game's story wouldn't translate to the movie well, as with all games, unless there's two hours of cutscenes, the whole point is that you're engaged in that story, if you're just watching it it suddenly doesn't really deliver enough to keep you attached
Honestly Mr. Anderson, this is getting ridiculous. The zombies of Resident Evil are not bioweapons, they're the result of an un supervised T-virus infection, and to Umbrella have been nothing but a commercial disaster, ultimately leading to the company's downfall. There's no reason for Umbrella to promote the usage of zombies, it'd be financial suicide. The Tyrant and Hunter-series are bioweapons, and yet both are absent from the movies. And what is that giant axe wielding Majini doing in Los Angeles?! it's like Anderson looked at footage from the most hated game in the series and thought ''Yep, let's do that, that'll please our target audience''.
i think Milla would be a great Black Window, just saying. Scarlett Johannson is a great Black Widow but I wonder what the turn out would have been if she was Milla
Only the first movie was a masterpiece. The second one was okay. I love Resident Evil and I try so hard to like these new movies but they are absolutely terrible. Whoever's shit idea it was to have the zombies "mutate" with the weird opening-face special effect should be fucking fired. The mutated creature (the one that was held in the compartment then let loose in the end) in the first movie used to scare me so much. But when they kept on doing more and more of these T-Virus-mutated humans in EVERY SINGLE MOVIE, it get's pretty damn old. They focus way too much on the action aspect than they do about the virus. Some shit doesn't make sense either, the "bug" on Valentine's chest tried to attack Alice but then why didn't the one Alice pull of Claire try to attack her?? They should have just stopped after the second movie.
Have u ever even picked up a resident evil game? My guessing is no. the first Resident Evil was by far the WORST! It had nothing at all to do with the game besides the T-virus zombies and a few zombie dogs. And that mutant created at the end of the first movie your referring to, is called a "Licker" . A mutation go wrong from the games. Google that and see what pops up... Other than that that movie was complete trash. Like who the hell was any of those characters played in that movie?? No, no.. RE2 Apocalypse was by far the best in my opinion giving us at taste of Resident Evils 3 Jill Valentine and Nemesis. RE3 Extinction was kinda stupid again with no Jill or mention and just a desert movie throughout the whole movie. Afterlife was pretty good. And the last was a lil better and I understand there wanting to create there own resident evil alternate universe but still... And that stupid red bug on jill chest is brainwashing device that over time deposits P30 chemical into her chest to keep her under control. That one was the big deal. Claire was never even apart of the whole brain washing bug thing they just threw that in there to get u anticipated for Jill. If u haven't played any of the games refrain from posting comments about things u clearly have no idea what your even talking about.... Ugh it annoys me...
Pj Rodriguez If you weren't fucking ignorant Pedro, then you'd have realized that the movie never intended to follow the storyline of the game. The stories themselves in RE3, 4 and 5 all had potential but with poor execution. Shitty CGI can completely ruin a movie and in this case, it did. "LOL I'M A HARDCORE GAMER, I PLAY VIDEO GAMES SO I'M WAY COOLER AND HAVE SO MUCH MORE KNOWLEDGE THAN YOU". DUDE, get over yourself! You have insignificant knowledge about something fictitious and that makes you a big fat ZERO if you think you're better than people because of it. I've been watching the Resident Evil movies since the first one came out in the early 2000's when your pathetic ass was probably still squirming around in your father's balls. I don't have to play the fucking game in order to watch the movie you idiot. That's like saying "OMG you can't watch Harry Potter if you haven't read the books". Do me a favor and make something with your pathetic life instead of make it revolve around video games. People like you are the cancer of society.
