Good job Sis. You've come to the same conclusions that I have. When you read the word without traditional glasses, the whole Bible opens up! A lot makes total sense, we complicate things. 🙏🏾
Totally completely agree with everything you say, Kristen!! And Pete and Rachael Wrue’s books are indeed great resources. Another wonderful book that explains fulfilled eschatology so very clearly is Glenn L. Hill’s book, Christianity’s Great Dilemma ❤
Just found your channel a week or so ago. From one heretic to another; I very much appreciate the way you approach things. It is so very important that we each ask the hard questions and come to our own conviction on things, while praying the Holy Spirit guides us to understanding. Shalom!
Yup, I agree 100% with your exegesis and your speculative insights. Preterism answers most questions immediately. The other mainstream eschatologies are mind-bogglingly confusing, more like sales pitches to the unlearned.
Words are malleable and suseptible to interpretation. Subjective experiences are gaslite by authorities and censors. YT is all about the collective. To find Christ it pays to read the works of John Muir, the naturalist. His father disciplined him to memorize the Bible.
Hey, Kristin. This is an excerpt from the Book of Adam and Eve. When they left the Garden and entered this realm, their bodies started to change. "What has happened to us through eating, that this pain should have come upon us ? Woe be to us, we shall die ! Better for us to have died than to have eaten; and to have ." Then Adam said to Eve, " This pain did not come to us in the garden, neither did we eat such bad food there. Thinkest thou, Eve, that God will plague us through the food that is in us, or that our inwards will come out ; or that God means to kill us with this pain before He has fulfilled His promise " to us ? Then Adam besought the Lord and said, " O Lord, let us not perish through the food we have eaten. Lord, smite us not ; but deal with us according to Thy great mercy, and forsake us not until the day of the promise Thou hast made us." Then God looked upon them, and at once fitted them for eating food ; as unto this day ; so that they should not perish. Then Adam and Eve came back into the cave sorrowful and weeping because of the alteration in their nature. And they both knew from that hour that they were altered [beings], that their hope of returning to the garden was now cut oflf; and that they could not enter it. kept our bodies pure, than to have defiled them [with food] I.] GOD GIVES THEM WATER TO DRINK. 77 For that now their bodies had strange functions; and all flesh that requires food and drink for its existence, cannot be in the garden. Then Adam said to Eve, " Behold, our hope is now cut off; andsoisourtrusttoenterthegarden. Wenolongerbelong to the inhabitants of the garden; but henceforth we are earthy andofthedust,andoftheinhabitantsoftheearth. Weshall not return to the garden, until the day in which God has promised to save us, and to bring us again into the garden, as He promised us."
(Alpha Talkz) has a great presentation on how all these things took place before 70 AD. It's called "The Impending Doom" I tried to put a link down, but apparently, I'm not tech savy enough for something like that. I'm a Country Boy hubba hubba hubba.😂 That dude on Alpha Talkz is SMART. Way smarter them me.🤔
As to all the bodies still being in the ground; Rev. 20:4-6 tells us that it was ONLY the martyred Saints that were resurrected at His second coming. The rest of the dead are not raised until some time AFTER the 1000 year reign. After a lifetime of accepting futurist doctrine, I too have come to the conviction the Lord returned right when He said He would. But I believe there was a literal 1000 year reign between then and now, during which the martyred Saints ruled and reigned with Christ in glorified bodies, and that this period is obscured to us as the 'dark ages'.
You bring up some great points. I have always meditated on the verses where paul says the physical first and then the spiritual. It is obvious that Jesus and his apostles lived in a time where the physical(the shadows) were coming to an end, and the spiritual(the realities) were beginning to get stablished. It is obvious how in the gospels Jesus was making the spiritual a priority. Jesus said repeatedly that his kingdom wasn't of this world. Jesus said that to be a member of his kingdom a person had to be born again from the spirit of God. Jesus also said that God had to be worshipped in spirit and truth. I definitely don't believe that jesus has a physical body anymore. And I'm not waiting for Jesus and his kingdom to rain out of the sky someday at some point in the future. His kingdom is now. It is within us believers and we will go to meet God and live with him forever when we leave this physical world. Awesome video 👍 you keep on spreading the truth 👊
As to physical bodies vs spiritual bodies; I'd propose that the spiritual and the physical are both part of the same construct. We can think of it like water, which can be a solid, a liquid and a gas. The difference is the frequency at which it is resonating. We also resonate, but here are in our 'solid' (slow) state. We must be 'quickened' (at least 12 Scriptural references to this). Ice/water cannot enter the air unless it is quickened into gas form, and likewise we cannot enter Heaven accept we are quickened. Peace!
So first the natural then the spiritual. So are comparing the two as the same? Coming without observation, kingdom within…. These are two very different things. The natural cannot in any way be compared with the spirit. There is nothing in scripture to even indicate this notion you are alluding to.
Your explanation was much easier to understand than Don Preston's touching the body of our risen Lord Jesus. And then it all clicked for me, and the Holy Spirit brought to my mind the following passages to confirm that our Lord returned to His Spiritual state. John 17:5: "And now, Father, glorify Me in Your own presence with the glory that I had with You before the world existed." 1 Corinthians 15:45: "Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit." 2 Corinthians 5:16b: "Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard Him thus no longer." 1 Timothy 6:14-16: "keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will display at the proper time-He Who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, Who alone has immortality, Who dwells in unapproachable light, Whom no one has ever seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen." Thank you for your labour of love for the saints. Keep up the good work of the Lord. Your labour is not in vain. I look forward to the next video. Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. 😇🙏
The people that don't believe he has already came back do not fight fare. I had someone ask me to read second Thessalonians 2 and he said it proved that Jesus hasn't already came back yet. You judge for yourself what I put in capital letters when I wrote that whole scripture down to that guy. 2nd Thessalonians 2:7 FOR THE MYSTERY OF LAWLESSNESS IS ALREADY AT WORK. Then I put down second Thessalonians 11 to prove the point that he had a strong delusion. I didn't write that whole scripture down once but twice and the dude that asked me to read it for myself took it down twice because it made him look stupid. I don't fight dirty but I will throw down. Ain't nothing I hate worse than someone telling me I'm stupid or that I don't know what I'm talking about when I spend 3 to 4 hours every single day reading the Bible, WITH AND OPEN MIND. I love watching your videos. It's like taking a deep breath. You're in the right book and you're on the right page and you've got the right mindset. I don't care if you're a man or a woman. We're not living in the times that paul wrote down in the laws for the church to Timothy. We're living in a very very very very very different times. Not everything paul put down is a law. It was sure enough a good guideline for the people in those days but these days, we've got to take what we can get from someone with a rational thinking mind with the heart to put the work in and not just be talking out there ace. That is you, ma'am. Honestly, I prefer a calling you sister. That's sure enough obeying scripture from the book of Timothy. You're all right.❤
I have to respectfully disagree. The question we need to ask ourselves is this: what was Jesus referring to in Luke 21:22 when he said, "For these are the days of vengeance, *that all things which ARE WRITTEN may be fulfilled?"* John wouldn't receive the visions of the book of Revelation for another 33-36 years, or 65 years depending on your view (66AD or 96AD); so Jesus couldn't be referring to those prophecies because they hadn't been revealed or written down yet. He had to be referring to what had previously been prophecied & written in the book of Daniel. He was referring specifically to the 70 weeks prophecy found in Daniel 9:24-27, which included the rebuilding of the temple, the coming of the Messiah, his death/resurrection, his confirming the old covenant by instituting the new covenant through his blood; and lastly the destruction of Jerusalem & the temple which happened in 70 Ad. This is what Jesus was referring to when he said, "that all things which are written may be fulfilled." It was the 70 weeks prophecy and all that is found therein. We have irrefutable proof, not only in the fact that the book of revelation & its prophecies didn't exist at the time when Jesus spoke those words, but also in the interpretation of the symbols concerning the Woman and the Dragon found in Revelation 12, which connects with Daniel 9. Allow me to prove this.... In Daniel 9:26 we read, "Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and will have nothing. *Then the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.* *The end will come LIKE A FLOOD,* and until the end there will be war; desolations have been decreed. *Notice that the end of Jerusalem and the temple will come LIKE A FLOOD.* Then we read in Revelation 12:13-15, 13 And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle to fly from the presence of the serpent to her place in the wilderness, where she was nourished for a time, and times, and half a time. *15 So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth LIKE A FLOOD after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by THE FLOOD.* *16 But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.* *Now remember that the Woman represents New covenant Israel, which includes BOTH believing Jews and gentiles. These are the new covenant believers who heeded the words of Jesus when he told them to FLEE into the mountains/wilderness, when they saw the abomination of desolation (aka the Roman armies) surrounding Jerusalem.* When the disbelieving Jews, their temple, and Jerusalem came to a destructive end, the Christians fled, and the flood/Roman armies got swallowed up/absorbed by the EARTH OF JERUSALEM. *CONCLUSION:* The Dragon spewing water like a flood after the woman in Rev. 12:15, represents the destruction of Jersualem by the Roman Armies which came LIKE A FLOOD, as detailed in Daniel 9:26. The Woman FLEEING into the mountains/wilderness, represents those who heeded the words of Jesus when he told them to FLEE in Luke 21:20-21... *"But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, you will know that her desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea FLEE to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country stay out of the city."* Then proceed to verse 22 again to tie it all together irrefutably, *"For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which ARE WRITTEN may be fulfilled" (referring to all things written in the 70 weeks prophecy of Daniel)* *The Sea Beast & the earth Beast in Rev. 13, are events that happen AFTER the destruction of Jerusalem, since they chronologically follow the events of the Woman and Dragon found in Chapter 12. Then the Dragon (pagan Rome) gives his power, seat, and great authority to the Sea Beast AFTER the destruction of Jerusalem; which is shown symbolically in Chapter 12 (the woman FLEEING from FLOOD that came out of Dragon's mouth).* This proves beyond doubt, that the majority of the of the book of Revelation (including the trumpets and bowls) weren't fulfilled by the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 ad, but are future events that FOLLOW AFTER the destruction of Jerusalem & the temple by Titus in 70 AD.
@@GoldenCup888interesting view: I’d see revelation 12 as Christ seeking refuge in Egypt for three and a half years, fulfilling Hosea 11. Not sure you can use the chronological argument since the book of revelation is a series of parallel visions fulfilling Daniel’s visions.
@@GoldenCup888 I think preterists understand that the book of Revelation had not yet been written when Jesus said that, “these are the days of vengeance to fulfill all that has been written.“ The problem for futurist is that the old testament clearly talked about the new heavens and new earth and the resurrection. I mean, just think about daniel chapter 12. Are you saying that daniel chapter 9 was fulfilled by 70 A.D. but not Daniel chapter 12? That would be a problem for Jesus saying that the first century were the days to fulfill all that had been written.🙏❤️
We can't forget the signs that were in the heavens September 23rd of 2017 be real hard to fake that one . I'll see you in the millennial Reign brother@@GoldenCup888
Spot on. Regarding Jesus resuming his glorious state: John 17:4-5 (NASB95) 4 “I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do. 5 “Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
Undoubtedly correct! Excellent discussion! Where did he come from: First time I’ve ever heard some saying the Holy Spirit had “ man parts”, and “inseminating” Mary, (I’m aware it was an argument against physical normalization), first time I’ve ever heard the argument, does Jesus need to poop 💩, in heaven, these are logical consequences to their theories. How can’t they be. But back on track, the verse that jumped out to me was I John 3:2 “Beloved, now (wait when) not 2000 years in the future, we are the children of God, (probably by faith, I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me has transferred from death to life, idk “it has not yet appeared what WE (1st century Christians) shall be, BUT when, ohhh that certainty when He appears (parousia) we (how much immense) can one verse pack?? We shall be like him (in similar form and manner) we will see him (every eye) as he is!! Resurrected and Glorified! Please everyone give me you thoughts, I feel like a “Heretic Dude”
Amen! You need to do a video on “angelion” messenger, Malachi Greek OT translation messenger, Revelation 20 the one that ties up “Satan” Angel. Hebrews 1-2 “angel” , although the rest of the book is about OT/NT differences messenger 2chapters about angels, 11about new HP better than Old HP! You context is laaaacccking!
