+Elanthiel I suspect you are trying to be funny, but if serious: that would be a bad idea in relation to adaptation and survival of the species; as 'common' is too relative and not necessarily a good thing.
Ghost Emblem ESP is real, i installed a hack into my brain which let me see where people are, what they are holding, who they work for, what they are going to do, and their current physical health state through walls that are made of 7 meters of solid lead xxddd. 13617
SparkingWonders It was when he said they finish each other's sandwiches. It's a reference to the Love is an Open Door song from Frozen where they say 'I mean it's crazy, we finish each other's sandwiches.... That's what i was going to say!'
"We cannot feel water! That's so messed up." Well, now all meaning is lost in my philosophical trips into the shower... I better ponder over this in a nice shower.
I believe we can actually see the lower end of the UV spectrum. Our lenses block UV light though. But people who had surgery that removed/replaced them reported being able to see UV to a certain extent.
If we can not sense wetness, what sense or combination of senses is being used to tell if the clothes are wet or damp or dry when we reach into the cloths dryer?
Hyperinteraction sounds awesome. Never heard of that before. Are you saying that, after a particularly joyful personal event, you could call someone using some sort of device and physically share that joy with them? Or perhaps make someone instantly understand your way of thinking? I may have extrapolated a bit here but it sounds amazing
I'm sure you've already shot all the videos for this segment but I would love to hear your in-depth explanation of why ESP doesn't exist sometime in the future
Actually, some people can see UV light (at least in part). I am one of those people, and it was a little weird at first. Aphakia is the absence of the lens of the eye, due to surgical removal for cataracts, a perforating wound or ulcer, or congenital anomaly. It causes a loss of accommodation, far sightedness (hyperopia), and a deep anterior chamber. Aphakic people are reported to be able to see ultraviolet wavelengths (400-300 nm) that are normally excluded by the lens. They perceive this light as whitish blue or whitish violet. This is probably because all three of the eye's color receptors, the blue more than the others, are stimulated when such a person sees ultraviolet wavelengths. Some animals have a fourth color receptor for ultraviolet wavelengths (see tetrachromacy) and see the near ultraviolet as an extra primary color. Babies are rarely born with aphakia. Occurrence most often results from surgery to remove congenital cataracts (clouding of the eyes' lens, which can block light from entering the eye and focusing clearly). The natural lens of the eye filters out the UV rays and UV is suspected, in some cases, of causing the cataracts.
there is a sense I would like to see humans evolve into which is the Newtype Phenomenon. Basically in the Gundam Canon story line, Newtypes are humans that have lived in space long enough to develop a more advance sense of perception of Proprioception and characters could sense emotions around them. in the Gundam franchise, Newtypes are like Dr. Xavier from X-men basically. However in the Gundam Franchise, unlike in the X-men, you slap on giant robots and something developed from living in space for a while. Newtypes can communicate with each other and sometimes if the emotions are strong enough, have out of body experiences and become borderline telekinetic. maybe a commercialized space program and living in space could lead to the next evolutionary thing for us.
3:26 I don't think you would be able to see UV rays and X rays shooting down from the sky even if you had X ray vision, just like you don't see visible spectrum rays from the sun (unless you look at the sun). You would see their scattering in the sky and their reflections from objects around you.
I just learned about viruses being able to reanimate dead viruses and I think that this would be a very interesting topic to go into; it might be a bit short, but I think it would be interesting to explain how we develop this
+Ad Addv Yes, this what happens when a communications major guy acts like a science guy. And also he says, gamma rays "thats like millions of hertz". LOL, WTF!
Was that a tenacious D reference at 5:41? =D Wonderboy, what is the secret of your powers~ idk. Sounded like it to me. x3 that wasn't the quoted reference of course that i made there.
Having sense to see different levels of spectrum would not be like seeing through people or like an x-ray photos. You have to remember that the photos you see is an altered version of the unvisible spectrum. UV and Infrared can be converted into visible colors, but that is not how it would look because it is seen in visible colors. If you see frequencies between 20 to 20,000 hz, you would see color. If you hear frequencies between 430-790 THz you would hear color. There are people with these conditions.
TestTube Plus Being able to see x-rays doesn't mean you are able to see through people. This would require a capable source of x-rays behind each person. Most of the sun's x-rays are blocked by the upper atmosphere. Even if your eyes could emit x-rays (which is something totally different than being able to see x-rays), you would be able to see the x-rays reflected back from objects, which may not be enough to see through things that stand between you and the reflector.