Are you stupid? I'm gonna just go with the conclusion that you're stupid. I already said for the movies that "THEY WANTED TO CREATE THEIR OWN ALERNATE UNIVERSE" meaning different from the games I already know that. REAL Resident Evil fans didn't like the fact that the first movie had nothing to do with the games that's why they made the sequel the way they did. Gonna fuckin tell me.... Hard core gamer, yea fuckin right right I laugh at you. I been playing resident evil since directors cut on PS1 I played, own, and finished every RE sequel since today! (I mean other than revelations 2.) but ima get on that so FOH, no knowledge with your stupid ass post making no sense. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOIN ON IN THE MOVIES BECUSE YOUR DEFICIENT BRAIN can't comprehend and just wanna assume. no body thinks they better than anyone. You the one over not understanding I was trien to help u out but you all wantin to feel attacked. Trying to compare reading Harry Potter books and the movie.. Oh please... And then you wanna know what things are in the movie,and why they did stuff the way they did and Why u don't understand. Your all big on RE knowledge but didn't even know what that basic main monster in the first RE was. You're so knowledgeable. I've seen every resident evil movie to many times. I KNOW WHAT THE HELL I'M TALKIN ABOUT. So Some1 tried to help you out and tells you information you clearing have no idea of and u call them they cancer of society. Haha woah. Some1 on there period..
Movie would be a little better with better casting for Ada and Leon etc.....being a fan of the games and played them, resident evil movies get worse and worse.
I can't believe that people actually like these movies. The effects are lame, the physics are lame, the scenario is lame... I tried to watch these movies, but I simply can't.
ChristinaMagma For your information I didn't watched the whole video trailer. I didn't even said that. I said I tried, just read my comments after replying me with something. WTF?? I was talking about the movie not this video trailer. I just don't like this movie, and if there are more persons like me out there who might want to look at this movie just because of it's atractive name, I SUGEST TO YOU, DON' T WATCH IT! IT IS NOT HOW PEOPLE SAY IT IS! The rest of you can do what you whant I don't care...
After the first RE, the sequels just became useless episodes until the very end of each movie where they do a teaser of the next part of the story. A waste of time watching these movies. The last one looked SO CGI and budget, the plot and actors performances were garbage. Really only a fan of the first one.
First 3 parts of ResidentEvil were great. But Afterlife and Retribution are such ridicilous mindless-slow-motion-shoot'n'slaughter-countlessZombies-wihtoutReloading guns ,plus bad jokes. Absolute garbage of a movies.
There are two ways the Umbrella planned to use the virus, the first one was the facial cream to keep people young(that's in the alternative trailer for resident evil apocalypse) and the other reason was explained in this movie but im not gonna tell you cause i don't know if you have seen the movie.
I had read and heard so much bad stuff about this film. But it is awesome!!! I loved it. The only bad point was (as many had pointed out) that no-one reloads a single gun throughout the whole movie. But it is a truly amazing piece of cinema :)
Any Resident Evil fan (games, comics and etc) who truly likes these live action movies, is just as stupid as Paul Anderson. These movies are all about that c*nt Alice. Filled with over the top action, terrible plot holes, bad acting, sh*tty effects and etc. I understand that they did not want to make it exactly like the games, that is understandable. They seemed to have combined a bunch of movies into one. He sucks just as much as Uwe Boll and M Night Shama-ding dong. You are not a true fan.
the funny thing is that in the 90s the film should have been done by legend George A Romero, but the German producer Bernd Eichinger who had already very early bought the rights of a RE movie disliked Romeros draft. So he searched for another one and took Anderson because of his success with Mortal Kombat and Event Horizon. Means without Eichinger there would pretty much never have been a never ending Paul Anderson RE :D
Out of all the movies that are getting "rebooted" these days, this one needs a complete reboot right away. This franchise has gotten ridiculous and way out of what it's really about. I mean, how did this turn into The Matrix with monsters?
What we need to understand is that RE was always about action. The first RE games started slowly but the level of action have been constantly increasing. Remember Nemesis from RE3?
I just think that maybe Paul Anderson had to push the movie in 2015 to actually brainstorm a little more as to what the Resident Evil fans are looking for.. What I want to see is more action, creatures, surprises like one person to stay behind to battle a monster like the games, those kinds of things. Part six should be a catchy title as well preview that beats Extinction Afterlife and Retribution. No more clones.. Just the main characters putting an end to umberella and shutting the red queen down.