When you understand God’s good and perfect will. You understand God’s voice. Ezekiel 36:26-27. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
In Matthew 24 (among other places) Jesus told His followers (the people physically standing in front of Him, ➡️not us⬅️) very clearly that His return would be preceeded by: 1️⃣ The temple being torn down, verse 2. 2️⃣ Intense persecution and death of the saints, verse 9. 3️⃣ The abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet (which Luke 21:20 explains is Jerusalem encompassed with armies), verse 15. 4️⃣ That his followers would need to pay attention to the signs because they would need to flee from Judea without any hesitation or be killed or captured, verses 16-20. A futurist interpretation of His words says that when He said those things and concluded with "this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled", that He didn't mean the generation He was actually talking to at that time- He simply meant the generation that saw the signs of His return would not pass before the end came- which apparently would be a generation 2000+ years later. However, the very people that He was personally speaking to at that time (*that* generation, the ones physically with him) would soon face: 1️⃣ The temple being torn down. 2️⃣ Intense persecution and death of the saints. 3️⃣ Jerusalem encompassed with armies. 4️⃣ They had to pay attention to the signs because they personally had to flee from Judea without any hesitation or were killed or captured. (The attack on Jerusalem in 70AD, per our own historical account, was so severe that starving woman ate their own children. Research the Fall of Jerusalem or the Destruction of the 2nd Temple.) How confusing and neglectful (and even cruel) that Jesus did not clarify to the people who directly heard his words that they, too, would face the very things that He spoke of; but that he wasn't referring to them as the generation that would see His return. These things were exactly what Jesus told them would happen, so they were expectantly looking for those signs, yet somehow He wasn't meaning *their* persecution and death, or *that* temple falling, or *those* armies encompassing Jerusalem... why would He not let them know that? Could you imagine the Christians of that time facing all of that tribulation and holding onto the promise that their Savior was coming back for them soon, then afterwards those that are left look around and realize there was half a wall left of the temple (which is a false narrative) and oops, we got the time wrong guys. Jesus isn't coming back for thousands of years yet. C.S Lewis and many others concluded that Jesus honestly thought that He was returning to that generation (and tought His disciples so), but that He got it wrong because Jesus Himself said that only the Father knew the day and the hour of the coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:36). However knowing the specific *generation* He would return to (a 40yr time frame) is not nullified by Him saying that only the Father knows the specific *day and hour*. That was also said before His ascension back to the Father. Revelation specifically starts out (giving us the foundation for what was being prophesied) by saying "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, ➡️*which God gave unto him*⬅️, to ➡️show his servants⬅️ things which must ➡️*shortly*⬅️ come to pass" So Jesus has been told *by the Father* (the one who knows the *day and the hour*) a revelation that was given to John to tell the people of *the generation Jesus first spoke* that what He is about to say will *shortly* come to pass. Think about that: Jesus just confirmed His imminent return to the generation he had litteraly said "would not pass" until all had been fulfilled. It all fits together flawlessly- the imminent time statements are so cleary telling us that Jesus was returning to the generation that He left. The confusion comes in because of what we are told about history and on the dating of the writing of Revelation. (Internal evidence gives ample proof that it was written decades prior to 90AD, and I firmly believe Satan himself is behind the confusion on that dating.) Per our historical narrative, everyone knows Jesus couldn't have returned to that generation because our history books say that He didn't. So we start twisting and manipulating each one of the imminent time statements to fit some future event or generation, or simply excuse them away. We have faith in the Word and in Jesus, but we stumble over man-made history and are forced to misinterpret the Word of God so that it fits our known reality. This is a hard one to get past because we are taught conventional history since childhood and it becomes our internal reality foundation to our timeline understanding. Our enemy has gone to great lengths to work that to his advantage. But we must let the Word interpret history- not allow man-made history (even 'christian' based) distort the Word. The world's teaching on evolution vs God's creation account clearly teaches us this. But even the church stumbles over the historical narrative. However, as most already know or are coming to realize, our historical account is a mess. Our calendar and timeline are all mixed up. The infamous 1000 year dark ages are not so dark after all (in fact they are quite a lot like a certain Thousand Year Reign). For me it comes down to asking "what is our timeline as the Bible teaches?" And there are too many cohesive imminent time statements to get around. When taken as a whole, it all becomes very clear.
SHWOOO! I thought I put a lot of scripture down to prove my point. I'm glad me and you are in the same book and with the ability to understand it. That's refreshing. I thought I was going to have to put down a bunch of scripture but you saved me from that. I appreciate that more than you know!
so if you read at the end of matthew there are a few verses that say that the dead rose up and went into the city and were seen before many, I so I believe dead people rose out of their graves with their bodies restored, What happened to them after that? I dont know.
Yes I believe that. I think that was a sign of something greater happening in the spiritual realm just like the resurrection of Jesus. I think they died physically later. That’s just my opinion🤪🙏❤️
@@kristinbingamon568 the jw's i encounter say that they died later too, I dont beleive that though because it would suck to die twice, I think they ascended with their bodies. But it doesnt say either way so all we can do is speculate.
It seems to me that sometimes people did recognize him, and sometimes they didn’t it kind of depended on the situation and if Jesus wanted them to recognize him.
I cannot find the verse but didn’t our Lord after He was raised from the grave walk through a wall and appeared in a room? What kind of “body” can do that?
Your video came across my feed, probably because I have been researching this perspective. I have some family members who share your beliefs. “For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus,” 1 Timothy 2:5 NASB1995 I believe this is the verse the Church uses to support the idea that Christ Jesus, our Lord, is still in a body. What qualifies Christ for this mediatory work is that He is both God and Man. Do you have any verses that show that, when God created humanity, He intended them not to have physical bodies? I’ve watched a few of your videos, and you have mentioned this idea before. When Jesus was speaking to Mary and Martha before He raised Lazarus, Martha said to Him: “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” John 11:24 NASB1995 What was Martha expecting? What did “the resurrection on the last day” mean to her? When Job said: “As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, And at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed, Yet from my flesh I shall see God; Whom I myself shall behold, And whom my eyes will see and not another. My heart faints within me!” Job 19:25-27 NASB1995 What did he mean? Job lived before that covenant was given. What is this "last" that he seems to believe he will experience in his flesh? Finally, I know you are convinced that Christ has already returned. If by chance you are wrong, do you think there are consequences for that? Thank you for allowing me to pick your brains!
@@childofgrace1234 those are great questions! Thanks for taking the time to comment. I do think God intended for us to have physical bodies! He created us with them and he said that it was good. But remember that the Bible also says that what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal, so I think the physical body was meant to be a temporary state and that is what God planned and designed. As far as the verse from Job you quoted, you should also note that there is an alternate reading of that verse, which is, “yet apart from my flesh, I will see God.“ It is a textural variant. So I don’t think we should use one verse that could just as rightly be read the completely opposite way and build our whole theology around it. Keep in mind that the Bible says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom, that the kingdom does not come with observation, etc. So either way, even if someone disagrees I don’t think it’s as clearcut as we like to think that it is. I would make this argument that the timing of the resurrection determines the nature of the resurrection. What I mean by that is that Jesus said that the harvest which is the resurrection would occur at the end of the age.. Therefore, if the end of the age was in the first century that means the harvest was in the first century, which means the resurrection was in the first century. I know that is a lot to wrap your head around, but if you watch more of my videos, maybe you will at least think that we preterists aren’t as completely off our rockers as some people make us out to be.🤪🙏❤️
It is like those who believe bodies will fly in the air being raptured- it is so odd to me that anyone could really believe that. How many times have we been told it is the end of the world? A bit insane…
Hi...Jesus and heaven and glorified bodies and banquets ete etc etc.are dwelling in dimensions that we can't possibly understand. Our meager attempts at peering into them will always be filled with silly.distortions, ideas and questions.. Jesus has came in the flesh...He will return in the same fashion. We will be able to thrust our fingers into His wounds, and then we will bow down and declare..My Lord and my God..
@ heretichick Why is Malachi 2:7 referring to OT teachers as “angelos” messengers, then same word in Revelation 20 said to be “angels”?? Why does Hebrews 1-2 talk about Angels, angelos, but the other 11 chapters of Hebrews speak of Christ being greater than the OT system? Why does Revelation speak of one binding Satan “Angelo’s” and then we don’t refer to Jesus or John the Baptist as “messengers”, is this translation bias, based on presupposition? I love giving you video topics, they are endless like our world 🌎
The Biblical answer for you question @ 10:15 "If God is Spirit, how is Jesus in heaven in a physical body?" Answer......."For in Him (Jesus) dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;" (Colossians 2:9)
@@christophergibson7155 That is actually a really good verse and it makes me think so thanks for pointing it out! I can see where someone might take this to mean that Jesus still has a physical body, but it seems like that would require you to believe God the father and the Holy Spirit have a body as well since it talks about the fullness of the godhead.? I guess I would be inclined to view this verse as speaking of the body in a corporate sense as in the body of the godhead/ unity of the godhead/ church. I would be interested to see what some other thoughts on that are though!🙏❤️
@@kristinbingamon568 "I would be inclined to view this verse as speaking of the body in a corporate sense" Then why would Paul the Apostle state this?.."For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also EAGERLY WAIT for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will TRANSFORM OUR LOWLY BODY that it may be conformed to HIS GLORIOUS BODY, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself." (Philippians 3:20-21)
@@kristinbingamon568 Yes. And we also have 1 Corinthians 15:53 "For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality." It is the "body" that is under corrruption. For the wages of sin is death.(Romans 6:23a) Death of the body brings on corruption of the body. Since Adam and the fall everyone and everything "dies" physically. Our physical death is evident God's Word declares our wages are death. But Praise God that we are delivered from the grave and sting of death..."But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 15:57)
I’m loving your videos Kristen but can’t help believing that we’re in satan’s little season given how much evil is in this world. I’ve heard many say that 700-1000 years were added to our calendar. What would you say to this? Btw thank you for opening me up to this new way of thinking, the truth sets us free ❤️
@@SeaandAbove well I understand where you are coming from but I don’t believe we are in SLS. I believe that lead up to the zealot lead war with Rome and ended with the destruction of Babylon ( Jerusalem). Check out my videos on Babylon if you haven’t yet.🙏❤️
@@charlie70633 well I definitely don’t think Jesus human legs would spread that far!🤪. There is a ton of typology and symbolism in that passage. I think the clue is the mention of Uzziahs earthquake. Interesting that the Judaizerse did the same thing… sent a man into the holy of Holies who was not permitted. Earthquakes can represent the fall of a nation which I believe was old covenant Israel.🙏❤️
I think about how crazy eschatological ideas are often birthed from what you stated as man’s obsession with physicality. We have trouble thinking about the death of our physical bodies because the accuser convinces us that nothing exists beyond our physicality. As a result, we interpret scripture to say that our physical bodies will be resurrected, or we subscribe to YOLO. You mentioned how people went wild when Jesus fed their carnal passions, and I thought of Matthew 4:4 -> “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
Actually that is a contested passage, by which I mean there is a textual variant that reads ,” and apart from my flesh I shall see god.” It’s even in my notes in my ESV Bible. That was a problem verse for me as well and I was surprised to learn about the variant.❤️🙏
There is definitely always going to be something so we can't wrap our minds around. I let the scripture do the talking for me. Seek and ye shall find. That's one of my favorite scriptures.
