MasterAquatics i dont think the fish tries to kill themselves. i think they go near filters so that they can take in more oxygen. Since theyre weaker coz theyre sick, they get sucked in and died
Terra Emerald man I’m sorry :( my other 4 fish are alive and healthy but I’m scared about one she’s not moving like she used to and I honestly don’t want her to go.... me and her basically have a bond and I wouldn’t know what to do without her but yeah, I’m really sorry
"Fish are really sensitive" pretty much sums them up. I've had so many fish die and no idea why. What's really crazy is the ones who live the longest and then just...die.
this fish had an internal parasite, you can tell because of the white fungus around its mouth after it died, that is the parasite trying to excape the host after its death, you need to treat your hole tank with a all in one treatment ( I recommend lifeguard, it has worked for me in the past) to protect your other angelfish from getting the parasite. it wasn't your fault at all, the store you got it from probably just looked for external problems, but internal parasites have been going around alot with the main fish destituters. internal parasites are long lasting if not treated, they can stay in the host for months if not treated, white poop is a sine of internal parasites aswell, and it's is somthing you have to look out for with any fish you get from a petstore( even if it is a good quality one)
maybe all the fish have the same internal parasite but their immune system is keeping it in check ..then this one gets bullied due to tank dynamics..gets stressed and his immune system falls short of whats needed he dies.
rosey 1DHS Neon Tetras are natural prey for Angelfish. Also, I've seen what happens when other fish eat Neon Tetras that are suffering from Neon Tetra disease: Similar ailment.
do u mean they eat neon and get sick? my angle fish eaten 2 of my neon and today he is showing sign of dying. im not sure why. but before that i lose 2 angle fish as well. reason unknown
My Barramundi is weird. Sometimes he will eat minimally for a few days and lie at the bottom a lot of the time. And then the next day he’ll be dashing around the tank and eat more than he ever would before.
Bro I can relate. Don’t let this discourage you. Fish dying kills the hobby more then anything. Just as long as you’re trying your best in learning and loving the fish everything will be ok.
My angel fish is dying . She’s the last of my 55 gallon fish tank. I feel what your going through. I pray it all works out for you and your fish. Thank you for posting
I totally agree with the diagnosis of internal parasites. Also I’ve found the best way to treat a tank with schools of fish is you need to do a 20% water change every single day plus a 60% water change once every week.
@@marcovazquez8939 in so sorry, my fish got an infection and died yesterday and I think their partner will be dying soon too :( but I feel lucky that I had them for almost four years
Hi Master Aquatics ! Thanks for the video, you are NOT a horrible fish keeper ! Ive had the same problems with fish keeping in my experience. Someone helped me by passing along some valuable information that helped me. The advice I was given was that you have to realize that whenever you buy fish, regardless of where you buy them from, the Majority of the fish are already diseased and sick ! Often times its nothing you are doing wrong, its just the fact that the fish are already bad when you get them ! I'm a Biologist and there is a reason why most animals that lay eggs to reproduce lay so many is because the survival rate of the offspring is very low. That survial rate is not always due to predation, sickness and disease is also a contributory factor in why animals have such massive amounts of offspring ! I say all that to say, when you are buying fish from pet stores, other fish keepers, etc, you could be doing everything correctly, its just the fish was already demised before it ever got to you ! Hope this helps !
I just got depressed! I have my gold fish for 4 years. I went out and came home and she was on her side! I put her in another tank by herself and massage her a little. She's holding on. I didn't know I would get so emotional! 😭
Hi, I realize that this video was taken a few years ago. Hopefully, you found out what was happening to your tanks. I am new to this hobby - came across your video, and it was very helpful. Thank you.
Here's (in my opinion) what is happening with your fish. It has nothing to do with your tank's parameters or anything. The same thing was happening to me. When you put a new angelfish inside your tank (juvenile) the other angels that are already established in the tank have to basically "Accept" the new angel into their "school" or grouping. Ever notice that you can go out buy 2 angels, one of them starts immediately swimming and hanging out with the others, and the second one goes off on his own and is very anti-social? In my opinion you may need to give your angels a bit more space for territories. They need more things to hide under and call their "home". I believe that was my problem as well, I brought home a Koi Angel as well along with a Black Veil, the Black Veil did perfectly fine, but the Koi died in 4 days (wouldn't eat, very anti-social, etc.) So maybe try giving them more things to hide behind, or under, or even more Bigger plants. This is what I did, and I haven't really had a problem since.
uNiTy That’s literally the same thing that’s happening to me right now. Just brought home two juvies (black veil and a koi) a few days ago and the Koi looks like he’s on his way out.
uNii7y that happened to two new angels I put in with 3 I already had. The two new ones got bullied and usually stay on opposite side of tank. They are getting along now and no deaths but I understand that is what happens.
For those who watch this 3 years later like me. I put in my two cents. Sometime doing too much, is too much. Like applying different medicines, and then salt and then this and that. Fish are sensitive. Think basics first. For a fish that’s ill you wanna turn down the filter water fall, and any air pumps / bubbles so they dont get pushed around. They need calm water. If you put food in the quarantine tank and the ill fish wont eat it, take that food out of the tank and try feeding later. Food will decompose quickly- not helpful when trying to get rid of fungi. Little things that matter. I hope u are thriving in ur aquarium hobby by now. Best.
Dude that's why I'm here :( small school of glo tetras and I think I killed em all with a water change 😭 woke my husband up crying 😭 I'm so sorry... Fish are the best 😭
I know my fish is gonna die and I feel so bad. I got him from the fair 8 years ago (yes I know that’s bad but I was young.. I know better now.) and I just am at a loss. He just looks confused and he seems to be blind. He also can’t swim properly and I can’t find anything that covers what it is. Now he’s laying on the ground in his tank. If anyone can help please please let me know. I’ll try to update. Btw I did check and his temperature seems to be okay so I don’t think that is a problem.. I just don’t know how to treat him idk what’s wrong
I feel your pain buddy, this is my first ever best pet in the world, and it's going to die... I had him/her for 1 year.. it's staying in the corner and doesn't wanna eat, doesn't respond to my hand.. I'm crying, and I'm going to cry forever..