Thats what im saying, It used to be only Zombies. But now they got Zombies that can shoot guns, Zombies that can Fly, Zombies that Evolve. And Humans who are god-like .
the funny thing is that in the 90s the film should have been done by legend George A Romero, but the German producer Bernd Eichinger who had already very early bought the rights of a RE movie disliked Romeros draft. So he searched for another one and took Anderson because of his success with Mortal Kombat and Event Horizon. Means without Eichinger there would pretty much never have been a never ending Paul Anderson RE :D Fun Fact: Did you know that Resident Evil 1 has been the most successful "German" film ever in the US?
I know that the movie is supposed to be it's own take on the series but as big as a title as Resident Evil you'd think they wouldn't mess with major characters as much as they did to fit their own story.
I still can't get over the trailer or the intro of the movie, they're just amazing ^.^ I'm a big fan of the movies and the games, but to everyone saying 'it sucked' because it's different from the video games, GET OVER IT, Paul Anderson has said a million times that its not supposed to be like the games. Personally, I think its good that it's different from the games cause if the films would follow the storyline from the video games then they would suck because if you played the video games, you would know what's going to happen, so it would be a bit pointless to watch the film. xP
Wesker isn't good, he's just the lesser of two evils. The red queen is the true villain and she's the reason why Wesker and Alice have to work together.
The one thing I like about this film is that Wesker is not THAT insane as he was in Resident Evil 5. I loved DC Douglas and I love the Wesker of the games, but it's awesome that he wants to help humanity this time around. With Wesker on your side and when not in a volcano, what can go wrong?
i'm kinda iffy on how much research ada and leons actors have done on their roles the seem a little more goofy and less cynical. I hope they don't mess up the characters.
And going off of what I said a couple days ago, why are people expecting movies based off of video games to follow their source material? They don't. Resident Evil and maybe Hitman are the closest a movie will get to its source material. Stop having such exponential expectations for these videogame movies and maybe you'll enjoy them like the rest of us. And yes I am a huge fan of the Resident Evil series as a whole, including the movies.
The Resident Evil movies are action movies with zombies and characters that have similar names to the characters in the game. Resident Evil games, Resident Evil movies and zombie movies are three different categories. Don't go to one expecting the other.
i think the beginning of this was to make you think that Mila Jovovich could star in a movie as the leading character that wasn't resident evil. pretty tricky.
Actually I thought about something that can go with chris & claire not being there. I think the situation sets up a possibility of them being most likely imprisoned on a certain island. Since they use elements from the games anyway, I thought it could be really cool, and they have to escape the island where we get to meet another from the game character hint hint. I mean it could work, it's basically set up lol but it's probably very unlikely that they've even thought of it.
i think the power question can be answered in the trailer when she says it was all fake, everything until now was fake, which means her powers were never taken.... and im not sure, because i havent seen this movie in a while and i dont remember it, but im pretty sure shes fighting withought her powers in this one... but thats just my opinion
because it wasn't a simple bite that gave her the superpowers...they did a bunch of experiments on her after the first resident evil ended....she says so too in the 2nd movie Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Further she didnt really want those powers either. When Wesker removes all of her powers she thanks him saying "thank you for making me human again" so i don't really think she'd risk trying to get her powers back with a simple bite
I agree, and plus I don't play those video games.....You make some good points, at least they get the fight scenes right and the action that's what it's all about anyway that's why I watch. :)
The Resident Evil movies are the kind of movies where you have to go in with a blank mindset, and not think of it's previous movies or the games to enjoy or else you'll question every single thing about it. Like, how come the red queen wants to kill everyone when she was programmed to save everyone? How come Alice still has her amazing abilities when her powers were taken away? Why and how did the red queen get Las Plagas? Why did Barry not mention Jill or a sandwich?
I can see why people hated the RE film series. Films are always based or have some elements of the video games implemented into the films. Issue with the Resident Evil series is that most of the characters from the video games are never introduced in the movies, only later on. Instead, we have this woman who plays no role in the video games and suddenly she is a star of the show. Another issue is the fact that Resident Evil is a survival horror video game. The fact that they made a Resident Evil movie with none of those elements was just sad. Throughout most of the movies, it is mostly action and Matrix shit and less screaming and running. The RE movies is just another Matrix franchise, but with Zombies in it. The movies are alright, but they are far from being close to the games.