Blessings 🙏 Have you ever thought about what happened with enoch and elijah as they were taken up with God and didnt physically die? I am also on same understanding of scripture as yourself and many others who are starting to be "enlightened"
my understanding is that this verse is not referring to Christ as being the fulness of God in a human physical body, but is better said that it is by being 'in Christ', who embodies the fullness of God, that the blessings of God can be had by men. And it is by being brought into Christ's body that men can experience God's fulness because the fulness of God is found 'in Christ'. Christ 'embodies' the fulness of God, He always has. "Definition for embody. verb as in represent; materialize. Synonyms Antonyms. Strongest matches. demonstrate, epitomize, exemplify, exhibit, express, illustrate, incorporate, manifest, mirror, personify, realize, stand for, symbolize, typify." 9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10 and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority. 11 In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. therefore, because it is only, 'in Christ ', that the fulness of God can be found, then by being brought into Christ is how the fulness of God is experienced in men For someone to be 'in Christ', implies that believers are being spiritually brought into Christ and become a member of His spiritual collective body, and those who are 'in Christ' are given the fulness of what God has to offer His sons. It is solely by being 'in Christ', as how the fulness of God can become an experienced spiritual reality. Because it is 'in Christ' where all the blessings that God has to offer for men, can be experienced by those who are in Christ. hope this explains how I am understanding what 'in Christ' is suggesting
@@kristinbingamon568 I find it difficult to explain how I really understand what being 'in Christ' implies. But those who are 'in Christ' just know what it means, because they are experiencing life as one who is 'in Christ, as opposed to a person who is not 'in Christ' You could probably do a much better job than I can at explaining what being the simplicity of being 'in Christ' implies
Well honestly, trying to prove preterism wrong would be like trying to prove the words Jesus spoke were somehow wrong. They clearly were not. It’s this future fulfillment doctrine that is obviously wrong.
Comment 4. Acts 1 and the ascension. I think the context is pretty clear that something physical is happening and they perceive it with human vision. They watched him ascend per verse 10. They looked up steadfastly at something physical. The 2 things mentioned are Jesus and a cloud. And at some point either Jesus’ physical visual aspect became to small to see or the physical cloud engulfed Him. Both render Jesus “out of their sight”. Even if the cloud was right at the ground akin to what Solomon experienced in the temple, a cloud is opaque and not solid. Jesus would gradually disappear from view as He ascended. Fog is just a cloud on the ground. We can see a certain distance through fog depending on its severity. All that to say I think its a real stretch to imply that a physical event may not have occurred. I’m not actually sure if you think that by the way. It wasn’t clear to me. Last point on this part. In my opinion verse 9 through 11 is in fact a description of the rapture…… Just read it the following way right verbatim out of the KJV. I will write out the pertinent part of verse 11. I won’t change anything. I will insert spaces so that what I think is actually being said can be seen…. “This same Jesus which is taken up……… From you into heaven shall so come in like manner…… As ye have seen him go into heaven. The middle “part”. Read it in isolation and consider the possibility that it might be describing how “you watching” will rise into heaven (at the rapture or at the resurrection).
Yeah, he was taken up in a ☁️, have you even bothered to use scripture to define the cloud in the Old Testament? God came n his glory chariot and received Christ. And He came back in a cloud to judge just as the father did all over the Old Testament. It’s undeniable…
Yes. That is absolutely what happened "physically" before all those who witnessed Jesus' ascension. Jesus was not raised from the dead as a spirit only. Jesus was raised up in a resurrected body. And Revelation 1:7 testifies to this..."Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen." This can not be a Spirit appearing only to the saints in any way. Preterism has no justification for the truth. It is just another heresy introduced to deceive the elect if possible.
@@christophergibson7155 Yes completely agreed of course. This was absolutely a physical bodily ascension in a physical cloud. However, I do NOT deny multiple levels of meaning in scripture. More than 2. Maybe even 3 or 4. So I don’t discount the idea of a spiritual dimension to this event. Jesus resurrected body was and is physical. But, it is far more than just a body as we understand our present physical bodies. Again, Paul goes into exquisite detail-some 50 verses in 1 COR 15- about the CLEARLY physical nature of our future new glorified bodies. A denial of the physical nature of the resurrection requires that 1 COR 15 be completely disregarded. One simply cannot read 1 COR 15 and come away without knowing that Paul is describing real physicality unless scripture is completely replaced with whatever the reader wishes is to say. The physicality of a bodily resurrection is 100% guaranteed!
@@Scott767300ok, well if I was a betting man I would be all in on the fact you have the use of “body” defined completely out of context. Read Hosea and tell me that’s a physical body. It’s ok though, I’m not here to convince anyone of anything. I just let the truth speak for itself and that truth is the scripture. ✌️
@@kristinbingamon568 Exactly right. Also, All things were made for him (Jesus) and by him. Also, Jesus said, before Abraham was I existed. I asked because you video title could be viewed as ambiguous and there is a group claiming Jesus only came to Earth when he was born from Mary.
You are asking some really good questions, and I agree with you that heaven is not a physical, 3-dimensional place and that Jesus does not have a physically 3-dimensional body. But what do you mean when you say that Jesus was at the right hand of the Father before he emptied himself? Are you saying that Jesus and the Father were two omnipotent beings "in heaven", and that one of those omnipotent beings, Jesus, vacated heaven and became a tiny human life form inside of Mary's womb? Just trying to get a better picture of what you're saying.
@@eddie3961 I don’t know what I’m saying sometimes!🤪 I am definitely not a trained theologian so some of these questions are just too big for me. I don’t know who or what Jesus was before he came to earth but I know he existed and he was in glory because during his life on earth, he asked God to glorify him with the glory he had with the father before the world began. So I’m just saying he was glorified and then he was humbled on earth and I believe now he is glorified again. Does that make sense?😅🙏❤️
@@kristinbingamon568 Well since most trained theologians are futurist in their eschatologies, I'd have to say that NOT being a trained theologian has its benefits! Thanks for explaining further what you meant. I think that's a fairly common belief, that Jesus was in glory with another divine person called "The Father", then he gave up that glory and came to earth, and then he received that glory again. The problem I see with this view is that it leaves the impression that Jesus was not "in heaven" while he was on earth. And if Jesus was not in heaven while he was on earth, then heaven was a "place" where Jesus was not present while he was on earth...which would mean Jesus was not omnipresent - and therefore, not fully divine - while he was on earth...which would mean Jesus was something less than fully divine while he was earth. Do you see where I'm coming from, and the problem that I'm seeing?
@ yes I can see the problem. For me personally I don’t find it to be a problem that Jesus wasn’t omnipresent on earth. I guess that to me it’s just part of him humbling himself and becoming a man so that he could sympathize with us in our weakness. Of course, maybe that’s some sort of heresy. But I’m kind of known for heresy.😂🙏❤️
@@kristinbingamon568 I definitely agree that he identified with our weaknesses. Here's how I see it though. The only way that Jesus can truly be God is if he never left "heaven". If he left heaven when he entered Mary's womb, then his only existence at that time was the existence of a single-cell human life form. In other words, he ceased being God (an impossibility?), and was not God for the 33-plus years that he was on earth, because in no sense was he omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, etc.
But if Jesus remained omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent "in heaven" when he first expressed himself on earth in the form of a single-cell preborn child, then he never ceased being God, and we can truly say that God, expressed in human form, died for us, which is what the gospel is all about.
I'm a futurism-rejecting "heretic" like you. I'm also a "damnable heretic" for believing that Jesus, because he was "in heaven" and "on earth" at "the same time", is the one true God *by himself;* his own Father (God the Father), and his own Son (the Son of God).
There's nothing more important than knowing who the one true God is. And if "he" is actually a "they" - "three distinct persons", as orthodoxy teaches - then in order for me to know who "God" is, I have to have three distinct person-to-person relationships with "them". What a mess. How much better to have a singular person-to-person relationship with the unipersonal God revealed in scripture - JESUS - who laid down his life for us?
@ I understand where you’re coming from. I don’t claim to have any answers about the nature of God or Jesus. I look at it this way, a little child can love his father and be loved back without really understanding everything about their father. But they know he is their father and that they are loved. that’s kind of how I see my relationship with God.
Your right he came back already. Remember he warned them a wolf in sheeps clothing will come? Remember he said if they say im in the wilderness or the inner rooms don't believe them. Paul claimed to see him there dont believe him. Jesus came back in tbe clouds not to false prophet Paul. Paul met false christ on the road to Damascus. Faith alone is lawlessness. If you love me you will obey my commands is the doctrine Jesus taught. May God bless us both
Don't you know that we'll be able to know Jesus by the nail-prints in His hands? How else are we suppose to know Him. Lol. I was thinking about this lately and how is it that Jesus is in heaven sitting exalted on the throne in a humble state. It doesn't compute. You have an amusing way of presenting thought-provoking rationale.
10:29 No, I do not think that heaven is a physical place. It can’t be. All the New Testament language is spiritual, not physical. You ask great Q’s K.👍
The Word is clear as day: "Therefore from now on we recognize no one by the flesh; even though we have known Christ by the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer." 2 Corinthians 5:16, NASB "For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God." Colossians 3:3, NASB "...we are of good courage and prefer rather to be ABSENT FROM THE BODY and to be at home with the Lord." 2 Corinthians 5:8, NASB "...flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 15:50, NASB No room for physical bodies there.
Yeah ,I have had all the same Questions Probly has alot to do with Conciousness I have seen so many near death stories all kinds some go to heaven finding out about past ZLiveds there are Purgatory type realms Heaven ones Heaven Ones I have so many questions and I sure dont want to end up in a hell type Place
@@brentmistretta4553 hey I just saw your comment on my other video… hope you get my response. God doesn’t make coming to him nearly as hard as religion tries to make it.❤️🙏
Brother, if you got questions and you're looking for them in the Bible, you're not going to hell. Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door WILL be opened.
Have you looked into Tartaria or the buildings all over the world that would have been impossible for people to build them when they say they were built? Jesus reigned on this earth over the nations and evidence everywhere of this. Is it in the character of God to not judge nations anymore while Jesus is ruling over the nations? Is no judgement justice? Keep digging sis
More Little Season nonsense. Go look in the mirror and ask yourself: Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who is the most deceived of them all? 🤣 the Mirror doesn’t lie.
@@michaelseay9783 So when does Isaiah 63 get fulfilled? Oh He's not a man anymore. I forgot to add the allegorical cheat sheet to understanding scripture. Not trying to be mean but preterism doesn't work with the whole of scripture.
@michaelseay9783 who are you going to side with in a forthcoming war if its in our future? It'd be "israel" and the rest of the world including Christians then God would punish us for going up against "israel". God's not in covenant with a physical nation anymore.
Read your bible pray to God, focus on God and his spirit might come close enough to you to reveal the nature of Christ Jesus. But trust me if you live in sin without seeking repentance YOU WILL NEVER KNOW CHRIST JESUS GOD
Your argument is faulty. You used the passage about worshipping God in spirit and in truth. When the wise men from the East found the baby Jesus, they brought gifts and they worshipped him. So did the Shepards. After Jesus saved the disciples during the storm, the disciples fell down before him and worshiped him. We know that Jesus is God. Are you saying that they weren't really worshipping him because Jesus was in a physical body? Are you saying that no one worshipped God during those 33 years that Jesus was on the Earth? Of course not! There has never been a single moment in time when God has not received true worship. When Jesus said that He wanted people who would worship in spirit and in truth, he meant that he wanted people who were worshipping through the holy Spirit, and in the true way that has been established in His word.
