through the millennium dome. So couple that with the royal werewolf stuff...and Aliens in's quite clear that Russel watched a bunch of David Icke before writing season 1 "The Time War" was a comic by Alan Moore...that quite nicely sums up the origins of Gallifrey in 10 pages. And inspired Lungbarrow Just for the new series to disregard his origin...make another "time war" and never mention him in the credits Same for New Earth. That was a comic by John Wagner, Pat Mills and Dave Gibbons. But they aren't given any credit
I don't know why people think RTD is gonna repeat himself. He's not Moffat. Also Russell wrapped up his romantic experiment with Rose and Martha. He's not repeating it.
I agree completely about romance between the Doctor and his companion. It is bad for the show, lazy writing, and yes creepy for a chap who is over 900 years old being interested in a mere child.
Nostalgia sells but it’s rarely any good. I think Donna’s end was perfect but RTD is going to trash it by bringing her back 😡 and for god sake no romances,Rose and Martha getting damp every time the Doctor spoke was awful. He’s a dirty old alien falling for Rose! He’s nearly 900 years older then her😳❗️
I agree on the romance. The Doctor and Rose is one of the few times it's actually worked for me because it never develops into a relationship. However that is cheapened and feels tiresome if it becomes a trope across different companions and incredibly overused. These relationships often miss the point of the character of the Doctor. Romance usually just doesn't fit the character of the Doctor and their relationships are usually better platonic
I agree with every concern you have but I think RTD will avoid the obvious pitfalls. I am not a huge fan of over complicated story arcs that are never fully resolved or make no sense and I am confident that he will avoid that and not do the damage to Canon that has been perpetrated by CC. Also, and I know I am going to get some stick for this , can we concentrate on narrative and excitement rather than lecturing and trying to make obvious political points. Doctor Who has always been good at highlighting issues as part of the story. It is not a forum for box ticking.
My biggest concern about RTD returning is the alarming amount of unmasked sexual predators and transphobes from his first run happening again in his second run.
You make some solid points. I have to disagree slightly about RTD. I want him to take risks. Experiment with the character. He knows what works and what won’t. Playing it safe is boring.
My worry is RTD is coming back to do damage control as everyone freaked over Jodi and Chibnal. So, we'll get a very safe (cute guy) choice for the Doctor and very safe 'stick to the formula' stories.
Oh, and give the character of The Master a long, LONG rest. The character is stale now, since they decided to handwave the whole redemption arc with Missy and return to John Simm's giggling ninny pretending to be Heath Ledger interpretation. I'd quite like his return to be an "Oh crap", not an "Oh God, again??".
Chibnall ruined the Master for me. Having him be all crazy and Joker-y and wiping out all of Gallifrey, turning the Time Lords in Cybermen was such a massive stretch and made that whole Timeless Child arc very contrived to the point where it felt like drivel. So yeah, they should give the Master a rest and bring back villains like Omega, Morbius or the Valeyard.
@@Benji568 And made the Master return after 1 Series (Only 14 Episodes) and Ruining Missy's Character Arc was too soon...The Cyberman and The Master should have had a whole near 5 years break after Moffat!!!
The Yaz and Doctor thing doesn't work for me. For most of the series, Yaz was angry at the Doctor for lying and leaving all of the time. Not to mention that the whole relationship thing has been overdone loads now.
Why is your head see through? Are you caught between here and e-space? Are you visiting the inferno mirror dimension?....or is this a result of the new Covid variant 😬
Looking forward to RTD coming back, as I enjoyed his first run and I am certain it will be an improvement on the Chibnall era. But I absolutely agree that I don't want any more romance between a companion and the Doctor. I didn't like it in series 2, and I am not liking it towards the end of Chibnall's era either. I can perhaps understand why RTD did it with Rose; to try and bring in a new audience with the show's revival. But I feel that 14 series deep into the show's revival (once RTD takes over again) its time to move on from that sort of thing.
