I used to think the BOM was real special. Then I started to wonder why does the book talk about chariots and steel swords and wheat and coinage and horses? Those things do not appear in the time period that the BOM allegedly takes place and not a single scholar outside of BYU thinks that. And on the flipside why no mention of things that did exist in that time period that are consistent with archeological findings like turkies, cocoa beans (a currency) llamas, bobcats, and linguistically there is zero evidence of any Hebrew/Egyptian/Aramaic residue in the extant Central/South American languages. Therefore it cannot be real history and certainly cannot be ascribed to anything divine, unless of course God wanted us to have some neat stories that talk about him and Jesus that have no basis in historical reality.
I guess that is where you and I part ways then. Archaeological evidence to me is paramount. If the Book of Mormon spoke of kangaroos you would reject it out of hand, would you not? Why? Because kangaroos are entirely anachronistic to any narrative that takes place in the Americas. The fact that only Mormon scholar apologists make the case for the BOM being credible is quite telling. Why are you not defending Jehovah's Witness' claims to truth? Why are there only JW's that believe in their revised scripture. Why are you not defending the Koran? Why do only Muslims advocate the divine nature and importance of the Koran? That is why "science" and "archaeological records" are so important because it objectively looks at an issue and keeps on investigating. Whereas bias obviates the need for objectivity. I'll answer the questions I posed, the reason only members defend their faith is because they are biased, having a conclusion that their faith is true from the start, irrespective of any evidence that may suggest otherwise. They also rely on the same line of reasoning that you bring up. "Evidence does not determine whether something true or not." You say that, however I'm sure you can quickly poke holes in someone else's belief system using facts and evidence. The Jehovah's witness falsely predicted the end of the world many times. Using history and facts you can therefore say the church is falsifiable, and wrong. A Jehovah's witness will have many explanations perhaps more or less using your same method of justification. "Evidence and history don't decide whether a church is right or wrong, but the spirit does which has produced a revised bible more in line with the truth," might be their response. I decided therefore that I must look at all religions including my own, the LDS, with the same level of scrutiny and objectivity I do all others. What was most eye opening was a prayerful AND open-minded reading of this. cesletter.com/ a list of questions posed by someone like myself to a CES teacher. Shortly after my mission to El Salvador I came across it and began to see what questions objective people NOT rabid anti-Mormons/fanatical evangelicals have.
For a detailed treatise on the archeological evidence in support of the Book of Mormon, I would recommend Jeff Lindsay's site at mormonevidence.com/. He gives great information, with many links to other sites, in support of the book. Some are archeological, others cultural or philological, etc. Definitely worth a read. Also look into FAIRLDS and FARMS for additional information. It should be remembered, though, a testimony -- or proof -- of the Book of Mormon is not to be found through external evidences. That evidence supports a testimony, but does not provide it. That is to be found only through the Spirit of the Almighty whispering to a soul that is truly wanting to know. That's how I gained my knowledge, and millions of others have done the same.
Jesse Lenz There actually is a contemporary society that existed concurrently similar in size and scope with the BOM civilization that incorporated hundreds of thousands of steel swords, and horses, and coinage, and wheat and barely that left behind all manner of swords, horses, coinage, wheat and barley (and much more) more than you could shake a stick at. Why? Because that kind of stuff just doesn't get swallowed up in the earth, especially if it only happened 2,000 years ago. That civilization was the Roman Empire. Not only that, there are real linguistic evidences (Romance languages) written records. When there are people who write, there is ALWAYS some form of written evidence left behind, be it on pottery, tax receipts, you name it. Something gets left behind. We have samples of reformed egyptian that Joseph left for us en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reformed_Egyptian#mediaviewer/File:Caractors_large.jpg and there has NEVER been anything found resembling that in Meso-America. At least not by people outside of BYU. Again Jesse, I would ask if you would accept the Book of Mormon if it mentioned kangaroos. Every religion has apologists that defend bunk claims. (Even if there were kangaroos believe me there would be some FAIR defense of it, like maybe Joseph actually meant to say Tapirs but didn't know the word) If you want the truth about the origin of the Koran and the history of the Islam, would you consult a professor of Islam teaching at King Abdullah University in Saudi Arabia or a professor at BYU? I would choose the BYU professor every time. Why? Because the BYU professor is looking at Islam objectively and isn't starting with the conclusion, Islam is God's true religion. And you can flip that too. A Muslim studying at King Abdullah University isn't going to consult a FAIR writer to get accurate information regarding BOM or Mormonism, rather he might take a US religions course offered at his school to get accurate information. We're always really good at being objective when studying things that don't revolve around our own religious beliefs and identifying flaws of other religions. I'm sure any returned missionary could quickly point out in a few minutes why the Catholic church never truly received the baton to carry on Christ's legacy. The church wasn't founded on Peter but on the keys of the priesthood, which were lost with the demise of the apostles.
Joseph Sonners Tell me... where did the Inca's go? Who were before the Inca's? What of the Mayan's? Who were before the Mayan's? The Book of Mormon lands are in South America! After the dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland Temple, singing and administration of the Lords Supper, Don Carlos Smith and President Cowdery arouse and bore their testimonies. President Frederick G. Williams then arose and testified that while President Rigdon was making his first prayer an angel entered the window and took his seat between Father Smith and himself and remained there during the prayer. Heber C. Kimball related it thus: "During the ceremonies of the dedication an angel appeared and sat near Joseph Smith Sen., and Frederick G. Williams, so that they had a fair view of his person. He was tall, had black eyes and white hair and stooped shoulders and his garment was whole, extending to near his ankles, on his feet he had sandals. He was sent as a messenger to accept of the dedication. Frederick G Williams had in his pocket a piece of paper which he carried to take notes on. On this he wrote in pencil: "John the Beloved"--then a space followed and a few lines written in another language. A large space followed and then at the bottom of the page he wrote the following revelation: "The course that Lehi traveled from the city of Jerusalem to the place where he and his family took ship: They traveled nearly south, southeast direction until they came to the nineteenth degree of north latitude. Then nearly east to the Sea of Arabia; then south, southeast direction and landed on the continent of South America in Chili, thirty degrees south latitude." Llamas and Alpaca's which were two animals in South America.. were not know to Joseph Smith in 1829. If you look in the Websters Dictionary in 1829.. you will not find either word. The Lord however.. did have a word for them.... cureloms and cumoms. And if you read what the Book of Mormon has to say about the cureloms and cumoms.. you will find this: "And they also had horses, and asses, and there were elephants and cureloms and cumoms; all of which were useful unto man, and more especially the elephants and cureloms and cumoms." Elephants are GREAT pack animals.. so are llamas and alpacas. And to compare a llama and alpaca to an elephant as an animals which were useful unto man.. is spot on! You want to know more about the Book of Mormon lands in South America. Let me know.. and I will fill your brain with so much facts and information that it will make your head swim. If that is all you need to make the Book of Mormon true.... write me. However... The Bible already has what you are seeking for in the Book of Mormon.. and yet... the world has yet to be converted. Sad.. eh?
Mr Nirom Any question you have regarding the Inca I would refer you to the wikipedia page. Regarding their origin they probably came over from Asia through the Bering Strait, over the course of around 10,000 years. They most likely died out from disease and inquisition brought upon them by the Spaniards. I read the other posts, but I'll be honest I didn't read most of yours. A lot of it is just non-sequitur nonsense that is immaterial to a discussion about evidence. Your attempts to explain away a lack of horses and elephants in the time period that the BOM takes place..I'm sorry I can't take it seriously. Any explanation I give regarding the need for those animals to exist in BOM time period will surely fall on deaf ears with you. I'm not talking about the bible. If you want to have a discussion let's talk about one thing at a time please. If there were hundreds of thousands of steel swords why can't we find one? Steel doesn't disappear over the course of 1,500 years even in the most humid and tropic of environments. I'm willing to go through each one of your "facts" gladly. If you don't address my questions I will cease to respond.
Garry Wilmore He didn't join too long before you. Actually, it was the mid-1960's which isn't surprising as it was during the time of the civil rights movement. The Genesis group was created specifically for African-American groups of that time. I'd assume that's because they probably weren't well received by the Mormon church, especially in the more traditional ones. It temporarily disbanded after the 1978 announcement that basically said "god coincidentally changed his mind all of a sudden, we guess black people can be granted priesthood after-all. Sorry for the inconvenience after all these decades." That doesn't change the fact that some Mormons seem to believe that their skin will turn white when they get to heaven since white skin is still considered "more godly" for whatever reason. Don't know if that's every Mormon today, but that doesn't change the fact that racist values were still being taught by the early Mormon church.
***** That cleared up quite a bit for me on the topic of Mormonism and racism. It's kind of what I suspected: the Book of Mormon taught racism, which the LDS church stopped doing at some point due to the idea becoming less popular.
JesusEternal This is what makes me so sad that the LDS actually do believe that and then in the next breath say the feel closer to Jesus but never knew Him! So so Sad!!
I love the Book of Mormon. The book has changed my life. I have gotten away from reading it lately. Watching this video rekindles my love for the Book of Mormon and reminds me how much it has changed my life. Although I grew up in the Mormon faith we rarely went to church growing up and I knew little about my faith or what I believed in. Jr High and HS were particularly difficult years. I was bullied and felt alone. I struggled with who is God and does He love me and what is His plan? Late my junior year I changed high schools. Life became better. But God had something special planned for me. It was my senior year in HS I met some great friends that changed the direction of my life forever! I started to go to church and for the first time learned about my faith. And for the first time in my life I read the Book of Mormon. It changed my life! For the first time I felt peace and a purpose in my life; that God loved me. And that HE sent his son Jesus Christ for me! I remember learning for the first time about the purpose of life, where we came from and happens after we die and the Holy Ghost impressing these truths in my mind and heart and OH WHAT JOY I FOUND! After many struggles and trial at 21 I finally was able to be called to serve a mission to Guatemala and share my love of the Book of Mormon and my testimony of Jesus Christ. It was during my mission that my testimony was cemented for life. I witnessed so many miracles that I can't deny. I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON! I wish all my friends, family both those of my faith and those who aren't to read this life changing book and witness how their faith, love and knowledge will grow that Jesus Christ is OUR Savior, that he died for each and every one of us. And that their is a GREAT PLAN OF HAPPINESS.
LDS doctrine teaches of a created God. This is not biblical. Read Isaiah 43:10 for reference. www.utlm.org is excellent resource about LDS Church History and Doctrine.
I will be ever grateful that I took the time to listen and learn about the Book of Mormon. You have nothing to lose by learning more about this book, and you have everything to gain. God bless you.
As a teenager I read the Book of Mormon casually at first, then seriously and with purpose. Did God really speak to more than one nation? Did He care about making sure His other children had knowledge of Him? I prayed to God, our Heavenly Father to ask Him (not missionaries, not my friends, not anyone else) if the Book of Mormon really was a book of scripture to be used with the Holy Bible as God's revealed Word to His children. I received an answer. I cannot ever forget the overwhelming Peace, the warmth, the knowledge that it IS scripture. I felt my Savior, Jesus Christ's overwhelming Love fill my heart, fill my whole being. I knew then and I know NOW, that the Book of Mormon is true. It has changed my whole life for the better. I am a strong, intelligent, and educated woman, and I know that I am a Daughter of God.
Oh how I love this book. Reading, studying, pondering and praying about it's message has filled me with greater love for my Savior, those closest to me and for all mankind. Nothing has brought greater joy, peace or direction to my life. I am forever grateful for this gift.
