I would love a grenade launcher MK2. Were you could swap out the explosive grenades with gas or incendiary grenades. That could be usefull in collection missions were you need to collect a vehicle with a lot of NPC's around it. The gas kills the bad guys, but wont damage the vehicle.
So you're telling me: Rockstar nerfed Hollow Point rounds on the Heavy Revolver, a weapon which is punishing if you miss and is outclassed by most assault rifles in most situations. But they haven't done shit to nerf the Oppressor MK2?
Not suprised how they buffed the MK2 mane. You can't lock onto them pussies no mo, they want more cargo griefers out there. Minigun and Up-n-Atomizer is all there is to counter while on the ground.
There are some we would still want a lot -Assault shotgun Mk2 (For simple improvements) -AP pistol Mk2 (To allow FMJ) -Micro SMG Mk2 (Underrated) -Pistol .50 Mk2 (Anti-NPC cannon)
all the none explosive types need a major buff in capacity. seriously 220 assault rifle shots with fire round will probably take down 6 noose guys before you have to go back and get more. tracers should be changed for all the bullets to light up and 9999 ammo capacity since it has no damage increase
Tracers should have the regular ammo cap which we get for normal guns-- 9999. The other ammo types (incendiary, fmj, hollow point, armor piercing) should have the ammo cap increased to at least 1000 or higher. And they need to let us put extended mags on for those ammo types and they need to let us hold the normal amount of ammo we can hold per magazine (I.E: 30 hollow points in normal AR mag, 60 in extended, 100+ in drum/box).
Kazuhira Miller because no one is perfect aim botter, I personally don’t use incendiary for anything but the sniper mk2 and the revolver . Special ammo is almost not worth it because of the super low mag cap.
I like extended clip on the combat mg for doing doomsday heists because you gotta hose down a lot of NPCs and even the regular ammo makes short work of them.
They could never do it. It was so OP for ages at the games launch and they had to nerf it and I think it got another slight buff because they nerfed it too much.
AP pistol is the best MK1 pistol by far. Fully automatic, high damage, high fire rate, not too much recoil, and has like 38 shots and can also be shot inside of any ground vehicle besides ones that lock your weapons (missiles, machine gun, explosive machine gun etc). So why exactly would guns like the assault shotgun and AP pistol get mkII variants?
31st January 2020 and still no, but hey we got the period pistol *the most fucking useless weapon in the game* I want to die I call it the period pistol because it is so shit
Kitten King don't want to hate on the Professional too much, but tbh, his videos are lacking slightly. Too many long pauses, bad edits and unpracticed lines. It's like he's a sports announcer rather than timing how his videos come out, and you get a lot of "I think this is happening" and "look look at this!!!!!" * waits 15+ seconds for the event to occur *, continue commentary. He does ok content but too much of it is "how much can I sell all at once in THIS lobby." Which is kinda meh, it's clickbait for a high number but it all boils down to having 20+ people lingering around trying to get YT featured. Yes that happens here too but Ghillie is PvP mostly, where as Pro does money guides. If we all had 20 people we could all sell for 10+ million a day. But it doesn't make for great content. He has good ideas but he could do with some editing practice and less bragging about the amount sold and more focus on how to sell like a normal person. The same issue with Pro is the same one I have with like Gibs-o-matic, who did the PVP gun stats over a year before CGH, GTAMen, and Ghillie did it. But since those 3 take time to edit their content, the polished product stands out more.
Thank you for always going super in-depth and straight to the point while still explaining all usefull information. Not very many TH-camrs do that any more, so thank you.
FMJ on Revolver makes normal cars catch fire in 2 shots, while 100% armor cars in 4. Also destroys tail rotor on helicopters in 1 shot, regardless of range. IMO FMJ is the best on Revolver, not MG
Jack Christ the revolver can take tail rotors with 2 shots anyway. Not quite worth it to halve that time on something you'll get more mileage hitting with a marksman rifle or minigun, while also terrifying the pilot away
4:15, getting chased by an Armored Kuruma? I Haven't been since 2015 Edit: Thank you for the dozen comments saying it came out in 2015. I edited it. Happy now?
I dunno, I've had a few times where AP Rounds on the MKII Marksman Rifle come in handy at times. I've gotten at least 3 headshots on different BPH-wearing users, as well as stood a chance against an Aimbot-using Rank 48 with insta-armor upon respawn and FMJ rounds on his Special Carbine MKII. You have to be *_REALLY_* careful with the ammo count and your accuracy, but each well-placed shot makes it worthwhile and satisfying.
The explosive shot on the shotgun is my "go to" weapon when I'm in PvP....to rag doll players, or...when one night, I had 3 players in a stolen police car try and run me over as I was coming out of the casino..I quickly switched to explosive shotgun and pumped one into the hood and blew up the car, killing all 3 players. The car exploded and flew just barely off to my right...it was pretty dope.
