⏯ Find my Books HERE : tinyurl.com/4w8dtw6z Please see the playlist that resonates most with you: ⏯Surrender TO ACCESS OUR GREATEST POWER- tinyurl.com/496mk4h5 ⏯NON DUALITY POINTERS- tinyurl.com/mt55dkue ⏯SPIRITUAL AWAKENING- tinyurl.com/yc3nspuc ⏯SELF INQUIRY AND CONSCIOUS AWARENESS- tinyurl.com/4vnububc
I struggle finding people I can have any sort of deep conversations with .. it's always surface level stuff that I have trouble caring about... I crave a real connection with someone...
Your people will show up once you're ready. Leave the slightly arrogant view on other souls and accept that stuff belongs to your ego. You're not better than anyone, we're all the same you see. If you're narrow minded you're missing out. I met a member of my people today, a plumber working at my house. We suddenly had a profound conversation about energy and vibrations, manifestation. Funnily enough we started out chatting about him going to the dentist today and his tooth problem. Just chill a bit, you're not alone.
This has been where i am. I found a couple but they are all far. And they’re busy in their own journey which is fully respected. I’ve been in solitude for 3 years. I’m at the point where i long for community. Going to start getting out more to see if i cross paths. 💜
Allowing Mother Nature to use frequency to assemble Her people naturally, nurturing those willing to fully surrender the pretender in order to remember, to sincerely relinquish the silly distinguished professor, finally enabled to retire the last little liar~ to Now learn to play with Fire.
There's more bots than humans. Everywhere i look i see them. Yeah that's what i look for some real authentic connection. Its like im alone in this Goofy world.
I feel like I'm almost one of these bots, especially since AI came around, hell, some of my coworkers call me "Le Machine". I can't say for certain I'm a bot, but I feel relatively content with the mediocrity of my life in the current moment because it feels like every time I surrender and open up to new spaces out of that I'm only met by dismay and shifted back into a botlike place, like being told my trying/forcing something else isn't allowed in my soul's nature.
It's getting tough. Everyone is zombified.. just going along believing everything they're told. No deep conversation.. just a running program. I have a few friends on the west coast of the US (I'm now on the east coast) and they're all I've got.. five is better than none but I wish they were closer.
Check this out. This came to me earlier today before the gym. I like the term "sleepy heads" 😂 Not overtly offensive, but describes the mainstream perfectly. Sleepy heads !! ❤ Great video Yash. Thank you 🤙🏾
The word "robot" comes from the Czech word "robota," which means "forced labor" or "drudgery." It was first used in this context by the Czech writer Karel Čapek in his 1920 play "R.U.R." (Rossum's Universal Robots), where it referred to artificial people created to perform labor.
Went through a long period before I shifted of never answering my phone lol Became known for it 😂 I don’t want to hear you talk about problems you created that you already know the solution to but just want me to give you energy and validate the things your feeling that you created and don’t want to take responsibility for.
My dad called the robots “Non Entities”. For as long as I can remember I have felt alone in the deeper layers. I find most peace alone. I was once in a psychiatric ward and was in the craft room, I said to myself that this was where I needed to be. Lol not the psych ward, but the space of creativity itself. Funny I had to get myself locked up in order to find the space of complete and utter freedom.