I love the truths stated in this video! I love The Book of Mormon! This gospel brings me so much joy and happiness! There is POWER in this book that is only found through reading its pages with FAITH, nothing wavering.
I was an Atheist. Then I actually picked up the book to prove it was false. I felt so happy reading it. Then I prayed. I tried reasoning with myself. That there is just no way it could be true my family was just crazy. In 118 days I'm going to go spread the good news to the people of Belgium! God's Not Dead. He's called prophets to guide us . P.s the book is always better than the play.
I'm a happier person for reading the Book of Mormon. That is enough to make it important for me. I think all of us are looking for more good in our lives, less contention and heartache, and more peace. The answers to finding that are in the Book of Mormon and you really have to just read it to find them. It's simple and it's real. Thanks for sharing this video!
I read the book of porn and it makes me happy. So must be reason enough. What a silly argument, it has nothing to do with feeling, but everything to do with facts. If God gives a everlasting covenant, than I sure would hope he would never break it, because than He wouldn't be God. Read D&C 134:4 this should make run as fast as you can from the LDS religion. In fact read all of D&C 132 unless your a fundamentalist, your doomed. You should follow Jesus the only one who can call you out of the grave, He is fully God and fully Man, and there is no other way to God but thru Jesus and what he did at Calvery. You can never be good enough or do enough to get to Heaven based on your good works, because your as screwed up as me and everyone on this planet. John 3:16-17 sums up all you need to know, just believe in Jesus and what he did for you and me and receive the FREE give of eternal life. In verse 17 He didn't come to condemn the world but to save it. You see he's not made at us, He just wants us to be with Him for ever, but many will choose not to accept or believe. As the scriptures say, choose you this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Not a man, but Jesus the Christ! There is only ONE God, James 2:18-19, Christ was before the beginning of the world 1Peter 1:19-20, run from religion, and run to a relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, there is no other name under Heaven in which you maybe saved. Christ said to Peter, upon THIS ROCK I will build my church, and the gates of hell WILL NOT prevail against it. Satin could not stop the church from going forward, and nor will he ever.
Visted Later Day Saint Church in my City Chennai India few months back., One of President Jones Jayakumar gave me good counseling for my problem and thought me to thank God first also thought me how to pray. He gave me this book and ask me to read, being Hindu having difficulty in understanding the book but keep reading when ever possible and I can realize changes in my life waiting for a miracle in my life and sure very soon my testimony with you guys
The Book of Mormon is an amazing book! Through it I have been inspired to become a better Christian. Because of it, I know that God loves His children all over the world. He didn't just send prophets to the Holy Land. He sent prophets to other areas of the world so that the people there could also know of Christ. This book is evidence that God loves His children everywhere and that Jesus is the Christ.
When I was 14 with an extreme learning disAbility I could not read but when I first saw the book a voice came to my mind and said "this book is true." I had no idea what the book was but I immediately tried to read it and by the time I got done with the book I could read... thanks to the Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost. My testimony if firm that that Book of Mormon is true, Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God, and Jesus is the Christ. On a side note Lehi and is family did not sail toward Australia they sailed toward the horn of Africa and up the Atlantic to N. America. The currents and winds will take you to N. American but the other way toward Austrailia, then acrossing the Pacific, and on to South America... is against the winds, against the currents, and they would not had enough food to cross the largest Ocean on the planet. Members of the church need to stop giving out wrong info related to Lehi's sea voyage.
The path that Lehi and his family took across the sea does not really matter, nor does anyone know the exact path. What does matter is the messages written in the Book of Mormon.
Laws change at different times, in the Old Testament, there was plural marriage and it was allowed by God. Later, plural marriage was not allowed by God. The verses in Jacob that you put up are saying that the plural marriages that David and Solomon participated in was abominable because those marriages were not approved by God. In verse 27, Jacob is talking directly to the Nephites, he says "Wherefore, my brethren, hear me" Nowhere does it say that Joseph had 30-40 wives. The link you provided says the exact number of wives is not known, but a majority of them were between 20 and 40 years of age. In that time, getting married mid teens was legal and some women did it. We do read our scriptures, and we do obey God's commandments given to us through the Prophets.
If it does not matter why show Lehi traveling the path that is least likely to take. As a sailor I know the route many land lock Utah's give is simply a lazy way to look at it. Why not think it through more... why would Lehi travel several several thousand miles more via the route they show, against currents, and wind systems... the answer is simple they did not. The Atlantic route is literally a conveyor belt to North America. And I agree with Mr. Nirom as it helps you to know where the true Book of Mormon lands are. Does it matter related to our testimony not really, but it does help us to have a clearer view of the history, etc. of the BoM.
For reading disability, check out this book - Amazingly easy to read content of Book of Mormon on 7th to 8th grade level, but no watered down! amzn.to/1ApRvlX
Kirby Keller How do I know that "God, the Eternal Father" it's asking me to pray to actually exists? How do I know it's not a fake god? How do I know for sure that it's not Satan?
***** 1) You didn't answer my question. 2) To believe that God, not Satan, created heaven or to believe that there even is a heaven/god in the first place, one must base it on something. What do you base this belief on?
***** That doesn't answer my original question. Perhaps I should have left Satan out of this. Let me rephrase: How do I know that the god presented in the Book of Mormon is the one, true, eternal God and not some other god?
This was beautiful! Thank you! And Thank you Gary Williams for your comments. The Book of Mormon along with the Old and New Testament have had a powerful impact on my life and helped me to come closer to Jesus Christ. I'm not going to split hairs over a Turkey or a cocoa bean.
Wow! Wow! As a convert to the church 39 years ago, I can tell you that many church produced films don't always reach a non-members questions. This film is excellent, and very understandable and relevant to those questions. Excellent, thank you for making this.
A great video thanks for pulling this together. I will also share my knowledge that I read the Book of Mormon and have asked God if it is true and have felt the warm assurance that it is his word. God has reached out to his children through prophets and continues to do so today. I hope this video has a strong success and is widely shared and because of it more people come to Christ through it's pages.
Really love this video. It is an awesome, well-done, and thorough explanation of what the Book of Mormon is and where it comes from. That book has changed my life and driven me to do more good and be better than any other I have read. I certainly invite everyone to read it.
Love this video...love what this Book has brought to my life. I have lived without this book and with it...and I have only gotten closer to my Savior since it was brought into my life! I have seen of it's fruits and those fruits are undeniable!
I'm so thankful for this book and how my relationship with Jesus Christ has been strengthened through reading it. Thanks for all that went in to making this!
The Book of Mormon is disruptive.We need that today. It is such a gem. I have read it cover to cover many times and will read it again, because I love how I feel when I read it. The whole idea of God restoring his Church and priesthood and gospel to the earth causes some to squirm, but I love it. I have witnessed it make bad men good and good men better. EVERYONE needs to read it, and ponder its precepts.
+kysonkiddmusic Absolutely. Yours as well. I absolutely love this book and the power it has to convert souls to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the gospel of the restoration.
Thank you so much for making this! I want to bear my testimony to everyone out there that I know that Christ lives. I know he suffered and died for us that we, like him, could live again and be free. I know that the book of Mormon, like the bible, is the word of god. I have found such hope and understanding from this wonderful testament of Christ, and I invite everyone to watch this video and read the book of Mormon for themselves. With love and friendship.
Thank you for the time and work that went into putting this together. The message contained in this video is incredible. I only wish people would stop and view this, and then go to the source, the book of Mormon to find out for themselves that God does love all his children, and one way he is reaching out to us in these days is through his written word, but specially through the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ. Thank you again.
I Love the Book of Mormon! The impact it has had on millions upon millions for almost 200 years is evidence enough of it's validity. That book has taught me what it means to be a Disciple of Jesus
Longevity + popularity + emotional effect ≠ truth If you haven't performed an exhaustive study of all the data then you faith is weak. By weak I mean you are susceptible and vulnerable. you must build a faith fortress . The only way to accomplish that is brick by tedious book... er...brick. ya feel me?
GREAT video guys! Keep up the good work! The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear; till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, because I have read it, and The Holy Ghost spoke to my heart and told me that it was so. The Book of Mormon has changed my life, and I've never been happier than when I find myself reading from it and applying what Jesus Christ taught in my life.
As an ex-Mormon, the beginning words say, "The Bible and the Book of Mormon compliment each other".... NO, they do not. You cannot believe in the Book of Mormon and the Bible. Unfortunately, Mormons have a way around this "As Long as it is translated Correctly", however they do not say which Bible is translated correctly. I am now a born again Christian and know that there is only 1 God which the Bible teaches. Mormons are such wonderful people, and I live in a community that is predominately LDS here in Utah, but the Bible and the book of Mormon are contrary to one another. I just wish my Mormon friends can be saved.
***** Hey Angus, are you LDS? Maybe you can answer something for me. This is a longstanding question I've had. When a fundamentalist Mormon receives a spiritual witness by reading the Book of Mormon, and praying to the Father in the name of the Son, and receives a spiritual confirmation that Warren Jeffs is the living prophet of God, and that the FLDS Church is God's true church on the earth today, how do you know whose spiritual witness is true? That's what I don't get. I assume they're just as honest seekers of truth as you. I just wonder how you know whose spiritual witness is true when they're both based on the same thing but give such different answers.
***** Fundamentalists pray to know if it's true, just like you, but God gives them a completely different answer. I was just wondering how you know who's being deceived, and whose testimony is true. Fundamentalists follow D&C 9:8-9 and pray about it just like you, and receive a spiritual witness that Warren Jeffs is God's living prophet for today, and that the FLDS Church is the only true church on earth, and that the LDS Church is in apostasy. They say you lack authority, and God gives them spiritual confirmation -- a burning in the bosom -- so they know it's true. www.mormoninfographics.com/2012/08/joseph-smith-vs-warren-jeffs-visualized.html
***** Ask any fundamentalist you like. They will all tell you the same thing: The BOM is true, Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, and your church -- the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- is in apostasy. They pray to know if it's true, the same as you, and get a spiritual confirmation from God that Warren Jeffs is God's living prophet on earth today. You still haven't answered the crucial question: How do you know whose burning in the bosom is true? Finally, which part of the inforgraphic do you think is untrue? We have the numbers on Warren Jeffs, and now we have the numbers on Joseph Smith too. Check out the new official Church essay on LDS.org on polygamy in Kirtland and Nauvoo. It's all true. www.mormoninfographics.com/2012/08/joseph-smith-vs-warren-jeffs-visualized.html
***** On a related note, how come the Bible has maps, but the Book of Mormon does not? Even the LDS King James Version has maps, but for some reason the BOM does not. Why is that?
I love this video. Thank you for sharing your testimony and the testimonies of many others of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon as another testament of Jesus Christ.
I just wanted to say kudos to all of those involved in making this video! You did a great job of condensing what the Book of Mormon is about and why it is important. It was well made and I felt the Holy Ghost strongly while watching it. I will definitely be sharing it with all of my friends. Excellent work!
I'm a 15 year old girl and I believe this book is true and have a strong feeling to everyone who disbelieve in this book. Why did the dark ages suddenly ended after Joseph Smith restored the gospel, and how we invented new ideas. I tell you why because the priesthood is restored and in the dark ages we call that the great apostasy, it makes me sad to know what those times were like but I'm glad I have the gospel in my own life. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Love the video, as a convert to the church In adulthood I know that no one can dispute the feelings and truthfulness delivered to oneself from a loving Heavenly Father. I was scared to read, pray and ask. Most are, and more do of the answer they will receive But I did and I received the answer promptly (I know it's not like that for everyone but it was for me.) It was so strong, I remember it still as vividly as the day it happened. Many can try and pull away by trying to dispute about language, their interpretation of what they think the BOM is or other "facts". But I urge any and all to honestly pray to Heavenly Father (whom no matter what religion/belief you are hears and will answer you. He is our Father he loves each of us and his son Jesus Christ is our savior. The Book of Mormon is another collection of testimonies and personal accounts that confirm his life and teachings. Pray for yourself...seek your own answers... #daretostandalone
I love the critics of this Sacred Text of True Scripture.... they just strengthen my Testimony of its Truthfulness all the more. Opposition in ALL things
Great video! It was cool to See President Ross Baron, he was my past stake president. Is the project based out of Rexburg or another place? Good job and keep it going.
