Dooku effortlessly juggles Obi-wan and Anakin on multiple occasions, once while a squad of soldiers were shooting at him. Bested Ventress and 2 other nightsisters with lightsabers at the same time while practically blind. I think there were mentions of Darth Plagus telling Sidious that Dooku was the only Jedi that could defeat him. The fact he immediatly resorted to force lightning on Savage to keep him at bay so he could focus on Ventress, shows how much of a threat Savage was despite still being a noob with both the force and lightsaber combat. Imagine if he had enough training.
Hey man, I've been dealing with really bad health issues that almost got me kicked out of my PhD program this year. Your videos have gotten me through some really tough times, and I just wanted to say THANK YOU! for giving me something I can be excited about almost every day!
Anakin loosing his potential saved the galaxy so much more pain. A full potential Vader would be 100x worse than vitiate. Not to mention two twin mini vaders would be raised up to be just like their father.
Anakin Solo should've been on the list too. His masters stated numerous times that Anakin could surpass Luke had he not died at a young age and he basically redeemed his grandfather's name by sacrificing himself
Dathomerians truly are one of the most terrifying species in Star Wars. So many bolstered force power that rivals many of the upper echelon. If they ever received the chance to capitalize on their power, ventress, savage, and/or maul could pose a serious threat to the likes of yoda and sidious.
Maul was supposed to be just that, especially old master maul, he was studying nightsister magic for years, he should of been way stronger than Obi-Wan by this point. Nightsister magic mixed with his already established abilities in dueling, he should of rivaled Sidious but both Disney and Lucas had other ideas of pure disappointment.
The greatest tragedy, is in all seriousness, the Tragedy of Darth Plagieus the Wise. Had he survived, his mastery over the midichlorians would've granted him in comprehensible Force powers.
I had no idea who Kar Vastor was, I hope you cover him in the future and I like that you mentioned Thexan, it's too bad he wasn't really explored in SWOTOR. I completely agree with Dooku, i'm always happy to listen about his feats and potential and Savage's wasted potential saddens me, I wished we'd had more episodes with him. So one person I think you missed is the greatest Sith Lord ever Darth Nox, he was binding ghosts lift, right and center.
If you haven't read SHATTERPOINT you need to do it. It's one of the absolute best SW novels and also one of the most interesting and best stories in all of the lore of SW. an amazing book.
You should make a tier list of characters based on how much they reached their full potential. For example Anakin could be C tier because he was only half at what he could’ve been. Or Obi Wan at S because of the sheer work he underwent despite being the least natural talented. It’s also interesting that Dooku could have been more powerful as a Jedi or even more powerful if he joined the dark side at a younger age.
Ulic was the first person to come to my mind when I saw the title. For savavge I did discuss this with a friend, Dooku knew what he was doing when he gave him a double bladed lightsaber. Savage was strong but lacked defensive awareness. Had he been given more time to train under Dooku I think he would’ve faired better against sidious. Not saying he would have won but definitely lasted longer in that last fight.
Yeah, it's a shame Savage died not too long after being with Maul and just conquering stuff together. That said, I can't imagine how much longer Savage would've survived in the story, even if he did somwhow survive his injuries and was found by Mother Talzin's magic and then healed. I still feel like he would've died sooner than later, likely defending Dathomir, had he survived the Clone Wars. Can't see him surving up to the point we found Maul in Rebels As for Anakin well, yeah it sucks we didn't get to see him go all out as Knightfall Vader. Maybe if he had survived Mustafar with less injuries, and simply got injured more overtime till we got to see him eventually don the iconic suit we all know of later on, that would've been cool. But instead, we get the imposing Dark Lord in his fancy suit of biometric armor essentially just a few hours after he falls to the Dark Side
@@TheStupendousWave the emitter would have at least two blades like an ax with an extended handle that can be used for single or dual grip. And depending on Savage's personal fighting style he could duel wield these sabers. Not just as a blade to cut/ Pierce but also a hacking weapon giving him options while in a fight
@@TheStupendousWavei think if anakin skywalker didn't lost his body parts and his midichlorians he would been unstopoble he would be able to destroy any sith or jedi that would get in his way not to mention sidious would have complete trust in him teaching him in dark side powers like force lightning force draing force scream and many other dark side powers he would be even able to save padme from death if he wasn't so arrogant i think that the only person that would be able to fight him in his full potential would be valkorion who also had extremly high potential not only he was able to kill his mother at age of 10 but his father and strip him from force while I belive that anakin would absolutly beat valkorion in lightsaber skills valkorion would destroy anakin with his force powers what I mean is anakin uses his lightsaber more than his force powers we didn't saw him use force before he became darth vader after that he relied on his force powers than lightsaber
How awesome would it be to see Anakin at full potential like awesome but I guess Legends Luke will be the closest thing we'll ever get to actually seeing it if only we saw it in the movies
Vaylin is probably for good reason. We saw how CRAZY Overpowered she got when she broke her chains. Her powers were Phenomenal that even scared Valkorion as a Force Ghost. She had the potential to be the most powerfull entity in the Universe, surpassing Valkorion, And if Theories are to be believed, we might not have heared the last of Vaylin yet... Vaylin's powers were waaaay to cataclysmic that it would do more harm then good. So i don't know if she's a wasted Potential, maybe if she had a gentler childhood. but still...
