That was my first thought too, but i have a second thought. Imagine you be a child, completely zoning out by looking for legos and find yourself trapped by rising tides.
I pick up garbage on my daily walks in the woods for 3 years now. I take it home, sort it out and put it in plastic bags for recycling. Its unbelievable how much garbage people throw away. Sometimes i think there is no point me picking it up but then i think every piece of garbage i pick up give a chance to a seed to land there and grow into a flower or a tree. That thought keeps me going.
More people who are in a position to should follow your example, whether in nature or built-up areas. Unfortunately I am not physically capable of doing it, but I would if I could. I just make sure that I never litter and recycle everything that can be. Thank you for playing your part and setting a great example. Maybe, if you have a local scout or guide troop, or military cadets, you can get them involved. My daughter was in the ATC and one of their Duke of Edinburgh award tasks - that they chose to do out of a few options - was to clear out a fairly large copse, not quite a woodland, which was on the edge of a town and filled with rubbish. Within a couple of weekends - it was during term time - the place was spotless. Teens and younger kids have a really great attitude towards protecting nature.
@@dr.mantistoboggan4494 Nope. Pollution is a problem, that's in the process of being overcome. This on the other hand is 25 y/o LEGO that has barely broken down and not an ecological disaster
@@sikbowl The problem is that it cannot be broken down, past a certain point even if it is 'only' 25 years, hence why all fish are now thought to contain some sort of microplastic. It's all in the chemistry of how these things are made, you can look that part up yourself.
@@sikbowl You're missing the point. The lego is just a nice side story to what is otherwise a major issue with plastic in the sea, as shown at 3:20 ...just 24hrs on just one beach. They're explaining why plastic is a problem. Some of these lego pieces have been in the sea for 25 years and haven't broken down. So what does that tell you about the wider picture?
I am a researcher looking at soil samples from around the world and so far I am yet to look at a soil sample without plastics. Yet, I can't meet my needs for foods and other goods without consuming more plastics myself. I wish we got serious about creating non plastic alternatives.
The alternatives are already being produced, but just aren’t affordable yet, for mass consumption. It’s so depressing to watch environmental cleanup videos where the detritus is gathered into…yes, plastic bags!! How many of those bags are then dumped further offshore? Until we make the plastics industries liable for the costs of ecological damage and furthermore mandate that THEY recycle everything they produce, society will be eternally stuck in this destruction. Big oil has wrung all the profits, while denying culpability and raking in government subsidies. Our priorities are skewed by corporate political manipulations into this state of catatonic consumption.
@@coraldiamond1922 Everywhere uses paper straws in the UK now, plastic straws are illegal for businesses to supply. Think you can still buy them in places, but food businesses can't give them out anymore. But the paper ones aren't very good. The only real way to get people avoiding plastic to a point of manufacturers switching to meet alternative demand, is to create a better alternative or to flat out ban plastic and force the alternative.
I love all the BBC reports. As an American, I enjoy seeing and listening to the UK people. It's a wonderful escape from American problems. Keep up the great work!
@@hugoenrique9194 North America is a continent, the Americas is a landmass, and America (short for the United States of America) is a country. You’re obviously very confused.
@@Houd_Vast seriously? You're gonna compare the problems in the US with those of the UK? Armed carjackings, bank robberies, rapes, homicides, assaults, political subdivision, etc.? Not one country compares to America at this point in history. Knowledge is power, learn well.
I live in the SF Bay Area, the most common plastic I come across on the beaches here are water bottle caps and other single use plastic goods. The practice of repeatedly cleaning my favorite beach has made me wary of what goods I consume.
@@tammyforbes2101 Burning garbage will release toxic fumes up into the stratosphere and will most likely damage the already weary ozone layer and could potentially culminate into acid rain it contributing to the worsening air quality of many places.
I’m grateful to those who beachcomb for these pieces. It’s just sickening that it happened and after 25 years that plastic hasn’t broken down at all. It never will completely.
Plastic shopping bags , have reached the bottom of the Marianas Trench . There's been plastic bottles and bags 'floating' about on land in NZ , have been for decades , most of it isn't yet nano plastics . There's also a 'new' form of seaweed , which incorporates nano plastics , it's also been discovered as a part of a fishes body - plastic fish anyone ?
The kind of plastic LEGO are made of isn’t supposed to break down I don’t think. Even if plastic does break down, it’s not exactly a good thing. Those nanoplastics and VOCs just go in the environment.
I mean it will break down EVENTUALLY, just not probably before humans are extinct or we've tinkered with our DNA to become something else. Even the universe is impermanent and eventually the last star will die out, it's remnants not having energy to coalesce into another star.
This is just unbelievable.Also a brilliant piece of well presented reporting here from the BBC. Thank you for covering this with such genuine thought and the right level of emotional detail. It’s horrific to think that even 25 years later these pieces are still washing up in the same location. Perhaps one day this can be used as a way of tracing where the plastic is moving and perhaps collected all at the source, if there is in fact still a pile down there somewhere. Right here with the East Island has a good example of what we could be using all of the micro plastic to do. Not just recycle it, but also reuse it in different ways. There should definitely be initiatives for this sort of thing for fishermen just like subsidies for farmers.
