Well, at least the HE won't stun you, and it would be even better if the damage from the splash is further reduced when your tank stay afar from the splash. So, how much would it deal to you? Below 200 is acceptable imo.
just imagine this tank but with like 2m splash, higher accuracy and a longer aim time and you have what Chems wanted, which would be an INFINITY better than current aids arty
>It's not like the game itself made like this, we can fix it!1! Lesta is doing so much good stuff lately am I right guys?? Game became so much more skill oriented after the flame tanks and 600 damage by shooting silhouette, and now artillery shoots you and you can't do nothing about it! No one says it because it would be too obvious at that point that they're just love seeing big numbers on screen and loud noises from big guns.
Chems, the name is 261 v4 because the 261 is actually the "SPG" version of the 260 (IS7) Object 260 IS the IS-7, just an early prototype. Like how Object 252u is actually the IS-6, but an upgraded form So IS-7 (object 260) makes two SPGs, object 261 and object 263. Anyway yeah, the name DOES make sense for once. Wowzers
Oh, well just by visually looking the 261 doesn’t look like the 260, even if the hull is backwards with a case mate. That’s all I went off of though nothing historical
@chems yeah, it's a bit weird that the 261/263 hulls only really share tracks with the is7/260, while other spgs based on the KV, IS and German shit usually share a lot more with their base model
@@NetherPrime yeah... imo any kind of indirect fire doesn't belong and cannot work in wot. It will always be toxic, I'd rather have arties using smokes rounds/spotting rounds etc... or being straight up glorified td's than whatever this cancer is.
^ Simple proof that no change will make everyone (anyone?) happy, and a change done with the best of intentions (or else WG just wants to troll hull down heavy drivers) will still end up in all these "I have huge dick but also I cry like a bitch everytime someone scrapes the paint on my tank" types losing their proverbial shit because they can't just plough forward with 100% gold load and win every game... That being said, this thing is ridiculous. And as a Bishop/original SU-26/FV-304 enthusiast, I would play this because I love Ruskie SPG/heavy TDs, but also because it would probably be the most effective salt mining vehicle in the game. This tank is pretty much an ISU-152/Obj 268 (which are both SPGs in the real world and were entirely capable of indirect fire) except with better armour and a salt to weight ratio that puts the Dead Sea to shame... Bring it on, I want to play this on the SEA server, I'm pretty sure I can piss off enough Asians to get a minor world war going.
I am waiting WG give us the EBR arty, 80 km/h, 50% camo, 380mm mortar gun with 1.9k HE alpha and 300mm penetration with 0.18 accuracy, has a turret and has wheels that absorb damage for no reason.
Some months ago I heard someone else mention that this tank was in testing. and i recall he said basically: "You know how annoying it is that artillery can hit you from the back of the map and you can't do anything about it? Imagine them hitting you from 200m away and you STILL can't do anything about it." As well as "It fires in a very high arc. With current artillery, you can hide behind objects or buildings so it can't hit you. But how do you hide from "UP?"" Anyway. It actually reminds me of the Bishop, British SPG, because of the same tactic of parking on an incline to get more gun elevation and range. It certainly has to get closer to the action to hit targets, so that should, at least, put it in a position where it can be located and attacked, should the tanks in front of it fall.
With the Bishop at least you're pretty much dead once they decide to push you, it's way too slow to retreat and a big cardboard target This thing though, lmao
I always wanted artillery to become a stratigic role like a general in battle, where artillery couldn't deal dmg but can use smoke shells to create a smoke wall to help people push and also arty abillity like the one you use in clan wars, never thought too much about it, but it would make arty players do what they always (not play the game) while not causing cancer every 30 seconds
imagine using smoke to cut the visibility of the back TDs and isolate the front line tanks from support xD. Sadly Wargayming feeds on suffering and frustration so no
@ No, I want every single sniping tank to be completely removed from the game and there to be only mediums and lights left. What a trash statement, smoke would actually make you rethink your position and add variety, especially for light and heavy tanks. Sniping TDs are already unplayable, you don't really play for most of the battle, instead you sit behind a bush and wait for someone to walk into your aiming circle while you scrolls memes on your phone
armored warfare has this sort of mechanic, you can fire smoke shells to blind/cover and a white phosporus shell for temporary area dmg (minuscule damage but its continuous for a set period of time, useful for say resetting cap zones)
fun fact, when they were trying to shell the Germans during D-Day, some of the older US battleships had to increase their range by partially flooding the ship so the list would give the guns more elevation
What am I getting wrong? This version of arty still hits you from the safety of cover without really having to risk itself… they have no stun but hey at least they have to use their keyboard? I’m not convinced in the slightest that this will do anything to solve the arty issue on LESTA, much less any server. As long as normal arty exists, the addition of Assault SPG is just a class that normies will play for shits and giggles. Normal arty players will continue to play normal arty because they don’t have to move, are at less risk, and don’t have to learn new positions.