My fish died today.. his name was nemo and he was an orange platy.. I told my mum I can't see him and she found him... lying dead in the corner... I cried.. I Want to find out how he died... Now I have 1 platy and 4 other fishes. Midnight is an orange and black platy that hasn't died yet... I'm worried about her
just do your regular water change declorinate your water every change and do not overfeed your fish you can feed it 3x but when your fish was new from the pet store im sure it is lowlyfed if you feed that fish it will surely wants to eat all the food start gradually and very low bec i heard that fish eat all the time and when the fish is full it will not eat more food but its a different story when the fish are starving like fishes in the petsore, maybe 40 to 50% If thats a new tank i used quickstart to have live benefecial bacteria if you dont have those then ask your petstore if you can take 1 sponge in one of the aquariums and then squeez that dirt sponge on your water just a little sponge, then put the necesary those of meds just to be sure that you kill the bad germs if that makes sense.
My fish died 2 days ago. it was a beautiful dwarf gourami. he had all these signs. He was always so slow and gentle to all my other pets. he was only one. He got sick for no apparent reason. Why! thank you for this video
my fish is gonna die.... ill keep an update. he wont eat and stays at the bottom. we’re trying to get him to eat, changed his water snd cleaned his whole tank, and tmr we’re getting fish medicine so ill try to keep this comment updated so someone please remind me :( update: we got fishy medicine as recommended and hes doing a lil better, started swimming a tad and eating a lil more. i have faith in him. go gerald! :) update 2: its been a week and hes doing much better. we’re going to continue the medicine for another week. hes swimming and eating again. now we just wait for his fins to become normal again. :) hes doing great though!
My angel fish also used to come to the surface for air several times.Googled it n figured out it was due to a lack of oxygen in the water so I bought a large air stone.She is fine now,healthy n moving about without a care in the world.U can try adding a bigger air stone n also leave the top of the tank open to improve oxygenation.Leaving the top open really helps as it improves the effect of the surface tension caused by the bubbles from the air stone.Good luck.👍
You're fish really aren't suicidal. When they get weak and are dying they're too weak to fight the suction of the filter intake and it sucks them in. Instead of using a fish net, you could band some cheesecloth to the filter intake. Unfortunately when it comes to keeping fish there are so many variables that can go wrong. For example, is your tank cycled, do you do weekly testing of the ph, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia. Are you doing the correct amount of water change (not too much and not too little). Are you leaving the light on and off for the proper amount of time. Are you checking the plants for any bacteria. Look for little white spots on the plants and if you see any, immediately take them out and clean them with baking soda and water. Angelfish get stressed very easily. I've been raising fish for over 30 years and angels are one of my favorites but noticed that it can be hit and miss with them. If you have too many in your tank and they're getting bullied, they will refuse to eat and then be susceptible to illness. By then it's usually too late to treat unless you get them in an isolation tank and treat immediately. Keeping the light off in the isolation tank to ease the stress while treating can help. Unfortunately I just lost a beautiful Koi Angel that I had for 4 years as soon as I added 2 new ones to her tank. It was devastating to me. She did not take well to having another angel in her 40 gallon tank. She was alone for years and immediately stopped eating and started hiding and then surface gulping, then no matter what I did didn't work. I've spent thousands of dollars on my fish buying tanks and meds and other chemicals to keep them alive but sometimes despite all we do we just can't save them all. So never beat yourself up. If having fish make you happy then continue to do so. One last thing remember to check how many angelfish you're suppose to have for your size tank. If you have too many than bullying will happen. Then you will run into problems. Especially if you have breeding pairs. Each breeding pair will claim so much territory in the tank and fight for that space. So if your tanks not big enough for them all to have their own space then the ones that don't will suffer. I hope this helps you even though I'm finding your video very late.
my fish is going through the same thing and he is still alive right now and i don't know if its to late and he hasn't eaten in about 1 week so can you please tell me soon or my 2 year fish is going to die i'm glad you took this seriously for everybody who has these problems thank you even if its too late for him
DUDE! Your anglefish are awesome! Also thank you for making this video. In the past few days, 4 of my fish have died. What's weird is that everything's been perfect in my aquarium until now. I am glad you made this, and it's very helpful.👍🏻
One of my white angel fish died this morning. I just put these fishes (5) a week ago. The one died had stopped eating and had red Colorrage near it's fin. Maybe due to infection or something😔😔. I am worried about other fish. They aren't just eating
Mine is doing the same thing. I hate it. He makes a fast spinning tornado then he lays on the bottom and breaths heavy for 2 hrs then repeats...its been 6 days. He isn't sick , maybe spinal injury or something. Idk what to do. Its hard to watch :/
if you happen to be in uk could you tell me where you buy your api general cure as i do use a lot of api medication as you can use most of it together with other api products but i cant find anywhere that sells it. thanks
My heart just broke for you and your poor angel fish, while watching this. Thanks for taking the time to educate us. I have a Damation Molly i am watching right now. He lost his buddy last week. I went and got another one, but i think this fish is smarter than alot of us. Hobey, keep plugging away at itt. You will get it right!
I just watched your video and I must say, we are literally going through the same issues. We had 2 juvenile angelfish w 1 slightly bigger angelfish,(all the same breed) all of sudden. The bigger one would push them around but every once in awhile, if they got close to him. But most of the time, Biggie(bigger one) would swim w them no problem. Water was perfect, always made sure to test at least twice a week. So I heard you ask if someone could give u some advice because we feel the same way. No more fish as we have lost about 8 fish. Did you get an answer as to why we both are losing fish when the water is ggod?
Sounds like you watched the whole video, I really appreciate that. I got a lot of mixed answers in the comment section. I'm thinking I was feeding them too much, or doing too many water changes. I also moved a lot of my angels to the bigger tank while they were young, which stresses them out. I believe stress and possibly being bullied by the bigger angels played a role in the death of my fish. If you are having issues I would contact a good local fish store and ask them to test your water and maybe take a look at your fish.