+Benjamin Brown don't apologize for the way other people feel. You just sound condescending. You need to take responsibility for the narrative you stand behind. the only way to do that is by an exhaustive study of all the data. Not just the correlated data contrived by the corporate church. If you say you believe in this, and haven't done the due diligence then I'm afraid your faith is weak. Do yourself a favor and set the scriptures down for a minute and read some history.
Thanks for the suggestion. I am actually a student and enjoy reading and watching about historical events. I believe the Book of Mormon is true along with the other teachings of Jesus Christ. I think it's ok to feel sorrow for someone else when they misunderstand something important to me and many others.
I am a bible-believing Christian I love in reference to Bible The Book of Mormon however has transformed my life it is made a big difference it has been a big comfort I must say this I know it is true I know it is a companion to the Bible and it supports it I just tried to the truth of it in the name of Jesus Christ
What I get from this video is, that they're trying to display people being brought together through a 'holy book.' Nonetheless, you don't need religion to bring different cultures together. I would argue that we need reasoning to be secular, rather than rely on holy books that claim they know the origin of the universe and our species. Be a critical thinker about things like this don't let yourself be brainwashed.
Humans don't need to gather together in a draconian cult-like fashion at all really. If it's comfortable for believers to do so that's okay. But when people support guilt tripping their kids into doing it I feel sick to my stomach.
MrAtheist Delusion Could you not project onto me? I really don't appreciate that. I don't think I am better than you. Remember what I said before? Everyone has the right to freedom of speech and expression. I can express distaste for you religious beliefs, and you can express distaste for my distaste. You seem to really badly want to villainize me, but I just have a different viewpoint. Sorry if you are allergic to different thoughts or something. Thats a big problem on college campuses these days...
Following months of searching and prayer, I was asking God for an answer and received direct revelation that it is his word and his church. With great trepidation, not having confidence i could live up to the Lord's expectations of me, I asked to be baptised and have never regretted my decision. I have been blessed in so many ways since finding the LDS faith.
I know for my self that the Book of Mormon teaches pure truths of God. This book has caused me to have a stronger belief in Jesus Christ. I now better understand his mission and purpose for all men and women. Read it!
I'm not LDS but I am almost finished reading The Book of Mormon. I have enjoyed researching the LDS faith, as I have when learning about other faiths as well. I do have a strong conviction that Heavenly Father would want us all his children to be able to get married however. I also would like to be able to give preisthood blessings to my own children one day, which abilities are only given to men at this time. I like what I have learned about the LDS but I'm not willing to join when these practices are in place. And I'm okay with that! :)
Women receive the same blessings that the priesthood offers even though they don't hold the priesthood. My mother supports my father, who is a priesthood holder, and because of that support, my life is blessed with the priesthood. Unlike you, when I have my own kids, I want to lend the support my husband will need in order to bless my household with the gifts of the priesthood. It's a really beautiful system, and I hope that someday, you'll be able to see the true beauty of it.
I'll add to what has been said here that this book is true. Living according to the principles of the Gospel contained in both the Bible and Book of Mormon have brought me much happiness and peace. I know it is true and that it powerfully testifies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of the world.
Thank you for this video. I know how reading the book impacted positively on my life and the lives of my family. Even those who could not resist the temptations of the world we live in cannot and have not denied how their belief in its truth remains in their hearts. They often say the body is weak but the mind continues to be very willing to not discount what it (studying and pondering principles found in the BOM) once witnessed to them - and which they firmly and undoubtedly knew - to be true. I just hope and pray, that if nothing else, people who don’t share our belief in this book, would just move on, follow what they believe, and just learn to not have so much hate in their hearts for people who are living good lives and who may have a different religion or belief system to theirs. If we claim to be Christians, then do as Jesus did ... Love one another, people. Peace!
You are a silly, deluded person. God is not real. Jesus is mythical. And above all, Joseph Smith was a liar, pedophle, traitor and General all-around criminal. He deserved to die.
I loved this video! I believe the Book of Mormon is an inspired work. If you read it you will see the good in it! If you are sincerely looking for truth. It is the word of God.
Robyn Pearson Thanks for sharing this video with me Robyn. The BoM is undeniably true even to God given common sense in those who know the heart of Christ would not leave out other inhabitants of this Earth to the fullness of His wonderful gospel. Have you seen these links before..... @2013 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_X_(mtDNA) God bless
Robyn Pearson Sorry, one link won't paste from National Geographic. here is the title.... "Great Surprise"-Native Americans Have West Eurasian Origins Oldest human genome reveals less of an East Asian ancestry than thought. By Brian Handwerk, National Geographic PUBLISHED November 22, 2013
Well done, this is pure brilliance. I also testify that the Book of Mormon is true and invite all that see this video to read the book and pray to know of its truthfulness. Great video.
Michael Diamond How can you possibly testify to the truth of a book that has been refuted at every step of its creation? It wasn't even written by Joseph Smith who plagiarized it. To date, there is not a single archaeological find that supports any event in the BOM (or LDS dogma for that matter). Not one! The Christian bible has been challenged even longer and there has never been a archaeological find that refuted anything in the bible. The BOM and the Bible can both be wrong but they can't both be right. Christians don't hate Mormons. You are victims of a false and corrupt theology. You need Christians to pray for your souls. I will not waste 3 seconds reading a false book pretending to be about my God. The book the Lord gave all who follow Him is sufficient in every way.
The Book of Mormon is truly another testament of Jesus Christ. So many plain and precious teachings have been lost over time and re-translations. The BOM shines light on those things (i.e. What is really going to happen in the after-life, how will we be judged, guidance in knowing without a doubt if something is good & true or bad, how do we draw closer to the precious gift Christ left us, the Holy Ghost, and how do we know it is him and not the adversary of all good, how do we pray, a greater understanding of the nature and will of God, what is the true meaning of life, and so much more). When I read the BOM and the Bible together I feel God's influence in both. The words ring out with truth. For years, I searched the Bible and often, I found myself confused because I knew there should be more. He wouldn't send his children to earth to have our character tested, and only give us with so little to go by. I would think. Then I found the BOM. It has the answers in it, and it fits with the character of the Bible perfectly. The only time we will know if something is truly right for us is to take the time to investigate it personally. Listening to others, viewing TH-cam videos or watching broadcasts will only tell you what other people believe or have been told. If you really want to know because you have a desire to know who our Heavenly Father really is, and want a better life for yourself and those you love, study it for yourself. I did, and I am happy to proclaim "I'm a Mormon".
the silence breaker I wouldn't have believed it myself if it were not true. I feel you on that. Again, it all comes back to the BOM that was translated by the prophet Joseph Smith, which I have studied and received confirmation from the Holy Spirit that it is true. You can receive the same. God bless.
+Res Judicata How many people have said " I have studied and received confirmation from the Holy Spirit that it is true" about their own respective denominations' tenants and been wrong? What Church can trace its roots all the way back to Jesus' statements in Matthew 16:18-19, _" "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, _and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"_? This is the Catholic Church, which has unbroken priesthood and leadership all the way back to the Apostles. Your thoughts?
I love this video!!! I wish I could have seen it before I went on my mission so I could have had a better way to explain the Book of Mormon to the people I was teaching...
I think that many people miss the point of this video which is---read it and find out for yourself. None of us can live on borrowed anything, we have to learn the truth for ourselves. Many people can testify of the truth of this book, including me. We can help you understand it if you have questions, but as the video states, you must read it, pray about it, and have your own answer from God about it. If you will do these things with an open and sincere heart, you will have your answer. That is really all you need to know.
Taking unfair advantage of the situation... I'm in a store. Its kindof slow. The clerk seems nice. I'm here to make a purchase and get going as soon as I can. No I'm not... I'm a Latter-Day Saint Son of God, who cares and seeks true happiness for everyone. What if... I pull out my smart phone (its never far), open up my "What is the Book of Mormon?" youtube video and slide forward to 1:00. Take a deep breath. "Can I ask you a question Ive been challenged to ask someone each week?" Ive challenged myself 100 times. "Ok, sure." "What do you know about the Book of Mormon?" "Nothing." He smiles. "Would you be ok if I played this short youtube video which gives a short intro?" "Ok." He glances over from his register. I aim my phone at him, watching his reaction and the video together. "Cool world map huh? Did you know that?" Lehi's ship voyage. Feeling the Spirit warming up. Christ visit to America. "Did you know that?" Cool fade in isnt it?"(Moroni's image to Joseph Smith taking the plates). This is the biggest news since the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Spirit is flame on now. If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith is a Prophet. No objections or frowns from the clerk. Ends with Moroni's promise God will answer you. The truth of God will go forth, sound in every ear. "What did you think about that?" "Very interesting." "Would like to have a copy of that book to read yourself?" "Yeah, ok." Im back later to pick up my stuff. The clerk helps me load up. "Its Kevin right? Kevin, here is the best tip you'll get today." I hand him a BOM in a shopping bag with the youtube narrative typed, my testimony and email address. "I'd love to hear your experience reading that book. Would you keep in touch?" "Ok sure." He takes the bag with the BOM. Wonderful! Im a servant of Jesus Christ!
Making assertions about the Book of Mormon does not prove that it is true. Let's take a look at the Modus Ponens argument made in this video at 2:57 : If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith is a prophet. The Book of Mormon is true. Therefore, Joseph Smith is a prophet. First of all, is the Book of Mormon true? If so, then it should be able to withstand scrutiny. The claims made in the BoM should be substantiated with facts. Does archaeology support it? If so, then the BoM is has more credibility. If not, then it is not true. Has the BoM ever been corrected, changed, or altered? If it hasn't and there are no mistakes in it, then it is true. If it has been corrected, then the BoM is not the inspired word of God. As a former Mormon (now saved believer in Jesus Christ) I have learned that Mormons are good at giving testimonies, but not good at supporting their own beliefs. They usually resort to the "I *know* that Joseph Smith was a prophet" kind of rhetoric. This is what they usually do when confronted with uncomfortable facts.
+formerevolutionist Joseph Smith was in CON man game before becoming a Prophet. Nine versions of first vision? Come on brain dead LDS. Hiding the polygamy card for how many years. Ok we know it's a fraud just by LDS actions. Funny they released photos of seer stones they secretly have been hiding in safe. Why because it shows there deception of how Jospeh claimed to have translated. CLEAR FRAUD!
+formerevolutionist Where in the BoM does it postulate the person who brings forth the book will be a prophet? It says clearly a seer will be brought forth, and that the ONLY work he will do is the book, nothing else. Smith proclaimed himself a prophet, him proclaiming that is different than God. Prophets are called by God, and not by man. I find it funny how you impose all these standards to the BoM that cannot be met by the Bible either.