For Extreme trailer of this, 1. pause and turn of this vids audio 2. try to play Resident Evil Retribution official soundtrack and this at the same time! Awesomeness!
did u now that the movie and the game are not the same, but only the name's. why, because capcom dose not support the movies so that give the directer the chance to do what ever he wants
I see your point but in my opinion it plays nicely with the evolution of the story. The virus got bigger so there is more to be done about it. More action must be taken than walking around awesome creepy mansions. Now it's in the streets and the enemies are faster and smarter, so the gameplay must be too. I still love the originals though.
Remember when resident evil was about slowly backpedaling and shooting zombies, and not tight leather-wearing slow-motion katana-swinging explosion-inducing action clishéd psychic fire-power wielding super ninjas? Yeah, those were the times.
i can't remember if i have seen this or not.. all the resident evil movies just seem to blend together
its suppose to
That is exactly what I'm trying to figure out ...
you really hit the nail on the head with that statement .....
haha, I just came here to see if I had seen it, still not sure.
Yup I can't remember either :P
lol exactly the same here
I don't care what anyone says, I friggin love these movies! And I think this one was the best one since Apocalypse
I couldn't agree more. They do what they're supposed to do and they do it well :D
the only thing that lets this down is the acting, its been really bad since afterlife only person who is good enough is milla jovovich
You are obviously not a fan of the games then
I love the mad amount of action and music. But I'd still prefer Underworld any day
the final chapter is good too
I saw this movie when It came out, and i swear to god I dont have one memory about it... Its that bad
its the same for everybody lol..i think there is a glitch in the matrix
orhema oluga xD
same here lol
its one of those so bad that its good movies.
What is the name of the song / score from this trailer from 0:46 to 1:23? if anybody could tell me, I would be very much obliged. Sounds bad-ass.
the movie would of been way better if they just follow the video game story.
+Allinmind ow bo hoo, cry me a river; you want the video game story? then go play the video game(s)
+RoxasMark well said
+RoxasMark I think they have ruined the films by copying the video game too much. Every film until that awful afterlife were good.
game's story wouldn't translate to the movie well, as with all games, unless there's two hours of cutscenes, the whole point is that you're engaged in that story, if you're just watching it it suddenly doesn't really deliver enough to keep you attached
Wdy mean this is a really good movie
Honestly Mr. Anderson, this is getting ridiculous. The zombies of Resident Evil are not bioweapons, they're the result of an un supervised T-virus infection, and to Umbrella have been nothing but a commercial disaster, ultimately leading to the company's downfall. There's no reason for Umbrella to promote the usage of zombies, it'd be financial suicide. The Tyrant and Hunter-series are bioweapons, and yet both are absent from the movies. And what is that giant axe wielding Majini doing in Los Angeles?! it's like Anderson looked at footage from the most hated game in the series and thought ''Yep, let's do that, that'll please our target audience''.
Oh God I need Resident Evil 6 ....
I'm a RE fan and I must have went into a coma. How did I miss this film??
I'm so happy right now!
i think Milla would be a great Black Window, just saying. Scarlett Johannson is a great Black Widow but I wonder what the turn out would have been if she was Milla
Only the first movie was a masterpiece. The second one was okay. I love Resident Evil and I try so hard to like these new movies but they are absolutely terrible. Whoever's shit idea it was to have the zombies "mutate" with the weird opening-face special effect should be fucking fired. The mutated creature (the one that was held in the compartment then let loose in the end) in the first movie used to scare me so much. But when they kept on doing more and more of these T-Virus-mutated humans in EVERY SINGLE MOVIE, it get's pretty damn old. They focus way too much on the action aspect than they do about the virus. Some shit doesn't make sense either, the "bug" on Valentine's chest tried to attack Alice but then why didn't the one Alice pull of Claire try to attack her?? They should have just stopped after the second movie.