I use FMJ on ARs, the main point about FMJ isn't to blow up vehicles as you can do that much faster with something like an rpg but to pierce bulletproof windows, ARs are more accurate than the Combat MG so putting the ammo on them seems logical. This is especially true considering how good the combat MG is at killing anything There are a lot of situations you can be in though so Ill list what is probably the best for either one:, I will use these acronyms= CMG(Combat MG), HR(Heavy revolver), AR(any automatic rifle except Assault rifle). In these situations we will presume you are out of sticky bomb range because that is usually the fastest, mainly against vehicles. a - after a gun name means that the following gun will also work really well for the situation but not as well as the first 1 on foot vs on foot AI- Fast firing AR with normal ammo to get headshots, preferably mk1 special carbine due to big mag 2 on foot vs on foot Player- CMG as even hitting headshots with an AR at decent range is worse than just bodyshotting CMG, I like incendiary but normal is fine as well 3 on foot vs bulletproof- AR with FMJ---CMG with FMJ 4 on foot vs heli- Explosive sniper/shotgun---CMG/HR with FMJ 5 on foot vs car- Explosive sniper/shotgun---HR with FMJ 6 in car vs on foot AI pve- AP Pistol 7 in car vs on foot Player- HR with incendiary---AP Pistol 8 In car vs bulletproof- Pistol with FMJ 9 in car vs heli- HR with FMJ 10 in car vs car- HR with FMJ 11 on bike/boat vs on foot AI- Compact rifle or SMG mk2 with normal ammo 12 on bike/boat vs on foot Player- Compact rifle or SMG mk2 with normal ammo 13 on bike/boat vs bulletproof- SMG FMJ---Pistol FMJ 14 on bike/boat vs heli- HR FMJ 15 on bike/boat vs car- HR FMJ 16 On foot short range- Assault shotgun vs AI, Explosive Shotgun vs Player 17 On foot long range- Incendiary Heavy sniper, Exp. is good too but it has really low ammo Now onto the more special cases S1 In heli as door gunner vs heli- Either HR FMJ or CMG FMJ, I haven't tested it so I dont know but I feel that due to the usefulness of HR FMJ it's better to just have it equipped and have the CMG on incendiary or normal S2 In heli as door gunner vs car- Same as above S3 In heli as door gunner vs on foot AI- Its really hard to hit anything on foot as heli gunner so just RPG or AR with normal S4 In heli as door gunner vs on foot Player- Same as above but if you're a foot shot you can use AP or incendiary depending on the situation J1 When fighting Juggernauts- Setting them on fire is good but you can also just easily kill knock them over with explosives and CMG/Minigun them. HR with incendiary is best for the job but common sense will kill them really well as well Verdict: As we can see HR FMJ is useful for many situations so its definitely a must have, from this is seems that the best loadout is: AP pistol, HR FMJ, Pistol FMJ, SMG FMJ and Compact rifle or just SMG mk1 normal, depends on if you value being able to cycle MG or AR slots better, Combat MG incendiary, Special C. mk1 normal, AR FMJ, Heavy sniper incendiary(Explosive if you need to deal with a lot of flying vehicles), when it comes to stealth weapons, I think its better to obstruct the sniper slot with them because its not as important as the AR one and I still have the marksman and normal sniper laying around so I use them. You could use an ar for this if you wanted to as well but the automatic fire is more of a downside because your game can lag and the bullets that hit the wall may alert guards so if you dont want to use anything sniper, use Assault rifle for its low rate of fire
SNS MkII - whatever role it needs to fill out Pistol MkII - Hollow Point Heavy Revolver MkII - Incendiary, especially for NPCs SMG MkII - Ext.Mag or FMJ on bikes Assault Rifle MkII - Incendiary (I can give a whole load of reasons on why this weapon is the best for the ammo type of all the automatic MkII weapons) Carbine Rifle MkII - Armor Piercing Special Carbine MkII - FMJ Bullpup Rifle MkII - Ext. Mag Combat MG MkII - Regular Mag (Ext. Mag is overkill) or FMJ Marksman Rifle MkII - Ext. Mag with non-sniper sight. Heavy Sniper MkII - Explosive Rounds, or Incendiaries if I want to have some fun with it. Pump Shotgun MkII - Explosive Shells.
Great video! I didn't think about armour piercing on rifles, will have to do that for one of them. I second a MKII grenade launcher too, that'd be awesome.
Thanks for this, I like what you said about the FMJ on the LMG makes sense everyone else was saying extended. But SMGs are important the FMJ rounds make the mk2 probably best sub to use in cars
Knodsil nah that be stupid because I’d just switch off if I missed. So you’d always have a chance to instantly one shot your opponent and the start of a fight
David in that case they can add that ristriction onto the MK2 Musket. So every time you fire, you are forced to reload it. Or better, it doesnt come loaded by default, so every time you take it out, you have to reload it first, which leaves you vularable
Assault Shotgun is pretty strong in it's base form. Making a MK2 version with rounds like the MK2 pump shotgun would be insanely OP. AP pistol would be cool too.
I use the combat mg mk2 for spraying NPCs and having a practically unlimited mag is really useful, to take down vehicles use rockets anyway, but I would put fmj on an ar to get helis
Also I’d like to say the only weapons I use special ammo for is the revolver, heavy sniper, and shotgun. Revolver and shotgun because even with the lower capacity I don’t run out, and the heavy sniper to deal with planes and vehicles.
I avoid redundant ammo pools. Weapons that use the same ammo, I switch them around to incendiary, fmj, whatever. Each assault rifle has one type of ammo, so they are all useful. Just one assault rifle has the common bullets, and I save a lot of money that way, while having every type of ammo on the go. Versatility.
I don't wanna do the combat with FMJ 1: I know that ammo is expensive 2: you don't get a lot of rounds. About 200 3: I just prefer basic ammo on my normal day to day combat weapons such as the Special Carbine. But I do agree with the pistol, smg, and Shotgun
The blue project I love the pistol 50. I use it all the time for those headshots, but I dont want a mark 2 version because that means the cool etched design I have on mine will be gone, I just love that design.
Here’s my loadout: Pistol Mk2: FMJ SMG Mk2: Extended Mags Combat MG Mk2: Extended Mags Heavy Revolver Mk2: Incendiary Special Carbine Mk2: Extended Mags Bullpup Rifle Mk2: Extended Mags (also a suppressor) Marksman Rifle Mk2: Extended Mags Heavy Sniper Mk2: Extended Mags Pump Shotgun Mk2: Flechette shells The reason I use normal ammo for most weapons is because it’s cheaper and more convenient and you can carry more
For the combat mg, I wouldn’t put fmj on the combat mg since you have it on the smg mk 2. While 200 rounds isn’t necessary for killing people, it’s a good amount of ammo to do things like destroy vehicles and just taking out a lot of enemies at once. Even if your worried about losing money you should just use the normal mag with 100 rounds, but from my experience it’s not that much more expensive if you use 200 rounds.
What I find annoying about these special ammos is that when you use them you can't just buy them from your interaction menu, you have to go back into your MOC Truck or Avenger to refill on the special ammo. I barely use them. The only ones that I would use is the Explosive Rounds for the Shotgun and Incineary rounds for the Assault Rifle.
These will be the most op mk2 weapons (if it gets added) 1 :ap pistol mk 2 2 :Minigun mk2 (rockstar will never make this weapon a mk2) 3 :Assault shotgun mk2
I am kinda new but im having good results with this loadout: MK2 revolver - FMJ (but i might switch to incendiary after watching this video) Special carbine - APR i use this for close quarters fighting when the minigun is currently off cards or unfair. it riddles people down fast. Carbine rifle mk2 - FMJ I use this for shooting through bullet proof windows with accuracy from range its good on missions like the heist setup for stealing weapons Pump shotty - explosive if someone is coming at me to run me over or if I'm being trolled by a tank user and dont have enough time to get a vehicle of my own i go off radar and get as many shots off with this as i can sometimes i can actually blow up the tank using this Mk2 sniper - explosive - for countering air craft. i use the regular sniper with BST for 2, sometimes 1 body shot kills for regular sniper battles Marksman mk2 - I use APR and this shreds people with 2-3 body shots. U dont need a huge magazine for this just to not be a total clown when it comes to accuracy.
This is almost my exact loadout, too.. I put incendiary rounds on my marksman rifle, mostly because of how satisfying it is to see my opponent on fire through my scope. Same with my heavy revolver. It's even funnier when they notice they're on fire and start freaking out and running around. The explosive rounds are perfect for swatting jets with the heavy sniper, and the explosive shotgun is perfect for low flying broomstick boys and other low flying aircraft. I actually removed the SMG from my load out, but after seeing this I might add it back for my motorcycles. Looks like fun!