You can keep your sick fish in your quarantine tank with adding some general fish aid which help your fish to get out from stress and also you can add some sea salt as per product direction. I treated my two fishes that way and it's work for me.
I saw this vid too late. Two of my new Angels behaved exactly like that and were dead the next morning. So sad. I have made a lot a careful changes and everything seems fine now. There is a lot of learning involved in this hobby, i can't list them all. I started with a 150 gallon tank 7 months ago...still going well but again, a lot of learning. Worth it though 🙂
I’m worried my fish will pass away soon it’s very hard for me as I feel I can do nothing, he is an old goldfish and lived a good life but it’s never easy
They usually lay eggs once a week. Its up to you if you want to take them out. If you decide to take them out, try hatching them. Watch this video to learn how to hatch the eggs.
If your water temp is 79 to 80 that is what I did and they would lay eggs and after 5 days they would eat them them because they like they tank empty with just them to bread and some times pet store fish just don't know what they are doing and eat them
I brought home a 1 year old koi angel this morning. It went into a 40 gallon tank with 5 gourami and 7 danio. It came from a tank where it was happy and active with 5 other angels. I had my temperature, water hardness, & pH matched to his first tank. The nitrates and other water parameters were in good ranges. As soon as it was released the gourami all came and touched it (as gourami always do with new tank mates) ("Ma! Those gourami are touching me!") then they pretty much left it alone. But it soon began swimming upwards, then became listless, kinda floating with the current. At that point some of the gourami began nipping at its very long, multi-branched feeler-tips. I removed 4 of the gourami to a holding tank, turned off the light, reduced the waterflow and turned off the airstone. This evening it is swimming weakly, but also mostly horizontally. I hope this is a good thing. Occasionally, it gets pulled up to the filter intake (which has a foam covering) but shakes itself loose in a minute or so. Still not responding to food. If it survives to morning Iand looks stronger, I will slowly turn back up the water flow, and add back gourami one at a time watching for stress signs. Wish my pretty angel a recovery!
My angel did that and I seen two of them die right b4 my eyes. I've had 4 of them I think. They r not for me. They also like pristine water. You have to make them strong.
@@user-fj7gs9op1s yea if they get it then youre suppose to put tank dividers in! The fish must be 6 inches apart in the dividers if they come down with the rona! Also chewy/petco have some fish masks if needed!!
I keep my Angels in with smaller fish Guppies. I don't use flakes for any of my fish once they are big enough to eat Bloodworm. I feel there's too many impurities in flakes. hope that helps.
I'm having trouble with my koi angelfish also, I've done everything you have done, and mines just the same, I've only four in one large tank, I hope you feel better because I know what your going through xx
I have the same problem with one of my 6 tanks... This was the last one I cycled and did everything by the book before ordering the fish... They came 10 days ago, 5 Dwarf Gourami, 5 Silver Dollars, 5 Rams, 10 Amber Tetras and one silver shark. After 4 days 3 died then yesterday and today another 3. No apparent reason and all the water readings are perfect. Have treated the water with whitespot treatment and today was told they might have an internal virus so have treated the water for this... Googled what else could cause their deaths and it was said that overfeeding them could be the main cause. PS. They're going on a diet from now on and my fingers and toes are crossed.
Angels are normally a hard fish to go for some semi aggressive fishes such as tetras , barbs & some variety of sharks ..... IT LOOKS EVEN GREAT AND GIVES A GREAT RESPONSE TO YOUR TRAINING TOO.. SO TRY IT. BECAUSE I TOO HAVE MY OWN AQUARIUM AT HOME
I’m new to owning fish. Got them yesterday. A black angelfish and a purple galactic tetra. Just gave them their morning feed and hoping to have them for years to come. Demi 🖤and Swerve💜
@@Yung_Hefty It's not fair, You might as well have only one fish and let the other fish have better owners who would love them the same as the rest of them
RoastyToastys it’s not like you can give your favorite fish any special treatment compared to the others , I fish isn’t gonna care if it’s a favorite or not
Hey man you're not a bad fish keeper. Fish are gonna have problems even with the best of the best care. You're not a magician. You're just a dude who loves his fish and wants to give them a good home. The haters likely aren't even fish experts.
my fish died today he hasn't been eating and has been sitting at the bottom of the bowl he made me feel better when my family wasn't around. Watching him swimming around made me feel calmer. Rip Cosmo.
I’m no pro on Angelfish but one time I had just 2 Angelfish in a tank by themselves. One started bullying the other one (they were the same size) and was hitting it hard on it’s sides and if it was pretty close to the side of the tank the bully would ram it into the glass. Then all of a sudden it was so stressed that it ended up laying flat on it’s side on the gravel. I got really upset so I quickly scooped some of the tank’s water in to a bucket, caught the bully and gave it to the pet shop. As soon as I had it in the bucket I held the fish net and lightly touched the stressed one and it started swimming again, without the bully in the tank. All was well with it since the bully was gone. I am guessing that the bully in your tank could have rammed your fish hard in it’s side and injured it internally. I noticed that it did not have any strength to swim near any little currents your bubbles made. It was too weak to swim much because of not eating. It could not eat because it was injured, too weak and/or in pain. It sure was a beauty and I know you miss it. RIP little Angelfish. You are missed! I hope you can figure out what happened. It did have a shredded tail fin so it was probably in pain. Yes, fish feel pain because they have pain receptors. This is a proven fact. I’m sure that you are a great fish keeper. If you can find the bully if there is one, give it to the pet store!
I don't know if its water quality or the other angelfish ganging up, but I know with my water that I have issues keeping some of the really common fish like swordtails. About a month and a half ago, I purchased three kohaku swordtails and they all died within a week of having them. The water had been changed a couple of days before and I added Prime to it and they ended up dying anyways. I'm sorry about the angelfish. I just wish I had an answer or even a half answer to give you. Good luck on finding the solution.
Looks like fin rot to me lost about 11 fish to that thanks to pets at home selling sick fish, I bough 6 neons from them and they infected to rest of my tank. Luckily the babies in the tank survived but I've also lost fish to bullying so who knows its hard to see your fish suffer this way, hope you get what ever caused it sorted.