once, at uni, i had a psychology class that tried to demonstrate that ESP was impossible, and statistics could prove it. so we played a game where we had to guess whether a playing card was from a red suite or black suite. they wanted to show that on average it'd be about 25/25. experimentally, i performed an invocation to Hermes before the class, asking him to show himself by making me get a bunch right, and proceeded to get so many wrong (about 40/10) that it helped push the result past the significance level of the test. for the whole class of 30. many lulz were had
Well, I am a mystic, so my opinion would probably be seen as bias as coming from another paradigm of thought, but from 'your' paradigm: good video. I argue that 'ESP', as in 'exoplanar metaphysical transliteration', is real, but not a 'physical' sense, but that is within the paradigm of thought that 'the physical body is merely the avatar of an exoplanar existence(, which is often called the 'spirit')'. The major issue with so called 'ESP' is that the so called 'spirit' prioritizes avatar upkeep over 'ESP', such that you need to increase avatar operational efficiency or increase the amount of so called 'spirit' sub-fuel so called 'energy' that which is readily available to use so as to exceed avatar necessities and wants or specifically reorganize priority ratios of your so called 'spirit'. So called 'ascension' is about increasing your so called 'spirit' sub-fuel so called 'energy' availability and ... stuff. So called 'ESP' is also wishy-washy, even for a (living)mystic, as it is an interpretation into physical sensory capabilities without the 'physical' stimuli which 'should' be needed, in relation to how one theoretically interprets such things 'at the time of perception'; looking into its meaning after the fact does not work because it is fundamentally subjective and relative.--- --- --- so technically, a video about 'Human' experience(, i.e. (most) of 'our' physical avatar type) is correct to say that so called 'ESP' and 'psychotele-' sensory stuff is not real; in relation to the subject material.
Since my head injury at age 12, I have accurately predicted the pregnancies and sex of the baby as well as eminent death accurately. My entire family and many of my friends know for a fact that I have a gift and I know many people that have some kind of knowledge that others cannot figure out how they found out. There are far more senses than we give human beings credit for.
You know what I find upsetting as an art student? I am not sure if this is actually true because it was just through a picture post on FB but I heard that shrimps can see more colors because they can sense 12 colors while we can only see three: cyan, magenta, yellow.
What if when twins are created from the zygote splitting, quantum entanglement happens and persists in a cool way when the zygote forms new cells, so eventually there is a bond? I realize it's not likely and you just said the data is not there to support it, but it would be awesome!
The rainbow mantis shrimp has the best eyes in the animal kingdom along with the most powerful punch (compared to its size.) they can gama, ultraviolet and radio waves along with the visible spectrum.
Wetness?... Is this a thing or is he talking about viscosity. He mentioned density so I take that to meen that wetness is a measure of resistens and the resistens of a fluid is its viscosity. I know that is a dumbed down version and is only part of what viscosity is but you get my drift i hope.
While it obviously doesn't exist, I wonder if telepathy could happen. If we have a sense like sight that allows us to see one part of the EM spectrum it seems it could be possible for a biological mechanism to exist that can detect radio waves. If a species could both broadcast radio waves of their thoughts and detect those of others it could happen. Probably a bit of a stretch though.
I think telepathy is totally possible, if you genetically engineered the human brain to have a tumour like growth with brain cells that could send out powerful Electromagnetic radiation or pulses to specific individuals that were translated or coded so that the person interpreted it as another voice in there head because you release Electromagnetic radiation when you 'think' and no brain waves are synced so the tumour would have to be able to detect certain waves and emit them too. One would have to be an antenna and a receiver to pick up thoughts and send thoughts.
How about the power to kill a yak from two hundred yards away....With mind bullets! That's telekinesis Kyle ! I hope I'm not the only one who gets this
what about sense of time. i swear i can guess the time down to the minute with alarming regularity. like 70 percent accuracy, and if not im close by 5 min. admittedly im probably using other external information to help me determine this. like understanding what time i woke up and how many activities i have done and roughly how long those activities felt to me.
You say in order to sense X-rays we'd have to see UV light because "you can't skip over that part of the EM spectrum" but isn't the exactly what people do with the visible spectrum for those who are colorblind? They're essentially skipping portions of the visible spectrum...why does that not apply to other bits of the spectrum?
Trace what about the tuatara ? It had a uv eyeball that means is it's in the DNA just inactive so how much solar radiation for how long does it take to activate that DNA and is it in the pea brain or limbic system? how ever as it applys to shuffling sense DNA an epigenetics in theory.. magnetic field senescence and chemical sensing are expression found in fish in lateral line and as is so the concept of slow evolution is gradual adaptation to and from environmental factors set by stress and solar energy fluctuations are uv measurable because the temperature and humidity whether in general is solar cyclical(weather climate and solar activity are paterns)and all though sense of time is pattern recognition + epigenetics possibly because inter generational stress study's suggest it pattern recognition subconsciously. available foods as that applys to the concept best describe in the book" you are what you eat "(in abstract to loosely logical conclusion in extreme conditions) As well as the observation of finches in the" origin of species" the niche +the adaptation +fitness =adaptation as it aplys to food and environment and selection. In animal it promotes patterns/routine and decreases or dramatic increases of risks taking. where in humans you see bipolar mania and depression (pre frontal cortex behavior/reduce frontal cortex behavior) "animal behaviors" in this example are expression in conservation of resource biologically temperature sensitive for hibernation day and night hunting optimization dusk dawn like bears do.. or did till trash can's and streetlights caused the border bear to engage in risk taking like braking in to cars and homes for high sugar foods because 7x more addicting then cocaine and calorie dense foods are a fat bears friend.. but humans are smarter than animals we adapt as a organism with a sense of purpose to focus are cultural adaptation...right trace...?
