White isn't a heritage. If you're German, British, Irish, or Italian; that is your heritage! I don't understand the hate over this video? If this guy was Italian, and put up a sign displaying his pride in his Italian heritage, that's totally fine! However, "white pride" has long been associated with the white supremacy movement.
Your missing the point it's the white narcissistic way that this is portrayed it's almost like making fun of blacks so you gotta make a white history month whites didn't have the struggle like blacks so stop being racist and ignorant DUDE!
stanley oleyte wtf fuck are u talking about that's not racist do u even know what racist means im not saying he isn't racist but putting up a sign saying white history month is not racist. are u saying talking about black culture is racist or is it the fact that I am referring it, in that way is racist, if so that's just petty
TheAmericanCanadian Said the white customers who stopped coming in to buy his sandwiches. If this clip doesn't explain perfectly to you why he's going out of businesses I don't know what would.
TheAmericanCanadian you realise black history month is there because their history their culture got destroyed by the slave trade, that month celebrates black people and what they've done, this has not in any way happened to the white people of america, and because of this he's showing his ignorance of the situation.
there's nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage (of which you had no control) and there's not even anything wrong with wanting a white history month... but it's a bit redundant, don't you think? the reason other ethnicities want "a month of their own" is because they (we) have been ignored... histories have been buried in lies and outright ignorance... this country was founded on the backs of slave labor and blood and yet children get 28 days to learn about black people and the rest of the school year is dedicated to our "forefathers"... you wanna know why black people are upset? because in order for our country to heal of racism, were being told we need to bury and ignore and FORGET the atrocities committed upon us... that's not how it works... we want RECOGNITION... a teacher who witnesses a child punch another child in the face will, at the least, force that child to apologize... what sense would it make to say "oh, he won't do it again (even tho he does it three times a week) so let's just forget it happened..." when you ignore it, it COMES BACK... history repeats itself... I honestly don't know why this concept is so hard to digest... we were hurt, we are STILL getting hurt... all we want is for people to acknowledge our plight, for the perpetrators to be punished, and for it to STOP... end of story
jenniferthomas28 Noticing that blacks are their own worst enemy, and calling them on it when they start playing this blame game isn't racism it's honesty.
Zaphod7835 I don't want revenge and I've never shot anyone in my life... never even handled a gun... your assumptions are amazing... as for what I do want, it's CLEARLY stated in my original comment... in a day and age when people are JUST NOW finding out about black babies being ripped from their mothers wombs and being used as alligator bait, you cannot tell me that school books are accurate.. it's been PROVEN that our people's history has been covered up and is being done so TO THIS DAY... don't believe me? TN tea baggers were tryING to eliminate slavery from all textbooks simply because they didn't like the "light" it put their forefathers into... look it up... racism has not ended my friend, and while you sit their in your ignorance claiming that "it did stop" countless minority lives are being snuffed out at the hands of close-minded bigots who fear being uprooted from their so called positions of white power... I dont blame ALL white people... I blame people like YOU who keep this country fueled with hate by refusing to accept, acknowledge and alleviate... we cannot come together as one people until we treat each other as one people... and that, sir, has NOT HAPPENED
***** What history do you think is undertaught? And what demonizing programs are you referring to? Do you believe there is something fundamentally different about minorities that make them less capable of working, leading law abiding lives, or resisting drugs?
Cycling in Edmonton from the Eyes of a Teen What are you basing that claim on? What evidence have you evaluated to come to that conclusion. We are both from edmonton, so let's look at something closer to home... there are parallels here in Canada with our aboriginal communities... do you beleive there is a culture that includes higher rates of alcoholism in Canadian aboriginal communities or is that just a racist myth too? Patterns exist, including patterns of elevated drug and crime statistics in certain communities, where there is elevated drugs and crime you will find elevated rates of conviction.
So...people stopped going to his place for a few days and now he is bankrupt and bill collectors are sending him notices? Hahaha, sounds like the guy is trying to ride the cash train he saw that other bigot get. He had a failing business and was in debt so decided to manufacture some controversy for a gofundme.
Ivory Oasis Liberals just butthurt they lose every SJW contest. $850k for a family business that stood up to the leftist witch hunt. lol how mad are you?
Ivory Oasis Didn't even think of it in that respect, I bet you're right. The first thing that did seem weird was the fact that he was gone in like a week.... and businesses don't go bankrupt in a week.
PHILL SHIVELY The sign _is_ racist. But then, by the same rationale, so is the notion of _'Black_ History Month.' Particularly since it's so often misused as a mechanism for perpetuating racial guilt. i don't think that was the original purpose back when it was 'Negro History Week.'
Personally I assumed the whole point of Black History month was for African Americans to spend time to get back some of their heritage which was lost due to slavery stripping them of their language, culture, and way of life. With that particular thought in mind, I think it would be a bit redundant for a White History month since I don't recall any point in history where European based languages and cultures were systematically wiped out and replaced with something else.
rahn45 have you forgotten the entire conquest of Europe by rome? english isn’t my ethnicity’s native language; it’s Gaelic and Roman Catholic isn’t our native faith, It’s Paganism/Druidism so yea, European Cultures have indeed been wiped out and replaced.
skelitonking- You seem aggrieved. It doesn't seem quite an apt analogy to the experience of people from Africa, however. Perhaps there's a video somewhere, of a Gaelic person's experience appearing to be diminished by a sign in a business owned by a Roman Catholic, where your apprehensions may be more relevant. I will definitely support you in expressing your concerns.
@@skelitonking117 our worst mistake was allowing this horrible idea of multiculturalism to take hold in the west. watching our high culture be muddled in the main stream. We cannot elevate our people because its racist but we have rap music. Its also the west where we should be dominant.
Walter II According to TYT, it's racist to celebrate your own race, unless your black. I'm fucking done with TYT after this, their far leftist extremism is becoming as nazi like as the conservatives.
Black People: We want our heritage taught in schools too. Can you add us into the history class curriculum? White People: No, but we will give you one month out of the year where we pretend to care about your history. Black People: Whatever. It's better than nothing I guess... -decades later White People: HOW COME THEY GET THEIR OWN MONTH BUT WE DON'T!!!11!!12! Black People: *face palm
senbon7 Black people: why aren't we featured on mainstream tv, or in stereotypical roles White people: STOP COMPLAINING AND MAKE YOUR OWN WAY, WE DON'T CATER TO YOU * BET * White People: OMG THAT'S REVERSE RACISM IF WE MADE WHITE CHANNELS IT'D BE AN OUTRAGE
Ehh Annoying hence why they are called “blacks” in America and not certain African countries because their culture or roots was taken away from them duh?!
There is no such thing as white history. Just as there is no such thing as black history. There's Irish history, French history, Finnish history, Kenyan history, Egyptian history etc. In the states, black history refers to African American history, since all other conventional history in the states focuses on Europeans and white Americans. Hearing the stories and struggles of your ancestors and seeing how people overcame obstacles and what mistakes they made, is important for one's understanding of their background and identity. So no, there's nothing "unfair" about having black history month, although I'm sure most black individuals would rather prefer that 'black history' was taught as a part of regular history, rather than segregated to one single month. That way it would be fair.
***** There's no such thing as white heritage either though... just English/German/French/Swedish heritage. Not having generic 'white heritage' is a luxury, it means you know most likely know where your ancestors came from and where your roots are from, it means you get to feel part of a unique ancestry rather than a generic one under the label "white". Many African Americans don't have the privilege, because they have no clue what country/background/culture/land they originally came from, so they have to make do with "black heritage", but more often than not that means they their heritage only begins with the start of slavery, rather than what happened before that since their original names, language and culture were destroyed with slavery and occupation. I'm from Finland and I know my ancestors come from Russia, I know the unique history from both nations and can trace this history back for some time. My heritage is very different from that of a white Irish man or a white Belgium person. That's why we can't really say it's the same heritage just because our skin tones are similar.
DeadButBreathing African American history _is_ taught as regular history. The only reason a black history month even exists is because African Americans, being such a small minority who were oppressed for so long, inevitably did not contribute nearly as much to the history. However, when African Americans _did_ contribute a lot, they _are_ talked about. When you say you want "black history" to be part of regular history what you really mean is you want to give African Americans _more_ coverage. If you actually went to school in black history month, most of the black history is stuff that really has no room in a history class anyways, because it's very unimportant things. No one is "oppressing" black history. It's just this country is over 70% European American and has been dominated by European Americans for so long that the history mostly consists of European Americans. That's like going to France and crying that they aren't integrating "Mexican history" into the history classes. History is taught mainly based on wars, legislation, and social movements. Any time an African American is influential in one of these things, they are taught about. I learned of tons and tons of African Americans in regular history class. We were taught about them when they were relevant, and we didn't talk about them when they weren't relevant. You can't change history to pretend that European Americans and African Americans both had equal influence. That's just patently absurd.
***** Thing is these people don't even know what country they are from. You think the blacks who have been here for generations know if they are Kenyan or Nigerian? Their culture has been destroyed the only thing they are certain of is that they're black(African-American)
No, it's because they had their history erased. Ask black people if they are Yoruba, Danhomy, Congo, part European, part Native American. They do not know because this information was intentionaly erased. Ask white (or Asia or Latino) people where their ancestors came from. Most of them know. If they care to know. If they do not know, it is bother they have not bothered to find out. The ones who came later, Italians, Jews, Irish, generally do know. They ones who came earlier, English, Scotish, Dutch, Germans, are less likely to know.But they could if they looked into it.
Are you guys for real? Are actually insinuating that people like me should be ashamed of my skin colour?! I get the fact that there's no official "white history" month but still there's nothing wrong with trying to celebrate one's ancestors accomplishments or positive contributions towards society! This is just political correctness gone mad!
Rgjrunner maybe if it was someone celebrating their german or italian or irish heritage then that would be interesting. if someone wanted to have a "white history month" then all they have to do is pick up any history book from any school in the usa and read it over for a month and you can have white history month.
Edward Bernayse666 No, going by that logic the Italians and Germans can't celebrate their heritage because of what their ancestors did to the Jewish.....
To follow up, i *did* unsub these guys, i found them to be the paragon of extreme leftism. TYT's views in a nutshell.... Majority = Bad Minority = Good
It's also called "Black" History Month because most people who are descended from slaves have NO idea from where in Africa they are from. There are thousands, maybe millions of different cultures in Africa, the way that it was split up by European rules does not do its justice on how diverse it is. All anyone can say about the Black people in america is "Black". We're 'black', don't know if we're Nigerian, or South African, or from the Congo. We're just 'Black'. I'd say in a since, the same applies to White people. I'm not white, so I don't know how one grows up in a white family or how much they know of their history, but it's probably not that difficult for a while person to find their roots, European roots, and celebrate actual holidays and historically important dates from their heritage. In my opinion, it doesn't make sense to have a "White" history day/month because more often than not, you can actually FIND actual your true history and celebrate it. "White" doesn't truly exist outside of the US, "White" history... it feels like when you demand there be something like that, you're doing yourself a disservice. You aren't really finding your roots, you're not celebrating your roots or excellent people of your actual demographic, you just want to label everyone with mostly light skin as "White", therefore "White History X". It's lazy, go find your true heritage and celebrate that.