The romances are the worst! There's _nothing_ to indicate _any_ previous romances from Hartnell to McCoy. The Doctor never needed it. It doesn't fit the overall tone of the show. (I did like the pasta/chocolate analogy, tho.) that whole thing with River felt forced and contrived to me. Even companion romances are unnecessary, at least the long term ones. One off's are okay. Amy/Rory was barely tolerable but Clara/Danny was _total_ cringe.
I listened to RTDs Big Finish story Mind of The Hodiac today. Listening to it, I can really tell that it was the first Doctor Who script he ever wrote, it's not entirely perfect but still very good. I think Doctor Who will be in better hands under Russell and Bad Wolf than it was with Moffat and Chibnall, we'll just have to wait and see who the new Doctor will be and what plans Russell has for Doctor Who going forward.
Russell doing a repair job he will be doing something new. What has to happen is the Doctor reduced to a being that has to think his or her way out of traps rather than a God or a Goddess.
Well said mate we had river that's enough and she was bad ass and at least we know the doctor is no longer gonna be a man the on coming storm is back also jodies era and doctor needs to be retconed for Doctor who to work again
I'd like The Master having a good long rest and then returning as basically a time-travelling Hannibal Lector, a charming psychopath. But I fear just like screeching idiot Daleks, we're stuck with camp giggling Joker impersonations.
Don't really care who writes the show , who is cast as the Doctor is vitally important to persuading me to watch again , someone who looks and acts like the Doctor , if not thanks but no thanks
My worries is that the Episodes will be set on Earth and I want to see New alien planets and not Just Earth all of a series because it's boring in Real life and it's boring there as well so if there not going to Go some where else than they might as well Just replace the TARDIS with the Time Machine From back to the Future.
To me, the canonical ending of Dr who is series 6. Bit of a weird finale but it was the last properly decent series in my opinion. Everything after that is poor writing with some exceptions. With Russell coming back, I have some hopes for Dr who now.
I hope he restores Gallifrey and keeps it from ever being destroyed again. It was really lazy destroying it for a third time. Less soap, less universe threatening epics rounded up in 5 seconds. More the Doctor bouncing around and having adventures with some pals.
I want Richard ayoada the new Dr but it will never happen as he is quirky and eccentric, I have been depressed with the picks of the new drs as they are all meh If they delete the timeless child I may consider it they have ruined star trek , Dr who and star wars . I do not have high hopes .
I consider RTD onwards as parodies of Doctor Who, RTD's era being a loving and affectionate parody filled with unnecessary romance. After that... I mean I've never rewatched anything from Moffatt's era except Cold War since he finally got a reoccuring Alien RIGHT for a change. I just want continuity and for the Moffatt and Chipmonk era to be erased forever officially. Some wasted opportunities RTD already destroyed are How Davros escaped Earth 1963, Did Leela and Andred have any Children, if so YES please! Why couldn't Sarah Jane have married Harry Sullivan? How about checking up on Susan and David, I mean he literally has a Family on Earth in the 22nd Century. Also OTHER TIMELORDS who wouldn't have given 2 shits about the Time War, including The Monk, THE RANI, Drax, Romana who's not even in N Space. There was so much he missed or ignored first time round that I'm not overly confident it'll be more than 'ok'.
For me the RTD from 2005 to 2010 is my favourite era of Doctor Who, my only worry is that it will use a lot of nostalgia and references.
I just hope RTD has a lot of new ideas and takes risks with this new RTD era.
Same 👍
I agree, no romance between the Doctor and the companions please. With River, I'm still a little bit iffy with it, but at least she has an augmented life span, so it makes a bit more sense. Also, I'm completely with you about Arrow, if there was going to be a love interest there it should have been the Black Canary.
RTD has had almost two decades to think about what he should’ve/shouldn’t have done on Doctor who. He’s written multiple award winning shows since, RTD2 will feel familiar but it will not be the same as the first era.
In the classic series, the closest the Doctor has gotten to romance was in the Hartnell serial, The Aztecs, one of my favourite Hartnell stories. Originally, it started out as the Doctor being forced into a relationship with an Aztec woman, as the episode progresses, he came to have admiration for the woman's intelligence and by the end of the serial, it's hinted the Doctor might have developed feelings for her as the TARDIS crew left.
