Tap to unmute
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.พ. 2025
Check out how many cool crafting ideas we prepared for you this time! You will find incredibly helpful projects for your home! You can make a perfect pair of dishwashing gloves by attaching a kitchen sponge to it. Grab your hot glue gun and watch our full tutorial! Besides, you will find a collection of repairing hacks that will ease your life: if you don’t have the right size of wrenches, use a coin or few coins to fill the gap between the or bolt and the wrench; unexpected ways to use a drill; the easiest way to fix a wall. Don’t forget about the safety of your kids and keep them safe from falling wardrobes and chests of drawers. Use safety straps to attack wardrobes and dressers to the wall. Another handy idea is that if you drilled a hole that is bigger then your screw, use a matchstick to solve this problem. Put the matchstick into the hole and tighten a screw right into it. Sometimes when you change the decoration of your walls or simply tired of some picture you face an annoying problem - holes from nails and screws on your wall. We share a cool decision - fix small holes with crayon. Melt the crayon and press crayon into the hole.
Do not throw away used laundry detergent bottles as you can make a lot of crafts for your home from it. Cut the top of laundry detergent bottle, glue a stainless-steel sponge to it and make a cool cleaning tool for your kitchen. One more useful idea is to make a toothbrush holder. Watch our video!
As a bonus, you will find a lot of decoration ideas that will make your home even cozier and several tutorials on how to make beautiful soap by your hands just in 5 minutes!
Read more on our website: 5minutecrafts....
00:09 Cool soap idea
02:42 Repairing lifehacks
06:24 Reuse detergent bottles
08:40 How to decorate ceramic tiles
14:56 Cool storage solution for shoes
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Music by Epidemic Sound: www.epidemicso... This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information on this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgment, care and precautions if one plans to replicate.
The following video might feature activity performed by our actors within controlled environment- please use judgment, care, and precaution if you plan to replicate.
Is your place cozy and comfy? What would you like to upgrade there?🏠
Some smart ideas:
00:09 Cool soap idea
02:42 Repairing lifehacks
06:24 Reuse detergent bottles
08:40 How to decorate ceramic tiles
14:56 Cool storage solution for shoes
More cool solutions th-cam.com/video/AdZpDrdIEU0/w-d-xo.html
Who sees 5minutecrafts when they are free
the only things i can say for all the hacks is
00:09 not have time
02:42 not have time
06:24 not have time
08:40 not have time
14:56 not have time
but then also i dont know why i like your videos and watch your videos
Dccdcsgwf stdfrhttxs
Iqbal r/Ihadastroke
Very nice
I miss old 5 minute crafts. And the old intro.
Me 2
Me 3
Me 4
Me 5
Me 6
I love how we all insult their videos and yet we still watch them😂
I actually like their ideas but some are weird.
Dont watch
It’s weirdly satisfying to watch
This is my favorite episode👍👌
I’m so happy for the people who are not aware and I will think so much for them
Who else is in the 'watch but never do' club?
im sure all of us
I am
Me 😂
How many
Of u
Are scrolling
The comments
While watching
This video
Yes I am
Willy's Toys me
I am
Omg when the girl pulled up the sheet and the fan made fort that's soooooooooooooooooo cool I'm gonna try it
It didnt work 4 me
Did it work out??
It no working
You have all fell victim to fake content
I love 5-Minute Craft❤😊
I editited the comment so now you dont know why I have a lot of likes and the comments make no sense 😈
Luca Luca me
Umm why did you capitilize all the words???
I watch them cause the music puts my toddler to sleep 🤷♀️
@@xxmelaniexx1306 It's A Habit I Have Lol.
Who’s else supports Liverpool and is here when the coronavirus outbreak has started...
Teena Courtney honestly, people like you are just annoying. I couldn’t care less if I’m slightly wrong...🙄
Liverpool FC European Royalty ****** true
Liverpool FC European Royalty ****** me
Oh I hate it when my porcelain doll climbs my shelf and knocks everything down
@@Nimiii_k yeah, i got that. i was making a joke.
@@Nimiii_k he is joking 😑
@@Nimiii_k wooow way to take a joke 🙄
I watch your videos and my sister watching it!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
So. I can’t just buy a cheap soap dispenser at walmart for 3 bucks, I have to make a giant handing in my wall.
