1. Cook whole foods instead of processed foods 2. Don't buy in bulk, shop regularly for the ingredients you need 3. Go to different local shops for specific products 4. Eat mindfully, slowly, without doing anything else 5. Share meals with your family/housemates, enjoy the moment 6. Have a set snack time at 4-5pm, make it a satisfying mini meal 7. Eat everything in moderation, remove the scarcity mindset, listen to your body 8. Stay active 9. Have dinner fairly late at 8-9pm 10. Go to bed around 11:30pm 11. Don't spend too much time cooking but make sharing meals a priority 12. Meal plan instead of meal prepping 13. Take a sandwich to work for lunch
I really wanted to say how helpful your advice is. I'm an American female in my 40's and pretty over-weight. My entire life post high school has been going on diets. Thinking I need to do low carb, keto, vegan, vegetarian, sugar and flour free. Doing these things for about 4 days, then binging and starting again. I have lost and gained 90 pounds several times. My mother also has a problem with food and I grew up watching her do the no fat diet craze of the 80's and '90's. Watched her constantly be overweight and starting some new 'must eat like this' way of eating of the month. America has a massive eating disorder problem and we truly do not know how to eat in a healthy way. So many of us binge and restrict, revolve our lives around needing to lose weight and diet rules. I see people who are consistently a normal body weight and I am truly in awe, seriously. The video you posted of your mom, I am in AWE of your mom! It gives me hope that genetics do play a role, BUT massive obesity is NOT the norm but our environment, culture, and habits. Thank you so much for your very helpful advice.
Hi beautiful, don't worry so much about disclaimers, I work at customer service and believe me, I explain things several times and people still don't listen or get it. I love your content, I'm visiting Paris in May! I'm so excited, would be awesome to say hi to you while I'm there! Greetings from Texas!
I agree! People either have common sense or they don’t. The types of people who complain will always find ways to twist things in their interpretation and create things to complain about. The people with common sense will not have any issue understanding the content and good intent of Lucie’s videos.
Hi Lucy. Why are you defending yourself all the time? Why shouldn't overweight ppl loose weight, why can't we admit that upf is dangerous? Your content is great! I agree with the above comments. Merci pour tout et merci de continuer ton bon travail!
I live in central Pennsylvania and am in farmland/Amish country so I'm very blessed to have a lot of farmer's markets where I can buy fruits, veggies, meats, and cheeses for better prices than a US grocery store.
All is a question of variety, balance and portion. Personally, I respect the following principles : i am never on a diet. 1 third a my plate with vegetables (, 1 third of proteins (eggs, meat, fich) 1 third with (potatoes, pasta, rice) Olive oil or butter. One piece of cheese. If i take one big meal then the two following day i eat less to compensate. Walking everyday 10 000 steps.
I live in a rural area on the NJ/NY border. It’s very easy to eat well around here. In the summer time my husband and I shop at the Farmer’s market, and we live near orchards, a good butcher, farms where we can get fresh eggs and cheese and there are plenty of local wineries, distilleries, cideries and breweries. We love baking our own breads and cook most of our food from scratch. We avoid processed foods and never eat fast food. If we do go out to eat we have a lot of nice family-owned restaurants nearby. So really, we have no excuse to not eat well.
Can you please make a video explaining how the French people manage their schedule in one day? How can they do so many things in one day. If they spend so much time preparing 5 plates for each meal (salads, cheeses, breads, meats, etc.) And then spend 2 hours eating. When do they have time to clean? By the time that you're done cleaning it's time to cook again!! So then when do they have time to walk outdoors so much? I'm very curious about what their daily schedule is.
The secret is that they work less hours overall than Americans. France has legally mandated minimum amounts of vacation time. We have no such thing in America. That’s the secret to their success and the reason for our failure to have a healthy lifestyle culture.
I live in a rural area, so I buy shelf-stable and frozen produce in bulk. For shelf-stable items such as bulgur or oats, I buy from the bulk bins. I find that saves money. I buy big bags of frozen berries from Walmart. I also buy fresh veggies and fruit, but having frozen options is nice when I don't want to go to the store. I don't eat out much. I was raised by an Armenian mom who prioritized meals. I also work from home, so it makes it easier to eat healthy for lunch.
