Actually, there are 7 guardians in the vid, but only because there was a glitch when we tried porting over the build using Odie's GD Save File editor tool and the character appeared dual-wielding 2-handed hammers, giving him 2 more extra summons! Obviously, this is an illegal build, but it was fun running around with! XD [Edit: If you like Guardians, here's us storming through Tomb of the Heretic with 20 legit Guardians! ]
Sounds cool but I'm only seeing 5 guardians total from that grimtools, where's the sixth coming from?
Actually, there are 7 guardians in the vid, but only because there was a glitch when we tried porting over the build using Odie's GD Save File editor tool and the character appeared dual-wielding 2-handed hammers, giving him 2 more extra summons! Obviously, this is an illegal build, but it was fun running around with! XD [Edit: If you like Guardians, here's us storming through Tomb of the Heretic with 20 legit Guardians! ]