@kristinbingamon568 What does that have to do with what I commented? I'm trying to say that your argument doesn't negate the possibility of Jesus being in a physical body in Heaven. People can still worship him if he has a body. Of course, it would be a perfect glorious body, without imperfections. And to your reply, modern translations translate it "the kingdom of God is among you" or "the kingdom of God is in your midst".
@@nerychristian so are you saying that the kingdom does not come with observation, is among us, is not flesh and blood, but Jesus has a physical body still?
You also don't understand that we are not going to be living in Heaven. When Christ returns he will establish his kingdom on the new Earth that he will create after the old heaven and Earth destroyed. Unfortunately because of your view, you have to go through all of these mental gymnastics to support your view. There is a reason why for almost 2000 years, the orthodox view was that Christ would return again, raise the believers, and judge the nations. Then he will establish his kingdom here on Earth, and we will reign alongside him. Your full preterist view has left you with a soulless Christianity with no hope of things ever getting better, or of there ever being any true justice for the believers. According to you, sin and wickedness, death and corruption, and the works of the devil will continue forever.
@@kristinbingamon568 I'm saying that Jesus was answering the religious leaders of the time who were claiming to be waiting for the kingdom of God. Jesus was saying that the kingdom was there, happening in front of them, and that they were witnessing the fulfillment of the promises. They were seeing the gospel preached, people being healed, miracles being performed, people repenting and turning to God. Yet they were still blind and couldn't see that the kingdom had arrived. The kingdom had arrived and would continue to spread to the ends of the earth through the preaching of the Gospel. And will ultimately culminate when Jesus returns at the end of the age, when he will finally bring justice and put an end to all of the evil doers. And Satan and his followers will be cast into the lake of fire, along with Death. And we will all be transformed and given glorified bodies. And we will live forever in his Kingdom
Jesus left earth with his glorified body and He came back again with His Spirit body at Pentecost 33 AD. The Holy Spirit was given as a down payment to all true believers since that meeting, and is a token of the full reward: a glorified body just like Jesus received. He is the Head, and all true believers are the Body.(Rom. chap. 8 explains the transformation beautifully) The head goes nowhere without the body. When is the glorified body available to all true believers? During the resurrection of the dead who become Christ’s body and inheritance, together at last!
@ I like vs. 28. Jesus meant here that he would return in the Spirit, which He did at Pentecost to pour out God’s Holy Spirit upon all believers gathered there as instructed.(Acts 1:4-8) Acts chap.2 gives more detail about what the Holy Spirit would accomplish. This happened so quickly that many would be born of the Spirit before dying in the flesh. This has happened since til today, as some from each generation become reborn just as Christ said was necessary to be saved.(Joh.3:5,6)
If it isn’t J’s that suppose to visit and take away who ever! Or the way eye see it is with so many powerful and beautiful angels almighty has that they visit earth everyday and they take someone away because someone dies everyday or night! Almighty father doesn’t have to visit the earth like as if he had to come over and get anyone! Unless someone is one special & privileged person that more likely does not exist that almighty would arrive to get anyone! So the then when the sun rises and it becomes day that’s when the pick up is! Only in the day time and it’s a high rank angel that comes over to take that one soul away and if one is being taken then it would a cheerful and blessing time to be accompanied by an angel to be taken up!!!
Num 32:13 ISV “The LORD’s anger had flared up against Israel so that he made them wander in the wilderness for 40 years until that whole generation, who committed evil in the eyes of the LORD, had died. Mat 12:39 ISV But he replied to them, “An evil and adulterous generation craves a sign. Yet no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah, The people in the 2nd Exodus never entered the promised Land of the new heavens and earth
Oh man I have a lot to add to this video there Kristin! But I only want to make one comment first as I watch 6:50 in…. Yes I firmly believe He is indeed STILL in His “humbled” body as you characterize it. And I do think thats a decent description! I have considered this quite a bit. Worthy of much thought and meditation by Christians. Think about what Jesus gave up for every Christian….out of perfect endless love….that love which will last for eternity! I don’t think our human minds have any capacity to comprehend what Jesus actually gave up for us. I firmly believe Jesus will have that marred actual physical body forever. And just as Thomas did, we will be able to see and touch those wounds. The evidence for this lies at least partially in the extreme importance God places on memorialization throughout scripture! He values remembering with praise and glory very highly! Study what He has done vis a vis memorialization and you will get a feel for this. I suspect that we are going to find out that the new glorified bodies WE ultimately receive will be BETTER than His because ours will NOT be marred! And He knew this going in…….and said “yes, I will do it”….all because of the unmeasurable depths of His perfect love for us that even the angels can’t understand! More to add later.
@@Scott767300 although I disagree I appreciate where you are coming from…that Jesus loves us so much he would be willing to to suffer for eternity for us. I agree that his love is more vast than we can imagine.🙏❤️
@ I wouldn’t say that “he is suffering” for all of eternity. I certainly didn’t mean to imply that. We can have wounds in the bodies we have now that heal and don’t cause suffering. I have a bunch of broken bones, scars etc but they don’t cause me any suffering. But I do retain the evidence of wounds. Also I would add that if Jesus were to “later” change into yet another body post ascension, the absolute fact of His resurrection seems to “cheapen” if you will. Thats probably not the greatest word to use but hopefully it gets the point across. Anyway, more comments on your presentation later for your consideration! Gotta keep showing ya that some of us do in fact have possible answers to so e of these things! All in good spirit. 👍👍
8:52 Yes. The Holy Spirit put the sperm in Mary. This was God’s plan to have His son born as a human, like us. The only difference is that Christ did not have a human father.
@ According to Luke chap. 2 God’s Holy Spirit provided the seed which would grow to become God’s only begotten Son. It is God’s perfect plan to bring a saviour into the world. No human father could do this as Adam brought only death to mankind whereas Christ became a life giving spirit.(1Cor.15:45-49)
ubiquitous adjective ubiq·ui·tous yü-ˈbi-kwə-təs Synonyms of ubiquitous : existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : widespread a ubiquitous fashion ubiquitously adverb ubiquitousness noun
Comment 3. So then what IS the resurrection all about? Paul again makes it explicitly clear. Make no mistake, I am absolutely 100% convinced in the pre millenial pretrib rapture. Not the slightest doubt in my mind. Period. That being said, folks on my side have it completely wrong about 1 COR 15:51-54. Almost everyone says that set of verses is about the rapture…. ITS NOT. The entire chapter must be read in context. From verse 12 to the end the entirety is about the resurrection. Paul does NOT even touch on the rapture! People on my side suffer from the incorrect teaching that 51-54 is the rapture. They plainly haven’t studied the chapter and just accept what they have been told! I know…I used to be one of them until I studied it on my own. The whole thing. In context. Saying that 51-54 is totally and completely out of context. We are supposed to think that Paul spends 40 verses discussing the resurrection and then out of the blue with no context suddenly inserts the rapture. No way no how. After the previous 40 verses before 51 Paul’s narrative begs a conclusion. A conclusion that answers the one thing Paul hasn’t mentioned yet. What’s that? Its the “when” the resurrection occurs. THIS is the context of verse 51-54. THIS is the mystery he reveals. The mystery of when the resurrection occurs. And what he plainly explains is that the very second a believer passes away they receive their new glorified body in the resurrection that VERY INSTANT. The passage is not about the rapture. If people would only take the time…..not 5 minutes either…..invest the time to study chapter 15 and realize the Truth of 51-54 I can’t begin to explain how apparent conflicts melt away….
Where did you come from, where did you go. Where did you come frome cotton eyed joe. If it hadn't been for cotton eyed joe, I would've been married along time ago.
Bible claims Jesus resurrected in HUMAN BODY but also that body can not enter Heaven so who knows where Jesus is based on Bible descriptions. Since Jesus is in human body it means he will die since at one point has to leave body.This fits more to Islamic version than Bible version.
Luke 24:31. …Jesus vanished from their sight… Obviously whatever body he had at that point was still not exactly like our physical bodies. Unless we just haven’t figured out that part yet!! Maybe that’s part of an upgrade to the software that I have kept putting off?
Comment 2….Early on you discuss the status of bodies in the grave. Not that you do, but people for some reason think we are “coming back” to get these bodies. This is totally and completely untrue! Paul makes this explicitly clear in 1 Corinthians. He spends some 50 verses discussing the resurrection in exquisite detail. Its like people haven’t read chapter 15 at all. These people need read verse 35 through 38 and STUDY IT! Read it in the KJV and look at what Paul calls those who think we are coming back for these bodies….verse 36: “thou fool”. We NEVER come back for these bodies. EVER. The resurrection is NOT about our present bodies in any way shape or form! Read people! Read!
@@ginny2998 where do you find that he went to heaven in flesh? I do agree that he was in his flesh just prior to his ascension, but at his ascension, a cloud hid him from their sight. I would argue that the cloud was the glory cloud like that which was present with the Israelites in the wilderness, and it was at that time that he put off his flesh and ascended into heaven. Scripture does say, flesh in blood cannot inherit the kingdom, so if he is in the flesh, then he himself could not be in the kingdom.🙏❤️
(John 4:23,24) But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” Whenever Jesus referred to God or to The Father, Jesus was not referring to himself, but to his Father, his God(John 20:17). Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’ ” Talking about contradictions, Does God have a God whom he worships and prays to? Does God obey anyone? Has God ever died? Can God die? (1Tim.1:17) Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Heretic Chick, You need to look into who God really is, and into who Jesus really is. Bible first, and afterward I highly recommend an excellent book by Greg Deuble titled: "They Never Told Me THIS In Church"!
Jesus pre existed as the Word of the Father and not as another Deity or entity : Psa 33:6 By the word < of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath < of his mouth. That Word was made flesh through Mary thus it can be said of Christ all things were made by Him which was the Word made human. 1Ti 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
The Apostles disagree with you: I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of The Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
@@T.Truthtella-n3i do you think the apostles actually wrote that? And it doesn’t say, “the resurrection of the physical body” so I think we need to take a little more into consideration there.❤️🙏
Well the apostles clearly didn’t know what they were talking about. They affirmed Jesus was to come back in their generation, and obviously he didn’t right?
"Because all the bodies are still in the grave"... doesn't support your ideas. It supports the idea Jesus has not returned for His final ressurection of bodies from the graves. Even in the old testament believers understood the final ressurection.. job spoke of Jesus The R edeemer and his(jobs) body that had rotted in the grave coming back fleshly and new in Christ Jesus--> 25For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: 26And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
I've got this Matthew 10:23 when they persecute you in one town, flee to the next, for truly, I say to you, (you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the son of man comes.) Matthew 16 verse 28 Truly, I say to you,( there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the son of man coming in his kingdom.) Matthew 24:34 (Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away into all these things take place.) Mark 1:14 now after John was arrested, Jesus came into galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, (the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand,) repent and believe in the gospel. Mark 13:30 truly, I say to you, (this generation will not pass away until these things take place.) Heaven and Earth will pass away, but the words will not pass away. Romans 13:11 (beside this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than we first believed.) 1st Corinthians 7:29 This is what I mean, Brothers; the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none. 1st Corinthians 10:11 now these things happen to them as an example, (but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of Ages has come.) 1 John 4 verse 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is a spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and (now is in the world already.) That's just about as good as I've got but not quite. The scripture speaks for itself. It always has and it always will.
@@pauldmckee isn’t it this way that the ones who believe Jesus will be with him when they die & the ones who don’t believe him will be nowhere when they die like be nothing…..
I Can't watch anymore. You Do not know the Bible at all. YOU NEED TO BE BORN AGAIN. It is amazing all the lost people who comment, I know most are but to see it more and more is shocking.