@galacticfirefly6060 All that speculation just means she should be on the list. I mean, if Anakin is number one, and he managed to subdue two of the ones with just his might in the force, then Vaylin should be up there. She definitely had more raw potential than Starkiller.
Once this got to Dooku, i had an idea of who 1 and 2 was going to be. Would've loved to see Savage fleshed out more and hopefully we see more of Ezra and Asajj in future movies/series.
I would love it if a series focused almost entirely on a Jedi where such connections with living creatues, like Ezra achieved was their thing. A long lived Jedi master who studies that as their specialty in say Reven or Bane's time. Maybe have a story of them truning to the dark side and showing the corruption they inflict upon the creatures they once fought with or even helped. The idea of a man wielding two shields to both fend off attacks and beat their opponents to death is a badass one. Just in raw power, with almost no training Savage accomplished great feats. He was unable to live up to his potential and he was well aware of why. He died admitting that he simply wasn't suited to be a Sith. He lived too long as an honorable man, thinking of his family and loyalty. Even under Maul, who tried to make him a Sith, he had such loyalty. He was never truly broken in the way that Sith often must be to fall to the dark side fully. Well, said bladed weapon was infused with Night Sister magic so it's not the same. Yes Ventress, like Starkiller, should have been treated with the same mentality as Darth Cognos. As a student picked up near the later stages of an apprentice's training and set aside to learn form the winner in the final confrontation. If the Rule Of Two was followed, it's likely that Maul may have trained Ventress, like also Anakin, in the ways of the dark side, then Vader would have trained Starkiller. In terms of sheer power, this may be the most ideal linage for the Sith that Palpatine ruined,
I believe that in another video that you said that full potential maul with both sith powers and night sister magic would be able to match dooku so would that mean that he would be able to match yoda as well?
He would probably be more powerful than both of them combined his potential was greater than Talzin who was equal to sidious if not slightly more powerful.
Hmm. Maul is ever-so-slightly affected by whatever the canon fate of Malachor V is-he's been living near a dark side nexus and acts like it. Yoda, on the other hand, is, as the kids say, " j chillin' " living right next to a dark side Force nexus that terrified even Starkiller.
the stupendous wave Anakin Skywalker's potential was not wasted because come on you saw the Ahsoka Tano TV series. He came back. as the god of the force So trust me he is now at his most powerful strongest fastest and smartest version. That we have seen. And we will see more of him. later
If my understanding is correct, Obi wan is basically the exact opposite of this list. Pretty sure he was average at best in terms of raw potential, but unlike 90% lf the characters, he actually maxxed out his stats.
I'm imagining "wasted potential" of a different type, but Darth Tenebrous. Rugess Nome actively reduced his own Force power by seeing it in an inferior way, and not honing it to its pinnacle, and yet he had some of the strongest Force lightning in the verse. He was smart enough, and analytical enough, that he was basically able to "script" his time with Darth Plagueis as his apprentice, and Plagueis was incredibly intelligent, as well. He did things with the Force no one else could, like his maxichlorians, and, if one is willing to look at it the way I do, his knowledge of the Dark Side, and Sith geometry, was such that he was not only able to design effectively the most evil ship ever; a ship that could corrupt Jedi Masters, just by standing within it, but he wad able to design it in a way that, when a man orhervthan him, with no Force potential, or knowledge, built it instead, this still happened. How great a mind, and mastery of the Dark Side, must one have to be able to design something a mundane could build, separate, and still imbue it with the Dark Side to such an extent? And again, this was a Sith who actively ignored the more esoteric qualities of the Force, and "just" thought of it as an exotic energy source, for him to manipulate. So of course, we just get a chapter, then an unimpressive death, and find out that his grend scheme was undone by a doubt it didn't even make sense he would have, and he was dead.
So sad about Anakin/Vader. So sad. Interesting about Leia,she had same potential as Luke. His sister. Same blood. I agree about Dooku too. May the Force be with you too😊
This is a great list but we gotta get more indepth about ezura like he connected crazy dots in the lore with his powers and he survived alot of crazy encounters
I think that Anakin was meant to be injured and suffer as Vader. And I think that now in the World Between Worlds, the Chosen One has balanced both sides of himself. And reached his full potential.
