The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea 😊
I will like to say Thankyou very much to Eritrean which is you saved so many Ethiopian from Somalia Prison . If you interviewed any Weyane they been trained and saved by Eritrean they will denied . Always lying is to their blood . Weyane , Thanks for Abiy Ahmed locked them in a cage of Tigray like a chicken . Long LIVE ABIY AKHEMED .
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea 😊
Great interviewer; interesting guests, and intriguing topics. And that voice on Ethio Radio that I somehow haven’t forgotten from my childhood in Asmara. Thank you Ato Dereje. I eagerly look forward to more of your interviews.
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea 😊
Abyssinia, I had said similar comments on Ato Dereje's style of interview. You wonder sometimes who the interviewee is. I guess "old habits die hard" and it may be difficult for Ato Dereje to stop doing what he has been doing for a long time. Still, I admire his level of preparations and choice of subjects for the interviews.
Some times I just ignore his interviews. Too much interruption and unnecessary repetition of words to ask one question. In his voice you can hear the arrogance and pretentious to look like an intellectual when he does not even have a college degree. Just ask a short and good question and shut up so the guest can speak.
For many years I was wondering why all revolutionaries party in Ethiopia failed and shades their blood for no reasons. Thank you you and your guests answered most of the questions. Thank you keep up the good work.
Great respect to the guest. Derege tried to diverge him to talk bad things about Eritrea and the guest resisted. He believed Eritreans were fighting for a true cause. Isaias is a hero who turned into a dictator. This does not invalidate his contribution to Eritrean freedom from the brutal derg regime. Derege ijihin ke Eritrea sebsib, lekibrih sitil.
Are you still isaias' burking dog? Can you go to China or Japan and buy a brain so you will qualify to be a human being. Unfortunately, I don't think you will understand what I wrote.
Very interesting story I felt like I'm into the story some time I feel like I'm watching a movie. You should make a movie about this beautiful truth story I love it Please how do I get this book I live over 3 centuries over Ranch Cucamonga, California , I feel the same thing coming back home but I have nothing to offer. To the contrary I love so much That's makes me not to come home,one more things if you let us to see the cover of the book might help
During the Royal time, people were honest to the core, love & respect each other, Ethiopians love Ethiopia, and MOST of all the world respect and look up to Emperor Haile Selassie, Ethiopians, and Ethiopia (at that time, most people know Ethiopia as Abyssinia).
@@ቅድስትድሜናገዳምኤርትራ the piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea
It is remarkable for its objectivity-It is vivid despite his personal involvement, in that generation. Knock 'em my dead brain in “that generation” ….more than Kiflu did 20 years ago. HUMMM…I can’t wait for the book!!
Issais endet argo new ke weyane yalaqeqen? Tenish hafret aysemachehum adel? yetegnaw tor ke eritrea tenesto weyanen ashenfo new ethiopian nesta yawetawu? yenate tegab eko migerm new. 27 amet ye ethiopia hezb new taglo weyanen yaweredew. Enatema ke ethio eritrea torenet befit ke weyane gar teseru neber eko.
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea 😊
I am confused. Who is the journalist and who is the interviewee.? Because both of them talk equally. My advise to the journalist is please behave like a journalist 😁
The interviewer cannot hide his abhorrence toward Eritreans. I wish he knew better about Eritreans. I can assure you Eritreans are building our nation with our bare hands unlike your country highly reliant on foreign aid.
Why's the interviewer acting like he co-wrote the book? He's doing more talking. Sir. Just be quite and listen to your guests. Your audiences are interested in listing to the writer not you. You're probably trying to impress your guest by showing you have read the book well. Please, don't interrupt your guests. Let them finish their train of thought. Every time you jump in there like you're doing, you're stopping them from telling their story they want to tell it. The man's a good story teller and you need to let him talk, please!!! Keep in mind. You're not the guest. No need to suggest ideas. Let them breath, man!
What citizens are? EPRP was a tool for Eritrean independence and TPLF to come to power. Its leaders were Tigres and Eritreans. It poisoned Ethiopian politics. EPRP destroyed Ethiopia. Then fled to Europe and America abandoning innocent and dedicated youth.
