The sellers are taking it off the market until the busy selling season in the fall. We will be listing it again then when more buyers are returning. Are you interested in the home? I can talk to the sellers.
The price was $319,000 US. It has been removed from the market until fall of this year when the Ex Pats and a majority of buyers return. You can contact me if you wish at or if you want me to contact the owners.
Linda vivienda
This is a perfect home! Solar, pool, security, water treatment and it’s beautiful. ❤
Dream home
Hi is this still for sale?
The sellers are taking it off the market until the busy selling season in the fall. We will be listing it again then when more buyers are returning. Are you interested in the home? I can talk to the sellers.
What is the price?
The price was $319,000 US. It has been removed from the market until fall of this year when the Ex Pats and a majority of buyers return. You can contact me if you wish at or if you want me to contact the owners.