***** I am using HIS argument. In the antecedent, "the BoM is true" we have a truth value. The statement is either true or false. If it is true AND the consequent logically follows the antecedent, then the consequent in this syllogism, "Joseph Smith is a prophet", is also true. If the antecedent is false, then the consequent could still be true, but you need a true antecedent that logically supports the conclusion. It has already been established that the BoM is not true. Therefore we need some support for the claim that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I firmly believe that Smith was a prophet, but not a true one. He was a false prophet whose teachings have been leading millions to hell. What is my support for this claim? First, let's look at the test of a prophet: But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. 21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? 22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him. Deuteronomy 18:20~22 Have any of Smith's prophecies ever failed? Look them all up and judge for yourself. Remember that if even ONE of his prophecies failed to come to pass, then he is a false prophet.
formerevolutionist And the thing you can't seem to come to realize is there's a stark difference between what Joe wrote (D&C) and what he *dictated* (BoM). You might want to "firmly believe" he was a prophet, but the fact of the matter is that he wasn't. He was a seer. www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/3?lang=eng " 8 And I will give unto him a commandment that he shall do none other work, save the work which I shall command him." Same verse the title "seer" is given over and over, never is the person who would bring forth the writings of the BoM regarded as a "prophet." Sounds like you're more of like a defender of Joe than anything to be honest, unless we want to start debating whether or not God actually commissioned Joe to write D&C which has a litany of passages that directly contradict the BoM which he dictated. Even though it says, THIS will be the only work he will be commanded to do. You can try to argue it any way you'd like, but he's a seer, not a prophet. BoM says so. E: Something I should point out, just because they'd like to argue in favor of him being a prophet doesn't make the point to be argued any more valid. Because i'm not going to engage in dealing with arguments that are already false from the very beginning with "Joe" and "prophet" not belonging in the same sentence. That argument itself is without merit when considering the validity of the book.
The video makes reference to a record that was buried and later unearthed by Joseph Smith. It says that record was the source of the Book of Mormon. Where is that record today? Is it available for inspection?
Good question. Take a look at the first few introductory pages of the Book of Mormon, and you'll find your answer. Link to the pages here: Introduction: www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/introduction?lang=eng Testimony of Three Witnesses: www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/three?lang=eng Testimony of Joseph Smith: www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/js?lang=eng
Chase Sandler If you don't have the faith or willingness to as least try to believe what the Book of Mormon says, you will not believe this book is true even if God stands in front of you. All the Mormon do is to invite other to come unto Christ by reading the Book of Mormon and pray to ask God sincerely if this Book is true. God only shows his knowledge to those who are ready and willing to accept.
I only need the Bible for my faith in God, If God wanted these words in the Bible, God would have included these accounts in his word. The bible is the inspired word of God and God provided us what we need. Too many people today think that if you can use something to glorify God, why not use it? WHY? Because God specifically laid out his plan for each and every one of us. OUR GOOD INTENTIONS ARE NOT ABOVE GOD'S WORD.
The Bible and Book of Mormon were written at the same time. The Book of Mormon was written by representatives of God in the Americas. They support each other. they do not contradict eachother.
Peter Piper Are there not sections in the bible that repeat one another? I can tell you right now there are sections in the bible that are mistranslated.
LuLu6214 No, there's only *one* Bible. There are thousands of different languages, though. And some (like English) have differing dialects and manners of speech, which is why we have KJV, NIV, etc. The Book of Mormon has had hundreds of changes and revisions since 1830.
I grew up in the Mormon Church. I was taught in seminary that Joseph Smith was told by an angel that the entire Christian Religion had become corrupted and fallen from the truth. That Joseph was to restore the Gospel of Christ. I was told that the Angel Moroni gave Joseph Golden plates and a seer stone to translate the picto-gliffs into english. I was told that Joseph placed the stone in a hat then held the hat over the golden plates as he did so he placed his face into the hat and then in the darkness the stone glowed. As it glowed with the power of Gods spirit it illuminated each letter, dot, and title. Joseph called out these to Oliver Cowdery who wrote down the character. I was told that the symbol would not change until Oliver had written it correctly. This is how the most perfect book ever written was made. It was published in 1830 not once but twice. Since then if you count only word changes the book has undergone almost 4000 changes. Just one change would make Joseph and Oliver LIARS. But 4000? Whole sentences and paragraphs deleted. New sentences and paragraphs added. When confronting elders of the church and family members I am told to just pray and you will feel the burning in your heart. To which I took their advice and prayed. I did feel a burning in my heart. I have felt it before. I was burning mad with anger. Joseph and the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints has conspired to rob people of their true salvation through Jesus. The mesiah who died on the cross for all of us. The Gospel has never been lost. Over 50,000 ancient manuscripts of both the old and the new testament prove this out. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No one can come to know God but through him. The LDS church is not the stairway to heaven. Joseph Smith was either mislead by the father of lies or was possessed by him.
Really recently i was told that christopher columbus vs joe smith were bargsining chips while identifying with thanksgiving day You see there were supposedly many problems with witchcraft native americans civilization torture and more in the days of christopher columbus now with joe smith at the helm a mormon vs puritan in other words led mankind as well as mormons away from these awful things that had been happening to make life seem enjoyable and not like a voyuer amongst criminals as well as justice To me leaving orlando fl. Is similar it seems to be an aspiring meltingpot for bums and thugs that didnt get attention in new york or las vegas leaving a state of mimicry to implode
01:51 My friend, the credibility of the rest of this video is already in question; I could remind you about the Bible's admonishment against adding to scripture. Can you explain why all the continents exist in their current form.......except that there's *no Antarctica*??? Are you telling us Lehi sailed straight through a watery South Pole? And there were no penguins?
Haha a friend made that graphic for us and forgot to put Antarctica in it. We were on a big time crunch and didn't have time to fix it. Please don't discredit the Book of Mormon because of a mistake on our part. The Bible does talk about adding scripture but when that scripture was written the Bible didn't even exist and chronologically speaking there were other things from the Bible that were written after that verse.
The Book of Mormon Project So, which way did Lehi go? North? South? In outer space and come back down? The main reason the Book of Mormon is already discredited is because archaeologists have exhausted all means to find evidence of these stories of battles in the New World, to no avail. That, on top of DNA proving that Lamanites are not predecessors to Indians, or however the story goes. And also tapirs, chariots, horses, steel, etc.
pk26pk26 Many people have guesses of which way Lehi went but nobody knows for sure and frankly it doesn't really matter. As far as proof goes, if there was DNA proof and they found chariots horses and steel would you then believe The Book of Mormon was true? There is plenty of proof that it is true (for example Chiasmus's) and plenty of proof that it is not true. Which makes it so hard to know if it's true based on what man say. For this reason we invite people to pray and ask God if the Book of Mormon is true.
The Book of Mormon Project I'd say it does matter where he went as it would give more of an idea of where to look for evidence. Something that you don't have enough of to prove the Book of Mormon to be true. You'd think that it would be easier to find evidence of the events in the Book of Mormon, yet we have so little to prove it to be true. Unless Joseph Smith was just using the Mormons for his own personal gain like history shows.
pk26pk26 ...hello, the fact that you have viewed this, and have questions about it's authenticity is a sign that something about the Book of Mormon has a familiar feeling and message. The fact is, this world is full of messages some good and some bad, in fact the Bible says...that there is a being in this world described as the "Prince of the power of the Air" (ephesians 2;2) which I believe sends messages to confuse and misguide people. If you have questions, there is a simple formula I learned for my self, independent of anything else:1. Read the Book of Mormon, sincerely meaning with a desire to know its authenticity 2. once you have read it, kneel in prayer and ask God if the Book of Mormon is true. I don't know how your answer will come, but it will come, it will not come in a similar way as it did to me, but it will come in a way that you will understand and will know independent of anyone else. Best of luck in your search for truth.
Joseph Smith: As man is, God once was. As God is, man may become The Bible: Isaiah 43:10- "Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me. Isaiah 44:6- I am the first and the last, and there is no God besides me. Isaiah 45:22- Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God and there is no other.---- The Bible does NOT support the Book of Mormon. Jesus is the incarnate creator of heaven and earth, not Satans spirit brother. Feel free to check out the "Mormonism" playlist on my TH-cam page.
and books were opened "joint heirs with christ" " let this mind be in you, as it was in christ jesus (forgive my lack of memory) who thought it not equal to become like God" also I've never heard of a child who never had the potential to grow up and be like his father, what father wouldn't want that?
@Jim Caponzi there's not much to gain in destroying The Church of Jesus Christ, just because you don't trust in or like Joseph Smith. Catholicism and other denominations are already imperfect or corrupt anyway. There's nothing better or more reliable to fall back on after destroying The Church of Jesus Christ. Also, those Isaiah scriptures just mean that you can't become a father to your own father or a child to your own children or atone for your own sins despite repenting of your own sins.
Excellent. I was a little uncomfortable clicking on this, thinking it would be just one more lie, contrived to keep us from our Father’s love. It is amazing how one ray of truth (light) can dispel all of the lies. I can FEEL the truth of this, as I expect you can also.
Read it, prayed about it, researched it, concluded it's 19th C fiction. The aping of the King James Bible really seals the deal against its possible veracity.
I used to think the BOM was real special. Then I started to wonder why does the book talk about chariots and steel swords and wheat and coinage and horses? Those things do not appear in the time period that the BOM allegedly takes place and not a single scholar outside of BYU thinks that. And on the flipside why no mention of things that did exist in that time period that are consistent with archeological findings like turkies, cocoa beans (a currency) llamas, bobcats, and linguistically there is zero evidence of any Hebrew/Egyptian/Aramaic residue in the extant Central/South American languages. Therefore it cannot be real history and certainly cannot be ascribed to anything divine, unless of course God wanted us to have some neat stories that talk about him and Jesus that have no basis in historical reality.
I guess that is where you and I part ways then. Archaeological evidence to me is paramount. If the Book of Mormon spoke of kangaroos you would reject it out of hand, would you not? Why? Because kangaroos are entirely anachronistic to any narrative that takes place in the Americas. The fact that only Mormon scholar apologists make the case for the BOM being credible is quite telling. Why are you not defending Jehovah's Witness' claims to truth? Why are there only JW's that believe in their revised scripture. Why are you not defending the Koran? Why do only Muslims advocate the divine nature and importance of the Koran?
That is why "science" and "archaeological records" are so important because it objectively looks at an issue and keeps on investigating. Whereas bias obviates the need for objectivity. I'll answer the questions I posed, the reason only members defend their faith is because they are biased, having a conclusion that their faith is true from the start, irrespective of any evidence that may suggest otherwise. They also rely on the same line of reasoning that you bring up. "Evidence does not determine whether something true or not." You say that, however I'm sure you can quickly poke holes in someone else's belief system using facts and evidence. The Jehovah's witness falsely predicted the end of the world many times. Using history and facts you can therefore say the church is falsifiable, and wrong. A Jehovah's witness will have many explanations perhaps more or less using your same method of justification. "Evidence and history don't decide whether a church is right or wrong, but the spirit does which has produced a revised bible more in line with the truth," might be their response.
I decided therefore that I must look at all religions including my own, the LDS, with the same level of scrutiny and objectivity I do all others. What was most eye opening was a prayerful AND open-minded reading of this. cesletter.com/ a list of questions posed by someone like myself to a CES teacher. Shortly after my mission to El Salvador I came across it and began to see what questions objective people NOT rabid anti-Mormons/fanatical evangelicals have.
For a detailed treatise on the archeological evidence in support of the Book of Mormon, I would recommend Jeff Lindsay's site at mormonevidence.com/. He gives great information, with many links to other sites, in support of the book. Some are archeological, others cultural or philological, etc. Definitely worth a read. Also look into FAIRLDS and FARMS for additional information.