Your focus is on the wrong things. You should focus on living your life perfect and sinless and improving yourself daily and begging God to forgive you for all the wrong you have done
Great advice! I would say reading and studying Gods word is one of the absolute best ways to do what you have stated! What better way to live a more pleasing to God life than actually reading his word so that you can know what it is that you need to be doing to accomplish His purpose. Thanks for the encouragement!
Jesus came in the flesh, John 1:14, Jesus left in the flesh Acts 1, and He will return in the flesh on the last day. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.
I would think, the one that was the only begotten son of God , could do what the only Father of life could do when he was just that , a Son of That God and All from that God , and since in real life ,I am a father and I am a son , I gave to my son all I could give and received and what my father could give me is just that ,and that is the image of God , you should know you inherited your father’s and mother’s likeness and position , so we first received Adams place because we were in the image of What God said , because that is what God gave to mankind .To make God visible by Making Adam and Eve in The image of God an having that domain ,to be in the image of that God ( is That true ?) is that our first estate? I say yes ! That makes me in the son of man situation, fleshly ,sold to be exploited , Do you not think there is evidence the “world orders” aren’t utilizing this reality? You have to touch the truth , I believe we’ve all been fooled, I am born to the son of man’s fate , but I’ve the opportunity to be born again to The Son of Gods fate , because the Son of God Gave the Son of man the The Son of God reality and exchanged position to restore the image of God back to that which our first parents occupied to make God visible. , weather I still live in organics or not or have flesh for Gods purpose and birthright I’m will to live by what he tells me , but most of all what he gives me is the birthright of the living Son God in our presence, in our hearts . I surrender to his Judgment.
In my opinion, FWIW, baby Jesus was not born on Dec 25th. However God created all the days of the year, so if people want to agree to celebrate his birth on that particular day there is nothing inherently wrong with that. I have heard it said that ancient people didn’t even celebrate “birthdays” anyways. I don’t know if that’s true or not. I don’t think we really need to divide as Christians over whether this particular day is somehow bad or evil just because at some point in history some bad people did bad things on this particular day or the year. Again ALL the days were created by the Creator and are His. No one is forcing anyone to put up a tree or decorations, if it seriously offends a persons faith they are free to not participate, however in 2024 I doubt there are many alive who actually remember the tammuz tree or whatever pagan belief that the “original” solstice was said to represent. This is just my opinion, and I am not the Heretic Chick. However I have a sneaking suspicion she might say something similar to this. I have watched all her videos.
Philippians 2:6 has been misunderstood by many. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,[a] 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,[b] 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,[c] being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross." First, Jesus was in the form of God, not God. His words and powers were as if were of a God, or the image of a God not God. Even though Jesus was the son of the Highest, he did not use that privileged position to his advantage but took the position(form) of a servant to the point of obediently go to his death. Jesus was created in Mary as Luke 1:26-35 teaches, he was not God that became human, he was created as Luke says by God's powerful word.
@@kristinbingamon568 In the gospels, when he appeared to his disciples after the resurrection, Jesus told them to touch him to handle him, so he is still human, he still has a physical body however his body is not of the same stuff as before the resurrection because he could appear and go through walls etc.
Hey guys, Fascinating conversation.... It's a tough one for "Christians"....cos the person of Jesus and God remains a mystery to the carnal mind. A child understands their inseparable oneness with their Father (in Spirit), but never mistakes that they are their Father's son (in the flesh) This passage helps to provide an insight into what was going on when Jesus came to "literally" rock their "lack of spiritual understanding".... John 10:31-39 NKJV - Then the Jews took up stones again to stone Him. Jesus answered them, “Many good works I have shown you from My Father. For which of those works do you stone Me?” The Jews answered Him, saying, “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, make Yourself God.” Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods” ’? “If He called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), “do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’? “If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; “but if I do, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him.” Therefore they sought again to seize Him, but He escaped out of their hand. Love and blessings ❤️🫂❤️
@@kristinbingamon568 you are asking interesting question that regular christians do not. Jesus as I said is physical but immortal. We will be like angels at the resurrection or when Jesus returns. We do not have to eat but we can just as Jesus did right after his resurrection. I have to tell you something I am a christian but I do not understand Jesus to be God or the Trinity to be correct. Jesus as he agreed with Peter in Matthew 16:16, is the Christ, the son of God, Christ means a descendant of king David, and son of God means that God created him in Mary as we can read in Luke 1:26-35. I have been a Christian for 50 years , I know time does not give me any credentials but I know the Bible and have dealt with all those issues extensively. Any questions, let me know.
1st Corinthians 15:50-53 says, "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep (die) but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory". ALL Christians will receive an IMMORTAL, INCORRUPTABLE body at the LAST TRUMPET. We haven't had that happen yet. Undeniable truth that FULL Preterism is NOT Biblical.
@@Mike-qt7jp maybe you are right. But maybe not. It’s always good to look at both sides of an issue🥰. Have you read 1 Corinthians 12 lately? What type of body is in mind there? Do you think it’s different one in chapter 15? Just curious.❤️🙏
@@kristinbingamon568 Well, in 1 Corinthians 12 it is speaking of us being members of Christ's body; obviously this is a metaphor. But in Chapter 15 it is speaking of the body we as believers will receive at the Last Trumpet, the bodies that we will have forever. Philippians 3:20-21 says, "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body." I think Philippians 3:20-21 is pretty clear: we WILL (someday) have a glorified body like Christ's that will not get sick, diseased, or grow old: it will be fresh and vibrant FOREVER. Again, you and I and all Christians alive today are STILL awaiting these glorious new bodies. While there are clearly metaphors in scripture, NOT everything is. And AGAIN, while there certainly have been prophecies fulfilled in the Old Testament times, and in the first century (dealing with the prophesied Messiah) many are still future. Just look at you and me: is this it for us? No "future" prophesied for us? No glorified bodies? No removal of our sin nature? Are we NOT going to see Jesus face-to-face? Are we NOT going to see those who have died in CHRIST and gone on ahead of us? I really don't know why the FULL (Hyper) preterists insist EVERY single prophesy has been fulfilled. Also, Revelation 21:4 says, "God will wipe away every tear. There will be NO MORE crying, NO MORE sorrow, NO MORE pain and NO MORE DEATH. This has not happened. Also, it can't be a reference to Heaven or the New Jerusalem or any other spiritual existence because it says, "NO MORE crying, sorrow, pain and death." Those things NEVER existed in Heaven or the Heavenly Jerusalem. They are ALL the result of sin down here on earth. In other words, you can say there is no crying, sorrow, pain or death in Heaven, but you CAN'T say there is No MORE crying, No MORE sorrow, No MORE pain. and No MORE death, because there NEVER has been crying, sorrow, pain, or death in Heaven. And clearly, we live in a world with crying, sorrow, pain, and death.
@@allthingsbing1295 Theists believe that god came from nothing, existed before anything, then created everything out of nothing...and I exist because my parents had sex.
@@bibleburner8426 well now that would just be your opinion😉 and it certainly seems to be the one “myth“ that gets people very angry when other people believe it!🙏❤️
Read the comment I wrote to JonnyDuock. I'm not writing all that down twice. I put the scripture down and the scripture speaks for itself. It always has and it always will.
Your Holy Spirit isn’t working… You haven’t seen my computer program that I wrote to analyze the Bible. Iseu never left. The angels and I can’t just travel back and forth from other planets.
Did you even bother to read the scripture? To say fulfillment is a lie is to say Jesus lied. Are you willing to continue that? Matthew 16:27-28 did he lie? And don’t tell me those two verses are separated by thousands of years so far. And it’s not the transfiguration. Nobody was rewarded and it was only a week or so later from him speaking those words,no one even died then.
Good job Sis. You've come to the same conclusions that I have. When you read the word without traditional glasses, the whole Bible opens up! A lot makes total sense, we complicate things. 🙏🏾
Totally completely agree with everything you say, Kristen!!
And Pete and Rachael Wrue’s books are indeed great resources. Another wonderful book that explains fulfilled eschatology so very clearly is Glenn L. Hill’s book, Christianity’s Great Dilemma ❤
Just found your channel a week or so ago. From one heretic to another; I very much appreciate the way you approach things. It is so very important that we each ask the hard questions and come to our own conviction on things, while praying the Holy Spirit guides us to understanding. Shalom!
I get asked this all the time, where did I come from where did I go. In a dream I gave Jesus a hug and thought He is very thin.
Yup, I agree 100% with your exegesis and your speculative insights. Preterism answers most questions immediately. The other mainstream eschatologies are mind-bogglingly confusing, more like sales pitches to the unlearned.
Words are malleable and suseptible to interpretation. Subjective experiences are gaslite by authorities and censors. YT is all about the collective.
To find Christ it pays to read the works of John Muir, the naturalist. His father disciplined him to memorize the Bible.
preterism is false and completely confusing.
@@PeterJRam Here is one for thought: Is human ception a supernatural event?
Empirical evidence provided. 🐠
Just before you said "The body of Christ", I was thinking exactly the same thing. These are good conversations to have. You are appreciated
I literally laughed out loud and almost spit my drink out when you said… how is he going to live inside of us, I’m only like 5ft tall 😂😂😂
That was hilarious. I was thinking this lady is teeny tiny or she's like 6' and my eyes are playing tricks on me 😂😂
“The real thing is the spirit.” Simple truth!
FYI: There are quite a few preterists and many give convincing arguments on TH-cam channels.
@@A_Gaye I agree! ❤️🙏
Outstanding presentation as usual 🎉
Hey, Kristin. This is an excerpt from the Book of Adam and Eve. When they left the Garden and entered this realm, their bodies started to change.
"What has happened to us through eating, that this pain should have come upon us ? Woe be to us, we shall die ! Better for us to have died than to have eaten; and to have
Then Adam said to Eve, " This pain did not come to us in
the garden, neither did we eat such bad food there. Thinkest
thou, Eve, that God will plague us through the food that is
in us, or that our inwards will come out ; or that God means
to kill us with this pain before He has fulfilled His promise "
to us ?
Then Adam besought the Lord and said, " O Lord, let us not perish through the food we have eaten. Lord, smite us not ; but deal with us according to Thy great mercy, and forsake us not until the day of the promise Thou hast made us."
Then God looked upon them, and at once fitted them for eating food ; as unto this day ; so that they should not perish.
Then Adam and Eve came back into the cave sorrowful and weeping because of the alteration in their nature. And they both knew from that hour that they were altered [beings], that their hope of returning to the garden was now cut oflf; and that they could not enter it.
kept our bodies pure, than to have defiled them [with food]
For that now their bodies had strange functions; and all flesh that requires food and drink for its existence, cannot be in the garden.
Then Adam said to Eve, " Behold, our hope is now cut off; andsoisourtrusttoenterthegarden. Wenolongerbelong to the inhabitants of the garden; but henceforth we are earthy andofthedust,andoftheinhabitantsoftheearth. Weshall not return to the garden, until the day in which God has promised to save us, and to bring us again into the garden, as He promised us."
(Alpha Talkz) has a great presentation on how all these things took place before 70 AD. It's called "The Impending Doom" I tried to put a link down, but apparently, I'm not tech savy enough for something like that. I'm a Country Boy hubba hubba hubba.😂 That dude on Alpha Talkz is SMART. Way smarter them me.🤔
As to all the bodies still being in the ground; Rev. 20:4-6 tells us that it was ONLY the martyred Saints that were resurrected at His second coming. The rest of the dead are not raised until some time AFTER the 1000 year reign. After a lifetime of accepting futurist doctrine, I too have come to the conviction the Lord returned right when He said He would. But I believe there was a literal 1000 year reign between then and now, during which the martyred Saints ruled and reigned with Christ in glorified bodies, and that this period is obscured to us as the 'dark ages'.