Ik this doesn't relate to this video at all but in datsaintsfan video of going over what's happening for gta online for this week and in the video he didn't include the ruiner 2000 as a good vehicle to buy but in the comment section I listed all the good stuff the vehicle has against tryhards/griefers that's messing with the whole lobby and gave you the credit for it since I learned it from you tbh. Keep up the good vids 💯💯
Gray-pogo 291 the Ruiner 2000 sucks in comparison to something like a Stromberg. Buuuuut if you wanna buy the Ruiner 2000 to unlock the Fully Loaded CEO mission it becomes a different story....
Knodsil the Stromberg is a good vehicle to use it brings something different (or unique) when you want to take down deluxo's or opressor's but also you could have fun under water with it but I always see that when I'm in a lobby but what I don't see is people having fun bouncing and parachuting around from a car
@Ghilliemaster Great guide, but I gotta disagree with your choice on combat MG. I'd go with either standard mag for pve, or armor piercing for pvp for the cMG, because the minigun already does what the fmj cMG does, and it does it better (shooting through the windows instead of directly at the car/engine is a lot more effective, for some reason. Seriously, try it).
tbh i think everything needs an mk2. they don't have to buff the already godly weapons, i just want more customization; holo sight on the assault sg would be sexy as fuck
DELUXO yeah I’d like that to shoot down deluxos and oppressors buttt... I fly helicopters, jets, and the starling so while I’m trying to get someone they just have to fire in my direction and they won’t miss ;-;
Eh the MKII MG with normal ammo is best used for dealing with swat guys in the doomsday heist, such as the data breaches and server farm mission, as its got a far higher damage output than the rifles, and takes about 6 to 8 shots to kill vs about 15 to 20 close up even on normal, and with how close up you are it can make the difference at 20 paces, the assault I used to pick off and headshot NPCS like the chopper snipers with autoaim (just dont blow up the chopper and they DONT respawn FYI) and for the people on the ground although I may take you up on that armor piercing rifle thing, as I swtched to the bullpulp rifle anyways, and so far I've had no use for the Special Carbine MK II since then. and I use the FMJ's in the mark II revolver as I bought the thing as a car killer, sadly when they nerfed the heavy revolver's HP ammo they also changed the hitboxes on cars at the same time as that beforehand you could just shoot the crap out of the tailgate of a car and just blow it up with about 2 shots from the normal heavy revolver, I know, I did it to some poor level 40 in a virgo who came after me lol now that only works from the front where the engine area is, but it can still help for that resupply mission from the bunker where your being chased by kuruma's and for disabling and damaging pursing choppers be NPC or the more deadly kind. also the SNS pistol with FMJ's has a much higher rate of fire than the stupid normal Mark II pistol as I've used it for headshotting a gunner on an insurgent and for shooting out a few bad guys in kurumas while in my dukes and just driving around in general so its more useful than you think while your in a car or on foot as that incident happened with a phantom wedge gun run, had a weird yellow icon following me, this was BEFORE I learned to use ghost organization for my sell missions hit the checkpoint, made the same in the docks only to find it was a pegasus insurgent with a gunner on it, some assholes were trying to kill me, one shotted the gunner, the driver didnt notice for awhile and then finally came out, dusted him with the Special carbine and the roll technique to break the lock on and went into passive out of shock after killing him lol only to have the guy verbally message me get out of passive mode you pussy lol so the SNS is far more useful than you think if you know how to use it with the SMG MKII I did use incendiary rounds as it works best to incapacitate NPC's in the PCS for when your covering for people in the boat with great success but the problem is when you put special ammo on it it prioritzes that weapon OVER the other in the same slot, such as the far more useful MKII MG but I have since then gotten rid of my combat PDW and replaced it with the suppressed MKII as you only need one shot if you stealth shoot an NPC to kill him in the databreaches server farm mission but however you NEED The AP pistol or the PDW for the humane labs as the MKII SMG will over pierce and set off alarms still, some weird thing with the coding also what's the deal with the ammo types again, I thought both armor piercing and FMJ's did the same thing with BP helmets?
Kavinsky Smith I use the mk2 mg in combat on the ground most because most players cant even get that close to me if I dont want them to and when I do want them to i lure them into the explosive shotgun (; but the mg is amazing and i wouldn't have it any other way. The special carbine and all the other ones I have all have armor piercing amo and the smg little guns and stuff have hollow tips
Watching this really makes me want more MKII guns, specifically these: Combat Pistol MKII Pistol .50 MKII AP Pistol MKII Bullpup Shotgun MKII Assault Shotgun MKII Assault SMG MKII MG MKII Sniper Rifle MKII (DMG buff to 165) Homing Launcher MKII (Oppressor Tracking) Grenade Launcher MKII (Tear gas rounds etc) EDIT: Also remove the ability to move with the Heavy Sniper and buff it one shot everyone (This would work well as it'd be more realistic but also because the normal Sniper rifle MKII variant would two shot players and allow moment thus replacing the Heavy Snipers old role)
I can’t agree with you more, customization is just a great thing, so your gun is unique to you, and personalized to your liking, as for MK2 variations, I would love a MK2 homing launch and grenade launcher, and AP Pistol, perhaps soon we will get the Mk2 versions of them, who knows?
ελληναρας με τα ολα του i was kinda hoping the the MK2 Homing Launcher could have a 4 rocket capacity, the only con though is you can’t shoot the rockets unguided, you have to gain a lock on to fire, kinda like the Javelin. Would be pretty cool to get a javelin though.
Coltan Swanson I don't think there's a way to avoid that. But always make sure to leave GTA online the right way through the pause menu because that might cause it
GhillieMaster okay thanks, I've noticed having a fresh stack of ammo disapearing sometime after coming out of missions, but it doesn't happen every time, so its hard to figure out what is actually triggering it.
I have that issue as well. Last time I checked, quitting a mission triggers the issue 100 percent of the time for me, but otherwise, it seems to be completely random. Even if it isn't random, I don't check my weapon wheel every 15 seconds, so it would be impossible to know for sure what triggers it. It seems to happen less frequently than before, but it is still frustrating to have only 240 regular sniper rounds at any point because that's how much ammo the bug gives me.
Coltan Swanson take your special ammo off and find a new session then put the ammo back on and it should fix it. Had that same problem like a week ago and it was annoying as hell
md00150028 yeah it seems to be just with the snipers and assault rifles, it brings them down to the capacity of the special ammo rounds and is really annoying. Who knows, hopefully rockstar has caught on by now and will fix it with the nightclub update.