Hey, I read the book French women don’t get fat by Mireille Guillano, such a great book. She gives great tips too! Love the French way of eating and trying to incorporate it more in my diet. Bisous
Nice video. Thank-you. Living in the state, it is more practical to buy certain things in bulk such beans, rice, oats, quinoa extra and only buy fresh produce weekly. In fact buying organic especially nuts, is way cheaper at Costco. Buying staples in bulk is okay of course not frozen ready meals or processed food.
My biggest problem is eating so late. My dinner time is around 6pm bed time is 10:30 . The rest i’m trying to follow your stellar advice Lucie! Also I find that if I eat protein at breakfast I’m not starving by lunch whereas if I eat toast or an english muffin I’m much more hungry as the morning goes! OMG I’ve added your Sweet potato avocado and chickpea entree to my dinner rotation It’s soooo delicious! love it
My husband and I eat main meal at lunch Tomorrow it will be corn, salad and Jerk chicken. At night I have homemade granola with kefir. If I snack it frozen juice bar. I do not use white sugar, sweetener, and restrict salt.
I would be curious to see what a French person’s pantry and fridge look like on a regular basis. What type of items are kept in stock vs what’s bought daily/every few days. Etc
I would love to know where you go where frozen and canned food is cheaper than fresh because from my experience it’s the opposite. I live in New York by the way and something I have been noticing is that processed food is more expensive than a Whole Foods diet. At one point it was the opposite, but not these days. At least for me, which is not a bad thing.
Hello Lucie! Thank you so much for videos that you are doing, and for me, one with your mom is so interesting! But still, I love your videos. Could you make a video about your grocery hauls while you in USA?
The fact that it never occurred to me that pancake mix is considered “ultra processed” was eye-opening. It sounds silly to say, but honestly I thought I was doing good because I didn't buy frozen or McDonald's pancakes, but I guess I need to reconsider what I just decided was okay.
Hello! Nice to meet you ☺️ I'm new here in this channel and your videos are great! ❤ By the way, I can eat slowly but I'm used to do so while watching some videos in my computer or phone... wonder if that's ok 😅😅😅
Obesity is a big problem in France too, just like everywhere else. Obesity has continued to rise rapidly in France, from 8.5% in 1997 to 15% in 2012, and then to 17% in 2020. Around half of the population is overweight. There is also a big difference in the northern areas of France vs south.. Hauts-de-France for example has the highest obesity rate.
Can you please do a video on how French women in menopause eat to loose weight that came on during premenopausal years. It seems that nothing takes the weight off.
I grew up in the Midwest in America in a family that sat down and ate 3 meals a day together. My husband and I sit down and eat together today too. We’ve always either grown food in the garden or shopped at the farmers market. Canned and froze our own food. Your idea that the French somehow eat healthier is skewed. Get some perspective that there are definitely Americans who eat healthy. 😊
I love your videos! I’m raising my family in Canada and many families eat supper at 6. When you were a child, what time did you eat your evening meal? Or, did you eat a meal separate from your parents? Thanks!
Lucie I love you so much, your message is great, but the anxious disclaimers after & throughout your suggestions are a real struggle to watch. I wanted to switch off while you were talking about the processed foods. The idiots have put the wind up you & it's negatively affecting your delivery. I know this is a really difficult problem to work around (the whingers on the internet), but please don't aim your content towards the lowest denominators on your channel. The rest of us just want the info.
@Edukalebylucie you'll work out how to navigate this, it's a learning process & I'm sorry it's something any creator has to learn & go through. You're a truly valuable voice on the internet & the loudest minority are ruining the interest for everyone!