Isayas eritrean asadguatal yt aderesat? Mn aynet tyaqe nw Isayas Yalneberech Eritrean nw yeseraw bandera sertowal ager sertowal yene emilew karta le alem stowal enesum nezgbeweletal lela bzu.... Yeqerewen enga ljochu enqetlewalen Sew lehodu aynorem Ye ager fqer eyandandu eritrawi li aserxuwal .yt alu kesu gar yewetu?Isayas be keflzemn kemifetru jegnoch andu nw be tarik The father of eritrean teblo yimezegebal::
Such a horrible interviewer. Let your guest finish his thoughts. Also you jumped from one topic to others before he finished answering you damn questions. I like the guest who appears to be typical selfless generation of 1960’s. What i have been hearing since these private press proliferated is good things about Shabia/EPLF and Eritreans. These stupid medias like ESAT and nahoo should start interviewing the brave weyane and shabia generals instead of keep on deafening us with loser derg/Ethiopian Generals as we heard of them enough. Weyane and shabias are also part of our history
ኣስቀድሜ አንደ ኤርትራዊ መጠን ለኢትዮጵያና ኢትዮጵያውያን ያለኝን ኣጅግ የላቀ ክብርና ኣድናቖት ለመግለጽ ኣወዳሉሁ። ቃለ ምልልሱ በጣም ደስ ይላል።የኣቶ ደረጀ ያጠያየቅ ስልትና የተለየ ድምጽ ግሩም ነው። ስም ይመራል ሻማ ያበራል ኣንዲሉ ኣቶ ዓቢዩ ምን ያህል ዓቢይ(ትልቅ) ሰው ስለመሆናቸው ለመረዳት ቺያለሁ። ሓቅኛነታቸውና ትህትናቸው በጣም ይገርማል። የታናገሩት ብሙሉ ኣኔ ኣንደማውቀው ሁሉ ትክክል ነው። በኤርትርውያንና ኢትዮጵያውያን ታጋዮች መሃከል የነበረው ፍቅር ልብ ይነካል። ትንሽ ለማብራራት ያህል ህግሓኤ (EPLF) እንድ ድርጅት ገና ሳይጀምር በተፈጠረው የስነ ሃሳብ(ideology) ልዩነት ብዙ ኤርትራውያን ወጣቶች ሂወታቸውን ኣጥተዋል። ጥቂቶች ለመጥቀስ፡ እነ የውሃንስ ስብሃቱ፡ ሙሴ ተ/ሚካኤልና ኣማረሽ ምልከ ይገጁበታል። ከቃለ ምልልሱ የምንማረው ዋና ቁም ነገር ቢኖር፡ ምንም እንዃ በኤርትራና በኢትዮጵያ የፖለቲካ ልዩነት ቢኖር፡ በህዝቡ መሃከል ምንም ጥላቻ ኣለመኖሩ ነው። በመጨረሻ ለኣቶ ዓቢዩ ረጂም እድሜ እየተመኘሁ የኤርትራ ጉዛቸው የተሳካ እንዲሆን ተስፋ ኣደርጋለሁ።
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea 😊
ደሬ እስከዛሬ ያቀረብካቸው የቀደሙትን ጀግኖች በሆንኩ ምናለ በማርያም በነሱ ዘመን ተወልጄ ቢሆን ኖሮ ምናለ ። ነገር ግን ግራ የገባው ትውልድ ውስጥ ሆኜ በቀደሙት ቃል እጽናናለው ።
ኢትዮጵያዊው ቸጎቤራ:: በወጣት ዕድሜዎ ስለጭቑን ሕዝብዎ ነፃ ለማውጣት ያደረጉት ትግል እጅግ በጣም እንኮራብዎታለን:: ብዙ ታሪክ ያሉዎት በስነስርዓት ያደጉ ጀግና:: የቀረው ዕድሜዎን ሙሉ ጤና ያለበትና: ረጂም እንዲሆንልዎ እመኛለሁኝ:: የደረጀ የአጠያየቅ ስልት እጅግ በጣም በጥበብ የተካነ ከግሩም የድምጽ ቀለም ጋር ጎበዝ ዕድሜና ጨና ይስጥህ::
በህወቴ እንደዚህ ዓይነት ቃል መጠይቅ ሰምሼ ኣላዉቅም፡ well done, God bless to both of you.
Ato Abiyu You are such a humble person I know you in person.thanks Dere for brining him to the public
Wow! what a genuine, innocent and brilliant man.
