When I arrived, I only have HK$100. Start washing dishes right away. Sleep and live at the back of the restaurant. Got promoted to a chef, waiter, helper, bartender, manager. While working at night, I went to school in the day time. After graduation, I quite restaurant job and became a professional. I was super lucky to be able to climb the corporate leader and became director and vice president. If you work hard, there are so much opportunities. HKer will never fail and be able to move forward for a great life.
Hi Coco Gor and Yannis! Really enjoyed your video. I have lived in Scotland for 10+ years and I dont think I can ever return to HK. I love that the outdoors is super accessible and people are generally not judgemental. I remember visiting family in HK in the winter and finding HK really warm like 16 degrees (which is summer temperature in Scotland) and I wore a sleeveless top and I got strange looks from some HKers. 🙈🙈🙈 Here in the UK, people dont care what you wear and I feel a lot more comfortable to be myself. ❤️
Hi you should know that Hongkong temperatures are different than Scotland. You are living in a cold hole and HongKong has tropical temperature, HKers feel cold in 16 degrees.
Good or bad, hard to say. I found that to be an advantage for all Hong Kong people, because the oversea people are so slow and layback, I became a superstar at work. My Jewish boss actually liked to hire Chinese because they work harder and don't complain. Lol! As for driving or making appointment for haircut, it takes some getting used to but overtime, it really doesn't matter, only bothersome in the beginning.
I am from HK, studied in uk 25years ago and went back to uk in 2022. Except from London the rest of the country I feel like it was not maintained. It was a beautiful country with friendly ppl. I have been living in nl for 20 years. Dutch are too clean, I got complaints that the trees in my garden were not cut! Both counties are nice you just need to get used to and accept them. Ppl are willing to help…😊
I only watch some of your videos when my husband occasionally turned it on. I accidentally heard about this one which does not sound great to me, particularly the latter part of it. Honestly speaking, you should be content and happy that you are able to emigrate to England via the privilege of BNO status and without going through the normal immigration process. You chose to emigrate to England in your own free will, therefore It is pointless to compare the current living style with the past. The percentage of new immigrants who have brought a lot of money with them and do not have to work, like yourself, is at a minimum. I emigrated to Canada from Hong Kong many years ago. Just like most of the immigrants, we worked very hard and finally settled down perfectly without any complaints. We are proud of ourselves because we went through all difficulties and met all challenges. You should cherish what you have and to be satisfied. I never heard of any complaints from my daughter and son-in-law who moved to settle down in London 13 years ago. I assume your child is having the free education. As such, no matter how unhappy you are, the untidy environment and the lunch meals provided, will not get changed. However, the simplest way to make yourself happy is to register your child in a nice private school, which I assume you are affordable. My grandsons are studied in private school. They are well educated, well disciplined, taught in good manners and always have hot meals for lunch. With regard to your criticism about the bad habits of “English people”, it looks like you are applying to all “English people”, as a whole, which I find it to be very prejudiced. I don’t believe all English people are having such bad habits as described by you. This might apply to your own group of the “English people” whom you know or in contact alone. I assume this is individual’s habits only. How often the people will take a shower or bath is a very personal and private matter. It is none of our business and I don’t understand why you have to bring this up to talk about. I don’t think that is a good topic. In short, we have to respect others. Do you not consider this as a personal attack on English people? I hope you understand that no one is perfect and why you have to talk bad about others? As you do not have to work per day, I think it is a good timing for you to practise more on your spoken English and to learn more on the correct pronunciation of English words. In one of your old videos, your pronunciation of the simple word “bungalow” was terrible. We try not to look upon ourselves better than others. To be humble and respect others are important in our daily lives. Good luck to your life in England !!!
I agree with your comments thoroughly. Coco seems to have a "spoilt expat" mentality - rich & arrogant (+ everything is better in my "home" country). He clearly doesn't watch the news about boatloads of illegal immigrants risking their lives almost every day to cross the English Channel for a chance of even a fraction of the lifestyle (& entitlement) Coco has. Also, complaining about the habits of "the locals" - I'm sure he has bad habits he wouldn't like us to know about ! Finally, he advised people to live here - and rely on Google Translate for English translation - that won't help in passing the B1 & Life in The UK test BNO migrants face in 5 years' time. Sadly, people like Coco have soured many people's good opinions about Hong Kongers coming to The UK, & he may well cause the ill will that many Hong Kong arrivals were fearing.