Well I can feel wetness. I know when my clothes are wet I know the difference between a sweaty pair of jeans and cold jeans. I also can see in the infrared spectrum and ultraviolet spectrum better than most as well as a bizarre ability to tell where electrical cables are inside of walls and when power outages will occur to the second as they sweep over a city block. I'm not sure how this function works but I've toiled with an idea that allows other people to experience this though an outpatient procedure.
But sometimes by touching we can feel the density of water..if you put water in mouth, we can feel the density.... like its a kind of thickness..water at different density feels different...
About the xray thing there a girl who was able to actually see her mother's internal organs I heard about, if you look her up, witch i dont know her name but yea, she has X-Ray vision and can see though people's bodies and stuff, you should go check that out, i wasnt trying to prove you wrong but i was just informing you.
Nobody says we literally only use 10% of our brain, they are saying we only use 10% of our brain coherently, and will accept that we can use up to roughly 30% coherently in specialized tasks. Don't be so dismissive of that. Using our brain 100% coherently has never been seen outside meditation, and that's only in alpha waves, which proves it can be done. If we can access our brains with 100% coherence, wouldn't we be able to USE it with 100% coherence, and wouldn't that express more potential than everyone in the world that has been recorded using no more than roughly 30% coherently of the brain? I hate how someone can say something obvious, like of course we use 100% of our brain, just in different times of different levels, when that completely disregards what truth that people saying we use 10% of our brains are conveying, that we can potentially access 100% of our brain in CONSCIENCE COHERENCE, and we have no recordings of that, and doing such can demonstrate a higher human potential than we are familiar with. If you are so easy to say we all use 100% of our brains, why can't we all pick up tasks that only take up a measly 30%? I HATE WHEN SCIENCE SIMPLIFIES A QUESTION IN ORDER TO DISMISS IT!!!
"300 ExaHertz or like MILLIONS of Hertz/second." For one thing, 300,000,000,000,000,000,000 Hertz is to "MILLIONS" as 300,000,000,000,000 is to "several." For another, Hertz/second is square Hertz, not Hertz. The only thing I know of that can usefully be measured in square Hertz is gravitational tide, which has dimensions m/s^2/m, which simplifies to 1/s^2, and then to Hz^2.
Telepathy could technically be naturally biologically possible if some creature evolved that way. Our eyes can sense the electromagnetic spectrum. If we had some emitter that could emit some spectrum of radio waves, and a sensor that could sense that spectrum, then it would be just like talking but without sound.
With twins, that's easy. The "deep emotional connection" I guess is probably a good way to put it, but I feel like IF they are mostly identical, then they share many of the same genes, chromosomes, whatevs; so, the chromosomes/genes that hold intellect/thought processes are prob identical too (sometimes). Of course, the thoughts are diff due to diff of experiences/memories, among many others...maybe? Idk, sounds right
I believe we only have so many sensors to deliver information into our brains. After that, it's really just about interpretation by our software/wetware.
It's not always "just coincidence", right?? There's def a cultural, social & communal correlation "thing" at play too, right?? There just has to be!! Trace, upload a vid on that!! Freakonomics is a good place to start for the cultural & economical sides of it!
TestTube Plus I am not even lying but I can sense the wetness of things. Like whenever I touch water I don't feel temperature but how wet the substance is. I dont know why.
Choas To Mayhem I can also feel the texture of water or liquid substances just by touching it. ( I mean Liquid subtances like water and not lotion or anything related like that)
To sense water would be kind of weird for us humans considering we are basically 75%water, does that mean that we would feel our insides in a whole new way?
I am pretty glad we can't see x-rays and radiowaves. If we could, the ehole world would be blinking constantly. We would have to rethink communication technology drasticly. We ise those kinds of light because it is invisible, we can't see it and it would be annoying if we did. I mean we could live with the tv remote flashing when you press a button, but could you live in a homw where you could see your wifi blinking all the time? How would you sleep? We have evolved to see the spectrum we do because it is the most useful. And to see more could lead to sensory overload. Our eyes have evolved to see the physical world rather than light itself. Because that is the most important for our survival. Sure UV rays can be harmful, but we can sense them anyway, with our skin rather than our eyes. Gamma and x-rays, radio and so on, not much of a problem in our protected atmosphere, and to see those would mostly be more of a distraction than anything else.