It has maximum of 250 meters of effective range along with very slow projectile speed. Its far closer to the frontlines than one might think, and enemy quick push will spell doom for you.
@@GerMordenThe FV304 (I think) is the closest thing when it comes to SPG with a short range, even then I'm pretty sure it has around 400m for the range. So yeah, this thing needs to be way closer to even damage the enemy.
They ought to lower the targeted tank's engine horse power, rather than damage outright. Might be relevant in brawls, after the new equipment buffing tracks & repair times so much. Forcing 'hatches closed' effect (first person only while the effect is active) would complicated situational awareness and blind-stacking enough to complicate things.
Even if i dont agree with the "balance" lesta do in world of tanks, i have to admit im jealous of all the features they have add to the game... Starting from tanks like this one and flamethrowers, to enviorments like day and night in maps. Is like my perfect game would be the creative side of lesta + the balance and safe play of wargaming.
The biggest problem with removing all chat is that people cannot express their feelings to the enemy team, so they just end up being super turbo toxic to their own teammates. Which leads to more griefing, flaming, giving up because of being flamed, etc. Especially when WG are so hellbent on adding ever more frustrating elements to the game.
28:29 - He is impressed by your tank and says like: "what a fucking game of yours" or if we want to save the meaning: "you're a fucking good player". He's not happy, but he kinda liked it
28:30 not really, he said something like "holy fuсk, 261 is fuсking crushing it", but then he said "ппц" which means "пипец" and can be roughly translated as "that's messed up"
Most of the issues with arty was that you couldn't retaliate because they were on the other side of the map. Here you're very well in range of the enemy, it would take a team with at least half a brain to scout areas you're likely to be in, and it would require you to understand positioning and firing angles more.
This is actually the most engaging and fun to watch SPG video,also on the second replay its going high because it seems for some reason the reticle isnt on the tank itself and ignores the the tank as if it isnt there (notice the lack of red outline) and aims at the ground behind them
With this arty can hit target in cover with in it's range, while normal tank couldn't hit a thing out in the open outside of render distance even if the gun is still effective at that range. I don't like that, i think if the main balancing factor of this tank is range but with advantages comes with it, the opposite should be true too.
As a arty player ( not main I can use a keyboard) I can say that atlest from my (spg player) perspective this is fantastic, I always wanted a fv304 type line of arty were you have to control your range of engagement to perform at max effectiveness, its way more intresting then classic arty and it gives your enemy a chance to retaliate because you are not 700-1000 meters away but with in 400. Ofcurse how enjoyable it is on the receiving end is up to debate still.
Not sure if it’s in the live Lesta server or not now but there is a full assault arty tech tree line (the tier X is the non premium copy of the arty in the video) if you’re interested.
@@47-marcus95 well, there is a problem. To unlock that tree line you first have to get 7 upgradable tire X tanks, reset the progress on them to tier 6 and start over to get some kind of points that will unlock the tech tree. Or sth like that(i don't have 7 tier x tanks). So be ready to spend a few years on unlocking those
it's a step in the right direction. they just need to remove the armor, reduce the splash to a maximum of 12m, and allow you to swap between sniper and top down mode with G.
21:00 I'm gonna defend my favourite map here. The people in strong ridge position should be able to keep the good position they fought for, but also be able to be dug out by being out flanked (which the render distance and small map hugely limit the possibility) or by render the position irrelevant (like by capping). But yeah I highly agree on chems viewpoint of limited passage, and render distance decrease the importance to win another flank
I think maybe the artillery should have less penetration so that the heavy tanks can turn their front armor to counter the bombardment by angeling the the front towards the SPG. And maybe buff the sound detection skill to signal to if enemy SPG is aming at you or something idk. I would love to play something like this but is see that it could be a problem to play agenst on alot of maps.
i think this tank could 100% replace the current arty, but we would need better map design as you said, since heavys have nowhere else to go really. also the fact that it has limited range actually gives people the opportunity to fight it since its not on the other side of the map bombing you unspotted plus the slow shell travel time does give players the chance to dodge if they hear it coming
Acctually i really like the thought that went into that. Requires Arty to move and play the game a lot more active. The only thing they could change and still kinda keep it an arty is like Chems said. Add a Sniper mode but only for the AP or Heat shells and remove the Fire ark just for thouse kind of shells cause they really only should be for shotgun stuff. HE can keep the Ark so it still has all the arty capability. just with less range so you are i need of thinking were you go and when to leave.