Have u ever even picked up a resident evil game? My guessing is no. the first Resident Evil was by far the WORST! It had nothing at all to do with the game besides the T-virus zombies and a few zombie dogs. And that mutant created at the end of the first movie your referring to, is called a "Licker" . A mutation go wrong from the games. Google that and see what pops up... Other than that that movie was complete trash. Like who the hell was any of those characters played in that movie?? No, no.. RE2 Apocalypse was by far the best in my opinion giving us at taste of Resident Evils 3 Jill Valentine and Nemesis. RE3 Extinction was kinda stupid again with no Jill or mention and just a desert movie throughout the whole movie. Afterlife was pretty good. And the last was a lil better and I understand there wanting to create there own resident evil alternate universe but still... And that stupid red bug on jill chest is brainwashing device that over time deposits P30 chemical into her chest to keep her under control. That one was the big deal. Claire was never even apart of the whole brain washing bug thing they just threw that in there to get u anticipated for Jill. If u haven't played any of the games refrain from posting comments about things u clearly have no idea what your even talking about.... Ugh it annoys me...
Pj Rodriguez If you weren't fucking ignorant Pedro, then you'd have realized that the movie never intended to follow the storyline of the game. The stories themselves in RE3, 4 and 5 all had potential but with poor execution. Shitty CGI can completely ruin a movie and in this case, it did. "LOL I'M A HARDCORE GAMER, I PLAY VIDEO GAMES SO I'M WAY COOLER AND HAVE SO MUCH MORE KNOWLEDGE THAN YOU". DUDE, get over yourself! You have insignificant knowledge about something fictitious and that makes you a big fat ZERO if you think you're better than people because of it. I've been watching the Resident Evil movies since the first one came out in the early 2000's when your pathetic ass was probably still squirming around in your father's balls. I don't have to play the fucking game in order to watch the movie you idiot. That's like saying "OMG you can't watch Harry Potter if you haven't read the books". Do me a favor and make something with your pathetic life instead of make it revolve around video games. People like you are the cancer of society.
Are you stupid? I'm gonna just go with the conclusion that you're stupid. I already said for the movies that "THEY WANTED TO CREATE THEIR OWN ALERNATE UNIVERSE" meaning different from the games I already know that. REAL Resident Evil fans didn't like the fact that the first movie had nothing to do with the games that's why they made the sequel the way they did. Gonna fuckin tell me.... Hard core gamer, yea fuckin right right I laugh at you. I been playing resident evil since directors cut on PS1 I played, own, and finished every RE sequel since today! (I mean other than revelations 2.) but ima get on that so FOH, no knowledge with your stupid ass post making no sense. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOIN ON IN THE MOVIES BECUSE YOUR DEFICIENT BRAIN can't comprehend and just wanna assume. no body thinks they better than anyone. You the one over not understanding I was trien to help u out but you all wantin to feel attacked. Trying to compare reading Harry Potter books and the movie.. Oh please... And then you wanna know what things are in the movie,and why they did stuff the way they did and Why u don't understand. Your all big on RE knowledge but didn't even know what that basic main monster in the first RE was. You're so knowledgeable. I've seen every resident evil movie to many times. I KNOW WHAT THE HELL I'M TALKIN ABOUT. So Some1 tried to help you out and tells you information you clearing have no idea of and u call them they cancer of society. Haha woah. Some1 on there period..
Pj Rodriguez tldr
yeah the first was the best, they fucked it with the human shapeshifting creatures and alice having superpowers
Fuck Alice,Fuck Umbrella,Fuck everything that they have invented,Put Tricell or put Leon and Chris as protecgonits or Jill
Not to be rude but have you seen the movie. Caus what i just said what from the movie. It isnt shown in the Trailer
Movie would be a little better with better casting for Ada and Leon etc.....being a fan of the games and played them, resident evil movies get worse and worse.
+Silkz WHAT? I thought they were great actors and fit the characters perfectly.
I can't believe that people actually like these movies. The effects are lame, the physics are lame, the scenario is lame... I tried to watch these movies, but I simply can't.
It's true why waste your time looking up videos that you don't like?
ChristinaMagma For your information I didn't watched the whole video trailer. I didn't even said that. I said I tried, just read my comments after replying me with something. WTF?? I was talking about the movie not this video trailer. I just don't like this movie, and if there are more persons like me out there who might want to look at this movie just because of it's atractive name, I SUGEST TO YOU, DON' T WATCH IT! IT IS NOT HOW PEOPLE SAY IT IS! The rest of you can do what you whant I don't care...