I’d like to throw in 2 bonus entrees 1) Asohka: she was trained by the chosen on (imagine if anakin stayed on the light side AND kept training her, also she left the Jedi without finishing her training. 2) the Mortis gods (had they left and joined the galaxy)
Ngl Knights of the McGuffin Empire kinda mid. I don't hate it by any means, but one of my favorite things to do in SWTOR is destroying and killing everything and everyone related to Zakuul
Savage Oppress was one of my issues with the Clone Wars CGI show. My gut reaction was “that’s not how the Force works” bs by Force witches. Anyway. The canon has always been that you can’t get much more powerful than Palpatine, without being the Chosen One or his progeny. And according to Lucas, the Chosen One, Anakin, had the potential to become twice as powerful as Palpatine if not greater, and three times that of Yoda. In canon that translated into Anakin having a Midi-chlorian count of around 26-27,000. So, for the maximum power level that a Force user (not of the Chosen One) can get would be to have the equivalent of a Midi-chlorian count of between 1,000-1,350 per-cell, with Palpatine being between 12-13,000 himself and Yoda being around 8-9,000. How that translates into what we see is the maximum Force energy that an individual can channel before their body begins to breakdown is by how powerful they can eventually regularly exert, and that grows to that plateau over time. So, Palpatine’s clones in both Legends EU and canon could channel an absurd amount of power through themselves, but at a cost to their already failing clone bodies. He had also learned more about the Force by that point and had more experience than he had in the original trilogy. Ancient Sith were able to display greater power, but only through either ritual involving other Force users, some kind of Force infused amplifier or because they had litterally became a vacuum in the Force, needing to suck the Force energy from Force users to maintain a physical form, and still fading away. The reason why we don’t see any sign of Force corruption in either Palpatine and Dooku in the prequels was because they had not pressed up against that maximum for long enough when they did use the Force. Now just imagine how powerful Luke became and what both Anakin and Leia could have become comparatively since they had at least twice the potential as anyone else in recorded history. However, occasionally, an individual can draw upon their full potential, even with non-Force sensitives, IF the Force decided that their situation demanded it (ei, plot armor), even if just comes off as luck. But those are isolated cases. For example, if Anakin was presumably on the verge of becoming as powerful as Yoda, if not already had and on his way to becoming as powerful as Palpatine, then how was Obi-Wan able to match Anakin (in-terms of Force strength) if he (Obi-Wan) was maybe as powerful as other Jedi Masters who were not Yoda (weaker than Yoda)?
I feel like Anakin Solo deserved a spot on this list (and bloody high, too). He likely had greater potential than his older siblings, who became incredibly powerful later on (Jacen arguably outclassed /Darth Sidious/ once he fell to the Dark Side!). If Anakin hadn't died in the Yuuzhan Vong war, he probably would have grown to a similar level to Kyp Durron, or perhaps even his uncle, Luke.
if you go by legends continuity, Leia was hampered more by her being constantly either on the move or by the fact that she was the center point of the political situation than by anything else. If the alliance hadn't put her up as a figurehead, she could have come a lot closer to her potential than anyone else.
Lets get down right Ungodlily about this. And start imagining. If we took all of these mentioned Jedi & Sith's. And Put them into a single Family Tree. And Put some conjecture into where said family tree would go. If they were all paired off and married too each other Male to Female of coarse. For breeding purposes. And We may as well throw in the other know powerful ones. That we already know. Are related too some of these. Too make the tree, somewhat historically correct. By Star War's standards . Regardless of cannon or legends.
In my fan fiction series Star Wars Multiverse, Leia uses the force...sparingly. But she's very powerful. She's older so using the Force drains her quickly.
@TheStupendousWave I was wondering if you could tell me what the Theme is that you use in your video's when discussing the Sith and or Dark Side. I really like it and would love to use it for myself to meditate with. Also just wanted to say that I've been a fan of yours for the past 8 years!! Love your content man, God Bless you have a great day☺️
So many people say how weak Savage is, I'm baffled every time I hear it. Like taking on Obi Wan and Anakin the literal chosen one and can stand his ground then force choke both Vantress and Dooku at the same time is insane!