The scary part is that they will probably continue to wash up long after everyone alive today is long gone to the point noone will even know about the crash they came from
I've been working on a fishing boat in my twenties(thirty years ago) and the thing that has stuck deepest in my memory is that moment when you're at the open sea (it was Adriatic sea) waiting for the first net to be raised and can't see neither Croatia not Italy, you wait, you hope and you get a strange... not an idea, rather a feeling...that perhaps.. just perhaps... nobody has been JUST THERE.. At that EXACT point... Soooo pristine: clear blue sea and complete silence except for the seagulls that keep their distance waiting. And than you start pulling out the net. Seagulls start flying knowing what's coming and start raising the tension with their screams, you can see the fish jumping on the surface and the seagulls are now screaming just above your head and anticipation rises exponentially for you can see the net is full!! Wooow!! And than you empty it on the deck and out come old boilers, automobile tires, discarded stoves and hardened paper cement bags! And some fish . Always those rock hard 50 kg cement bags wherever you throw the net!! Such a letdown. Your not disappointed you won't earn as much as you were hoping for, you're disappointed in humankind! I never forgot the feeling.
This plastic in ocean makes my heart sick. People need to be accountable. Cruise ships, careless container carriers, …where’s the oversight on stuff that MATTERS?
It's pretty hilarious that people treat washed up garbage like some kind of valuable collectible with a price guide. I imagine these nuts going to conventions and bartering back and forth in smoke filled rooms. Bidding wars ensue. The crowd gasps as the COVETED GREEN DRAGON sells for ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The golf announcer covering this historic event whispers to the microphone "there are only twoooo of these known to exist, and the other one is in almost mint state 70 condition. This one is only in fine condition and just got hammered at one million." The gasps are audible. You can hear the sound of gloved hands clapping quietly. Trumpet music plays as the cameras go to commercial break.
I live on the norths shore of Oahu island in Hawaii. We have loads of plastics coming ashore on our beach. Some days just small, tiny bits like in that photo of the beach, and some days it is big stuff like buoys and fish crates. Always there are bits of rope and string from fishing vessels. The thing that always puzzles me is how many old toothbrushes wash in.
We're drowning in waste plastic on this side of the pond also. I always cleanup litter (mostly plastic) when I primitive camp on long paddling trips, but it is a losing battle and will be until most countries have placed deposits on things like drink bottles and banned most other single use plastics.
Putting aside the negative aspect of the breakdown of plastic, how freaking cool to be beach combing for Legos! I walk the beach everyday, never a LEGO . I ended up photographing most of my fines, mainly because photography is my happy hobby. 27 pairs of sunglasses in one day. Lots of hats adorn my garage wall. I walk to a man made jetty that in the wintertime has so many items. No one during the summer rarely hikes out that far, so the items have come down from what northern beaches on the east coast, don’t know. I have a small collection of army men. My rare one is blue. Drawback is marine life swallows the bottle caps, hair scrunchies, cig butts, etc. When will people stop littering, it has such a negative consequence on Nature?
Did you really think there's a difference between 'breaking down' and breaking UP (into smaller pieces)? It's just moronic wordplay to suck you into a fake story.
"When will people stop littering, it has such a negative consequence on Nature?" Never.... just look at history where for thousands of years the most powerful and most intelligent only do what's best for themself. Many have killed their own parents for power and money. Many big corporations have polluted rivers with toxic chemicals for money. Roughly 80% of people will continue polluting no matter how bad the results.... just look at the skyrocketing pollution in Asia and India and you'll see where we're heading.
This is fascinating, I actually found one of those seaweed pieces and a flipper shoe on a beach in NYC years ago...if they are from that ship across the ocean that's incredible, I kinda wish I lived near where that lady lives though collecting legos on the beach regularly sounds really fun
There is a similar case like this somewhere in Europe. A ship containing thousands of garfield telephones prolly sank or capsized. Lots of garfields can be seen washed in the shores
The problem with containers going overboard is that governments around the world do not force shipping companies to retrieve the containers. They are and their cargo is left to rot on the bottom of the sea bed and no one does anything about it. Hence why the lego will still be washing up on beaches for centuries to come.
You realize what you are talking about is damn near impossible right? What needs to happen is international laws about maximum # of containers, with a maximum stack height, as well as some kind of new way to secure them.
As an American this greatly confused me, I thought they were referring to a single Lego piece that was repeatedly washing up on shore. In America we pluralize multiple Legos instead of treating it like the word "fish" where the singular and plural is the same.
@@romeisfallingagain corporate what? Lol, hoop your forehead. Accidents happen and you had better be living off grid in the woods somewhere otherwise you're part of the problem. Actually your sitting there on your device as we speak, your definitely part of the problem. You want to enjoy everyday luxurious but their impact on the environment is someone else's problem. Pathetic
The Lego was always intended as a game. Now it is a new game, and when playing it you can get some exercise and some sea air. It's a game likely to be played by Brits for centuries.
families who might raise their kids differently have children who flush lego pieces down the drain and the sewage ends up in the ocean and the lego pieces end up on the beaches. it comes from families who aren't being observant with their kids.