As a person of mixed race heritage ( Black and White Caribbean), I do find this troubling. I honestly think that if blacks and Asian Americans are afforded opportunities to celebrate their history, white Americans should too. People don't realize that most white Americans are are an amalgam of various European ethnicities, so I can understand why their sense of identity is becoming more collective as time goes by. As long as white history month isn't "Whites (ONLY) History Month" (i.e. discriminatory and racist) than I don't have a problem with it.
*"We did that to them"... No Jimmy, we didn't do that, I didn't choose to be white, I won't apologize for being white, I don't condone or support what happened historically, and if it happened today I'd stand up for the rights of my fellow human beings. I won't be arrogant and assume how much social advantage one has based on the color of their skin or from which country their great grandfather came from. It's a damn shame ignorant people do ignorant things, but I no more had the choice of which sex I am than who my parents were, I won't apologize for the actions of my forefathers. Grow a fucking pair.*
As long as one or more groups of people are treated better then other groups, you'll always have racism. doesn't matter where you are or who you are, if you treat one group better then the other, don't expect that group to simply except their treatment wholeheartedly. people like the TYT are prime examples of why there is constant conflict between people of different colors. its outright favoritism, favoritism leads to jealousy, jealousy leads to hate, and hate leads to violence.
"Being white is not a heritage of any kind." The amount of ignorance displayed in this video is disturbing. Your ethnicity is a part of your lineage same as being black, latino or any other race. No ethnicity is confined to a certain specific country. The business owner was emphasizing that it's okay to be proud to be white too. And for that he is laughed at, cheered at his business failing, and called a racist. Just one of the many problems of the modern progressive movement.
.... Whats wrong with a White History month if we have a Black History month? As long as its not "Hey, remember that time we enslaved everyone and it was great?!" it should be fine. Honestly, im more in favor of removing Black History month and just putting up History month, so its not creating division and conflict when we go through history and try and put forth actual togetherness, instead of having whites and blacks both just end up being stressed and upset at each other over things. The points of "Well, we removed all their culture etc." isnt a real argument over this. You cant fight racism with racism, and claim its ok to have one but not the other, it doesnt work well (nor make much logical sense if you want to claim one is racist but the other isnt, youre really saying one type of racism is tolerable and given a pass but the other isnt). If you want people to come together, treat everyone as equal and teach in a way that promotes that. Then maybe we can stop getting black people that hate whites for what their ancestors did years and years ago, and white people that hate blacks because they feel, in some ways, they have less rights and are treated unfairly. Hell, im bi, and im all against an LBGT history month. I want a Sexual Orientation history month, something inclusive instead of exclusive, that teaches about all sexual orientations, the goods and the bads of all. Inclusion is better than exclusion, and we can solve this problem in a better way imo than going with exclusion.
duo1666 Because in this case white history month is not the opposite to black history month. There is no such thing as white or black history. The only thing that makes America's black history month qualify is that they were removed from their culture. So for example, if you are black and have only recently moved to America and have no family connections there then you shouldn't think of yourself as included. It is literally for people who have some connection to the blacks who were enslaved. It's not supposed to be a month for people who are simply black, although hardly anybody actually thinks long enough to make this distinction :D
Diil Avery But, again, thats exclusive. You can teach and have culture and still be inclusive. At the same time, you cant sit down and say "Well we want this day for us, but you cant have a day for you". I understand why it exists, im saying it could be done better so it doesnt promote exclusion. Regardless of peoples opinions on the matter, the fact that its creating a lot of tension is a sign that the idea is flawed.
duo1666 Well calling it black history month is obviously problematic for a lot of people and I wouldn't have called it that.. but it's not something that would make me angry. It's just a clumsy name. And yeah you could consider it exclusive, though I don't believe it's supposed to be. It's American history and I don't think anyone worth talking to will think you're an idiot if you wanted to celebrate it. I feel like people who think that it's like "Well we want this day for us, but you cant have a day for you" have a point.. you should be able to have a day of celebration for whatever the fuck you want as long as it's not in promotion of something hateful.. but in this case it seems so reactionary. Very little people would actually give a shit about having a day to celebrate their whiteness and I'm guessing the guy in question only wanted it because he misunderstood what black history month actually is. So in summary, yeah it's problematic, but I think it's petty to ask for a white history month in reaction.
Diil Avery I dont think its petty to ask for a white history month in reaction, simply because black history month has been setup to being exclusive and is taught in a way that makes black people upset at white people, and white people feel like theres this "white guilt" ideology. You should be able to be proud of being black or white (though imo, its kinda stupid to be proud of something that really shouldnt make a difference nor something you accomplished, but thats neither here nor there), and we should teach in a way that reinforces this, instead of creating obvious tension on both sides. We can talk about all the great people, the blacks, the irish, the asians, the french, etc. of that time period all within the same breath, and the sacrifices that everyone made to get through the times where various peoples were discriminated against. At the same time, if people want to break off into little groups to learn more into their individualized history, they can do that too, but you cant really restrict that if you want to allow that. We need to show the positives and negatives of both sides if we really want to move on and actually get over racism (or rather, get through the more obvious racism, racism will never truly be dead but not my point).
duo1666 I agree with pretty much everything you said, but I think too many people would look at it simplistically. Asking for a white history month in protest or in jest wouldn't be half as effective as people actually having the conversation of why black history month is problematic for some people.
***** yeah, no I don't think so, this is stupid, everyone has the right to be proud of what they are and who they are without being subjected to abuse... This man is being subjected to abuse!
Gemma Ingram its because these people are idiots and are too worried about political contraversy to understand that in history the strong fight for what they believe in and were proud, not ohh woah is meee your people did bad things to my people give me special treatment they just make blacks look the same and worse by making it seem like are entilted to having a special status for thaughts and beliefs they never faught for nobody chooses to be born black or white so it doesnt matter if your great grandfather was a slave or a slave master its fucking history how about you worry about the real problems then these stupid ones
Native American history month is in November in case anyone was interested. Go figure it falls in line with a certain holiday we like to throw in their faces every year. You know how many times Native Americans celebrated thanksgiving? Once.
White history month are you foreal let's take a look at our public school system from august to June we learn about all white people victories in america and give about a week during February to celebrate 2 people we already know about Rosa parks mlk in school every month is white history month
Hypocrisy and double standards. There either needs to be a white history month, or preferably, there shouldn't be either a black or white history month. I like how the hosts pointed out that "black" isn't a culture either but then failed to actually justify the existence of black history month. It's a stupid and divisive idea. Jimmy also kept saying "we" did this and that to the slaves. Yeah, I didn't own any slaves. We are individuals, not a collective hive mind.
AtheistAlias You're just failing to see the difference between calling something black history and honoring all black people and calling something black history and honoring a select group of black people who have been removed from their culture and faced individual challenges. The name "Black History Month" is the problem. What it is supposed to honor is not. White History month is as meaningless as your idea of black history month.
Diil Avery I happen to think names are important. If "Black History Month" is a problem, then it should be changed. Mocking it with "White History Month" shouldn't spark any outrage. Because what it sounds like you're advocating with this talk of "honor" is "Black Pride" while at the same time deriding "White Pride". Which would be racist.
AtheistAlias What it sounds like someone is advocating and what they are actually advocating deserves to be understood :D Mocking it with white history month shouldn't spark any outrage because it is just ignorant, and cringe worthy haha. But yeah, the name is important, because people can and always will manage to misunderstand, so I agree; it's better to have clarity in mind when naming something.
"You're saying that you're of European descent but Europe is made up of Germany, Poland... Etc" You do realise you are literally shooting down your own argument about being African American. Africa is a big continent, bigger than Europe in fact, just thought I'd point it out.
Jack T they explained several times that Germans, Polish, Italians were never ripped from their distinct heritage after immigrating, separated from their communities, and mixed/lumped together by skin color to the point where many lost connection or even knowledge of which part of Africa their ancestors came from. Can you listen? Or do you only listen for what you think you can discredit?
Seriously people? This is just stupid. Asking why we don't have a "white history month" in America is like asking "Why can't we have a great black hope?" in the NBA.
Mark Ferguson *"Why can't we have a great black hope?" in the NBA.* Ha, ha, ha, I damn near spit my drink after reading that comment. Best comment on this thread by far!
So the guy has a fundraiser eh? Well if Officer Wilson got paid so can this guy. If the people of New Jersey can vote with their wallets, the internet can too.
It could have been worse--the government could have shut him down or he could have been sued for hate speech. I'm really glad that didn't happen. This country seems to be way too sensitive to people saying almost anything.
Personally if we are even thinking of having a black history month we should have a Native American, Arab, Australian native, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and white history month... Black people have equal rights as whites in this country so instead of having a black history month why don't we stop talking about race altogether... We are all humans, lets not be put into boxes because of our race.
"We" didn't destroy their culture it's literal history now, not saying it didn't happen, or that we should forget about it, but it's time people stop crying whenever a white person decides to be proud of their heritage.
White people don't have a history because we have no shared history. Some of us are from English settlers, some from early Dutch and early German, then you have the later waves from western Europe, then even later waves from eastern Europe, and every single one had different experiences (not to mention the Irish). Black people were enslaved, abused, set free, repressed by the law, moved north, fought for civil rights, suffered through urban decay, and are now dealing with police brutality. The few that didn't either came from the Caribbean, where their ancestors were probably slaves, or recently came from Africa and had to actually deal with imperialism in their own countries. That's what a shared-history looks like.
Its not racist, more so ignorance, or at least that's how its displayed. Normally people who put up signs about white pride and stuff like that tend to not like minorities a lot so he got bundled into 'that' kinda group of people. Sad really but he should have known better if he was more Intune with his customers.
Xavier Stewart lmfao “intune with his customers” I wasn’t aware that in order to run a business i have to check with my customers wether or not i can support my own ethnicity lmfao if this kind of shit offends you I wouldn’t want you shopping at my deli anyway.
Skelitonking117 - He has the freedom to do what he wants, and no I'm not offended at all by it. You can support anything you like on your own business, people will still scrutinize everything you do or say regardless. Again though not offended, I hope the man manages to get on his feet again, make a living for himself and his family, and let all of this go behind him. And that everyone else would stop pestering him about a sign he obviously doesn't want correlated to anything negative.