Huh Autumn yes because it’s the rule
Huh Autumn yes
It can be pretty handy
It’s about creativity.
imagine the hand shape soap is moving in the middle of the night lol
True 😂
It's really funny
U mean 3 AM? It is funny tho
You can just sit in front of the fan you don't need a whole tent
الله شنهو هاذه البداع👍💖💖💖💖😘
16:57 who else hate it when they miss a block of soap base? Am I the only one who hates it? 😓😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Pu zg5wi
Ah yes, when I spill my drink, I too take hours out of my day sawing my chopping board and gluing it together instead of resting the cup on the floor.
Hey, I mean it’s called 5 minute crafts for a reason am I right?
What if you accidentally step on it or like your family member steps on it huh?
@@baseafterbase1048 There's also a thing called a table
That Random User But he was talking about how he could put it on the floor,not put it on the table
@@baseafterbase1048 I know that, but I'm saying there's better options then sawing a wooden board in half.
2:39 R.I.P poor child ????-2019
2:47 R.I.P fingers ????-2019
Wow! Amazing!👏👏👏👍👍👍
your bf/gf walks into ur bathroom an there’s just like 50 soap hands half used
Hand washing dishes life hack: *BUY A FRICKEN DISHWASHER!!!* 🤣
U realize some places dont have dish washers cultures dont allow them well types or some cant afford it or have space mk boomer?
Some kid is going to DIY his whole house with these DIY hacks.
I love 5mincrafts#
I watch these to remind myself that I’m not putting soap in a glove and I live by that
@Mel Camren nah, he can be
@Mel Camren Why you getting offended by what he say like, you probably the person that would put puts soap in a glove
Ive never cut myself on steel wool I don't understand how thats a problem to anyone... I've never heard someone who's cut themselves in steel wool
@Mel Camren oof
Anyone in 2024? 😅old memories back
14:10 Love how she just gave up and started eating marshmallows.
Izzy D
What gets me is: she waisted her time making whatever you call it, lifting vest?
When she could've just asked her friend to help earlier
╚┛┗╩━━╩━╩━╩ th-cam.com/video/IFeH0P9fZ00/w-d-xo.html
It was both enjoyable and educational🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Me at 2:37
" hey who lets their child do that for a video?" 1 second later
" HOLY MOLY WHAT!?!?!?!" then I realised it's a doll 🤣🤣🤣🤣
No children were harmed in the making of this video lol
15:39 seriously ..???..wow they have DUREX CONDOMS ALSO 😂
As soon as I clicked the time stamp I got an add for PlanB birth control
I like this 👌👌👌
15:39 you see?? A beautiful blue box! 😂
I definitely do NOT need these in my life. Not now,not tomorrow,not ever.
I laughed my head off at 10:59! Acting 👌👌👌👌👌
WOW 😍😍😍❤️❤️😍😍
9:04 💡A clever & inexpensive idea for a backslash^^
16:09 Love the soaps! 😍
The entirety of the chicken council has determined you to be a person that's looks up and down then crosses the road
@@chicken_wing3106 pakpak pakayyyk
2:21 I got this figured out last year this year I made a permanent fortress with paper clipped and duct tape that connects to the fan and shelf’s in the wall and cover the entire bed and barely has any problems. I’m the lead scientist of this creation that I am proud of.
जय हिन्द फौज
I hope that they know that cups don't break into PERFECT halves
But you can have a kid uncovering the peaces
Yall make it look easy
Who else just watch these but never does them
I No u
@@bipolarbeautie85 huh
I always see a few I want to try, then forget.
@@throwmilly lol, u are like meh
Oh shoot just dropped Nan's entire China set. Time to pull out my tile adhesive
💀💀💀💀😂 bruvvvv
Thanks for this awesome video! I really loved how the first hack was the thumbnail! Keep up the great work!
It isn't always
Bot detected will dyestroy
I saved this one to my favourite list very good 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤
Who else Scrolls through the comments while watching the video?
Me xD
Me 😂
Lol me - w -
Guys let’s cut a $10 cutting board to clean up a spill
You mean 2 cutting boards? $20, over a spill. Oof
You explain things better than anyone else on TH-cam!
Half of these were so absurd, i couldnt help but laugh. Thanks for the entertainment!
“35 Ideas you NEED in your life *right now* “
Me: *Are you sure?*
imagine walking into your friends house and he starts shaking a hand attached to the wall while he washes his hands
i would be amazed and confused
"oh hey, you made you're self a wife!"