Razvan-Dan Urda /watch?v=4SaKmr11RAU The effects and physics are lame in this.
Razvan-Dan Urda but u clicked on it...
Well technically you watched them.
resident evil games fans ....just shut up. you dont like it ...dont watch it. so simple.
this look like a prequel to resident evil 5
You can always watch this movie on *AllMoviesWatch . com*
shut up kid... they ruin the saga, action in a RE wtf.. retarded boy.. go and play a fps
one of the actors is also in resident evil 1.
in part 1 of this movie she died at the end and now shes again in the movie as another eprson
After the first RE, the sequels just became useless episodes until the very end of each movie where they do a teaser of the next part of the story. A waste of time watching these movies. The last one looked SO CGI and budget, the plot and actors performances were garbage. Really only a fan of the first one.
these movies are supposed to be brainless action fests don't take it to seriously if your not into it.
First 3 parts of ResidentEvil were great. But Afterlife and Retribution are such ridicilous mindless-slow-motion-shoot'n'slaughter-countlessZombies-wihtoutReloading guns ,plus bad jokes. Absolute garbage of a movies.
Honestly I'm ok with this alternate timeline. Kinda just watching for cheap fanservice and explosions now.
@@dgtldead didn't know it was an alternate timeline?
@@saattg2840 did you even play the games? lol?
The acting and effects are so bad in this......
There are two ways the Umbrella planned to use the virus, the first one was the facial cream to keep people young(that's in the alternative trailer for resident evil apocalypse) and the other reason was explained in this movie but im not gonna tell you cause i don't know if you have seen the movie.
complete failure of the film, the acting is terrible! fight scenes are ridiculous ... like the whole movie!
this movie... a true master shit.
nothing have any sense.
a B movie... with a huge budget
SwordMasterTala exactly my thoughts
+SwordMasterTala so it is as dumb as it looks? ok than im going to leave it alone as all the previous episodes...
The acting and storyline in this film was awful. worst film i've seen in so long
I had read and heard so much bad stuff about this film. But it is awesome!!! I loved it. The only bad point was (as many had pointed out) that no-one reloads a single gun throughout the whole movie. But it is a truly amazing piece of cinema :)
i only watch these because they fucking suck
Any Resident Evil fan (games, comics and etc) who truly likes these live action movies, is just as stupid as Paul Anderson. These movies are all about that c*nt Alice. Filled with over the top action, terrible plot holes, bad acting, sh*tty effects and etc. I understand that they did not want to make it exactly like the games, that is understandable. They seemed to have combined a bunch of movies into one. He sucks just as much as Uwe Boll and M Night Shama-ding dong.
You are not a true fan.
Isauro Valdez, u talking so much the truth about all these movies.. every single word is truth. Thank you for that (necessary) statement
the funny thing is that in the 90s the film should have been done by legend George A Romero, but the German producer Bernd Eichinger who had already very early bought the rights of a RE movie disliked Romeros draft. So he searched for another one and took Anderson because of his success with Mortal Kombat and Event Horizon. Means without Eichinger there would pretty much never have been a never ending Paul Anderson RE :D
Out of all the movies that are getting "rebooted" these days, this one needs a complete reboot right away. This franchise has gotten ridiculous and way out of what it's really about. I mean, how did this turn into The Matrix with monsters?
Have you seen all of them in order? Cause it makes sense to me
So whens the next one coming out allready seen this movie ??
Paul W. S Anderson con cada entrega de la franquicia expresa su pasion por los videojuegos y el cine. Buen trabajo.
It got removed. Can you reupload it today?
are you talking about the new games or the 1st one?
iam a big fan of the resident evil franchise and i was wondering is this movie worth getting???
What we need to understand is that RE was always about action. The first RE games started slowly but the level of action have been constantly increasing. Remember Nemesis from RE3?
yeah so can you reupload please?
What do you mean? he was in the movies, Leon S Kennedy was in the movies
When is it out?