Tbf and I’m in no way saying I think this is a fact or important (or even something I’d want) but I also think that 4 and romana 2 could come across as a couple at times. Sure I know the real world reasons behind that but they do give the impression in and of themselves imo.
I seem to recall that a popular Doctor Who book of the early 70s (The Making of Doctor Who) summarised that as "the Doctor flirts mildly with Cameca" in its episode guide for The Aztecs. "Flirting mildly" is fine by me, as long as that's as far as it goes! I just couldn't stand all that adolescent, cow-eyed swooning and/or unrequited love that characterised Series 2 and 3.
@@ftumschk I think it’s just the amount of romance, the centrality of it to the narrative and the melodrama of it all. If it was infrequent and only an aspect of a character/s I’d be fine with it. As it has been it’s been a bit ridiculous and the age difference in 10/Rose as well as the Martha situation were really off.
@@dommoore6180 you probably already know this, but they were married briefly IRL (80 - 82) so that spark surely came through.
@@moonsofmadness8850 yeah that’s almost certainly why the characters relationship comes across that way since if you stop and think about it romana is roughly an out of uni young adult to the Doctor’s old man. So I doubt they were intentionally written that way and certainly weren’t during Romana 1’s season but it is definitely a part of season 17-18 whether intentionally or not.
"Never go back" is a saying I think is all too often borne out to be true. I'm hoping RTD proves to be one of the exceptions to this.
I concur that the Doctor's romantic entanglements are superfluous to the requirements of a show that has all of time and space and it's resulting themes to explore.
I agree , keep the romance out between the doctor and companion
Russell has already said he only returned to Doctor Who because it's always a black canvas and Moffat, who heard Russell's ideas, is also saying that we'll get something new, so I'm not at all worried about not getting something new. In fact, part of the reason I'm looking forward to this era so much is because I'm guessing Russell's gonna give us the most original stuff Doctor Who has done since he revived it.
I agree with the doctor not having any romantic feelings for the companions since I feel like it’s not necessary overall in terms of the Doctor being a good enough character to not need that.
If we have another Modern Day Earth Companion, I will Lose It...
Because we haven't had a Main (Not Jack, River, Nardole) Companion, not from Modern Day Earth (On Screen and not a One Off) since Mel...Nearly 40 Years and we haven't had a lot of difference in Companions outside of Age and Background in a LONG TIME!!!
Seeing that it is RTD my wish will not be given to me...
You are spot on with the Doctor and romance it just should not be there because in a lot of TV shows it is just stuffing to plump up time.
I don't like the romantic Doctor stuff either. Russell's a sharp cookie, though, so he'll probably be aware that the most highly regarded and consistent series of his first run was the one with the romance-free Doctor/Donna combo.
Im not worried, Russells era was good. I believe it will be different this time though....
Totally agree! No romance in Dr Who EVER!!
The rose and Doctor romance is also straight up weird. One is 19 and the other is 900.
You've hit the nail on the head here Wingy. The romance part, especially with Rose and The Doctor has always grated me, it isn't what the 'spirit' of the show is about. I felt the same later with River Song and the awkward sexual tension between Eleven and Amy, and recently Yaz and Jodie, so it isn't specific to one showrunner.
I think the main issue is that the show is trying to straddle two different audiences - on the one hand, you have the strong desire for large, conceptual science-fiction, and on the other, you have essentially a space drama, driven by characters and their relationship with the Doctor. Unfortunately, Modern Who most of the time, and not always, is more of the latter. I still enjoy it, but often it feels like you are watching a drama, which happens to involve space travel and aliens, rather than a science-fiction show with an element of drama. The sliders need to be shifted the other way, for me personally, and I hope RTD doesn't continue the shift towards sentimentality and drama 101.
I'm hoping RTDs original take on Who was essentially a way of tricking the traditional casual 'Saturday night TV' audience into thinking they like Doctor Who. Times have changed and that audience are now irrelevant so I'm hoping Russell wants something much more Big Finish in style now he doesn't need to go there.