I love our Hero’s ... this is like bedtime story ... I always sleep before I finish it... good for me😀 love love & big respect... ❤️✊🏽🙏🏽
Hahaha.....I relate to that. I use all his interviews as my bed side story.
እነዚህ ሰዎች እራሳቸውን ጀግና ከሚያደርጉ በሰሩት ነገር ተጸጽተው አሁን ያለው ሁኔታ አገራችን የተከሰተው በእኛ ጥራዝነጠቅነት ብለው ቢያስተምሩ ነው የሚሻለው፤...
What an amazing man. Hat's off to you sir. Truly genuine human being.
ደረጄ አጠያየቅህ ድምፅህ በጣም ይስባል አቶ አቢዩ ሀገራቸውን የሚወዱ ጀግና ናቸው ብዙ እውቀት የሚያስጨብጥ ኢንተርቪው ነዉ እናመሰግናለን
ደረጀ እንደተለመደው ምርጥ ዉይይት ነበር ተባረኩ።
Dereye, we love you. Please come back with new interviews often. You are awesome.
Thank you for blessing us with your incredible talent and voice 🥰
Wow amazing. I proud of him!!!
I will like to say Thankyou very much to Eritrean which is you saved so many Ethiopian from Somalia Prison . If you interviewed any Weyane they been trained and saved by Eritrean they will denied . Always lying is to their blood . Weyane , Thanks for Abiy Ahmed locked them in a cage of Tigray like a chicken . Long LIVE ABIY AKHEMED .
You are just an idiot and Moran
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea 😊
Great interviewer; interesting guests, and intriguing topics. And that voice on Ethio Radio that I somehow haven’t forgotten from my childhood in Asmara. Thank you Ato Dereje. I eagerly look forward to more of your interviews.
Thank u le Eritrea labereketew astewatseo.
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea 😊
Yesefere lij dereje .i recognize you when we were teenager .bekilobet sintun aferach inku lijoch
Abyssinia, I had said similar comments on Ato Dereje's style of interview. You wonder sometimes who the interviewee is. I guess "old habits die hard" and it may be difficult for Ato Dereje to stop doing what he has been doing for a long time. Still, I admire his level of preparations and choice of subjects for the interviews.
Some times I just ignore his interviews. Too much interruption and unnecessary repetition of words to ask one question. In his voice you can hear the arrogance and pretentious to look like an intellectual when he does not even have a college degree. Just ask a short and good question and shut up so the guest can speak.
@@josua8667 💯 I agree. I was arguing about that with my friend. He make it as if that was his story?
Dereje, please please let your guest respond to the questions with minimal interruptions from you.
isayas is a real and appreciable revolutionary.
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea
Beautiful memories thankful bless you
እንደ ደሬ ያለውን አምጣልኝ ያልኩህ ለዚህ ነው እሱን ካየሁ ባያምርም እኮ ያምራል አቀራረቡ እግዚአብሔር ኢትዮጵያውያንን እና ኢትዮጵያውያን ይባርክ
ደረጀ ግን የማታናግራቸው ከሆነ ለምን እንግዳ እንደምትጋብዝ አይገባኝም፤ ታሪኩን ካወቅከው ለምን አንተው አትነግረንም?
For many years I was wondering why all revolutionaries party in Ethiopia failed and shades their blood for no reasons. Thank you you and your guests answered most of the questions. Thank you keep up the good work.
ደሬ በናትህ ልትጠይቀው ነው እኮ የመጣው፤ ከተጠያቂ ጋር እኩል አታውራ!!! እድል ስጥ!
አይ ኢትዮጵያ አሁንም ደሀ ነን. ነጭ የፃፈልንን ይዘን እስካሁ እንጨፋጨፋለን. ትግሉ ለመበታተን ነው? ሰነፍ ህዝብ!! እንግሊዘኛ ስላወቃችሁ አገር በታተናችሁ የተረገመ ትውልድ!! ዋለልኝ እንኳን እንደዛ ሞተ!! ተደፍ 😢😢
የማይረባ የሃገር ጥቅም ያልገባው ፥ ሌላው የዋለልኝ ቢጤ ፥ ዋለልኝ እንኳን ዋጋውን አጊኝንቶአል ፤ ይህ እንከፍ ፤ የትውልድ አተላዎች
Ante Dedeb balege Zerghna
Great respect to the guest. Derege tried to diverge him to talk bad things about Eritrea and the guest resisted. He believed Eritreans were fighting for a true cause. Isaias is a hero who turned into a dictator. This does not invalidate his contribution to Eritrean freedom from the brutal derg regime. Derege ijihin ke Eritrea sebsib, lekibrih sitil.