It should be remembered, though, a testimony -- or proof -- of the Book of Mormon is not to be found through external evidences. That evidence supports a testimony, but does not provide it. That is to be found only through the Spirit of the Almighty whispering to a soul that is truly wanting to know. That's how I gained my knowledge, and millions of others have done the same.
Jesse Lenz There actually is a contemporary society that existed concurrently similar in size and scope with the BOM civilization that incorporated hundreds of thousands of steel swords, and horses, and coinage, and wheat and barely that left behind all manner of swords, horses, coinage, wheat and barley (and much more) more than you could shake a stick at. Why? Because that kind of stuff just doesn't get swallowed up in the earth, especially if it only happened 2,000 years ago. That civilization was the Roman Empire. Not only that, there are real linguistic evidences (Romance languages) written records. When there are people who write, there is ALWAYS some form of written evidence left behind, be it on pottery, tax receipts, you name it. Something gets left behind. We have samples of reformed egyptian that Joseph left for us en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reformed_Egyptian#mediaviewer/File:Caractors_large.jpg and there has NEVER been anything found resembling that in Meso-America. At least not by people outside of BYU.
Again Jesse, I would ask if you would accept the Book of Mormon if it mentioned kangaroos. Every religion has apologists that defend bunk claims. (Even if there were kangaroos believe me there would be some FAIR defense of it, like maybe Joseph actually meant to say Tapirs but didn't know the word) If you want the truth about the origin of the Koran and the history of the Islam, would you consult a professor of Islam teaching at King Abdullah University in Saudi Arabia or a professor at BYU? I would choose the BYU professor every time. Why? Because the BYU professor is looking at Islam objectively and isn't starting with the conclusion, Islam is God's true religion. And you can flip that too. A Muslim studying at King Abdullah University isn't going to consult a FAIR writer to get accurate information regarding BOM or Mormonism, rather he might take a US religions course offered at his school to get accurate information.
We're always really good at being objective when studying things that don't revolve around our own religious beliefs and identifying flaws of other religions. I'm sure any returned missionary could quickly point out in a few minutes why the Catholic church never truly received the baton to carry on Christ's legacy. The church wasn't founded on Peter but on the keys of the priesthood, which were lost with the demise of the apostles.
Joseph Sonners Tell me... where did the Inca's go? Who were before the Inca's? What of the Mayan's? Who were before the Mayan's?
The Book of Mormon lands are in South America!
After the dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland Temple, singing and administration of the Lords Supper, Don Carlos Smith and President Cowdery arouse and bore their testimonies.
President Frederick G. Williams then arose and testified that while President Rigdon was making his first prayer an angel entered the window and took his seat between Father Smith and himself and remained there during the prayer.
Heber C. Kimball related it thus: "During the ceremonies of the dedication an angel appeared and sat near Joseph Smith Sen., and Frederick G. Williams, so that they had a fair view of his person. He was tall, had black eyes and white hair and stooped shoulders and his garment was whole, extending to near his ankles, on his feet he had sandals. He was sent as a messenger to accept of the dedication.
Frederick G Williams had in his pocket a piece of paper which he carried to take notes on. On this he wrote in pencil: "John the Beloved"--then a space followed and a few lines written in another language.
A large space followed and then at the bottom of the page
he wrote the following revelation:
"The course that Lehi traveled from the city of Jerusalem to the place where he and his family took ship:
They traveled nearly south, southeast direction until they came to the nineteenth degree of north latitude.
Then nearly east to the Sea of Arabia;
then south, southeast direction
and landed on the continent of South America in Chili,
thirty degrees south latitude."
Llamas and Alpaca's which were two animals in South America.. were not know to Joseph Smith in 1829. If you look in the Websters Dictionary in 1829.. you will not find either word. The Lord however.. did have a word for them.... cureloms and cumoms. And if you read what the Book of Mormon has to say about the cureloms and cumoms.. you will find this:
"And they also had horses, and asses, and there were elephants and cureloms and cumoms; all of which were useful unto man, and more especially the elephants and cureloms and cumoms."
Elephants are GREAT pack animals.. so are llamas and alpacas. And to compare a llama and alpaca to an elephant as an animals which were useful unto man.. is spot on!
You want to know more about the Book of Mormon lands in South America. Let me know.. and I will fill your brain with so much facts and information that it will make your head swim. If that is all you need to make the Book of Mormon true.... write me. However... The Bible already has what you are seeking for in the Book of Mormon.. and yet... the world has yet to be converted. Sad.. eh?
Mr Nirom Any question you have regarding the Inca I would refer you to the wikipedia page. Regarding their origin they probably came over from Asia through the Bering Strait, over the course of around 10,000 years. They most likely died out from disease and inquisition brought upon them by the Spaniards. I read the other posts, but I'll be honest I didn't read most of yours. A lot of it is just non-sequitur nonsense that is immaterial to a discussion about evidence. Your attempts to explain away a lack of horses and elephants in the time period that the BOM takes place..I'm sorry I can't take it seriously. Any explanation I give regarding the need for those animals to exist in BOM time period will surely fall on deaf ears with you. I'm not talking about the bible. If you want to have a discussion let's talk about one thing at a time please. If there were hundreds of thousands of steel swords why can't we find one? Steel doesn't disappear over the course of 1,500 years even in the most humid and tropic of environments. I'm willing to go through each one of your "facts" gladly. If you don't address my questions I will cease to respond.
I joined the Church in 1970 and since then have read the Book of Mormon 81 times. The well never runs dry. Thanks for a great video.
Congratulations. You accepted Mormonism 8 years before black people were allowed to... -_-"
Garry Wilmore He didn't join too long before you. Actually, it was the mid-1960's which isn't surprising as it was during the time of the civil rights movement. The Genesis group was created specifically for African-American groups of that time. I'd assume that's because they probably weren't well received by the Mormon church, especially in the more traditional ones. It temporarily disbanded after the 1978 announcement that basically said "god coincidentally changed his mind all of a sudden, we guess black people can be granted priesthood after-all. Sorry for the inconvenience after all these decades."
That doesn't change the fact that some Mormons seem to believe that their skin will turn white when they get to heaven since white skin is still considered "more godly" for whatever reason. Don't know if that's every Mormon today, but that doesn't change the fact that racist values were still being taught by the early Mormon church.
***** That cleared up quite a bit for me on the topic of Mormonism and racism. It's kind of what I suspected: the Book of Mormon taught racism, which the LDS church stopped doing at some point due to the idea becoming less popular.
Garry Wilmore Now try reading the Bible once! Seek the truth and not the false teachings of the LDS...
JesusEternal This is what makes me so sad that the LDS actually do believe that and then in the next breath say the feel closer to Jesus but never knew Him! So so Sad!!
I love the Book of Mormon. The book has changed my life. I have gotten away from reading it lately. Watching this video rekindles my love for the Book of Mormon and reminds me how much it has changed my life. Although I grew up in the Mormon faith we rarely went to church growing up and I knew little about my faith or what I believed in. Jr High and HS were particularly difficult years. I was bullied and felt alone. I struggled with who is God and does He love me and what is His plan? Late my junior year I changed high schools. Life became better. But God had something special planned for me. It was my senior year in HS I met some great friends that changed the direction of my life forever! I started to go to church and for the first time learned about my faith. And for the first time in my life I read the Book of Mormon. It changed my life! For the first time I felt peace and a purpose in my life; that God loved me. And that HE sent his son Jesus Christ for me! I remember learning for the first time about the purpose of life, where we came from and happens after we die and the Holy Ghost impressing these truths in my mind and heart and OH WHAT JOY I FOUND! After many struggles and trial at 21 I finally was able to be called to serve a mission to Guatemala and share my love of the Book of Mormon and my testimony of Jesus Christ. It was during my mission that my testimony was cemented for life. I witnessed so many miracles that I can't deny. I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON! I wish all my friends, family both those of my faith and those who aren't to read this life changing book and witness how their faith, love and knowledge will grow that Jesus Christ is OUR Savior, that he died for each and every one of us. And that their is a GREAT PLAN OF HAPPINESS.
LDS doctrine teaches of a created God. This is not biblical. Read Isaiah 43:10 for reference.
www.utlm.org is excellent resource about LDS Church History and Doctrine.
I will be ever grateful that I took the time to listen and learn about the Book of Mormon. You have nothing to lose by learning more about this book, and you have everything to gain. God bless you.
As a teenager I read the Book of Mormon casually at first, then seriously and with purpose. Did God really speak to more than one nation? Did He care about making sure His other children had knowledge of Him? I prayed to God, our Heavenly Father to ask Him (not missionaries, not my friends, not anyone else) if the Book of Mormon really was a book of scripture to be used with the Holy Bible as God's revealed Word to His children. I received an answer. I cannot ever forget the overwhelming Peace, the warmth, the knowledge that it IS scripture. I felt my Savior, Jesus Christ's overwhelming Love fill my heart, fill my whole being. I knew then and I know NOW, that the Book of Mormon is true. It has changed my whole life for the better. I am a strong, intelligent, and educated woman, and I know that I am a Daughter of God.
Oh how I love this book. Reading, studying, pondering and praying about it's message has filled me with greater love for my Savior, those closest to me and for all mankind. Nothing has brought greater joy, peace or direction to my life. I am forever grateful for this gift.
I love the truths stated in this video! I love The Book of Mormon! This gospel brings me so much joy and happiness! There is POWER in this book that is only found through reading its pages with FAITH, nothing wavering.
I was an Atheist. Then I actually picked up the book to prove it was false. I felt so happy reading it. Then I prayed. I tried reasoning with myself. That there is just no way it could be true my family was just crazy. In 118 days I'm going to go spread the good news to the people of Belgium! God's Not Dead. He's called prophets to guide us . P.s the book is always better than the play.
lol yeah I'm sure you were a well informed atheist.
+MrAtheist Delusion
Says the person sad enough to set up a a troll account lol
"Was was atheist, I picked up to prove it false"
+Jaimie Maughan HAHA Nice try to convince us..... Actually really bad try.
MrAtheist Delusion including the bits about native Americans having technology that no archaeologists has ever found any evidence for? lol
I'm a happier person for reading the Book of Mormon. That is enough to make it important for me. I think all of us are looking for more good in our lives, less contention and heartache, and more peace. The answers to finding that are in the Book of Mormon and you really have to just read it to find them. It's simple and it's real. Thanks for sharing this video!
Chelsea Borup - Thanks for your nice comment!
I read the book of porn and it makes me happy. So must be reason enough. What a silly argument, it has nothing to do with feeling, but everything to do with facts. If God gives a everlasting covenant, than I sure would hope he would never break it, because than He wouldn't be God. Read D&C 134:4 this should make run as fast as you can from the LDS religion. In fact read all of D&C 132 unless your a fundamentalist, your doomed. You should follow Jesus the only one who can call you out of the grave, He is fully God and fully Man, and there is no other way to God but thru Jesus and what he did at Calvery. You can never be good enough or do enough to get to Heaven based on your good works, because your as screwed up as me and everyone on this planet. John 3:16-17 sums up all you need to know, just believe in Jesus and what he did for you and me and receive the FREE give of eternal life. In verse 17 He didn't come to condemn the world but to save it. You see he's not made at us, He just wants us to be with Him for ever, but many will choose not to accept or believe. As the scriptures say, choose you this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Not a man, but Jesus the Christ! There is only ONE God, James 2:18-19, Christ was before the beginning of the world 1Peter 1:19-20, run from religion, and run to a relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, there is no other name under Heaven in which you maybe saved. Christ said to Peter, upon THIS ROCK I will build my church, and the gates of hell WILL NOT prevail against it. Satin could not stop the church from going forward, and nor will he ever.
