Thank you Bishop. The more I learn about Jesus, the more I love him. I had to smile when you said Jesus will turn tables within, as I have experienced this very rearranging. God Bless
I found this TH-cam channel a couple of weeks ago. Glad I did. I watch several each week. I often stop the video to contemplate what Bishop Barron has said. I just wanted to thank you for this.
Bishop Barron as i listen to your massages i can feel the Holy Spirit shaping your thougts. Thanks for voccation, your time to guide us to santity. From Argentina...God bless you.
I got kicked out of Catholic schools many times. I was a high school drop out. I never did drugs. Never had a beer. Worked hard manual labor all my life. Retired at 56. Still go to mass and confession and say my prayers. I think of all the Hollywood stars and pro sports players making drugs a god. So sad.
Have a great day! God Bless! Stay strong, stay safe and take care of yourselves! Wishing everyone the best! Jesus loves you! May the Holy Spirit guide you! 😇 💗🕊
Thanks so much father. As someone who has been apart from God for over 30 years letting him back in a year ago has been a crazy journey. More like a roller coaster with ups and downs or successes and failures. I know I will never be worthy of his presence and forgiveness, but I am eternally grateful for them. You mention joy, and he has given me that. But for me my guiding light, that tells me my temple is getting better, is peace in my heart. The more at peace I am, the better I am truly living.
Thank you Bishop Barron, love you so much , the more I listen to you the more I love the Catholic Church, I would love to do what your doing in the future. God bless you.
This is so beautiful. I pray Jesus comes in and restores my temple into what it was always supposed to be. Often times I find myself trying to 'set back up' the things inside my temple that Jesus has flipped over, and I just want more of Him! God bless you, Bishop!
God bless you Bishop Barron! You are amazing and I love your videos keep it up!! You have helped me immeasurably through teaching and preaching the Word of God!
The commentary on the 'Temple' is an excellent framework for daily prayer; it sets the perfect scene for raising your mind to God. I will also use it to prepare for my next Confession. Thank you Father for sharing your insights and 'making straight our paths'.
Amen this is amazing!!! Isn’t it incredible how our whole life changes from the inside out once we let God into our life. It is just profound! And so often we resist the change… we think we know best and we don’t want to let God in. How simple minded we are! God wants the best for us and to rearrange our soul into the best version of ourselves. Allow Him in and pray for the courage and peace for His love to transform you. Amen!
Thank you for this video because I’m currently reading The Great Adventure Bile in a year and I needed more clarification on Numbers 5 and Deuteronomy 5. This helped a lot. Thank you! And may God bless you.
Another amazing commentary, one of your very best I'd say. Thanks so much Father Barron, I really rely on your wisdom and spiritual support through these youtube videos.
powerful words Fr. Robert Barron...I appreciate you reminding me of the importance of inviting the Savior into our personal Temples. In the process because of "marketplaces" we have established in our lives (instead of prayer), the Savior will "turn over" things in our souls that initially might be unsettling. But because of His love, we will be cleansed and ultimately find joy.
Though I'm not a catholic (my mother is, though), I can't help but be in awe whenever I watch Father Barron speak about these matters. he does so in a way that answers the difficult questions that I haven't been able to found adequate answers for elsewhere. I find his take on Christianity and Catholicism the most convincing one out there yet, and I'm thankful and humbled to share in the pleasure of listening to him speak. :)
I've watched this particular video three or four times. For some reason it resonates with me very deeply. I know that if I let Jesus into my temple there will be a lot of tables being pushed over.
Thanks a lot, Father, for not only noticing the shift toward the attitude of thinking of Sunday as just another weekend day, but speaking out about it. As a retail employee, I can tell you that it's actually the busiest day of the week, since that is the day on which the new ads always come out. My bosses always slump their shoulders when I tell them I can't work on Sunday mornings, and even so I commonly have to rush from church to work to spend my day fighting frustration instead of praying.
Thank you Father! Very well put into words... I have been wanting to find words for this for quite a while. Words that can put this commandment into our situation today. It is only by holding on to the core we keep strong. I thank God for your clarity and gift of speech! God bless you all
This video made me to think deeply into myself. Where is God in my priorities. I really need to pray for my deeper conversion. Thank you God for being so forgiving and loving. You are 100% right Bishop Barron. Thank you very much. God bless you and pray for us.
What an eye opening, never thought about in such beautiful way. It is so true, Christ Jesus has cleansed, this temple... Amen!! Thank you bishop Barron!! 🙏💞🙏
I just want to say that I enjoy the way you express your 'commentaries' by explaining explaining the philosophy behind it and giving examples of the real world. In fact, I was able to do a presentation to the Newman Club in my university about the Commandments based on this video. Finally, I want to thank you for (indirectly) helping me to understand my faith. God bless!