Stuck in cali, not able to afford to escape. Currently meditating n learning bass guitar. Hopeful to travel, im at this point building escape velocity and momentum, n want to trade this place for an open world to roam and bring people together, not be dragged down and torn apart by the U.S. crab bucket. Its gettin just plain dumb over here😂. Peace to you Yash, appreciate your insights, wishin you well and good health💚🐉
Throughout the entirety of my 51 years I’ve been able to spot disingenuousness, regardless of the scenario, surroundings, or subject. I’ve always had an adverse reaction that I’ve found difficult to disguise. I was taught to believe that I was being too judgmental, too sensitive, and my standards were too high. I’ve had a fair amount of difficulty trying to fit into this world. The past year and a halfish have altered my entire experience of this “life”. I was unaware of what was happening in the “new age” of spirituality and definitely clueless that “awakening” was a trendy thing. I initially woke up through a month spent in abject terror. I was in fight or flight mode 24/7 and very close to opting out of the rest of this game. Had I not been solely responsible for the care of my elderly partially disabled mother I likely would’ve checked out. Through a moment of sobbing and gut wrenching fear I screamed, “I can’t live this life anymore! I don’t want to be this person anymore!”. It made me stop all of the sudden. I felt weird and dumbfounded and wondered who was screaming that and what exactly did it mean. I have no community nor do I have any friends or family to commune with. I’m not saying that for pity I mention it as a fact. To say that I didn’t have anyone to ask if I was going insane or what should I do now. I knew that if I didn’t find a way to deal with the stress that this body would fail in the near future. I told myself I had to stay alive long enough to take care of my mother, after that I could leave. I didn’t want doctors and pills. So I literally came on to TH-cam and typed, “breathing techniques to get rid of stress”. That’s where it started and it’s been a helluva roller coaster ride ever since. I say all of that to say this. I used to be judgmental of, and frankly disgusted by, fake people and their bullshit. Which was pretty much all but a couple of people in my life, people who are no longer here. Since the time of that first waking thought there have been many. Through the acquisition of truths I’ve come to understand and see that people are so deeply entrenched in their characters that they know of no other way to be. The phrase “fake it till you make it” seems to be the mantra of the masses. It seems that the majority of people commenting and making videos about how to “awaken” because they’re so “in tune” are still deeply asleep and simply spout out phrasing that they believe makes them appear enlightened. I’ll admit that there’s still that initial pang of disgust but, almost immediately now, I’ll check my human and think to myself, “who are you to judge another’s journey? You have no idea which experience they chose to have. Being irritated by their façade is a lesson for you.”. When I encounter that scenario now I think that it’s better that they believe that they are “spiritually gifted” rather than to be involved in hate for those that are other than themselves or filled with fear at the desperate situation of mankind and Mother Earth. Yes, dealing with less than genuine people is irritating. The sooner you learn that they’re in your world for a reason the sooner you won’t be bothered by them. That’s my take on it anyway.
Your story reminds me of Eckhart Tolle's where he had the realization that he did not want to be 'who he was' because he suffered so much, and that got him asking the same questions you asked.
I was thinking that for a long time off and on. I get myself so worked up I finally say F it and Surrender .. but I am still mad. Then I Surrendered again and really didn’t care. Not mad. I’m happy. Then I had a moment of progress and then I saw you on my tv for first time. I had a different concept 2 or 3 days ago and spent the day excited about it .. I felt really good about it. Then the next day the first video I watched of you, a few minutes in you said the exact same thing 😆 I was like Wow! He knows this already. 😆 Then .. you mentioned other things I have been learning recently that I have never heard anyone else say. So .. listening to you is Soul Food for me and validating I am on right path. I am not alone. Because while I don’t feel alone because I have my dogs and spirit family, I have never met anyone like me. I also haven’t traveled to other countries so that one reason. So yeah.. the internet is great for this reason.
The mind is an illusion, maya. I try to observe and not get too much involved. Everyday i get my awareness stolen by maya, but i try to come back to presence again and again and again.
In regards to health issues Sadhguru put it this way: sickness that arises from the inside (cold, mental issues, etc.) can be cured by yourself, sickness that comes from the outside (fractures, burns, etc.) need treatment by a doctor. makes sense to me
I used to think I knew what you meant by plant medicine until I found out you don’t smoke weed 😉I’m grateful for you and other similar channels because it reminds me that I’m not the only one searching. And even amongst my everyday world I’m constantly amazed by how many people like me distinguish themselves from the bots. It takes an open heart in an increasingly cynical world to find them. But they’re there
Surrounded by weirdos...I get it. I know they don't know they're stuck and think I'm a little off because I am who i am and don't follow the prescribed societal daily regimine of sports and political jibber-jabber.
This life experience is such a paradox. Ive lived with a profound loneliness all my life yet seem to enjoy solitude. I live in Australia but feel most connected when walking around in a foreign country/ culture alone amoung beings i have never met before that speak a language i dont even understand
🙏 Hi. ♥️ Can relate brother. Am also of similar mind. Ive taken a big break with social media. Am in similar mind in noticing and feeling in the majority of community a bot energy regardless of appearance or what is being said. Even the medicine circles have a superficiality to it. But oh well. This is how spirit is presenting itself to me in the meantime. Expectations are pretty much drained out of me. So Just being open to the wonder of it all is good place to be. And just Be You. Now more than ever.