Most preferred addition to the game are explosive rounds available for any type of machine guns with large capacity clips!! I'd have the Pistol.50 as a MK2 over any other handgun. From itself it's the most powerfull handgun that's fast autoreloading, and have a decent clip-size. I always more preferred the Special Carbine over the normal Carbine, bus changed that yesterday since I have them now both in MK2. I always use suppressors on any gun because I like more like to sneak. The only guns I dont have suppressor on are the guns that dont support it (MG's) and both Pump Shotgun MK2 and Heavy Sniper MK2 both with explosive rounds, because the explosions are never silent. Further I use as much Armor Piercing rounds except guns where clip capacity is more important.
Not really selling out. He puts time and effort into his videos so I see no problem with trying to monetize it. Also I didn't get an ad and I don't even use adblocker.
I would love a grenade launcher MK2. Were you could swap out the explosive grenades with gas or incendiary grenades.
That could be usefull in collection missions were you need to collect a vehicle with a lot of NPC's around it. The gas kills the bad guys, but wont damage the vehicle.
Thats looks like a cool idea,
But a bad idea in the same time
. you want to fight against someone who has a molotov grenade launcher?
Yes! They could make it the Programmable AR XM-25 too.
Comment Reader
Damn right, even in the movies the grenades explote when they hit something
good idea
Very good Idea
Can't wait for the *real* killer - the Mk II Flare Gun.
Great video, Ghillie.
Misitu you mean the combat mk ll knife right?
Misitu I need this, imagen buckshot on that
Fr tho sticky rounds or rounds that attract rockets easier would be nice
Flare is actually good tho.
Sitting in some heli spamming that gun is OP, pls nerf.
A flare gun MK II with a higher firing rate would be great to deal with vehicles that can spam rockets
David Velasco a minigun that shoots flares
So you're telling me: Rockstar nerfed Hollow Point rounds on the Heavy Revolver, a weapon which is punishing if you miss and is outclassed by most assault rifles in most situations. But they haven't done shit to nerf the Oppressor MK2?
1 word, money
Not suprised how they buffed the MK2 mane. You can't lock onto them pussies no mo, they want more cargo griefers out there.
Minigun and Up-n-Atomizer is all there is to counter while on the ground.
@@toucan2227 did what?
Lmao I'm watching 2 years later seeing him talk about how new weapons might get mkII soon and there hasn't been a single one added
Same here.
3 years
to this day!😂
There are some we would still want a lot
-Assault shotgun Mk2 (For simple improvements)
-AP pistol Mk2 (To allow FMJ)
-Micro SMG Mk2 (Underrated)
-Pistol .50 Mk2 (Anti-NPC cannon)
1:46 lmao that npc just running while on fire
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin Joseph Stalin! Comrade, you're still alive!
Alex 1218 yes we are still alive.
Joseph Stalin please revive the USSR. Let's start a communist revolution in GTA!
That's what he gets for driving a compact.
Yeah, he was lit
1:45 Did nobody notice the dude on fire just get up and run away?
EJC that guy has heat resistance
EJC of course he ran away.
He was lit after all.
EJC its ghostrider XD
Alex 1218 So that was the greatest actor of all time? Nicholas Cage!?
EJC ohhh shiiiiit hahahahahahaha an immortal ai 😂😂😂
all the none explosive types need a major buff in capacity. seriously 220 assault rifle shots with fire round will probably take down 6 noose guys before you have to go back and get more. tracers should be changed for all the bullets to light up and 9999 ammo capacity since it has no damage increase
Elite GamingWolf make headshots
Tracers are bugged and are supposed to have 9999 ammo cap it even says it in the description of them
Tracers should have the regular ammo cap which we get for normal guns-- 9999. The other ammo types (incendiary, fmj, hollow point, armor piercing) should have the ammo cap increased to at least 1000 or higher. And they need to let us put extended mags on for those ammo types and they need to let us hold the normal amount of ammo we can hold per magazine (I.E: 30 hollow points in normal AR mag, 60 in extended, 100+ in drum/box).
Vianza Then why the hell am I using fire rounds if I’m already getting instant headshot kills?
Kazuhira Miller because no one is perfect aim botter, I personally don’t use incendiary for anything but the sniper mk2 and the revolver . Special ammo is almost not worth it because of the super low mag cap.
I like extended clip on the combat mg for doing doomsday heists because you gotta hose down a lot of NPCs and even the regular ammo makes short work of them.
I would love a MK2 AP pistol. I can only imagine how helpful FMJ rounds would be on it.
Mk 2 gernade lancher
I keep all my weapons with basic ammo so I won't run out of ammo in a battle.
Hummer Guy that’s why I won’t pick up an explosive sniper
I do the same its annoying you have to go back to your avenger/MOC every time you want to restock your ammo
That’s an invalid excuse. You just can’t afford it.
This guy has videos of him with MILLIONS of dollars, yet he "can't afford it". 200 IQ comment.
So did you just decide to not read the comment above mine, or?
This is one of the most useful vids ever you should have way more recognition
I use FMJ with the Heavy Revolver MK II and I can blow up Buzzards when I'm in a Nightshark with 4 shots 😊
David Velasco damnn imma have to get that
David Velasco don’t forget the explosive savage can take a few shots from the revolver before it blows up
is that true? I need to try that
David Velasco yeah i have fmj on my revolver too it decimates vehicles
"maybe in a couple weeks we will have the ap pistol mk2"
april 2 2020 still no ap pistol mk2
They could never do it. It was so OP for ages at the games launch and they had to nerf it and I think it got another slight buff because they nerfed it too much.
Aug 14 2020 after the new update and still no ap pistol mk2
AP pistol is the best MK1 pistol by far. Fully automatic, high damage, high fire rate, not too much recoil, and has like 38 shots and can also be shot inside of any ground vehicle besides ones that lock your weapons (missiles, machine gun, explosive machine gun etc). So why exactly would guns like the assault shotgun and AP pistol get mkII variants?
@@wydchris7 burst ammo which has more range, accuracy and damage
31st January 2020 and still no, but hey we got the period pistol *the most fucking useless weapon in the game* I want to die
I call it the period pistol because it is so shit
You should have a podcast with theprofessional
Kitten King Were working on that ;)
GhillieMaster can't wait to see it ;)
Kitten King don't want to hate on the Professional too much, but tbh, his videos are lacking slightly. Too many long pauses, bad edits and unpracticed lines. It's like he's a sports announcer rather than timing how his videos come out, and you get a lot of "I think this is happening" and "look look at this!!!!!" * waits 15+ seconds for the event to occur *, continue commentary.