Asian store owner proud to be Asia does not put up sign saying celebrate Asian history month. Spanish store owner proud to be Spanish does not put up sign saying celebrate Spanish history month. Indian store owner proud to be Indian does not put up sign saying celebrate Indian history month. White store owner proud to be white put's up sign saying celebrate white history month. Hmmm.
Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, Arabia for the Arabs, Europe _for everybody._ Whenever you hear the words “social injustice,” “prejudice,” or “inequality,” substitute these with the words “_white culture_”. People who want to eliminate “social injustice,” “prejudice,” or “inequality” really want to eliminate _white culture._ Whenever you hear the words “white privilege,” substitute these with the words “_Western civilization_.” People who want to eliminate “white privilege” really want to eliminate _Western civilization._ Whenever you hear the words “racist” or “racism,” substitute these with the words “_white person_”. People who want to end the existence of “racists” and “racism” really want to end the existence of _people of European decent._ The anti-racists say they are against white racists, white racism, and white privilege. What they are really against is _white culture_, _western civilization_, and _white people._ They say they want a world without racism and hate. What they really want is a world _without white people_, a world without _you_. When non-whites pursue their group interests it’s called “civil rights”. When Whites defend themselves and their people from a full-scale societal attack on their identity, their genetics, their heritage, their ancestors and their history, it’s called “ racism", "oppression" and "white supremacy”. Innocent blacks are told they have nothing to do with the sins of black crime or violence and slavery in Africa. Innocent Muslims are told they have nothing to do with the sins of terrorism or past and present colonialism and slavery. Innocent Jews are told they have nothing to do with the sins of bolshevism and marxism and the hundreds of millions of deaths that resulted. Innocent whites are blamed and forced to personally apologize for every bad thing every white person has ever done at any time anywhere in the world, while all historical atrocities perpetrated against them are downplayed and censored. "Anti-racism" is a codeword for chasing down the last white nation, the last white enclave, the last white neighborhood and forcefully enriching it with "multiculturalism" and "diversity". "Multiculturalism" and "diversity" are codewords for “_anything but white culture and white people_”. When committed against any other group, such policies are instantly classified as _genocide_. But when committed against the European race, one of the smallest global minorities, we are told it is "necessary for our success". "Anti-racist" is a codeword for _anti-White_.
A sick person or someone who doesn't understand themselves or other people wrote this. Everything you just said above is wrong is signals that you are afraid that your culture and identify are under attack and that you fear that not only are you going to lose but that you should lose because you are wrong, bad, insufficient. Understand yourself and then try to understand other people. That fear will go away.
White Americans don't hang on to their heritage. They are "White Americans". Sure they may know what their heritage is, but they know jack shit about it (most of them). Just because Blacks were forced to lose ties to their heritage doesn't mean they can have "Black history month" and Whites not have anything. White Americans could actually benefit from learning more about their individual roots and heritages. That just because you share the same skin tone, doesn't mean we share the same heritage. This might actually in the long run help people realize how diverse the "White American" population is as far as cultural background, and maybe become more accepting and tolerant of "non white" people.
xinic5 People in the comments have mentioned there are "Irish" and "Scottish" months and the like. Which is nice and all, but it's the first time I (part Irish) ever fucking heard of it. I realize the importance of Black History Month showing the struggle and progress Blacks went through, and still have to go through. I couldn't care less about a "White History month". But as my first comment said, I think White people could benefit from it if it was done properly. As in, not being some bullshit put up by the KKK or racists, but of educating and celebrating the various cultures that have been clumped into what we call "White". Sure most people can live their lives without a fuck given about their heritage, but some of us find a love and interest in learning about our ancestors. It's not a racist thing, it's just looking at a culture and customs that you relate to. Hell, I don't think people should even need to be descended from an ethnic group to enjoy their culture, if you find a culture that you feel you can connect to, who cares what you descend from.
"That's what we did to them." -Jimmy Dore at 3:33 I'm sorry Jimmy, but *we* didn't enslave blacks and *we* didn't fight WWII and *we* didn't pacify the Indians and *we* didn't fight the war for independence. Dead people did these things quite a while ago, and it is not our responsibility to take ownership of what other people did. I doubt that you blame Germans for the Holocaust, isn't that right? Same thing. White Guilt is usually just a call to arms for racist nutjobs, but it does exist, and this is an example.
The reason why you don't need a white history month is because white history is celebrated daily. Every western, war, and gangster film pays homage to the deeds of white American history . We all studied it in history class for years. However, in those same classes there is a glaring omission of any black contribution. The only way for young blacks to learn about their history and to make whites aware of black people's contributions is this way. Not many white people would look into the true history of the country and much less would acknowledge anything black people have done, if it weren't forced feed to them. I am not making a blanket statement but it is the attitude of the gross majority of white people.
I completely get why its not a smart idea to hang up a white history month sign. On the other hand i think that TYT did a poor job of clarifying this and just ended up blowing it up more. You can't say that being white (the color of ones skin) doesn't give you heritage, and then say in the same breath that being black (also just a color of ones skin) does give u culture. So to be clear, by there logic, the color of your skin doesn't give you heritage... except when it does? Don't judge someone solely on the color of their skin.They also said that being white gives you no culture due to the fact that it just mean that you are from Europe (because thats the only place white people come from), and europe is comprised of many different countries like germany blah blah blah... but africa not a country, it is a continent. There are a few countries in there, and they do not all share the same culture (i.e. Egyptian culture is much different than Ugandan as well as South Africa's and so on and so forth). Everyone has heritage, everyone has culture, don't let anyone take that away from you, no one chose the way they were born. I really like TYT but sometimes they can be just as bad as the the devil (fox news). Don't mix the sins of our fathers and racism together. Some people get offended easily and just need to disregard certain things and not get all up in arms about them (he said at the end of the rant)
Nothing about this story surprises me. This is who America is. The only thing that surprises me is the female reports surprise (1:30) that he got a lot of support. If you’re surprised by that you obviously haven’t been paying attention.
No, bullshit. This is not racism. The guy didn't make a single statement about any race other than "Celebrate your heritage". Wow, what a racist thing to say. If you can say "Celebrate your black heritage" without being racist, then you can say "Celebrate your white heritage" without being racist. Implying that black is a collective term for all black cultures, but that it cannot work that way for all white cultures is nonsense. "But whites stripped the culture from blacks!" - irrelevant.
white history month is pretty much 11 months out of the year . but it's not called white history months . as for white heritage it is pretty much celebrated every single day even though it is never thought of or mentioned . and if you have to ask why that is , then maybe you don't know your history as well as you think you do .
I don't know if the blonde in this video knows this but Africa isn't just one country.... it's a continent, like Europe...... So your point that whites have no heritage because Europe is a continent made up of many different countries....... kinda doesn't make any sense.
This is stupid, the guy wasn't being racist he apologizes to the customer who misinterpreted his sign. We are starting to become racist to white individuals. Yes they have had privileges no doubt but it does not mean you gotta break them down. I get my Latin month, so fair be fair.
To be completely honest, I think Black History Month is an antiquated idea that we need to do away with as a country. 'Oh yeah, get all of that black history crap outta the way ALL IN ONE MONTH so you don't have to think/deal with it throughout the rest of the year' is what Black History Month says to me. And once again, to be honest, I feel the same about a proposed 'White History Month.' I feel it is only because black people have been the minority in America that we even have a black history month... so we can say 'LOOK, LOOK, I'm not racist... black!' It's stupid and pointless. Morgan Freeman said: "I don't want a black history month. Black history is American history." Freeman also argued that there was no White History Month, because white people did not want their history relegated to just one month. It's all stupid.
White is not a heritage or culture. It's not even an accurate description of the Caucasian's skin color which would be pink. Germans have a culture. Polish people have a culture. England has a culture but Whites do not. The idea of Black History Month was meant to enlighten people on the history of Black people, primarily in America because as we know the slaves who were brought here were stripped off all their cultural identity & knowledge. And for hundreds of years in America we only taught history from the Anglo-American perspective while simply glossy over the impact of chattel slavery & totally ignoring African American achievements aside from George Washington Carver.
Ya know, instead of having a race based on a specific month, let's just have a month that solely focus on the achievements of the human species. If not, then let's just get rid of black history month altogether.
Generally, black people will have 'black history' or 'black miss America' or 'black this or that' because we have been excluded from the white version of those things. Black people are also forced to identify by the color of our skin because we are treated the same based on our color. To those who feel that whites are not allowed to focus white history, you are wrong because while blacks have a black history month , whites have white history too, they , to quote Tim WIse, go by the names of MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER AND JANUARY. Everything in America is white by default and to me, when some white person talks about white history or white pride, it says to me that they are in denial about the realities of this country. I think these are the same people that think white people are doing so much better than blacks in AMerica because they work harder or blacks are lazy. They just ignore the history of slavery and the creation of w hite weath on the backs of blacks.
4:09 what gets me about this is being black is not heritage it doesn't mean anything. It's a African thing. I get what shes trying to say hey am of African decent but there's all these other countrys in Africa like Egypt, Niger, Chad and Kenya. Being black doesn't count as a heritage of any kind.
I hope the deli owner genuinely apologized to the man that complained to him. The lovely Desi Doyen has a great idea of making a Native American history month. I think it should be in September when the school year is starting. I also propose getting a Mexican American or Hispanic American history month in a few years, too.
homer23422000 Plus, while people are bitching about not having a "white" month, not because they are legitimately concerned but because they're trying to make a political point at black people like WET channel vs BET channel (which is actually owned by whites, I wonder if there were a WET channel, would it be owned by blacks? and BET is mostly a bunch of gospel and RandB and hip hop videos, some of which feature white artists, and old reruns of Martin and Fresh Prince of Bel Air, I wonder what would be on WET, reruns of Friends?), there already are SEVERAL white months, they're just not called "white". This month is Scottish month, and last month, March, was Irish month. March was also women's month, so I wonder if there will be some wingnut men going "why isn't there a mens month, that's sexist towards men!"
So if being white isn't heritage then how the hell is being black a heritage?? Africa isn't a country either, just like there are different countries in Europe there are also different countries in Africa. There's Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt and South Africa to name a few.
Social media is getting dangerous. You can debate whether he should've done this or not, but to shut down his business because of a fairly innocuous sign in the window is going too far. The man's life might be ruined forever now. A bit much in my opinion..
I'm from the Reservation here in AZ in the border between AZ and Mexico..and they said the same thing our elders say all the time.. "One day Euro-Americans will remember the wrongs of their ancestors and give us 1 day for all tribes to honor our ancestors all around the Americas." Native Month would be a dream for our people. But everyone knows that won't happen.
What pisses me off is that people seem to think that only black people were slaves... White Irish people were slaves too yet you don't here them having their own special month, do ya?