with anakin though its not even just his injuries that held him back also the poor training he was given by both the jedi and sidious along with his own personality weather it be the ego anakin had or the trauma and such of vader and the like one reason why luke became many imes more powerful even at a younger age was due to his both inheriting the raw potential of his father but also having greater talent and drive to improve along with especially later on having better training such as learning from vodo probably one of the most knowledgeable and skilled teachers the jedi ever had certainly better then any from the clone wars era yoda included
I hope the dyad is on this list. even if 2 average jedi or Sith had the power of the dyad id boost their power immensely. But a dyad between a Skywalker and a Palpatine is insane and if reached to full potential would be up there with the ones of mortis and Anakin
I honestly enjoy the tragedy that is Anakin and Vader's downfall. It's heartbreaking to see him lose everything including the very power that could have brought back Padme. Just for him to one day (spoilers if you haven't seen the Ahsoka series.) find the light again in death and become the father of the world between worlds. Despite his sad story he truly did unite the force within himself and plays a major hand in guiding lost, and near-death Jedi without even being around anymore. It's a bittersweet realization that he's learned from his mistakes and isn't completely gone from the universe after his death.
I think Sidious could make the list. He cut his training short by doing what no rule of two sith ever did and got his master drunk and killed him in his sleep. All other sith overthrew their master by becoming more powerful than them. Cheating to kill his master was proof that Plagues was more powerful then him. He could have been more powerful if he legitimately beat his master.
am i the only one who wonders how much potential sol,kylo ren,qimir,ahsoka tano,marrok,the grand inquisitor,kanan,vernestra,Quinlan vos,baylan scoll,sin dralic,shin hati,and dagen gara could've had
Listing Anakin as the top spot is kind of anti climactic, true, but the lead up with other characters which much better than the end result. Should be the top ten minus Vader or something because he will always top those list.
Savage was a fucking beast, tossing Obi wan and Anakin once,force choking both Ventress and Dooku after being fried by force lightning.
too real
He was also on the magical equivalent of steroids.
I couldn't help but laugh the way he kept getting blasted by Dooku lol
@@trevleisner Dooku was low-key spamming that shit throughout the entirety of the clone wars
Dooku effortlessly juggles Obi-wan and Anakin on multiple occasions, once while a squad of soldiers were shooting at him. Bested Ventress and 2 other nightsisters with lightsabers at the same time while practically blind. I think there were mentions of Darth Plagus telling Sidious that Dooku was the only Jedi that could defeat him.
The fact he immediatly resorted to force lightning on Savage to keep him at bay so he could focus on Ventress, shows how much of a threat Savage was despite still being a noob with both the force and lightsaber combat. Imagine if he had enough training.
Hey man, I've been dealing with really bad health issues that almost got me kicked out of my PhD program this year. Your videos have gotten me through some really tough times, and I just wanted to say THANK YOU! for giving me something I can be excited about almost every day!
I’m sorry to heard that man. I’m glad they’ve helped. Praying for your health and success. 🙏🏻
@@TheStupendousWave Thank you for the kind wishes!!! May the Force be with you.
Yeah, not surprising Anakin is #1, Anakin could've been SO MUCH MORE, Palpatine really held him back. 😭💀
Palpatine and his unresolved childhood issues
not just palpatine but the jedi and anakin himself too
Imagine if the ROTS Game's evil ending was canon. Anakin not burning and murdering Palpatine then and there. TRUE ENDING ACTUALLY
Anakin loosing his potential saved the galaxy so much more pain. A full potential Vader would be 100x worse than vitiate. Not to mention two twin mini vaders would be raised up to be just like their father.
Even worse Padme may still die anyway no matter which would have won in Mustafar
Savage was actually pretty awesome
Anakin Solo should've been on the list too. His masters stated numerous times that Anakin could surpass Luke had he not died at a young age and he basically redeemed his grandfather's name by sacrificing himself
I just got the new Jedi order series! I can’t wait to read all 19 books haha. I read the 2 series after it so I know what happens unfortunately :(
@@DanielFernandez-gv6iy Have fun reading it man, its a masterpiece
@@theunifyingforce will do! Thank you broski
It’s unfair
@@kermitthefrog9719 how can you be on the council and NOT be a Master??
@@jamesrso Take a seat young skywalker
@@tiniusaustin1466 forgive me, Master.
In the 4 years i have been subscribed to The Stupendous wave, this to me is THE BEST and most enjoyable presentation yet! 👏 👏 👏
Yay, thank you!
Anakin: “This is outrageous its unfair how could you be the Chosen One and not be a master”
Obi Wan, "Need some more chill Ham?"
Dathomerians truly are one of the most terrifying species in Star Wars. So many bolstered force power that rivals many of the upper echelon. If they ever received the chance to capitalize on their power, ventress, savage, and/or maul could pose a serious threat to the likes of yoda and sidious.