@@sweetdivision9073 No!!!
@@vladimirisachi6223 ye
Like the hand soap🤩🤩🤩❤
Who all in quarantine?
And really wants to try these but never gets the chance
👇🏽 Edit: I like my own comment 🤣
Alison Vanek thanks somebody was being mean I will post a my first Mean comment vid soon
I five minute crafts video.....
22 beauty hacks you wish you knew sooner
It’s in all caps Alison
I am making a shoutout video rn
Me too
So I think that the first thing was really weird and probably not very useful but I am SO HAPPY that the thumbnail picture is actually in the video and that it’s the first thing showed. Well done
1:11 when they pulled that green side off the sponge it reminded me of the spongebob episode the abrasive side 😂
Omg thats what I thought😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
And I lop sksksk Vsco Girl
Maria Moreno I really do not care..
SakuraSan No one even asked for your opinion I don’t care if you care or not your not important to me, ok? Gosh..
your channel and great taste when you make videos love you guys❤️💖💋
*i almost peed my pants from laughing so hard oh mah gah*
Haha lol😂😂
Um how is that funny?
The Savage Omq Girls how is it _not_
@@crystal-xo1yx well um at 2:38 the fake kid falls with a bookshelf on top of it which is supposed to represent a kid falling with a bookshelf on top of them which is not really funny to me sorry....
Friend: *drops coffee* oh no I dropped my coffee I’ll go wipe it and grab a coaster
Me: nah I got you bro *proceeds to cut up perfectly fine chopping board with coffee still on the floor
What an idea
V fusyc
BBC are if x trug
Haha same
Lol R.I.P coffee and person who slips on it
That’s some damaged wood you got there
my anxiety level ×100 when the glass fell down lol
Achilleas Charalampides 1:48
It would help if you put it down nicely like how she did on the cutting boards. But she threw it on the arm of the couch
Wow this is cool 👍😎 you
Of course, what we all needed.
A soap hand to make hand washing extra awkward!
You must rub the hand, to wash the hand
It's inappropriate
When I looked at my notifications I saw that the video was posted 14 seconds earlier before I got on here lol
Me = first
5 minute = crafts
Team = Tablet
This = video
Hotel? = Trivago.
@USA Gamer hi!
Cookie time 🍪
After looking at this, I lost all of my brain cells
Yea you should not watch this channel
yes agreed
Smart home improvement tips! Put a creepy doll on your shelf and let it fall over! Now your home has been improved 👌
Nishka Pandey(Student) no
Kid: *Watches Video*
Mom: Where did all of our soap went?
[GD] TimeRealm why did u copy
I didnt know
@iiLxve Rxse ok then mr right
or ms
11:25 Yeah, when I fall, my cup's gonna break in completely symmetrical pieces so that I can make wall hangings out of it.
What if it a glass
5:02 cover the hole with a poster😂😂🤣🤣
I would but
Me have no poster :(
my brother put a poster and no won knew 😂😄
I like cupcake squad and 5 minute crafts.💖💖💖💖💖💖
11:02 never pick up glass with you’re hands use a broom and dust pan (no hate just stay safe kids kk)
I eat wholesome Memes Large pieces of glass or ceramics can be safely picked up by hand (if the person doing so is not a young child), while small pieces should be vacuumed, not swept, to assure all pieces are gone.
Millie Cole LoL I’m am a younger child I did a “home alone corse” we didn’t even watch home alone 😢 but thanks for the advice!and I break a lot of glass (unintentionally) so I just want to tell people (because most are kids) to not touch broken glass with you’re hands as you said younger kids should not do this with bare hands
Yes your right just for young kids
am i the only one that is questioning their subscriber count
Some of us do
N o p e
No, u r not the only one
Tbh, some of these crafts no one can relate literally no one
They buy them
when you break your favorite cup glass
11:15 😂
So cool!!!!!!!!
6:55 It’s called a laundry basket 🤦🏼♀️
It's 2019 common sense is gone
But this one is far more effort and uglier!
yeetus cleetu
Peter Hall I say they’re just to lazy to go to the store just to buy a freakin laundry basket
@@feetuscleetus7644 So much more convenient to craft your own from that water tank that is always lying around the house 😂
Something even easier: Go out to the store AND BUY SOME SOAP
Right with the hand soap melts than what
5 Minute crafts: SoLviNG prObLEmZ nO One hAS!!
Me: why tho?