There used to be a lot of fear in my system around being with people. The past tendency was to wear an identity that sacrificed my own internal guidance system to please and meet others imagined standards. I felt like life led me to isolate myself so I could truly honor and connect with the truth flowing through me cause I would get “lost” so easy. Now I feel is the time to reintegrate into “life” on this earth and be around other people more. Open to new communities, ect. There is an inherent trust and freedom that I’m rooted, no matter how strong the external wind. Grateful for you and everyone here 🌞.
Man, I have the same thing! I feel like I have to fit in and therefore start to bot around like everyone else. The problem just is that I feel stupid when I do it. It feels like I could write the conversation we are going to have on paper beforehand. Then when we "discuss", we read our lines. It's like a play!! It feels that I am 100% more authentic when I am alone but that seems wrong too. Have to keep trying though.
@@jolez_4869 I understand and resonate with what you are saying. Although I said life led me to more isolation and I do feel it helped give space and was necessary for a time. I also realized that there was an avoidance and identity associated with being alone. I purposely would avoid situations where I would potentially act in a way that wasn’t aligned. It created a damned if I do damned if I don’t. It made me realize how much power this had over me. At times I still fall into that “script”. But I’ve found the more I just play and not take it so seriously the more freedom for expression is present. Also, it’s an open invitation for others to do the same. And even if there is some bot like interaction that happens the “problem” you mention is just another identity bothered by some self imposed judgement, which is just as sticky and more subtle. One more thing is that I noticed the doubt in other people would amplify the doubt in myself. I would taste truth, but then be doubtful when confronted about it by someone who I perceived or could feel as more “closed off”. Over time I really have come to peace and accepted where some people are at. They are where they are and that’s not my business unless there is some resonance/connection/oppeness/curiosity. This was long winded, but hopefully insightful for you in some way. All the power and love to you ❤️.
@risinginlove2 😊. As a therapist it's interesting to be in session with people and know I'm interacting with their personality. I breathe and stay present. In other circumstances in the office, I recognize when I can go into auto mode and at times breathe and watch it, sometimes I can do auto for a bit and realize it. The majority of clients I get are religious, curious or have a sense that somethings missing or are trying to figure out the "point". There are spiritual people around but they are comfortable with their level of awareness on chakras, tarot, meditation and yoga. I recently heard that many are content with transcendence and don't realize that there's a beyond that. As with all things until we experience, exist in something it's just a concept. So I'm just being, doing when necessary in alignment with the assigned roles and titles (mom, etc) yet watching what shows up on the screen of life. My only desire is to experience God my spirit team beyond my mind and yet those words don't quite capture what it is because I'm not seeking an experience per se. What's the point? Being around the busy my life my life bots is interesting. Not lonely yet it's a cycle of filling up, energy vampires, filling up sharing light, information, sitting in the emotional space, filling up..... the jealousy, intimidation, and weird energy because I don't care to compete, seek this or that and I'm greatful to be at this point in the journey. Things I enjoy creatively like dance may not match with assigned titles and roles of someone who loves God from a proper religious standpoint. Or doing what I want, saying no and setting healthy boundaries. Duality, nondual..... sigh
@@risinginlove2 Wow, thanks for the insights and answer! I haven't thought about that feeling stupid about botting, is also kind of subtle botting! Life is very funny in a sense. Also, I found your contemplations about self doubt very interesting. I too very easily find myself doubting this spirituality business and especially so when confronted about it. Its a journey though, so I am sure it will go away at some point. Peace to you as well!
yeah this is one that i feel like alot of us can relate to. Im 18 and so i have to be with all the youngings my age. Dont get me wrong i love it but sometimes you just kinda wanna talk to somebody with a little bit of sense in thier head. I recently went to a place where they help young people find jobs cus im looking for one and i met this woman who i had great conversation with, keep in mind she was 35 and im 18 but thats what made it so intresting. It was like we were speaking on the same level despite the age diffirence and i think thats what makes finding our people so special, cus when you find them its just like "wait u can understand me?" like there is no miss-interpretation and everything is just flowing. But i feel like if i meet too many of these people then it'll lose its charm.