No it's the big companies who don't give a fook about the planet instead all for the money making. Don't blame us! Blame the big companies you see the big boat which lost the shipping containers there is a big company behind that boat I guarantee they never get fined.
Can someone please tell this guy the real story of 🗿 Easter Island. That’s just sad, he doesn’t know that they were killed, sold into slavery and some are still alive. They have not disappeared…..they were colonized.
I was going to say the same thing. What a horrible story to still be believed. Colonizers gave the natives diseases that killed their populations. It’s a shame that this victim blaming story still exists.
@@smontone agreed. I just find it funny still to this day that mass graves are found everywhere they say the population disappeared. I’m highly doubtful that a viral disease caused this. Seems more like a human dis-ease. The heads are bashed in. What diseases do that?
The issue is that container ships are being stacked far too high so in storms they can fall off. It happens plenty of times but lego is just a recognisable brand of products.
True, want your essential house hold tools. Go to the beach, need Glasses? Go to the beach, Need a house? go to the beach, we at sands super store we have everything for completely free, free till the pollution ends for good. Because there wont be anything left.
they need to add this kind of education to school curriculum as a STANDARD for future generations to slowly change their global stance on plastic. CHANGE STARTS WITH YOU, THE PERSON READING THIS.
The propensity to find particular pieces is probably correlated to both their concentration within the lost pieces and their density which would determine how easily they would rise to the surface. I would think most pieces have the same density.
Take a plastic bag with you to pick up plastic. Then throw the plastic parts and plastic bag into a plastic garbage can into another plastic bag. Then the plastic will be placed in a landfill instead of the beach. 🤣
Single use plastics should be virtually outlawed. We can easily create a food system with virtually no plastic, having reusable containers is much easier than you think, especially because that's the system we used to have before plastic and today a lot of stuff can be made out of other materials also.
This whole story is fabricated to tug at your heart strings. Do you really think they just happened to 'find' a Lego in the sand, while the camera was pointed exactly at the right spot? JFC, it's propaganda.
Aligning Easter island former inhabitants with the epistemology of your own culture? Let’s think about this first - if you can sail the oceans to get to an island would you cut down all the trees on that island without thinking about how you’ll leave that island as resources slowly disappear?
Your hunch is correct. Most historians that study the topic now believe that the Easter Islanders didn't die off because of the squandering of resources. The likely causes is far more complex but largely linked to the diseases Europeans brought. It's unfortunate this misinformed historical narrative is still being repeated, more than 10 years after it has been debunked.
If they are appearing on shores the sea is expelling the ones that have not become permanent features of the oceans. If the pieces were not useful to someone else as value units they never would have entered the seas in the first place.
Restaurants struggled during the pandemic so many pivoted to takeout and food delivery apps. Unfortunately most of them used so many plastic containers that plastic orders got backlogged and factories had to produce more plastic containers than ever. I try to dine in where they use real silverware and bring my own container for the leftovers.
Does anybody believe they just happened to have a camera pointed exactly at the spot where they could 'find' a Lego? Obviously they planted it ahead of time, then turned the camera on so they could 'find' it and prove that Legos are everywhere in the sand.
The solution is very simple. Manufacture plastics, which are not specifically meant for water environments, to disintegrate over a few years only when exposed to water. But as with most things, they won't do it because it will probably cost them more money.
Incredible! And the micro-plastics are ingested by fish, and arrive on your plate, where YOU ingest them. You may shit some of it out. But the rest remains trapped in You.
Right when you think you can go on vacation without stepping on Lego.
who tf goes to britain for vacation
@@laddfurk3947 people with standards and who aren't from florida.
good comment, i give it a like.
Good von!
If I had a beach in my town, that had a virtually never-ending scavenger hunt of lego pieces, I think I'd be a lot happier and healthier.
Yeah, so healthy with eroding micro plastic getting into every organism. So healthy........
@@forgetfulpriestiv14 Im getting the microplastics in my brain anyway, might as well get a consolation prize, ya?
That was my first thought too, but i have a second thought. Imagine you be a child, completely zoning out by looking for legos and find yourself trapped by rising tides.
@@bobbygoestoabyss6624 yar, imagine you be a child, mateys
After 25 years they're still washing up? Unbelievable.
More getting thrown in
and the bbc just got round to it.
come on how!....Not saying your brain needs a remap....but just sit and think about that for a minute!
@@IBTU Pieces will float around until they just happen to wash ashore. New finds could easily be from that same container.
Imagine your kids won't put up their toys and you keep stepping on them, so you go for a walk on the beach to calm down only to step on a Lego.
Not to mention the Huge amount of Anti-Covid stuff. The ubiquitous face masks. Thrown in streets. PPequipment. LFtest strips. It goes on n on!🚮
That could be described as ice cream with ketchup
Story of my Life.
... And the piece of lego that you step on is a dragon 🐲 WITHOUT its wings. 🙄
do not click on this mot doai comment he's just trying to get views.
Spotting Lego where everyone else just sees seaweed? I really hope her superhero name is LegoLass.
LegoLass, nice one! That should be the name of her next book, if she writes another.
I hope she sees your comment.