Maul was supposed to be just that, especially old master maul, he was studying nightsister magic for years, he should of been way stronger than Obi-Wan by this point. Nightsister magic mixed with his already established abilities in dueling, he should of rivaled Sidious but both Disney and Lucas had other ideas of pure disappointment.
The greatest tragedy, is in all seriousness, the Tragedy of Darth Plagieus the Wise.
Had he survived, his mastery over the midichlorians would've granted him in comprehensible Force powers.
this is one of the most engaging videos ive seen, even compared to your normal quality
Savage is so underrated
All the people on this list are awesome for sure love it great job Stupendous these videos always hit out the park and can’t wait for the next one
Thanks so much
Savage was a demon, treating obi wan and anakin like trash. If dooku kept his training he would’ve become an unstoppable monster
My dude really said it was a shame Kar Vastor was never trained as a dark lord 😂
Any force potential being wasted:
Stupdendous wave: and I took that personally
Solid list! I actually agree with all the rankings.
A fully trained Maul and Savage with their full potential force and magic would be OP
Dude your channel is amazing
I appreciate that!
yoda, imagine how strong yoda would be in the force if he didn't spend 900 years smoking death sticks
Man the way you come up with the topics are insanely good ❤
Glad you think so!
I love your take on Maul: Sith Warlock
From Sith Warrior to Sith Warlock sounds very badass. Somebody write this
Bro I was today years old when I found out maul was only 22 in the phantom menace. Absolutely insane
I had no idea who Kar Vastor was, I hope you cover him in the future and I like that you mentioned Thexan, it's too bad he wasn't really explored in SWOTOR. I completely agree with Dooku, i'm always happy to listen about his feats and potential and Savage's wasted potential saddens me, I wished we'd had more episodes with him.
So one person I think you missed is the greatest Sith Lord ever Darth Nox, he was binding ghosts lift, right and center.
If you haven't read SHATTERPOINT you need to do it. It's one of the absolute best SW novels and also one of the most interesting and best stories in all of the lore of SW. an amazing book.
Ezra and Maul are by far my favorites. I love how they end up meeting in Rebels.
You should make a tier list of characters based on how much they reached their full potential. For example Anakin could be C tier because he was only half at what he could’ve been. Or Obi Wan at S because of the sheer work he underwent despite being the least natural talented.
It’s also interesting that Dooku could have been more powerful as a Jedi or even more powerful if he joined the dark side at a younger age.
Every time she is mentioned I wish Leia had taken up the mantle of being a Jedi, but I understand she had the republic to rebuild.
Ulic was the first person to come to my mind when I saw the title. For savavge I did discuss this with a friend, Dooku knew what he was doing when he gave him a double bladed lightsaber. Savage was strong but lacked defensive awareness. Had he been given more time to train under Dooku I think he would’ve faired better against sidious. Not saying he would have won but definitely lasted longer in that last fight.
I would add Starkiller to the list because of his "death" in the first TFU game and his story never being properly finished.
Yeah, it's a shame Savage died not too long after being with Maul and just conquering stuff together. That said, I can't imagine how much longer Savage would've survived in the story, even if he did somwhow survive his injuries and was found by Mother Talzin's magic and then healed. I still feel like he would've died sooner than later, likely defending Dathomir, had he survived the Clone Wars. Can't see him surving up to the point we found Maul in Rebels
As for Anakin well, yeah it sucks we didn't get to see him go all out as Knightfall Vader. Maybe if he had survived Mustafar with less injuries, and simply got injured more overtime till we got to see him eventually don the iconic suit we all know of later on, that would've been cool. But instead, we get the imposing Dark Lord in his fancy suit of biometric armor essentially just a few hours after he falls to the Dark Side
Savage needed a new lightsaber that suits his fighting style. A model similar to Darth Malgis
That would have been INSANE!
@@TheStupendousWave the emitter would have at least two blades like an ax with an extended handle that can be used for single or dual grip. And depending on Savage's personal fighting style he could duel wield these sabers. Not just as a blade to cut/ Pierce but also a hacking weapon giving him options while in a fight
@@TheStupendousWavei think if anakin skywalker didn't lost his body parts and his midichlorians he would been unstopoble he would be able to destroy any sith or jedi that would get in his way not to mention sidious would have complete trust in him teaching him in dark side powers like force lightning force draing force scream and many other dark side powers he would be even able to save padme from death if he wasn't so arrogant i think that the only person that would be able to fight him in his full potential would be valkorion who also had extremly high potential not only he was able to kill his mother at age of 10 but his father and strip him from force while I belive that anakin would absolutly beat valkorion in lightsaber skills valkorion would destroy anakin with his force powers what I mean is anakin uses his lightsaber more than his force powers we didn't saw him use force before he became darth vader after that he relied on his force powers than lightsaber
How awesome would it be to see Anakin at full potential like awesome but I guess Legends Luke will be the closest thing we'll ever get to actually seeing it if only we saw it in the movies
I feel like Vaylin should be on this list.
