ugh the FUCKING AUDIO IS OUT OF SYNC AGAIN so for whatever reason recording with GeForce suddenly made framerate very choppy and the little green recording symbol doesn’t go away when I do record which is not feasible for uploading videos to the quality I want them to be in so I switched to using Xbox gamebar to record but for some reason THE AUDIO IS ALWAYS DELAYED BY A SECOND might unlist the video and upload a similar one (same cars, similar crashes and tracks) and try to record with OBS which would be the THIRD recording software I’ve tried to use that works seamlessly holy shit this is actually so fucking annoying ʘ‿ʘ
so for whatever reason recording with GeForce suddenly made framerate very choppy and the little green recording symbol doesn’t go away when I do record
is not feasible for uploading videos to the quality I want them to be in
so I switched to using Xbox gamebar to record but for some reason THE AUDIO IS ALWAYS DELAYED BY A SECOND
might unlist the video and upload a similar one (same cars, similar crashes and tracks) and try to record with OBS
which would be the THIRD recording software I’ve tried to use that works seamlessly
holy shit this is actually so fucking annoying ʘ‿ʘ