Well done, a tick off the bucket list of life! I have been watching a You Tube series of a Canadian sailing a home built boat across the Atlantic, the boat is an American design " Waverover II. His daily distances sailed are about the same as yours was 100 miles per 24 hours, yet he sails with a JUNK RIG. Boat was built for a half your costs, mast was 100 pounds of builders lumber. His junk rig sail really seems to fit the bill of easier to sail single handed and reef down without concerns you were having. Have you watched his clips, be interesting to know what you think of his design?
Awesome achievement!!! Just building the boats epic!!! Why is the footage of the voyage so dodgy it's looks like you filmed it with a potato 😅 you'll have to do it again lol
Great presentation. I’ve no clue about boats but watched the entire video…. Well done!
What a great adventure. Watched from beginning to end. Nice one!
Well done. Seen you at dunlavin school last night . Interesting and my daughter and her friends enjoyed it.
Brillant video and excellent questions. Very informative.
i love the bubble eye and this opportunity to build a boat
Yessss. I was waiting for this since you guys toke off
Enjoyed your video great achievement.
Nice one Jim
Well done, a tick off the bucket list of life! I have been watching a You Tube series of a Canadian sailing a home built boat across the Atlantic, the boat is an American design " Waverover II. His daily distances sailed are about the same as yours was 100 miles per 24 hours, yet he sails with a JUNK RIG. Boat was built for a half your costs, mast was 100 pounds of builders lumber. His junk rig sail really seems to fit the bill of easier to sail single handed and reef down without concerns you were having. Have you watched his clips, be interesting to know what you think of his design?
Well done Jim ready enjoyed all your filming and explanations of building the boat ,what next .
Awesome achievement!!! Just building the boats epic!!! Why is the footage of the voyage so dodgy it's looks like you filmed it with a potato 😅 you'll have to do it again lol
Jim i watched you building the boat, its a shame Antigua was such a shambles .