@@arcaea_guy Yes, my tutor Ken Tai said that those skills whose were derived from the past papers will be banned by HKEAA due to it's monocultural feature. Any kinds of skills which are derived from the Maths concept are so difficult to be banned. And we should see the bigger picture, don't do some behaviour which is most of the candidates in order to score a higher grade. He said that in 2020, the last live regular course. And this occurred in 2023.
2023 年係最難個一年
2023 年果份卷好考你諗數思維,背題型狂操n 份卷嘅時代已過去。如果你諗數思維方面做得好,即使你唔係操卷王,你嘅分數唔會跌得好勁。
因此,2023 年考評局好明顯ban 啲死操爛操嘅同學仔,因為本身數學科背後考思維而唔係齋死做數咁解。
2024 會係3D?
依加F5 未操過dse 係咪可以跟呢個順序操Paper1 PartA先呢?
2023 年d題目甲2明顯係難左
Locus 難度評分5/10
唔好咁老定,佢一定會再整深少少,再ban 啲操卷王。Section B 會可能有3-4 條難題。
Should be more difficult. You need to beware that there are more NDS students challenging the DSE paper
@@arcaea_guy Yes, my tutor Ken Tai said that those skills whose were derived from the past papers will be banned by HKEAA due to it's monocultural feature. Any kinds of skills which are derived from the Maths concept are so difficult to be banned. And we should see the bigger picture, don't do some behaviour which is most of the candidates in order to score a higher grade.
He said that in 2020, the last live regular course. And this occurred in 2023.