I love your videos, however I can see that you feel like you have to try to keep everyone happy with all the explanations re US food, generalisations etc…… maybe just say something at the beginning of your videos and then just say what you want. There will always be people that are determined to find something they are offended by and you shouldn’t need to protect everyone’s feelings constantly…… I for one like hearing what you have to say🌸
I've talked with many Americans who say that, even though they ate whatever wanted in Europe and in their desired amounts--and lost weight! Their theory was that they took more time with food; no rushing or distractions, so they enjoyed it more and felt more satisfied. One professional I spoke to said it's likely because of the emphasis on whole, natural foods. Because when you take in chemicals, the body can't identify those components, so they're wrapped in fat, to protect you from the mystery compounds. When you eat real food, your body knows what to DO with it--burn it as fuel! 😊
Simply eating mindfully, you'll lose any desire for 'junk' food. Because when you actually notice the tastes and textures of everything, you'll begin to TASTE the artificial colors & flavors, and preservative chemicals 🤔 Now, if I need a quick meal while traveling, I stop at a grocer and buy bread & cheese and a piece of fruit. I spend less and enjoy my quick lunch far more! 🙂
1. Cook whole foods instead of processed foods
2. Don't buy in bulk, shop regularly for the ingredients you need
3. Go to different local shops for specific products
4. Eat mindfully, slowly, without doing anything else
5. Share meals with your family/housemates, enjoy the moment
6. Have a set snack time at 4-5pm, make it a satisfying mini meal
7. Eat everything in moderation, remove the scarcity mindset, listen to your body
8. Stay active
9. Have dinner fairly late at 8-9pm
10. Go to bed around 11:30pm
11. Don't spend too much time cooking but make sharing meals a priority
12. Meal plan instead of meal prepping
13. Take a sandwich to work for lunch
Great summary, thanks!
I really wanted to say how helpful your advice is. I'm an American female in my 40's and pretty over-weight. My entire life post high school has been going on diets. Thinking I need to do low carb, keto, vegan, vegetarian, sugar and flour free. Doing these things for about 4 days, then binging and starting again. I have lost and gained 90 pounds several times. My mother also has a problem with food and I grew up watching her do the no fat diet craze of the 80's and '90's. Watched her constantly be overweight and starting some new 'must eat like this' way of eating of the month. America has a massive eating disorder problem and we truly do not know how to eat in a healthy way. So many of us binge and restrict, revolve our lives around needing to lose weight and diet rules. I see people who are consistently a normal body weight and I am truly in awe, seriously. The video you posted of your mom, I am in AWE of your mom! It gives me hope that genetics do play a role, BUT massive obesity is NOT the norm but our environment, culture, and habits. Thank you so much for your very helpful advice.
Hi beautiful, don't worry so much about disclaimers, I work at customer service and believe me, I explain things several times and people still don't listen or get it. I love your content, I'm visiting Paris in May! I'm so excited, would be awesome to say hi to you while I'm there! Greetings from Texas!
I agree! People either have common sense or they don’t. The types of people who complain will always find ways to twist things in their interpretation and create things to complain about. The people with common sense will not have any issue understanding the content and good intent of Lucie’s videos.
Thank you so much, you're right! And yaaaay hope you love Paris!! 😍
@@EdukalebylucieYou’re awesome, Lucie! Love your channel! ❤️
Hi Lucy. Why are you defending yourself all the time? Why shouldn't overweight ppl loose weight, why can't we admit that upf is dangerous? Your content is great! I agree with the above comments. Merci pour tout et merci de continuer ton bon travail!
Votre! 😂
I live in central Pennsylvania and am in farmland/Amish country so I'm very blessed to have a lot of farmer's markets where I can buy fruits, veggies, meats, and cheeses for better prices than a US grocery store.
Sounds lovely!
All is a question of variety, balance and portion. Personally, I respect the following principles : i am never on a diet.
1 third a my plate with vegetables (, 1 third of proteins (eggs, meat, fich) 1 third with (potatoes, pasta, rice)
Olive oil or butter. One piece of cheese.
If i take one big meal then the two following day i eat less to compensate.
Walking everyday 10 000 steps.
I live in a rural area on the NJ/NY border. It’s very easy to eat well around here. In the summer time my husband and I shop at the Farmer’s market, and we live near orchards, a good butcher, farms where we can get fresh eggs and cheese and there are plenty of local wineries, distilleries, cideries and breweries. We love baking our own breads and cook most of our food from scratch. We avoid processed foods and never eat fast food. If we do go out to eat we have a lot of nice family-owned restaurants nearby. So really, we have no excuse to not eat well.