I agree with the romantic entanglements but I also don’t want to see previous actors coming back to play the doctor again. As much as I loved them at the time, I think it will show a lack of new ideas and not to mention the character arcs of 10 and 12 saying they don’t want to change again. That would be undone if the actor came back to play the new doctor.
Note: this doesn’t include coming back to play the SAME character in a special such as 10 in Day of the Doctor as he played his old character, not a regenerated future version of the doctor.
Specials are entirely different. Definitely don't want to go back to an old doctor as the main doctor.
Yeah, the next doctor will be a new doctor, I'm sure. The idea of bringing back the old favourites is obviously a terrible one and I'm sure is just the usual tabloid nonsense.
However, I agree for specials it works extremely well. Doctors tend to be better when they are older - probably because they are playing an old character, or an 'old' version of themselves. Whilst they've rarely been the best of the show, Three doctors, Five Doctors and Two Doctors are fun, but not great Who. Day of The doctor I'd say was the exception. to this old fan I thought it was excellent.
oddly my biggest worry is it will probably be another era where the concept of the cybermen are not properly explored. On the flipside im hopeful that the daleks will be great again under RTD
I have really enjoyed the daleks in chibs era and I found it much better than Moffats era (which is my fave)
And make the Sontarans a credible threat again instead of just comic relief. 🙄 Moffat really dropped the ball there and Chibnall doubled down with that whole chocolate store thing.
@@moonsofmadness8850 still the sontarans were a legit threat in the flux series , they had their first real story in over a decade.
@@sbi168 I would agree, but Eve of the Daleks did a lot to undo the work he put in to make them scary
In the Russel era we got rise of the cybermen age of steel. And army of ghost and doomsday episodes. The cybermen got explored just from a parallel world.
I’m going it into it with no expectations, it’s not going to be like it was last time with RTD and that’s a good thing I hope it’s different and he can surprise us in new ways
I agree with the romance point, though I'm not 100% against the concept as I was at one point.
But it seems fairly unlikely that RTD would go that route, given he's immediately following the 13/Yaz stuff. (Unless Yaz stays on with the 14th Doctor and that aspect of it continues... probably not but I guess it's not impossible.)
Buddy the Elf (from 'ELF') has some words for you.
Love the content!
Romance with the Doctor was a major mistake. Even more than the Timeless Child stuff. Keep it out PLEASE!!!
I agree. Romance with the doctor just doesn’t work. Because the doctors character isn’t about falling in love, it’s the adventures and life experiences in time and space
Forget the name and # but when I first saw this series it was the Doctor with the extremely long scarf.... Started watching in the 80's He was the BEST!!!
"Series 1, 2, 3, 4 and the Specials wasn't shit." Well, actually, a lot of it was shit. That's why I don't want him coming back.
I feel like the romance was interesting once with Rose as it was new, and kind of made sense with River for me, but besides that yea I agree, although I’m interested about Thasmin
The Rose thing never sat right with me. She was 19 when they met and he was what... 900ish? I couldn't even date 19 year olds when I was 22. They're kids. I'm now slightly younger than Tennant was at the time and gosh does it come off as creepy. Putting all that aside, she didn't even seem particularly special. For him to fall in love with her and nobody else in the entire run of the show up to that point just seems iffy. The River thing made some narrative sense at least, but still never felt right. The doctor being asexual just makes sense in a way that none of the romances have.
If Tennant returns, he'll be 10. They can't change 10. He won't be accepted as 14, 15, whatever number is next.
Completely and utterly agree on all points made 👏
Maybe he'll do something radical, like not having the 3rd episode set on Earth.
I personally love Doctor Who for being itself. It's like nothing else and that's great. I worry Russell may try to make it popular and fashionable and therefore not Doctor Who
I love how the beanie greenscreened 🤣
I have the same concerns. I also hate the romance element that has been most of the way through New Who. RTD had a great run but to be honest each series he done started to feel like more of the same. Good thing is though, it surely can’t get as bad as it has in the last few years.