Dear Father; Thoughtful and insightful as ever. I work as an RE teacher in a tiny outpost here in England and often use your clips, please keep them coming. For our Lenten journey this year we brought your Catholicism Dvd's and are showing them in the parish. Going down a storm. God Bless
I disagree with that father as a Hindu. We have idols statues pictures of Krishna Ram etc same with the Catholic church with statues of virgin Mary. The idea of a jeslous God seems so petty that's my problem with Abrahamic religions like Christianity or Islam Jewish the idea of following a bunch of rules where your stuck in a box unable to change or adapt in Comparison Hinduism. Says there are different methods to warship God so there is less strife than in the Christian west India and China historically due to the religious beliefs. Becuse its more adaptable than Abrahamic religions like Christianity and Islam Jewish French Philosopher Voltaire pointed this out I the 17th century I love your views on Religious topics
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:05 📜 Reflecting on the Ten Commandments as foundational to Western society. 00:37 🛕 The first table of the law emphasizes our relationship with God, which should be the foundation for our interactions with others. 01:20 🙏 The first commandment highlights the importance of worshiping God alone and avoiding the worship of substitutes. 02:28 🤔 The question "Does it please God?" can reveal if our actions align with the fundamental value of worshiping God. 03:23 💬 God's jealousy is about our benefit, not His needs; worshiping God benefits us and shapes our attitude. 03:52 🗣️ Language matters in how we speak about ultimate things, as it influences our attitudes and beliefs. 05:12 🕊️ Keeping the Sabbath day holy helps to instantiate and embody the first commandment in our behaviors. 06:20 🌃 The desacralization of Sunday and its impact on the sacredness of the Sabbath and Mass attendance. 07:12 🏛️ The New Testament's account of Jesus cleansing the temple and how it relates to embodying the first commandment. 08:45 💰 The temple as a metaphor for the individual person and examining whether it's a house of prayer or a marketplace. 10:25 💡 Allowing Jesus to rearrange and transform our inner temple can lead to joy and fulfillment. Made with HARPA AI
What a wonderful presentation, Bishop! I love the way the way Bishop Barron stretched the temple/body metaphor. It's more than a metaphor, because as Bishop Barron mentions, St. Paul declares that a human body IS a temple, just as the body of Jesus IS the temple that was destroyed and rebuilt by the 3rd day. Unlike the religious establishment that schemed and succeeded to execute Jesus for overturning their temple's tables, we as Christians should INVITE Jesus to come into our bodies and turn over the worldly priorities within us. This insight takes me deeper in understanding the meaning of the Eucharist. Thank you!
You left out the part of the second commandment about not making graven images. How does the Catholic church rationalize all the graven images in churches?
God Himself commands many holy images to be placed inside the Holy of Holies. 1 Kings 6 describes how ornate the inside of the Holy of Holies was, replete with images of Cherubim and Seraphim, and of course the Ark itself had two huge, golden Cherubim over its lid. when the Israelites were in the wilderness and were bitten by the serpents, God commanded Moses to make an image of a bronze serpent and put it on a pole and all the Israelites are to look in faith to this image. This is recounted in Numbers 21. Once again, this is clearly a religious image because Jesus explains it as a mystical type of His crucifixion in John 3:14-15. St. Paul, in Colossians 1:15, says that Christ is the image (Greek is “ikon”) of the invisible God Joseph, as a ruler in Egypt, deserves the homage of his brothers and sisters, and thus they “bowed themselves before him with their faces to the ground” (Gen. 42:7). The company of the Lord’s prophets also bow down before Elijah in reverence in 2 Kings 2:15. Surely, if it were inherently wrong to bow before a created thing (and Joseph and Elijah were created), they would have rebuked others for so doing. There are numerous such examples of this in Scripture. St. Paul says to give “honor to whom honor is due” (Romans 13:7), and if anyone is due honor, it is the Saints and their relics. The patristic view is also very clear: “We do not worship, we do not adore [non colimus, non adoramus], for fear that we should bow down to the creature rather than to the Creator, but we venerate [honoramus] the relics of the martyrs in order the better to adore Him whose martyrs they are.” Against Riparium -St. Jerome “We by no means consider the holy martyrs to be gods, nor are we wont to bow down before them adoringly, but only relatively and reverentially [ou latreutikos alla schetikos kai timetikos].” Against Julian -St. Cyril of Alexandria And Bl. Augustine Against Faustus the Manichaean: “We, the Christian community, assemble to celebrate the memory of the martyrs with ritual solemnity because we want to be inspired to follow their example, share in their merits, and be helped by their prayers. Yet we erect no altars to any of the martyrs, even in the martyrs’ burial chapels themselves.” “No bishop, when celebrating at an altar where these holy bodies rest, has ever said, “Peter, we make this offering to you”, or “Paul, to you”, or “Cyprian, to you”. No, what is offered is offered always to God, who crowned the martyrs.