Can you please make a video explaining how the French people manage their schedule in one day? How can they do so many things in one day.
If they spend so much time preparing 5 plates for each meal (salads, cheeses, breads, meats, etc.) And then spend 2 hours eating. When do they have time to clean? By the time that you're done cleaning it's time to cook again!! So then when do they have time to walk outdoors so much?
I'm very curious about what their daily schedule is.
The secret is that they work less hours overall than Americans. France has legally mandated minimum amounts of vacation time. We have no such thing in America. That’s the secret to their success and the reason for our failure to have a healthy lifestyle culture.
I live in a rural area, so I buy shelf-stable and frozen produce in bulk. For shelf-stable items such as bulgur or oats, I buy from the bulk bins. I find that saves money. I buy big bags of frozen berries from Walmart. I also buy fresh veggies and fruit, but having frozen options is nice when I don't want to go to the store.
I don't eat out much. I was raised by an Armenian mom who prioritized meals. I also work from home, so it makes it easier to eat healthy for lunch.
Frozen veggies are much healthier option than canned when it’s an option
Yes, but also canned veggies are healthier than none!
in France we are lucky
we have better frozen products than in America and I would say the same for cans
food standards in France are very high
I'm Japanese, living in the USA, learning from you to eat like I'm in France! 😍
Haha awesome! The Japanese way of eating is great too!
I read the book French women don’t get fat by Mireille Guillano, such a great book. She gives great tips too!
Love the French way of eating and trying to incorporate it more in my diet. Bisous
Glad to hear that! Bisous 😉
I too love her books!
Nice video. Thank-you. Living in the state, it is more practical to buy certain things in bulk such beans, rice, oats, quinoa extra and only buy fresh produce weekly. In fact buying organic especially nuts, is way cheaper at Costco. Buying staples in bulk is okay of course not frozen ready meals or processed food.
Yes you're absolutely right! I meant buying processed foods in bulk or fresh produce that just ends up going bad
2 videos in one week!! 🎉🎉 great video!
Thank you!!
My biggest problem is eating so late. My dinner time is around 6pm bed time is 10:30 .
The rest i’m trying to follow your stellar advice Lucie! Also I find that if I eat protein at breakfast I’m not starving by lunch whereas if I eat toast or an english muffin I’m much more hungry as the morning goes! OMG I’ve added your Sweet potato avocado and chickpea entree to my dinner rotation It’s soooo delicious! love it
Thank you! And so glad you like the recipe!!
My husband and I eat main meal at lunch Tomorrow it will be corn, salad and Jerk chicken. At night I have homemade granola with kefir. If I snack it frozen juice bar. I do not use white sugar, sweetener, and restrict salt.
Merci beaucoup! ❤
I would be curious to see what a French person’s pantry and fridge look like on a regular basis. What type of items are kept in stock vs what’s bought daily/every few days. Etc
I have short form content on that!! pantry: th-cam.com/users/shortsDnWKIoJDHaw?feature=share fridge: th-cam.com/users/shorts0AjKWs8O9Wc?feature=share
@@Edukalebylucie American sizes of products are gigantic compared to those you're showing.
I always have at least one “green “ drawer on my fridge avocado, lettuce, cucumber and grapes are my favourite ❤
Love that!
Delayed gratification enhances enjoyment.
Always a good fresh reminder I like to fall back on. Thank you!
I would love to know where you go where frozen and canned food is cheaper than fresh because from my experience it’s the opposite. I live in New York by the way and something I have been noticing is that processed food is more expensive than a Whole Foods diet. At one point it was the opposite, but not these days. At least for me, which is not a bad thing.
Hello Lucie! Thank you so much for videos that you are doing, and for me, one with your mom is so interesting! But still, I love your videos.
Could you make a video about your grocery hauls while you in USA?
Thank you! And yes those are coming!
Would ❤your basic from scratch pancake recipe. Merci, Beaucoup.😊
Enjoy your stay in USA 👏
Thank you!!
Super interesting! Thanks you!
So glad you liked it!
The fact that it never occurred to me that pancake mix is considered “ultra processed” was eye-opening. It sounds silly to say, but honestly I thought I was doing good because I didn't buy frozen or McDonald's pancakes, but I guess I need to reconsider what I just decided was okay.