Billy Bob Thornton
Visted Later Day Saint Church in my City Chennai India few months back.,
One of President Jones Jayakumar gave me good counseling for my problem and thought me to thank God first also thought me how to pray. He gave me this book and ask me to read, being Hindu having difficulty in understanding the book but keep reading when ever possible and I can realize changes in my life waiting for a miracle in my life and sure very soon my testimony with you guys
The Book of Mormon is an amazing book! Through it I have been inspired to become a better Christian. Because of it, I know that God loves His children all over the world. He didn't just send prophets to the Holy Land. He sent prophets to other areas of the world so that the people there could also know of Christ. This book is evidence that God loves His children everywhere and that Jesus is the Christ.
When I was 14 with an extreme learning disAbility I could not read but when I first saw the book a voice came to my mind and said "this book is true." I had no idea what the book was but I immediately tried to read it and by the time I got done with the book I could read... thanks to the Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost. My testimony if firm that that Book of Mormon is true, Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God, and Jesus is the Christ. On a side note Lehi and is family did not sail toward Australia they sailed toward the horn of Africa and up the Atlantic to N. America. The currents and winds will take you to N. American but the other way toward Austrailia, then acrossing the Pacific, and on to South America... is against the winds, against the currents, and they would not had enough food to cross the largest Ocean on the planet. Members of the church need to stop giving out wrong info related to Lehi's sea voyage.
The path that Lehi and his family took across the sea does not really matter, nor does anyone know the exact path. What does matter is the messages written in the Book of Mormon.
Laws change at different times, in the Old Testament, there was plural marriage and it was allowed by God. Later, plural marriage was not allowed by God. The verses in Jacob that you put up are saying that the plural marriages that David and Solomon participated in was abominable because those marriages were not approved by God. In verse 27, Jacob is talking directly to the Nephites, he says "Wherefore, my brethren, hear me"
Nowhere does it say that Joseph had 30-40 wives. The link you provided says the exact number of wives is not known, but a majority of them were between 20 and 40 years of age. In that time, getting married mid teens was legal and some women did it.
We do read our scriptures, and we do obey God's commandments given to us through the Prophets.
bucksnort2 I think the path does matter. For if you know the path.. then you know where the lands are.
If it does not matter why show Lehi traveling the path that is least likely to take. As a sailor I know the route many land lock Utah's give is simply a lazy way to look at it. Why not think it through more... why would Lehi travel several several thousand miles more via the route they show, against currents, and wind systems... the answer is simple they did not. The Atlantic route is literally a conveyor belt to North America. And I agree with Mr. Nirom as it helps you to know where the true Book of Mormon lands are. Does it matter related to our testimony not really, but it does help us to have a clearer view of the history, etc. of the BoM.
For reading disability, check out this book - Amazingly easy to read content of Book of Mormon on 7th to 8th grade level, but no watered down! amzn.to/1ApRvlX
This book changed my life. it gave me hope and taught me what love is.
The Book of Mormon is amazing. It's truly another Testament of Jesus Christ. My advice is to sincerely read it and pray whether it's true.
When I'm done reading, to whom should I pray?
Veronica Read the last chapter, or the introduction. It will tell you.
Kirby Keller How do I know that "God, the Eternal Father" it's asking me to pray to actually exists? How do I know it's not a fake god? How do I know for sure that it's not Satan?
1) You didn't answer my question.
2) To believe that God, not Satan, created heaven or to believe that there even is a heaven/god in the first place, one must base it on something. What do you base this belief on?
***** That doesn't answer my original question. Perhaps I should have left Satan out of this. Let me rephrase: How do I know that the god presented in the Book of Mormon is the one, true, eternal God and not some other god?
This was beautiful! Thank you! And Thank you Gary Williams for your comments. The Book of Mormon along with the Old and New Testament have had a powerful impact on my life and helped me to come closer to Jesus Christ. I'm not going to split hairs over a Turkey or a cocoa bean.
Wow this is so powerful. I have just suddenly remembered my time in my mission, we flooded the Hong Kong with tons of copies of the Book of Mormon.
Wow! Wow! As a convert to the church 39 years ago, I can tell you that many church produced films don't always reach a non-members questions. This film is excellent, and very understandable and relevant to those questions. Excellent, thank you for making this.
A great video thanks for pulling this together. I will also share my knowledge that I read the Book of Mormon and have asked God if it is true and have felt the warm assurance that it is his word. God has reached out to his children through prophets and continues to do so today. I hope this video has a strong success and is widely shared and because of it more people come to Christ through it's pages.
Really love this video. It is an awesome, well-done, and thorough explanation of what the Book of Mormon is and where it comes from. That book has changed my life and driven me to do more good and be better than any other I have read. I certainly invite everyone to read it.
Matthew Bloomfield ź
Love this video...love what this Book has brought to my life. I have lived without this book and with it...and I have only gotten closer to my Savior since it was brought into my life! I have seen of it's fruits and those fruits are undeniable!
I'm so thankful for this book and how my relationship with Jesus Christ has been strengthened through reading it. Thanks for all that went in to making this!
But it is not the real Jesus Christ you are believing.
The Book of Mormon is disruptive.We need that today. It is such a gem. I have read it cover to cover many times and will read it again, because I love how I feel when I read it. The whole idea of God restoring his Church and priesthood and gospel to the earth causes some to squirm, but I love it. I have witnessed it make bad men good and good men better. EVERYONE needs to read it, and ponder its precepts.
+tyndale25 Thanks for you comment :)
+kysonkiddmusic Absolutely. Yours as well. I absolutely love this book and the power it has to convert souls to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the gospel of the restoration.
This is a great answer to the question, "What is the Book Of Mormon?" This is also a must see video. It is so well done.
Thank you so much for making this! I want to bear my testimony to everyone out there that I know that Christ lives. I know he suffered and died for us that we, like him, could live again and be free. I know that the book of Mormon, like the bible, is the word of god. I have found such hope and understanding from this wonderful testament of Christ, and I invite everyone to watch this video and read the book of Mormon for themselves. With love and friendship.
Thank you for the time and work that went into putting this together. The message contained in this video is incredible. I only wish people would stop and view this, and then go to the source, the book of Mormon to find out for themselves that God does love all his children, and one way he is reaching out to us in these days is through his written word, but specially through the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ. Thank you again.
so what does the Book of Mormon "testify" about Jesus Christ that we didn't already know ?
- you make it sound important...
I Love the Book of Mormon! The impact it has had on millions upon millions for almost 200 years is evidence enough of it's validity.
That book has taught me what it means to be a Disciple of Jesus
Longevity + popularity + emotional effect ≠ truth
If you haven't performed an exhaustive study of all the data then you faith is weak. By weak I mean you are susceptible and vulnerable. you must build a faith fortress . The only way to accomplish that is brick by tedious book... er...brick.
ya feel me?
YAAAAAA brotha! Hallelujah! Everybody say glory
I love how simply this explains the Book of Mormon.
Love that video! :D
I will watch it but seminary just started 😂
I forgot how much I love this!
GREAT video guys! Keep up the good work! The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear; till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, because I have read it, and The Holy Ghost spoke to my heart and told me that it was so. The Book of Mormon has changed my life, and I've never been happier than when I find myself reading from it and applying what Jesus Christ taught in my life.
As an ex-Mormon, the beginning words say, "The Bible and the Book of Mormon compliment each other".... NO, they do not. You cannot believe in the Book of Mormon and the Bible. Unfortunately, Mormons have a way around this "As Long as it is translated Correctly", however they do not say which Bible is translated correctly. I am now a born again Christian and know that there is only 1 God which the Bible teaches. Mormons are such wonderful people, and I live in a community that is predominately LDS here in Utah, but the Bible and the book of Mormon are contrary to one another. I just wish my Mormon friends can be saved.
there is no current perfect translation of the bible. I think the Book of Mormon and modern prophets are meant to fill in the missing gaps.
Thank you for being a missionary out of the mission. It is a motivation for me to do better and to share the truth with all our brothers and sisters.
This video is legit!!! Thanks so much for making it!
Briannon Overfield
The video is legit, but the BOM is not.
Hey Angus, are you LDS? Maybe you can answer something for me. This is a longstanding question I've had.
When a fundamentalist Mormon receives a spiritual witness by reading the Book of Mormon, and praying to the Father in the name of the Son, and receives a spiritual confirmation that Warren Jeffs is the living prophet of God, and that the FLDS Church is God's true church on the earth today, how do you know whose spiritual witness is true? That's what I don't get. I assume they're just as honest seekers of truth as you.
I just wonder how you know whose spiritual witness is true when they're both based on the same thing but give such different answers.
Fundamentalists pray to know if it's true, just like you, but God gives them a completely different answer. I was just wondering how you know who's being deceived, and whose testimony is true.
Fundamentalists follow D&C 9:8-9 and pray about it just like you, and receive a spiritual witness that Warren Jeffs is God's living prophet for today, and that the FLDS Church is the only true church on earth, and that the LDS Church is in apostasy. They say you lack authority, and God gives them spiritual confirmation -- a burning in the bosom -- so they know it's true.
Ask any fundamentalist you like. They will all tell you the same thing: The BOM is true, Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, and your church -- the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- is in apostasy. They pray to know if it's true, the same as you, and get a spiritual confirmation from God that Warren Jeffs is God's living prophet on earth today.
You still haven't answered the crucial question: How do you know whose burning in the bosom is true?
Finally, which part of the inforgraphic do you think is untrue? We have the numbers on Warren Jeffs, and now we have the numbers on Joseph Smith too. Check out the new official Church essay on LDS.org on polygamy in Kirtland and Nauvoo. It's all true.
On a related note, how come the Bible has maps, but the Book of Mormon does not? Even the LDS King James Version has maps, but for some reason the BOM does not. Why is that?
Great video. I don't know where I would b without the Book of Mormon.
you'ld prob be in a Christian Church
I love this video. Thank you for sharing your testimony and the testimonies of many others of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon as another testament of Jesus Christ.
I just wanted to say kudos to all of those involved in making this video! You did a great job of condensing what the Book of Mormon is about and why it is important. It was well made and I felt the Holy Ghost strongly while watching it. I will definitely be sharing it with all of my friends. Excellent work!
I'm a 15 year old girl and I believe this book is true and have a strong feeling to everyone who disbelieve in this book. Why did the dark ages suddenly ended after Joseph Smith restored the gospel, and how we invented new ideas. I tell you why because the priesthood is restored and in the dark ages we call that the great apostasy, it makes me sad to know what those times were like but I'm glad I have the gospel in my own life. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Love the video, as a convert to the church In adulthood I know that no one can dispute the feelings and truthfulness delivered to oneself from a loving Heavenly Father. I was scared to read, pray and ask. Most are, and more do of the answer they will receive But I did and I received the answer promptly (I know it's not like that for everyone but it was for me.) It was so strong, I remember it still as vividly as the day it happened. Many can try and pull away by trying to dispute about language, their interpretation of what they think the BOM is or other "facts". But I urge any and all to honestly pray to Heavenly Father (whom no matter what religion/belief you are hears and will answer you. He is our Father he loves each of us and his son Jesus Christ is our savior. The Book of Mormon is another collection of testimonies and personal accounts that confirm his life and teachings. Pray for yourself...seek your own answers... #daretostandalone
I LOVE THIS! My sincere compliments and appreciation to the producers!
I love the critics of this Sacred Text of True Scripture.... they just strengthen my Testimony of its Truthfulness all the more.
Opposition in ALL things
Thank you. I love the Book of Mormon!