Vaylin is probably for good reason. We saw how CRAZY Overpowered she got when she broke her chains. Her powers were Phenomenal that even scared Valkorion as a Force Ghost.
She had the potential to be the most powerfull entity in the Universe, surpassing Valkorion, And if Theories are to be believed, we might not have heared the last of Vaylin yet...
Vaylin's powers were waaaay to cataclysmic that it would do more harm then good. So i don't know if she's a wasted Potential, maybe if she had a gentler childhood. but still...
@galacticfirefly6060 All that speculation just means she should be on the list. I mean, if Anakin is number one, and he managed to subdue two of the ones with just his might in the force, then Vaylin should be up there. She definitely had more raw potential than Starkiller.
Hot take. I think windus potential was wasted. Man could have been a glorious sith hunter. I straight think he was just in the wrong era of the jedi
Imagine a team for starkiller, anakin skywalker and arcann that would be unstoppable
Once this got to Dooku, i had an idea of who 1 and 2 was going to be. Would've loved to see Savage fleshed out more and hopefully we see more of Ezra and Asajj in future movies/series.
I would love it if a series focused almost entirely on a Jedi where such connections with living creatues, like Ezra achieved was their thing. A long lived Jedi master who studies that as their specialty in say Reven or Bane's time. Maybe have a story of them truning to the dark side and showing the corruption they inflict upon the creatures they once fought with or even helped.
The idea of a man wielding two shields to both fend off attacks and beat their opponents to death is a badass one.
Just in raw power, with almost no training Savage accomplished great feats. He was unable to live up to his potential and he was well aware of why. He died admitting that he simply wasn't suited to be a Sith. He lived too long as an honorable man, thinking of his family and loyalty. Even under Maul, who tried to make him a Sith, he had such loyalty. He was never truly broken in the way that Sith often must be to fall to the dark side fully. Well, said bladed weapon was infused with Night Sister magic so it's not the same.
Yes Ventress, like Starkiller, should have been treated with the same mentality as Darth Cognos. As a student picked up near the later stages of an apprentice's training and set aside to learn form the winner in the final confrontation. If the Rule Of Two was followed, it's likely that Maul may have trained Ventress, like also Anakin, in the ways of the dark side, then Vader would have trained Starkiller. In terms of sheer power, this may be the most ideal linage for the Sith that Palpatine ruined,
I would like to see a full powered version of both Vader and savage opress
I believe that in another video that you said that full potential maul with both sith powers and night sister magic would be able to match dooku so would that mean that he would be able to match yoda as well?
He would probably be more powerful than both of them combined his potential was greater than Talzin who was equal to sidious if not slightly more powerful.
Hmm. Maul is ever-so-slightly affected by whatever the canon fate of Malachor V is-he's been living near a dark side nexus and acts like it.
Yoda, on the other hand, is, as the kids say, " j chillin' " living right next to a dark side Force nexus that terrified even Starkiller.
I like these longer videos
Qui Gon would have been a beast fighting through the clone wars.
Quickest video I’ve caught for this channel
I really want Old Republic star wars movie so badly like everyone else that's star wars right there 😊
the stupendous wave Anakin Skywalker's potential was not wasted because come on you saw the Ahsoka Tano TV series. He came back. as the god of the force So trust me he is now at his most powerful strongest fastest and smartest version. That we have seen. And we will see more of him. later
Biggest wasted potential? The Star Wars franchise. Thanks for nothing Disney.
Seriously 😢
If my understanding is correct, Obi wan is basically the exact opposite of this list. Pretty sure he was average at best in terms of raw potential, but unlike 90% lf the characters, he actually maxxed out his stats.
I'm imagining "wasted potential" of a different type, but Darth Tenebrous. Rugess Nome actively reduced his own Force power by seeing it in an inferior way, and not honing it to its pinnacle, and yet he had some of the strongest Force lightning in the verse. He was smart enough, and analytical enough, that he was basically able to "script" his time with Darth Plagueis as his apprentice, and Plagueis was incredibly intelligent, as well. He did things with the Force no one else could, like his maxichlorians, and, if one is willing to look at it the way I do, his knowledge of the Dark Side, and Sith geometry, was such that he was not only able to design effectively the most evil ship ever; a ship that could corrupt Jedi Masters, just by standing within it, but he wad able to design it in a way that, when a man orhervthan him, with no Force potential, or knowledge, built it instead, this still happened. How great a mind, and mastery of the Dark Side, must one have to be able to design something a mundane could build, separate, and still imbue it with the Dark Side to such an extent? And again, this was a Sith who actively ignored the more esoteric qualities of the Force, and "just" thought of it as an exotic energy source, for him to manipulate. So of course, we just get a chapter, then an unimpressive death, and find out that his grend scheme was undone by a doubt it didn't even make sense he would have, and he was dead.