He does ok content but too much of it is "how much can I sell all at once in THIS lobby." Which is kinda meh, it's clickbait for a high number but it all boils down to having 20+ people lingering around trying to get YT featured. Yes that happens here too but Ghillie is PvP mostly, where as Pro does money guides. If we all had 20 people we could all sell for 10+ million a day.
But it doesn't make for great content. He has good ideas but he could do with some editing practice and less bragging about the amount sold and more focus on how to sell like a normal person.
The same issue with Pro is the same one I have with like Gibs-o-matic, who did the PVP gun stats over a year before CGH, GTAMen, and Ghillie did it. But since those 3 take time to edit their content, the polished product stands out more.
Dark Daedalus RIP Gibs-o-Matic
hopefully he won't talk too fast
Thank you for always going super in-depth and straight to the point while still explaining all usefull information. Not very many TH-camrs do that any more, so thank you.
Straight to the Hollow Point?
FMJ on Revolver makes normal cars catch fire in 2 shots, while 100% armor cars in 4.
Also destroys tail rotor on helicopters in 1 shot, regardless of range.
IMO FMJ is the best on Revolver, not MG
Remember when the Revolver was a hard counter to the Savage?
It is still.
Jack Christ the revolver can take tail rotors with 2 shots anyway. Not quite worth it to halve that time on something you'll get more mileage hitting with a marksman rifle or minigun, while also terrifying the pilot away
Dark Daedalus you can use it to down NPC choppers chasing you while in the car
super easy on mouse, idk about controller
Jack Christ its still easy on console, npc helicopters arent shit
The base revolver can destroy police chopper's tail roters in a single shot. Not sure about player's choppers
4:15, getting chased by an Armored Kuruma? I Haven't been since 2015
Edit: Thank you for the dozen comments saying it came out in 2015. I edited it. Happy now?
Demon Lord Gaming its a very fast Japanese armored car
@@Chris-rs8ds Duke 'o Death is faster and stronger
Demon Lord Gaming I know, I have the o Death myself
the armored kuruma came out in 2015
Only oppressors and tanks now
Assault shotgun mk2, I'd buy that
Uganda Knuckles It's an UTAS 15
Heavy too
Assault shotgun mk2 with explosive rounds.
ICALIHALL0W with Incendiary or Explosive rounds
@@BLOODYMESSI4H oh god no
Gut feeling about getting new mk2 weapons aged like milk...
Oh boy just wait. We are going to have the assault shotgun with explosive rounds like in GTA IV. That thing was a monster if used properly
ur gonna be waiting a while
I dunno, I've had a few times where AP Rounds on the MKII Marksman Rifle come in handy at times.
I've gotten at least 3 headshots on different BPH-wearing users, as well as stood a chance against an Aimbot-using Rank 48 with insta-armor upon respawn and FMJ rounds on his Special Carbine MKII.
You have to be *_REALLY_* careful with the ammo count and your accuracy, but each well-placed shot makes it worthwhile and satisfying.
The explosive shot on the shotgun is my "go to" weapon when I'm in PvP....to rag doll players, or...when one night, I had 3 players in a stolen police car try and run me over as I was coming out of the casino..I quickly switched to explosive shotgun and pumped one into the hood and blew up the car, killing all 3 players. The car exploded and flew just barely off to my right...it was pretty dope.
I use FMJ on ARs, the main point about FMJ isn't to blow up vehicles as you can do that much faster with something like an rpg but to pierce bulletproof windows, ARs are more accurate than the Combat MG so putting the ammo on them seems logical. This is especially true considering how good the combat MG is at killing anything
There are a lot of situations you can be in though so Ill list what is probably the best for either one:, I will use these acronyms= CMG(Combat MG), HR(Heavy revolver), AR(any automatic rifle except Assault rifle). In these situations we will presume you are out of sticky bomb range because that is usually the fastest, mainly against vehicles. a - after a gun name means that the following gun will also work really well for the situation but not as well as the first
1 on foot vs on foot AI- Fast firing AR with normal ammo to get headshots, preferably mk1 special carbine due to big mag
2 on foot vs on foot Player- CMG as even hitting headshots with an AR at decent range is worse than just bodyshotting CMG, I like incendiary but normal is fine as well
3 on foot vs bulletproof- AR with FMJ---CMG with FMJ
4 on foot vs heli- Explosive sniper/shotgun---CMG/HR with FMJ
5 on foot vs car- Explosive sniper/shotgun---HR with FMJ
6 in car vs on foot AI pve- AP Pistol
7 in car vs on foot Player- HR with incendiary---AP Pistol
8 In car vs bulletproof- Pistol with FMJ
9 in car vs heli- HR with FMJ
10 in car vs car- HR with FMJ
11 on bike/boat vs on foot AI- Compact rifle or SMG mk2 with normal ammo
12 on bike/boat vs on foot Player- Compact rifle or SMG mk2 with normal ammo
13 on bike/boat vs bulletproof- SMG FMJ---Pistol FMJ
14 on bike/boat vs heli- HR FMJ
15 on bike/boat vs car- HR FMJ
16 On foot short range- Assault shotgun vs AI, Explosive Shotgun vs Player
17 On foot long range- Incendiary Heavy sniper, Exp. is good too but it has really low ammo
Now onto the more special cases
S1 In heli as door gunner vs heli- Either HR FMJ or CMG FMJ, I haven't tested it so I dont know but I feel that due to the usefulness of HR FMJ it's better to just have it equipped and have the CMG on incendiary or normal
S2 In heli as door gunner vs car- Same as above
S3 In heli as door gunner vs on foot AI- Its really hard to hit anything on foot as heli gunner so just RPG or AR with normal
S4 In heli as door gunner vs on foot Player- Same as above but if you're a foot shot you can use AP or incendiary depending on the situation
J1 When fighting Juggernauts- Setting them on fire is good but you can also just easily kill knock them over with explosives and CMG/Minigun them. HR with incendiary is best for the job but common sense will kill them really well as well
Verdict: As we can see HR FMJ is useful for many situations so its definitely a must have, from this is seems that the best loadout is:
AP pistol, HR FMJ, Pistol FMJ, SMG FMJ and Compact rifle or just SMG mk1 normal, depends on if you value being able to cycle MG or AR slots better, Combat MG incendiary, Special C. mk1 normal, AR FMJ, Heavy sniper incendiary(Explosive if you need to deal with a lot of flying vehicles), when it comes to stealth weapons, I think its better to obstruct the sniper slot with them because its not as important as the AR one and I still have the marksman and normal sniper laying around so I use them. You could use an ar for this if you wanted to as well but the automatic fire is more of a downside because your game can lag and the bullets that hit the wall may alert guards so if you dont want to use anything sniper, use Assault rifle for its low rate of fire
jeez bro, thanks for the damn tips!