I really like the idea of this class. While I think your SPG idea would be the perfect way to rebalance the artillery that is currently in the game, I think this kind of class of support vehicles is a good way to keep the mortar gameplay while not making it as toxic as the current SPGs
I think this thing is way more balanced because it can be engaged with more frequently, and players can play mindgames with the 261 user to make them miss their shots/do less damage with HE. The only thing I'd do is make it's armor not as strong when on level ground with it, but strong in a hulldown where it still has that weakspot from having to aim up. Other change could be to up the velocity a bit, but give it less splash radius, and keep the HEAT the same.
The problem with this tank is that there will only be certain spots on each map from where you can actually do something or affect the heavy flank and those spots will quickly become known and then you will have happy little lights and mediums coming for your ass every game.
As for the naming the is7's project name was obj 260. Variants usually got named with the next number like obj 252 and 253. Obj 260 was the is7 itself, 261 and 262 was the spg variants and 263 was the td. And yes these things actually existed as wooden mockups. As for the v4 designation its made up. 261 project had 3 variants only. 261-1 was an spg with a 152mm in a forward casemate. 261-2 was later renamed obj 262, this looks like ingame 261.261-3 was 262 but with a 180mm instead of a 152mm, this is actually what we have ingame. So its v4 bc that variant didnt exist
Just for closure it should have the actual is7 hull since when these is7 variants started to make a lot of sense, well the is7 itself was already a thing so going back and using a prototype hull instead of a complete, tested and about to compete for mass production variant is just braindead
Well the idea to switch between modes is good idea however my idea is the its sniper mode for both modes its just the when u aim normally tge game calculate the distance and gun elevation itself but here we turn on/off ourself wiith G and the thingy on map will be a riticle instead of a simple line and this for arty too so u need skill and we can finally buff damege radius on T92
yeah this tank has potential. sometimes it can be too op but lets be real. it has a very long shell velocity and a high dispersion. maybe nerf the splash radius and like you said, remove the top wiew. is a risky move for wg to add this thing to the NA and EU servers, but a little separate game mode won't hurt.
When you said that if it comes out people will just memorize the op positions and wg would need to change the maps, imo it wouldn't really matter, it's the same as people memorizing op bushes/hull down spots, but this would mean that I could just ram the artillery with an IS-7
The one improvement this concept offers is simply bringing the apta closer to the front. Indirect fire is still just as cancerous as always. The true solution has been there the entire time, letting ordinary tanks run howitzers from first person. The KV-2 for instance fulfills the SPG role perfectly, and has been doing so from day one.
It's way better than normal artillery, and not so annoying. It looks more like TD that shoots from cover but in the same time it has no so big firing range so you could find it and kill even when game just started.
If it didn't have the top down view, yes, this would be better for the game. SPG's should basically just be TD's that hard counter strong positions by splashing with HE, and punish yoloing enemies with HEAT.
This reminds me of the release Sheridan in Wot Blitz. Which had RPGs you could control, but with arti aim. as you can hide behind hills, and Would want to angle your gun as high as possible, and then snap said rpg down ontop of the target bypassing armour.. it was the most broken thing in blitz ever, and was a mistake and should never appear again.
Hey dude, just saw that this hybrid mode as you named it is actually a setting under reticle > artillery > automatic switch. I was hoping I'd find something like this, because for many shots I actually prefer the top down view.
This is great. It has a good idea behind it, at least. Takes skill to know positions and angles. I really like the arch mechanic, even though I have to say, it will become obnoxious at some point, like you said. It is a step in the direction. Better than current Arty, takes more skill, is more fun and influential, instead of as annoying as it is. This one at least fulfills its role to move heavies out of their positions, and has to use its brain to get in position itself. This arch is a 50/50. Very effective at what it's supposed to do, maybe too effective.
Yeah I can't imagine anyone being shot by this thought "Ah well guess I should've played that better" But I do like parts of it, not dying to that IS-4 was actually kinda cool. Just remove top down view and adjust the arc and shell speed so it doesn't lob as much, and so it'll work better as an assault gun/TD
You mentioned that the shells for this were so slow that you could actually dodge them. I play the T92 and shells can take 5-6 seconds to land in target. Because of this it’s incredibly hard to play. Only difference here if you did 300-700 damage a shot and with the T92 with the ammo nerf if be happy to just get 400 damage even though the T92 has a bigger shell and therefore more high explosive payload.