You bring up some great points. I have always meditated on the verses where paul says the physical first and then the spiritual. It is obvious that Jesus and his apostles lived in a time where the physical(the shadows) were coming to an end, and the spiritual(the realities) were beginning to get stablished. It is obvious how in the gospels Jesus was making the spiritual a priority. Jesus said repeatedly that his kingdom wasn't of this world. Jesus said that to be a member of his kingdom a person had to be born again from the spirit of God. Jesus also said that God had to be worshipped in spirit and truth.
I definitely don't believe that jesus has a physical body anymore. And I'm not waiting for Jesus and his kingdom to rain out of the sky someday at some point in the future. His kingdom is now. It is within us believers and we will go to meet God and live with him forever when we leave this physical world.
Awesome video 👍 you keep on spreading the truth 👊
As to physical bodies vs spiritual bodies; I'd propose that the spiritual and the physical are both part of the same construct. We can think of it like water, which can be a solid, a liquid and a gas. The difference is the frequency at which it is resonating. We also resonate, but here are in our 'solid' (slow) state. We must be 'quickened' (at least 12 Scriptural references to this). Ice/water cannot enter the air unless it is quickened into gas form, and likewise we cannot enter Heaven accept we are quickened. Peace!
@@greglawrence9230 that is an interesting way to think of it!🤔🙏❤️
4:23 1 Cor.15:35-49 is such a fascinating passage which compares the physical body to the spiritual one. Please read carefully this chap. K.
So first the natural then the spiritual. So are comparing the two as the same? Coming without observation, kingdom within…. These are two very different things. The natural cannot in any way be compared with the spirit. There is nothing in scripture to even indicate this notion you are alluding to.
@ You could choose to read Paul’s words in First Corinthians again and hear what God is teaching us concerning flesh and Spirit.
Body of Moses, body of Christ. And you could choose to read Hosea and believe what the true meaning of resurrection is.
Your explanation was much easier to understand than Don Preston's touching the body of our risen Lord Jesus. And then it all clicked for me, and the Holy Spirit brought to my mind the following passages to confirm that our Lord returned to His Spiritual state.
John 17:5: "And now, Father, glorify Me in Your own presence with the glory that I had with You before the world existed."
1 Corinthians 15:45: "Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit."
2 Corinthians 5:16b: "Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard Him thus no longer."
1 Timothy 6:14-16: "keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will display at the proper time-He Who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, Who alone has immortality, Who dwells in unapproachable light, Whom no one has ever seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen."
Thank you for your labour of love for the saints. Keep up the good work of the Lord. Your labour is not in vain. I look forward to the next video.
Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. 😇🙏
@@KingYeshua-s1e thank you and merry Christmas to you as well!❤️ 🎄
The people that don't believe he has already came back do not fight fare. I had someone ask me to read second Thessalonians 2 and he said it proved that Jesus hasn't already came back yet. You judge for yourself what I put in capital letters when I wrote that whole scripture down to that guy. 2nd Thessalonians 2:7 FOR THE MYSTERY OF LAWLESSNESS IS ALREADY AT WORK. Then I put down second Thessalonians 11 to prove the point that he had a strong delusion. I didn't write that whole scripture down once but twice and the dude that asked me to read it for myself took it down twice because it made him look stupid. I don't fight dirty but I will throw down. Ain't nothing I hate worse than someone telling me I'm stupid or that I don't know what I'm talking about when I spend 3 to 4 hours every single day reading the Bible, WITH AND OPEN MIND.
I love watching your videos. It's like taking a deep breath. You're in the right book and you're on the right page and you've got the right mindset. I don't care if you're a man or a woman. We're not living in the times that paul wrote down in the laws for the church to Timothy. We're living in a very very very very very different times. Not everything paul put down is a law. It was sure enough a good guideline for the people in those days but these days, we've got to take what we can get from someone with a rational thinking mind with the heart to put the work in and not just be talking out there ace. That is you, ma'am. Honestly, I prefer a calling you sister. That's sure enough obeying scripture from the book of Timothy. You're all right.❤
Lol I take that as a high compliment… that I’m not talking out my ***😂🙏❤️
I have to respectfully disagree. The question we need to ask ourselves is this: what was Jesus referring to in Luke 21:22 when he said, "For these are the days of vengeance, *that all things which ARE WRITTEN may be fulfilled?"*
John wouldn't receive the visions of the book of Revelation for another 33-36 years, or 65 years depending on your view (66AD or 96AD); so Jesus couldn't be referring to those prophecies because they hadn't been revealed or written down yet. He had to be referring to what had previously been prophecied & written in the book of Daniel.
He was referring specifically to the 70 weeks prophecy found in Daniel 9:24-27, which included the rebuilding of the temple, the coming of the Messiah, his death/resurrection, his confirming the old covenant by instituting the new covenant through his blood; and lastly the destruction of Jerusalem & the temple which happened in 70 Ad.
This is what Jesus was referring to when he said, "that all things which are written may be fulfilled." It was the 70 weeks prophecy and all that is found therein.
We have irrefutable proof, not only in the fact that the book of revelation & its prophecies didn't exist at the time when Jesus spoke those words, but also in the interpretation of the symbols concerning the Woman and the Dragon found in Revelation 12, which connects with Daniel 9. Allow me to prove this....
In Daniel 9:26 we read, "Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and will have nothing.
*Then the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.*
*The end will come LIKE A FLOOD,* and until the end there will be war; desolations have been decreed.
*Notice that the end of Jerusalem and the temple will come LIKE A FLOOD.*
Then we read in Revelation 12:13-15,
13 And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.
14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle to fly from the presence of the serpent to her place in the wilderness, where she was nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.
*15 So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth LIKE A FLOOD after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by THE FLOOD.*
*16 But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.*
*Now remember that the Woman represents New covenant Israel, which includes BOTH believing Jews and gentiles. These are the new covenant believers who heeded the words of Jesus when he told them to FLEE into the mountains/wilderness, when they saw the abomination of desolation (aka the Roman armies) surrounding Jerusalem.*
When the disbelieving Jews, their temple, and Jerusalem came to a destructive end, the Christians fled, and the flood/Roman armies got swallowed up/absorbed by the EARTH OF JERUSALEM.
The Dragon spewing water like a flood after the woman in Rev. 12:15, represents the destruction of Jersualem by the Roman Armies which came LIKE A FLOOD, as detailed in Daniel 9:26.
The Woman FLEEING into the mountains/wilderness, represents those who heeded the words of Jesus when he told them to FLEE in Luke 21:20-21...
*"But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, you will know that her desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea FLEE to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country stay out of the city."*
Then proceed to verse 22 again to tie it all together irrefutably,
*"For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which ARE WRITTEN may be fulfilled" (referring to all things written in the 70 weeks prophecy of Daniel)*
*The Sea Beast & the earth Beast in Rev. 13, are events that happen AFTER the destruction of Jerusalem, since they chronologically follow the events of the Woman and Dragon found in Chapter 12. Then the Dragon (pagan Rome) gives his power, seat, and great authority to the Sea Beast AFTER the destruction of Jerusalem; which is shown symbolically in Chapter 12 (the woman FLEEING from FLOOD that came out of Dragon's mouth).*
This proves beyond doubt, that the majority of the of the book of Revelation (including the trumpets and bowls) weren't fulfilled by the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 ad, but are future events that FOLLOW AFTER the destruction of Jerusalem & the temple by Titus in 70 AD.
@@GoldenCup888interesting view: I’d see revelation 12 as Christ seeking refuge in Egypt for three and a half years, fulfilling Hosea 11. Not sure you can use the chronological argument since the book of revelation is a series of parallel visions fulfilling Daniel’s visions.
@@GoldenCup888 I think preterists understand that the book of Revelation had not yet been written when Jesus said that, “these are the days of vengeance to fulfill all that has been written.“ The problem for futurist is that the old testament clearly talked about the new heavens and new earth and the resurrection. I mean, just think about daniel chapter 12. Are you saying that daniel chapter 9 was fulfilled by 70 A.D. but not Daniel chapter 12? That would be a problem for Jesus saying that the first century were the days to fulfill all that had been written.🙏❤️
We can't forget the signs that were in the heavens September 23rd of 2017 be real hard to fake that one . I'll see you in the millennial Reign brother@@GoldenCup888
Spot on. Regarding Jesus resuming his glorious state:
John 17:4-5 (NASB95) 4 “I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do. 5 “Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
Undoubtedly correct! Excellent discussion! Where did he come from: First time I’ve ever heard some saying the Holy Spirit had “ man parts”, and “inseminating” Mary, (I’m aware it was an argument against physical normalization), first time I’ve ever heard the argument, does Jesus need to poop 💩, in heaven, these are logical consequences to their theories. How can’t they be. But back on track, the verse that jumped out to me was I John 3:2 “Beloved, now (wait when) not 2000 years in the future, we are the children of God, (probably by faith, I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me has transferred from death to life, idk “it has not yet appeared what WE (1st century Christians) shall be, BUT when, ohhh that certainty when He appears (parousia) we (how much immense) can one verse pack?? We shall be like him (in similar form and manner) we will see him (every eye) as he is!! Resurrected and Glorified! Please everyone give me you thoughts, I feel like a “Heretic Dude”
You sound like a heretic and I like it!😂🙏❤️
I’m proud to be a heretic. That means I’m not lazy, I study.
Amen! You need to do a video on “angelion” messenger, Malachi Greek OT translation messenger, Revelation 20 the one that ties up “Satan” Angel. Hebrews 1-2 “angel” , although the rest of the book is about OT/NT differences messenger 2chapters about angels, 11about new HP better than Old HP! You context is laaaacccking!
@@chriswolfe7067 Zach Davis just did a video on exactly that topic I believe.
Yes, there are toilets in Heaven, but all of the piss and shit gets flushed down to Hell and everyone down there has to swim in it.
When you understand God’s good and perfect will. You understand God’s voice.
Ezekiel 36:26-27.
And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
In Matthew 24 (among other places) Jesus told His followers (the people physically standing in front of Him, ➡️not us⬅️) very clearly that His return would be preceeded by:
1️⃣ The temple being torn down, verse 2.
2️⃣ Intense persecution and death of the saints, verse 9.
3️⃣ The abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet (which Luke 21:20 explains is Jerusalem encompassed with armies), verse 15.
4️⃣ That his followers would need to pay attention to the signs because they would need to flee from Judea without any hesitation or be killed or captured, verses 16-20.
A futurist interpretation of His words says that when He said those things and concluded with "this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled", that He didn't mean the generation He was actually talking to at that time- He simply meant the generation that saw the signs of His return would not pass before the end came- which apparently would be a generation 2000+ years later.
However, the very people that He was personally speaking to at that time (*that* generation, the ones physically with him) would soon face:
1️⃣ The temple being torn down.
2️⃣ Intense persecution and death of the saints.
3️⃣ Jerusalem encompassed with armies.
4️⃣ They had to pay attention to the signs because they personally had to flee from Judea without any hesitation or were killed or captured.
(The attack on Jerusalem in 70AD, per our own historical account, was so severe that starving woman ate their own children. Research the Fall of Jerusalem or the Destruction of the 2nd Temple.)
How confusing and neglectful (and even cruel) that Jesus did not clarify to the people who directly heard his words that they, too, would face the very things that He spoke of; but that he wasn't referring to them as the generation that would see His return.
These things were exactly what Jesus told them would happen, so they were expectantly looking for those signs, yet somehow He wasn't meaning *their* persecution and death, or *that* temple falling, or *those* armies encompassing Jerusalem... why would He not let them know that? Could you imagine the Christians of that time facing all of that tribulation and holding onto the promise that their Savior was coming back for them soon, then afterwards those that are left look around and realize there was half a wall left of the temple (which is a false narrative) and oops, we got the time wrong guys. Jesus isn't coming back for thousands of years yet.