@@simonhopkins3867 it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t
I pick up garbage on my daily walks in the woods for 3 years now. I take it home, sort it out and put it in plastic bags for recycling. Its unbelievable how much garbage people throw away. Sometimes i think there is no point me picking it up but then i think every piece of garbage i pick up give a chance to a seed to land there and grow into a flower or a tree. That thought keeps me going.
More people who are in a position to should follow your example, whether in nature or built-up areas. Unfortunately I am not physically capable of doing it, but I would if I could. I just make sure that I never litter and recycle everything that can be.
Thank you for playing your part and setting a great example. Maybe, if you have a local scout or guide troop, or military cadets, you can get them involved.
My daughter was in the ATC and one of their Duke of Edinburgh award tasks - that they chose to do out of a few options - was to clear out a fairly large copse, not quite a woodland, which was on the edge of a town and filled with rubbish. Within a couple of weekends - it was during term time - the place was spotless. Teens and younger kids have a really great attitude towards protecting nature.
It is a great deed. May the Almighty reward you for it.
Good on you. I can't stand trash either. At least you are preventing more nanoplastics.
There is a point, yes, please keep going🙏
I see and appreciate your wonderful gesture for this Earth and all of us
I'm so glad the wood on my property is *mine* and I don't have to share it with anyone. It disgusts me to see plastic bottles and beer cans in nature.
I like how the lady made a hobby, something positive, out of it :)
I don’t, it’s bloody depressing and dystopian.
@@ConorDoesItAll her making a good impact is dystopian?
@@ConorDoesItAll Litterly 1984 dystopia airstrip 1 ocenia momenr
Well the BBC wouldn't even consider reporting it if she was a white heterosexual male.
The video started off as a bit whimsical for me, a Lego collector in my childhood, but it ended up as sobering to the reality of plastic pollution.
The power of media. Fear the LEGO, Ray! Fear the 25 year old LEGO!
@@sikbowl Now we have plastic pollution-deniers! The madness never ceases.
@@dr.mantistoboggan4494 Nope. Pollution is a problem, that's in the process of being overcome. This on the other hand is 25 y/o LEGO that has barely broken down and not an ecological disaster
@@sikbowl The problem is that it cannot be broken down, past a certain point even if it is 'only' 25 years, hence why all fish are now thought to contain some sort of microplastic. It's all in the chemistry of how these things are made, you can look that part up yourself.
@@sikbowl You're missing the point. The lego is just a nice side story to what is otherwise a major issue with plastic in the sea, as shown at 3:20 ...just 24hrs on just one beach. They're explaining why plastic is a problem. Some of these lego pieces have been in the sea for 25 years and haven't broken down. So what does that tell you about the wider picture?
I am a researcher looking at soil samples from around the world and so far I am yet to look at a soil sample without plastics. Yet, I can't meet my needs for foods and other goods without consuming more plastics myself. I wish we got serious about creating non plastic alternatives.
True. When I buy my dream tractor I’m going to clear my land free of plastics
That's sad we are suffocating our planet with plastic an their is no way to get rid of it
The alternatives are already being produced, but just aren’t affordable yet, for mass consumption. It’s so depressing to watch environmental cleanup videos where the detritus is gathered into…yes, plastic bags!! How many of those bags are then dumped further offshore? Until we make the plastics industries liable for the costs of ecological damage and furthermore mandate that THEY recycle everything they produce, society will be eternally stuck in this destruction. Big oil has wrung all the profits, while denying culpability and raking in government subsidies. Our priorities are skewed by corporate political manipulations into this state of catatonic consumption.
@@ruthslone2992 mcdonalds have been using paper straws for a while now but people still complain about those straws not being very good.
@@coraldiamond1922 Everywhere uses paper straws in the UK now, plastic straws are illegal for businesses to supply. Think you can still buy them in places, but food businesses can't give them out anymore. But the paper ones aren't very good. The only real way to get people avoiding plastic to a point of manufacturers switching to meet alternative demand, is to create a better alternative or to flat out ban plastic and force the alternative.
I love all the BBC reports. As an American, I enjoy seeing and listening to the UK people. It's a wonderful escape from American problems. Keep up the great work!
America? Is there such a country??? Last time a checked America was a continent!!!!
@@hugoenrique9194 they never said anything about a country, you did. All they said was they were was American.
It’s not like UK doesn’t their own problems
@@hugoenrique9194 North America is a continent, the Americas is a landmass, and America (short for the United States of America) is a country. You’re obviously very confused.
@@Houd_Vast seriously? You're gonna compare the problems in the US with those of the UK? Armed carjackings, bank robberies, rapes, homicides, assaults, political subdivision, etc.? Not one country compares to America at this point in history. Knowledge is power, learn well.
I live in the SF Bay Area, the most common plastic I come across on the beaches here are water bottle caps and other single use plastic goods. The practice of repeatedly cleaning my favorite beach has made me wary of what goods I consume.
single use plastics are banned in my country. they aren't sold anymore.
I burn all my garbage problem solved! And I hardly ever have to burn so it’s little to no pollution better then putting it in the water for damn sure.