"you can just dodge the shots easy! its not that bad!" the 17 m splash radius:
Well, at least the HE won't stun you, and it would be even better if the damage from the splash is further reduced when your tank stay afar from the splash. So, how much would it deal to you? Below 200 is acceptable imo.
just imagine this tank but with like 2m splash, higher accuracy and a longer aim time and you have what Chems wanted, which would be an INFINITY better than current aids arty
he was shooting heat
Now is the time for Spall liner rebalance
Yeah I was referring to the heat, I almost never use the HE
0:52 It's basically "You, one buttoned moron, how's your game going?"
but to be honest its closer to "f-word" than a "moron")
Doesn't "хуеплет" mean this bit of skin around the tip of your dick?
dickhead or moron, yea
You are being kind with “moron”. Literal translation of хуеплет would be “dickweaver”.
The logic with deleting all chat because of "toxicity" is invalidated when I and everyone else is already toxic to our own team
telling enemy team your location because they are unhappy with light tank, is a big deal imo
@@cedricschmidtke4287send ticket in -> 1 month chat ban
@@chems Naive, thinking WG could do that, they can only ban me for saying fuck one too many times with their algorithms recognizing swear words.
@@daftbence If your sending the replay they get banned
@@daftbencewrong. If you send a ticket in the person will be banned within 24 hours. Trust me I would know 💀
300 damage in your local area moment
"Attention to sector C3"
"Roger, removing C3"
300 only if you miss, did you see him miss a lot lol? (Unless he aimed between tanks, obviously)
Literal LeFH that can also splash
bro is a hoi4 and wot enjoyer at the same time, respectable
>It's not like the game itself made like this, we can fix it!1! Lesta is doing so much good stuff lately am I right guys?? Game became so much more skill oriented after the flame tanks and 600 damage by shooting silhouette, and now artillery shoots you and you can't do nothing about it!
No one says it because it would be too obvious at that point that they're just love seeing big numbers on screen and loud noises from big guns.
This is the same guy who called me a nazi for enjoying a hoi4 dlc
@@nd6274can you really enjoy wot?
0:53 as a Russian, he basically meant “hows your game going incompetent onebuttonclicker”
Edit: spelling mistake
more like "how is your game you onebutton (onebuttoned?) dickhead"
That is a good one , I like that , “onebuttonclicker” part especially made me lol , thank you for translating that it made my day. Thanks again!
@ no problem! Reading that (in Russian) was fun for me too xD
You definitely forgot the asshole part
Or translate it as you like
Insults should be preserved imo
He called him dicktwister)
Chems, the name is 261 v4 because the 261 is actually the "SPG" version of the 260 (IS7)
Object 260 IS the IS-7, just an early prototype. Like how Object 252u is actually the IS-6, but an upgraded form
So IS-7 (object 260) makes two SPGs, object 261 and object 263.
Anyway yeah, the name DOES make sense for once. Wowzers
Oh, well just by visually looking the 261 doesn’t look like the 260, even if the hull is backwards with a case mate. That’s all I went off of though nothing historical
@chems yeah, it's a bit weird that the 261/263 hulls only really share tracks with the is7/260, while other spgs based on the KV, IS and German shit usually share a lot more with their base model
@@chems because names are derived from suspensions not hulls. All kinds of ISUs on IS suspension, but not one looks like IS hull obviously.
@@helohel5915 could you tell that Hummel and Nashorn are on Pz. III/IV suspension? probably not.
but it does kinda look like the Obj 268, honestly, just not on the T-10 hull
The best thing about Lesta server is that it has all chat, all it needs is team damage
What for? So salty 500wn8 players can destroy your battles?
No, because that's how the game used to be
@@nossiro90move on, let go of the past
@@grzybowy1680 its just funny so why not
@ "Back in my days.." ahh comment
This is still insanely cancerous, probably worse than standard arta tbh
It is, removed a problem and added a problem, not exactly changing much.
@@NetherPrime yeah... imo any kind of indirect fire doesn't belong and cannot work in wot. It will always be toxic, I'd rather have arties using smokes rounds/spotting rounds etc... or being straight up glorified td's than whatever this cancer is.
@@aletir6111 spotting rounds would make light tanks useless because most of them rely.on their camo.
^ Simple proof that no change will make everyone (anyone?) happy, and a change done with the best of intentions (or else WG just wants to troll hull down heavy drivers) will still end up in all these "I have huge dick but also I cry like a bitch everytime someone scrapes the paint on my tank" types losing their proverbial shit because they can't just plough forward with 100% gold load and win every game...