Yes Jimmy, we DO need it broke down like that. Because most people are not able to distinguish one European race from another by looking at them, skin color is all we have. While I've always understood that there is no "white" race, I was still bothered that people were able to herald their black heritage, receive black scholarships and be black miss america, while doing the same thing for the white community was considered racist. Its not really racist. Its a misunderstanding of the situation. Racism requires a deliberate intent to act "against" a specific group based on their race. Racism should not be identified where the only intent was to be as fair to one group as you were being to another. "Black History Month" is racist if "White History Month" is. There is no "black" race anymore than there is a "white" race. I live in Florida. There are Haitians, Jamaicans, African Americans. Generalizing the month as "black history months" involves several races who were not a part of it. We need it broke down for everyone's sake. But if color is to be taken out of this, it needs to be taken out both black AND white. Black is as race-nonspecific as White. Even in this country.
Most of these comments are ignorant. What's the point of having a white history month when we teach and celebrate white history 11 out of the 12 months of the year?
The idea of "white pride" is ridiculous, but so is "black pride", "Asian pride", "Hispanic pride", "gay pride", etc., etc... Isn't it good enough to just not feel shame for who you are? Why do people feel the need to be proud of something they had no control over?
I understand your argument, but why then is May considered Asian American History month? Asians weren't stripped of their culture by being taken from their countries of origin. Each Asian country has a unique culture and identity...
he just put up a sign saying he wants to celebrate white history month? that's not racist and even if it was its minuscule certainly he dint deserve to lose his business
4:01 - that's a good point. "White" doesn't really mean anything in the context of heritage, since Europe is not homogeneous; it needs to be more specific than that, such as "Irish Heritage". When it comes to "black history month" it should really be "West African History Month" since color is not synonymous with heritage and the slave trade primarily took people from West Africa.
so being proud of white history is racist now ? I mean I get what you're all saying about why you have communities and special days for minorities, but really, just being proud of being white ? also 4:10 being black isn't different. Black people don't all have the same history you racist. Africa isn't a country. My heritage is very different from the ones in south africa.
So, Black History Month is NOT racist, but "White History Month is"? The only thing I can see that is even remotely racist about celebrating White History is that it excludes the important contributions non-whites have made to history. If that's the case then Black History month is equally racist, because it excludes the important contributions non-blacks have made to history. When George A. Romero cast Duane Jones in the lead of Night of the Living Dead in 1968 he simply cast the best actor who auditioned. He wasn't trying to make any sort of political statement. Duane's race was completely incidental. The story was written such that no one in the film calls attention to his race, or gives him a hard time because of his race. Calling attention to a person's race, giving any one group special treatment over another is racist. The only non-racist thing to do is to completely ignore race. Some years ago some mayor went to a concert given by the city orchestra. He noticed there were no black people in the orchestra and ordered them to be more racially sensitive. The people responsible for this had to radically change how they ran auditions. To eliminate bias based on race or gender, the person who was auditioning was not allowed to speak. They were simply given a sheet of music and asked to play it. Those who decided on who was hired could hear them but not see them. Kind of funny how quickly people assume racism even when measures are taken to avoid it. They ended up REQUIRING those people to employ racism in their decision on who to hire.
This is proof the libertarian idea that allowing businesses to show their true colors, not laws demanding they serve everyone equally, is more beneficial than most think. Most customers are generally not racist assholes so when a business is they'll quickly be boycotted and run out of business.
I don't get the whole "pride" thing. White pride. Black pride. Country pride. Isn't pride something you feel when you accomplish something? When you have a specific skill? How can I be proud to be a white Canadian male, when not one thing in that I had any say in or accomplished? Sure, I managed to make it over 40 years without chopping my dick off, or any other number of stupid "Darwin" award acts that could have ended my life, but are those things to be proud of? I think not.
THE SIGNS NOT RACIST! IT'S JUST WRONG! For those to lazy to watch the video here is a TL:DW on why. The man who posted the sign didn't understand why it was wrong to post the sign, that's okay we all make mistakes. Here's why posting a sign like that is wrong; America only has a "Black history month" because America stripped the culture from the African people when they forcefully took them to America and made them slaves. So its not to celebrate the skin colour but the culture that america stripped away(though from my understanding most Americans think that its about colour regardless). As to why America can't have a white history month, Whites not a culture... HOW EVER America is a culture so America has year round holidays to celebrate the culture of America: Presidents day, Independence day, Thanksgiving are a few examples. Side note: In my opinion the confusion stems from America calling it "Black history month" when rather it should be called "African American culture month" or something along those lines.
God forbid we celebrate some of the good things (not slavery) our ancestors did. If it's simply because blacks suffered persecution. Why not Asian history, why not Hispanic, why not EVERYONE else too?
The reason black people today in America often share aspects of the same culture is because their ancestors, who came from multiple nations and cultures in Africa, as different as the cultures of Europe, were sold into slavery and forced to live with each other, all treated as harshly by their holders. That is why "Black History" is a thing. "White History" is not. The various dimensions of white races in America never unified in such a way. The Italian immigrants kept a distinct culture separate to that of Irish immigrants, who kept a different culture from German immigrants, and so on. There is no such thing as plain "white history, any more than there is a history of people who wore hats, or a history of people who could roll their tongue. You won't find a professor of "White History" anywhere in the world. You can find professors of the history of a particular white race. The history of the Norse, Teutons, Gauls etc, but they were never unified by skin colour. So stop pretending "White History" is a thing. Clearly the shop owner meant "Not-Black History" as a jab at "Black history week". If it was really about pride in his own heritage he'd have specified his families background e.g. Irish-American History etc.
Irish people weren't abused when they came to America? Not to an extent to lose their language and folklore (spoken history)...? I guess Chinese Americans have clung to their heritage too ay? Africa was depopulated of slaves by city dwelling African pirates doing genocide on rural villagers. Funny how that aspect of Black History is misplaced for Black History Month, which really IGNORES the vast majority of black history and focuses on Black History in America, which is of course mostly awful. The above video relays a bogus take on this news item, it is patently false. To understand history and how it relates to current events, people need to learn real history, especially the divisions sown in their own communities by The EmPyre. White History Month? Pretending all white folks are a unit is a blatant lie. The time honored gel that holds societies together throughout history is money. The dividing line is between those who have it and those who don't. Those who have it generally organize to vanquish those who don't, while those who don't have it struggle under the weight of the jack boot thugs employed by those who do have money, or silver and gold as the era might show was the currency. All that said, the guy isn't a racist because he's ignorant of history and it's thorough lack of any time in which white people were a unit. He's not morally deficient for calling for a month to study the history of people with white skin. It's only an expression of his thus far being not well versed in history to believe there's a united history of "white people".
Why can't white people celebrate white history? But don't be surprised when "other's" show up. This person, however, appears to resent the fact that we, Black people for example, want to celebrate our history, which has been ignored and distorted.
So, people stopped visiting his store because they thought he was racist and didn't want to support him and/or be associated with that mentality. It sounds like he ruined his own business. Also, it's sad that so many commenters don't understand how things used to be in this country.
If he is not kicking out any customers who are of different ethnicities and is not discriminating based off of ethnicities or ways of life, what is the problem? Yea, I understand there is no white history month because we did not have to fight and suffer to have equal rights based off of our skin color or anything, but if this man wants to be proud of being himself without insulting others for being different, I do not see the problem.
It will be awesome when, someday people can say "I'm Swedish American" or "I'm Mexican American" or "I'm Irish American" or "I'm Kenyan American" or "I'm Native American" instead of the blanketing words "White" or "Black".
i'm okay with there being a black history month, but seriously, that doesn't mean white people shouldn't have one too. Just because they are the majority and still today are treated much better than their other counterparts doesn't mean they don't deserve a reward. If you think about it, white Europeans are seen as the first civilized people on earth and many of the worlds greatest inventions were made by white people: cars, light bulbs, the internet, and the list goes on. I'm not only talking about white people though, I am also talking about the fact that there is no "Right Handers Day" or "Brothers Day" or "Sisters Day" or even a "Children's Day" all together. And before I get comments saying that "it is white history white history month 11 times a year" or white people have had nowhere near as much pain as all these other races" or "364 days a year do children get to have their own day" which in my mind, is not true because children have a lot less rights and are not allowed to do certain things adults can do in most countries. If you thing about it, white people have been slaves before in the medieval times when anyone who was not royalty, a merchant or a knight was a peasant, regardless of race.
I'm not racist..I hate everyone equally. :)
LeftyLike No u don’t.
@@patricialucious5091 stfu
I am rapidly approaching this as well.
If Etika hates it. I hate it
Delis48 is located in New York, the deli in this video is in New Jersey
White isn't a heritage. If you're German, British, Irish, or Italian; that is your heritage! I don't understand the hate over this video? If this guy was Italian, and put up a sign displaying his pride in his Italian heritage, that's totally fine! However, "white pride" has long been associated with the white supremacy movement.
How dare you be white!!
Your missing the point it's the white narcissistic way that this is portrayed it's almost like making fun of blacks so you gotta make a white history month whites didn't have the struggle like blacks so stop being racist and ignorant DUDE!
stanley oleyte wtf fuck are u talking about that's not racist do u even know what racist means im not saying he isn't racist but putting up a sign saying white history month is not racist. are u saying talking about black culture is racist or is it the fact that I am referring it, in that way is racist, if so that's just petty
TheAmericanCanadian Said the white customers who stopped coming in to buy his sandwiches. If this clip doesn't explain perfectly to you why he's going out of businesses I don't know what would.
stanley oleyte Everyone had struggles in this world! Have you forgotten about Jewish persecution??!!
TheAmericanCanadian you realise black history month is there because their history their culture got destroyed by the slave trade, that month celebrates black people and what they've done, this has not in any way happened to the white people of america, and because of this he's showing his ignorance of the situation.
there's nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage (of which you had no control) and there's not even anything wrong with wanting a white history month... but it's a bit redundant, don't you think? the reason other ethnicities want "a month of their own" is because they (we) have been ignored... histories have been buried in lies and outright ignorance... this country was founded on the backs of slave labor and blood and yet children get 28 days to learn about black people and the rest of the school year is dedicated to our "forefathers"...
you wanna know why black people are upset? because in order for our country to heal of racism, were being told we need to bury and ignore and FORGET the atrocities committed upon us... that's not how it works... we want RECOGNITION... a teacher who witnesses a child punch another child in the face will, at the least, force that child to apologize... what sense would it make to say "oh, he won't do it again (even tho he does it three times a week) so let's just forget it happened..." when you ignore it, it COMES BACK... history repeats itself...
I honestly don't know why this concept is so hard to digest... we were hurt, we are STILL getting hurt... all we want is for people to acknowledge our plight, for the perpetrators to be punished, and for it to STOP... end of story
jenniferthomas28 Noticing that blacks are their own worst enemy, and calling them on it when they start playing this blame game isn't racism it's honesty.