So true
True heavy
Nice pink rose soap I try this soap
The first clip:
*Me when im single and have no one to hold my hand*
JadyJade 7777 same
Kate Ryan v c
that hand can be handy 😈😈
14:03 I love just eating the liquid of my ramen too!😂 WHY?!?!!
You mean drinking?
AbsoluteTutorials oh yeah true!
I really like the person who act in this. Her expressions are soo fun to seee
Yeh same xx👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻💙❤️💛🧡💚💜
Bring the old five minute crafts back!
Title:35 ideas u need to do in your life
Me:what if i dont have one...
FortniteWithAY yay who even does them lol
@@alexandranguyen9954 idk
@@alexandranguyen9954 grout grout
soo nice and its to good job
K from A
Thanx for support! Keep watching for new ideas!
6:30 anybody else miss the string pulling the broom?
Lol I wouldn't have been able to notice that
I like turtlez turtlez hahaha
JustGacha 2 It dries
I dont se e it
╚┛┗╩━━╩━╩━╩ th-cam.com/video/IFeH0P9fZ00/w-d-xo.html
I love this video so much
Why would I break 2 chopping boards just for a cup holder. Don’t u know there is something called a coaster??
ChrisandNate Nelson Or the couch has no cup holder.
You can just hold the cup
Someone: How single are you?
*Me: **0:57*
Reading a book with high power ventilation blowing into my eyes... huh why have I never thought of this before!!
Michael B. So cool, Right??
uhh he was not saying the 4real
palsphinx gaming r/woooosh, you can’t understand sarcasm.
@@XyxCrzo ik lol i like to make peoples mad at me
palsphinx gaming grammar
Who else misses the old 5 minute crafts?
18:45 who else read that as Thanos by mistake 😂😂
nope I read Thomas
All of a sudden I read it as thanos
Not an expert in all guys 😅😅😅
Bright Gamer MEEE
I did
5:03 *I'm pretty sure nobody would do that unless they were hulk*
Broke your wall when? Here's a pro life hack!
Step 1 - Fix the wall
Step 2 - Do whatever the heck you were trying to do in the first place
@@SomeOne-eo7rw I never broke mah wall
Me : *puts Nail in wall*
Hammer : oops it a hole
Pooja video song
My mom most be hulk then.
Do u guys have a lifehack on how to not make this a vertically recorded video so that I can watch it in full screen?
Ez, just on your auto rotate in settings then watch the video, dont tap the full screen mode but just make your device horrizontal.
╚┛┗╩━━╩━╩━╩ th-cam.com/video/IFeH0P9fZ00/w-d-xo.html
Your dumb no offense just go on settings and turn on auto rotate
anyone watch this but never try them
Me I don’t really watch
By this time noodles would have cooled
Only 7 likes, now that's just sad
@@cally_the_kiwi9291 yeah i know i was just joking
@Racoon Art and Gacha, actually it turns out to be 48likes.
That XXL box of Durex is best in this video. 15:38 😘
Milan Ljuba wait
Well, it's Classic, not XXL.
i saw it too!
@@ilianzafirov5041 you are crazy hahaha!
5 min crafts.....the commenters are mad u are the best and useful and thx for all these hacks u have always given us keep it up .......big fan........awesom hacks
15:38 durex in the sholl 😏😏😂😂😂
Marti Gaming i searched for this comment a lot 😂😂😂😂
@@eduardkomuves829 😂😂
You know
For an *emergency* 7u7
Please reconsider your advice to attach a working water hose to any electric fan. There are so many ways this could go wrong.
here's a tip for those making the hand soap to someone you dont like. tape the fingers down leaving the middle finger up. dont tape it too tight because it will squeeze the soap out of the finger
10:00 I thought it was gonna be tic tac toe 😂
Which one u think it was tic tac toe
MyMasdf the one where she put x’s on the wooden board
Don’t diss Scotland fam
Yes😂. But they deffenetly got that idea from the flag of scotland
I always ask myself this, how does 5-minute crafts get these ideas
Edit: OMG THX 100 likes
Remy Simpson I don’t know
Late night thoughts
There basicly experiments! They rock xx
Remy Simpson me to
Isabella Grant I literally think they copy