That being said, this thing is ridiculous. And as a Bishop/original SU-26/FV-304 enthusiast, I would play this because I love Ruskie SPG/heavy TDs, but also because it would probably be the most effective salt mining vehicle in the game. This tank is pretty much an ISU-152/Obj 268 (which are both SPGs in the real world and were entirely capable of indirect fire) except with better armour and a salt to weight ratio that puts the Dead Sea to shame...
Bring it on, I want to play this on the SEA server, I'm pretty sure I can piss off enough Asians to get a minor world war going.
I am waiting WG give us the EBR arty, 80 km/h, 50% camo, 380mm mortar gun with 1.9k HE alpha and 300mm penetration with 0.18 accuracy, has a turret and has wheels that absorb damage for no reason.
stop it you are to funny....
that's a lesta lootbox tier 11 premium you're describing
Why not just make a nuke launcher. You spawn, it loads for 30 seconds, you click, you win. Why even bother with everything else?
u forgot its 30 clip full auto autoloader
hope that wg wouldn t see this comment
Some months ago I heard someone else mention that this tank was in testing. and i recall he said basically: "You know how annoying it is that artillery can hit you from the back of the map and you can't do anything about it? Imagine them hitting you from 200m away and you STILL can't do anything about it."
As well as "It fires in a very high arc. With current artillery, you can hide behind objects or buildings so it can't hit you. But how do you hide from "UP?""
Anyway. It actually reminds me of the Bishop, British SPG, because of the same tactic of parking on an incline to get more gun elevation and range. It certainly has to get closer to the action to hit targets, so that should, at least, put it in a position where it can be located and attacked, should the tanks in front of it fall.
With the Bishop at least you're pretty much dead once they decide to push you, it's way too slow to retreat and a big cardboard target
This thing though, lmao
The tier 6 british Arty is on the same boat, but way way faster.
I always wanted artillery to become a stratigic role like a general in battle, where artillery couldn't deal dmg but can use smoke shells to create a smoke wall to help people push and also arty abillity like the one you use in clan wars, never thought too much about it, but it would make arty players do what they always (not play the game) while not causing cancer every 30 seconds
imagine using smoke to cut the visibility of the back TDs and isolate the front line tanks from support xD. Sadly Wargayming feeds on suffering and frustration so no
@@greensoldier2142 that would be so cool, instead of sitting in a spot for 10 minutes people would have to actully play the game, crazy stuff
@troxmix8220sure so you just wanna make every singlevsniping tank useless amd unplayable?
@ No, I want every single sniping tank to be completely removed from the game and there to be only mediums and lights left.
What a trash statement, smoke would actually make you rethink your position and add variety, especially for light and heavy tanks. Sniping TDs are already unplayable, you don't really play for most of the battle, instead you sit behind a bush and wait for someone to walk into your aiming circle while you scrolls memes on your phone
armored warfare has this sort of mechanic, you can fire smoke shells to blind/cover and a white phosporus shell for temporary area dmg (minuscule damage but its continuous for a set period of time, useful for say resetting cap zones)
this is kinda like a tier 10 lefH
No. It doesn't have the full map range and it does not shoot every 7 seconds. No arty in this game is as bs and unfair as the LefH.
@cryptable_ ofcourse its not the same, im just saying that if you have a good player it can be as devestating as the Lefh
@@cryptable_ Lefh is limited with range just like bishop and fv, theyre all pure cancer
@MaiorCJ lefh has 988m range, very far from limited
_The Thinking Man's Arty_
28:30 he's saying WOW you're fucking so hard (that you are doing overly good, and he feels it)
he essentially surprised by the tanks performance
As a Russian speaker, i confirm.
fun fact, when they were trying to shell the Germans during D-Day, some of the older US battleships had to increase their range by partially flooding the ship so the list would give the guns more elevation
That was the Uss Texas
Fun fact, you're retarded and have never picked up a history book. This has been common practice on dreadnoughts and battleships in forever.
That's cool
Just sail closer to the shore, idiot
What am I getting wrong? This version of arty still hits you from the safety of cover without really having to risk itself… they have no stun but hey at least they have to use their keyboard?
I’m not convinced in the slightest that this will do anything to solve the arty issue on LESTA, much less any server.
As long as normal arty exists, the addition of Assault SPG is just a class that normies will play for shits and giggles. Normal arty players will continue to play normal arty because they don’t have to move, are at less risk, and don’t have to learn new positions.
You didn't get anything wrong. Lesta has turned chems into a clicker :P
It has maximum of 250 meters of effective range along with very slow projectile speed.