So then how is it you catholics think that you can offer Jesus up to His Father , when Jesus offered Himself up to His Father 2000 years ago ?. Jesus said it is done when He was on the cross .
Relics ? Honor to relics ? No mention of giving honor to relics in the new testament . And bowing down or jenuflecting to statues IS IDOLATRY . The statues are not holy relics!
I just really had to let you know how profound and enlightening your idea of the marketplace inside the Temple of our bodies hit me. The light shed from that alone was one of many blessings I'm sure to receive in continually watching some of your videos today. I think I have spent about 2-4 hours/day watching your videos and additional time reading the catechism and compendium and more additional time studying online. I am not a Catholic, but I am considering due to your evangelization.
@MicaleAntonio Ditto to that! Fr. Barron's videos have been such a blessing in my life as well. Don't know where I'd be (or what I'd know) without 'em. Keep up the great work, Fr. Barron!!
Excellent and challenging video. Without getting into a lot of personal confessions it raises some particularly difficult questions for me, so thank you for that. The one about pleasing God is a huge one though, because God, sometimes I just want to chill out a minute and watch some TV, y'know?
@HugeJohn51 He's not inserting his own interpretation! Everything Fr Barron says is in line with Catholic teaching. It's just that he expresses it with jaw-dropping brilliance. As a Catholic, nothing he says takes me by surprise. But the way he develops his ideas is original, imaginative and fascinating.
Everything flows from making the conscious decision to NOT worship false idols, which are everywhere around us….GOD must be the fundamental And ultimate love for us ❤
As a Irish Catholic Christian, there's nothing wrong or shameful about praying to any Saint like the Virgin Mary. So if I pray to a statue of Mary, I see no shame in it. She leads any Catholic to her son Jesus Christ who happens to be the way, the truth and the life. The rosary isn't idol worship either. It's a Catholic devotion to Mary. This is something that Protestants need to think about.
Alan Bourbeau The Bible clearly say tha you cannot bow down and Worship Idol. But tha You pray to ONLY to your Lord God in spirit , Remeber God's face we havent seen it yet.
He didn't say that he worshiped the statue - only that he prays to the saint in front of their statute (which is just a physical item that helps remind us that we're praying to a person). And, of course, you can ask any member of the Body of Christ to intercede on your behalf. We ask people to pray for our intentions all the time. So why not ask the Virgin Mary? She is, after all, the Queen Mother (just as Bathsheba was the Queen Mother and chief-intercessor for King Soloman in the Davidic Kingdom).
Praying before an image or statue is fine provided we are not praying to the ink, or the material as a god. We pray to what the statue or image represents.
Excellent reflection on the First 3 of the Ten Commandments, and how Jesus Christ seeks to improve each of us, in relation to GOD the Father. GOD Bless and Salve Regina!
"The worship of God benefits us"..........This needs to be plastered on billboards all over the world because people have completely misinterpreted the concept of worshiping the Lord.
It's interesting that you should find that Scripture disturbing because I didn't quote the full verse. It actually starts out saying at Mt 10:34, "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." It's suppose to be disturbing and a wake up call. Put God first. Those around me are important, but not more important than God. And again, the all important question we should ask is this life more important than the eternal life?
The more you type, the more that you are confirming the fact that you did not know your faith. There is a huge difference about being born, baptised and confirmed Catholic, and actually knowing and living the Faith. I was born in an English speaking household, but learned the complexity and beauty of the language through school and literature in my free time. Its exactly the same with the Church.
Oh, and what you say about the desanctification of Sunday in western society is so true!. I was born in England in 1972, and even up until about the mid 1980s I can clearly remember how special Sunday felt as a child. Hardly any shops were open, very few sporting games were played and in my village at least 60% of people went to church. It is frightening how quickly this has been lost in only the last 30 years...I hardly recognize the old country anymore to be honest :-(
The 8th commandment: thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbour.Enough said.Now I know how Jesus felt when He was being wrongfully accused before His Crucifixion. I have already said that I respect your right of opinion to believe what you want, and I thought that would have ended this discussion. Based on what Fr. Robert Barron said in one of his sermons, you were put in my path as an opportunity for me to love, so, my friend, I love you with all my heart. Peace be with you.
Terrific talk on the First Commandment. I can't remember hearing one better. I would only say regarding the Second Commandment that God's 'name' can mean other things besides the very noun that denotes Him. His Name could also mean His reputation and His authority--all three things. For example, we are not to invoke God's reputation or authority over any issue that involves our personal or collective vanity. To do so makes Him look trivial and prejudiced in a way He's not. It's also an abuse of privilege, which prayer is. A good example of 'taking the name of the Lord in vain' might be praying to win a football game or worse yet--to win a war when you're the offending aggressor as the Nazis did. Such a request makes it look like you're asking God to play favorites. "Sorry," God replies. "No can do. I love all equally. I love THEM just as much as I love YOU! I died for all." A better locker room prayer or even a private prayer might be to ask God to help us learn and employ all the team skills, communication skills, or any other skills that Heaven wants us to learn. This prayer should be constructed to ask Heaven for skills that will help make us better Christians in the eyes of God outside the war room or the locker room. Such prayers should never be designed to make us just vain 'winners' in the eyes of the world. That intent violates the Second Commandment that also comes with a threat, "For the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His Name in vain."