Go learn something you wanna learn, go do something you wanna do. Is there any better medicine to the situation whatever it is. Can only speak for myself, but I find it very rewarding attempting to learn a new skill and finding I can do it.
Your real people exist but we are scattered all over the planet. If I lived in the US, I would attend your online satsangs, but I'm in Australia so I have finally found a live teacher (online) here whose Satsangs are not overpopulated. Bots? I like the term "Automaton". Haha. Thanks for your content, love your chilled-out style man, Love from Australia, from someone who is dissolving her "bot".
I think we all have stages for robotism like you said, however some of us has surpassed it aka your friends (me) 😂 thanks for the great post again brother
Trauma is definitely conducive to cold cognition and first introductions to higher self. From where I sit, there looks like nothing but the former on our near horizon, so we might also hope for an abundance of the latter. At any rate, like the old Greeks said, “that passed: this may also.” 🙏🏻🌻🐢☯️
Im thinking of getting into the medical field but the more i look into i realize it's way too business like. It's too phoney. People are into it for the money not helping people. Like you said nothing has authenticity in this world. Everything is done for money and material wealth. Where has humanity gone.
I’m here brother !!!! I really love your videos man …. You are helping me so much with my semen retention journey it’s been 10 months now I would like to meet up with you one day and talk high level conversations 😅😉
Hi Yash, you have so much natural wisdom. Maybe you don’t NEED it, but please look into Bhakti yoga (or please make a video about it). There’s so much cool wisdom in the Vedas, I’m sure you know, and from my experience, Bhakti adds a whole nother dimension to the spiritual knowledge.❤
A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror. George Gurdjieff
@@spiritualrenaissance Love your chats SR you’re always saying what I have been talking about or thinking about. Unfortunately we are a rare breed nowadays. NPC’s everywhere
being around bots is difficult, they are projecting their problems/insecurities on everyone around them. thats why you gotta tune your frequency or your frequency will be tuned!
⏯ Find my Books HERE :
Please see the playlist that resonates most with you:
⏯Surrender TO ACCESS OUR GREATEST POWER- tinyurl.com/496mk4h5
⏯NON DUALITY POINTERS- tinyurl.com/mt55dkue
⏯SPIRITUAL AWAKENING- tinyurl.com/yc3nspuc
this link is broken
I struggle finding people I can have any sort of deep conversations with .. it's always surface level stuff that I have trouble caring about... I crave a real connection with someone...
The lack of awareness of ones ignorance is what has me isolating from people
Dunning-Kruger effect. It is a problem.
Relate to how you feel 100% , Jesus said be a passerby in this world , - don't get embroiled in the ways of humans
Your people will show up once you're ready. Leave the slightly arrogant view on other souls and accept that stuff belongs to your ego. You're not better than anyone, we're all the same you see. If you're narrow minded you're missing out. I met a member of my people today, a plumber working at my house. We suddenly had a profound conversation about energy and vibrations, manifestation. Funnily enough we started out chatting about him going to the dentist today and his tooth problem. Just chill a bit, you're not alone.
This has been where i am. I found a couple but they are all far. And they’re busy in their own journey which is fully respected. I’ve been in solitude for 3 years. I’m at the point where i long for community. Going to start getting out more to see if i cross paths. 💜
Allowing Mother Nature to use frequency to assemble Her people naturally, nurturing those willing to fully surrender the pretender in order to remember, to sincerely relinquish the silly distinguished professor, finally enabled to retire the last little liar~ to Now learn to play with Fire.
as kids do, the kids we still are
There's more bots than humans. Everywhere i look i see them. Yeah that's what i look for some real authentic connection. Its like im alone in this Goofy world.
They’re just robot like. It’s up to us to help wake them up. We were on their level too.
I feel like I'm almost one of these bots, especially since AI came around, hell, some of my coworkers call me "Le Machine". I can't say for certain I'm a bot, but I feel relatively content with the mediocrity of my life in the current moment because it feels like every time I surrender and open up to new spaces out of that I'm only met by dismay and shifted back into a botlike place, like being told my trying/forcing something else isn't allowed in my soul's nature.
It's getting tough. Everyone is zombified.. just going along believing everything they're told. No deep conversation.. just a running program. I have a few friends on the west coast of the US (I'm now on the east coast) and they're all I've got.. five is better than none but I wish they were closer.