Just wanted to say thank you. My 11 year old Molly is dying and has been for several days. It’s nice to feel not alone. How long can they be sick before they die? There’s nothing obviously wrong. He’s stopped eating and mostly lays on the bottom of the tank. Now and again he swims around the tank in a nervous way, then he goes back down again. So sad.
Help, i had 5 tetras but now two are dead one was found with a bloated stomach and the other was really pale and had something in its stomach now i have 3 left there's nothing wrong with the water❗❗❗
@@turbogav8674 i appreciate your kindness. However, a fish surely can talk underwater if you think hard enough. For that reason, it MUST have said it. Oh, i know. I couldnt make a joke for the life of me. Haha. Peace and blessings to you, have a nice day.
My fish died quz i had a bully that didn’t let it swim anywhere and eventually it died. He didn’t eat or move from the hiding spot and when he tried the other mail fish/bully just chased him back to the hiding spot.😢
Another thing is that don't put too much melafix in the tank bc I happened to do that and I came home from school one day and one fish was dead and other one was on the verge of death so make sure you put the required/recommended amount in there
appreciate everyone being so kind. thank you.
MasterAquatics you said 78 degrees that means angel fish can live in boiling water
MasterAquatics it's 78 F not Celsius. So it's far from boiling!
MasterAquatics I have 2 fish and a cat my cat doesn't try or has ever hurt my fish cool right
MasterAquatics i dont think the fish tries to kill themselves. i think they go near filters so that they can take in more oxygen. Since theyre weaker coz theyre sick, they get sucked in and died
MasterAquatics help me please I have a fish that lying down but still breathing what should I do
I know this video have been here for months but this video deserve a thumbs up...greatly help any beginner just like me
dan21 reteo i go give like for luck in myself because I’m a beginner
dan21 reteo l
My fish died today, please give prayers! R.I.P BLUEBERRY 🐟
Thats my fish's name wow and I will be praying!❤
I'm so sorry mine died yesterday it's name was bluejay 😭😭
I'm sorry. I didn't Know I would care about fish so much till I got mine. They're sad
My fish also died today and his name was BLUE
My fish just died R.I.P Spike
I'm legit watching my fish die I don't have anything to help him. It's very heartbreaking to watch him float around the tank and suffer
Mine died today shit was sad he was like that for a while
my pet fish named carl died today and I have never been more heartbroken in my life
I’m taking mine back to the store. Hopefully he won’t get bullied there.
Yes same💔 it’s 11:30pm and I can’t even get anything to help him
@@veryevil784 that's why I don't name any fish in my tank. But still breaks my heart.
... R.I.P to my fish only 2 survived
Terra Emerald man I’m sorry :( my other 4 fish are alive and healthy but I’m scared about one she’s not moving like she used to and I honestly don’t want her to go.... me and her basically have a bond and I wouldn’t know what to do without her but yeah, I’m really sorry
@@nebulajaii9689 ):
My 5 neon tetras, betta, and a sucker face fish have all died
I just lost my black angelfish recently. He was the best angelfish I ever had.
"Fish are really sensitive" pretty much sums them up. I've had so many fish die and no idea why. What's really crazy is the ones who live the longest and then just...die.
this fish had an internal parasite, you can tell because of the white fungus around its mouth after it died, that is the parasite trying to excape the host after its death, you need to treat your hole tank with a all in one treatment ( I recommend lifeguard, it has worked for me in the past) to protect your other angelfish from getting the parasite. it wasn't your fault at all, the store you got it from probably just looked for external problems, but internal parasites have been going around alot with the main fish destituters. internal parasites are long lasting if not treated, they can stay in the host for months if not treated, white poop is a sine of internal parasites aswell, and it's is somthing you have to look out for with any fish you get from a petstore( even if it is a good quality one)
I'll deff keep that in mind. Thanks for the information.
Shannen Isenburg thank you. that happens with my guppies recently
maybe all the fish have the same internal parasite but their immune system is keeping it in check ..then this one gets bullied due to tank dynamics..gets stressed and his immune system falls short of whats needed he dies.
rosey 1DHS Neon Tetras are natural prey for Angelfish. Also, I've seen what happens when other fish eat Neon Tetras that are suffering from Neon Tetra disease: Similar ailment.
do u mean they eat neon and get sick? my angle fish eaten 2 of my neon and today he is showing sign of dying. im not sure why. but before that i lose 2 angle fish as well. reason unknown
As a new fish owner this was extremely helpful and reading some of the comments were great too... hope you were able to figure out what happened.
When they lose their appetite, yknow something is wrong
Just like my fat butt
My Barramundi is weird. Sometimes he will eat minimally for a few days and lie at the bottom a lot of the time. And then the next day he’ll be dashing around the tank and eat more than he ever would before.
Muhd Nufail yeah my goldfish done that so I had to put him in a separate bowl and he died in may
@@charlescalthrop2535 my big fish does the same thing!
Mine lost his appetite before… he… 😭😭🥺🥺😪🤧
0:26 it looked like your voice was coming out of the fish, like he was talking 😂
Haha i just realised
Maybe he is a fish illuminate confirmed.
Bro I can relate. Don’t let this discourage you. Fish dying kills the hobby more then anything. Just as long as you’re trying your best in learning and loving the fish everything will be ok.
needed to see this 🖖
Ive not even started yet and ive already come to terms with death. Best anyone can do is make sure the rest are fine
My angel fish is dying . She’s the last of my 55 gallon fish tank. I feel what your going through. I pray it all works out for you and your fish. Thank you for posting
I totally agree with the diagnosis of internal parasites. Also I’ve found the best way to treat a tank with schools of fish is you need to do a 20% water change every single day plus a 60% water change once every week.