LarsaXL Very true however the human eye has to be filtered in order to block out the UV spectrum. In some extreme cases of cataracs during surgery this UV filter is removed opening up the UV spectrum and in fact there is a very rare group of people who are born without it in the first place who can also see some of the UV spectrum.
linkto thepast That is pretty cool, I wonder how that affects their life. I do however think that being able to see more of the natural light is not as bothersome as seeing the electronic communication that surrounds us all the time now. Natural light is more constant while radio, IR and suchlike blinks.
Let's just say for the sake of argument that X-ray vision was possible. Why is it not possible to skip over ultraviolet? Color blindness is a thing and some colors are skipped in their vision. So, how would that be impossible?
+Everything Explained They aren't separate spectrums; they're both part of a single spectrum - the EM spectrum. The visible spectrum (red, orange, yellow, blue, etc) are also part of the EM spectrum, they're just the only wavelengths we can detect. It's a bit presumptuous to ask, "What color would infrared & ultraviolet be?" because we can't even begin to imagine how those wavelengths would look to the natural eye. If you look at an infrared camera or UV lens, you aren't seeing what they look like naturally; you're seeing their wavelengths translated into something we CAN detect with our eyes. Asking "What color is infrared?"; is like a blind person asking, "What does the color blue look like?" or you and me asking, "How does a four-dimensional organism perceive the universe?" It's simply beyond our capacity to comprehend, because we have no frame of reference; we attempt to describe infrared or UV in terms we can understand. In this case, you're asking "what color?" when the reality is, it could be a color that doesn't use any of the colors from the visible spectrum. Or, it could be that it wouldn't manifest as a color at all. It might "appear" to your eye as something unique from all the usual colors of the spectrum, like a white or black fog emitted from objects. And yet still, it could be a case of seeing infrared/UV as part of what you'd perceive as the "natural world," so infrared/UV intense objects might be "highlighted" in some way, but you'd perceive this to be normal. It';s like trying to create a new color without using red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo or violet to mix it.... If you really want your mind blown, read up on the Mantis Shrimp - they have eyes with over 16 different photo-receptors - they can naturally see polarized light, multispectral images, and ultraviolet. Scientists can't even being to contemplate how a Mantis Shrimp sees the world! On a side note, I do often wonder as well what infrared & UV would look like naturally, in conjunction with the visible spectrum we see now.
Everything Explained Went on a bit of a spell there, but you get the idea. It's a bit humbling to realize that out of everything we've seen in the universe, we're actually only seeing a small portion of what it *_actually_* looks like.
super powers are real telekensis is possible it is based on how much gamma energy can you use and we don't use are brain correctly i think that you should look at more evidence in how gamma energy can allow the brain to use telepathy or lift things with telekensis
hang on a minute, when you say its not real, do you mean its not possible for us or that its not possible for eevrything, like could a Alien or something be able to see x-ray or feel wetness?
One sense more people should have: common sense.
+Elanthiel I suspect you are trying to be funny, but if serious: that would be a bad idea in relation to adaptation and survival of the species; as 'common' is too relative and not necessarily a good thing.
Looked at the comments expecting at least one wingnut claiming that ESP was real, not a single one. Good job comments section.
JaMaAuWright Haha time ruin it for everybody esp is real
Ghost Emblem ESP is real, i installed a hack into my brain which let me see where people are, what they are holding, who they work for, what they are going to do, and their current physical health state through walls that are made of 7 meters of solid lead xxddd.
+Keegan “xXxMUNxXx” Oliver You are a mutant..
Everytime somone asks me hows water? I answer: pretty wet...I WAS WRONG DUN DUN DUNNN
Frozen reference at 4:46! I now love trace even more!
Chris Sanchez didn't think anyone else realized that lol
Chris Sanchez What was the reference? About twins? :S
SparkingWonders It was when he said they finish each other's sandwiches. It's a reference to the Love is an Open Door song from Frozen where they say 'I mean it's crazy, we finish each other's sandwiches.... That's what i was going to say!'
***** ya beat me to it!
I want this show as an audio podcast.
"The human eye can see the visible spectrum." Huh. You don't say.
You guys are rely doing an amazing and educational stuff we rearly can find in school. People should share this everywhere.
"We cannot feel water! That's so messed up."
Well, now all meaning is lost in my philosophical trips into the shower... I better ponder over this in a nice shower.
I love this channel, even in my 40s i'm still learning new stuff, Thank you Trace keep it up.
I believe we can actually see the lower end of the UV spectrum. Our lenses block UV light though. But people who had surgery that removed/replaced them reported being able to see UV to a certain extent.
"Sometimes twins will finish each other's sandwiches."
If we can not sense wetness, what sense or combination of senses is being used to tell if the clothes are wet or damp or dry when we reach into the cloths dryer?
The temperature and texture of the wet part of the clothes is different from the dry part.
Hyperinteraction sounds awesome. Never heard of that before. Are you saying that, after a particularly joyful personal event, you could call someone using some sort of device and physically share that joy with them? Or perhaps make someone instantly understand your way of thinking? I may have extrapolated a bit here but it sounds amazing
I'm sure you've already shot all the videos for this segment but I would love to hear your in-depth explanation of why ESP doesn't exist sometime in the future
Actually, some people can see UV light (at least in part).