Zaphod7835 I don't want revenge and I've never shot anyone in my life... never even handled a gun... your assumptions are amazing... as for what I do want, it's CLEARLY stated in my original comment... in a day and age when people are JUST NOW finding out about black babies being ripped from their mothers wombs and being used as alligator bait, you cannot tell me that school books are accurate.. it's been PROVEN that our people's history has been covered up and is being done so TO THIS DAY... don't believe me? TN tea baggers were tryING to eliminate slavery from all textbooks simply because they didn't like the "light" it put their forefathers into... look it up... racism has not ended my friend, and while you sit their in your ignorance claiming that "it did stop" countless minority lives are being snuffed out at the hands of close-minded bigots who fear being uprooted from their so called positions of white power... I dont blame ALL white people... I blame people like YOU who keep this country fueled with hate by refusing to accept, acknowledge and alleviate... we cannot come together as one people until we treat each other as one people... and that, sir, has NOT HAPPENED
You're an idiot, plain and simple... like I said, NO CONVERSATION FOR YOU!
***** What history do you think is undertaught? And what demonizing programs are you referring to? Do you believe there is something fundamentally different about minorities that make them less capable of working, leading law abiding lives, or resisting drugs?
Cycling in Edmonton from the Eyes of a Teen What are you basing that claim on? What evidence have you evaluated to come to that conclusion. We are both from edmonton, so let's look at something closer to home... there are parallels here in Canada with our aboriginal communities... do you beleive there is a culture that includes higher rates of alcoholism in Canadian aboriginal communities or is that just a racist myth too?
Patterns exist, including patterns of elevated drug and crime statistics in certain communities, where there is elevated drugs and crime you will find elevated rates of conviction.
So...people stopped going to his place for a few days and now he is bankrupt and bill collectors are sending him notices?
Hahaha, sounds like the guy is trying to ride the cash train he saw that other bigot get. He had a failing business and was in debt so decided to manufacture some controversy for a gofundme.
***** if it was good
Ivory Oasis Liberals just butthurt they lose every SJW contest. $850k for a family business that stood up to the leftist witch hunt. lol how mad are you?
Ivory Oasis Didn't even think of it in that respect, I bet you're right.
The first thing that did seem weird was the fact that he was gone in like a week.... and businesses don't go bankrupt in a week.
Ivory Oasis Oy vey! Why the long face?
PHILL SHIVELY The sign _is_ racist.
But then, by the same rationale, so is the notion of _'Black_ History Month.' Particularly since it's so often misused as a mechanism for perpetuating racial guilt. i don't think that was the original purpose back when it was 'Negro History Week.'
Personally I assumed the whole point of Black History month was for African Americans to spend time to get back some of their heritage which was lost due to slavery stripping them of their language, culture, and way of life.
With that particular thought in mind, I think it would be a bit redundant for a White History month since I don't recall any point in history where European based languages and cultures were systematically wiped out and replaced with something else.
rahn45 have you forgotten the entire conquest of Europe by rome? english isn’t my ethnicity’s native language; it’s Gaelic and Roman Catholic isn’t our native faith, It’s Paganism/Druidism so yea, European Cultures have indeed been wiped out and replaced.
skelitonking- You seem aggrieved. It doesn't seem quite an apt analogy to the experience of people from Africa, however.
Perhaps there's a video somewhere, of a Gaelic person's experience appearing to be diminished by a sign in a business owned by a Roman Catholic, where your apprehensions may be more relevant. I will definitely support you in expressing your concerns.
X Million. "No Irish Need Apply"
@@skelitonking117 our worst mistake was allowing this horrible idea of multiculturalism to take hold in the west. watching our high culture be muddled in the main stream. We cannot elevate our people because its racist but we have rap music. Its also the west where we should be dominant.
the only time other europeans (like the irish), have had their culture and language forcefully wiped out, it’s been by other europeans.
I don't get it, where is the racism?
Walter II haha you let him get to you you deserve to be pissed off lol
Not really racism but why does he need a white history month when that's like 11 months of the year?
luulay jxmx
maybe he is an idiot?
Like What'soingon07 and Frostweld, but I would add insanity on top of being huge idiots.
Walter II According to TYT, it's racist to celebrate your own race, unless your black. I'm fucking done with TYT after this, their far leftist extremism is becoming as nazi like as the conservatives.
Walter II
Nice comeback moron, you hurt me in the feels. Now go play another round of CoD with the other kids your age.
Black People: We want our heritage taught in schools too. Can you add us into the history class curriculum?
White People: No, but we will give you one month out of the year where we pretend to care about your history.
Black People: Whatever. It's better than nothing I guess...
-decades later
Black People: *face palm
Black people: why aren't we featured on mainstream tv, or in stereotypical roles
* BET *
Alpha Cube That's just what you're taught. Black people history didn't begin when they came to America.
201stars no shit have you ever heard of a WORLD history class or do they only teach american history in the states?
And of course it's the shortest month if the entire year.
Ehh Annoying hence why they are called “blacks” in America and not certain African countries because their culture or roots was taken away from them duh?!
If the guy only used the word European or Scandinavian, instead of the "W" word, this whole story would not be.
Yes! White history month! A much needed idea! Let's learn about the stuff we ALREADY learned in history classes across America.
BlackMasterJoe89 we didn’t learn any of the important shit abt our contributions in this bitch.
There is no such thing as white history. Just as there is no such thing as black history. There's Irish history, French history, Finnish history, Kenyan history, Egyptian history etc. In the states, black history refers to African American history, since all other conventional history in the states focuses on Europeans and white Americans. Hearing the stories and struggles of your ancestors and seeing how people overcame obstacles and what mistakes they made, is important for one's understanding of their background and identity. So no, there's nothing "unfair" about having black history month, although I'm sure most black individuals would rather prefer that 'black history' was taught as a part of regular history, rather than segregated to one single month. That way it would be fair.
There's no such thing as white heritage either though... just English/German/French/Swedish heritage. Not having generic 'white heritage' is a luxury, it means you know most likely know where your ancestors came from and where your roots are from, it means you get to feel part of a unique ancestry rather than a generic one under the label "white". Many African Americans don't have the privilege, because they have no clue what country/background/culture/land they originally came from, so they have to make do with "black heritage", but more often than not that means they their heritage only begins with the start of slavery, rather than what happened before that since their original names, language and culture were destroyed with slavery and occupation.
I'm from Finland and I know my ancestors come from Russia, I know the unique history from both nations and can trace this history back for some time. My heritage is very different from that of a white Irish man or a white Belgium person. That's why we can't really say it's the same heritage just because our skin tones are similar.
DeadButBreathing African American history _is_ taught as regular history. The only reason a black history month even exists is because African Americans, being such a small minority who were oppressed for so long, inevitably did not contribute nearly as much to the history. However, when African Americans _did_ contribute a lot, they _are_ talked about. When you say you want "black history" to be part of regular history what you really mean is you want to give African Americans _more_ coverage. If you actually went to school in black history month, most of the black history is stuff that really has no room in a history class anyways, because it's very unimportant things. No one is "oppressing" black history. It's just this country is over 70% European American and has been dominated by European Americans for so long that the history mostly consists of European Americans. That's like going to France and crying that they aren't integrating "Mexican history" into the history classes. History is taught mainly based on wars, legislation, and social movements. Any time an African American is influential in one of these things, they are taught about. I learned of tons and tons of African Americans in regular history class. We were taught about them when they were relevant, and we didn't talk about them when they weren't relevant. You can't change history to pretend that European Americans and African Americans both had equal influence. That's just patently absurd.
***** Thing is these people don't even know what country they are from. You think the blacks who have been here for generations know if they are Kenyan or Nigerian? Their culture has been destroyed the only thing they are certain of is that they're black(African-American)
DeadButBreathing black history is included with regular history. what shit school and college did you go to?
No, it's because they had their history erased. Ask black people if they are Yoruba, Danhomy, Congo, part European, part Native American. They do not know because this information was intentionaly erased. Ask white (or Asia or Latino) people where their ancestors came from. Most of them know. If they care to know. If they do not know, it is bother they have not bothered to find out. The ones who came later, Italians, Jews, Irish, generally do know. They ones who came earlier, English, Scotish, Dutch, Germans, are less likely to know.But they could if they looked into it.
Are you guys for real?
Are actually insinuating that people like me should be ashamed of my skin colour?!
I get the fact that there's no official "white history" month but still there's nothing wrong with trying to celebrate one's ancestors accomplishments or positive contributions towards society!
This is just political correctness gone mad!
Rgjrunner celebrate genocide? lol
MotorCity Smoove Who the fuck said anything about celebrating genocide you moron!?
Rgjrunner maybe if it was someone celebrating their german or italian or irish heritage then that would be interesting. if someone wanted to have a "white history month" then all they have to do is pick up any history book from any school in the usa and read it over for a month and you can have white history month.
Edward Bernayse666 No, going by that logic the Italians and Germans can't celebrate their heritage because of what their ancestors did to the Jewish.....
they already do celebrate their heritage and nobody including jews has a problem with it. haven't you ever heard of oktoberfest?
Wow, so many things wrong with this video and, in my opinion, that sign isn't even one of them...
Deakorea X aye, i'm this close to unsubbing these guys, too many videos too much ultra left wing bollocks
go ahead and unsub. nobody will notice or care.
BuddyJesusSmokes If you think what you have to say will affect anything then you're going to be sadly disappointed
+BuddyJesusSmokes how is that relevant? He will know and care, which is what I'm assuming the point is.
To follow up, i *did* unsub these guys, i found them to be the paragon of extreme leftism.
TYT's views in a nutshell....
Majority = Bad
Minority = Good
the *white squealing* has begun.
He can "celebrate" as much as he wants, just don't expect customers.
It's also called "Black" History Month because most people who are descended from slaves have NO idea from where in Africa they are from. There are thousands, maybe millions of different cultures in Africa, the way that it was split up by European rules does not do its justice on how diverse it is.
All anyone can say about the Black people in america is "Black". We're 'black', don't know if we're Nigerian, or South African, or from the Congo. We're just 'Black'.
I'd say in a since, the same applies to White people. I'm not white, so I don't know how one grows up in a white family or how much they know of their history, but it's probably not that difficult for a while person to find their roots, European roots, and celebrate actual holidays and historically important dates from their heritage.
In my opinion, it doesn't make sense to have a "White" history day/month because more often than not, you can actually FIND actual your true history and celebrate it. "White" doesn't truly exist outside of the US, "White" history... it feels like when you demand there be something like that, you're doing yourself a disservice. You aren't really finding your roots, you're not celebrating your roots or excellent people of your actual demographic, you just want to label everyone with mostly light skin as "White", therefore "White History X". It's lazy, go find your true heritage and celebrate that.