Good info bro
SNS MkII - whatever role it needs to fill out
Pistol MkII - Hollow Point
Heavy Revolver MkII - Incendiary, especially for NPCs
SMG MkII - Ext.Mag or FMJ on bikes
Assault Rifle MkII - Incendiary (I can give a whole load of reasons on why this weapon is the best for the ammo type of all the automatic MkII weapons)
Carbine Rifle MkII - Armor Piercing
Special Carbine MkII - FMJ
Bullpup Rifle MkII - Ext. Mag
Combat MG MkII - Regular Mag (Ext. Mag is overkill) or FMJ
Marksman Rifle MkII - Ext. Mag with non-sniper sight.
Heavy Sniper MkII - Explosive Rounds, or Incendiaries if I want to have some fun with it.
Pump Shotgun MkII - Explosive Shells.
Great video! I didn't think about armour piercing on rifles, will have to do that for one of them. I second a MKII grenade launcher too, that'd be awesome.
Project Helisexuality
Lol an actually useful MkII compact grenade launcher)
Hoffi 1504 how about a mk2 assault shotgun with explosive rounds.
ah-64 apache like the one Yusuf gave you? Yeah
good god now im terrified of that possibility
Project Helisexuality yea make it have a sticky feature hit a moving vehicle and it flip over but not easley destroyed cause balance
Thanks for this, I like what you said about the FMJ on the LMG makes sense everyone else was saying extended. But SMGs are important the FMJ rounds make the mk2 probably best sub to use in cars
Does anyone want a Mk II musket as well?
David Jacobs soft ball ammo: one shots lvl 100+ any range
Making the Musket a one shot would be interesting. Cause if you miss ones, you get like a 5 second reload
Knodsil nah that be stupid because I’d just switch off if I missed. So you’d always have a chance to instantly one shot your opponent and the start of a fight
David in that case they can add that ristriction onto the MK2 Musket. So every time you fire, you are forced to reload it.
Or better, it doesnt come loaded by default, so every time you take it out, you have to reload it first, which leaves you vularable
Knodsil You can bypass the reload by switching to any throwable then back to the musket and shorten it's "reload" to 2 seconds
I love incendiary rounds for Heavy Sniper MK 2 and piercing rounds for the combat MG MK2
Here's my loadout:
Pistol mk2 extended clip
Revolver mk2 HP
Ap pistol
Smg mk2 HP
Combat mg mk2 extended clip
Special carbine mk2 extended clip
Bullpup rifle mk2 incendiary
Heavy sniper mk2 incendiary
Marksman rifle mk2 extended clip
Shotgun mk2 explosive
Assault shotgun
Grenade launcher
Homing launcher
Sticky bombs
Assault Shotgun is pretty strong in it's base form. Making a MK2 version with rounds like the MK2 pump shotgun would be insanely OP. AP pistol would be cool too.
The pump shotgun with the explosive slugs is 1 shot and 1 kill, even with vehicles, highly recommend that
I use the combat mg mk2 for spraying NPCs and having a practically unlimited mag is really useful, to take down vehicles use rockets anyway, but I would put fmj on an ar to get helis
all in one guide, just what i was looking for
Also I’d like to say the only weapons I use special ammo for is the revolver, heavy sniper, and shotgun. Revolver and shotgun because even with the lower capacity I don’t run out, and the heavy sniper to deal with planes and vehicles.
Car is set on fire
Dude at 1:46 : Ight imma head out
Still dreaming of that ap mk 2
“maybe in a couple of weeks we’ll have an apc pistol mrk 2” 😢
Still don’t have it
I’m from the year 2021, and we still don’t have it.
I avoid redundant ammo pools. Weapons that use the same ammo, I switch them around to incendiary, fmj, whatever. Each assault rifle has one type of ammo, so they are all useful. Just one assault rifle has the common bullets, and I save a lot of money that way, while having every type of ammo on the go. Versatility.
Strange thing is the most common bullets in real life are FMJs.So I have no idea what kind of ammo they used in the original guns lol
I don't wanna do the combat with FMJ
1: I know that ammo is expensive
2: you don't get a lot of rounds. About 200
3: I just prefer basic ammo on my normal day to day combat weapons such as the Special Carbine.
But I do agree with the pistol, smg, and Shotgun
1:45 So we're not gonna talk about how that guy on fire just started running away like that?
I want the desert eagle to be a mk2 up next
The blue project Ooooh yes plz
The blue project the pistol. 50 is a beast, if you use it right a mk 2 would be a godsent
I really want armor piercing on that now
i can back that, people love that shit gold
The blue project I love the pistol 50. I use it all the time for those headshots, but I dont want a mark 2 version because that means the cool etched design I have on mine will be gone, I just love that design.
FINALLY someone that doesn't call it a Deagle
Here’s my loadout:
Pistol Mk2: FMJ
SMG Mk2: Extended Mags
Combat MG Mk2: Extended Mags
Heavy Revolver Mk2: Incendiary
Special Carbine Mk2: Extended Mags
Bullpup Rifle Mk2: Extended Mags (also a suppressor)
Marksman Rifle Mk2: Extended Mags
Heavy Sniper Mk2: Extended Mags
Pump Shotgun Mk2: Flechette shells
The reason I use normal ammo for most weapons is because it’s cheaper and more convenient and you can carry more
Is this any good?
Thx, Great vid it really helped out
For the combat mg, I wouldn’t put fmj on the combat mg since you have it on the smg mk 2. While 200 rounds isn’t necessary for killing people, it’s a good amount of ammo to do things like destroy vehicles and just taking out a lot of enemies at once. Even if your worried about losing money you should just use the normal mag with 100 rounds, but from my experience it’s not that much more expensive if you use 200 rounds.
What I find annoying about these special ammos is that when you use them you can't just buy them from your interaction menu, you have to go back into your MOC Truck or Avenger to refill on the special ammo. I barely use them. The only ones that I would use is the Explosive Rounds for the Shotgun and Incineary rounds for the Assault Rifle.
Stillll very informative after 2 years, thxxxx
Yes! I found someone else then me that wants a AP pistol mk2
Thiis was a great video it was very informative and helpful.Good job keep it up!
Oreo Thanks! Glad you found it helpful!
Mark II Switchblade... Kylo Rens Lightsaber
What about Stone Hatchet MKII?
@Strike The Valstrax UTTP TERRORGANG Lmao
flashlight mk2 change my mind
I'm still waiting for the marksman pistol MKII, imagine that thing going head to head with de heavy revolver
These will be the most op mk2 weapons (if it gets added)
1 :ap pistol mk 2
2 :Minigun mk2 (rockstar will never make this weapon a mk2)
3 :Assault shotgun mk2
Still waiting on that ap pistol mk2🥲
I am kinda new but im having good results with this loadout:
MK2 revolver - FMJ (but i might switch to incendiary after watching this video)
Special carbine - APR i use this for close quarters fighting when the minigun is currently off cards or unfair. it riddles people down fast.