@@tammyforbes2101 🤣 just dont catch your trailer on fire
@@tammyforbes2101 Burning garbage will release toxic fumes up into the stratosphere and will most likely damage the already weary ozone layer and could potentially culminate into acid rain it contributing to the worsening air quality of many places.
@@jwn741 Good one! Maybe they can find a couple lego's on that beach of a forhead of yours.
So it is just a coincidence that they are sea-themes pieces?
My thoughts exactly! Oh the irony
Nah, it was clever marketing on the part of the LEGO precogs
yeah... something fishy is going on.
Growing up in the 90s most of the Lego sets were very primitive. Race track, farm, gas station, city, sea scape etc.
I’m grateful to those who beachcomb for these pieces. It’s just sickening that it happened and after 25 years that plastic hasn’t broken down at all. It never will completely.
Plastic shopping bags , have reached the bottom of the Marianas Trench .
There's been plastic bottles and bags 'floating' about on land in NZ , have been for decades , most of it isn't yet nano plastics .
There's also a 'new' form of seaweed , which incorporates nano plastics , it's also been discovered as a part of a fishes body - plastic fish anyone ?
The kind of plastic LEGO are made of isn’t supposed to break down I don’t think. Even if plastic does break down, it’s not exactly a good thing. Those nanoplastics and VOCs just go in the environment.
I mean it will break down EVENTUALLY, just not probably before humans are extinct or we've tinkered with our DNA to become something else. Even the universe is impermanent and eventually the last star will die out, it's remnants not having energy to coalesce into another star.
@@tnijoo5109 Alex Jones "THEY'RE MAKING THE FISH GAAAAY"
This is just unbelievable.Also a brilliant piece of well presented reporting here from the BBC. Thank you for covering this with such genuine thought and the right level of emotional detail. It’s horrific to think that even 25 years later these pieces are still washing up in the same location. Perhaps one day this can be used as a way of tracing where the plastic is moving and perhaps collected all at the source, if there is in fact still a pile down there somewhere. Right here with the East Island has a good example of what we could be using all of the micro plastic to do. Not just recycle it, but also reuse it in different ways. There should definitely be initiatives for this sort of thing for fishermen just like subsidies for farmers.
It’s almost like they copied Tom Scott
@@staticcactus6029 Tom Scott was raised by the BBC 😂
@@baikhous I was specifically referencing his prior video on this subject well in advance of this video. Not his childhood.
The scary part is that they will probably continue to wash up long after everyone alive today is long gone to the point noone will even know about the crash they came from
Bro, it's Lego on a beach. It's okay. Go outside and get some fresh air
You mean I don't have to pay $28.99 for a basic Lego kit for my kids, I can just go to the beach and gather up random pieces for free?!
Nature's bounty
Even better, just send your kids to go get them. Want toys? Go search on the beach!
I was thinking the same thing. And I live in Belgium. Still worth it. see you there...
It's like Pokemon, catch em to build them
I've been working on a fishing boat in my twenties(thirty years ago) and the thing that has stuck deepest in my memory is that moment when you're at the open sea (it was Adriatic sea) waiting for the first net to be raised and can't see neither Croatia not Italy, you wait, you hope and you get a strange... not an idea, rather a feeling...that perhaps.. just perhaps... nobody has been JUST THERE.. At that EXACT point... Soooo pristine: clear blue sea and complete silence except for the seagulls that keep their distance waiting.
And than you start pulling out the net. Seagulls start flying knowing what's coming and start raising the tension with their screams, you can see the fish jumping on the surface and the seagulls are now screaming just above your head and anticipation rises exponentially for you can see the net is full!! Wooow!! And than you empty it on the deck and out come old boilers, automobile tires, discarded stoves and hardened paper cement bags! And some fish . Always those rock hard 50 kg cement bags wherever you throw the net!! Such a letdown. Your not disappointed you won't earn as much as you were hoping for, you're disappointed in humankind!
I never forgot the feeling.
This is an amazingly sad and powerful story. The artwork by Rob Arnold is magnificent...Thank you BBC
Tom Scott did a piece on this couple years ago
This plastic in ocean makes my heart sick. People need to be accountable. Cruise ships, careless container carriers, …where’s the oversight on stuff that MATTERS?
WTF are you talking about. Have you ever even been to an ocean?
Lego toys were now thousands pieces within 25 years ago. Nice quality. Green Dragon so rare.
Bless that man with the statue, very emotive what he said. Keep the faith, Mother Earth loves you back🙏
I like how they all stare in awe at the rare and coveted green dragon.
It's pretty hilarious that people treat washed up garbage like some kind of valuable collectible with a price guide. I imagine these nuts going to conventions and bartering back and forth in smoke filled rooms. Bidding wars ensue. The crowd gasps as the COVETED GREEN DRAGON sells for ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The golf announcer covering this historic event whispers to the microphone "there are only twoooo of these known to exist, and the other one is in almost mint state 70 condition. This one is only in fine condition and just got hammered at one million." The gasps are audible. You can hear the sound of gloved hands clapping quietly. Trumpet music plays as the cameras go to commercial break.
It's rather thrilling, isn't it? Bloody good show!
@@seeharvester Lol 😂 yes
@@hxhdfjifzirstc894 nice. Lol. You made that strangely easy to picture. Now I want to bid on one.