I am one of those people, and it was a little weird at first.
Aphakia is the absence of the lens of the eye, due to surgical removal for cataracts, a perforating wound or ulcer, or congenital anomaly. It causes a loss of accommodation, far sightedness (hyperopia), and a deep anterior chamber.
Aphakic people are reported to be able to see ultraviolet wavelengths (400-300 nm) that are normally excluded by the lens. They perceive this light as whitish blue or whitish violet. This is probably because all three of the eye's color receptors, the blue more than the others, are stimulated when such a person sees ultraviolet wavelengths. Some animals have a fourth color receptor for ultraviolet wavelengths (see tetrachromacy) and see the near ultraviolet as an extra primary color.
Babies are rarely born with aphakia. Occurrence most often results from surgery to remove congenital cataracts (clouding of the eyes' lens, which can block light from entering the eye and focusing clearly). The natural lens of the eye filters out the UV rays and UV is suspected, in some cases, of causing the cataracts.
5:40 Loved the Tenacious D reference there ;)
there is a sense I would like to see humans evolve into which is the Newtype Phenomenon.
Basically in the Gundam Canon story line, Newtypes are humans that have lived in space long enough to develop a more advance sense of perception of Proprioception and characters could sense emotions around them.
in the Gundam franchise, Newtypes are like Dr. Xavier from X-men basically. However in the Gundam Franchise, unlike in the X-men, you slap on giant robots and something developed from living in space for a while. Newtypes can communicate with each other and sometimes if the emotions are strong enough, have out of body experiences and become borderline telekinetic.
maybe a commercialized space program and living in space could lead to the next evolutionary thing for us.
I am a fan of Trace's passion.
3:26 I don't think you would be able to see UV rays and X rays shooting down from the sky even if you had X ray vision, just like you don't see visible spectrum rays from the sun (unless you look at the sun). You would see their scattering in the sky and their reflections from objects around you.
I just learned about viruses being able to reanimate dead viruses and I think that this would be a very interesting topic to go into; it might be a bit short, but I think it would be interesting to explain how we develop this
2:41 hertz per second? :D
Ad Addv Yeah. That was weird phrasing. :P Hertz is rounds (waves) per second.
Mixlop Hz s-1
+Ad Addv Yes, this what happens when a communications major guy acts like a science guy. And also he says, gamma rays "thats like millions of hertz". LOL, WTF!
Was that a tenacious D reference at 5:41? =D
Wonderboy, what is the secret of your powers~ idk. Sounded like it to me. x3 that wasn't the quoted reference of course that i made there.
Having sense to see different levels of spectrum would not be like seeing through people or like an x-ray photos. You have to remember that the photos you see is an altered version of the unvisible spectrum. UV and Infrared can be converted into visible colors, but that is not how it would look because it is seen in visible colors.
If you see frequencies between 20 to 20,000 hz, you would see color. If you hear frequencies between 430-790 THz you would hear color. There are people with these conditions.
TestTube Plus
Being able to see x-rays doesn't mean you are able to see through people. This would require a capable source of x-rays behind each person. Most of the sun's x-rays are blocked by the upper atmosphere. Even if your eyes could emit x-rays (which is something totally different than being able to see x-rays), you would be able to see the x-rays reflected back from objects, which may not be enough to see through things that stand between you and the reflector.
We don't need to have a sense of wetness because the combination of other senses basically does that anyway. It would be a waste.
once, at uni, i had a psychology class that tried to demonstrate that ESP was impossible, and statistics could prove it. so we played a game where we had to guess whether a playing card was from a red suite or black suite. they wanted to show that on average it'd be about 25/25.
experimentally, i performed an invocation to Hermes before the class, asking him to show himself by making me get a bunch right, and proceeded to get so many wrong (about 40/10) that it helped push the result past the significance level of the test. for the whole class of 30.
many lulz were had
Any planned episodes about the science behind superpowers ? if they could be possible one day
Thank you soo much for the wonderboy reference that made my day
Well, I am a mystic, so my opinion would probably be seen as bias as coming from another paradigm of thought, but from 'your' paradigm: good video. I argue that 'ESP', as in 'exoplanar metaphysical transliteration', is real, but not a 'physical' sense, but that is within the paradigm of thought that 'the physical body is merely the avatar of an exoplanar existence(, which is often called the 'spirit')'. The major issue with so called 'ESP' is that the so called 'spirit' prioritizes avatar upkeep over 'ESP', such that you need to increase avatar operational efficiency or increase the amount of so called 'spirit' sub-fuel so called 'energy' that which is readily available to use so as to exceed avatar necessities and wants or specifically reorganize priority ratios of your so called 'spirit'. So called 'ascension' is about increasing your so called 'spirit' sub-fuel so called 'energy' availability and ... stuff. So called 'ESP' is also wishy-washy, even for a (living)mystic, as it is an interpretation into physical sensory capabilities without the 'physical' stimuli which 'should' be needed, in relation to how one theoretically interprets such things 'at the time of perception'; looking into its meaning after the fact does not work because it is fundamentally subjective and relative.--- --- --- so technically, a video about 'Human' experience(, i.e. (most) of 'our' physical avatar type) is correct to say that so called 'ESP' and 'psychotele-' sensory stuff is not real; in relation to the subject material.