Hello! Nice to meet you ☺️ I'm new here in this channel and your videos are great! ❤
By the way, I can eat slowly but I'm used to do so while watching some videos in my computer or phone... wonder if that's ok 😅😅😅
Great video. Thanks much.
Thank you!
Obesity is a big problem in France too, just like everywhere else.
Obesity has continued to rise rapidly in France, from 8.5% in 1997 to 15% in 2012, and then to 17% in 2020. Around half of the population is overweight.
There is also a big difference in the northern areas of France vs south.. Hauts-de-France for example has the highest obesity rate.
Very nice sharing dear friend have a great day greetings ❤️👍
Thank you! You too!😍
Can you please do a video on how French women in menopause eat to loose weight that came on during premenopausal years. It seems that nothing takes the weight off.
I appreciate the helpful tips.😊❤️
I'm so glad!❤
I appreciate your reply! My household helps themselves to individual breakfasts of toast or yogurt. Was your childhood breakfast experience similar?
I grew up in the Midwest in America in a family that sat down and ate 3 meals a day together. My husband and I sit down and eat together today too. We’ve always either grown food in the garden or shopped at the farmers market. Canned and froze our own food. Your idea that the French somehow eat healthier is skewed. Get some perspective that there are definitely Americans who eat healthy. 😊
Many French also are overweight now days. Go outside the cities. I have noticed it. Smoking is also more accepted.
Love your videos ❤️❤️❤️
Thank youu❤
You’re very inspiring ❤
Thank you 🥺❤
I know this is an older video but what about times? Besides eating later for dinner. What typical times do the french eat Breakfast and Lunch?😀
I love your videos! I’m raising my family in Canada and many families eat supper at 6. When you were a child, what time did you eat your evening meal? Or, did you eat a meal separate from your parents? Thanks!
Thank you! We all ate together as a family around 7:30-8 then we (the kids) went to bed around 9:30!
Did you move to new york?!
Lucie I love you so much, your message is great, but the anxious disclaimers after & throughout your suggestions are a real struggle to watch. I wanted to switch off while you were talking about the processed foods. The idiots have put the wind up you & it's negatively affecting your delivery. I know this is a really difficult problem to work around (the whingers on the internet), but please don't aim your content towards the lowest denominators on your channel. The rest of us just want the info.
Well said!😊
Ok thanks for saying that, I'll try to write the disclaimers in my bio and just tell people to read them, as someone suggested!
@Edukalebylucie you'll work out how to navigate this, it's a learning process & I'm sorry it's something any creator has to learn & go through. You're a truly valuable voice on the internet & the loudest minority are ruining the interest for everyone!
I love your videos, however I can see that you feel like you have to try to keep everyone happy with all the explanations re US food, generalisations etc…… maybe just say something at the beginning of your videos and then just say what you want. There will always be people that are determined to find something they are offended by and you shouldn’t need to protect everyone’s feelings constantly…… I for one like hearing what you have to say🌸
Yes I think I'll add the disclaimers in the description instead and tell people to read them there!
Perfect plan. Therefore, u will have more time to share more interesting information.
I've talked with many Americans who say that, even though they ate whatever wanted in Europe and in their desired amounts--and lost weight! Their theory was that they took more time with food; no rushing or distractions, so they enjoyed it more and felt more satisfied.
One professional I spoke to said it's likely because of the emphasis on whole, natural foods. Because when you take in chemicals, the body can't identify those components, so they're wrapped in fat, to protect you from the mystery compounds. When you eat real food, your body knows what to DO with it--burn it as fuel! 😊
More walking helps also.
Simply eating mindfully, you'll lose any desire for 'junk' food. Because when you actually notice the tastes and textures of everything, you'll begin to TASTE the artificial colors & flavors, and preservative chemicals 🤔
Now, if I need a quick meal while traveling, I stop at a grocer and buy bread & cheese and a piece of fruit. I spend less and enjoy my quick lunch far more! 🙂
Its sad people have to take up time in these videos for disclaimers, we are all suppossd to be adults here.