A Guest at the ‟Forverts‟ ־ Daniel Kahn

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 มิ.ย. 2012
  • A Guest at the ‟Forverts‟
    A Talk with Daniel Kahn
    Program hosted by Itzik Gottesman
  • บันเทิง

ความคิดเห็น • 34

  • @pm2881
    @pm2881 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    This guy’s music is dope. He’s pretty good looking too

  • @yiddishecup
    @yiddishecup 12 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    good job, yentlemen.

  • @PetrHorak1204
    @PetrHorak1204 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Vielen Dank

  • @PetrHorak1204
    @PetrHorak1204 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @renedupont1953
    @renedupont1953 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dear Mr. Gottesman: For your information, the word 'derhaintikn' that you use is a made-up coinage which was not used by native Yiddish-speakers in Eastern Europe or by Yiddish prose-writers and poets.
    Yiddish vocabulary does, however, have the verbs 'farhaintikn' and 'farhainttsaitikn' which express the meaning very well.

    • @qaisabdulbaki8189
      @qaisabdulbaki8189 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @wyldhorn2277
      @wyldhorn2277 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      yiddish like many diasporic languages (and active languages) grows and shifts with use and time, yiddish is not latin, it breaths grows and shifts

  • @haroldsteinblatt2567
    @haroldsteinblatt2567 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Daniel speaks of Berlin here as if he had no idea that Berlin, his home, was once Hitler’s capital, an elephant in the room he clearly refuses to confront. Eight years have passed since this interview took place - at a time when there plenty of Nazi murderers walking the streets of Germany - and I wonder if he’s noticed that he now lives in the heart of a country where anti-Semitism from both the left and especially the right is on the rise. He speaks Yiddish but without any real sensibility that it’s Jewish. Give me a Chassid who sprinkles his conversation with Yinglish, whose knowledge of Yiddish grammar is poor, but knows where his language comes from any time. None of our ancestors were “leftists” until 130 years ago or so. He appears to think that the language began at that time. Yiddish isn’t a corduroy cap worn by people who believe they’re Fiddler on The Roof’s Perchik. Perchik is dead, murdered by both the Russians and the Germans.

    • @AodhMacAuliffe
      @AodhMacAuliffe 4 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      ok boomer

    • @lemoncoolassociate8786
      @lemoncoolassociate8786 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      What greater insult is there to the anti-socialist anti-jewish nazi party than to sing jewish socialist songs right in their old capital?

    • @derkguez8590
      @derkguez8590 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ok this was a pretty good response. Have all the whiskey you want haha. I'm down with secular jews embracing a mildly antagonistic "we shouldn't be complicit in shit we know is wrong" mentality and giving it body and form through yiddish but lets stop the commie bullshit please.

    • @derkguez8590
      @derkguez8590 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AodhMacAuliffe The fact that this video and most of Kahn's work hovers around a couple thousand views should probably be enough for you to tone down the pop cultural paternalism. The boomer was right.

    • @samuelgoldring9691
      @samuelgoldring9691 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Kahn does not claim he is expressing all of the Jewish experience/civilization but the strand he adds to the Jewish tapestry of life
      is stunning
      even if it is necessarily incomplete .
      Kahn is a treasure
      Let’s include different voices and produce
      a harmonious sound that even Mosiach
      won’t be able to resist -soon in our days

  • @renedupont1953
    @renedupont1953 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    What sense does it make to produce an "episode" like this one where both "partners" do not succeed in speaking Yiddish properly? It's not cute and it's not interesting. If they had spoken English instead of fractured Yiddish, the result would have been much better. This is simply an illustration of the decline of Yiddish in America. Why didn't they make a serious effort and prepare a correct script beforehand? Does this negligence reflect a lack of respect for the language? SHEMEN MEGT IR ZEKH IN VAITN HALDZ. AIER FARENGLISHTE PLAPLERAI IZ A KOPIKE NIT VERT. DI, VOS KENEN NOKH IDESH, VELN FUN AIKH KIN NAKHES NIT HOBN. AZ OKH-UN-VEY TSU VOS DI IDESHE KULTUR-VELT HOT DERLEBT.

    • @jaymagic54
      @jaymagic54 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Zay moichel. Ven zay zogn Yiddish, s'iz a techias ha-masim. Bei mir, dos iz a klayne nes.

    • @samuelw589
      @samuelw589 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      As a learner, I find it helpful to listen to Yiddish spoken on an intermediate level, like Khan does here. Why don't you write in the Yiddish alphabet, by the way?

    • @pupyfan69
      @pupyfan69 3 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      I'm sure the Yiddish language will make for a very beautiful museum piece once it's extinct, like your type seem to want it to be. Linguistic revitalization necessarily involves a lot of non-native speakers speaking at an intermediate level. Deal with it.

    • @tesfuweldemikael2902
      @tesfuweldemikael2902 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@pupyfan69 I remember the mockery Hebrew caused when revived. And now it's being spoken as a native tongue again.

    • @qaisabdulbaki8189
      @qaisabdulbaki8189 11 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @haroldsteinblatt2567
    @haroldsteinblatt2567 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    “Why Berlin?” Listen to Gottesman’s tone as he asks this question, the movement of his hands, and any fool can hear “Why Berlin, of all places?”
    And Kahn’s answer, “Why not?” So casual, as if he’d been asked “Why Astoria? “Why not? It still isn’t prohibitively expensive yet is highly accessible to Manhattan, and lots of ex-Manhattanites live there now." His answer mocks the people he must think he’s honoring with his music and a too-perfect Yiddish that would have mystified the klezmorim of Eastern Europe. He’s a pretty talented guy but still a clown who thinks he becomes a member of the proletariat every time he puts on his cap and vest, an internationalist singing in the language of a people who were betrayed by internationalists and murdered by men and women still living in “Why not?” Germany. At some point, his nebekhdik accordion and clarinet will be shattered by neo-Nazis, while people amused by his “internationalist” shtick will shake their heads and say it was inevitable. Those less amused by the clown will say he had it coming for casting his net of “moral” values over Kovner and the memory of those whose murder drove him to consider avenging himself on what clearly isn't a normal country in the wake of its crime against him, his heart and tattered mind. Fuck him, a “Detroiter" - make that well-heeled Jewish suburban Detroiter - appropriating the language of people who were slaughtered so that he can he put out his little leftist pamphlets in a manner that sounds genuine, all while drinking the bloody piss of “Farvoos nisht?"

    • @derkguez8590
      @derkguez8590 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Ok no more whiskey for you my friend

    • @tesfuweldemikael2902
      @tesfuweldemikael2902 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@derkguez8590 Was going to say the same. What a gibberish.

    • @renedupont1953
      @renedupont1953 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Bravo, Mr. Steinblatt. Your comment is excellent and it explains the real situation to many, many internet viewers. Germany's war of extermination against European Jewry did irreparable damage to Yiddish language and culture. Yiddish was the majority language of the more than six million innocent Jewish people brutally murdered by German soldiers. More than twenty million Soviet citizens perished during World War II. Russia has never forgotten
      the victims of German nazism, and they celebrate the victory of their brave and courageous army every year.
      Mr. Cahn's answer "why not?" shows that he is a mental midget and an ignoramus, who no longer respects the memory of millions of fellow Jews who went through hell on earth at the hands of the Germans and their sympathizers. He is certain not a friend of Yiddish, and has not made an effort to learn the language properly.

    • @renedupont1953
      @renedupont1953 ปีที่แล้ว

      Typographical error: correct 'certain' to 'certainly'.

    • @qaisabdulbaki8189
      @qaisabdulbaki8189 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1
