one problem i have with this teaching. did the apostles and disciples not know this principal? did they have money and houses and cars? no! why not? if this is for us, they were new testament believers also.
We need to understand that God's will is clear since Genesis, it has not changed because we are New Testament believers. The apostles knew this yet their calling in Jesus time were set for a different purpose and that was to spread the gospel and establish His church on kingdom principles. How are you to be blessing if you are in lack? The wealth the Lord speaks of is not individual but generational, meaning He wants families to be in wealth lacking nothing and to be a helping aid to the widow, the needy, the fatherless.
Ptr Gary Keesee: Can we boldly.appropriate this Scripture truth of Ecclesiastical 2:26(Overlooked/ missed);that joy, wisdom n treasure- wealth be given to us! When n if we pleased God? Like: Transferring the wealth of V Putin's ill-gotten treasure to us,?! Beside his lost soul( Bound for Hell, Luke 6:39 truth! Transferring Putin's soul to Luke 10:20 truth! Writer- strategist, Missionary Mariano K Yeo, a real victim- survivor of WWII, also a real Chinese-Filupino Jew am reply to fulfillnPsalm 133 truth, and exposing Satan's destructive agendas on us, America n Mankind!! Obeying James 4:7 truth
Can you, Ptr G Keesee add A Special, Divine( Spiritual) Military Operation- Dept: Specially pray target Satan, who is behind "Blind Lead Blind"( All Hellbound- Luke 6:39 truth), like V. Putin, Jbiden, XI Ching Ping, Ayatollah Khamenei, Kim Jun Un( 5 other brothers of Goliath!)! And uprooting the demonic causes of Curses of false religions, cults, occults defining America, Mankind! Who thought n implementing this kind of Prayer Strategy-solution!!!Write, Missionary Maroano K Yeo n team( US patriots)
God really has impacted your lives. Love listening to you Pastor Gary~
You're amazing Pastor Gary. Thanks be to Jesus Christ! God Bless you!
one problem i have with this teaching. did the apostles and disciples not know this principal? did they have money and houses and cars? no! why not? if this is for us, they were new testament believers also.
We need to understand that God's will is clear since Genesis, it has not changed because we are New Testament believers. The apostles knew this yet their calling in Jesus time were set for a different purpose and that was to spread the gospel and establish His church on kingdom principles. How are you to be blessing if you are in lack? The wealth the Lord speaks of is not individual but generational, meaning He wants families to be in wealth lacking nothing and to be a helping aid to the widow, the needy, the fatherless.
Ptr Gary Keesee: Can we boldly.appropriate this Scripture truth of Ecclesiastical 2:26(Overlooked/ missed);that joy, wisdom n treasure- wealth be given to us! When n if we pleased God? Like: Transferring the wealth of V Putin's ill-gotten treasure to us,?! Beside his lost soul( Bound for Hell, Luke 6:39 truth! Transferring Putin's soul to Luke 10:20 truth! Writer- strategist, Missionary Mariano K Yeo, a real victim- survivor of WWII, also a real Chinese-Filupino Jew am reply to fulfillnPsalm 133 truth, and exposing Satan's destructive agendas on us, America n Mankind!! Obeying James 4:7 truth
Can you, Ptr G Keesee add A Special, Divine( Spiritual) Military Operation- Dept: Specially pray target Satan, who is behind "Blind Lead Blind"( All Hellbound- Luke 6:39 truth), like V. Putin, Jbiden, XI Ching Ping, Ayatollah Khamenei, Kim Jun Un( 5 other brothers of Goliath!)! And uprooting the demonic causes of Curses of false religions, cults, occults defining America, Mankind! Who thought n implementing this kind of Prayer Strategy-solution!!!Write, Missionary Maroano K Yeo n team( US patriots)
Good teaching but very aggressive marketing of products!
The marketing of the products bless him financially and hopefully the products blesses you as well!
@@anthonyholley2796 this is tv lol. They have to pay to play