Tom, you have taken the second Commandment to a level that I had never thought of before, it has given me another example that I can use when explaining the Commandment to my children. Thank for taking the time to post. Football is an analogy that the boys will understand.
I couldn't agree more with you on this, Bishop. Anything that occupies your mind the most is your God, and when whatever that thing is isn't God, then it is an idol, and when you worship idols, you are in danger of idolotry.
Before I was received into the Church, I was Jewish and the ten commandments were (and continue to be) an important part of my life. I love Father Barron's take on most things and this is no exception. I try (I often fail but I try) to make an examination of conscience regularly on the ten commandments to see how I've disappointed God. I find it useful in my spiritual growth. I particularly like what he said about taking the Lord's name in vain. I constantly remind my teenagers of this one!
I believe we celebrate Sunday to celebrate the Eighth Day, or the Pascal Sacrifice. So, it's slightly changed, but that's why it's changed. It's not to disobey God, but rather to glorify God in His Sacrifice.
Hello Bishop, good day. Can you please elaborate Psalms 135:15-18. I am an solid catholic believer and I want to understand further the meaning of this scripture towards idolatry.
@victrolajake Your video was good, but this comment definitely threw me off initially as to why you referred to Marian devotion/veneration as worship. I HIGHLY recommend using the other two terms to avoid confusion when presenting Catholic position.
Question - What happened to though shall not make any graven image that lives in the land, air and sea ? If so why did you create an image of a human "that lives in the land" and say it jesus, how create something made of wood and call him God.
Bishop Barron I enjoy learning aboit other religions old and new. Sometimes I'm scared it can lead to idolotry bit at the same time as someone studying history I need to know their religions as well.
Interesting question. I do think having a center does help while deciding how to deal with desires or values. For example if i am in a rush and an old lady falls on the street a part of my desire would be to ignore because i am in a rush HOWEVER having God as the center tells me hey i should help her because she needs help
This is very important, thank you. Please make one video review about Christs law that fulfills the Commandments, and 8 blessed states of the soul. Thank you very much! (maybe this would take more than one video)
Thank you Bishop. The more I learn about Jesus, the more I love him.
I had to smile when you said Jesus will turn tables within, as I have experienced this very rearranging. God Bless
Eli......well stated.
This is so true!
@Buck Gelder good job
I found this TH-cam channel a couple of weeks ago. Glad I did. I watch several each week. I often stop the video to contemplate what Bishop Barron has said.
I just wanted to thank you for this.
It’s simultaneously points out how far I ive strayed and gives me hope for the progress I’ve made.
God bless you Bishop
Bishop Barron as i listen to your massages i can feel the Holy Spirit shaping your thougts. Thanks for voccation, your time to guide us to santity. From Argentina...God bless you.
I got kicked out of Catholic schools many times. I was a high school drop out.
I never did drugs. Never had a beer.
Worked hard manual labor all my life. Retired at 56.
Still go to mass and confession and say my prayers. I think of all the Hollywood stars and pro sports players making drugs a god.
So sad.
You remind me of what Mother Angelica once said.
"I hated Catholic school. I couldn't get along with the nuns."
Him Bike, God bless you
George Penton
“We could all be holy, if it wasn’t for people.”
Mother Angelica
Dr. Bobby Bob thx. You too
Have a great day!
God Bless! Stay strong, stay safe and take care of yourselves! Wishing everyone the best! Jesus loves you! May the Holy Spirit guide you! 😇 💗🕊
Beautiful! I love how you connected Jesus' cleansing of the Temple in Jerusalem to us personally. Powerful and very moving!
That is exactly what I needed right now to get me back on track. Thank you Bishop Barron
Bishop Barron has an engaging way that draws people in to want to learn more about our Lord. Blessings to Bishop Barron!
Thanks so much father. As someone who has been apart from God for over 30 years letting him back in a year ago has been a crazy journey. More like a roller coaster with ups and downs or successes and failures. I know I will never be worthy of his presence and forgiveness, but I am eternally grateful for them. You mention joy, and he has given me that. But for me my guiding light, that tells me my temple is getting better, is peace in my heart. The more at peace I am, the better I am truly living.
Thank you Bishop Barron, love you so much , the more I listen to you the more I love the Catholic Church, I would love to do what your doing in the future. God bless you.