By emmigrating to this country, parents are basically changing the mother tongue of their children from Chinese to English. Many of these children may still be able to converse in a Chinese dialect when they grow up but their ability to read and write Chinese may be nil or limited. This means their ability to absorb Chinese culture to a greater depth is hampered. A culture's essence is expressed through its language and the ability to access it is through a very good command of that language. Some concepts of a culture are simply not translatable into other languages. Perhaps this is not an important issue for most parents.
I guess by the time you decide to immigrate oversea, you have to expect the kids to be become the citizen of the country you moved to, thus, they will adopt the culture of that country. I have 3 American born kids and other than understanding what I say in Cantonese, they don't know much about Chinese culture and I thought that's it. But things are changing in Los Angeles, we have bilingual public school in Pasadena, teaching in English and Mandarin and there's also bilingual private school in the Bay area, as China become stronger, there's a stronger desire for children to learn Chinese, you never know, maybe bilingual school will be available in UK too.
Thank you for your reply. It is quite late now but I shall try to write a reply tomorrow. This is ultimately a personal identity issue connected with our mother tongue.
Hey bro, can you speak to the latest issues that other channels are addressing: UKers are facing high cost of home energy cost, especially that fall and winter are oncoming, inflation, and mid-income population are having to ask for public subsidies on food supplies. All that are being talked about by local UK news channels. Is there any truth to it? I have not come across any HKer channels that would touch base on this subject. Thks so much
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@@maggiewong125 都有好多中餐館茶樓
我響倫敦南部生活年半 一句講曬好過香港好多⋯ 不過我強調鄰居特別有人情味 我同小朋友先到 大冬天 鄰居借咗一枱四櫈俾我用 三頭兩日 知我未有車 仲幫我買食物/用品番嚟 我太太半年后到 我每家每戶(6戶)各送一 罐大 紅 袍 。佢哋一人一戶送咗紥🌹俾我老婆! 再加句 your wife is so beautiful 我🐯開心都彈起🤣
同澳洲差不多。。。 好 nice
就算我不移民去英國, 也覺得這些經歷很有趣, 這就是開闊眼界和文化交流, 不同的生活習慣環境文化可以刺激我們思考, 活得開心自在就好.
你適應人, 但別人未必適應你!
@@lsllam9607 咁你自己要保持呢個心態就係無辦法拉,做好自己本分,又何必介意人哋點睇,又何需改變人哋呢,或者曰久見人心,當久而久之佢地也會發現香港人的好呢😉
我祝福你哋盡快幫寶貝女添細佬😄 🙏上帝保佑全世界港人 加油!
"個人獲得的身心的自由是在東方永遠無法獲得" Can you give some concrete examples? Or are you saying that in your old country, they locked you up or something?
@@eggheadegghead lock up your mind
我個車牌係英國考,考左六次,十幾年前考的,每次考試差不多一小時,試過考第四次時叫我停車馬上failed,同拒絕繼續,可能太緊張,英國天氣冬天最難頂,但shopping 又係正,懷念Primark, Selfidges and Harrods , Topshop D 鞋…..
其實廁所可以裝電掣用風筒/鬍鬚刨,不過要將電壓降低到12至24V,用特定24 V電壓的風筒,因為24V漏電係不會電死人。
香港都唔得,有牌師父唔會咁做,装,係偷雞,駁無人check 到。
但 ,防水蘇,低壓,for鬚刨可以。
When I arrived, I only have HK$100. Start washing dishes right away. Sleep and live at the back of the restaurant. Got promoted to a chef, waiter, helper, bartender, manager. While working at night, I went to school in the day time. After graduation, I quite restaurant job and became a professional. I was super lucky to be able to climb the corporate leader and became director and vice president. If you work hard, there are so much opportunities. HKer will never fail and be able to move forward for a great life.
@@theworldisnotenough4019 一篇作文 😁
@@winwin8129 仲以為晚晚讀一次習近平七一講話單行本所以咁掂。
Wonderful story
我日本女性友人都係 一支綠茶一個香橙中午咁就一餐, 10分鐘左右.仲可以好休閒咁食. 佢真係化粧仲耐過食飯.