I think I have a lot of nostalgia for the RTD years that possibly isn't warranted. He had Eccleston and Tennant going for him. People really loved Billie Piper as Rose and a ridiculous number of other amazing actors. When you add in Moffat's fantastic scripts in that era it all cushioned some of his worst traits. The informed ability, the lackluster sci-fi storylines, repeating words over and over instead of an actual through line. When he moved on to Torchwood we got a lot of the same issues until the madness of the Fox series. Then he did Wizards and Aliens which I have never heard anyone bring up ever, in addition to a lot of very interesting non sci-fi projects. I don't see any hints he's improved his sci-fi skills in the interim and I can't imagine he was saving his really good ideas until later which means aliens that look like overweight people who fart a lot might be as good as it gets. Also people who look like cats.
If we're just going to get a treck through nostalgia with his greatest hits and whatever he's thought up since people who look like trees, it's not going to win anyone over. That is without lightining striking twice with a new collection of fan favourite actors and someone adding in the next Girl in the Fireplace or Blink. Clearly he did manage that the first time around and he's going to have, hopefully, a lot more faith from the Beeb behind his decisions. But if I tune in and it's water but it looks like people, I'm not going to want to stick around. Also I actually drew a blank trying to remember how that ended. Did he turn the water into ice cubes? Of course he didn't actually do anything except act as a lifeboat ex machina. It's yet another RTD script where a bunch of people die heroically or senselessly around the hero who happens to have some handwavium (or someone hands him handwavium) to save the day.
Completely agree also the whole woke with sexuality to the show is stupid, it over laps with the romance point just not needed in DW there’s a line between storytelling and let’s just throw this in there.
For me what I see as a worry is a desire to run before they can walk. Talk of Whoniverses and spin-off's, when the show is less popular than the Antiques Roadshow.
I don't know if RTD fully understands that the show is at a low ebb right now, with little to no interest from casual viewers, and a fragmented (to put it mildly) remaining fanbase. But then he must know, there's no way the BBC would have basically handed him the show if it was doing well, and he's no dummy.
I actually think spinoffs are a good idea, specifically spinoffs that aren't mainly advertised as Doctor Who spinoffs. If they're good, that would bring in a lot of new fans who were initially hesitant to watch Doctor Who either because of what they've heard about the Chibnall era or because of the intimidating size of the franchise.
All RTD needs is one solid season (maybe two, considering its present state as you point out) with some good characters (which we know he can do) then he can spin off to other shows which we also know he can do. We'll see. There's a lot of damage to correct first, though.
A repeat of Antiques Roadshow beat the Easter Special.
@@leejones8582 Aye, am not surprised, they've dragged this out so much it's ludicrous. People aren't sorry to see 13 go, they just want it over and done with so we can all move on. People have checked out.
Chocolate and Pasta? well... thats a first. I agree with all that romance shit too. I think The Doctor having romance with his companions, who in his earlier/younger incarnations never did this, is beyond weird as we forget how old he really is just because he is played by younger people. It would honestly make more sense for the earlier Doctors to do that stuff because theyre younger and obviously less experienced, but 10 and 11 doing this (who are hunderds of years older than all their previous incarnations) starting to do it randomly just because they look young is pretty creepy. It really didnt work with the show. The newer doctor incarnations having relationships and the earlier doctors not kind of feels like a man throughout his 20s and 30s never having a romantic partner or sex, but then suddenly in his 80s and 90s he decides to sleep around. It doesnt make sense.
I agree about Russell retreading tired ground. Especially since I feel that alot of the elements that made sense at the start of his era made much more sense, especially as most were intentional choices, under Moffat and Chibnall, the Same companion template, always having some form of mystery box, the short run time, feels more of a burden. Don't really want to see a decent execution of something which has gotten pretty tired by this point.
I don't mind the romance, I just hope if Russell does another Doctor/companion love story, I hope there's no love triangle with a 3rd party who's belittled or bullied by the experience, it makes the companion and to a lesser extent the Doctor look really bad, I appreciate that this was dropped for 13/Yaz.
I love Romance with the doctor and a Companion.