What? Dereje is right Ethiopians did not colonize Eritrea.
well as a journalist it is his duty to ask all the important questions and it is up to the guest to answer or not.
@@amourgagnetoujours ታዲያ የት ነበራችሁ ኤርትራ በጣልያንና በእንግሊዝ ስትገዛ? ቀኝ አልተገዛንም ትላላችሁ፡ በሌላ በኩል ደሞ ኤርትራ የኛ ናት ትላላችሁ፡ አረ ምን አይነት ጭንቅላት ነው ያላችሁ እናንተ ኢትዮጵያውያን ይምትባሉ ፍጡሮች
ተጋዳላይ ኢሱ የሚል ስምና ዝና እኮ ልክ እንደ መስቀል ያየ ሰይጣን ነው ለኢትዮጵያውያን ቪቫ ኢሱ
Are you still isaias' burking dog? Can you go to China or Japan and buy a brain so you will qualify to be a human being. Unfortunately, I don't think you will understand what I wrote.
@@weldenegodguad4974 I guess he is trying to interrupting our love, he must junta’s puppet,
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea
Very interesting story I felt like I'm into the story some time I feel like I'm watching a movie. You should make a movie about this beautiful truth story I love it
Please how do I get this book I live over 3 centuries over Ranch Cucamonga, California , I feel the same thing coming back home but I have nothing to offer. To the contrary I love so much That's makes me not to come home,one more things if you let us to see the cover of the book might help
Sorry, nose three century 37 years I meant to say that
I like dereje, he is the best
ጌራ ኢትዮጵያዊው ቼ ጉቬራ💪
Enem girma betam new miyameseginachihu nurulign lezeleale.
During the Royal time,
people were honest to the core, love & respect each other, Ethiopians love
Ethiopia, and MOST of all the world respect and look up to Emperor Haile Selassie,
Ethiopians, and Ethiopia (at that time, most people know Ethiopia as Abyssinia).
አቶ ደረጀ: እንግዳው ሀሳቡን እንዲናገር ወይንም እንዲጨርስ ፋታ ቢሰጡት ጥሩ ነው:: ቢያዳምጡት እና ጣልቃ መግባቶን ሰብሰብ ቢያደርጉ ለእርሶም ለተመልካችም ይጠቅማል::
ጎጃሜው ከተገንጣይ ጋር አብሮ ሲታገል ብዙ የ ኤርትራ ተወላጆች ደሞ ከ ደርግ ጋር በመሰለፍ ኢትዮጰያ ወይ ሞት ብለው ተሰውተዋል።ወይ ኢትዮጵያ የጉድ ሀገር
አቶ አብይ እውነትን የሚወድ የማይጨምር የማይቀንስ የማይዘባርቅ ምርጥ ኢትዩጵያዊ ነው ፧፧፧፧ኤርትራ ነጻ ወጥታለች እንጂ አልተገነጠለችም አብሲንያ እና ባህረነጋሲ ሁለት የተለያዩ አገሮች ነበሩ
@@ቅድስትድሜናገዳምኤርትራ the piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea
It is remarkable for its objectivity-It is vivid despite his personal involvement, in that generation. Knock 'em my dead brain in “that generation” ….more than Kiflu did 20 years ago.
HUMMM…I can’t wait for the book!!
derege yemibal leba journalist new ato abuy gna tru sew new GBU
My Hope IS Next Week September 4 2014 Happy New Year For Ethiopia And Tigray
ሀገራችሁን ባህር አልባ ለማድረግና ባልገባችሁ የዘር ፖለቲካ ሀገራችሁ ላይ ጥላችሁ ዛሬ ኢትዮጵያ እንዲህ ምስቅልቅል ፖለቲካ ውስጥ እንድትገባ ማድረጋችሁ በታሪክ የሚያሳፍርና አንገት የሚያስደፋ ስራ ነው ያስዝናል!!
Wow this guy looks a lot younger for his age
ሚገርም ትውልድ ነበር
Very interested 🙏
That Is Good Whichone Is Good Friend????????
Hope Mr Dereje reads our comments and fixing his bad habit always interrupting his guests. No bad feeling Mr. Dereje
One I Am Living Where Because of .....