C.S Lewis and many others concluded that Jesus honestly thought that He was returning to that generation (and tought His disciples so), but that He got it wrong because Jesus Himself said that only the Father knew the day and the hour of the coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:36).
However knowing the specific *generation* He would return to (a 40yr time frame) is not nullified by Him saying that only the Father knows the specific *day and hour*.
That was also said before His ascension back to the Father.
Revelation specifically starts out (giving us the foundation for what was being prophesied) by saying "The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
➡️*which God gave unto him*⬅️,
to ➡️show his servants⬅️ things which must ➡️*shortly*⬅️ come to pass"
So Jesus has been told *by the Father* (the one who knows the *day and the hour*) a revelation that was given to John to tell the people of *the generation Jesus first spoke* that what He is about to say will *shortly* come to pass.
Think about that: Jesus just confirmed His imminent return to the generation he had litteraly said "would not pass" until all had been fulfilled.
It all fits together flawlessly- the imminent time statements are so cleary telling us that Jesus was returning to the generation that He left.
The confusion comes in because of what we are told about history and on the dating of the writing of Revelation. (Internal evidence gives ample proof that it was written decades prior to 90AD, and I firmly believe Satan himself is behind the confusion on that dating.)
Per our historical narrative, everyone knows Jesus couldn't have returned to that generation because our history books say that He didn't. So we start twisting and manipulating each one of the imminent time statements to fit some future event or generation, or simply excuse them away. We have faith in the Word and in Jesus, but we stumble over man-made history and are forced to misinterpret the Word of God so that it fits our known reality. This is a hard one to get past because we are taught conventional history since childhood and it becomes our internal reality foundation to our timeline understanding. Our enemy has gone to great lengths to work that to his advantage.
But we must let the Word interpret history- not allow man-made history (even 'christian' based) distort the Word.
The world's teaching on evolution vs God's creation account clearly teaches us this.
But even the church stumbles over the historical narrative. However, as most already know or are coming to realize, our historical account is a mess. Our calendar and timeline are all mixed up. The infamous 1000 year dark ages are not so dark after all (in fact they are quite a lot like a certain Thousand Year Reign).
For me it comes down to asking "what is our timeline as the Bible teaches?"
And there are too many cohesive imminent time statements to get around. When taken as a whole, it all becomes very clear.
@@lindsayball5080 very well said!! You should make some videos!❤️🙏
SHWOOO! I thought I put a lot of scripture down to prove my point. I'm glad me and you are in the same book and with the ability to understand it. That's refreshing. I thought I was going to have to put down a bunch of scripture but you saved me from that. I appreciate that more than you know!
so if you read at the end of matthew there are a few verses that say that the dead rose up and went into the city and were seen before many, I so I believe dead people rose out of their graves with their bodies restored, What happened to them after that? I dont know.
Yes I believe that. I think that was a sign of something greater happening in the spiritual realm just like the resurrection of Jesus. I think they died physically later. That’s just my opinion🤪🙏❤️
@@kristinbingamon568 the jw's i encounter say that they died later too, I dont beleive that though because it would suck to die twice, I think they ascended with their bodies. But it doesnt say either way so all we can do is speculate.
He rose as his glorious body in Philippians 3:21, which is why no one recognised him.
It seems to me that sometimes people did recognize him, and sometimes they didn’t it kind of depended on the situation and if Jesus wanted them to recognize him.
I cannot find the verse but didn’t our Lord after He was raised from the grave walk through a wall and appeared in a room? What kind of “body” can do that?
Luke 24:31 is one place that says he vanished and then seemingly reappears somewhere else in verse 36.
You'll find out when you're standing before him facing eternity somewhere!
Your video came across my feed, probably because I have been researching this perspective. I have some family members who share your beliefs.
“For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus,”
1 Timothy 2:5 NASB1995
I believe this is the verse the Church uses to support the idea that Christ Jesus, our Lord, is still in a body. What qualifies Christ for this mediatory work is that He is both God and Man.
Do you have any verses that show that, when God created humanity, He intended them not to have physical bodies? I’ve watched a few of your videos, and you have mentioned this idea before.
When Jesus was speaking to Mary and Martha before He raised Lazarus, Martha said to Him:
“I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.”
John 11:24 NASB1995
What was Martha expecting? What did “the resurrection on the last day” mean to her?
When Job said:
“As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, And at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed, Yet from my flesh I shall see God; Whom I myself shall behold, And whom my eyes will see and not another. My heart faints within me!”
Job 19:25-27 NASB1995
What did he mean? Job lived before that covenant was given. What is this "last" that he seems to believe he will experience in his flesh?
Finally, I know you are convinced that Christ has already returned. If by chance you are wrong, do you think there are consequences for that?
Thank you for allowing me to pick your brains!
@@childofgrace1234 those are great questions! Thanks for taking the time to comment. I do think God intended for us to have physical bodies! He created us with them and he said that it was good. But remember that the Bible also says that what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal, so I think the physical body was meant to be a temporary state and that is what God planned and designed. As far as the verse from Job you quoted, you should also note that there is an alternate reading of that verse, which is, “yet apart from my flesh, I will see God.“ It is a textural variant. So I don’t think we should use one verse that could just as rightly be read the completely opposite way and build our whole theology around it. Keep in mind that the Bible says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom, that the kingdom does not come with observation, etc. So either way, even if someone disagrees I don’t think it’s as clearcut as we like to think that it is.
I would make this argument that the timing of the resurrection determines the nature of the resurrection. What I mean by that is that Jesus said that the harvest which is the resurrection would occur at the end of the age.. Therefore, if the end of the age was in the first century that means the harvest was in the first century, which means the resurrection was in the first century. I know that is a lot to wrap your head around, but if you watch more of my videos, maybe you will at least think that we preterists aren’t as completely off our rockers as some people make us out to be.🤪🙏❤️
I don't know if I asked this yet, but what will happen to the physical world? Will it continue forever, or will it end?
Ecc 1:4 , psalm 78:69, psalm 104:5 say it endures forever.
Also Isa 9:7 says of the increase of his government there will be no end
It is like those who believe bodies will fly in the air being raptured- it is so odd to me that anyone could really believe that. How many times have we been told it is the end of the world? A bit insane…
It’s embarrassing that I used to believe that. Now I just wonder how foolish we look to atheists?!😅🙏❤️
3:06 Yes K. Remember God’s response when Moses asked to see Him? (Exo.33:20)
Hi...Jesus and heaven and glorified bodies and banquets ete etc etc.are dwelling in dimensions that we can't possibly understand. Our meager attempts at peering into them will always be filled with silly.distortions, ideas and questions.. Jesus has came in the flesh...He will return in the same fashion. We will be able to thrust our fingers into His wounds, and then we will bow down and declare..My Lord and my God..
Christ has been glorified, he is no longer in his humbled state.
Jesus also had a phyical body when he came to america because the crowd all felt the holes in his hands and the hole in his side.
Can you post the scripture where Jesus comes to America?
@ heretichick
Why is Malachi 2:7 referring to OT teachers as “angelos” messengers, then same word in Revelation 20 said to be “angels”?? Why does Hebrews 1-2 talk about Angels, angelos, but the other 11 chapters of Hebrews speak of Christ being greater than the OT system? Why does Revelation speak of one binding Satan “Angelo’s” and then we don’t refer to Jesus or John the Baptist as “messengers”, is this translation bias, based on presupposition? I love giving you video topics, they are endless like our world 🌎
Zack Davis just did a whole video on that exact topic I believe! Very interesting🙏❤️
The Biblical answer for you question @ 10:15 "If God is Spirit, how is Jesus in heaven in a physical body?"
Answer......."For in Him (Jesus) dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;" (Colossians 2:9)
@@christophergibson7155 That is actually a really good verse and it makes me think so thanks for pointing it out!
I can see where someone might take this to mean that Jesus still has a physical body, but it seems like that would require you to believe God the father and the Holy Spirit have a body as well since it talks about the fullness of the godhead.?
I guess I would be inclined to view this verse as speaking of the body in a corporate sense as in the body of the godhead/ unity of the godhead/ church. I would be interested to see what some other thoughts on that are though!🙏❤️
@@kristinbingamon568 "I would be inclined to view this verse as speaking of the body in a corporate sense"
Then why would Paul the Apostle state this?.."For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also EAGERLY WAIT for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will TRANSFORM OUR LOWLY BODY that it may be conformed to HIS GLORIOUS BODY, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself."
(Philippians 3:20-21)
@ interesting that it says “ body” not “ bodies”?
@@kristinbingamon568 Yes. And we also have 1 Corinthians 15:53 "For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality." It is the "body" that is under corrruption. For the wages of sin is death.(Romans 6:23a) Death of the body brings on corruption of the body. Since Adam and the fall everyone and everything "dies" physically. Our physical death is evident God's Word declares our wages are death. But Praise God that we are delivered from the grave and sting of death..."But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 15:57)
I’m loving your videos Kristen but can’t help believing that we’re in satan’s little season given how much evil is in this world. I’ve heard many say that 700-1000 years were added to our calendar. What would you say to this? Btw thank you for opening me up to this new way of thinking, the truth sets us free ❤️
@@SeaandAbove well I understand where you are coming from but I don’t believe we are in SLS. I believe that lead up to the zealot lead war with Rome and ended with the destruction of Babylon ( Jerusalem). Check out my videos on Babylon if you haven’t yet.🙏❤️
North is the centre of earth, Christ is a state of mind as is the kingdom.
Belief is the enemy of knowledge
“We all possess knowledge.” But knowledge puffs up while love builds up. 1 Corinthians 8:1
What do you do with Zachariah 14:4?
@@charlie70633 well I definitely don’t think Jesus human legs would spread that far!🤪. There is a ton of typology and symbolism in that passage. I think the clue is the mention of Uzziahs earthquake. Interesting that the Judaizerse did the same thing… sent a man into the holy of Holies who was not permitted. Earthquakes can represent the fall of a nation which I believe was old covenant Israel.🙏❤️
Well said Sister ❤🇦🇺
I think about how crazy eschatological ideas are often birthed from what you stated as man’s obsession with physicality. We have trouble thinking about the death of our physical bodies because the accuser convinces us that nothing exists beyond our physicality. As a result, we interpret scripture to say that our physical bodies will be resurrected, or we subscribe to YOLO.
You mentioned how people went wild when Jesus fed their carnal passions, and I thought of Matthew 4:4 -> “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
@@lscanlon9908 great thoughts thank you!🙏❤️
Job said though my flesh be torn from my body I will still see God.
Actually that is a contested passage, by which I mean there is a textual variant that reads ,” and apart from my flesh I shall see god.” It’s even in my notes in my ESV Bible. That was a problem verse for me as well and I was surprised to learn about the variant.❤️🙏
Maybe The Kingdom is in a separate dimension? A dimension that is described as spiritual by our Lord? Just a thought 🤔
Could be!🤷♀️❤️🙏
There is definitely always going to be something so we can't wrap our minds around. I let the scripture do the talking for me. Seek and ye shall find. That's one of my favorite scriptures.
Blessings 🙏
Have you ever thought about what happened with enoch and elijah as they were taken up with God and didnt physically die? I am also on same understanding of scripture as yourself and many others who are starting to be "enlightened"
@@oboria I have thought about that but I still don’t have it figured out🤔🙏❤️
@kristinbingamon568 please share with me once you look into it pls.
Keep pushing forward sharing the truth! 🙌😊
This is Mark 4:11-13. In effect.
Doesn't Colossians 2:9 indicate that Christ is still in a human body of some type?
my understanding is that this verse is not referring to Christ as being the fulness of God in a human physical body, but is better said that it is by being 'in Christ', who embodies the fullness of God, that the blessings of God can be had by men. And it is by being brought into Christ's body that men can experience God's fulness because the fulness of God is found 'in Christ'.