Love this video and totally agree I feel RTD. Could be good as long as he doesn’t repeat, you sir have a new subscriber 👍
Man, I am *SO* with you as regards the romance. Never was a good idea for the Doc, never will be, & detrimental indeed
Honestly as someone who enjoys a big happy community surrounding the show, I'm worried that he'll change things up too much from his past era, and people will be once again divided if it's not what people were expecting, or if they don't enjoy it as much.
There's already going to be significantly more LGBTQ representation, which is going to set a portion of the fan base off already, and I just can't be dealing with the arguments and widespread negativity anymore if more variables are thrown in.
Representation done right, but with actual good writing from the showrunner who was *really good* at characterizing the Doctor, I think could make the majority happy. Timeless Child was an absolute mess in Chibnall's hands but I genuinely think RTD could do something with it.
100% with you.
I'd have preferred Sally Wainwright as show runner for freshness, but there you go. For me, it detracts from the Doctor's alien quality to become embroiled in romances.
100% agree mate. Everything you said about series 2 was like it was lifted from my brain 😂 Rose and the Doctor's smarmy cringe behaviour just plagues that series and it would just be the worst idea to bring back again.
You have reasons to be worried. I stopped caring about DOCTOR WHO after TWICE UPON A TIME. Until corrections are made I am steering clear of it.
Yep. Same here.
Romance between the doctor and their companion is a well I hope RTD doesn't go back to. The Doctor has thousands of years of life experience compared to their mostly twenty something companions. The power imbalance is massive. Companions come and go as well. The Doctor having romantic tension with a series of ever-changing companions will just turn them into a Captain Kirk like figure with a girl (or boy😉) in every port.
Bring in Andrew Cartmel as producer. He's had experience and would do something different. He was never given the chance. RTD mainstream Doctor Who was never for me and it only got worse from there.
Better origin story than we have now
@@ulrickennedy4920 I guess it can always be rewritten...That's one good thing about Who.
@@chrisdavie8163 I'd literally scrap half the new series and go back to Lungbarrow. Maybe even ask Sylvester to reprise his role (1 season only...he's old) and forget about anything TV movie or after.
Don't disregard it entirely, just never mention it. I like Eccleston and Tennant. But tbh the only 2 Matt Smith era episodes I like are the ones by Neil Gaiman. The rest of it is absolutely terrible and no one can convince me otherwise
Capaldi had a couple good episodes, but the rest of it was just him getting forced to hit out with anti white man woke crap. His last episode with the 1st Doctor was amazing...if you just take out the scenes of Bill lecturing the 1st Doctor on racism (basically Shi**ing all over Hartnell's legacy...and also forgetting the Doctor is an alien and not some "racist white guy" from earth)
@@chrisdavie8163 I also feel Russel took other people's ideas and never gave them credit for them
The "anomaly'' in Torchwood is literally a ley line that travels through the millennium dome. So couple that with the royal werewolf stuff...and Aliens in's quite clear that Russel watched a bunch of David Icke before writing season 1
"The Time War" was a comic by Alan Moore...that quite nicely sums up the origins of Gallifrey in 10 pages. And inspired Lungbarrow
Just for the new series to disregard his origin...make another "time war" and never mention him in the credits
Same for New Earth. That was a comic by John Wagner, Pat Mills and Dave Gibbons. But they aren't given any credit
I don't know why people think RTD is gonna repeat himself. He's not Moffat. Also Russell wrapped up his romantic experiment with Rose and Martha. He's not repeating it.
Who else is gonna make pasta and chocolate now?
I agree completely about romance between the Doctor and his companion. It is bad for the show, lazy writing, and yes creepy for a chap who is over 900 years old being interested in a mere child.
Nostalgia sells but it’s rarely any good. I think Donna’s end was perfect but RTD is going to trash it by bringing her back 😡 and for god sake no romances,Rose and Martha getting damp every time the Doctor spoke was awful. He’s a dirty old alien falling for Rose! He’s nearly 900 years older then her😳❗️
Can’t be any worse then chibnall
At least there'll be a vast improvement in the quality of the dialogue.
@@ftumschk Yeah the dialogue currently has been pretty shit.