This is so beautiful. I pray Jesus comes in and restores my temple into what it was always supposed to be. Often times I find myself trying to 'set back up' the things inside my temple that Jesus has flipped over, and I just want more of Him! God bless you, Bishop!
Thank you for posting these videos. I am non-religious. I do enjoy well stated and explained reasons for beliefs. Thank you again.
God bless you Bishop Barron! You are amazing and I love your videos keep it up!! You have helped me immeasurably through teaching and preaching the Word of God!
The commentary on the 'Temple' is an excellent framework for daily prayer; it sets the perfect scene for raising your mind to God. I will also use it to prepare for my next Confession. Thank you Father for sharing your insights and 'making straight our paths'.
Amen this is amazing!!! Isn’t it incredible how our whole life changes from the inside out once we let God into our life. It is just profound! And so often we resist the change… we think we know best and we don’t want to let God in. How simple minded we are! God wants the best for us and to rearrange our soul into the best version of ourselves. Allow Him in and pray for the courage and peace for His love to transform you. Amen!
Thank you for this video because I’m currently reading The Great Adventure Bile in a year and I needed more clarification on Numbers 5 and Deuteronomy 5. This helped a lot. Thank you! And may God bless you.
“God is more willing to pardon than we have been to sin.”😇St. Catherine of Siena🙏🏻4us
Again, Fr. Barron, I think you have hit the proverbial nail on the head. I am grateful for your ministry.
Another amazing commentary, one of your very best I'd say. Thanks so much Father Barron, I really rely on your wisdom and spiritual support through these youtube videos.
powerful words Fr. Robert Barron...I appreciate you reminding me of the importance of inviting the Savior into our personal Temples. In the process because of "marketplaces" we have established in our lives (instead of prayer), the Savior will "turn over" things in our souls that initially might be unsettling. But because of His love, we will be cleansed and ultimately find joy.
Bishop Baron, God Bless you! you have totally changed my perspective on life in general. And the most significant thing is how I worship our dear God.
Brilliant-I learned so much in 11 minutes than hours spent reading. Thank you!
Thank you, Fr. Barron, for your eloquent exposition (as always) of the important points essential to our faith.
Though I'm not a catholic (my mother is, though), I can't help but be in awe whenever I watch Father Barron speak about these matters. he does so in a way that answers the difficult questions that I haven't been able to found adequate answers for elsewhere. I find his take on Christianity and Catholicism the most convincing one out there yet, and I'm thankful and humbled to share in the pleasure of listening to him speak. :)
Father Barron, Thank you for all of your videos and your talks. I pray that you persevere in humility.
I've watched this particular video three or four times. For some reason it resonates with me very deeply. I know that if I let Jesus into my temple there will be a lot of tables being pushed over.
😆 🤣 so funny, but true for all of us.
Keep searching and your find
Thanks a lot, Father, for not only noticing the shift toward the attitude of thinking of Sunday as just another weekend day, but speaking out about it. As a retail employee, I can tell you that it's actually the busiest day of the week, since that is the day on which the new ads always come out. My bosses always slump their shoulders when I tell them I can't work on Sunday mornings, and even so I commonly have to rush from church to work to spend my day fighting frustration instead of praying.
Thank you Father! Very well put into words... I have been wanting to find words for this for quite a while. Words that can put this commandment into our situation today. It is only by holding on to the core we keep strong. I thank God for your clarity and gift of speech! God bless you all
This video made me to think deeply into myself. Where is God in my priorities. I really need to pray for my deeper conversion. Thank you God for being so forgiving and loving. You are 100% right Bishop Barron. Thank you very much. God bless you and pray for us.
Remarkable, father! God blessed you with a gift to preach His Word. I'll listen to this again.
What an eye opening, never thought about in such beautiful way.
It is so true, Christ Jesus has cleansed, this temple...
Thank you bishop Barron!!
Jealousy is wanting something that is rightfully yours. Which is the opposite of Envy, wanting something that is not yours. We belong to God.
Excellent video. Listened to Fr Barron on Relevant Radio.
I just want to say that I enjoy the way you express your 'commentaries' by explaining explaining the philosophy behind it and giving examples of the real world. In fact, I was able to do a presentation to the Newman Club in my university about the Commandments based on this video. Finally, I want to thank you for (indirectly) helping me to understand my faith. God bless!
Amen. A great lesson learned today. Praised the Lord I am able to hear it.
Dear Father; Thoughtful and insightful as ever. I work as an RE teacher in a tiny outpost here in England and often use your clips, please keep them coming.
For our Lenten journey this year we brought your Catholicism Dvd's and are showing them in the parish. Going down a storm.
God Bless
Great preaching!
God bless you!