As a person of mixed race heritage ( Black and White Caribbean), I do find this troubling. I honestly think that if blacks and Asian Americans are afforded opportunities to celebrate their history, white Americans should too.
People don't realize that most white Americans are are an amalgam of various European ethnicities, so I can understand why their sense of identity is becoming more collective as time goes by. As long as white history month isn't "Whites (ONLY) History Month" (i.e. discriminatory and racist) than I don't have a problem with it.
*"We did that to them"... No Jimmy, we didn't do that, I didn't choose to be white, I won't apologize for being white, I don't condone or support what happened historically, and if it happened today I'd stand up for the rights of my fellow human beings. I won't be arrogant and assume how much social advantage one has based on the color of their skin or from which country their great grandfather came from. It's a damn shame ignorant people do ignorant things, but I no more had the choice of which sex I am than who my parents were, I won't apologize for the actions of my forefathers. Grow a fucking pair.*
Brilliant comment, thank you. :)
As long as one or more groups of people are treated better then other groups, you'll always have racism. doesn't matter where you are or who you are, if you treat one group better then the other, don't expect that group to simply except their treatment wholeheartedly. people like the TYT are prime examples of why there is constant conflict between people of different colors. its outright favoritism, favoritism leads to jealousy, jealousy leads to hate, and hate leads to violence.
"Being white is not a heritage of any kind."
The amount of ignorance displayed in this video is disturbing. Your ethnicity is a part of your lineage same as being black, latino or any other race. No ethnicity is confined to a certain specific country.
The business owner was emphasizing that it's okay to be proud to be white too. And for that he is laughed at, cheered at his business failing, and called a racist. Just one of the many problems of the modern progressive movement.
How does having that sign make it racist?
how is that racist ? O.o
emospadez Because whites.
.... Whats wrong with a White History month if we have a Black History month? As long as its not "Hey, remember that time we enslaved everyone and it was great?!" it should be fine. Honestly, im more in favor of removing Black History month and just putting up History month, so its not creating division and conflict when we go through history and try and put forth actual togetherness, instead of having whites and blacks both just end up being stressed and upset at each other over things.
The points of "Well, we removed all their culture etc." isnt a real argument over this. You cant fight racism with racism, and claim its ok to have one but not the other, it doesnt work well (nor make much logical sense if you want to claim one is racist but the other isnt, youre really saying one type of racism is tolerable and given a pass but the other isnt). If you want people to come together, treat everyone as equal and teach in a way that promotes that. Then maybe we can stop getting black people that hate whites for what their ancestors did years and years ago, and white people that hate blacks because they feel, in some ways, they have less rights and are treated unfairly.
Hell, im bi, and im all against an LBGT history month. I want a Sexual Orientation history month, something inclusive instead of exclusive, that teaches about all sexual orientations, the goods and the bads of all. Inclusion is better than exclusion, and we can solve this problem in a better way imo than going with exclusion.
duo1666 Because in this case white history month is not the opposite to black history month. There is no such thing as white or black history. The only thing that makes America's black history month qualify is that they were removed from their culture. So for example, if you are black and have only recently moved to America and have no family connections there then you shouldn't think of yourself as included. It is literally for people who have some connection to the blacks who were enslaved. It's not supposed to be a month for people who are simply black, although hardly anybody actually thinks long enough to make this distinction :D
Diil Avery But, again, thats exclusive. You can teach and have culture and still be inclusive. At the same time, you cant sit down and say "Well we want this day for us, but you cant have a day for you". I understand why it exists, im saying it could be done better so it doesnt promote exclusion. Regardless of peoples opinions on the matter, the fact that its creating a lot of tension is a sign that the idea is flawed.
duo1666 Well calling it black history month is obviously problematic for a lot of people and I wouldn't have called it that.. but it's not something that would make me angry. It's just a clumsy name. And yeah you could consider it exclusive, though I don't believe it's supposed to be. It's American history and I don't think anyone worth talking to will think you're an idiot if you wanted to celebrate it.
I feel like people who think that it's like "Well we want this day for us, but you cant have a day for you" have a point.. you should be able to have a day of celebration for whatever the fuck you want as long as it's not in promotion of something hateful.. but in this case it seems so reactionary. Very little people would actually give a shit about having a day to celebrate their whiteness and I'm guessing the guy in question only wanted it because he misunderstood what black history month actually is.
So in summary, yeah it's problematic, but I think it's petty to ask for a white history month in reaction.
Diil Avery I dont think its petty to ask for a white history month in reaction, simply because black history month has been setup to being exclusive and is taught in a way that makes black people upset at white people, and white people feel like theres this "white guilt" ideology. You should be able to be proud of being black or white (though imo, its kinda stupid to be proud of something that really shouldnt make a difference nor something you accomplished, but thats neither here nor there), and we should teach in a way that reinforces this, instead of creating obvious tension on both sides. We can talk about all the great people, the blacks, the irish, the asians, the french, etc. of that time period all within the same breath, and the sacrifices that everyone made to get through the times where various peoples were discriminated against. At the same time, if people want to break off into little groups to learn more into their individualized history, they can do that too, but you cant really restrict that if you want to allow that.
We need to show the positives and negatives of both sides if we really want to move on and actually get over racism (or rather, get through the more obvious racism, racism will never truly be dead but not my point).
duo1666 I agree with pretty much everything you said, but I think too many people would look at it simplistically. Asking for a white history month in protest or in jest wouldn't be half as effective as people actually having the conversation of why black history month is problematic for some people.
"I don't want a black history month, black history is american history." - Morgan Freeman.
this is what happens when you attach social justice to a non-comparable topic of purchasing deli meats...
White American History- War
White European History- War
Pretty simple.
thedrcopperhead Human History in general -War.....What is the point you’re trying to make?
I don't see why this is offensive?!
***** I beg to differ, I completely am, I am all out lefty!
***** yeah, no I don't think so, this is stupid, everyone has the right to be proud of what they are and who they are without being subjected to abuse... This man is being subjected to abuse!
Gemma Ingram its because these people are idiots and are too worried about political contraversy to understand that in history the strong fight for what they believe in and were proud, not ohh woah is meee your people did bad things to my people give me special treatment they just make blacks look the same and worse by making it seem like are entilted to having a special status for thaughts and beliefs they never faught for nobody chooses to be born black or white so it doesnt matter if your great grandfather was a slave or a slave master its fucking history how about you worry about the real problems then these stupid ones
***** Acknowledging the past is also a way to appreciate what we have, we cant celebrate history and ignore bits we don't like!
*****, absolutely great response.
I'm white and proud of my British heritage, the British spent 60 years fighting against slavery world wide.
Oh how people forget.
I'm proud to be white and I love my race
I guess that means i'm racist now
Native American history month is in November in case anyone was interested. Go figure it falls in line with a certain holiday we like to throw in their faces every year. You know how many times Native Americans celebrated thanksgiving? Once.
White history month are you foreal let's take a look at our public school system from august to June we learn about all white people victories in america and give about a week during February to celebrate 2 people we already know about Rosa parks mlk in school every month is white history month
Solomon Byrd Exactly
Hypocrisy and double standards. There either needs to be a white history month, or preferably, there shouldn't be either a black or white history month.
I like how the hosts pointed out that "black" isn't a culture either but then failed to actually justify the existence of black history month. It's a stupid and divisive idea.
Jimmy also kept saying "we" did this and that to the slaves. Yeah, I didn't own any slaves. We are individuals, not a collective hive mind.
AtheistAlias You're just failing to see the difference between calling something black history and honoring all black people and calling something black history and honoring a select group of black people who have been removed from their culture and faced individual challenges. The name "Black History Month" is the problem. What it is supposed to honor is not. White History month is as meaningless as your idea of black history month.
Diil Avery I happen to think names are important. If "Black History Month" is a problem, then it should be changed. Mocking it with "White History Month" shouldn't spark any outrage. Because what it sounds like you're advocating with this talk of "honor" is "Black Pride" while at the same time deriding "White Pride". Which would be racist.
AtheistAlias What it sounds like someone is advocating and what they are actually advocating deserves to be understood :D
Mocking it with white history month shouldn't spark any outrage because it is just ignorant, and cringe worthy haha.
But yeah, the name is important, because people can and always will manage to misunderstand, so I agree; it's better to have clarity in mind when naming something.
"You're saying that you're of European descent but Europe is made up of Germany, Poland... Etc"
You do realise you are literally shooting down your own argument about being African American. Africa is a big continent, bigger than Europe in fact, just thought I'd point it out.
Jack T they explained several times that Germans, Polish, Italians were never ripped from their distinct heritage after immigrating, separated from their communities, and mixed/lumped together by skin color to the point where many lost connection or even knowledge of which part of Africa their ancestors came from. Can you listen? Or do you only listen for what you think you can discredit?
Seriously people? This is just stupid. Asking why we don't have a "white history month" in America is like asking "Why can't we have a great black hope?" in the NBA.
***** Really? How do you come to that conclusion?
Mark Ferguson *"Why can't we have a great black hope?" in the NBA.* Ha, ha, ha, I damn near spit my drink after reading that comment. Best comment on this thread by far!
So the guy has a fundraiser eh?
Well if Officer Wilson got paid so can this guy.
If the people of New Jersey can vote with their wallets, the internet can too.
Tomoko Kuroki eee
It could have been worse--the government could have shut him down or he could have been sued for hate speech. I'm really glad that didn't happen. This country seems to be way too sensitive to people saying almost anything.
Jinkinson Smith You're just being sensitive.
Jimmy is making a devastating point.
Personally if we are even thinking of having a black history month we should have a Native American, Arab, Australian native, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and white history month... Black people have equal rights as whites in this country so instead of having a black history month why don't we stop talking about race altogether... We are all humans, lets not be put into boxes because of our race.
Don't you think we get enough white history? That's all I remember in school.
"We" didn't destroy their culture it's literal history now, not saying it didn't happen, or that we should forget about it, but it's time people stop crying whenever a white person decides to be proud of their heritage.
Smalltown Wasted your an idiot
I'm done with TYT. I do not condone any form of racism and this episode is highly racist.
also there are 11 white history months every year.
Umm whats the problem here? Is owning a deli bad or something? I don't get it.
cory2146 it's not bad... lol but you can't complain when you put dumb signs up in your place of business and you don't get any customers
"I don't get it."
You've got no argument from me.
White people don't have a history because we have no shared history. Some of us are from English settlers, some from early Dutch and early German, then you have the later waves from western Europe, then even later waves from eastern Europe, and every single one had different experiences (not to mention the Irish). Black people were enslaved, abused, set free, repressed by the law, moved north, fought for civil rights, suffered through urban decay, and are now dealing with police brutality. The few that didn't either came from the Caribbean, where their ancestors were probably slaves, or recently came from Africa and had to actually deal with imperialism in their own countries. That's what a shared-history looks like.
i like that these white people get it and they are talking about this
They are trying to be nice.