我哋悉尼CBD一班華人男同事中午餐餐都係出去食, 唔會帶飯嘅, 飲茶, 茶餐廳, 北方水餃小籠飽, 西餐, 馬拉, 泰國, 日本, 越南嘢, 通常廿幾蚊一餐
來英時間不長,生活環境工作文化嘅優點先唔提。其中一個優點係呢邊生活好chill, 缺點都係太chill。有一日weekend我要坐嗰㗎巴士啱啱換司機,兩位巴士大佬塞咗响司機位吹水吹咗5-10分鐘,吹完就閉車門叫我(&我後面啲人) 等下班車,因為㗎車已經遲咗wow…如是者等咗20分鐘,同一齊等車嘅英國老太太傾計佢話嚟到要有多啲patient,仍然學習中。
coco太的觀眾緣應該幾好, 聲音入咪, 口齒伶俐, 咬字清晰, 思維敏銳
最初我覺得佢好扮嘢,但睇完呢集又改觀左,原來係空姐嚟,Co Co 哥確有本事!
Hi Coco Gor and Yannis! Really enjoyed your video. I have lived in Scotland for 10+ years and I dont think I can ever return to HK. I love that the outdoors is super accessible and people are generally not judgemental. I remember visiting family in HK in the winter and finding HK really warm like 16 degrees (which is summer temperature in Scotland) and I wore a sleeveless top and I got strange looks from some HKers. 🙈🙈🙈 Here in the UK, people dont care what you wear and I feel a lot more comfortable to be myself. ❤️
Hi you should know that Hongkong temperatures are different than Scotland. You are living in a cold hole and HongKong has tropical temperature, HKers feel cold in 16 degrees.
純粹個人喜好習慣,我都有外國打公經驗,最唔老例兩樣嘢,i) 返工倒塌咁早,好多時早上7點已開工,ii) 食lunch 得半個鐘。外國office或工地面積較大,canteen可能係一頭一尾,行到去最快成5分鐘,等得微波爐叮埋熱又成5分鐘,到食嘅時候倒做落,未吞哂飲啖水又夠鐘開工,對本人蒞講係人間慘事。唔好同我講食三文治咪得囉,零下廿三十度享受凍三文治,做人有乜意思。咁辛苦為自在食,無得自在食慘過遊刑。IMO!
英國嘅電掣係最麻煩,你可以講係最安全嘅, 只有佢哋嘅插蘇係有灰士。
唔想揸車,又要方便, 就睇吓你住downtown有幾近丶如果你用香港嚟比較丶又要住大屋丶又要方便買嘢丶一定要揸車。洗碗方面丶好多白人鍾意都沖一沖個碟丶放喺洗碗機裏面丶等夠一批丶然後開機。
Coco哥 比多D機會靚老婆講嘢 唔好搶佢air time 😁
我住係美國幾十年,凍三文治真係好難習慣!如果真係要食,我就要同一碗湯一齊食,or panini佢!好多嘢其實真係講習慣!住係外國多幾年,你就覺得所有野好easy going 啦!
Margaret 真係好可愛,咁都瞓得著~超級可愛!
Good or bad, hard to say. I found that to be an advantage for all Hong Kong people, because the oversea people are so slow and layback, I became a superstar at work. My Jewish boss actually liked to hire Chinese because they work harder and don't complain. Lol! As for driving or making appointment for haircut, it takes some getting used to but overtime, it really doesn't matter, only bothersome in the beginning.
Coco gor 👍近排好多朋友移民去UK,你分享多d🙏🏻
靓靓老婆越来越漂亮年轻 很开心看到您们健康快乐幸福生活🎉❤
I am from HK, studied in uk 25years ago and went back to uk in 2022. Except from London the rest of the country I feel like it was not maintained. It was a beautiful country with friendly ppl. I have been living in nl for 20 years. Dutch are too clean, I got complaints that the trees in my garden were not cut! Both counties are nice you just need to get used to and accept them. Ppl are willing to help…😊
Head lice呢個問題喺澳洲都好平常,小朋友長頭髮最好紮好先返學,教Margaret喺學校盡量唔好同其他小朋友cuddle,因為head lice唔識跳,係爬行的
我哋喺澳洲,小朋友都係瘋狂訓草訓carpet, 係有好多蟲,瘙同bug bite,去chemist 買d insert repellent 幫佢返學之前噴下就會好d。^^
英國廁所係可以裝shaver-supply units,你裝修叫個電工拉好線,自己轉個插蘇就得。
There is a 3 second rule. Food drop on the ground and if you pick it up within 3 second it's believed to be safe to eat.
