Thanks for sharing, I haven't tested for myself yet... Can I selected multiple files at One time and can these be sent to someone without a gmail account? Would they have to sign up to gain access to the files? I do handyman contract work and send send estimates (pdf) and photos. I need them to access, view and approve.
Hello there i just saw a video on how convert a mac to pc my question if i buy a solid state drive how do i download windows 10 on it or doest it come it thanks
when you go into your docs drive and see all the docs you created , the document has a title, then below it it has three dashes, then next to that it has the symbol with two peoples head and shoulders what does that symbol mean?
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Thanks for sharing, I haven't tested for myself yet... Can I selected multiple files at One time and can these be sent to someone without a gmail account? Would they have to sign up to gain access to the files? I do handyman contract work and send send estimates (pdf) and photos. I need them to access, view and approve.
Hello there i just saw a video on how convert a mac to pc my question if i buy a solid state drive how do i download windows 10 on it or doest it come it thanks
when you go into your docs drive and see all the docs you created , the document has a title, then below it it has three dashes, then next to that it has the symbol with two peoples head and shoulders what does that symbol mean?