The only resident evil movie I've ever fallen asleep to
I just think that maybe Paul Anderson had to push the movie in 2015 to actually brainstorm a little more as to what the Resident Evil fans are looking for.. What I want to see is more action, creatures, surprises like one person to stay behind to battle a monster like the games, those kinds of things. Part six should be a catchy title as well preview that beats Extinction Afterlife and Retribution. No more clones.. Just the main characters putting an end to umberella and shutting the red queen down.
The best thing of it, is the flying axe in the end with the 3D effect!
so how it continues from the previous one?
Thats what im saying, It used to be only Zombies. But now they got Zombies that can shoot guns, Zombies that can Fly, Zombies that Evolve. And Humans who are god-like .
wait is this the new one because i dont think ive seen it
Are any of these Resident Evil movies ever going to be good?
They did a decent job cutting Wesker's lines here to make him seem like the main villain.
Why do you put hashtags? V V
the funny thing is that in the 90s the film should have been done by legend George A Romero, but the German producer Bernd Eichinger who had already very early bought the rights of a RE movie disliked Romeros draft. So he searched for another one and took Anderson because of his success with Mortal Kombat and Event Horizon. Means without Eichinger there would pretty much never have been a never ending Paul Anderson RE :D
Fun Fact: Did you know that Resident Evil 1 has been the most successful "German" film ever in the US?
I know that the movie is supposed to be it's own take on the series but as big as a title as Resident Evil you'd think they wouldn't mess with major characters as much as they did to fit their own story.
So when is part 6 comming out ??!?!?!?!?!?!
I still can't get over the trailer or the intro of the movie, they're just amazing ^.^
I'm a big fan of the movies and the games, but to everyone saying 'it sucked' because it's different from the video games, GET OVER IT, Paul Anderson has said a million times that its not supposed to be like the games.
Personally, I think its good that it's different from the games cause if the films would follow the storyline from the video games then they would suck because if you played the video games, you would know what's going to happen, so it would be a bit pointless to watch the film. xP
i didnt see the movie yet, but did leon s kennedy make an appearance in that one?
this trailer is really awesome! as well as all resident evil trailers :D
Wesker isn't good, he's just the lesser of two evils. The red queen is the true villain and she's the reason why Wesker and Alice have to work together.
no puedo hablar todavía española!!
but how can i be a copy of leon if i from the first game???
IDK about the movie but wesker has, in the games, proven time and time again that he wont die.
The one thing I like about this film is that Wesker is not THAT insane as he was in Resident Evil 5. I loved DC Douglas and I love the Wesker of the games, but it's awesome that he wants to help humanity this time around. With Wesker on your side and when not in a volcano, what can go wrong?
Am I the only one who liked this movie
i'm kinda iffy on how much research ada and leons actors have done on their roles the seem a little more goofy and less cynical.
I hope they don't mess up the characters.
when does it come out
And going off of what I said a couple days ago, why are people expecting movies based off of video games to follow their source material? They don't. Resident Evil and maybe Hitman are the closest a movie will get to its source material. Stop having such exponential expectations for these videogame movies and maybe you'll enjoy them like the rest of us. And yes I am a huge fan of the Resident Evil series as a whole, including the movies.
1:43 does this happen in the movie?
when did this come out
I want to know, What happened to Claire and Chris?
The shooting in South Africa really pumps me! Are there zombie giraffes and elephants?! Please, Sony, speed up for 2016 for Resident Evil 6!
what was the point of the old movies
1.44 didnt she die in the first film of resident evil?
The Resident Evil movies are action movies with zombies and characters that have similar names to the characters in the game. Resident Evil games, Resident Evil movies and zombie movies are three different categories. Don't go to one expecting the other.
I'm just excited about this because Leon, Ada and half the original cast is back in it
The End of this film SHOWS what Resident Evil is all about.