Its far closer to the frontlines than one might think, and enemy quick push will spell doom for you.
They need to nerf the splash damage/radius of it. Maybe the armour as well, there's no need for an arta to have 300 mm.
@@GerMorden a quick push won't be much of a problem when you have 55 kph top speed though
@@GerMordenThe FV304 (I think) is the closest thing when it comes to SPG with a short range, even then I'm pretty sure it has around 400m for the range. So yeah, this thing needs to be way closer to even damage the enemy.
28:30 poor thing on conqueror said " hell of a damage 261" and "damn"
I confirm ^
28:25 he said something along the lines of "WTF is that damage from 261" or "you are beating the shit out of me"
7:27 Actually flamethrowers been buffed upon release. Now they deal MUCH more damage against heavily armored tanks than before on test server.
Yesterday saw e-75 annihilated by tier7 shitthrower, right in the face lmao, great balance.
Yeah I noticed that too just recently. Maybe I should play it again
@@chems, yea. absolutely
They ought to lower the targeted tank's engine horse power, rather than damage outright. Might be relevant in brawls, after the new equipment buffing tracks & repair times so much. Forcing 'hatches closed' effect (first person only while the effect is active) would complicated situational awareness and blind-stacking enough to complicate things.
i have the feeling every FV304 and M44 players does this considering their tank is kinda fast and has fast reload
M44 can't lob shells like TV does.
As a FV304 enjoyer, speed is my life
Bert is love, Bert is life.
It's not an artillery piece, it's an assault gun. A heavy armoured big gun on the first line of contact, build to destroy heavy armoured targets.,
read: fortifications
Even if i dont agree with the "balance" lesta do in world of tanks, i have to admit im jealous of all the features they have add to the game... Starting from tanks like this one and flamethrowers, to enviorments like day and night in maps. Is like my perfect game would be the creative side of lesta + the balance and safe play of wargaming.
Reason why they removed All chat is because it costs money to moderate it and greedy WG can't have that one
just dont moderate it problem solved
Now, they need to add the Brummbär and the Sturmtiger, like come on, it's a no brainer
The biggest problem with removing all chat is that people cannot express their feelings to the enemy team, so they just end up being super turbo toxic to their own teammates. Which leads to more griefing, flaming, giving up because of being flamed, etc. Especially when WG are so hellbent on adding ever more frustrating elements to the game.
who the f needs your feelings in the enemy team?
"Can't express your feelings to the enemy team" LMAO
@@szpaklabs8893 I mean flame them or talk trash, was supposed to be a joke
why else would they need to remove team damage after removing global.
@ ok, got it.
for me it isn't so necessary
28:29 - He is impressed by your tank and says like: "what a fucking game of yours" or if we want to save the meaning: "you're a fucking good player". He's not happy, but he kinda liked it
Chems is now Lesta's agent
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Our elephant! 🐘
28:30 not really, he said something like "holy fuсk, 261 is fuсking crushing it", but then he said "ппц" which means "пипец" and can be roughly translated as "that's messed up"
This is maybe even more diabolical and broken than regular arty
Funnily enough, that is one of the exact ideas (minus the armor) i had on how to make spgs more engaging to play when i played on console.
Drinking game challenge: Every chem says SO, you take a shot
I think it's okay tank but situational. Also really you said really real things:D I'm excited for the map video
Most of the issues with arty was that you couldn't retaliate because they were on the other side of the map. Here you're very well in range of the enemy, it would take a team with at least half a brain to scout areas you're likely to be in, and it would require you to understand positioning and firing angles more.
What a nice tier 10 fv304 they have!
With ap and armour
I wish my FV304 had more armour... >.>
War gaming employee 1: oké guys I have this idea for a heavy Tank Destroyer.
War gaming employee 2: Let's make it artillery.
This is actually the most engaging and fun to watch SPG video,also on the second replay its going high because it seems for some reason the reticle isnt on the tank itself and ignores the the tank as if it isnt there (notice the lack of red outline) and aims at the ground behind them
Conqueror was impressed by your massive damage, im not joking
17:57 that hit, no splash marker on ground
20:35 You can't have a slow shell velocity and not have an arc, unless you change how physics works.
With this arty can hit target in cover with in it's range, while normal tank couldn't hit a thing out in the open outside of render distance even if the gun is still effective at that range.
I don't like that, i think if the main balancing factor of this tank is range but with advantages comes with it, the opposite should be true too.