Me searches why my fish has been acting only a little weird*
Same 💀
I’m worried now 🙃
My fished died abt 2 hr ago and i got them for my birthay not even 24 hr ago :(
@@marcovazquez8939 in so sorry, my fish got an infection and died yesterday and I think their partner will be dying soon too :( but I feel lucky that I had them for almost four years
@@user-fj7gs9op1s my fish jumped out of its tank wtf
Hi Master Aquatics ! Thanks for the video, you are NOT a horrible fish keeper ! Ive had the same problems with fish keeping in my experience. Someone helped me by passing along some valuable information that helped me. The advice I was given was that you have to realize that whenever you buy fish, regardless of where you buy them from, the Majority of the fish are already diseased and sick ! Often times its nothing you are doing wrong, its just the fact that the fish are already bad when you get them ! I'm a Biologist and there is a reason why most animals that lay eggs to reproduce lay so many is because the survival rate of the offspring is very low. That survial rate is not always due to predation, sickness and disease is also a contributory factor in why animals have such massive amounts of offspring ! I say all that to say, when you are buying fish from pet stores, other fish keepers, etc, you could be doing everything correctly, its just the fish was already demised before it ever got to you ! Hope this helps !
I am so so sorry for u mate... This video made me very sad
Adarsh Cherian thanks.
My fish died 3 days ago and i cant stop crying when i see his fish tank
jelly 181 Same 😭😭😭
Fish: I don't wana eat
Other fishes: k
I just got depressed! I have my gold fish for 4 years. I went out and came home and she was on her side! I put her in another tank by herself and massage her a little. She's holding on. I didn't know I would get so emotional! 😭
I know it’s four years later but Did she make it?
Hi, I realize that this video was taken a few years ago. Hopefully, you found out what was happening to your tanks. I am new to this hobby - came across your video, and it was very helpful. Thank you.
just experienced the same with my betta. so sad that i wasn’t able to save him and practically watching him die :(
Now I’m experiencing same with my betta😭
My whole tank died after a water change but it was my favorite fish Lulu’s death that brought a tear to my eye. RIP LULU 6/17/20
@@BadazzBossy86 did you use tap water or use the conditioner to make the water is pure, thats so sad im sorry
Linna Mania I was using distilled water 🥺
My betta died too bro, I feel the same pain, he died 6 months ago, R.I.P Steve
The angelfish looked malnourished and looked like he had been bullied
I was thinking the same.
Daves Aquariums hi, we have 3 fish. One died today. Iam so sad. Its bothered me, because the fish fin scattered in the tank. Do u know why?
My catfish’s are getting bullyd
Fin rot
angel fish is a bully to
Here's (in my opinion) what is happening with your fish. It has nothing to do with your tank's parameters or anything. The same thing was happening to me. When you put a new angelfish inside your tank (juvenile) the other angels that are already established in the tank have to basically "Accept" the new angel into their "school" or grouping. Ever notice that you can go out buy 2 angels, one of them starts immediately swimming and hanging out with the others, and the second one goes off on his own and is very anti-social? In my opinion you may need to give your angels a bit more space for territories. They need more things to hide under and call their "home". I believe that was my problem as well, I brought home a Koi Angel as well along with a Black Veil, the Black Veil did perfectly fine, but the Koi died in 4 days (wouldn't eat, very anti-social, etc.) So maybe try giving them more things to hide behind, or under, or even more Bigger plants. This is what I did, and I haven't really had a problem since.
uNiTy That’s literally the same thing that’s happening to me right now. Just brought home two juvies (black veil and a koi) a few days ago and the Koi looks like he’s on his way out.
uNii7y that happened to two new angels I put in with 3 I already had. The two new ones got bullied and usually stay on opposite side of tank. They are getting along now and no deaths but I understand that is what happens.
Bruh omg fish are so relatable and depressing
For those who watch this 3 years later like me. I put in my two cents.
Sometime doing too much, is too much. Like applying different medicines, and then salt and then this and that. Fish are sensitive. Think basics first. For a fish that’s ill you wanna turn down the filter water fall, and any air pumps / bubbles so they dont get pushed around. They need calm water. If you put food in the quarantine tank and the ill fish wont eat it, take that food out of the tank and try feeding later. Food will decompose quickly- not helpful when trying to get rid of fungi. Little things that matter. I hope u are thriving in ur aquarium hobby by now. Best.
My fish is going to die, I just cleaned her tank and she’s not coming up for food going really close to the filter.....😭
My fish just died:(
Dude that's why I'm here :( small school of glo tetras and I think I killed em all with a water change 😭 woke my husband up crying 😭 I'm so sorry... Fish are the best 😭
my fish hit itself in the water filter and hit a rock then died 👁💧. his bestfriend fish is so sad we got them together
I know my fish is gonna die and I feel so bad. I got him from the fair 8 years ago (yes I know that’s bad but I was young.. I know better now.) and I just am at a loss. He just looks confused and he seems to be blind. He also can’t swim properly and I can’t find anything that covers what it is. Now he’s laying on the ground in his tank. If anyone can help please please let me know. I’ll try to update. Btw I did check and his temperature seems to be okay so I don’t think that is a problem.. I just don’t know how to treat him idk what’s wrong
Crap :( my fish is gonna die
JakePlayz - Did it?
I feel your pain buddy, this is my first ever best pet in the world, and it's going to die... I had him/her for 1 year.. it's staying in the corner and doesn't wanna eat, doesn't respond to my hand.. I'm crying, and I'm going to cry forever..
It did guys it died a a couple weeks ago :(
@@johnnyjoestar3566 AWWWW! I feel so bad! :(. Mine are still alive, but don't wanna eat. And still! No response to the hand.. :(
@@johnnyjoestar3566 F for *Respeccs*
This is so sad 😥😭
Alexa, play Ocean Man
Realy Jaap?
@@Marlin123 shut up pinto
Yeah maybe I should... But that is really rude to make fun of someone like that.
actually... ur right this kid is a drama queen.
My fish died today.. his name was nemo and he was an orange platy.. I told my mum I can't see him and she found him... lying dead in the corner... I cried..
I Want to find out how he died...
Now I have 1 platy and 4 other fishes.
Midnight is an orange and black platy that hasn't died yet...