I'm thinking he's has over a decade to come up with new ideas
I have Faith in him
I agree on the romance. The Doctor and Rose is one of the few times it's actually worked for me because it never develops into a relationship. However that is cheapened and feels tiresome if it becomes a trope across different companions and incredibly overused. These relationships often miss the point of the character of the Doctor. Romance usually just doesn't fit the character of the Doctor and their relationships are usually better platonic
I agree with every concern you have but I think RTD will avoid the obvious pitfalls. I am not a huge fan of over complicated story arcs that are never fully resolved or make no sense and I am confident that he will avoid that and not do the damage to Canon that has been perpetrated by CC.
Also, and I know I am going to get some stick for this , can we concentrate on narrative and excitement rather than lecturing and trying to make obvious political points. Doctor Who has always been good at highlighting issues as part of the story. It is not a forum for box ticking.
Will RTD return us to the 51st Century?
Moffat did stuff for the 51st Century...That was Moffat's Century, not RTD!!!
My biggest concern about RTD returning is the alarming amount of unmasked sexual predators and transphobes from his first run happening again in his second run.
Why is this 4:3?
Software issue when editing
You make some solid points. I have to disagree slightly about RTD. I want him to take risks. Experiment with the character. He knows what works and what won’t. Playing it safe is boring.
Um….. that’s what he said?..
My worry is RTD is coming back to do damage control as everyone freaked over Jodi and Chibnal.
So, we'll get a very safe (cute guy) choice for the Doctor and very safe 'stick to the formula' stories.
I'm not a fan of Chibnalls run but at least ot was different and tried.
Which is healthy for a show like this.
He wasn't always 100% successful but I appreciated Chibnall pushing the boundaries and messing with the formula.
@@travishiltz4750 I agree completely
Oh, and give the character of The Master a long, LONG rest. The character is stale now, since they decided to handwave the whole redemption arc with Missy and return to John Simm's giggling ninny pretending to be Heath Ledger interpretation. I'd quite like his return to be an "Oh crap", not an "Oh God, again??".
Chibnall ruined the Master for me. Having him be all crazy and Joker-y and wiping out all of Gallifrey, turning the Time Lords in Cybermen was such a massive stretch and made that whole Timeless Child arc very contrived to the point where it felt like drivel. So yeah, they should give the Master a rest and bring back villains like Omega, Morbius or the Valeyard.
@@Benji568 And made the Master return after 1 Series (Only 14 Episodes) and Ruining Missy's Character Arc was too soon...The Cyberman and The Master should have had a whole near 5 years break after Moffat!!!
@@marionbaggins There were so many villains other than the Master you could've brought back.
@@Benji568 And they always choose The Master
The Yaz and Doctor thing doesn't work for me. For most of the series, Yaz was angry at the Doctor for lying and leaving all of the time. Not to mention that the whole relationship thing has been overdone loads now.
I hope it's exactly the same just new story's I love the style of rtd1 honestly the chibbnal era looked so ugly
Why is your head see through? Are you caught between here and e-space? Are you visiting the inferno mirror dimension?....or is this a result of the new Covid variant 😬
Looking forward to RTD coming back, as I enjoyed his first run and I am certain it will be an improvement on the Chibnall era. But I absolutely agree that I don't want any more romance between a companion and the Doctor. I didn't like it in series 2, and I am not liking it towards the end of Chibnall's era either.
I can perhaps understand why RTD did it with Rose; to try and bring in a new audience with the show's revival. But I feel that 14 series deep into the show's revival (once RTD takes over again) its time to move on from that sort of thing.
If Russel t Davies comes back and the show stills sucks they should just cancel it. Don't turn doctor who into the simpsons
The romances are the worst! There's _nothing_ to indicate _any_ previous romances from Hartnell to McCoy. The Doctor never needed it. It doesn't fit the overall tone of the show. (I did like the pasta/chocolate analogy, tho.) that whole thing with River felt forced and contrived to me. Even companion romances are unnecessary, at least the long term ones. One off's are okay. Amy/Rory was barely tolerable but Clara/Danny was _total_ cringe.