Wonderful video! So much good comes from that book to the lives of so many, mine included!
This video made me want to go read the Book of Mormon right away. :)
Beautifully done! Very insightful and clear. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for this video it clarified SO many things
The Book of Mormon is true!!!! I'm so grateful for this book!
It is another testament of Jesus Christ, a great book for ALL Christians.
Great job on explaining what the Book of Mormon is! :)
Great video! It was cool to See President Ross Baron, he was my past stake president. Is the project based out of Rexburg or another place? Good job and keep it going.
Yes, this was produced by three students at BYU-Idaho. Thank you for your positive comment!
The Book of Mormon Project - Would it be ok if I uploaded this video to my channel as well?
+Sandy Bosey I'm sorry you feel that way. It's important when reading the Book of Mormon to understand the context of why those things happen.
+Benjamin Brown don't apologize for the way other people feel. You just sound condescending.
You need to take responsibility for the narrative you stand behind. the only way to do that is by an exhaustive study of all the data. Not just the correlated data contrived by the corporate church. If you say you believe in this, and haven't done the due diligence then I'm afraid your faith is weak.
Do yourself a favor and set the scriptures down for a minute and read some history.
Thanks for the suggestion. I am actually a student and enjoy reading and watching about historical events. I believe the Book of Mormon is true along with the other teachings of Jesus Christ. I think it's ok to feel sorrow for someone else when they misunderstand something important to me and many others.
I am a bible-believing Christian I love in reference to Bible The Book of Mormon however has transformed my life it is made a big difference it has been a big comfort I must say this I know it is true I know it is a companion to the Bible and it supports it I just tried to the truth of it in the name of Jesus Christ
Great job. I absolutely love this!!!
You did a great job explaining the Book Of Mormon!!!👍👍👍
Great video! I can definitely feel the spirit in this message!
What I get from this video is, that they're trying to display people being brought together through a 'holy book.' Nonetheless, you don't need religion to bring different cultures together. I would argue that we need reasoning to be secular, rather than rely on holy books that claim they know the origin of the universe and our species. Be a critical thinker about things like this don't let yourself be brainwashed.
Humans don't need to gather together in a draconian cult-like fashion at all really. If it's comfortable for believers to do so that's okay. But when people support guilt tripping their kids into doing it I feel sick to my stomach.
MrAtheist Delusion Could you not project onto me? I really don't appreciate that. I don't think I am better than you. Remember what I said before? Everyone has the right to freedom of speech and expression. I can express distaste for you religious beliefs, and you can express distaste for my distaste. You seem to really badly want to villainize me, but I just have a different viewpoint. Sorry if you are allergic to different thoughts or something. Thats a big problem on college campuses these days...
+Shogo Wreck-ishima (Nate) 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
MrAtheist Delusion Tell me, do you believe in the colored Jesus, or the desert snowflake Jesus?
I read it and know the Book of Mormon to be the word of God!
How do you know?
Following months of searching and prayer, I was asking God for an answer and received direct revelation that it is his word and his church. With great trepidation, not having confidence i could live up to the Lord's expectations of me, I asked to be baptised and have never regretted my decision. I have been blessed in so many ways since finding the LDS faith.
What does "direct revelation" mean?
I know for my self that the Book of Mormon teaches pure truths of God. This book has caused me to have a stronger belief in Jesus Christ. I now better understand his mission and purpose for all men and women. Read it!
Sweet video! It was super interesting, and very clear. Also, the music was awesome! I wish every religion would do something like this!
I'm not LDS but I am almost finished reading The Book of Mormon. I have enjoyed researching the LDS faith, as I have when learning about other faiths as well. I do have a strong conviction that Heavenly Father would want us all his children to be able to get married however. I also would like to be able to give preisthood blessings to my own children one day, which abilities are only given to men at this time. I like what I have learned about the LDS but I'm not willing to join when these practices are in place. And I'm okay with that! :)
Women receive the same blessings that the priesthood offers even though they don't hold the priesthood. My mother supports my father, who is a priesthood holder, and because of that support, my life is blessed with the priesthood. Unlike you, when I have my own kids, I want to lend the support my husband will need in order to bless my household with the gifts of the priesthood. It's a really beautiful system, and I hope that someday, you'll be able to see the true beauty of it.
***** I've never heard of that but it sounds like a very interesting concept, thanks for the heads up!
I LOVE this! Thank you for making it so easy to share these things with my friends who I love! Thank you!
I'll add to what has been said here that this book is true. Living according to the principles of the Gospel contained in both the Bible and Book of Mormon have brought me much happiness and peace. I know it is true and that it powerfully testifies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of the world.
Very powerful! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for this video. I know how reading the book impacted positively on my life and the lives of my family. Even those who could not resist the temptations of the world we live in cannot and have not denied how their belief in its truth remains in their hearts. They often say the body is weak but the mind continues to be very willing to not discount what it (studying and pondering principles found in the BOM) once witnessed to them - and which they firmly and undoubtedly knew - to be true. I just hope and pray, that if nothing else, people who don’t share our belief in this book, would just move on, follow what they believe, and just learn to not have so much hate in their hearts for people who are living good lives and who may have a different religion or belief system to theirs. If we claim to be Christians, then do as Jesus did ... Love one another, people. Peace!
Very well put together! I very much enjoyed this video.
I love this book and it's' message!
I love the Book of Mormon and I know by the Holy Ghost that it is true. Thank you for this great video!
You are a silly, deluded person. God is not real. Jesus is mythical. And above all, Joseph Smith was a liar, pedophle, traitor and General all-around criminal. He deserved to die.
I loved this video! I believe the Book of Mormon is an inspired work. If you read it you will see the good in it! If you are sincerely looking for truth. It is the word of God.
Robyn Pearson Thanks for sharing this video with me Robyn. The BoM is undeniably true even to God given common sense in those who know the heart of Christ would not leave out other inhabitants of this Earth to the fullness of His wonderful gospel. Have you seen these links before.....
God bless
Robyn Pearson Sorry, one link won't paste from National Geographic. here is the title....
"Great Surprise"-Native Americans Have West Eurasian Origins
Oldest human genome reveals less of an East Asian ancestry than thought.
By Brian Handwerk, National Geographic
PUBLISHED November 22, 2013
Well done, this is pure brilliance. I also testify that the Book of Mormon is true and invite all that see this video to read the book and pray to know of its truthfulness. Great video.
Michael Diamond How can you possibly testify to the truth of a book that has been refuted at every step of its creation? It wasn't even written by Joseph Smith who plagiarized it. To date, there is not a single archaeological find that supports any event in the BOM (or LDS dogma for that matter). Not one! The Christian bible has been challenged even longer and there has never been a archaeological find that refuted anything in the bible. The BOM and the Bible can both be wrong but they can't both be right.
Christians don't hate Mormons. You are victims of a false and corrupt theology. You need Christians to pray for your souls. I will not waste 3 seconds reading a false book pretending to be about my God. The book the Lord gave all who follow Him is sufficient in every way.
Just watched this again. So good. So so so good.
So powerful. So true!!
The Book of Mormon is truly another testament of Jesus Christ. So many plain and precious teachings have been lost over time and re-translations. The BOM shines light on those things (i.e. What is really going to happen in the after-life, how will we be judged, guidance in knowing without a doubt if something is good & true or bad, how do we draw closer to the precious gift Christ left us, the Holy Ghost, and how do we know it is him and not the adversary of all good, how do we pray, a greater understanding of the nature and will of God, what is the true meaning of life, and so much more). When I read the BOM and the Bible together I feel God's influence in both. The words ring out with truth. For years, I searched the Bible and often, I found myself confused because I knew there should be more. He wouldn't send his children to earth to have our character tested, and only give us with so little to go by. I would think. Then I found the BOM. It has the answers in it, and it fits with the character of the Bible perfectly. The only time we will know if something is truly right for us is to take the time to investigate it personally. Listening to others, viewing TH-cam videos or watching broadcasts will only tell you what other people believe or have been told. If you really want to know because you have a desire to know who our Heavenly Father really is, and want a better life for yourself and those you love, study it for yourself. I did, and I am happy to proclaim "I'm a Mormon".
i expected an objective explanation, not some emotional bullshit
I guess you'll have to read the Book and then ask God yourself?
Res Judicata a new prophet ? really ? in 1820 ?
the silence breaker I wouldn't have believed it myself if it were not true. I feel you on that. Again, it all comes back to the BOM that was translated by the prophet Joseph Smith, which I have studied and received confirmation from the Holy Spirit that it is true. You can receive the same. God bless.
+Res Judicata How many people have said " I have studied and received confirmation from the Holy Spirit that it is true" about their own respective denominations' tenants and been wrong?
What Church can trace its roots all the way back to Jesus' statements in Matthew 16:18-19, _" "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, _and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"_? This is the Catholic Church, which has unbroken priesthood and leadership all the way back to the Apostles.
Your thoughts?
The Spirit is strong with this one
This is a great video about what #TheBookofMormon is and why everyone should #pray to find out if it is true. Thanks for making it!
I love this video!!! I wish I could have seen it before I went on my mission so I could have had a better way to explain the Book of Mormon to the people I was teaching...
Great job on the video guys, love it! The Book of Mormon is true :)
Nothing in the Book of Mormon is true. Have you tried to answer the questions in the CES Letter? You can't because everything is literally made up.
Love this video! Simple message about what this book really is!
Stunning, worth the share
I think that many people miss the point of this video which is---read it and find out for yourself. None of us can live on borrowed anything, we have to learn the truth for ourselves. Many people can testify of the truth of this book, including me. We can help you understand it if you have questions, but as the video states, you must read it, pray about it, and have your own answer from God about it. If you will do these things with an open and sincere heart, you will have your answer. That is really all you need to know.
This was so well done!! wow!
amazing video! thank you so much for sharing! I'll be sharing this in my Sunday school lesson today. :)
Everyone, The Book of Mormon is True. Read it, Live it and Love it.
It will improve your life for the better.
Fantastic video! Yall should change the thumbnail that you see when you share it on other websites.
Pretty good video, and I am not even a Mormonistic gent
Such a great video! Great job! :)
Taking unfair advantage of the situation...
I'm in a store. Its kindof slow. The clerk seems nice. I'm here to make a purchase and get going
as soon as I can. No I'm not... I'm a Latter-Day Saint Son of God, who cares and seeks true happiness
for everyone. What if... I pull out my smart phone (its never far), open up my
"What is the Book of Mormon?" youtube video and slide forward to 1:00. Take a deep breath.
"Can I ask you a question Ive been challenged to ask someone each week?" Ive challenged myself 100 times.
"Ok, sure."
"What do you know about the Book of Mormon?"
"Nothing." He smiles.
"Would you be ok if I played this short youtube video which gives a short intro?"
"Ok." He glances over from his register.
I aim my phone at him, watching his reaction and the video together.
"Cool world map huh? Did you know that?" Lehi's ship voyage. Feeling the Spirit warming up.
Christ visit to America. "Did you know that?" Cool fade in isnt it?"(Moroni's image to Joseph Smith taking the plates).
This is the biggest news since the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Spirit is flame on now.
If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith is a Prophet. No objections or frowns from the clerk.
Ends with Moroni's promise God will answer you. The truth of God will go forth, sound in every ear.
"What did you think about that?"
"Very interesting."
"Would like to have a copy of that book to read yourself?"
"Yeah, ok."
Im back later to pick up my stuff. The clerk helps me load up.
"Its Kevin right? Kevin, here is the best tip you'll get today."
I hand him a BOM in a shopping bag with the youtube narrative typed, my testimony and email address.