From my calculation the next Re movie will come out between late september 2014 and late mrach/early april 2015
i think the beginning of this was to make you think that Mila Jovovich could star in a movie as the leading character that wasn't resident evil. pretty tricky.
lol indeed. My sides were hurting by the end due to all the laughing. Least Jill Valentine kept me entertained daem
am I the only MASSIVE Resident Evil game fan who loves the films too? This trailer had me so excited =')
Actually I thought about something that can go with chris & claire not being there. I think the situation sets up a possibility of them being most likely imprisoned on a certain island. Since they use elements from the games anyway, I thought it could be really cool, and they have to escape the island where we get to meet another from the game character hint hint. I mean it could work, it's basically set up lol but it's probably very unlikely that they've even thought of it.
Do they ever find out where the evil resides?
i think the power question can be answered in the trailer when she says it was all fake, everything until now was fake, which means her powers were never taken.... and im not sure, because i havent seen this movie in a while and i dont remember it, but im pretty sure shes fighting withought her powers in this one... but thats just my opinion
because it wasn't a simple bite that gave her the superpowers...they did a bunch of experiments on her after the first resident evil ended....she says so too in the 2nd movie Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Further she didnt really want those powers either. When Wesker removes all of her powers she thanks him saying "thank you for making me human again" so i don't really think she'd risk trying to get her powers back with a simple bite
I agree, and plus I don't play those video games.....You make some good points, at least they get the fight scenes right and the action that's what it's all about anyway that's why I watch. :)
Does anyone know what happen to Chris and claire
What is the trailer song?
It doesn't. I don't want to spoil it, but you should just go watch the movie.
When you find out who they are,
It just kind of feels like a weak twist.
The Resident Evil movies are the kind of movies where you have to go in with a blank mindset, and not think of it's previous movies or the games to enjoy or else you'll question every single thing about it. Like, how come the red queen wants to kill everyone when she was programmed to save everyone? How come Alice still has her amazing abilities when her powers were taken away? Why and how did the red queen get Las Plagas? Why did Barry not mention Jill or a sandwich?
I can see why people hated the RE film series. Films are always based or have some elements of the video games implemented into the films.
Issue with the Resident Evil series is that most of the characters from the video games are never introduced in the movies, only later on. Instead, we have this woman who plays no role in the video games and suddenly she is a star of the show.
Another issue is the fact that Resident Evil is a survival horror video game. The fact that they made a Resident Evil movie with none of those elements was just sad. Throughout most of the movies, it is mostly action and Matrix shit and less screaming and running. The RE movies is just another Matrix franchise, but with Zombies in it.
The movies are alright, but they are far from being close to the games.
Is Carlos back?? o:
in the beginning I thought I clicked on the wrong trailer. LOL
i think it did, i saw a poster on the window at the theatre months ago
it seems these movies have amazing sections and then other parts are rushed. like the director has ADD. Milla is awesome no matter what.
In resident evil afterlife wesker does he show up in re retribution?
Vous s'avez comment on peut trouver la chanson de cette bande annonce ?
For Extreme trailer of this, 1. pause and turn of this vids audio 2. try to play Resident Evil Retribution official soundtrack and this at the same time!
These movies are getting out of hand, the only reason I continue to watch them is because I think Alice is hot as fuck, and super badass.
I read the book before watching this trailer. Wow. The book starts the fire in your head. The trailer throws in the explosives.
did u now that the movie and the game are not the same, but only the name's.
why, because capcom dose not support the movies so that give the directer the chance to do what ever he wants
I see your point but in my opinion it plays nicely with the evolution of the story. The virus got bigger so there is more to be done about it. More action must be taken than walking around awesome creepy mansions. Now it's in the streets and the enemies are faster and smarter, so the gameplay must be too. I still love the originals though.
personally Milla can don't do wrong in my eyes. we all have our personal preferences. Michelle is really good, i know.
im just picturing your avatar saying that. Priceless.
You obviously haven’t seen this movie, Carlos didn’t come back from the dead. He is a clone & so is the “Alice” with the long hair & her “Daughter”.
Remember when resident evil was about slowly backpedaling and shooting zombies, and not tight leather-wearing slow-motion katana-swinging explosion-inducing action clishéd psychic fire-power wielding super ninjas? Yeah, those were the times.
have you ever played number 4, its considered one of the best games for a lot of reasons
that's the point! i hate when movies give away all the plot of the movie