Check this out. This came to me earlier today before the gym. I like the term "sleepy heads" 😂
Not overtly offensive, but describes the mainstream perfectly. Sleepy heads !!
❤ Great video Yash. Thank you 🤙🏾
Ya, ur right, thats a good one.
Almost so subtle the masses won't even realize what your saying; "well, ya Im always a bit tired"
@EvrySingleTime LMAO yes!
Thanks 👍🏾❤️
The word "robot" comes from the Czech word "robota," which means "forced labor" or "drudgery." It was first used in this context by the Czech writer Karel Čapek in his 1920 play "R.U.R." (Rossum's Universal Robots), where it referred to artificial people created to perform labor.
Thank you. I enjoyed that.
I agree, a partner with some type of hardship usually will bring more sincerity, vulnerability, and rawness!!
I'm here my brother. You have been of great benefit and knowledge to me on my walk. Thank you and I appreciate you
Went through a long period before I shifted of never answering my phone lol Became known for it 😂 I don’t want to hear you talk about problems you created that you already know the solution to but just want me to give you energy and validate the things your feeling that you created and don’t want to take responsibility for.
You guys should do a talk!
I’m here!!!! Not a bot!! Thank You for your videos
Omg!! I been saying these EXACT words!!! Good day beautiful soul!!!
I was a bot until several years ago. I am so grateful I opened my heart and eyes. Thank you for always being honest. ❤🙏
Peace and quiet peace peace peace peace
The cracked open are scattered and isolated. I guess it’s how to evolve consciously.
Sometimes this path I wish will end with a great meeting with all fellas traveler in this cosmic
My dad called the robots “Non Entities”.
For as long as I can remember I have felt alone in the deeper layers. I find most peace alone. I was once in a psychiatric ward and was in the craft room, I said to myself that this was where I needed to be. Lol not the psych ward, but the space of creativity itself. Funny I had to get myself locked up in order to find the space of complete and utter freedom.
Stuck in cali, not able to afford to escape. Currently meditating n learning bass guitar. Hopeful to travel, im at this point building escape velocity and momentum, n want to trade this place for an open world to roam and bring people together, not be dragged down and torn apart by the U.S. crab bucket. Its gettin just plain dumb over here😂.
Peace to you Yash, appreciate your insights, wishin you well and good health💚🐉
Crazy timing, just got done speaking with a bot. But I was a bot once too, still can be if I lose faith.
Throughout the entirety of my 51 years I’ve been able to spot disingenuousness, regardless of the scenario, surroundings, or subject. I’ve always had an adverse reaction that I’ve found difficult to disguise. I was taught to believe that I was being too judgmental, too sensitive, and my standards were too high. I’ve had a fair amount of difficulty trying to fit into this world.
The past year and a halfish have altered my entire experience of this “life”. I was unaware of what was happening in the “new age” of spirituality and definitely clueless that “awakening” was a trendy thing. I initially woke up through a month spent in abject terror. I was in fight or flight mode 24/7 and very close to opting out of the rest of this game. Had I not been solely responsible for the care of my elderly partially disabled mother I likely would’ve checked out. Through a moment of sobbing and gut wrenching fear I screamed, “I can’t live this life anymore! I don’t want to be this person anymore!”. It made me stop all of the sudden. I felt weird and dumbfounded and wondered who was screaming that and what exactly did it mean. I have no community nor do I have any friends or family to commune with. I’m not saying that for pity I mention it as a fact. To say that I didn’t have anyone to ask if I was going insane or what should I do now. I knew that if I didn’t find a way to deal with the stress that this body would fail in the near future. I told myself I had to stay alive long enough to take care of my mother, after that I could leave. I didn’t want doctors and pills. So I literally came on to TH-cam and typed, “breathing techniques to get rid of stress”. That’s where it started and it’s been a helluva roller coaster ride ever since.