The switch from the gameplay commentary to spitting facts about politics is diabolical.
great video!! btw the fact that WG sold the WT AUF E100 speaks miles about their greedyness
As a arty player ( not main I can use a keyboard) I can say that atlest from my (spg player) perspective this is fantastic, I always wanted a fv304 type line of arty were you have to control your range of engagement to perform at max effectiveness, its way more intresting then classic arty and it gives your enemy a chance to retaliate because you are not 700-1000 meters away but with in 400. Ofcurse how enjoyable it is on the receiving end is up to debate still.
Not sure if it’s in the live Lesta server or not now but there is a full assault arty tech tree line (the tier X is the non premium copy of the arty in the video) if you’re interested.
@@Mr-bw7yi I have heard about that, I might actually install lestas world of tanks just to try them out.
@@47-marcus95 well, there is a problem. To unlock that tree line you first have to get 7 upgradable tire X tanks, reset the progress on them to tier 6 and start over to get some kind of points that will unlock the tech tree. Or sth like that(i don't have 7 tier x tanks). So be ready to spend a few years on unlocking those
I love the fact that this is the perfect mix between a TD and an arty
6:20 It's the 1st variant's 4th version of the 260 family, so 261/4
it's a step in the right direction. they just need to remove the armor, reduce the splash to a maximum of 12m, and allow you to swap between sniper and top down mode with G.
Atleast this makes arty more skillbased. Im up for this
21:00 I'm gonna defend my favourite map here.
The people in strong ridge position should be able to keep the good position they fought for, but also be able to be dug out by being out flanked (which the render distance and small map hugely limit the possibility) or by render the position irrelevant (like by capping).
But yeah I highly agree on chems viewpoint of limited passage, and render distance decrease the importance to win another flank
This is how arty should be in the WG servers, a more dynamic roll, I love this
That conq basically said "wow 261 you are doing crazy sh¡t"
600 damage from SPG really giving that nostalgic back when SPG was a real threat 😂
0:55 And he didn't press, *not even one*, button to move the f away from there
I think maybe the artillery should have less penetration so that the heavy tanks can turn their front armor to counter the bombardment by angeling the the front towards the SPG. And maybe buff the sound detection skill to signal to if enemy SPG is aming at you or something idk. I would love to play something like this but is see that it could be a problem to play agenst on alot of maps.
_Open/Bore Sighting_ if they removed ballistic drop compensation/calculation people would be less salty.
i think this tank could 100% replace the current arty, but we would need better map design as you said, since heavys have nowhere else to go really. also the fact that it has limited range actually gives people the opportunity to fight it since its not on the other side of the map bombing you unspotted plus the slow shell travel time does give players the chance to dodge if they hear it coming
You know shit's about to get real when the soviets design a variant 4 of their tank 🗣🔥
19:15 Not getting stunned by your team's arty, what a novel concept!
High tier Bishop, also you still can't fight back, like you could a normal tank
The gameplay for every non artillery just got WAY more dynamic.
Acctually i really like the thought that went into that. Requires Arty to move and play the game a lot more active. The only thing they could change and still kinda keep it an arty is like Chems said. Add a Sniper mode but only for the AP or Heat shells and remove the Fire ark just for thouse kind of shells cause they really only should be for shotgun stuff. HE can keep the Ark so it still has all the arty capability. just with less range so you are i need of thinking were you go and when to leave.
This one is practically old obj261 before arty change. I and my friend used to be a menace in SEA server running double obj261 full AP.
I really like the idea of this class. While I think your SPG idea would be the perfect way to rebalance the artillery that is currently in the game, I think this kind of class of support vehicles is a good way to keep the mortar gameplay while not making it as toxic as the current SPGs
another reason added to "why i shouldnt play this dumpsterfire ever again"
I think this thing is way more balanced because it can be engaged with more frequently, and players can play mindgames with the 261 user to make them miss their shots/do less damage with HE. The only thing I'd do is make it's armor not as strong when on level ground with it, but strong in a hulldown where it still has that weakspot from having to aim up. Other change could be to up the velocity a bit, but give it less splash radius, and keep the HEAT the same.
This would make sound detection actually useful.
Lot of comments on a 30 min video that was uploaded 2 min ago....
28:35 the conc said "holy the 261 slams"
Helo Mr. Chems .
Good to see you still play tanki .
I will put klass 👍 to you video .
Wishz you luck .
Need to play that thing on prokhorovka in the bowl
The problem with this tank is that there will only be certain spots on each map from where you can actually do something or affect the heavy flank and those spots will quickly become known and then you will have happy little lights and mediums coming for your ass every game.
I do hope that this is more of a test and tweeks do come. Would be a nice change
It's a step in the right direction, but I feel that if they had done your suggestion verbatim it would work much better.