同意你哋所講嘅嘢,非常中肯。 英國人食午餐求求其其係有原因嘅,因為每日可以慳番午餐嘅時間星期五可以放早。
@@mandyfung28 對呀,所以星期五你會見到啲人早放工好多㗎。
學校環境係美國好似比較好,幼稚園課室係木地板,有校工用洗地板機洗地,可能唔係日日洗,起碼一星期兩至三日,因為我有看到簽名紙掛係入門度。 老師會有時檢查學生衛生程況,so far so good.
@@NicolNH 美國好大,大多數的美國人又懶又天生巨嬰症居多數係幾頭痛嘅問題。可以考慮一啲新發展的州和城市如Utah, Colorado 或Oregon … 生活環境,居屋,工作,教育都可以比美其他大都市,例如似CoCo哥間屋,係我居住嘅猶他州鹽湖城,八九十萬美元左右,如果在半山豪宅一百萬至百五萬就有交易。缺點就係呢幾個州有四個月好凍,有落雪,公共交通網唔方便,中餐(亞洲)唔好食。 如果仲意戶外活動如滑雪,爬山,遊船⋯平到你笑。 最近我係綱上有個強國躺平族移民到猶他州Draper市(新開發)四五年之間巳經買車買樓置業兼買遊艇⋯更將家人申請移民,係度大事吹噓佢有幾巴閉,希望唔好一粒老鼠屎整壞成煲粥。
@@katequan4829 Totally agree with you. I lived in Utah before and moved to LA for warmer weather. Now happily retired.
我以前係澳洲讀書住 homestay, 啲鬼佬都同我講,澳洲出啲洗潔精可以食,食左無事,整一盤水,就要洗哂所有碗,我心諗,可以食係防止有人誤食啫,但唔代表你要食丫麻,豬頭丙,咁你做咩煮飯食啫,你直接食洗潔精咪得咯,至於地氈,我小朋友而家讀緊間國際學校,又係污糟到痴線,個個小朋友就咁坐係度,又摸落去,又訓係度,我地見過之後,佢放學第一時間就係沖涼換衫
Hello Coco哥,我哋屋有2個小朋友,1個3歲,1個1歲,都考慮緊嚟緊過去英國,不過我太太好擔心英國嘅天氣,佢唔鍾意太凍 & 個天成個灰濛濛。
想問現實中又係咪咁? 同埋想知英國治安會唔會好似人哋口中講咁好差? 搵工又係咪好難Thanks🙏🏻🙏🏻
Same as US, it is called GCFI electric outlet
食腸仔包放喺枱面已經算簡單,我以前讀書[美國],有朋友食香口膠食咗一半,都會黐咗張枱度,返嚟再食過 🤢
超市pack 左嗰啲菜已經係乾淨適合食用。同埋你們最好比較吓啲洗潔精,同香港有毒物質做嘅應該好吾同,所以吾洗,不過應該安全過香港。😄
在美國上班時間可以不一定朝9晚5,我有朋友提前在早上7或8點上班,中午求其快速攪掂,計準夠鐘便可以在3點前放工,呢個亦係其中一個原因skip lunch或Light lunch。
女兒在美國讀中學,她的同學上學前會沖涼,但去到學校等上課期間會坐在泥地草地打滾,番到屋企食完飯和衣上牀瞓覺。所以,女兒唔敢再去同學家中Sleep Over!
@Mei Chan
你好! 我女兒話英國食物普遍比較注重食物安全,所少盬低糖,就算可樂都冇美國咁甜,所以反而因此唔會肥😊😊😊
英國人其中一項好嘅文化係有真正嘅work life balance,而差嘅文化係成日放飛機,甚至唔出聲放飛機。
清潔是重要的你倆所說是全對!但一處香村一處例 但气候不同 食物農彴都合標準 人物和事物都有大不同我們是有智慧的人多學習令一方好的 我相信有好多好多好的方面給你去學習的其實你是處于一個非常幸福的國家多多珍惜呀!祝安康!下次見 !!