Since my head injury at age 12, I have accurately predicted the pregnancies and sex of the baby as well as eminent death accurately. My entire family and many of my friends know for a fact that I have a gift and I know many people that have some kind of knowledge that others cannot figure out how they found out. There are far more senses than we give human beings credit for.
I really wanna hear more about hyper interaction. Why did you not go into more depth about that :O. Now I've gotta read the internet.
You know what I find upsetting as an art student? I am not sure if this is actually true because it was just through a picture post on FB but I heard that shrimps can see more colors because they can sense 12 colors while we can only see three: cyan, magenta, yellow.
Did he say Hz per second?
Yes that'd end up being the number of waves to pass a a point per second per second
What if when twins are created from the zygote splitting, quantum entanglement happens and persists in a cool way when the zygote forms new cells, so eventually there is a bond? I realize it's not likely and you just said the data is not there to support it, but it would be awesome!
The rainbow mantis shrimp has the best eyes in the animal kingdom along with the most powerful punch (compared to its size.) they can gama, ultraviolet and radio waves along with the visible spectrum.
This video gets a like just for the not so subtle Tenacious D reference!
Can you please make a video of why ESP doesn't exist?! That would be super interesting :D
Love the Tenacious D lyric reference :D
Wetness?... Is this a thing or is he talking about viscosity. He mentioned density so I take that to meen that wetness is a measure of resistens and the resistens of a fluid is its viscosity. I know that is a dumbed down version and is only part of what viscosity is but you get my drift i hope.
Loved the Tenacious D towards the end xP
While it obviously doesn't exist, I wonder if telepathy could happen. If we have a sense like sight that allows us to see one part of the EM spectrum it seems it could be possible for a biological mechanism to exist that can detect radio waves. If a species could both broadcast radio waves of their thoughts and detect those of others it could happen. Probably a bit of a stretch though.
when I am lying in the tub and relax, i stop feeling the water^^
I think telepathy is totally possible, if you genetically engineered the human brain to have a tumour like growth with brain cells that could send out powerful Electromagnetic radiation or pulses to specific individuals that were translated or coded so that the person interpreted it as another voice in there head because you release Electromagnetic radiation when you 'think' and no brain waves are synced so the tumour would have to be able to detect certain waves and emit them too. One would have to be an antenna and a receiver to pick up thoughts and send thoughts.
How about the power to kill a yak from two hundred yards away....With mind bullets! That's telekinesis Kyle ! I hope I'm not the only one who gets this
Wouldn't the bit about brain-to-brain communications via technology be the early stages of an artificially-assisted telepathy?
Wetness: I bet most girls disagree.
X-ray: A sense most think exists?? And UV wouldn't be confusing.
what about sense of time. i swear i can guess the time down to the minute with alarming regularity. like 70 percent accuracy, and if not im close by 5 min. admittedly im probably using other external information to help me determine this. like understanding what time i woke up and how many activities i have done and roughly how long those activities felt to me.
You say in order to sense X-rays we'd have to see UV light because "you can't skip over that part of the EM spectrum" but isn't the exactly what people do with the visible spectrum for those who are colorblind? They're essentially skipping portions of the visible spectrum...why does that not apply to other bits of the spectrum?
Move things with my eyes that would make school a lot more interesting XD
5:44 tenacious D reference
4:46 Frozen :D
2:41 "hertz per second" ... i think hertz by itself is s^-1 or 1/s .
Trace what about the tuatara ? It had a uv eyeball that means is it's in the DNA just inactive so how much solar radiation for how long does it take to activate that DNA and is it in the pea brain or limbic system? how ever as it applys to shuffling sense DNA an epigenetics in theory.. magnetic field senescence and chemical sensing are expression found in fish in lateral line and as is so the concept of slow evolution is gradual adaptation to and from environmental factors set by stress and solar energy fluctuations are uv measurable because the temperature and humidity whether in general is solar cyclical(weather climate and solar activity are paterns)and all though sense of time is pattern recognition + epigenetics possibly because inter generational stress study's suggest it pattern recognition subconsciously.
available foods as that applys to the concept best describe in the book" you are what you eat "(in abstract to loosely logical
conclusion in extreme conditions)
As well as the observation of finches in the" origin of species" the niche +the adaptation +fitness =adaptation as it aplys to food and environment and selection.