I disagree with that father as a Hindu. We have idols statues pictures of Krishna Ram etc same with the Catholic church with statues of virgin Mary. The idea of a jeslous God seems so petty that's my problem with Abrahamic religions like Christianity or Islam Jewish the idea of following a bunch of rules where your stuck in a box unable to change or adapt in Comparison Hinduism. Says there are different methods to warship God so there is less strife than in the Christian west India and China historically due to the religious beliefs. Becuse its more adaptable than Abrahamic religions like Christianity and Islam Jewish French Philosopher Voltaire pointed this out I the 17th century I love your views on Religious topics
God bless you, Ryan. I will pray that you find God's will in your life.
The old passion for Jesus I had as a child is becoming alive again.... thank you Bishop Barren, God bless you!
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:05 📜 Reflecting on the Ten Commandments as foundational to Western society.
00:37 🛕 The first table of the law emphasizes our relationship with God, which should be the foundation for our interactions with others.
01:20 🙏 The first commandment highlights the importance of worshiping God alone and avoiding the worship of substitutes.
02:28 🤔 The question "Does it please God?" can reveal if our actions align with the fundamental value of worshiping God.
03:23 💬 God's jealousy is about our benefit, not His needs; worshiping God benefits us and shapes our attitude.
03:52 🗣️ Language matters in how we speak about ultimate things, as it influences our attitudes and beliefs.
05:12 🕊️ Keeping the Sabbath day holy helps to instantiate and embody the first commandment in our behaviors.
06:20 🌃 The desacralization of Sunday and its impact on the sacredness of the Sabbath and Mass attendance.
07:12 🏛️ The New Testament's account of Jesus cleansing the temple and how it relates to embodying the first commandment.
08:45 💰 The temple as a metaphor for the individual person and examining whether it's a house of prayer or a marketplace.
10:25 💡 Allowing Jesus to rearrange and transform our inner temple can lead to joy and fulfillment.
Made with HARPA AI
Always a great message Bishop thank you!🙏💐
Thank you for the upload. Bless you and your team.
What a wonderful presentation, Bishop! I love the way the way Bishop Barron stretched the temple/body metaphor. It's more than a metaphor, because as Bishop Barron mentions, St. Paul declares that a human body IS a temple, just as the body of Jesus IS the temple that was destroyed and rebuilt by the 3rd day. Unlike the religious establishment that schemed and succeeded to execute Jesus for overturning their temple's tables, we as Christians should INVITE Jesus to come into our bodies and turn over the worldly priorities within us. This insight takes me deeper in understanding the meaning of the Eucharist. Thank you!
What a succinct, clear, and well-supported response!
You left out the part of the second commandment about not making graven images. How does the Catholic church rationalize all the graven images in churches?
Thank you for this insightful video! Blessings on you and your work!
Bishop Barron is good in teaching, thank you for your lesson.
God Himself commands many holy images to be placed inside the Holy of Holies. 1 Kings 6 describes how ornate the inside of the Holy of Holies was, replete with images of Cherubim and Seraphim, and of course the Ark itself had two huge, golden Cherubim over its lid.
when the Israelites were in the wilderness and were bitten by the serpents, God commanded Moses to make an image of a bronze serpent and put it on a pole and all the Israelites are to look in faith to this image. This is recounted in Numbers 21. Once again, this is clearly a religious image because Jesus explains it as a mystical type of His crucifixion in John 3:14-15.
St. Paul, in Colossians 1:15, says that Christ is the image (Greek is “ikon”) of the invisible God
Joseph, as a ruler in Egypt, deserves the homage of his brothers and sisters, and thus they “bowed themselves before him with their faces to the ground” (Gen. 42:7). The company of the Lord’s prophets also bow down before Elijah in reverence in 2 Kings 2:15. Surely, if it were inherently wrong to bow before a created thing (and Joseph and Elijah were created), they would have rebuked others for so doing. There are numerous such examples of this in Scripture. St. Paul says to give “honor to whom honor is due” (Romans 13:7), and if anyone is due honor, it is the Saints and their relics.
The patristic view is also very clear:
“We do not worship, we do not adore [non colimus, non adoramus], for fear that we should bow down to the creature rather than to the Creator, but we venerate [honoramus] the relics of the martyrs in order the better to adore Him whose martyrs they are.” Against Riparium
-St. Jerome
“We by no means consider the holy martyrs to be gods, nor are we wont to bow down before them adoringly, but only relatively and reverentially [ou latreutikos alla schetikos kai timetikos].” Against Julian
-St. Cyril of Alexandria
And Bl. Augustine Against Faustus the Manichaean:
“We, the Christian community, assemble to celebrate the memory of the martyrs with ritual solemnity because we want to be inspired to follow their example, share in their merits, and be helped by their prayers. Yet we erect no altars to any of the martyrs, even in the martyrs’ burial chapels themselves.”
“No bishop, when celebrating at an altar where these holy bodies rest, has ever said, “Peter, we make this offering to you”, or “Paul, to you”, or “Cyprian, to you”. No, what is offered is offered always to God, who crowned the martyrs.