今年的食物用品 貴左好多 尤其食油 l公升 己貴左一倍 至於可樂 都貴左 成 6o p一個 你地覺得平呀 我覺得好多東西都貴貴啊 😝😝🙏🙏👍🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
COCO 頭髮愈來愈向上移. 有富有人既特徵
很實用的資訊👍Thanks for sharing
我是來自大陸,在英國生活20多年,越來越清楚的意識到“東方” 和 “西方” 的制度,人權是構建在完全不同的邏輯之上的。其實從東方移民看到的很多不適應,可以歸結到 “效率 vs. 公平“ - 這是一個Trade-off. 所以,東方的極權 + 追求行政效率決定了需要犧牲公平和普通人的基本權利;而西方的效率低下,有很多是源於平等公平的需要。同時在東方生活久了,潛意識中就會對於無權無錢的低階層的人,產生強烈的和不遮掩的等級優越感,對人頤指氣使。
我最近開始給一下香港新移民提供一些咨詢和解惑,希望他們可以更快更多的享受到身心自由,同時正確的看待和對待適應期的問題。 我最大的建議是大家要多通過英文媒體獲得信息,多看BBC 的 Documentary 獲得不同的認知。 謝謝
@@aha1014 謝謝你的關注和評論,”社會主義的公平“ 至少在現在的中國是“字面上”的公平; 我上面的評論,更多是從政府的行政決策過程而言的。 希望你把書讀深一些。
@@benjaminwang9675 政治决策都是代议制,没什么高下贵贱,反而英国是以阶级性知名的国家,不要错把同阶级的公平当做了全社会的公平,尝试去了解一下更多阶级各自的生活状态,想想英国缺乏阶级流动的弊端。
最近結交了一個香港BNO的朋友,經常和這個新移民朋友聊天,給他一些老移民的理解和觀點。 我給他的一個建議是,多看英文節目,將英文節目作為信息來源,而不是中文的,這樣我們會有機會了解我們從來不知道的觀點,提升我們的認知,增加這個西人的Perspective,如果我們在這裡生活,就應該用西方的觀念改造我們的“純”東方的觀念: 這點尤其突出在對於 個人的生存意義,對於金錢財富;對於不同族裔的品等;對於政府公權力;對於子女的教育發展,對於弱勢全體。
@@wailanwong4655 其實平時香港都會塞,只係塞左你會用支強用通渠水去通。
餐廳一般會有個咖哩缸(grease tank)隔左油,但要定期清
I only watch some of your videos when my husband occasionally turned it on. I accidentally heard about this one which does not sound great to me, particularly the latter part of it. Honestly speaking, you should be content and happy that you are able to emigrate to England via the privilege of BNO status and without going through the normal immigration process. You chose to emigrate to England in your own free will, therefore It is pointless to compare the current living style with the past. The percentage of new immigrants who have brought a lot of money with them and do not have to work, like yourself, is at a minimum. I emigrated to Canada from Hong Kong many years ago. Just like most of the immigrants, we worked very hard and finally settled down perfectly without any complaints. We are proud of ourselves because we went through all difficulties and met all challenges. You should cherish what you have and to be satisfied. I never heard of any complaints from my daughter and son-in-law who moved to settle down in London 13 years ago. I assume your child is having the free education. As such, no matter how unhappy you are, the untidy environment and the lunch meals provided, will not get changed. However, the simplest way to make yourself happy is to register your child in a nice private school, which I assume you are affordable. My grandsons are studied in private school. They are well educated, well disciplined, taught in good manners and always have hot meals for lunch. With regard to your criticism about the bad habits of “English people”, it looks like you are applying to all “English people”, as a whole, which I find it to be very prejudiced. I don’t believe all English people are having such bad habits as described by you. This might apply to your own group of the “English people” whom you know or in contact alone. I assume this is individual’s habits only. How often the people will take a shower or bath is a very personal and private matter. It is none of our business and I don’t understand why you have to bring this up to talk about. I don’t think that is a good topic. In short, we have to respect others. Do you not consider this as a personal attack on English people? I hope you understand that no one is perfect and why you have to talk bad about others? As you do not have to work per day, I think it is a good timing for you to practise more on your spoken English and to learn more on the correct pronunciation of English words. In one of your old videos, your pronunciation of the simple word “bungalow” was terrible. We try not to look upon ourselves better than others. To be humble and respect others are important in our daily lives. Good luck to your life in England !!!