"I'd love to hear your experience reading that book. Would you keep in touch?"
"Ok sure." He takes the bag with the BOM.
Wonderful! Im a servant of Jesus Christ!
A great job gents!! Congats!!
I love it
Making assertions about the Book of Mormon does not prove that it is true.
Let's take a look at the Modus Ponens argument made in this video at 2:57 :
If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith is a prophet.
The Book of Mormon is true.
Therefore, Joseph Smith is a prophet.
First of all, is the Book of Mormon true? If so, then it should be able to withstand scrutiny. The claims made in the BoM should be substantiated with facts. Does archaeology support it? If so, then the BoM is has more credibility. If not, then it is not true.
Has the BoM ever been corrected, changed, or altered? If it hasn't and there are no mistakes in it, then it is true. If it has been corrected, then the BoM is not the inspired word of God.
As a former Mormon (now saved believer in Jesus Christ) I have learned that Mormons are good at giving testimonies, but not good at supporting their own beliefs. They usually resort to the "I *know* that Joseph Smith was a prophet" kind of rhetoric. This is what they usually do when confronted with uncomfortable facts.
+formerevolutionist Joseph Smith was in CON man game before becoming a Prophet. Nine versions of first vision? Come on brain dead LDS. Hiding the polygamy card for how many years. Ok we know it's a fraud just by LDS actions. Funny they released photos of seer stones they secretly have been hiding in safe. Why because it shows there deception of how Jospeh claimed to have translated. CLEAR FRAUD!
+formerevolutionist Where in the BoM does it postulate the person who brings forth the book will be a prophet? It says clearly a seer will be brought forth, and that the ONLY work he will do is the book, nothing else. Smith proclaimed himself a prophet, him proclaiming that is different than God.
Prophets are called by God, and not by man.
I find it funny how you impose all these standards to the BoM that cannot be met by the Bible either.
***** I am using HIS argument. In the antecedent, "the BoM is true" we have a truth value. The statement is either true or false. If it is true AND the consequent logically follows the antecedent, then the consequent in this syllogism, "Joseph Smith is a prophet", is also true.
If the antecedent is false, then the consequent could still be true, but you need a true antecedent that logically supports the conclusion. It has already been established that the BoM is not true. Therefore we need some support for the claim that Joseph Smith was a prophet.
I firmly believe that Smith was a prophet, but not a true one. He was a false prophet whose teachings have been leading millions to hell. What is my support for this claim? First, let's look at the test of a prophet:
But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?
22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
Deuteronomy 18:20~22
Have any of Smith's prophecies ever failed? Look them all up and judge for yourself. Remember that if even ONE of his prophecies failed to come to pass, then he is a false prophet.
formerevolutionist And the thing you can't seem to come to realize is there's a stark difference between what Joe wrote (D&C) and what he *dictated* (BoM).
You might want to "firmly believe" he was a prophet, but the fact of the matter is that he wasn't. He was a seer.
" 8 And I will give unto him a commandment that he shall do none other work, save the work which I shall command him."
Same verse the title "seer" is given over and over, never is the person who would bring forth the writings of the BoM regarded as a "prophet."
Sounds like you're more of like a defender of Joe than anything to be honest, unless we want to start debating whether or not God actually commissioned Joe to write D&C which has a litany of passages that directly contradict the BoM which he dictated.
Even though it says, THIS will be the only work he will be commanded to do.
You can try to argue it any way you'd like, but he's a seer, not a prophet. BoM says so.
E: Something I should point out, just because they'd like to argue in favor of him being a prophet doesn't make the point to be argued any more valid.
Because i'm not going to engage in dealing with arguments that are already false from the very beginning with "Joe" and "prophet" not belonging in the same sentence.
That argument itself is without merit when considering the validity of the book.
formerevolutionist 1
Love it, really great job! The Spirit is so sweet. Just let it in.
haylaebay - Amen!
The video makes reference to a record that was buried and later unearthed by Joseph Smith. It says that record was the source of the Book of Mormon. Where is that record today? Is it available for inspection?
nah dude, an angel took it back so no one could see it.
Good question. Take a look at the first few introductory pages of the Book of Mormon, and you'll find your answer. Link to the pages here:
Introduction: www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/introduction?lang=eng
Testimony of Three Witnesses: www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/three?lang=eng
Testimony of Joseph Smith: www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/js?lang=eng
Chase Sandler If you don't have the faith or willingness to as least try to believe what the Book of Mormon says, you will not believe this book is true even if God stands in front of you. All the Mormon do is to invite other to come unto Christ by reading the Book of Mormon and pray to ask God sincerely if this Book is true. God only shows his knowledge to those who are ready and willing to accept.
Awesome video! Nice work!
Really well done guys. Loved it!
I only need the Bible for my faith in God, If God wanted these words in the Bible, God would have included these accounts in his word. The bible is the inspired word of God and God provided us what we need. Too many people today think that if you can use something to glorify God, why not use it? WHY? Because God specifically laid out his plan for each and every one of us. OUR GOOD INTENTIONS ARE NOT ABOVE GOD'S WORD.
The Bible and Book of Mormon were written at the same time. The Book of Mormon was written by representatives of God in the Americas. They support each other. they do not contradict eachother.
Which bible? World wide there are over 5000 different Christian Bibles.
Kinda hard to borrow from a book that someone had not read from cover to cover.
Peter Piper Are there not sections in the bible that repeat one another? I can tell you right now there are sections in the bible that are mistranslated.
LuLu6214 No, there's only *one* Bible.
There are thousands of different languages, though. And some (like English) have differing dialects and manners of speech, which is why we have KJV, NIV, etc.
The Book of Mormon has had hundreds of changes and revisions since 1830.
I grew up in the Mormon Church. I was taught in seminary that Joseph Smith was told by an angel that the entire Christian Religion had become corrupted and fallen from the truth. That Joseph was to restore the Gospel of Christ. I was told that the Angel Moroni gave Joseph Golden plates and a seer stone to translate the picto-gliffs into english. I was told that Joseph placed the stone in a hat then held the hat over the golden plates as he did so he placed his face into the hat and then in the darkness the stone glowed. As it glowed with the power of Gods spirit it illuminated each letter, dot, and title. Joseph called out these to Oliver Cowdery who wrote down the character. I was told that the symbol would not change until Oliver had written it correctly. This is how the most perfect book ever written was made. It was published in 1830 not once but twice. Since then if you count only word changes the book has undergone almost 4000 changes. Just one change would make Joseph and Oliver LIARS. But 4000? Whole sentences and paragraphs deleted. New sentences and paragraphs added. When confronting elders of the church and family members I am told to just pray and you will feel the burning in your heart. To which I took their advice and prayed. I did feel a burning in my heart. I have felt it before. I was burning mad with anger. Joseph and the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints has conspired to rob people of their true salvation through Jesus. The mesiah who died on the cross for all of us. The Gospel has never been lost. Over 50,000 ancient manuscripts of both the old and the new testament prove this out. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No one can come to know God but through him. The LDS church is not the stairway to heaven. Joseph Smith was either mislead by the father of lies or was possessed by him.
Really recently i was told that christopher columbus vs joe smith were bargsining chips while identifying with thanksgiving day
You see there were supposedly many problems with witchcraft native americans civilization torture and more in the days of christopher columbus now with joe smith at the helm a mormon vs puritan in other words led mankind as well as mormons away from these awful things that had been happening to make life seem enjoyable and not like a voyuer amongst criminals as well as justice
To me leaving orlando fl. Is similar it seems to be an aspiring meltingpot for bums and thugs that didnt get attention in new york or las vegas leaving a state of mimicry to implode
01:51 My friend, the credibility of the rest of this video is already in question; I could remind you about the Bible's admonishment against adding to scripture.
Can you explain why all the continents exist in their current form.......except that there's *no Antarctica*??? Are you telling us Lehi sailed straight through a watery South Pole?
And there were no penguins?
Haha a friend made that graphic for us and forgot to put Antarctica in it. We were on a big time crunch and didn't have time to fix it. Please don't discredit the Book of Mormon because of a mistake on our part. The Bible does talk about adding scripture but when that scripture was written the Bible didn't even exist and chronologically speaking there were other things from the Bible that were written after that verse.
The Book of Mormon Project So, which way did Lehi go?
North? South?
In outer space and come back down?
The main reason the Book of Mormon is already discredited is because archaeologists have exhausted all means to find evidence of these stories of battles in the New World, to no avail. That, on top of DNA proving that Lamanites are not predecessors to Indians, or however the story goes. And also tapirs, chariots, horses, steel, etc.
pk26pk26 Many people have guesses of which way Lehi went but nobody knows for sure and frankly it doesn't really matter. As far as proof goes, if there was DNA proof and they found chariots horses and steel would you then believe The Book of Mormon was true? There is plenty of proof that it is true (for example Chiasmus's) and plenty of proof that it is not true. Which makes it so hard to know if it's true based on what man say. For this reason we invite people to pray and ask God if the Book of Mormon is true.
The Book of Mormon Project I'd say it does matter where he went as it would give more of an idea of where to look for evidence. Something that you don't have enough of to prove the Book of Mormon to be true. You'd think that it would be easier to find evidence of the events in the Book of Mormon, yet we have so little to prove it to be true. Unless Joseph Smith was just using the Mormons for his own personal gain like history shows.
pk26pk26 ...hello, the fact that you have viewed this, and have questions about it's authenticity is a sign that something about the Book of Mormon has a familiar feeling and message. The fact is, this world is full of messages some good and some bad, in fact the Bible says...that there is a being in this world described as the "Prince of the power of the Air" (ephesians 2;2) which I believe sends messages to confuse and misguide people. If you have questions, there is a simple formula I learned for my self, independent of anything else:1. Read the Book of Mormon, sincerely meaning with a desire to know its authenticity
2. once you have read it, kneel in prayer and ask God if the Book of Mormon is true.
I don't know how your answer will come, but it will come, it will not come in a similar way as it did to me, but it will come in a way that you will understand and will know independent of anyone else.
Best of luck in your search for truth.
God is everywhere. I love god the father and Jesus Christ our savior . He is amazing.
Joseph Smith: As man is, God once was. As God is, man may become
The Bible: Isaiah 43:10- "Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me. Isaiah 44:6- I am the first and the last, and there is no God besides me. Isaiah 45:22- Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God and there is no other.---- The Bible does NOT support the Book of Mormon. Jesus is the incarnate creator of heaven and earth, not Satans spirit brother. Feel free to check out the "Mormonism" playlist on my TH-cam page.
and books were opened "joint heirs with christ" " let this mind be in you, as it was in christ jesus (forgive my lack of memory) who thought it not equal to become like God" also I've never heard of a child who never had the potential to grow up and be like his father, what father wouldn't want that?
@Jim Caponzi there's not much to gain in destroying The Church of Jesus Christ, just because you don't trust in or like Joseph Smith. Catholicism and other denominations are already imperfect or corrupt anyway. There's nothing better or more reliable to fall back on after destroying The Church of Jesus Christ. Also, those Isaiah scriptures just mean that you can't become a father to your own father or a child to your own children or atone for your own sins despite repenting of your own sins.
Excellent. I was a little uncomfortable clicking on this, thinking it would be just one more lie, contrived to keep us from our Father’s love. It is amazing how one ray of truth (light) can dispel all of the lies. I can FEEL the truth of this, as I expect you can also.
Read it, prayed about it, researched it, concluded it's 19th C fiction. The aping of the King James Bible really seals the deal against its possible veracity.
I'm in this! 😊#proudtobeamormon #lds