From reading the comments here I'm sure not all white people get it. At all.
i like that your distinguishing them as "white people"
Am i the only person who doesn't see racism in this story? I thought racism was about hating on another race not being proud to be yours...
Its not racist, more so ignorance, or at least that's how its displayed. Normally people who put up signs about white pride and stuff like that tend to not like minorities a lot so he got bundled into 'that' kinda group of people. Sad really but he should have known better if he was more Intune with his customers.
Xavier Stewart lmfao “intune with his customers” I wasn’t aware that in order to run a business i have to check with my customers wether or not i can support my own ethnicity lmfao if this kind of shit offends you I wouldn’t want you shopping at my deli anyway.
Skelitonking117 - He has the freedom to do what he wants, and no I'm not offended at all by it. You can support anything you like on your own business, people will still scrutinize everything you do or say regardless. Again though not offended, I hope the man manages to get on his feet again, make a living for himself and his family, and let all of this go behind him. And that everyone else would stop pestering him about a sign he obviously doesn't want correlated to anything negative.
Xavier Stewart I’m sorry if you thought i was inferring specifically you i probably should have used a different identifier then just “You”.
Oh, no problem Skelitonking117 lol.
Asian store owner proud to be Asia does not put up sign saying celebrate Asian history month.
Spanish store owner proud to be Spanish does not put up sign saying celebrate Spanish history month.
Indian store owner proud to be Indian does not put up sign saying celebrate Indian history month.
White store owner proud to be white put's up sign saying celebrate white history month. Hmmm.
Maybe I'm not getting it but will TYT be doing an episode condemning Black History Month?
You're not getting it.
Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, Arabia for the Arabs, Europe _for everybody._
Whenever you hear the words “social injustice,” “prejudice,” or “inequality,” substitute these with the words “_white culture_”. People who want to eliminate “social injustice,” “prejudice,” or “inequality” really want to eliminate _white culture._
Whenever you hear the words “white privilege,” substitute these with the words “_Western civilization_.” People who want to eliminate “white privilege” really want to eliminate _Western civilization._
Whenever you hear the words “racist” or “racism,” substitute these with the words “_white person_”. People who want to end the existence of “racists” and “racism” really want to end the existence of _people of European decent._
The anti-racists say they are against white racists, white racism, and white privilege.
What they are really against is _white culture_, _western civilization_, and _white people._
They say they want a world without racism and hate.
What they really want is a world _without white people_, a world without _you_.
When non-whites pursue their group interests it’s called “civil rights”.
When Whites defend themselves and their people from a full-scale societal attack on their identity, their genetics, their heritage, their ancestors and their history, it’s called “ racism", "oppression" and "white supremacy”.
Innocent blacks are told they have nothing to do with the sins of black crime or violence and slavery in Africa. Innocent Muslims are told they have nothing to do with the sins of terrorism or past and present colonialism and slavery. Innocent Jews are told they have nothing to do with the sins of bolshevism and marxism and the hundreds of millions of deaths that resulted. Innocent whites are blamed and forced to personally apologize for every bad thing every white person has ever done at any time anywhere in the world, while all historical atrocities perpetrated against them are downplayed and censored.
"Anti-racism" is a codeword for chasing down the last white nation, the last white enclave, the last white neighborhood and forcefully enriching it with "multiculturalism" and "diversity".
"Multiculturalism" and "diversity" are codewords for “_anything but white culture and white people_”.
When committed against any other group, such policies are instantly classified as _genocide_. But when committed against the European race, one of the smallest global minorities, we are told it is "necessary for our success".
"Anti-racist" is a codeword for _anti-White_.
A sick person or someone who doesn't understand themselves or other people wrote this. Everything you just said above is wrong is signals that you are afraid that your culture and identify are under attack and that you fear that not only are you going to lose but that you should lose because you are wrong, bad, insufficient. Understand yourself and then try to understand other people. That fear will go away.
White Americans don't hang on to their heritage. They are "White Americans". Sure they may know what their heritage is, but they know jack shit about it (most of them). Just because Blacks were forced to lose ties to their heritage doesn't mean they can have "Black history month" and Whites not have anything. White Americans could actually benefit from learning more about their individual roots and heritages. That just because you share the same skin tone, doesn't mean we share the same heritage. This might actually in the long run help people realize how diverse the "White American" population is as far as cultural background, and maybe become more accepting and tolerant of "non white" people.
xinic5 People in the comments have mentioned there are "Irish" and "Scottish" months and the like. Which is nice and all, but it's the first time I (part Irish) ever fucking heard of it. I realize the importance of Black History Month showing the struggle and progress Blacks went through, and still have to go through.
I couldn't care less about a "White History month". But as my first comment said, I think White people could benefit from it if it was done properly. As in, not being some bullshit put up by the KKK or racists, but of educating and celebrating the various cultures that have been clumped into what we call "White".
Sure most people can live their lives without a fuck given about their heritage, but some of us find a love and interest in learning about our ancestors. It's not a racist thing, it's just looking at a culture and customs that you relate to. Hell, I don't think people should even need to be descended from an ethnic group to enjoy their culture, if you find a culture that you feel you can connect to, who cares what you descend from.
I mean if a black history sign is ok then how is a white history sign bad?
"That's what we did to them." -Jimmy Dore at 3:33
I'm sorry Jimmy, but *we* didn't enslave blacks and *we* didn't fight WWII and *we* didn't pacify the Indians and *we* didn't fight the war for independence.
Dead people did these things quite a while ago, and it is not our responsibility to take ownership of what other people did. I doubt that you blame Germans for the Holocaust, isn't that right? Same thing. White Guilt is usually just a call to arms for racist nutjobs, but it does exist, and this is an example.
The reason why you don't need a white history month is because white history is celebrated daily. Every western, war, and gangster film pays homage to the deeds of white American history . We all studied it in history class for years. However, in those same classes there is a glaring omission of any black contribution. The only way for young blacks to learn about their history and to make whites aware of black people's contributions is this way. Not many white people would look into the true history of the country and much less would acknowledge anything black people have done, if it weren't forced feed to them. I am not making a blanket statement but it is the attitude of the gross majority of white people.
I completely get why its not a smart idea to hang up a white history month sign. On the other hand i think that TYT did a poor job of clarifying this and just ended up blowing it up more. You can't say that being white (the color of ones skin) doesn't give you heritage, and then say in the same breath that being black (also just a color of ones skin) does give u culture. So to be clear, by there logic, the color of your skin doesn't give you heritage... except when it does? Don't judge someone solely on the color of their skin.They also said that being white gives you no culture due to the fact that it just mean that you are from Europe (because thats the only place white people come from), and europe is comprised of many different countries like germany blah blah blah... but africa not a country, it is a continent. There are a few countries in there, and they do not all share the same culture (i.e. Egyptian culture is much different than Ugandan as well as South Africa's and so on and so forth). Everyone has heritage, everyone has culture, don't let anyone take that away from you, no one chose the way they were born. I really like TYT but sometimes they can be just as bad as the the devil (fox news). Don't mix the sins of our fathers and racism together. Some people get offended easily and just need to disregard certain things and not get all up in arms about them (he said at the end of the rant)
Nothing about this story surprises me. This is who America is. The only thing that surprises me is the female reports surprise (1:30) that he got a lot of support. If you’re surprised by that you obviously haven’t been paying attention.
No, bullshit. This is not racism. The guy didn't make a single statement about any race other than "Celebrate your heritage". Wow, what a racist thing to say.
If you can say "Celebrate your black heritage" without being racist, then you can say "Celebrate your white heritage" without being racist. Implying that black is a collective term for all black cultures, but that it cannot work that way for all white cultures is nonsense.
"But whites stripped the culture from blacks!" - irrelevant.
white history month is pretty much 11 months out of the year . but it's not called white history months . as for white heritage it is pretty much celebrated every single day even though it is never thought of or mentioned . and if you have to ask why that is , then maybe you don't know your history as well as you think you do .
I don't know if the blonde in this video knows this but Africa isn't just one country.... it's a continent, like Europe......
So your point that whites have no heritage because Europe is a continent made up of many different countries....... kinda doesn't make any sense.
This is stupid, the guy wasn't being racist he apologizes to the customer who misinterpreted his sign. We are starting to become racist to white individuals. Yes they have had privileges no doubt but it does not mean you gotta break them down. I get my Latin month, so fair be fair.
To be completely honest, I think Black History Month is an antiquated idea that we need to do away with as a country. 'Oh yeah, get all of that black history crap outta the way ALL IN ONE MONTH so you don't have to think/deal with it throughout the rest of the year' is what Black History Month says to me.
And once again, to be honest, I feel the same about a proposed 'White History Month.' I feel it is only because black people have been the minority in America that we even have a black history month... so we can say 'LOOK, LOOK, I'm not racist... black!' It's stupid and pointless.
Morgan Freeman said: "I don't want a black history month. Black history is American history." Freeman also argued that there was no White History Month, because white people did not want their history relegated to just one month.
It's all stupid.
InfernoMutant wee
White is not a heritage or culture. It's not even an accurate description of the Caucasian's skin color which would be pink. Germans have a culture. Polish people have a culture. England has a culture but Whites do not. The idea of Black History Month was meant to enlighten people on the history of Black people, primarily in America because as we know the slaves who were brought here were stripped off all their cultural identity & knowledge. And for hundreds of years in America we only taught history from the Anglo-American perspective while simply glossy over the impact of chattel slavery & totally ignoring African American achievements aside from George Washington Carver.
Ya know, instead of having a race based on a specific month, let's just have a month that solely focus on the achievements of the human species. If not, then let's just get rid of black history month altogether.
Wow! Dimmy Jore certainly has changed,hasn't he?
Being black isn't a heritage either, blonde, rich, white woman.
Generally, black people will have 'black history' or 'black miss America' or 'black this or that' because we have been excluded from the white version of those things. Black people are also forced to identify by the color of our skin because we are treated the same based on our color. To those who feel that whites are not allowed to focus white history, you are wrong because while blacks have a black history month , whites have white history too, they , to quote Tim WIse, go by the names of MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER AND JANUARY. Everything in America is white by default and to me, when some white person talks about white history or white pride, it says to me that they are in denial about the realities of this country. I think these are the same people that think white people are doing so much better than blacks in AMerica because they work harder or blacks are lazy. They just ignore the history of slavery and the creation of w hite weath on the backs of blacks.
People that call themselves white now we're not always regarded as white Irish, Italians, etc.
4:09 what gets me about this is being black is not heritage it doesn't mean anything. It's a African thing. I get what shes trying to say hey am of African decent but there's all these other countrys in Africa like Egypt, Niger, Chad and Kenya. Being black doesn't count as a heritage of any kind.