I say all of that to say this. I used to be judgmental of, and frankly disgusted by, fake people and their bullshit. Which was pretty much all but a couple of people in my life, people who are no longer here. Since the time of that first waking thought there have been many. Through the acquisition of truths I’ve come to understand and see that people are so deeply entrenched in their characters that they know of no other way to be. The phrase “fake it till you make it” seems to be the mantra of the masses. It seems that the majority of people commenting and making videos about how to “awaken” because they’re so “in tune” are still deeply asleep and simply spout out phrasing that they believe makes them appear enlightened. I’ll admit that there’s still that initial pang of disgust but, almost immediately now, I’ll check my human and think to myself, “who are you to judge another’s journey? You have no idea which experience they chose to have. Being irritated by their façade is a lesson for you.”. When I encounter that scenario now I think that it’s better that they believe that they are “spiritually gifted” rather than to be involved in hate for those that are other than themselves or filled with fear at the desperate situation of mankind and Mother Earth.
Yes, dealing with less than genuine people is irritating. The sooner you learn that they’re in your world for a reason the sooner you won’t be bothered by them. That’s my take on it anyway.
Enjoyed the read. Be well.
@@mrmonk7197 Cheers
Be well, as well.
Your story reminds me of Eckhart Tolle's where he had the realization that he did not want to be 'who he was' because he suffered so much, and that got him asking the same questions you asked.
We're around....
I love this comment. ❤
We are here brother. ❤ You have taught me so much and your guidance is immensely needed and greatly appreciated
'True health, nature is my doctor' I love it ❤
Aspiring Bhakti yogi here! 🙋🏾 Emphasis on aspiring aha. Love your videos Yash. ❤
I'm stuck in my head I think because I'm suffering and I can't seem to escape the enemy. It's always there in every situation saying I win
I was thinking that for a long time off and on. I get myself so worked up I finally say F it and Surrender .. but I am still mad. Then I Surrendered again and really didn’t care. Not mad. I’m happy. Then I had a moment of progress and then I saw you on my tv for first time.
I had a different concept 2 or 3 days ago and spent the day excited about it .. I felt really good about it.
Then the next day the first video I watched of you, a few minutes in you said the exact same thing 😆
I was like Wow! He knows this already. 😆
Then .. you mentioned other things I have been learning recently that I have never heard anyone else say.
So .. listening to you is Soul Food for me and validating I am on right path.
I am not alone.
Because while I don’t feel alone because I have my dogs and spirit family, I have never met anyone like me.
I also haven’t traveled to other countries so that one reason.
So yeah.. the internet is great for this reason.
The mind is an illusion, maya. I try to observe and not get too much involved. Everyday i get my awareness stolen by maya, but i try to come back to presence again and again and again.
Protocol drives me crazy, it's so hard to deal with the bots. And there are so many here in California
Oh wow California, thats BOT-Topia!
New York state is just as horrible Mutantville!
Thank you.
I’m here brother 🫶🏾u
Thank you ❤ 🙏
I’m right here brother 👊
In regards to health issues Sadhguru put it this way: sickness that arises from the inside (cold, mental issues, etc.) can be cured by yourself, sickness that comes from the outside (fractures, burns, etc.) need treatment by a doctor. makes sense to me
I used to think I knew what you meant by plant medicine until I found out you don’t smoke weed 😉I’m grateful for you and other similar channels because it reminds me that I’m not the only one searching. And even amongst my everyday world I’m constantly amazed by how many people like me distinguish themselves from the bots. It takes an open heart in an increasingly cynical world to find them. But they’re there
Absolute truth man.
Right on Brother
When the consumer turns into the product
As you have said, if we had no challenges or struggles, we would have no successes or triumphs.
what it do prabhuji!!! Gains spiritually, mentally and physically!! LFG
Hello humans.
Oooooooommmmm 😂❤ it's so difficult at times to live here ❤❤❤
Surrounded by weirdos...I get it. I know they don't know they're stuck and think I'm a little off because I am who i am and don't follow the prescribed societal daily regimine of sports and political jibber-jabber.
Great videos. Have definitely changed my perspective on a lot of things. Love you brother
4:25 thats what im doing right now man. Just smoke a whole lotta weed and get lost in my fantasies. I enjoy it more than actualy coping with reality.
That is what I am ; just a “passerby”.