Lemehonu Abiy/Abeye. Yemibalut Kesemsy nEw meselegn yemeyordut lebel?
Pow betam unet yemiwed sew
Please please I won’t know about him?
I am hear to hear your voice.
One of the destroyers of my beloved Ethiopia
ውጉዝ ከመአሪዮሥ
ብዙ መጻህፍት ስለ ጌራ ይናገራሉ ተመችቶኛል የዚያ ትዉልድ ገፈት ቀማሽ በመሆኔ
ደረጀ አስጨርሰው የምትሉት እኔ ግን የታየኝ ተጠያቂው እንግዳ ሊያልፉት ሲል አቶ ደረጀ መልሰው እያስታወሱ ታሪኩን ምሉዕ ያደርጉታል እስቲ ደረጀ እያቋረጡ ባይገቡ ምን ያህሉን እንሰማ ነበር?
Revolution Start From???
ደረጀ ! ኤርትራ ላይ ያለህ አመለካከት እጅግ ሸውራራ ነው። አቶ አቢዩን ወደ አልተፈለገ አቅጣጫ ለመጠምዘዝ የምታደርገው ጥረት ያለህን የታመቀ ጥላቻን አመላካች ነው ። ወያኔውን ጄኔራል ግን የሚፈልገውን እንዲናገር
ታመቻችለት ነበር። ኢሳያስ ባይኖር አሁን እንደልብህ የምትናገርበትን እድል ባላገኘህም ነበር። ወያኔን ወደ ደደቢት መልሶታልና። ገና ከዚያ የቀድሞ መሪዎችህ አመለካከት አልተላቀቅክም !!
Issais endet argo new ke weyane yalaqeqen? Tenish hafret aysemachehum adel? yetegnaw tor ke eritrea tenesto weyanen ashenfo new ethiopian nesta yawetawu? yenate tegab eko migerm new. 27 amet ye ethiopia hezb new taglo weyanen yaweredew. Enatema ke ethio eritrea torenet befit ke weyane gar teseru neber eko.
@@muhammadmansoor8067 አማርኛ መስሎኝ የሚያወራው !
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea 😊
This is all about failure so,what we the new generation get it from?we all lost as generation till now.
ደረጀ የራሱን ድምጽ ማዳመጥ ይወዳል መሰለኝ። ቃለመጠይቁን ሰአት አብዛኛውን የሚወስደው የእሱ ንባብና ጥልቅ ጥልቅ ማለት ነው።
ነቢይ ብርሌ ሰለ ተጋይ ኢሰያሰና ሰለ ጋደቹ ጀግንነት ሰለ ተናገርክ እናመሰግናለን አንተ ጋዜጠኛ ሰለ ኢሰያሰና ኤርትራ ያለህ ያስታውቃል ነፍጠኛ
ነፍጠኛ ማለት ነፍጥ (መሳርያ) የያዘ ማለት ነው እንጂ ስድብ አይደለም። ሰውየው ደሞ ምንም መሳርያ የያዘ አይመስልም።
ስለዚህ እንግዳ ኣስያስ ላንተ ልዩ ፍቅር ልምን እንደነበረው ኣለማወቆዎ ይገርማል የሱ ትግል ኤርትራን ኣሁን ያልችበት ድረጃ ለማድረስ ሲል ነበር ሃሳቡንም ኣስክቷል ምክኒያቱም ኢትዩጲያዊ ለመሆኑ ማሳያው ኣንቱ ነበርኩ ኤርትራውያኑ በመንካእ ስም እይጨፈጨፈ ታጋዬችን በያሉብት እየፈለገ በመግደል ስልጥኑን ትቆናጥቷል ኣሁንም ቢያገኘዎት ስልጣን ሳይስጠዎት ኣይቀርም
@@abdulkadirnagro3901 ወደድክም ጠላህም ኢሳያስ የኤርትራ ኣባት ነው ። ኤርትራዊ ከሆንክ ኤርትራዊነትህን የተቀበልከው የኤርትራን የነፃነት ታጋዮች እየመራ ከመጣው ከኢሳያስ መሆኑን ልብ በል ። የውሸት የወያኔ ታሪክ ይዘሕ የሰው ስም ኣታጥፋ ፈሳም
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea
ኣቶ ኣብዩ ብርሌ ከኢሳያስ ጋር ተገናኝተዋል ኣስመራ ላይ ፡ እንደቃልህ ደግመህ ኣቅርብልን !