In animal it promotes patterns/routine and decreases or dramatic increases of risks taking. where in humans you see bipolar mania and depression
(pre frontal cortex behavior/reduce frontal cortex behavior) "animal behaviors" in this example are expression in conservation of resource biologically temperature sensitive for hibernation day and night hunting optimization dusk dawn like bears do.. or did till trash can's and streetlights caused the border bear to engage in risk taking like braking in to cars and homes for high sugar foods because 7x more addicting then cocaine and calorie dense foods are a fat bears friend.. but humans are smarter than animals we adapt as a organism with a sense of purpose to focus are cultural adaptation...right trace...?
I think telekinesis is possible. I think it's a"sixth sense" through the electromagnetism that we give off. Like feeling static and shit.
Well I can feel wetness. I know when my clothes are wet I know the difference between a sweaty pair of jeans and cold jeans.
I also can see in the infrared spectrum and ultraviolet spectrum better than most as well as a bizarre ability to tell where electrical cables are inside of walls and when power outages will occur to the second as they sweep over a city block. I'm not sure how this function works but I've toiled with an idea that allows other people to experience this though an outpatient procedure.
But sometimes by touching we can feel the density of water..if you put water in mouth, we can feel the density.... like its a kind of thickness..water at different density feels different...
+Anjith Hari You're thinking of viscosity.
About the xray thing
there a girl who was able to actually see her mother's internal organs I heard about, if you look her up, witch i dont know her name but yea, she has X-Ray vision and can see though people's bodies and stuff, you should go check that out, i wasnt trying to prove you wrong but i was just informing you.
i can easily tell when something is a fluid its intrinsically perceivable even without the need for receptors
Sometimes twin will finish each other's sandwiches... or sentences... Hahahah you so funny!
I was taking a bath while watching this.
Great Arrested Development reference!
After the next episode can you do artificial senses?
Not Hating Just Stating theres no more episodes on senses they only do 5
Nobody says we literally only use 10% of our brain, they are saying we only use 10% of our brain coherently, and will accept that we can use up to roughly 30% coherently in specialized tasks. Don't be so dismissive of that. Using our brain 100% coherently has never been seen outside meditation, and that's only in alpha waves, which proves it can be done. If we can access our brains with 100% coherence, wouldn't we be able to USE it with 100% coherence, and wouldn't that express more potential than everyone in the world that has been recorded using no more than roughly 30% coherently of the brain? I hate how someone can say something obvious, like of course we use 100% of our brain, just in different times of different levels, when that completely disregards what truth that people saying we use 10% of our brains are conveying, that we can potentially access 100% of our brain in CONSCIENCE COHERENCE, and we have no recordings of that, and doing such can demonstrate a higher human potential than we are familiar with. If you are so easy to say we all use 100% of our brains, why can't we all pick up tasks that only take up a measly 30%? I HATE WHEN SCIENCE SIMPLIFIES A QUESTION IN ORDER TO DISMISS IT!!!
"300 ExaHertz or like MILLIONS of Hertz/second."
For one thing, 300,000,000,000,000,000,000 Hertz is to "MILLIONS" as 300,000,000,000,000 is to "several."
For another, Hertz/second is square Hertz, not Hertz. The only thing I know of that can usefully be measured in square Hertz is gravitational tide, which has dimensions m/s^2/m, which simplifies to 1/s^2, and then to Hz^2.
Having a better sense of smell would be cool :)
Telepathy could technically be naturally biologically possible if some creature evolved that way. Our eyes can sense the electromagnetic spectrum. If we had some emitter that could emit some spectrum of radio waves, and a sensor that could sense that spectrum, then it would be just like talking but without sound.
With twins, that's easy. The "deep emotional connection" I guess is probably a good way to put it, but I feel like IF they are mostly identical, then they share many of the same genes, chromosomes, whatevs; so, the chromosomes/genes that hold intellect/thought processes are prob identical too (sometimes). Of course, the thoughts are diff due to diff of experiences/memories, among many others...maybe? Idk, sounds right
I believe we only have so many sensors to deliver information into our brains. After that, it's really just about interpretation by our software/wetware.
Tenacious D reference... NICE!
It's not always "just coincidence", right?? There's def a cultural, social & communal correlation "thing" at play too, right?? There just has to be!! Trace, upload a vid on that!! Freakonomics is a good place to start for the cultural & economical sides of it!
Maybe you could change from the visible spectrum to uv and x Ray
Tenacious D reference. 5:40 WIN WIN
"The brain is unlimilited"
-- Says: A brain
MINDBULLETS!!!! Thats telekinesis Kyle!!!
TestTube Plus I am not even lying but I can sense the wetness of things. Like whenever I touch water I don't feel temperature but how wet the substance is. I dont know why.
Choas To Mayhem I can also feel the texture of water or liquid substances just by touching it. ( I mean Liquid subtances like water and not lotion or anything related like that)
How do we tell whether clothes are dry from the dryer? You can tell if you feel them with your lips.