I'm worried about her
Wolf princess16273 YT What size is your tank?
just do your regular water change declorinate your water every change and do not overfeed your fish you can feed it 3x but when your fish was new from the pet store im sure it is lowlyfed if you feed that fish it will surely wants to eat all the food start gradually and very low bec i heard that fish eat all the time and when the fish is full it will not eat more food but its a different story when the fish are starving like fishes in the petsore, maybe 40 to 50% If thats a new tank i used quickstart to have live benefecial bacteria if you dont have those then ask your petstore if you can take 1 sponge in one of the aquariums and then squeez that dirt sponge on your water just a little sponge, then put the necesary those of meds just to be sure that you kill the bad germs if that makes sense.
Why we cannot name fishes?
ODST Studios Because you can be attached to them, and when they're gone, you will slowly realize, that it's gone. It's gone forever.
iury1986 Don't try telling others kids. Not nice when their fish died.
My fish died 2 days ago. it was a beautiful dwarf gourami. he had all these signs. He was always so slow and gentle to all my other pets. he was only one. He got sick for no apparent reason. Why!
thank you for this video
my fish is gonna die.... ill keep an update. he wont eat and stays at the bottom. we’re trying to get him to eat, changed his water snd cleaned his whole tank, and tmr we’re getting fish medicine so ill try to keep this comment updated so someone please remind me :(
update: we got fishy medicine as recommended and hes doing a lil better, started swimming a tad and eating a lil more. i have faith in him. go gerald! :)
update 2: its been a week and hes doing much better. we’re going to continue the medicine for another week. hes swimming and eating again. now we just wait for his fins to become normal again. :) hes doing great though!
What medicine did you buy?
what's the medicine called
is your fish fine now?
@@giurax2344 well he was better after i gave him the medicine but sadly he did die last summer
My fish just died and this video helped me so I can learn but not making the same mistakes and save the other fishes I have. God bless ❤️
My angel fish also used to come to the surface for air several times.Googled it n figured out it was due to a lack of oxygen in the water so I bought a large air stone.She is fine now,healthy n moving about without a care in the world.U can try adding a bigger air stone n also leave the top of the tank open to improve oxygenation.Leaving the top open really helps as it improves the effect of the surface tension caused by the bubbles from the air stone.Good luck.👍
You're fish really aren't suicidal. When they get weak and are dying they're too weak to fight the suction of the filter intake and it sucks them in. Instead of using a fish net, you could band some cheesecloth to the filter intake. Unfortunately when it comes to keeping fish there are so many variables that can go wrong. For example, is your tank cycled, do you do weekly testing of the ph, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia. Are you doing the correct amount of water change (not too much and not too little). Are you leaving the light on and off for the proper amount of time. Are you checking the plants for any bacteria. Look for little white spots on the plants and if you see any, immediately take them out and clean them with baking soda and water. Angelfish get stressed very easily. I've been raising fish for over 30 years and angels are one of my favorites but noticed that it can be hit and miss with them. If you have too many in your tank and they're getting bullied, they will refuse to eat and then be susceptible to illness. By then it's usually too late to treat unless you get them in an isolation tank and treat immediately. Keeping the light off in the isolation tank to ease the stress while treating can help. Unfortunately I just lost a beautiful Koi Angel that I had for 4 years as soon as I added 2 new ones to her tank. It was devastating to me. She did not take well to having another angel in her 40 gallon tank. She was alone for years and immediately stopped eating and started hiding and then surface gulping, then no matter what I did didn't work. I've spent thousands of dollars on my fish buying tanks and meds and other chemicals to keep them alive but sometimes despite all we do we just can't save them all. So never beat yourself up. If having fish make you happy then continue to do so. One last thing remember to check how many angelfish you're suppose to have for your size tank. If you have too many than bullying will happen. Then you will run into problems. Especially if you have breeding pairs. Each breeding pair will claim so much territory in the tank and fight for that space. So if your tanks not big enough for them all to have their own space then the ones that don't will suffer. I hope this helps you even though I'm finding your video very late.
my fish is going through the same thing and he is still alive right now and i don't know if its to late and he hasn't eaten in about 1 week so can you please tell me soon or my 2 year fish is going to die i'm glad you took this seriously for everybody who has these problems thank you even if its too late for him
and i don't know what type of fish it is
I am so sorry about your fish. I feel the same way about my fish and tank. You are a great fish caregiver.
DUDE! Your anglefish are awesome! Also thank you for making this video. In the past few days, 4 of my fish have died. What's weird is that everything's been perfect in my aquarium until now. I am glad you made this, and it's very helpful.👍🏻
I think my fish, George, had a stroke.
He's been doing flips and spins ever since then. Sick moves 😀👍
One of my white angel fish died this morning. I just put these fishes (5) a week ago. The one died had stopped eating and had red Colorrage near it's fin. Maybe due to infection or something😔😔. I am worried about other fish. They aren't just eating
Mine is doing the same thing. I hate it. He makes a fast spinning tornado then he lays on the bottom and breaths heavy for 2 hrs then repeats...its been 6 days. He isn't sick , maybe spinal injury or something. Idk what to do. Its hard to watch :/
you could try API general cure. It treats internal parasites that melafix can't...
I'll def try that next time.. Thanks for the tip.
if you happen to be in uk could you tell me where you buy your api general cure as i do use a lot of api medication as you can use most of it together with other api products but i cant find anywhere that sells it. thanks
jb 227 API general cure? Where do you find this? Is it liquid? Is API the brand name? Thank you! ❤
Is that product available in online shopping websites?
I'm sorry for your loss, you helped me figure out what is wrong with my fish :)
My heart just broke for you and your poor angel fish, while watching this. Thanks for taking the time to educate us. I have a Damation Molly i am watching right now. He lost his buddy last week. I went and got another one, but i think this fish is smarter than alot of us. Hobey, keep plugging away at itt. You will get it right!
I am a new follower, I see this is an older video. I can't wait to see what you have accomplished. ❤
Thank you for your kind words
My fish died today pls keep prayers up , RIP Rapidash 😞💔 🐠
R.I.P. Rapidash
I just watched your video and I must say, we are literally going through the same issues. We had 2 juvenile angelfish w 1 slightly bigger angelfish,(all the same breed) all of sudden. The bigger one would push them around but every once in awhile, if they got close to him. But most of the time, Biggie(bigger one) would swim w them no problem. Water was perfect, always made sure to test at least twice a week. So I heard you ask if someone could give u some advice because we feel the same way. No more fish as we have lost about 8 fish. Did you get an answer as to why we both are losing fish when the water is ggod?