I hope the deli owner genuinely apologized to the man that complained to him. The lovely Desi Doyen has a great idea of making a Native American history month. I think it should be in September when the school year is starting. I also propose getting a Mexican American or Hispanic American history month in a few years, too.
homer23422000 Native month is already November, and Hispanic month is already September.
homer23422000 Plus, while people are bitching about not having a "white" month, not because they are legitimately concerned but because they're trying to make a political point at black people like WET channel vs BET channel (which is actually owned by whites, I wonder if there were a WET channel, would it be owned by blacks? and BET is mostly a bunch of gospel and RandB and hip hop videos, some of which feature white artists, and old reruns of Martin and Fresh Prince of Bel Air, I wonder what would be on WET, reruns of Friends?), there already are SEVERAL white months, they're just not called "white".
This month is Scottish month, and last month, March, was Irish month. March was also women's month, so I wonder if there will be some wingnut men going "why isn't there a mens month, that's sexist towards men!"
Good point.
So if being white isn't heritage then how the hell is being black a heritage?? Africa isn't a country either, just like there are different countries in Europe there are also different countries in Africa. There's Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt and South Africa to name a few.
Remember how the Turks committed genocide in Armenia?
Social media is getting dangerous.
You can debate whether he should've done this or not, but to shut down his business because of a fairly innocuous sign in the window is going too far.
The man's life might be ruined forever now. A bit much in my opinion..
I'm from the Reservation here in AZ in the border between AZ and Mexico..and they said the same thing our elders say all the time.. "One day Euro-Americans will remember the wrongs of their ancestors and give us 1 day for all tribes to honor our ancestors all around the Americas." Native Month would be a dream for our people. But everyone knows that won't happen.
What pisses me off is that people seem to think that only black people were slaves... White Irish people were slaves too yet you don't here them having their own special month, do ya?
Wasn't Deli 48 where the streamer Etika was kicked out because the owner didn't like the fact that he was black?
What does Jimmy mean when he says, "those people"@2:28?
Yes Jimmy, we DO need it broke down like that. Because most people are not able to distinguish one European race from another by looking at them, skin color is all we have.
While I've always understood that there is no "white" race, I was still bothered that people were able to herald their black heritage, receive black scholarships and be black miss america, while doing the same thing for the white community was considered racist.
Its not really racist.
Its a misunderstanding of the situation.
Racism requires a deliberate intent to act "against" a specific group based on their race.
Racism should not be identified where the only intent was to be as fair to one group as you were being to another.
"Black History Month" is racist if "White History Month" is. There is no "black" race anymore than there is a "white" race.
I live in Florida. There are Haitians, Jamaicans, African Americans.
Generalizing the month as "black history months" involves several races who were not a part of it.
We need it broke down for everyone's sake.
But if color is to be taken out of this, it needs to be taken out both black AND white.
Black is as race-nonspecific as White.
Even in this country.
Most of these comments are ignorant. What's the point of having a white history month when we teach and celebrate white history 11 out of the 12 months of the year?
If he didn’t want to lose his business he shouldn’t have been a racist. I would never want to go into a shop with that sign.
You're right, this is about ignorance, the ignorance of people pretending that what this man did was racist.
The idea of "white pride" is ridiculous, but so is "black pride", "Asian pride", "Hispanic pride", "gay pride", etc., etc... Isn't it good enough to just not feel shame for who you are? Why do people feel the need to be proud of something they had no control over?
I understand your argument, but why then is May considered Asian American History month? Asians weren't stripped of their culture by being taken from their countries of origin. Each Asian country has a unique culture and identity...
he just put up a sign saying he wants to celebrate white history month? that's not racist and even if it was its minuscule certainly he dint deserve to lose his business
"Being white is not heritage. It doesn't mean anything."
Kind of like how being black isn't heritage.
4:01 - that's a good point. "White" doesn't really mean anything in the context of heritage, since Europe is not homogeneous; it needs to be more specific than that, such as "Irish Heritage". When it comes to "black history month" it should really be "West African History Month" since color is not synonymous with heritage and the slave trade primarily took people from West Africa.
so being proud of white history is racist now ? I mean I get what you're all saying about why you have communities and special days for minorities, but really, just being proud of being white ?
also 4:10 being black isn't different. Black people don't all have the same history you racist. Africa isn't a country. My heritage is very different from the ones in south africa.
So, Black History Month is NOT racist, but "White History Month is"? The only thing I can see that is even remotely racist about celebrating White History is that it excludes the important contributions non-whites have made to history.
If that's the case then Black History month is equally racist, because it excludes the important contributions non-blacks have made to history.
When George A. Romero cast Duane Jones in the lead of Night of the Living Dead in 1968 he simply cast the best actor who auditioned. He wasn't trying to make any sort of political statement. Duane's race was completely incidental. The story was written such that no one in the film calls attention to his race, or gives him a hard time because of his race.
Calling attention to a person's race, giving any one group special treatment over another is racist.
The only non-racist thing to do is to completely ignore race.
Some years ago some mayor went to a concert given by the city orchestra. He noticed there were no black people in the orchestra and ordered them to be more racially sensitive.
The people responsible for this had to radically change how they ran auditions. To eliminate bias based on race or gender, the person who was auditioning was not allowed to speak. They were simply given a sheet of music and asked to play it. Those who decided on who was hired could hear them but not see them.
Kind of funny how quickly people assume racism even when measures are taken to avoid it. They ended up REQUIRING those people to employ racism in their decision on who to hire.
This is proof the libertarian idea that allowing businesses to show their true colors, not laws demanding they serve everyone equally, is more beneficial than most think. Most customers are generally not racist assholes so when a business is they'll quickly be boycotted and run out of business.
I don't get the whole "pride" thing. White pride. Black pride. Country pride. Isn't pride something you feel when you accomplish something? When you have a specific skill? How can I be proud to be a white Canadian male, when not one thing in that I had any say in or accomplished? Sure, I managed to make it over 40 years without chopping my dick off, or any other number of stupid "Darwin" award acts that could have ended my life, but are those things to be proud of? I think not.
THE SIGNS NOT RACIST! IT'S JUST WRONG! For those to lazy to watch the video here is a TL:DW on why. The man who posted the sign didn't understand why it was wrong to post the sign, that's okay we all make mistakes. Here's why posting a sign like that is wrong; America only has a "Black history month" because America stripped the culture from the African people when they forcefully took them to America and made them slaves. So its not to celebrate the skin colour but the culture that america stripped away(though from my understanding most Americans think that its about colour regardless). As to why America can't have a white history month, Whites not a culture... HOW EVER America is a culture so America has year round holidays to celebrate the culture of America: Presidents day, Independence day, Thanksgiving are a few examples. Side note: In my opinion the confusion stems from America calling it "Black history month" when rather it should be called "African American culture month" or something along those lines.
God forbid we celebrate some of the good things (not slavery) our ancestors did.
If it's simply because blacks suffered persecution. Why not Asian history, why not Hispanic, why not EVERYONE else too?
If being white isn't heritage because there are multiple white countries, being black isn't heritage either then. Seems like a meaningless point.
The reason black people today in America often share aspects of the same culture is because their ancestors, who came from multiple nations and cultures in Africa, as different as the cultures of Europe, were sold into slavery and forced to live with each other, all treated as harshly by their holders. That is why "Black History" is a thing. "White History" is not.
The various dimensions of white races in America never unified in such a way. The Italian immigrants kept a distinct culture separate to that of Irish immigrants, who kept a different culture from German immigrants, and so on. There is no such thing as plain "white history, any more than there is a history of people who wore hats, or a history of people who could roll their tongue. You won't find a professor of "White History" anywhere in the world. You can find professors of the history of a particular white race. The history of the Norse, Teutons, Gauls etc, but they were never unified by skin colour.
So stop pretending "White History" is a thing. Clearly the shop owner meant "Not-Black History" as a jab at "Black history week". If it was really about pride in his own heritage he'd have specified his families background e.g. Irish-American History etc.
Irish people weren't abused when they came to America? Not to an extent to lose their language and folklore (spoken history)...? I guess Chinese Americans have clung to their heritage too ay? Africa was depopulated of slaves by city dwelling African pirates doing genocide on rural villagers. Funny how that aspect of Black History is misplaced for Black History Month, which really IGNORES the vast majority of black history and focuses on Black History in America, which is of course mostly awful. The above video relays a bogus take on this news item, it is patently false. To understand history and how it relates to current events, people need to learn real history, especially the divisions sown in their own communities by The EmPyre. White History Month? Pretending all white folks are a unit is a blatant lie. The time honored gel that holds societies together throughout history is money. The dividing line is between those who have it and those who don't. Those who have it generally organize to vanquish those who don't, while those who don't have it struggle under the weight of the jack boot thugs employed by those who do have money, or silver and gold as the era might show was the currency. All that said, the guy isn't a racist because he's ignorant of history and it's thorough lack of any time in which white people were a unit. He's not morally deficient for calling for a month to study the history of people with white skin. It's only an expression of his thus far being not well versed in history to believe there's a united history of "white people".
The opposition against black history month has pretty much been the same since it's inception
Why can't white people celebrate white history? But don't be surprised when "other's" show up.
This person, however, appears to resent the fact that we, Black people for example, want to celebrate our history, which has been ignored and distorted.
So, people stopped visiting his store because they thought he was racist and didn't want to support him and/or be associated with that mentality. It sounds like he ruined his own business. Also, it's sad that so many commenters don't understand how things used to be in this country.
If he is not kicking out any customers who are of different ethnicities and is not discriminating based off of ethnicities or ways of life, what is the problem?
Yea, I understand there is no white history month because we did not have to fight and suffer to have equal rights based off of our skin color or anything, but if this man wants to be proud of being himself without insulting others for being different, I do not see the problem.
It will be awesome when, someday people can say "I'm Swedish American" or "I'm Mexican American" or "I'm Irish American" or "I'm Kenyan American" or "I'm Native American" instead of the blanketing words "White" or "Black".
i'm okay with there being a black history month, but seriously, that doesn't mean white people shouldn't have one too. Just because they are the majority and still today are treated much better than their other counterparts doesn't mean they don't deserve a reward. If you think about it, white Europeans are seen as the first civilized people on earth and many of the worlds greatest inventions were made by white people: cars, light bulbs, the internet, and the list goes on. I'm not only talking about white people though, I am also talking about the fact that there is no "Right Handers Day" or "Brothers Day" or "Sisters Day" or even a "Children's Day" all together. And before I get comments saying that "it is white history white history month 11 times a year" or white people have had nowhere near as much pain as all these other races" or "364 days a year do children get to have their own day" which in my mind, is not true because children have a lot less rights and are not allowed to do certain things adults can do in most countries. If you thing about it, white people have been slaves before in the medieval times when anyone who was not royalty, a merchant or a knight was a peasant, regardless of race.