It's weird that we can't "feel" water, but the skin gets wrinkled. :Oo
Nice "Tenacious D" reference
The tenacious d reference !!
Having X-ray vision means the ability to perceive anything that emit X-ray and not necessarily the ability to see through objects. Lol.
I want Telekinesis! But for me only.
To sense water would be kind of weird for us humans considering we are basically 75%water, does that mean that we would feel our insides in a whole new way?
I am pretty glad we can't see x-rays and radiowaves. If we could, the ehole world would be blinking constantly. We would have to rethink communication technology drasticly. We ise those kinds of light because it is invisible, we can't see it and it would be annoying if we did. I mean we could live with the tv remote flashing when you press a button, but could you live in a homw where you could see your wifi blinking all the time? How would you sleep?
We have evolved to see the spectrum we do because it is the most useful. And to see more could lead to sensory overload.
Our eyes have evolved to see the physical world rather than light itself. Because that is the most important for our survival. Sure UV rays can be harmful, but we can sense them anyway, with our skin rather than our eyes. Gamma and x-rays, radio and so on, not much of a problem in our protected atmosphere, and to see those would mostly be more of a distraction than anything else.
LarsaXL Very true however the human eye has to be filtered in order to block out the UV spectrum. In some extreme cases of cataracs during surgery this UV filter is removed opening up the UV spectrum and in fact there is a very rare group of people who are born without it in the first place who can also see some of the UV spectrum.
linkto thepast
That is pretty cool, I wonder how that affects their life.
I do however think that being able to see more of the natural light is not as bothersome as seeing the electronic communication that surrounds us all the time now.
Natural light is more constant while radio, IR and suchlike blinks.
How wet is that water?
Don't we have wetness sensors in our mouth or something? I can feel when my mouth is dry, anywho. Anyone care to explain?
Did you just throw in a Tenacious D quote, Trace?
How about the sense of balance?
I know I'm not the only one but what about dreaming your day exactly how it happens before it happens
Let's just say for the sake of argument that X-ray vision was possible. Why is it not possible to skip over ultraviolet? Color blindness is a thing and some colors are skipped in their vision. So, how would that be impossible?
Nice thumbnail!!
What is that sense when you touch a wet or dry towel? Sense of wet maybe?
Ps, I can smell moisture in the air.
I wonder how many colors are in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums.
+Everything Explained They aren't separate spectrums; they're both part of a single spectrum - the EM spectrum. The visible spectrum (red, orange, yellow, blue, etc) are also part of the EM spectrum, they're just the only wavelengths we can detect.
It's a bit presumptuous to ask, "What color would infrared & ultraviolet be?" because we can't even begin to imagine how those wavelengths would look to the natural eye. If you look at an infrared camera or UV lens, you aren't seeing what they look like naturally; you're seeing their wavelengths translated into something we CAN detect with our eyes.
Asking "What color is infrared?"; is like a blind person asking, "What does the color blue look like?" or you and me asking, "How does a four-dimensional organism perceive the universe?"
It's simply beyond our capacity to comprehend, because we have no frame of reference; we attempt to describe infrared or UV in terms we can understand. In this case, you're asking "what color?" when the reality is, it could be a color that doesn't use any of the colors from the visible spectrum. Or, it could be that it wouldn't manifest as a color at all. It might "appear" to your eye as something unique from all the usual colors of the spectrum, like a white or black fog emitted from objects.
And yet still, it could be a case of seeing infrared/UV as part of what you'd perceive as the "natural world," so infrared/UV intense objects might be "highlighted" in some way, but you'd perceive this to be normal.
It';s like trying to create a new color without using red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo or violet to mix it....
If you really want your mind blown, read up on the Mantis Shrimp - they have eyes with over 16 different photo-receptors - they can naturally see polarized light, multispectral images, and ultraviolet. Scientists can't even being to contemplate how a Mantis Shrimp sees the world!
On a side note, I do often wonder as well what infrared & UV would look like naturally, in conjunction with the visible spectrum we see now.
+sixstanger00 You're right.
Everything Explained
Went on a bit of a spell there, but you get the idea.
It's a bit humbling to realize that out of everything we've seen in the universe, we're actually only seeing a small portion of what it *_actually_* looks like.
super powers are real telekensis is possible it is based on how much gamma energy can you use and we don't use are brain correctly i think that you should look at more evidence in how gamma energy can allow the brain to use telepathy or lift things with telekensis
i wish i could get laid
+Swarfly Crawl up a chickens ass and wait . . .
+Nexial Resonance I applaud you ingenuity.
Omg yes Tenacious D reference I love this guy 👍X10000000000
hang on a minute, when you say its not real, do you mean its not possible for us or that its not possible for eevrything, like could a Alien or something be able to see x-ray or feel wetness?
I once washed my hands wearing rubber gloves. It felt like I was getting wet.
So what you're saying is that technology could in the future give me telekinesis?