3:01 That boat has been built from the Lego pieces.
Damn right but srsly it looked sussy
Glad they managed to piece it all together and build a picture of what's happening
I live on the norths shore of Oahu island in Hawaii. We have loads of plastics coming ashore on our beach. Some days just small, tiny bits like in that photo of the beach, and some days it is big stuff like buoys and fish crates. Always there are bits of rope and string from fishing vessels. The thing that always puzzles me is how many old toothbrushes wash in.
Mermaids have teeth you know that need cleaning🧜🏼♀️🧜♂️🧜🏿
Plastic tooth flossing picks, cotton buds (buy bamboo instead) , plastic 6pack beer holders. etc.......
We're drowning in waste plastic on this side of the pond also. I always cleanup litter (mostly plastic) when I primitive camp on long paddling trips, but it is a losing battle and will be until most countries have placed deposits on things like drink bottles and banned most other single use plastics.
Surely primitive camping is plastic free? Otherwise it's just camping.
@Ringadingding I take it you’ve never been camping with a camper? That sure isn’t primitive.
God bless
@Ringadingding A simple comment turns into a fight... The dangers of an inferiority complex. Grow up
@@smartandhandsome Oh, look a primitive camper appeared.
hmm... credits to Tom Scott for bringing the story a couple of months ago I guess
Considering the prices of Lego right now, I’m shocked that there aren’t more parents on that beach scavenging free Lego for their children.
yes but they are too uuhh how do i put it
kinda like marshmello when you put it in a Microwave
Honestly, I've never in my life seen a single Lego on the beach. This is fake.
@@hxhdfjifzirstc894 Honestly, I've never been to outer space before so it must be fake.
Me: "Pack your things, we are leaving"
Friend: "Where are we going?"
Me: "No time to explain"
Putting aside the negative aspect of the breakdown of plastic, how freaking cool to be beach combing for Legos! I walk the beach everyday, never a LEGO . I ended up photographing most of my fines, mainly because photography is my happy hobby. 27 pairs of sunglasses in one day. Lots of hats adorn my garage wall. I walk to a man made jetty that in the wintertime has so many items. No one during the summer rarely hikes out that far, so the items have come down from what northern beaches on the east coast, don’t know. I have a small collection of army men. My rare one is blue. Drawback is marine life swallows the bottle caps, hair scrunchies, cig butts, etc. When will people stop littering, it has such a negative consequence on Nature?
For a moment at the end of the video I thought she's just found a ship in a bottle.
I found ten wallets, but got arrested for stealing.
Did you really think there's a difference between 'breaking down' and breaking UP (into smaller pieces)? It's just moronic wordplay to suck you into a fake story.
"When will people stop littering, it has such a negative consequence on Nature?"
Never.... just look at history where for thousands of years the most powerful and most intelligent only do what's best for themself. Many have killed their own parents for power and money. Many big corporations have polluted rivers with toxic chemicals for money. Roughly 80% of people will continue polluting no matter how bad the results.... just look at the skyrocketing pollution in Asia and India and you'll see where we're heading.
This is fascinating, I actually found one of those seaweed pieces and a flipper shoe on a beach in NYC years ago...if they are from that ship across the ocean that's incredible, I kinda wish I lived near where that lady lives though collecting legos on the beach regularly sounds really fun
Very sad.....
I've found shoes with feet still in them washed up on the Coney Island shore.
@@gavinvalentino1313, that's as creepy as all get up! Eeew.
Were any of those cement shoes?
Legos are quite expensive these days.
This phenomenon deserves its own episode of Unsolved Mysteries, let me call Robert Stack.
I used to really struggle with Lego but it soon clicked into place.
The micro and nano plastics get eaten by the sealife, which slowly kills them… or WE end up eating that when we consume fish.
There is a similar case like this somewhere in Europe. A ship containing thousands of garfield telephones prolly sank or capsized. Lots of garfields can be seen washed in the shores
Prolly?! It’s ‘probably,’ you idiot!
@@heli-crewhgs5285 It’s okay. Don’t cry.
Are you serious? Wow!!!
a shore full of garfields prolly a sight to behold
Yeah I’ve seen them. One swam up and tried to bite my toe. Don’t go in the sea kids
Huge evolutionary advantage to whatever organism evolves to be able to digest plastic for energy...
The problem with containers going overboard is that governments around the world do not force shipping companies to retrieve the containers. They are and their cargo is left to rot on the bottom of the sea bed and no one does anything about it. Hence why the lego will still be washing up on beaches for centuries to come.
You realize what you are talking about is damn near impossible right? What needs to happen is international laws about maximum # of containers, with a maximum stack height, as well as some kind of new way to secure them.
That is unrealistic.
You'd think they'd been watching Tom Scott's video from nine months ago. Only difference is Ms. Williams agreed to appear on camera for the BBC
I was searching for this comment. Thank you.
I wouldn't be surprised if parts of James May's Lego house emerges from the ocean depths
I miss news from 2 weeks ago, life was so simple back then
I live by the sea and the amount of plastic, right down to what is known as nurdles is terrifying
Most people without kids will never know how painful it is to step on a Lego with a bare foot.