Carbine rifle mk2 - FMJ I use this for shooting through bullet proof windows with accuracy from range its good on missions like the heist setup for stealing weapons
Pump shotty - explosive if someone is coming at me to run me over or if I'm being trolled by a tank user and dont have enough time to get a vehicle of my own i go off radar and get as many shots off with this as i can sometimes i can actually blow up the tank using this
Mk2 sniper - explosive - for countering air craft. i use the regular sniper with BST for 2, sometimes 1 body shot kills for regular sniper battles
Marksman mk2 - I use APR and this shreds people with 2-3 body shots. U dont need a huge magazine for this just to not be a total clown when it comes to accuracy.
No. He was VERY wrong about the heavy revolver FMJ. 2 rounds take down any flying veichle.
This is almost my exact loadout, too.. I put incendiary rounds on my marksman rifle, mostly because of how satisfying it is to see my opponent on fire through my scope. Same with my heavy revolver. It's even funnier when they notice they're on fire and start freaking out and running around. The explosive rounds are perfect for swatting jets with the heavy sniper, and the explosive shotgun is perfect for low flying broomstick boys and other low flying aircraft. I actually removed the SMG from my load out, but after seeing this I might add it back for my motorcycles. Looks like fun!
At 4:40 his voice opened Siri and searched incendiary rounds
Julian Cholewa 4:37
Julian Cholewa I dont hear anything
Activate hey Siri option and you’ll see
Tracer sounds like hey siri
I’m an iPhone user and I can’t hear anything either?.?
Ik this doesn't relate to this video at all but in datsaintsfan video of going over what's happening for gta online for this week and in the video he didn't include the ruiner 2000 as a good vehicle to buy but in the comment section I listed all the good stuff the vehicle has against tryhards/griefers that's messing with the whole lobby and gave you the credit for it since I learned it from you tbh. Keep up the good vids 💯💯
Thank you man!
GhillieMaster np I always give credit to anyone I learn stuff from
Gray-pogo 291 the Ruiner 2000 sucks in comparison to something like a Stromberg.
Buuuuut if you wanna buy the Ruiner 2000 to unlock the Fully Loaded CEO mission it becomes a different story....
Knodsil the Stromberg is a good vehicle to use it brings something different (or unique) when you want to take down deluxo's or opressor's but also you could have fun under water with it but I always see that when I'm in a lobby but what I don't see is people having fun bouncing and parachuting around from a car
If there gonna add tracer rounds make it a mag size of at least a regular clip that might make it worth it
I particularly like that you get straight to the point in your videos. Great stuff. Thanks!
Bruh what I don’t like about the ammo types is that you can’t buy a lot of ammo for them I need it for the doomsday scenario heist
Very good video straight to the point you have earned a new sub
My girlfriend and I made love to this video , big thx Ghille 👍😘
Palmela Handerson
What the fuck?
ayo wtf
wait WHAT!?
6:18 I would recommend FMJ for the heavy revolver MKII because it can take out an ai buzzerd in 3 shots
@Ghilliemaster Great guide, but I gotta disagree with your choice on combat MG. I'd go with either standard mag for pve, or armor piercing for pvp for the cMG, because the minigun already does what the fmj cMG does, and it does it better (shooting through the windows instead of directly at the car/engine is a lot more effective, for some reason. Seriously, try it).
I only run AP rounds on my MK2 Assault Rifle because the blue tape on the mag looks nice.
Same here.
U should have said “they have no point. Pun intended.” Since hollow point bullets don’t have a physical point on their front end
I really enjoyed this video and it was extremely helpful👍
minigun mk2 with explosive rounds 💦💦
crisp succ I hope not lol
Jess, that just makes me think of the GAU 8 on the AC-130 ^^
crisp succ Homing launcher mk2 with deluxo missile tracking
tbh i think everything needs an mk2. they don't have to buff the already godly weapons, i just want more customization; holo sight on the assault sg would be sexy as fuck
It would be an AC130 on the ground
I use AP rounds on the MG so you have more ammo for people with helmets, and FMJ on the carbine for people in cars with bulletproof glass.
Will there be such thing as a mk2 homing launcher? Having top tier capabilities like deluxos?
-UNKNOWN- hope not
god i hope not
Hell yes!
DELUXO yeah I’d like that to shoot down deluxos and oppressors buttt... I fly helicopters, jets, and the starling so while I’m trying to get someone they just have to fire in my direction and they won’t miss ;-;
The normal homing launcher is already very powerfull, we dont need to improve it even more
So much great information. Thanks, so much, G.
What about the time to kill on the smgs tho? Surely they have a higher fire rate than a rifle
This is the best video I've seen on this
1:44 when the guy gets up and runs away *on fire*
thank you so much! i learned A LOT
Eh the MKII MG with normal ammo is best used for dealing with swat guys in the doomsday heist, such as the data breaches and server farm mission, as its got a far higher damage output than the rifles, and takes about 6 to 8 shots to kill vs about 15 to 20 close up even on normal, and with how close up you are it can make the difference at 20 paces, the assault I used to pick off and headshot NPCS like the chopper snipers with autoaim (just dont blow up the chopper and they DONT respawn FYI) and for the people on the ground
although I may take you up on that armor piercing rifle thing, as I swtched to the bullpulp rifle anyways, and so far I've had no use for the Special Carbine MK II since then.
and I use the FMJ's in the mark II revolver as I bought the thing as a car killer, sadly when they nerfed the heavy revolver's HP ammo they also changed the hitboxes on cars at the same time
as that beforehand you could just shoot the crap out of the tailgate of a car and just blow it up with about 2 shots from the normal heavy revolver, I know, I did it to some poor level 40 in a virgo who came after me lol
now that only works from the front where the engine area is, but it can still help for that resupply mission from the bunker where your being chased by kuruma's and for disabling and damaging pursing choppers
be NPC or the more deadly kind.
also the SNS pistol with FMJ's has a much higher rate of fire than the stupid normal Mark II pistol
as I've used it for headshotting a gunner on an insurgent and for shooting out a few bad guys in kurumas while in my dukes and just driving around in general so its more useful than you think while your in a car or on foot
as that incident happened with a phantom wedge gun run, had a weird yellow icon following me, this was BEFORE I learned to use ghost organization for my sell missions
hit the checkpoint, made the same in the docks only to find it was a pegasus insurgent with a gunner on it, some assholes were trying to kill me, one shotted the gunner, the driver didnt notice for awhile and then finally came out,
dusted him with the Special carbine and the roll technique to break the lock on and went into passive out of shock after killing him lol
only to have the guy verbally message me get out of passive mode you pussy lol so the SNS is far more useful than you think if you know how to use it
with the SMG MKII I did use incendiary rounds as it works best to incapacitate NPC's in the PCS for when your covering for people in the boat with great success but the problem is when you put special ammo on it it prioritzes that weapon OVER the other in the same slot, such as the far more useful MKII MG
but I have since then gotten rid of my combat PDW and replaced it with the suppressed MKII as you only need one shot if you stealth shoot an NPC to kill him in the databreaches server farm mission
but however you NEED The AP pistol or the PDW for the humane labs as the MKII SMG will over pierce and set off alarms still, some weird thing with the coding
also what's the deal with the ammo types again, I thought both armor piercing and FMJ's did the same thing with BP helmets?