I am not against the romance per se but it depends how it is done. I have not liked it (Rose) and liked it (yaz and Amy to a point)
Yep I really dislike the romance aspect. So I really hope it's the thing as the kind of put me off New who.
I listened to RTDs Big Finish story Mind of The Hodiac today. Listening to it, I can really tell that it was the first Doctor Who script he ever wrote, it's not entirely perfect but still very good. I think Doctor Who will be in better hands under Russell and Bad Wolf than it was with Moffat and Chibnall, we'll just have to wait and see who the new Doctor will be and what plans Russell has for Doctor Who going forward.
Russell doing a repair job he will be doing something new. What has to happen is the Doctor reduced to a being that has to think his or her way out of traps rather than a God or a Goddess.
I honestly think the show would benefit from another rest. Maybe 10 years then see what the publics appetite for it is like.
People say the Doctor was in love with Jamie? For the love of God...
He has a uphill battle on his hands getting the fans back.
I am not very hopeful
Well said mate we had river that's enough and she was bad ass and at least we know the doctor is no longer gonna be a man the on coming storm is back also jodies era and doctor needs to be retconed for Doctor who to work again
I'm hoping he'll write the Daleks back to their glory. Not the screaming idiots they've become nowadays.
I'd like The Master having a good long rest and then returning as basically a time-travelling Hannibal Lector, a charming psychopath. But I fear just like screeching idiot Daleks, we're stuck with camp giggling Joker impersonations.
@@Sir_Gerald_Nosehairs. I would also want that too.
I don't envy RTD he has a big job to make Dr. Who relevant again..
He's done it before, he can do it again!
Don't really care who writes the show , who is cast as the Doctor is vitally important to persuading me to watch again , someone who looks and acts like the Doctor , if not thanks but no thanks
That's a tricky one! Who acts *and looks* like the Doctor?? Paul McGann, maybe? Or maybe only Bill Hartnell?
I stopped watching when they had the Woman Doctor.... Yuck
My worries is that the Episodes will be set on Earth and I want to see New alien planets and not Just Earth all of a series because it's boring in Real life and it's boring there as well so if there not going to Go some where else than they might as well Just replace the TARDIS with the Time Machine From back to the Future.
To me, the canonical ending of Dr who is series 6. Bit of a weird finale but it was the last properly decent series in my opinion. Everything after that is poor writing with some exceptions. With Russell coming back, I have some hopes for Dr who now.
Having a showrunner who isn't a fanboy will take Doctor Who is a fresh direction.
One of people behind Sylvester Mccoy's time wasn't a fan, and he did such great stuff for DW!!!
Bringing back Russell T Davis is a mistake. Doctor Who desperately needs a showrunner who isn't a fanboy
I hope he restores Gallifrey and keeps it from ever being destroyed again. It was really lazy destroying it for a third time. Less soap, less universe threatening epics rounded up in 5 seconds. More the Doctor bouncing around and having adventures with some pals.
I want Richard ayoada the new Dr but it will never happen as he is quirky and eccentric, I have been depressed with the picks of the new drs as they are all meh
If they delete the timeless child I may consider it they have ruined star trek , Dr who and star wars . I do not have high hopes .
Hopefully no more political agendas pushed. I hope it’s going to be better then the last two doctors.
I consider RTD onwards as parodies of Doctor Who, RTD's era being a loving and affectionate parody filled with unnecessary romance. After that... I mean I've never rewatched anything from Moffatt's era except Cold War since he finally got a reoccuring Alien RIGHT for a change.
I just want continuity and for the Moffatt and Chipmonk era to be erased forever officially. Some wasted opportunities RTD already destroyed are How Davros escaped Earth 1963, Did Leela and Andred have any Children, if so YES please! Why couldn't Sarah Jane have married Harry Sullivan? How about checking up on Susan and David, I mean he literally has a Family on Earth in the 22nd Century.
Also OTHER TIMELORDS who wouldn't have given 2 shits about the Time War, including The Monk, THE RANI, Drax, Romana who's not even in N Space. There was so much he missed or ignored first time round that I'm not overly confident it'll be more than 'ok'.