Imagine what these people could do it's just SOMETHING great and SOMETHING WE NEEEEEED TO SEE FOR SOME OF THESE BEASTS!!!
amazing. i loved it ❤
Yes I love this topic there are a lot of characters that had great potential
I think the limiting factor is the writing😂😂It’s Finn he should of been the Jedi, that Force Awakens trailer says so.
So sad about Anakin/Vader. So sad. Interesting about Leia,she had same potential as Luke. His sister. Same blood. I agree about Dooku too. May the Force be with you too😊
Savage and maul are probably my most favorite and ones i wish were the main villians of the sequel triligy
This is a great list but we gotta get more indepth about ezura like he connected crazy dots in the lore with his powers and he survived alot of crazy encounters
EXCELLENT Video, Agree 100% 💯✔️ ✅
Cade Skywalker
I think that Anakin was meant to be injured and suffer as Vader. And I think that now in the World Between Worlds, the Chosen One has balanced both sides of himself. And reached his full potential.
Mace windu and his brother? Lets go!
Maul and Thexan are my favorite mentioned
Mauls was very wasted Sideous even regrets how he trianed him and wished he went all out with it...
I’d like to throw in 2 bonus entrees
1) Asohka: she was trained by the chosen on (imagine if anakin stayed on the light side AND kept training her, also she left the Jedi without finishing her training.
2) the Mortis gods (had they left and joined the galaxy)
All Hail Dragon of Zuakuul
Great video
Im always gonna be pissed that we were robbed of a Full Potential Anakin/Vader if he never lost on Mustafar no thanx to Obi Wan and the High Ground 😤
Arcann & Vaylin.
Ngl Knights of the McGuffin Empire kinda mid. I don't hate it by any means, but one of my favorite things to do in SWTOR is destroying and killing everything and everyone related to Zakuul
a Full potential Darth Nihilus would be interesting, to see how far his power could grow if left unchecked.
Savage Oppress was one of my issues with the Clone Wars CGI show. My gut reaction was “that’s not how the Force works” bs by Force witches.
Anyway. The canon has always been that you can’t get much more powerful than Palpatine, without being the Chosen One or his progeny. And according to Lucas, the Chosen One, Anakin, had the potential to become twice as powerful as Palpatine if not greater, and three times that of Yoda. In canon that translated into Anakin having a Midi-chlorian count of around 26-27,000. So, for the maximum power level that a Force user (not of the Chosen One) can get would be to have the equivalent of a Midi-chlorian count of between 1,000-1,350 per-cell, with Palpatine being between 12-13,000 himself and Yoda being around 8-9,000. How that translates into what we see is the maximum Force energy that an individual can channel before their body begins to breakdown is by how powerful they can eventually regularly exert, and that grows to that plateau over time.
So, Palpatine’s clones in both Legends EU and canon could channel an absurd amount of power through themselves, but at a cost to their already failing clone bodies. He had also learned more about the Force by that point and had more experience than he had in the original trilogy. Ancient Sith were able to display greater power, but only through either ritual involving other Force users, some kind of Force infused amplifier or because they had litterally became a vacuum in the Force, needing to suck the Force energy from Force users to maintain a physical form, and still fading away.
The reason why we don’t see any sign of Force corruption in either Palpatine and Dooku in the prequels was because they had not pressed up against that maximum for long enough when they did use the Force. Now just imagine how powerful Luke became and what both Anakin and Leia could have become comparatively since they had at least twice the potential as anyone else in recorded history.
However, occasionally, an individual can draw upon their full potential, even with non-Force sensitives, IF the Force decided that their situation demanded it (ei, plot armor), even if just comes off as luck. But those are isolated cases.
For example, if Anakin was presumably on the verge of becoming as powerful as Yoda, if not already had and on his way to becoming as powerful as Palpatine, then how was Obi-Wan able to match Anakin (in-terms of Force strength) if he (Obi-Wan) was maybe as powerful as other Jedi Masters who were not Yoda (weaker than Yoda)?
Let’s goooooooo!!!!!!!❤
I feel like Anakin Solo deserved a spot on this list (and bloody high, too). He likely had greater potential than his older siblings, who became incredibly powerful later on (Jacen arguably outclassed /Darth Sidious/ once he fell to the Dark Side!). If Anakin hadn't died in the Yuuzhan Vong war, he probably would have grown to a similar level to Kyp Durron, or perhaps even his uncle, Luke.
