As a 3d printer user and newly started puzzle maker. This puzzle took at least 40 hours of print time. That's a full 40 hours of the printer running the finished print, not counting any misprints or other issues. And not counting assembly. I can see why the price it so high but thats a lot of money for $100 dollars of printer filiment.
Great video! I have binge-watched all your puzzle videos now. More, please???!!
On the way ;)
Could the final prize within the Blackjack Puzzle be a miniature deck of cards?
Well, did you see the end?
those are not clubs they are called spades
Good one
As a 3d printer user and newly started puzzle maker. This puzzle took at least 40 hours of print time. That's a full 40 hours of the printer running the finished print, not counting any misprints or other issues. And not counting assembly. I can see why the price it so high but thats a lot of money for $100 dollars of printer filiment.
I look forward to solving your puzzles...especially if they are more reasonably priced 😀