One of the best movies ever is "They Live" with rowdy roddy. Has deep truth to it.
yes ive suggested a few times 👍
great talk🖤
Thank you yash❤
This life experience is such a paradox. Ive lived with a profound loneliness all my life yet seem to enjoy solitude. I live in Australia but feel most connected when walking around in a foreign country/ culture alone amoung beings i have never met before that speak a language i dont even understand
🙏 Hi. ♥️ Can relate brother. Am also of similar mind. Ive taken a big break with social media. Am in similar mind in noticing and feeling in the majority of community a bot energy regardless of appearance or what is being said. Even the medicine circles have a superficiality to it. But oh well. This is how spirit is presenting itself to me in the meantime. Expectations are pretty much drained out of me. So Just being open to the wonder of it all is good place to be. And just Be You. Now more than ever.
I relapsed on alcohol again. I think this will be my last rollercoaster. Keep it clean guys!
Cheers from an alcohlic bot 😅
Seek first the kingdom
There used to be a lot of fear in my system around being with people. The past tendency was to wear an identity that sacrificed my own internal guidance system to please and meet others imagined standards. I felt like life led me to isolate myself so I could truly honor and connect with the truth flowing through me cause I would get “lost” so easy. Now I feel is the time to reintegrate into “life” on this earth and be around other people more. Open to new communities, ect. There is an inherent trust and freedom that I’m rooted, no matter how strong the external wind. Grateful for you and everyone here 🌞.
Man, I have the same thing! I feel like I have to fit in and therefore start to bot around like everyone else. The problem just is that I feel stupid when I do it. It feels like I could write the conversation we are going to have on paper beforehand. Then when we "discuss", we read our lines. It's like a play!! It feels that I am 100% more authentic when I am alone but that seems wrong too. Have to keep trying though.
@@jolez_4869 I understand and resonate with what you are saying. Although I said life led me to more isolation and I do feel it helped give space and was necessary for a time. I also realized that there was an avoidance and identity associated with being alone. I purposely would avoid situations where I would potentially act in a way that wasn’t aligned. It created a damned if I do damned if I don’t. It made me realize how much power this had over me. At times I still fall into that “script”. But I’ve found the more I just play and not take it so seriously the more freedom for expression is present. Also, it’s an open invitation for others to do the same. And even if there is some bot like interaction that happens the “problem” you mention is just another identity bothered by some self imposed judgement, which is just as sticky and more subtle. One more thing is that I noticed the doubt in other people would amplify the doubt in myself. I would taste truth, but then be doubtful when confronted about it by someone who I perceived or could feel as more “closed off”. Over time I really have come to peace and accepted where some people are at. They are where they are and that’s not my business unless there is some resonance/connection/oppeness/curiosity. This was long winded, but hopefully insightful for you in some way. All the power and love to you ❤️.
@risinginlove2 😊. As a therapist it's interesting to be in session with people and know I'm interacting with their personality. I breathe and stay present. In other circumstances in the office, I recognize when I can go into auto mode and at times breathe and watch it, sometimes I can do auto for a bit and realize it. The majority of clients I get are religious, curious or have a sense that somethings missing or are trying to figure out the "point". There are spiritual people around but they are comfortable with their level of awareness on chakras, tarot, meditation and yoga. I recently heard that many are content with transcendence and don't realize that there's a beyond that. As with all things until we experience, exist in something it's just a concept. So I'm just being, doing when necessary in alignment with the assigned roles and titles (mom, etc) yet watching what shows up on the screen of life. My only desire is to experience God my spirit team beyond my mind and yet those words don't quite capture what it is because I'm not seeking an experience per se. What's the point? Being around the busy my life my life bots is interesting. Not lonely yet it's a cycle of filling up, energy vampires, filling up sharing light, information, sitting in the emotional space, filling up..... the jealousy, intimidation, and weird energy because I don't care to compete, seek this or that and I'm greatful to be at this point in the journey. Things I enjoy creatively like dance may not match with assigned titles and roles of someone who loves God from a proper religious standpoint. Or doing what I want, saying no and setting healthy boundaries. Duality, nondual..... sigh
@@risinginlove2 Wow, thanks for the insights and answer!
I haven't thought about that feeling stupid about botting, is also kind of subtle botting! Life is very funny in a sense.
Also, I found your contemplations about self doubt very interesting. I too very easily find myself doubting this spirituality business and especially so when confronted about it. Its a journey though, so I am sure it will go away at some point.