So then how is it you catholics think that you can offer Jesus up to His Father , when Jesus offered Himself up to His Father 2000 years ago ?. Jesus said it is done when He was on the cross .
And so when God commanded not to make images of whats up above or down on the earth or whats below , God was just blowing smoke at Moses i guess ?
Relics ? Honor to relics ? No mention of giving honor to relics in the new testament . And bowing down or jenuflecting to statues IS IDOLATRY . The statues are not holy relics!
By the way Peter was never in Rome...ever !
The vatican just says that .No historicle proof that he ever was !
Wish my protesant family and friends understood this we do not worship Saints and martyers we venerate them
well said Father,thanks for the great lenten message.and keep them coming,Thank You very much.
Loved this commentary, thank you for teaching me more about my faith and the Commandments. Keep up your great work, Father Barron!
I just really had to let you know how profound and enlightening your idea of the marketplace inside the Temple of our bodies hit me. The light shed from that alone was one of many blessings I'm sure to receive in continually watching some of your videos today. I think I have spent about 2-4 hours/day watching your videos and additional time reading the catechism and compendium and more additional time studying online. I am not a Catholic, but I am considering due to your evangelization.
This was a very good reminder, Father. It's much appreciated.
God bless you father. You bring so much of inspiration and love for God and Jesus in to my life.
Awesome as always Father, Glory be to God
Thank you for your perspective. Peace be with you.
@MicaleAntonio Ditto to that! Fr. Barron's videos have been such a blessing in my life as well. Don't know where I'd be (or what I'd know) without 'em. Keep up the great work, Fr. Barron!!
Excellent and challenging video. Without getting into a lot of personal confessions it raises some particularly difficult questions for me, so thank you for that. The one about pleasing God is a huge one though, because God, sometimes I just want to chill out a minute and watch some TV, y'know?
@HugeJohn51 He's not inserting his own interpretation!
Everything Fr Barron says is in line with Catholic teaching. It's just that he expresses it with jaw-dropping brilliance. As a Catholic, nothing he says takes me by surprise. But the way he develops his ideas is original, imaginative and fascinating.
The bible says do not call anyone spiritual your father hence this person has taken the seat of God
Everything flows from making the conscious decision to NOT worship false idols, which are everywhere around us….GOD must be the fundamental And ultimate love for us ❤
As a Irish Catholic Christian, there's nothing wrong or shameful about praying to any Saint like the Virgin Mary. So if I pray to a statue of Mary, I see no shame in it. She leads any Catholic to her son Jesus Christ who happens to be the way, the truth and the life. The rosary isn't idol worship either. It's a Catholic devotion to Mary. This is something that Protestants need to think about.
Alan Bourbeau The Bible clearly say tha you cannot bow down and Worship Idol. But tha You pray to ONLY to your Lord God in spirit , Remeber God's face we havent seen it yet.
He didn't say that he worshiped the statue - only that he prays to the saint in front of their statute (which is just a physical item that helps remind us that we're praying to a person). And, of course, you can ask any member of the Body of Christ to intercede on your behalf. We ask people to pray for our intentions all the time. So why not ask the Virgin Mary? She is, after all, the Queen Mother (just as Bathsheba was the Queen Mother and chief-intercessor for King Soloman in the Davidic Kingdom).
Praying before an image or statue is fine provided we are not praying to the ink, or the material as a god. We pray to what the statue or image represents.
Alan Bourbeau the dead can't hear you. The only mediator between God and man is Jesus
Excellent reflection on the First 3 of the Ten Commandments, and how Jesus Christ seeks to improve each of us, in relation to GOD the Father. GOD Bless and Salve Regina!
I feel norished and up built yet again....thank you.
Amazing insights Father Barron, thank you!
Thank you for this message!
"The worship of God benefits us"..........This needs to be plastered on billboards all over the world because people have completely misinterpreted the concept of worshiping the Lord.
Wow, what a zinger by Fr. Barron - You hit that comment out of the park!
It's interesting that you should find that Scripture disturbing because I didn't quote the full verse. It actually starts out saying at Mt 10:34, "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." It's suppose to be disturbing and a wake up call. Put God first.
Those around me are important, but not more important than God.
And again, the all important question we should ask is this life more important than the eternal life?
This is so good.
Beautiful interpretation....
The more you type, the more that you are confirming the fact that you did not know your faith. There is a huge difference about being born, baptised and confirmed Catholic, and actually knowing and living the Faith. I was born in an English speaking household, but learned the complexity and beauty of the language through school and literature in my free time. Its exactly the same with the Church.
Where is the second commandment which forbid about idol worshipping..
It’s the same as the first.