Sounds like you watched the whole video, I really appreciate that.
I got a lot of mixed answers in the comment section.
I'm thinking I was feeding them too much, or doing too many water changes. I also moved a lot of my angels to the bigger tank while they were young, which stresses them out.
I believe stress and possibly being bullied by the bigger angels played a role in the death of my fish.
If you are having issues I would contact a good local fish store and ask them to test your water and maybe take a look at your fish.
You can keep your sick fish in your quarantine tank with adding some general fish aid which help your fish to get out from stress and also you can add some sea salt as per product direction. I treated my two fishes that way and it's work for me.
Thank you for caring so much for your fish, you have a good heart.
Got my first fish today. Learned a lot from this video. Thanks for posting this. Sorry about your fish. Is it the same as your profile pic?
Mine just passed today, he was healthy but he was old, I had my betta was a little over 4 years old. R.i.p Blanco 💔
My fish has been alive for 4 years and now she is dying 😭😭😢😭😭😭
My fish is dying to :(
Im sorry. Did you make an attempt to add medications?
What kind of fish do you have ? Some fish has only 4 years life span
you have some lovely colours on your angle fish
Pretty sure this video just saved my wife’s angel fish. Thank you ❤
I saw this vid too late. Two of my new Angels behaved exactly like that and were dead the next morning. So sad. I have made a lot a careful changes and everything seems fine now. There is a lot of learning involved in this hobby, i can't list them all. I started with a 150 gallon tank 7 months ago...still going well but again, a lot of learning. Worth it though 🙂
I’m worried my fish will pass away soon it’s very hard for me as I feel I can do nothing, he is an old goldfish and lived a good life but it’s never easy
Me: this is so sad I cant watch
Also me: salmon is delicious
That's different
Yeah those are tasty, I used to have pet chicken but no problem eating other chicken as long as it's not mine :P
My angel laid eggs the other night but the male was eating as fast as she laid them. How long will it be before she lays again?
They usually lay eggs once a week. Its up to you if you want to take them out. If you decide to take them out, try hatching them. Watch this video to learn how to hatch the eggs.
MasterAquatics thanks so much
If your water temp is 79 to 80 that is what I did and they would lay eggs and after 5 days they would eat them them because they like they tank empty with just them to bread and some times pet store fish just don't know what they are doing and eat them
Cannibalism at its best
My pet angelfish lost its fins and it can't swim it's just laying under the tank. My angelfish shares the same tank with my goldfish. What can I do?
@J Hall ouh shit thanks for the advice
@J Hall thank you for helping people who don't know anything about fish like me.
I brought home a 1 year old koi angel this morning. It went into a 40 gallon tank with 5 gourami and 7 danio. It came from a tank where it was happy and active with 5 other angels. I had my temperature, water hardness, & pH matched to his first tank. The nitrates and other water parameters were in good ranges.
As soon as it was released the gourami all came and touched it (as gourami always do with new tank mates) ("Ma! Those gourami are touching me!") then they pretty much left it alone. But it soon began swimming upwards, then became listless, kinda floating with the current. At that point some of the gourami began nipping at its very long, multi-branched feeler-tips.
I removed 4 of the gourami to a holding tank, turned off the light, reduced the waterflow and turned off the airstone. This evening it is swimming weakly, but also mostly horizontally. I hope this is a good thing. Occasionally, it gets pulled up to the filter intake (which has a foam covering) but shakes itself loose in a minute or so. Still not responding to food.
If it survives to morning Iand looks stronger, I will slowly turn back up the water flow, and add back gourami one at a time watching for stress signs. Wish my pretty angel a recovery!
My angel did that and I seen two of them die right b4 my eyes. I've had 4 of them I think. They r not for me. They also like pristine water. You have to make them strong.
My fish had the rona and killed most of the others.
wait, so fishes can get it too?
@@user-fj7gs9op1s yea if they get it then youre suppose to put tank dividers in! The fish must be 6 inches apart in the dividers if they come down with the rona! Also chewy/petco have some fish masks if needed!!
What's rona?
@@Simply_Logan corona
@@osfp5576 But fish can get it?
By corona do you mean like Covid
I keep my Angels in with smaller fish Guppies. I don't use flakes for any of my fish once they are big enough to eat Bloodworm. I feel there's too many impurities in flakes. hope that helps.
Thanks for the information Susan.
My peacock ain’t going to make it by tonight, he is wedging himself in the corner and looks like he is struggling to breathe. Sad times.
I'm having trouble with my koi angelfish also, I've done everything you have done, and mines just the same, I've only four in one large tank, I hope you feel better because I know what your going through xx
I don't know what it could be. But I hope you find the cause.
Really sorry for your loss.
Thanks Cherry.
I have the same problem with one of my 6 tanks... This was the last one I cycled and did everything by the book before ordering the fish... They came 10 days ago, 5 Dwarf Gourami, 5 Silver Dollars, 5 Rams, 10 Amber Tetras and one silver shark. After 4 days 3 died then yesterday and today another 3. No apparent reason and all the water readings are perfect. Have treated the water with whitespot treatment and today was told they might have an internal virus so have treated the water for this...
Googled what else could cause their deaths and it was said that overfeeding them could be the main cause.
PS. They're going on a diet from now on and my fingers and toes are crossed.
David Paisley good luck! I'll prey for them :3
may be the tank was too crowded and the others bullied him for more space 😢
That is a big tank
Angels are bigger then you think
Unless you have one
@@zodiax6782 they can be.. however, when they are young, they are quite small. But your right about lots of those fish. They were older.
Angels are normally a hard fish to go for some semi aggressive fishes such as tetras , barbs & some variety of sharks .....
I’m new to owning fish. Got them yesterday. A black angelfish and a purple galactic tetra. Just gave them their morning feed and hoping to have them for years to come. Demi 🖤and Swerve💜
my favorite fished killed himself everything you said he did.