ወይኔ ጋዜጠኛው ማን ይገረው... ከአፉ እየነጠክ ለዛ አጣ... let ur gust talk pls 🙁😬😪🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
He is the best journalists in Ethiopia
Where can I buy your book sir?
Hey dere please my brother is in assimba but I don’t have any information about him please ask him mr gera????
ደረጀ ለምን ኢንተርቪውን ራሱ አይተርከውም። ደረጀን መስማት የሚችል ሰው የትእግስት ዋንጫ ይገባዋል።
ደረጀ ኃይሌ አድራሻን ላክልኝ
Abiy endayasaserih
Read And Watch Your Places
No body in Ethiopia done history more than TPLF. But they act as if they did big history. TPLF problem crime is not being Amhara.
ይሄ የግል ታሪክ ነው። የህዉሃት መሪዋች አአ ከገቡ በኋላ ስልጣን ሀብታ አሳውሮአቸው የሴት ጭን ሲገልጡ መጠጥ ለምደው ያለጥይት ፎቆቻቸውን ጥለው መቄሌ ከውስኪ ጋር መሽገዋል። ጥቂት የቀሩ አሉ እነሱ እስክርቢቶ ቀለም በጥብጠው ይፃፋ ታሪካቸውን። ተራራ ያንቀጠቀጡ በቄሮና ፋኖ በድንጋይ የተባረሩበትን ጨምረው ይፃፋ። ከጥሩው እስከ ድክመቶች
This's about a story about an individual's journey. Relax dude
Yea.tplf is the only government that introduced sodomizing people in prison
ወንድሜ ደረጀ ኃይሌ ሥልክህን እንዴት ላግኝ? ?? ታላቅ ሥራዎቼን
የሚያሳይ መጽሐፌን እንዴት ልላክልህ አስቸኳይ ነው። ከጀርመን!!!
Weeding Where House Or Hotel ?
ወይም በፌስ ቡክ ላክልኝ ፣፣፣፣
P p Liyou enterviw
ለኤርትራ ነፃነት የታገለው ጎጃሜ ቼኩቬራ ሀ ሀ ሀ በእርግጥም ኤርትራ በኢትዮጵያ ተገዝታለች
I am confused. Who is the journalist and who is the interviewee.? Because both of them talk equally.
My advise to the journalist is please behave like a journalist 😁
ኣቶ ኣቢይ መጀመርያው እግዚኣብሄር እድኔና ጢና ይስጣቹ, ስንቲ ሰንቸዋለሁ የርሱ interviw, በጣም ሃቅና ስራት ያለው ኣመላለስ፡ ኣቶ ደረጀ ግን ስራት ያለው ኣነጋገር ከ ኣቶ ኣቢይ ብትማር ይሻልሃል፡ መጀመርያ ጆግኖቻትን ኤርትራውያን ኣቶ ወልደኣብ እና ኣቶ ሳልሕ ሳበ "ኣቶ "ብትላቸው ምትሆናለህ? ያንተ እድሜ መሰላቸው? እንዳንታ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ተደብቆ ነው የነበሩት መሰለህ? ጀግኖች ያመጡት ናጽነት ነው ኣንተ ንጹ ኣየር የምትተነፍሰው ያለ። ሊላው ያናስህ ጥያቀ ፡ ኢሳያስ ኤርትራ ኣስበለግጻታል የምል ነው። ኣቶ ኣቢ የት ሆኖ ነው ስለ ኣገራችን የሚናገረው? እርሳቸው ግን ጥሩ መልስ ነው የሰጡ። በመጨረሻ የምልህ ካለ ራስህ ጠይቀህ ራስህ ኣትመልስ ልእንግዳው ጊዜ ስጠው፡ ቡዙ ሰው ኮሜንቱ ይህ ነው፨።
House Or Weeding ??????
The interviewer cannot hide his abhorrence toward Eritreans. I wish he knew better about Eritreans.
I can assure you Eritreans are building our nation with our bare hands unlike your country highly reliant on foreign aid.
Somalia Border Is Easy For Cross??????
