it's generally easier to figure out the platform with 4 portals, first, see where the 2 safe spots are, and then see which of those 2 safe spots are safe with the 8 portal platform (or is it 6?). either way, small number first, it'll show you 2 safe spots, then figure out where in those 2 safe spots are also safe
aaah at 01:45 I believe I am wrong here, you can simply ignore that part! This fight was a lot more fun than the previous one!!
it's generally easier to figure out the platform with 4 portals, first, see where the 2 safe spots are, and then see which of those 2 safe spots are safe with the 8 portal platform (or is it 6?). either way, small number first, it'll show you 2 safe spots, then figure out where in those 2 safe spots are also safe
good tip