Jacen solo was no equal to Palpatine. Like not on the same level by a long shot.
@@SplinteredChaos I'm not really interested in an argument, so we're definitely just going to have to agree to disagree there.
@@ArgandTabletop haha. Then don't reply.
Let’s not forget that Leia fought Vader.
“Splinter of the minds eye”
if you go by legends continuity, Leia was hampered more by her being constantly either on the move or by the fact that she was the center point of the political situation than by anything else. If the alliance hadn't put her up as a figurehead, she could have come a lot closer to her potential than anyone else.
Vailen, the twins’ sister. If she was encouraged and trained, none could keep up.
do you think vitiate was the only force user to reach their full potential or were there more
Lets get down right Ungodlily about this. And start imagining. If we took all of these mentioned Jedi & Sith's. And Put them into a single Family Tree. And Put some conjecture into where said family tree would go. If they were all paired off and married too each other Male to Female of coarse. For breeding purposes.
And We may as well throw in the other know powerful ones. That we already know. Are related too some of these. Too make the tree, somewhat historically correct. By Star War's standards . Regardless of cannon or legends.
I would put Merrin on the list
In my fan fiction series Star Wars Multiverse, Leia uses the force...sparingly. But she's very powerful. She's older so using the Force drains her quickly.
The Younglings Anakin slaughtered. Maybe one of them was special.
Maul and Savage were awesome together.
Marr is awesome sith lord
Maul, Anakin, Savage, and Leai are tied for wasted potential for my list.
@TheStupendousWave I was wondering if you could tell me what the Theme is that you use in your video's when discussing the Sith and or Dark Side. I really like it and would love to use it for myself to meditate with. Also just wanted to say that I've been a fan of yours for the past 8 years!! Love your content man, God Bless you have a great day☺️
So many people say how weak Savage is, I'm baffled every time I hear it. Like taking on Obi Wan and Anakin the literal chosen one and can stand his ground then force choke both Vantress and Dooku at the same time is insane!
Except... Anakin kind of did reach his full potential, in a way. People who have seen the Ahsoka show know exactly what I'm talking about.
with anakin though its not even just his injuries that held him back also the poor training he was given by both the jedi and sidious along with his own personality weather it be the ego anakin had or the trauma and such of vader and the like one reason why luke became many imes more powerful even at a younger age was due to his both inheriting the raw potential of his father but also having greater talent and drive to improve along with especially later on having better training such as learning from vodo probably one of the most knowledgeable and skilled teachers the jedi ever had certainly better then any from the clone wars era yoda included
Does Huyang have any sith lightsabers in his records since the clone wars.
Probably, he’s extremely old.
Could you please do a video if Huyang has any sith lightsabers in his records.
I hope the dyad is on this list. even if 2 average jedi or Sith had the power of the dyad id boost their power immensely. But a dyad between a Skywalker and a Palpatine is insane and if reached to full potential would be up there with the ones of mortis and Anakin
I honestly enjoy the tragedy that is Anakin and Vader's downfall. It's heartbreaking to see him lose everything including the very power that could have brought back Padme. Just for him to one day (spoilers if you haven't seen the Ahsoka series.) find the light again in death and become the father of the world between worlds. Despite his sad story he truly did unite the force within himself and plays a major hand in guiding lost, and near-death Jedi without even being around anymore. It's a bittersweet realization that he's learned from his mistakes and isn't completely gone from the universe after his death.
thexan mi boi
I think Sidious could make the list. He cut his training short by doing what no rule of two sith ever did and got his master drunk and killed him in his sleep. All other sith overthrew their master by becoming more powerful than them. Cheating to kill his master was proof that Plagues was more powerful then him. He could have been more powerful if he legitimately beat his master.
Maul who's potential was stated to be higher than Sidious potential and he losed he's half potential
am i the only one who wonders how much potential sol,kylo ren,qimir,ahsoka tano,marrok,the grand inquisitor,kanan,vernestra,Quinlan vos,baylan scoll,sin dralic,shin hati,and dagen gara could've had
What were Palpatine's thoughts on anakin losing his potential on mustafar?
18:01 wait I’ve never heard that… he lost all his midichlorians?
Not all of them. Just "all of the Midichlorians" in his severed limbs.
No darth nihilus 🤕🤕
It’s crazy how anikan is the most robbed well tied with maul and they were the strongest before it happ
Jar Jar Binks!
Listing Anakin as the top spot is kind of anti climactic, true, but the lead up with other characters which much better than the end result. Should be the top ten minus Vader or something because he will always top those list.
I feel like Zabraki force users have some of the highest potential.