ለዚሁ ችግር ኢትዮጵያን ሳይገባችሁ የገደላችህ ያሳነሳችሁ ናችሁ
ኢትዮጵያ በቀድሞው ሊግ ኦፍ ኔሽን በተደረገ ሪፈረደም ወደ እናት ሀገራ መልሳ የቀላቀላቻትን ኤርትራ ሶሻሊዝም በሚል ሽፋን ከቃለ ምልልሱ ሁሉ እንደምንረዳው ግብፅ ሶማሊያ ሻቢያ በመርዳትና ኢትዮጵያ በማዳከምና በበቀይባህር ያላትን ቤሄራዊ ፅግም ማሳፃት ደካማ ኢትዮጵያ ለመፍጠር የተደረገ የታሪካው ፀላቶቻችን ስትራተጂ ነው የሚያሳዝነው ለዚህ እኩይ አላማ በማወቅም ባልማወቅ ህይወታቸውን የሰፁት የኢህአፖ እና የትግራይ ወጣቶች ናቸው ዛሬ ሀገራችን ለግባችበት የፖለቲካ ውድቀት የዚህ ውፄት ነው በዚህ ትግል ውስጥ ይለፉ ሰዎች ሊፀፀቱና ይቅርታ ሊፀይቁበት ይገባል
Why's the interviewer acting like he co-wrote the book? He's doing more talking. Sir. Just be quite and listen to your guests. Your audiences are interested in listing to the writer not you. You're probably trying to impress your guest by showing you have read the book well. Please, don't interrupt your guests. Let them finish their train of thought. Every time you jump in there like you're doing, you're stopping them from telling their story they want to tell it. The man's a good story teller and you need to let him talk, please!!! Keep in mind. You're not the guest. No need to suggest ideas. Let them breath, man!
አቶ ደረጀ ኃይሌ፤ ቦጅ ማለት ባጭር አማርኛ ፍትፍት ማለት ነው
meshesha ketema bojboj
Menew dereje alaswera alkew yawra tewew
Harassament For ONE Eye 🤨
Political Reason
:-D :-D
What citizens are? EPRP was a tool for Eritrean independence and TPLF to come to power. Its leaders were Tigres and Eritreans. It poisoned Ethiopian politics. EPRP destroyed Ethiopia. Then fled to Europe and America abandoning innocent and dedicated youth.
This history
This is history
Men let him talk 😡
Ante journalist baye , sele Eritera madeg alemadeg lante ayemelketem enante menqenuchi eyalachu endet ? Ke 110 miljoen hezeb eyetetagele
Afehen zega enantes ke alem eyelemenachu eriterawe ayelemenem enante lemenachum aladegachum
ይህ መናኛ የሆነ ሰውየ፣ ከ ገንጣይና ኣስገንጣዮች ጋር ተባብሮ ሃገር ያፈረሰ ወራዳ፣ እንደጀግና ሲያወራ በጣም ይገማል።
Isayas eritrean asadguatal yt aderesat? Mn aynet tyaqe nw Isayas Yalneberech Eritrean nw yeseraw bandera sertowal ager sertowal yene emilew karta le alem stowal enesum nezgbeweletal lela bzu.... Yeqerewen enga ljochu enqetlewalen Sew lehodu aynorem Ye ager fqer eyandandu eritrawi li aserxuwal .yt alu kesu gar yewetu?Isayas be keflzemn kemifetru jegnoch andu nw be tarik The father of eritrean teblo yimezegebal::
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea
Dereje..stop leading thé story...u are abusing an interview technique that should be used occasionaly.
Just listen
Such a horrible interviewer. Let your guest finish his thoughts. Also you jumped from one topic to others before he finished answering you damn questions.
I like the guest who appears to be typical selfless generation of 1960’s.
What i have been hearing since these private press proliferated is good things about Shabia/EPLF and Eritreans. These stupid medias like ESAT and nahoo should start interviewing the brave weyane and shabia generals instead of keep on deafening us with loser derg/Ethiopian Generals as we heard of them enough. Weyane and shabias are also part of our history
stupid gezategna but thanks abuyu u r respectfull and wise
Dislike emetargu sewoce gn tanentachu yasasebegale
With due respect journalist DEREJE is so annoying pls pls don't interrupted ur gust uf.
ጋዜጠኛው በጣም ቀልቃላ ነው። ለእንግዳው ግዜ ኣልሰጥ ኣለ።
ደረጀ ድምጽህን ያለቦታው እያጋነንክ አታጩህ፡ ይሄ የጋዜጠኝነት ሙያ አይደለም።
Tid zim bel duket