Peace to you as well!
yeah this is one that i feel like alot of us can relate to. Im 18 and so i have to be with all the youngings my age. Dont get me wrong i love it but sometimes you just kinda wanna talk to somebody with a little bit of sense in thier head.
I recently went to a place where they help young people find jobs cus im looking for one and i met this woman who i had great conversation with, keep in mind she was 35 and im 18 but thats what made it so intresting. It was like we were speaking on the same level despite the age diffirence and i think thats what makes finding our people so special, cus when you find them its just like "wait u can understand me?" like there is no miss-interpretation and everything is just flowing.
But i feel like if i meet too many of these people then it'll lose its charm.
I’m 18 and resonate with every video you create
You have to enjoy your own company and the rest will flow 😉
There are no my people, just self.
Yes! 🙌🏻
Go learn something you wanna learn, go do something you wanna do. Is there any better medicine to the situation whatever it is. Can only speak for myself, but I find it very rewarding attempting to learn a new skill and finding I can do it.
The bots are not seekers as they don't have the capacity. Addicts are real and interesting. Errants are the best. I want to find my people.
Your real people exist but we are scattered all over the planet. If I lived in the US, I would attend your online satsangs, but I'm in Australia so I have finally found a live teacher (online) here whose Satsangs are not overpopulated. Bots? I like the term "Automaton". Haha. Thanks for your content, love your chilled-out style man, Love from Australia, from someone who is dissolving her "bot".
I think we all have stages for robotism like you said, however some of us has surpassed it aka your friends (me) 😂 thanks for the great post again brother
You are real. My people are real. not FAKE.
Clear as water.
I love that story and the way you're telling it hahaha
Trauma is definitely conducive to cold cognition and first introductions to higher self. From where I sit, there looks like nothing but the former on our near horizon, so we might also hope for an abundance of the latter. At any rate, like the old Greeks said, “that passed: this may also.” 🙏🏻🌻🐢☯️
Im thinking of getting into the medical field but the more i look into i realize it's way too business like. It's too phoney. People are into it for the money not helping people. Like you said nothing has authenticity in this world. Everything is done for money and material wealth. Where has humanity gone.
One of my favorite quotes from an unknown Zen monk is: “Why do you want to become enlightened? You might not like it.” And so it goes…
yes, those beings actually have some living wisdom 👍
lol, just repeated the same info to 7 bots. Today I told number 8 that they can figure it out.
Insurance care sucks! lol
Timely video! 😉😏😂
hi i love you renaissance
What you see in other people is a projection of your own consciousness 🥸
I’m here brother !!!! I really love your videos man …. You are helping me so much with my semen retention journey it’s been 10 months now I would like to meet up with you one day and talk high level conversations 😅😉
Also known as decepticons
Trust in God and your path will find you :)
Hallo. All the best. Greetings from Split-Croatia. You are great !!!
A closed hand that does not give can also not receive
Aum Namah Sivaya
Yes….Bots, very annoying. 🤷🏽♀️
My good friend from highschool Ive known for 33 years is more or less a bot. Can only discuss superficial talk. No emotion.
Hi Yash, you have so much natural wisdom. Maybe you don’t NEED it, but please look into Bhakti yoga (or please make a video about it). There’s so much cool wisdom in the Vedas, I’m sure you know, and from my experience, Bhakti adds a whole nother dimension to the spiritual knowledge.❤
A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.
George Gurdjieff
💯 yes he is one of my favorites
@@spiritualrenaissance Love your chats SR you’re always saying what I have been talking about or thinking about. Unfortunately we are a rare breed nowadays. NPC’s everywhere
The walking dead and the other zombie movies are just a hidden metaphor imo
I’m here! Wondering the same thing. I just made a video with the same title a few weeks back
3:18 🤣❤️
Im here brother , I will come to meet you , I love you and God love us too a lot 😢❤
being around bots is difficult, they are projecting their problems/insecurities on everyone around them. thats why you gotta tune your frequency or your frequency will be tuned!
Be careful. These fools are jealous of your gains man 😂
05:21 so real hahahaha
Im here bro.
We're here Yash we're here :)
Present. I got you bro. I post and share. Love ya POV teacher
Bro, you got enough gains to dodge at least the first 3-4 bullets.
I know false modesty when I see it!