【澳門那些年🇲🇴】訴說畢家四姊妹長大的那個澳門! 舊居已經成為了文化遺產?【澳門畢家四姐妹】【PEDRUCO SISTERS】

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • 【澳門那些年🇲🇴】訴說畢家四姊妹長大的那個澳門! 舊居已經成為了文化遺產?
    各位有共鳴嗎?那些年你地長大既既澳門到底係一個點樣既地方?曾經既小小城市,依家成為左一個極爲繁榮既國際娛樂都會,呢段時間你地又經歷過什麼?今次我地想同大家分享我地係澳門既童年 - 當年未起好既大橋,未重建既嘉模公園,以及現在已經成為文化遺產既舊居!
    Any of you still remember the Macau you grew up in? That small little town that has now become an international entertainment capital - where have you been all this time? Today we'd like to share our childhood memories in this city we call our home - our grandparents' house, the park we used to play in... All the GOOD TIMES that have made us who we are today!
    If you have any photos of your childhood to share, please feel free to leave them below!

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