I agree with your comments thoroughly. Coco seems to have a "spoilt expat" mentality - rich & arrogant (+ everything is better in my "home" country). He clearly doesn't watch the news about boatloads of illegal immigrants risking their lives almost every day to cross the English Channel for a chance of even a fraction of the lifestyle (& entitlement) Coco has. Also, complaining about the habits of "the locals" - I'm sure he has bad habits he wouldn't like us to know about ! Finally, he advised people to live here - and rely on Google Translate for English translation - that won't help in passing the B1 & Life in The UK test BNO migrants face in 5 years' time. Sadly, people like Coco have soured many people's good opinions about Hong Kongers coming to The UK, & he may well cause the ill will that many Hong Kong arrivals were fearing.
香港同英國都有好與壞,衹係睇個人要啲什麼? 英國屋大,香港要很多錢才有這是事實!
可唔可以試下直播兩小時行街 睇下点樣又凍又冷又冇人嘅感覺 香港好難有嘅感受
By emmigrating to this country, parents are basically changing the mother tongue of their children from Chinese to English. Many of these children may still be able to converse in a Chinese dialect when they grow up but their ability to read and write Chinese may be nil or limited. This means their ability to absorb Chinese culture to a greater depth is hampered. A culture's essence is expressed through its language and the ability to access it is through a very good command of that language. Some concepts of a culture are simply not translatable into other languages. Perhaps this is not an important issue for most parents.
I guess by the time you decide to immigrate oversea, you have to expect the kids to be become the citizen of the country you moved to, thus, they will adopt the culture of that country. I have 3 American born kids and other than understanding what I say in Cantonese, they don't know much about Chinese culture and I thought that's it. But things are changing in Los Angeles, we have bilingual public school in Pasadena, teaching in English and Mandarin and there's also bilingual private school in the Bay area, as China become stronger, there's a stronger desire for children to learn Chinese, you never know, maybe bilingual school will be available in UK too.
Thank you for your reply. It is quite late now but I shall try to write a reply tomorrow. This is ultimately a personal identity issue connected with our mother tongue.
香港國際學校都是很carefree,幼稚園和小學間中都有小朋友有頭蚤,學校會send email通知家長留意。
香港法例浴室都唔可以有插蘇, 只係香港師傅唔介意犯法亦冇人執法。
Hey bro, can you speak to the latest issues that other channels are addressing: UKers are facing high cost of home energy cost, especially that fall and winter are oncoming, inflation, and mid-income population are having to ask for public subsidies on food supplies. All that are being talked about by local UK news channels. Is there any truth to it? I have not come across any HKer channels that would touch base on this subject. Thks so much
外國人lunch 好簡單,一般是沙律和三文治。
英國食材一定好過香港, 根本唔使比係冇得比.
唔好玩啦, 英國肉出哂名茅肉味。食肉纖維可以嘅。 歐洲愈北啲肉愈淡口, 北歐仲淡。
no electricity, how to install japanese petpet washing machine?
多謝你拍真實的youtube 片, 有個toronoto 的youtuber (施家) 經常拍 d 混淆人的video
我覺得呢几年去英國系 去不逢時
脱歐 疫情 能源 通漲 鑊鑊新鮮鑊鑊金 仲系一個開始ing...
BNO 5+1 只系一個吸錢吸外勞劃計 乜嘢吸人才 ?真正專業人才 全世界搶住要 大把選擇啦 點會首選英國吖 ?
Yannis生完小朋友都甘好身材,不如教下大家點樣keep 🙏
Bournemouth 唔係英國最靚嘅海灘,唔好誤導,做吓功課至出片。 真係多Q 餘,你係英國,食西緊係平啦。 你哋知唔知點解係香港食中餐緊平嘅? 請問英國大香港幾多倍呀,當然周圍都大個香港好多。 點解唔講吓,英國同香港公工交通分別嘅?其實你哋住咗兩年,究竟知道英國知識有幾多,唔識就以為你哋好勁,Bournemouth 都讀錯。 就知道你有幾多料
我考咗3次,第一次考牌官話我望後面唔夠,第二次有個菲藉女考官在一條10呎窄小車路做3 points窄路掉頭,但條窄路其中一面係一個2呎高斜坡加坑道,雖然達到要求都故意扣分重考,好彩第三次遇上一位好考官,得以過關。