I really need to stop flushing Lego down the bog. 😁
It gives our boat people something to keep themselves amused on their journey over
That sculpture is pretty great. Awesome job Mr Artist.
As an American this greatly confused me, I thought they were referring to a single Lego piece that was repeatedly washing up on shore. In America we pluralize multiple Legos instead of treating it like the word "fish" where the singular and plural is the same.
If you had even a shred of common sense you would have realized it meant the latter.
You krauts we say the word math and you says...maths...Lol. We say victuals and you say food stuffs!
We as Americans DO NOT pluralize the word Lego. In the any Lego community you will be laughed at saying legos.
Don't worry, this entire story is a crock of shit.
LEGO should be paying people to collect it all.
Thats extremely ignorant 😒.
Its slightly more complicated than that, obviously
@@Shornandkenny actually, no its not. please go guzzle corporate semen elsewhere
@@romeisfallingagain corporate what?
Lol, hoop your forehead.
Accidents happen and you had better be living off grid in the woods somewhere otherwise you're part of the problem. Actually your sitting there on your device as we speak, your definitely part of the problem. You want to enjoy everyday luxurious but their impact on the environment is someone else's problem.
The Lego was always intended as a game. Now it is a new game, and when playing it you can get some exercise and some sea air. It's a game likely to be played by Brits for centuries.
Because when ur cat takes a piss in ur misc lego container some ppl try to wash it in the ocean/local river, some pieces get lost
families who might raise their kids differently have children who flush lego pieces down the drain and the sewage ends up in the ocean and the lego pieces end up on the beaches. it comes from families who aren't being observant with their kids.
I do not know how your country work but here we have sewage treatment facilities, basically makes the water drinkable before it goes to the ocean 🌊
The Lego is coming from a container ship that lost containers in a storm not because kids flush it down the loo.
The reporter just said.
No it's the big companies who don't give a fook about the planet instead all for the money making. Don't blame us! Blame the big companies you see the big boat which lost the shipping containers there is a big company behind that boat I guarantee they never get fined.
You mean people who lack brain cells
@@sxcnetworks6229 its all of us to be honest
I was there…my god…25 years! If I remember rightly there were also thousands of bottles of head & shoulders shampoo washing onto shore.
Can someone please tell this guy the real story of 🗿 Easter Island. That’s just sad, he doesn’t know that they were killed, sold into slavery and some are still alive. They have not disappeared…..they were colonized.
I was going to say the same thing. What a horrible story to still be believed. Colonizers gave the natives diseases that killed their populations. It’s a shame that this victim blaming story still exists.
@@smontone agreed. I just find it funny still to this day that mass graves are found everywhere they say the population disappeared. I’m highly doubtful that a viral disease caused this. Seems more like a human dis-ease. The heads are bashed in. What diseases do that?
So ban plastic, or make it biodegradable
It will never end till we end . 🌏
I would buy a bag of this Lego for supporting them in their efforts ... and playing with the Lego
This is totally unacceptable....we have to become more responsible
Where are you?
The issue is that container ships are being stacked far too high so in storms they can fall off. It happens plenty of times but lego is just a recognisable brand of products.
We've absolutely fucked our oceans 😞
I do the same in my free time, but I clean up the soil not the ocean, hate finding plastics in soil.
BC Canada has refrigerators washing up on the coast.
I just got some Legos In the mail...
No more buying lego at Smyths, kids. Just head to the beach.
True, want your essential house hold tools. Go to the beach, need Glasses? Go to the beach, Need a house? go to the beach, we at sands super store we have everything for completely free, free till the pollution ends for good. Because there wont be anything left.
It’s the bare feet that attract them
back in the day we used to look for pearls and nice sea shells now it's just bits of lego how sad.
Its because all of human existence started from the sea....and lego is the building block of life😩
Imagine stepping out and going to the beach to erase the moment you stepped at Lego only to step one again
The container containing the LEGO pieces was probably worth a lot more than the ship and the other containers combined...
Well, they do say the building blocks of life started in the ocean.
I'm 'ere all week.
Yeah we are all made of plastic blocks...
@@trollonthebrain1455 Plastic is oil, oil is ancient creatures. So yeah, kinda. Yes
they need to add this kind of education to school curriculum as a STANDARD for future generations to slowly change their global stance on plastic.
Incredible people counting, collecting, and creating✨✨✨
Imagine one day a fisherman finds a Lego shark
Well, exactly this happened a few weeks ago. Search for fisherman lego shark
I love Lego ! My dad used to hate it ...
Lincoln Log fan?
The propensity to find particular pieces is probably correlated to both their concentration within the lost pieces and their density which would determine how easily they would rise to the surface. I would think most pieces have the same density.
A walk on a beach badly needed.
From the great Lego air sea battle of '97.
Few green dragons survived the carnage despite their numbers.
Why lego?
@@bubbles190 if it weren't for Lego none of us would pollute #LEGOMADEMEDOIT
By that logic, if you order a pizza, and the driver collides with another car, YOU'RE responsible as well because you ordered the pizza.