No Strange Gods
Protestants changed it around
It's beautiful. ❤️Thank you Bishop Barron. God bless you always 🕊️✝️
Oh, and what you say about the desanctification of Sunday in western society is so true!. I was born in England in 1972, and even up until about the mid 1980s I can clearly remember how special Sunday felt as a child. Hardly any shops were open, very few sporting games were played and in my village at least 60% of people went to church. It is frightening how quickly this has been lost in only the last 30 years...I hardly recognize the old country anymore to be honest :-(
Thank you Bishop.
The 8th commandment: thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbour.Enough said.Now I know how Jesus felt when He was being wrongfully accused before His Crucifixion.
I have already said that I respect your right of opinion to believe what you want, and I thought that would have ended this discussion.
Based on what Fr. Robert Barron said in one of his sermons, you were put in my path as an opportunity for me to love, so, my friend, I love you with all my heart. Peace be with you.
Fr, this video is awesome!!! Thank you so much, super amazing! I'm going to share! :D
Terrific talk on the First Commandment. I can't remember hearing one better.
I would only say regarding the Second Commandment that God's 'name' can mean other things besides the very noun that denotes Him. His Name could also mean His reputation and His authority--all three things.
For example, we are not to invoke God's reputation or authority over any issue that involves our personal or collective vanity. To do so makes Him look trivial and prejudiced in a way He's not. It's also an abuse of privilege, which prayer is.
A good example of 'taking the name of the Lord in vain' might be praying to win a football game or worse yet--to win a war when you're the offending aggressor as the Nazis did. Such a request makes it look like you're asking God to play favorites. "Sorry," God replies. "No can do. I love all equally. I love THEM just as much as I love YOU! I died for all."
A better locker room prayer or even a private prayer might be to ask God to help us learn and employ all the team skills, communication skills, or any other skills that Heaven wants us to learn. This prayer should be constructed to ask Heaven for skills that will help make us better Christians in the eyes of God outside the war room or the locker room.
Such prayers should never be designed to make us just vain 'winners' in the eyes of the world. That intent violates the Second Commandment that also comes with a threat, "For the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His Name in vain."
Tom, you have taken the second Commandment to a level that I had never thought of before, it has given me another example that I can use when explaining the Commandment to my children. Thank for taking the time to post. Football is an analogy that the boys will understand.
I couldn't agree more with you on this, Bishop. Anything that occupies your mind the most is your God, and when whatever that thing is isn't God, then it is an idol, and when you worship idols, you are in danger of idolotry.
Before I was received into the Church, I was Jewish and the ten commandments were (and continue to be) an important part of my life. I love Father Barron's take on most things and this is no exception. I try (I often fail but I try) to make an examination of conscience regularly on the ten commandments to see how I've disappointed God. I find it useful in my spiritual growth. I particularly like what he said about taking the Lord's name in vain. I constantly remind my teenagers of this one!
❤❤❤❤❤❤👏... Wow this seemed so random... but it really ministered to me... Thank you Bishop much love and appreciation
I believe we celebrate Sunday to celebrate the Eighth Day, or the Pascal Sacrifice. So, it's slightly changed, but that's why it's changed. It's not to disobey God, but rather to glorify God in His Sacrifice.
Hello Bishop, good day. Can you please elaborate Psalms 135:15-18. I am an solid catholic believer and I want to understand further the meaning of this scripture towards idolatry.
brilliant comment father. You just answered a lot of questions by this video. Brilliant.
This was good thanks a lot. Jesus with your spirit
@victrolajake Your video was good, but this comment definitely threw me off initially as to why you referred to Marian devotion/veneration as worship. I HIGHLY recommend using the other two terms to avoid confusion when presenting Catholic position.
Words are like bullets. What’s said is damaging and cannot be stopped! Once you release a word, it cannot be recalled.
Question - What happened to though shall not make any graven image that lives in the land, air and sea ? If so why did you create an image of a human "that lives in the land" and say it jesus, how create something made of wood and call him God.
Interesting. Peace be with you.
Thank you
This is amazing!
Thank you, for very good explanation
8.35 onwards is a beautiful interpretation .
Bishop Barron I enjoy learning aboit other religions old and new. Sometimes I'm scared it can lead to idolotry bit at the same time as someone studying history I need to know their religions as well.
I don't know if this is right - does anyone really have a single highest concern? Most of the time we are balancing various other desires/values/etc.
Interesting question. I do think having a center does help while deciding how to deal with desires or values. For example if i am in a rush and an old lady falls on the street a part of my desire would be to ignore because i am in a rush HOWEVER having God as the center tells me hey i should help her because she needs help
Wern’t there al lot of pages diaries who were groups of three? How are they different from the trinity?
This is very important, thank you. Please make one video review about Christs law that fulfills the Commandments, and 8 blessed states of the soul. Thank you very much! (maybe this would take more than one video)
@infernocanuck excellent well thought out and reasoned argument, thanks for playing.
Bishop Barron, we need Portuguese subtitles in your videos. My friends don't speak English.