As for the naming the is7's project name was obj 260. Variants usually got named with the next number like obj 252 and 253. Obj 260 was the is7 itself, 261 and 262 was the spg variants and 263 was the td. And yes these things actually existed as wooden mockups. As for the v4 designation its made up. 261 project had 3 variants only. 261-1 was an spg with a 152mm in a forward casemate. 261-2 was later renamed obj 262, this looks like ingame 261.261-3 was 262 but with a 180mm instead of a 152mm, this is actually what we have ingame. So its v4 bc that variant didnt exist
Just for closure it should have the actual is7 hull since when these is7 variants started to make a lot of sense, well the is7 itself was already a thing so going back and using a prototype hull instead of a complete, tested and about to compete for mass production variant is just braindead
Well the idea to switch between modes is good idea however my idea is the its sniper mode for both modes its just the when u aim normally tge game calculate the distance and gun elevation itself but here we turn on/off ourself wiith G and the thingy on map will be a riticle instead of a simple line and this for arty too so u need skill and we can finally buff damege radius on T92
It actually looks quite fun, just need to reduce front armor to ~250mm effective, nerf splash radius and view range to about 360-380m.
yeah this tank has potential. sometimes it can be too op but lets be real. it has a very long shell velocity and a high dispersion. maybe nerf the splash radius and like you said, remove the top wiew. is a risky move for wg to add this thing to the NA and EU servers, but a little separate game mode won't hurt.
Assault self prop mortar
i like the idea of artillery on the field
I have never played WoT but Chem's videos make me wanna play it
chems is now the lead dev of the ru server
if they lower the armor, extend the range significantly, but lower the arc a lot and limit it to trajectory view I think it would be fair
This actually looks really fun
I just want the stun mechanic GONE FOREVER.
When you said that if it comes out people will just memorize the op positions and wg would need to change the maps, imo it wouldn't really matter, it's the same as people memorizing op bushes/hull down spots, but this would mean that I could just ram the artillery with an IS-7
The one improvement this concept offers is simply bringing the apta closer to the front. Indirect fire is still just as cancerous as always. The true solution has been there the entire time, letting ordinary tanks run howitzers from first person. The KV-2 for instance fulfills the SPG role perfectly, and has been doing so from day one.
I miss the good old days, where you could chat intimidate the players from the enemy team, oh and team damage. That takes alot of stress out
It's way better than normal artillery, and not so annoying. It looks more like TD that shoots from cover but in the same time it has no so big firing range so you could find it and kill even when game just started.
Arty which can run away from you, bounce you, ram you, penn you and outspot you 💀
If it didn't have the top down view, yes, this would be better for the game.
SPG's should basically just be TD's that hard counter strong positions by splashing with HE, and punish yoloing enemies with HEAT.
"I'm very fast" *drives 33 km/h*
Acshually at 28:27 conq said something among the lines of "holy shit you re destroying"
So, this is a grown up FV304.
This reminds me of the release Sheridan in Wot Blitz. Which had RPGs you could control, but with arti aim.
as you can hide behind hills, and Would want to angle your gun as high as possible, and then snap said rpg down ontop of the target bypassing armour..
it was the most broken thing in blitz ever, and was a mistake and should never appear again.
I do love my point and click adventure games
Hey dude, just saw that this hybrid mode as you named it is actually a setting under reticle > artillery > automatic switch. I was hoping I'd find something like this, because for many shots I actually prefer the top down view.
I miss getting shit talked on Blitz for playing the T82 with the derp gun and one-shotting tanks
This is great. It has a good idea behind it, at least. Takes skill to know positions and angles. I really like the arch mechanic, even though I have to say, it will become obnoxious at some point, like you said. It is a step in the direction. Better than current Arty, takes more skill, is more fun and influential, instead of as annoying as it is. This one at least fulfills its role to move heavies out of their positions, and has to use its brain to get in position itself. This arch is a 50/50. Very effective at what it's supposed to do, maybe too effective.
They have your SPGs in Armored Warfare
Yeah I can't imagine anyone being shot by this thought "Ah well guess I should've played that better" But I do like parts of it, not dying to that IS-4 was actually kinda cool. Just remove top down view and adjust the arc and shell speed so it doesn't lob as much, and so it'll work better as an assault gun/TD
You mentioned that the shells for this were so slow that you could actually dodge them. I play the T92 and shells can take 5-6 seconds to land in target. Because of this it’s incredibly hard to play. Only difference here if you did 300-700 damage a shot and with the T92 with the ammo nerf if be happy to just get 400 damage even though the T92 has a bigger shell and therefore more high explosive payload.