Dredging the seafloor for millions of tiny LEGO pieces will not make things worse at all 👌
Why have you hired a Tom Scott impersonator
Phil looks like one of my oldschool lego figures with the beard piece come to life.
Phil laments plastics in his catch, whilst wearing a jacket made of plastic fibres.
Smart man 🙆🏻♂️👌
At last, something we can build on
Take a plastic bag with you to pick up plastic. Then throw the plastic parts and plastic bag into a plastic garbage can into another plastic bag. Then the plastic will be placed in a landfill instead of the beach. 🤣
the fun thing about this is 46% of ocean plastic come from the fishing industry!
When I was a fisherman we would always drag the trash mostly plastic back to harbor.
@@andriandrason1318 They mean the nets; not all are recovered, and some of them are huge
@@Ratatoothie Dude i have fished on big boats, I know they are massive. All im saying is if they got on deck we would take them back to harbor.
This is not even remotely true
@@andriandrason1318 yep.
Single use plastics should be virtually outlawed. We can easily create a food system with virtually no plastic, having reusable containers is much easier than you think, especially because that's the system we used to have before plastic and today a lot of stuff can be made out of other materials also.
You mean glass. For centuries we used glass and clay.
The moment I saw the Easter Island piece... Uff! It punched me right to gut! What have we done and keep doing to our HOME? 😓
I find it funny that most of the lego pieces are ocean themed
This whole story is fabricated to tug at your heart strings. Do you really think they just happened to 'find' a Lego in the sand, while the camera was pointed exactly at the right spot? JFC, it's propaganda.
@@hxhdfjifzirstc894 don't care. didn't ask abt lego propaganda
Aligning Easter island former inhabitants with the epistemology of your own culture? Let’s think about this first - if you can sail the oceans to get to an island would you cut down all the trees on that island without thinking about how you’ll leave that island as resources slowly disappear?
Your hunch is correct. Most historians that study the topic now believe that the Easter Islanders didn't die off because of the squandering of resources. The likely causes is far more complex but largely linked to the diseases Europeans brought. It's unfortunate this misinformed historical narrative is still being repeated, more than 10 years after it has been debunked.
@@901blitz I questioned this as well. Sounded a little too extreme to me. Cut down all their trees….🤔 Not buying it. Has to be more to story….
You mean the Lego Corporation keeps washing up on shore? Or do you mean pieces of Lego brand toy plastic blocks?
Hilarious how competitive she is about that with her friends
This is the kind of thing that only the most pretentious people would bother doing.
If they are appearing on shores the sea is expelling the ones that have not become permanent features of the oceans.
If the pieces were not useful to someone else as value units they never would have entered the seas in the first place.
This entire story was cooked up so some lazy reporter could have a beach vacation. There. I said it.
For my son it would be a real treasure hunt on the beach looking for Lego pieces.
We are all made of lego, but over time we have forgotten where we really originated from
Restaurants struggled during the pandemic so many pivoted to takeout and food delivery apps. Unfortunately most of them used so many plastic containers that plastic orders got backlogged and factories had to produce more plastic containers than ever. I try to dine in where they use real silverware and bring my own container for the leftovers.
Same with packaging for online shopping. There's less plastic waste buying from a store.
@@duybear4023 *EXACTLY*
The powers that be don't want us to figure that out!
Do you ever even wonder if certain events are 'created' so that certain companies will benefit? Or if wars are started for the same reason?
Imagine going to a beach and getting a super rare lego piece or minifig
The Year is 2050 and the BBC will be interviewing people saying how masks from the 2020-2022 pandemic are still washing up on beaches to this day.
In 2050, there will still be folks saying masks don’t work.
@@nickthompson1812 Or stuff like "If I don't have the flu, I can't give you the flu."
Much respect to her
The fact that every news outlet is quiet about this is a sign that something big is about to happen.... or maybe this is just not worthy covering 🤣
Never found a piece and I walk daily in search of amber, this is clearly from kids playing with Lego on the beach 😅
Idk I think it’s just nit world wide news. Highly doubt there’s a conspiracy behind a bbc story about Lego waste
@@andriandrason1318 this is from kids playing with Lego on the beach....
@F and not everything is to take with seriousness, develop some form of sense of humor
Does anybody believe they just happened to have a camera pointed exactly at the spot where they could 'find' a Lego? Obviously they planted it ahead of time, then turned the camera on so they could 'find' it and prove that Legos are everywhere in the sand.
Some people still think a container with 30,000 plastic ducks “accidentally “ fell off a ship. It didnt.
Kudos to Tracy and all of the other beachcombers cleaning their local beaches of other people's unwanted dross. 💙👍 Spiffy dragon tho'.🐉
The dragon was found at the beach, does that make it Puff the magic dragon ? :
The solution is very simple. Manufacture plastics, which are not specifically meant for water environments, to disintegrate over a few years only when exposed to water. But as with most things, they won't do it because it will probably cost them more money.
Incredible! And the micro-plastics are ingested by fish, and arrive on your plate, where YOU ingest them. You may shit some of it out. But the rest remains trapped in You.
Lego on a beach ? Every person should be issued with foot protection.
Sorry for the wildlife who have to live with these foreign plastic objects invading their habitat.
Unfortunately they dont speak English