You can't pick favourites.
SeaSalt - Why not?
@@Yung_Hefty It's not fair, You might as well have only one fish and let the other fish have better owners who would love them the same as the rest of them
RoastyToastys it’s not like you can give your favorite fish any special treatment compared to the others , I fish isn’t gonna care if it’s a favorite or not
YoU CaNt pICk FaVorITeS
Thank you this helped a lot
This should be a 5 minute video
2:46 "Hey, whatcha doin? Do you have any games on your phone?"
Try giving peas, salt or garlic clove for not burning too much skin
My goldfish got to the side of the tank, and goes up and down
My mini shark died
Reason: Got stuck in plant
I’m sorry but that’s hilarious
He got stuck in a plant😂😂😂
if you saw it in the plant before it died why didn't u help it out
Why do you got a mini shark?😂
Hey man you're not a bad fish keeper. Fish are gonna have problems even with the best of the best care. You're not a magician. You're just a dude who loves his fish and wants to give them a good home. The haters likely aren't even fish experts.
my fish died today he hasn't been eating and has been sitting at the bottom of the bowl he made me feel better when my family wasn't around. Watching him swimming around made me feel calmer. Rip Cosmo.
I’m no pro on Angelfish but one time I had just 2 Angelfish in a tank by themselves. One started bullying the other one (they were the same size) and was hitting it hard on it’s sides and if it was pretty close to the side of the tank the bully would ram it into the glass. Then all of a sudden it was so stressed that it ended up laying flat on it’s side on the gravel. I got really upset so I quickly scooped some of the tank’s water in to a bucket, caught the bully and gave it to the pet shop. As soon as I had it in the bucket I held the fish net and lightly touched the stressed one and it started swimming again, without the bully in the tank. All was well with it since the bully was gone. I am guessing that the bully in your tank could have rammed your fish hard in it’s side and injured it internally. I noticed that it did not have any strength to swim near any little currents your bubbles made. It was too weak to swim much because of not eating. It could not eat because it was injured, too weak and/or in pain. It sure was a beauty and I know you miss it. RIP little Angelfish. You are missed! I hope you can figure out what happened. It did have a shredded tail fin so it was probably in pain. Yes, fish feel pain because they have pain receptors. This is a proven fact. I’m sure that you are a great fish keeper. If you can find the bully if there is one, give it to the pet store!
One of my fish died today and other one is not eating his food 😭. I don't know what to do.
Could I put a ghost shrimp in my 2.5 gallon betta tank
I don't know if its water quality or the other angelfish ganging up, but I know with my water that I have issues keeping some of the really common fish like swordtails. About a month and a half ago, I purchased three kohaku swordtails and they all died within a week of having them. The water had been changed a couple of days before and I added Prime to it and they ended up dying anyways. I'm sorry about the angelfish. I just wish I had an answer or even a half answer to give you. Good luck on finding the solution.
Sorry about your fish. Its such a horrible feeling losing fish. Glad I am not the only one. Thanks for watching though.
Me: *sees my goldfish crazy for food and thinks he's got a problem*
This guy: hungry fish is healthy
Me: *I thot*
Looks like fin rot to me lost about 11 fish to that thanks to pets at home selling sick fish, I bough 6 neons from them and they infected to rest of my tank. Luckily the babies in the tank survived but I've also lost fish to bullying so who knows its hard to see your fish suffer this way, hope you get what ever caused it sorted.
The angelfish was doing a self-quarantine, doesn't want others to get infected
Can you do a top 3 signs when I am going to die?
Just looking for the best course...
I'm sorry Sparky, Poppy, Maxie for not taking care of you so well in my childhood Q~Q
Just wanted to say thank you. My 11 year old Molly is dying and has been for several days. It’s nice to feel not alone. How long can they be sick before they die? There’s nothing obviously wrong. He’s stopped eating and mostly lays on the bottom of the tank. Now and again he swims around the tank in a nervous way, then he goes back down again. So sad.
Thank you so much sir for this video because of that I save my fish from illness 💖
Help, i had 5 tetras but now two are dead one was found with a bloated stomach and the other was really pale and had something in its stomach now i have 3 left there's nothing wrong with the water❗❗❗
so sad the fish literally died on camera :(
I’m so sorry. RIP gippy
My gold fish stopped eating and started staying still at the bottom of the tank. All I could do was slowing watch him disintegrate. Rip Flame
My two fishes just died today
R.I.P Barry and Garry
Im just starting an aquarium and youtube recommends me these videos
jeron92 that’s kinda creepy...
@@37googolplex yeah
RIP Gilbert he died today💔😞
My fish died today and I cried I went to feed him and he just floated to the top I'm so sad
R3dP4nda 666 thanks so much you really helped me
I'm so sorry for your loss I lost my fish as well today he is buried in my garden
Thanks so much but what should you do take it out of the tank if you notice this
Have you tried buying fish from a different supplier or maybe checking recalls on the chemicals
I got a new fish today and he died in the first 12 hours I don’t know what I did wrong rip dotty 😭
My fish killed himself too. He had a back pack with explosives on and detonated near the heater. Last time I buy fish from Allah Aquariums
Ahahahahaha im dying ahahahah yeooo
Thats a good joke. And thats coming from a Muslim.
Ah, man. You funny. Did it yell out Allahu Glubbar?
@@turbogav8674 i appreciate your kindness. However, a fish surely can talk underwater if you think hard enough. For that reason, it MUST have said it.
Oh, i know. I couldnt make a joke for the life of me. Haha. Peace and blessings to you, have a nice day.
Turbo Gav bro what 😂😂
My cat fell asleep watching this lol
uh oh. Is that good or bad?
Ready for tonorrow same haha
My fish died quz i had a bully that didn’t let it swim anywhere and eventually it died. He didn’t eat or move from the hiding spot and when he tried the other mail fish/bully just chased him back to the hiding spot.😢
Another thing is that don't put too much melafix in the tank bc I happened to do that and I came home from school one day and one fish was dead and other one was on the verge of death so make sure you put the required/recommended amount in there