Kavinsky Smith I use the mk2 mg in combat on the ground most because most players cant even get that close to me if I dont want them to and when I do want them to i lure them into the explosive shotgun (; but the mg is amazing and i wouldn't have it any other way. The special carbine and all the other ones I have all have armor piercing amo and the smg little guns and stuff have hollow tips
Cool story bro
your depth guide is the best guides
Shotgun explosive rounds
Sniper explosive rounds
MG incindary rounds
I have these dor my MK 2 weapons
Need that EWO MK II next update.
Bring back the AA12 with explosive rounds, Rockstar.
Best guide I seen so far
5:15 yea, in a couple weeks
My favorite gun is The MK2 Pistol with hollow points, i use it 95% of the time on PvE
Watching this really makes me want more MKII guns, specifically these:
Combat Pistol MKII
Pistol .50 MKII
AP Pistol MKII
Bullpup Shotgun MKII
Assault Shotgun MKII
Assault SMG MKII
Sniper Rifle MKII (DMG buff to 165)
Homing Launcher MKII (Oppressor Tracking)
Grenade Launcher MKII (Tear gas rounds etc)
EDIT: Also remove the ability to move with the Heavy Sniper and buff it one shot everyone (This would work well as it'd be more realistic but also because the normal Sniper rifle MKII variant would two shot players and allow moment thus replacing the Heavy Snipers old role)
I can’t agree with you more, customization is just a great thing, so your gun is unique to you, and personalized to your liking, as for MK2 variations, I would love a MK2 homing launch and grenade launcher, and AP Pistol, perhaps soon we will get the Mk2 versions of them, who knows?
the thing with the homming would be awesome
ελληναρας με τα ολα του i was kinda hoping the the MK2 Homing Launcher could have a 4 rocket capacity, the only con though is you can’t shoot the rockets unguided, you have to gain a lock on to fire, kinda like the Javelin. Would be pretty cool to get a javelin though.
Tip if you shoot above the rear tire the explodes in like 15-30 bullets
How about the glitch that makes all your normal ammo disappear if you have another weapon of the same type with special ammo, anyway to avoid that?
Coltan Swanson I don't think there's a way to avoid that. But always make sure to leave GTA online the right way through the pause menu because that might cause it
GhillieMaster okay thanks, I've noticed having a fresh stack of ammo disapearing sometime after coming out of missions, but it doesn't happen every time, so its hard to figure out what is actually triggering it.
I have that issue as well. Last time I checked, quitting a mission triggers the issue 100 percent of the time for me, but otherwise, it seems to be completely random. Even if it isn't random, I don't check my weapon wheel every 15 seconds, so it would be impossible to know for sure what triggers it. It seems to happen less frequently than before, but it is still frustrating to have only 240 regular sniper rounds at any point because that's how much ammo the bug gives me.
Coltan Swanson take your special ammo off and find a new session then put the ammo back on and it should fix it. Had that same problem like a week ago and it was annoying as hell
md00150028 yeah it seems to be just with the snipers and assault rifles, it brings them down to the capacity of the special ammo rounds and is really annoying. Who knows, hopefully rockstar has caught on by now and will fix it with the nightclub update.
flechette shells are kind of a guilty pleasure of mine
The heavy snipers scope tho?
Btw Chernobog kills when?
Kevin Auraei Heavy sniper with explosive rounds and thermal scope take care of any problem I have
Use advanced scope in pvp but in missions use thermal
Gotta love the Bruce Campbell gun. But yea I do agree with the weapon load outs. You sir are a Good Gunplay man As well as a Dogfighter
Kelli meyer And golfer :D
*OOF and plops*
For that joke at 5:52, you should go take the easy way out IRL.
Also how do you get 30 sticky bombs?
Zachery Ji.
You have to complete some of the shooting range challenges in the bunker..
FlyLo films I see, cheeky breeki
Zachery Ji specifically u have to pass tier 2 in bunker shooting range to get 5 more of each throwable weapon
FlyLo films wtf , is there anythibg else like those i shoukdl do to cary more
Why am i just learning this
Incendiary or Hollow point rounds on the revolver are nice at long range
6:23 They have aimbot too.
Thats auto-scope
DELUXO No its aimbot. Aimbot is auto-aim, only stronger.
Hydra Fanboy
No man, here in ps4 i have auto-scope and is exactly the same how looks like here
DELUXO Hell nah.
Hydra Fanboy
Hell Yeah , is pretty OP here
I subbed after that hollow point joke
1:47 aight imma head out
Most preferred addition to the game are explosive rounds available for any type of machine guns with large capacity clips!!
I'd have the Pistol.50 as a MK2 over any other handgun. From itself it's the most powerfull handgun that's fast autoreloading, and have a decent clip-size.
I always more preferred the Special Carbine over the normal Carbine, bus changed that yesterday since I have them now both in MK2.
I always use suppressors on any gun because I like more like to sneak. The only guns I dont have suppressor on are the guns that dont support it (MG's) and both Pump Shotgun MK2 and Heavy Sniper MK2 both with explosive rounds, because the explosions are never silent.
Further I use as much Armor Piercing rounds except guns where clip capacity is more important.
4 ads? Come on man, don’t sell out already
I only saw 1 ad
Lmao i saw none and i don't even have TH-cam Red
Not really selling out. He puts time and effort into his videos so I see no problem with trying to monetize it. Also I didn't get an ad and I don't even use adblocker.
Gotta make $$$ somehow
Rhys Davey There's a mark for 1 ad but I saw none.
I been doing this so.wrong for.years 😂 nice one bro👍💯
Ewo takes skill
That Potato 🤔
BrinsoFox 👌
That Potato no It doesn’t
Vibrantvenus 0 yes it does you gotta type 34 buttons in less than 2 seconds
That Potato i agree with you dont let no hater tell u otherwise