Christ 'embodies' the fulness of God, He always has.
"Definition for embody. verb as in represent; materialize. Synonyms Antonyms. Strongest matches. demonstrate, epitomize, exemplify, exhibit, express, illustrate, incorporate, manifest, mirror, personify, realize, stand for, symbolize, typify."
9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10 and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority. 11 In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands.
therefore, because it is only, 'in Christ ', that the fulness of God can be found, then by being brought into Christ is how the fulness of God is experienced in men
For someone to be 'in Christ', implies that believers are being spiritually brought into Christ and become a member of His spiritual collective body, and those who are 'in Christ' are given the fulness of what God has to offer His sons. It is solely by being 'in Christ', as how the fulness of God can become an experienced spiritual reality. Because it is 'in Christ' where all the blessings that God has to offer for men, can be experienced by those who are in Christ.
hope this explains how I am understanding what 'in Christ' is suggesting
Wow that was really well said. Thank you!🙏❤️
@@kristinbingamon568 I find it difficult to explain how I really understand what being 'in Christ' implies. But those who are 'in Christ' just know what it means, because they are experiencing life as one who is 'in Christ, as opposed to a person who is not 'in Christ'
You could probably do a much better job than I can at explaining what being the simplicity of being 'in Christ' implies
@ nope you nailed it!😉🙏❤️
1:38 Sorry K….I cannot prove you wrong, because so far, I agree with everything you say here. Looking forward to hearing the rest of what you say.
Well honestly, trying to prove preterism wrong would be like trying to prove the words Jesus spoke were somehow wrong. They clearly were not. It’s this future fulfillment doctrine that is obviously wrong.
Comment 4. Acts 1 and the ascension. I think the context is pretty clear that something physical is happening and they perceive it with human vision. They watched him ascend per verse 10. They looked up steadfastly at something physical. The 2 things mentioned are Jesus and a cloud. And at some point either Jesus’ physical visual aspect became to small to see or the physical cloud engulfed Him. Both render Jesus “out of their sight”. Even if the cloud was right at the ground akin to what Solomon experienced in the temple, a cloud is opaque and not solid. Jesus would gradually disappear from view as He ascended. Fog is just a cloud on the ground. We can see a certain distance through fog depending on its severity.
All that to say I think its a real stretch to imply that a physical event may not have occurred. I’m not actually sure if you think that by the way. It wasn’t clear to me.
Last point on this part. In my opinion verse 9 through 11 is in fact a description of the rapture……
Just read it the following way right verbatim out of the KJV. I will write out the pertinent part of verse 11. I won’t change anything. I will insert spaces so that what I think is actually being said can be seen….
“This same Jesus which is taken up………
From you into heaven shall so come in like manner……
As ye have seen him go into heaven.
The middle “part”. Read it in isolation and consider the possibility that it might be describing how “you watching” will rise into heaven (at the rapture or at the resurrection).
Yeah, he was taken up in a ☁️, have you even bothered to use scripture to define the cloud in the Old Testament? God came n his glory chariot and received Christ. And He came back in a cloud to judge just as the father did all over the Old Testament. It’s undeniable…
Yes. That is absolutely what happened "physically" before all those who witnessed Jesus' ascension.
Jesus was not raised from the dead as a spirit only. Jesus was raised up in a resurrected body.
And Revelation 1:7 testifies to this..."Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen." This can not be a Spirit
appearing only to the saints in any way. Preterism has no justification for the truth. It is just another heresy introduced to deceive the elect if possible.
@@christophergibson7155 Yes completely agreed of course. This was absolutely a physical bodily ascension in a physical cloud. However, I do NOT deny multiple levels of meaning in scripture. More than 2. Maybe even 3 or 4. So I don’t discount the idea of a spiritual dimension to this event. Jesus resurrected body was and is physical. But, it is far more than just a body as we understand our present physical bodies. Again, Paul goes into exquisite detail-some 50 verses in 1 COR 15- about the CLEARLY physical nature of our future new glorified bodies.
A denial of the physical nature of the resurrection requires that 1 COR 15 be completely disregarded. One simply cannot read 1 COR 15 and come away without knowing that Paul is describing real physicality unless scripture is completely replaced with whatever the reader wishes is to say.
The physicality of a bodily resurrection is 100% guaranteed!
@@fishingisfun8841 If I was a betting man, I would bet that I have likely studied and considered the “cloud” issue far more than you have!
@@Scott767300ok, well if I was a betting man I would be all in on the fact you have the use of “body” defined completely out of context. Read Hosea and tell me that’s a physical body. It’s ok though, I’m not here to convince anyone of anything. I just let the truth speak for itself and that truth is the scripture. ✌️
One more question. Do you believe Jesus had a prehuman existence?
@@Gr8Believer Well, didn’t he pray to the father,” glorify me in your presence with the glory I had I had with you before the world existed.”?
@@kristinbingamon568 Exactly right. Also, All things were made for him (Jesus) and by him. Also, Jesus said, before Abraham was I existed. I asked because you video title could be viewed as ambiguous and there is a group claiming Jesus only came to Earth when he was born from Mary.
Yup , Very Good :)
You are asking some really good questions, and I agree with you that heaven is not a physical, 3-dimensional place and that Jesus does not have a physically 3-dimensional body. But what do you mean when you say that Jesus was at the right hand of the Father before he emptied himself? Are you saying that Jesus and the Father were two omnipotent beings "in heaven", and that one of those omnipotent beings, Jesus, vacated heaven and became a tiny human life form inside of Mary's womb? Just trying to get a better picture of what you're saying.
@@eddie3961 I don’t know what I’m saying sometimes!🤪 I am definitely not a trained theologian so some of these questions are just too big for me. I don’t know who or what Jesus was before he came to earth but I know he existed and he was in glory because during his life on earth, he asked God to glorify him with the glory he had with the father before the world began. So I’m just saying he was glorified and then he was humbled on earth and I believe now he is glorified again. Does that make sense?😅🙏❤️
@@kristinbingamon568 Well since most trained theologians are futurist in their eschatologies, I'd have to say that NOT being a trained theologian has its benefits! Thanks for explaining further what you meant. I think that's a fairly common belief, that Jesus was in glory with another divine person called "The Father", then he gave up that glory and came to earth, and then he received that glory again. The problem I see with this view is that it leaves the impression that Jesus was not "in heaven" while he was on earth. And if Jesus was not in heaven while he was on earth, then heaven was a "place" where Jesus was not present while he was on earth...which would mean Jesus was not omnipresent - and therefore, not fully divine - while he was on earth...which would mean Jesus was something less than fully divine while he was earth. Do you see where I'm coming from, and the problem that I'm seeing?
@ yes I can see the problem. For me personally I don’t find it to be a problem that Jesus wasn’t omnipresent on earth. I guess that to me it’s just part of him humbling himself and becoming a man so that he could sympathize with us in our weakness. Of course, maybe that’s some sort of heresy. But I’m kind of known for heresy.😂🙏❤️
@@kristinbingamon568 I definitely agree that he identified with our weaknesses. Here's how I see it though. The only way that Jesus can truly be God is if he never left "heaven". If he left heaven when he entered Mary's womb, then his only existence at that time was the existence of a single-cell human life form. In other words, he ceased being God (an impossibility?), and was not God for the 33-plus years that he was on earth, because in no sense was he omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, etc.
But if Jesus remained omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent "in heaven" when he first expressed himself on earth in the form of a single-cell preborn child, then he never ceased being God, and we can truly say that God, expressed in human form, died for us, which is what the gospel is all about.
I'm a futurism-rejecting "heretic" like you. I'm also a "damnable heretic" for believing that Jesus, because he was "in heaven" and "on earth" at "the same time", is the one true God *by himself;* his own Father (God the Father), and his own Son (the Son of God).
There's nothing more important than knowing who the one true God is. And if "he" is actually a "they" - "three distinct persons", as orthodoxy teaches - then in order for me to know who "God" is, I have to have three distinct person-to-person relationships with "them". What a mess. How much better to have a singular person-to-person relationship with the unipersonal God revealed in scripture - JESUS - who laid down his life for us?
@ I understand where you’re coming from. I don’t claim to have any answers about the nature of God or Jesus. I look at it this way, a little child can love his father and be loved back without really understanding everything about their father. But they know he is their father and that they are loved. that’s kind of how I see my relationship with God.
Body of Moses, body of Christ.
Soul and Spirit! The Body is temporary.
Your right he came back already. Remember he warned them a wolf in sheeps clothing will come? Remember he said if they say im in the wilderness or the inner rooms don't believe them. Paul claimed to see him there dont believe him. Jesus came back in tbe clouds not to false prophet Paul. Paul met false christ on the road to Damascus. Faith alone is lawlessness. If you love me you will obey my commands is the doctrine Jesus taught. May God bless us both
Look up the 120th Jubilee
Don't you know that we'll be able to know Jesus by the nail-prints in His hands? How else are we suppose to know Him. Lol. I was thinking about this lately and how is it that Jesus is in heaven sitting exalted on the throne in a humble state. It doesn't compute. You have an amusing way of presenting thought-provoking rationale.
I live to amuse 😂🙏❤️
10:29 No, I do not think that heaven is a physical place. It can’t be. All the New Testament language is spiritual, not physical. You ask great Q’s K.👍
The Word is clear as day:
"Therefore from now on we recognize no one by the flesh; even though we have known Christ by the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer." 2 Corinthians 5:16, NASB
"For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God." Colossians 3:3, NASB
"...we are of good courage and prefer rather to be ABSENT FROM THE BODY and to be at home with the Lord." 2 Corinthians 5:8, NASB
"...flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 15:50, NASB
No room for physical bodies there.
So is the physical body of Jesus floating around in space or walking on a planet. Futurist are just so blind.
Good question!
Yeah ,I have had all the same Questions Probly has alot to do with Conciousness I have seen so many near death stories all kinds some go to heaven finding out about past ZLiveds there are Purgatory type realms Heaven ones Heaven Ones I have so many questions and I sure dont want to end up in a hell type Place
@@brentmistretta4553 hey I just saw your comment on my other video… hope you get my response. God doesn’t make coming to him nearly as hard as religion tries to make it.❤️🙏
Brother, if you got questions and you're looking for them in the Bible, you're not going to hell. Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door WILL be opened.
Have you looked into Tartaria or the buildings all over the world that would have been impossible for people to build them when they say they were built? Jesus reigned on this earth over the nations and evidence everywhere of this. Is it in the character of God to not judge nations anymore while Jesus is ruling over the nations? Is no judgement justice? Keep digging sis
@@5022freedom well sometimes I think we would be capable of much more than we realize if we weren’t constantly on our cell phones!😂🙏❤️
More Little Season nonsense. Go look in the mirror and ask yourself: Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who is the most deceived of them all? 🤣 the Mirror doesn’t lie.
@@michaelseay9783 So when does Isaiah 63 get fulfilled? Oh He's not a man anymore. I forgot to add the allegorical cheat sheet to understanding scripture. Not trying to be mean but preterism doesn't work with the whole of scripture.
@@kristinbingamon568 I can 💯 agree with that
@michaelseay9783 who are you going to side with in a forthcoming war if its in our future? It'd be "israel" and the rest of the world including Christians then God would punish us for going up against "israel". God's not in covenant with a physical nation anymore.
Read your bible pray to God, focus on God and his spirit might come close enough to you to reveal the nature of Christ Jesus.
But trust me if you live in sin without seeking repentance YOU WILL NEVER KNOW CHRIST JESUS GOD
Well umm...I think umm, like...I feel umm... umm...umm...and like...Well I'm free to believe something else...right? 11:59
Do you think Jesus has a physical body in heaven?
Your argument is faulty. You used the passage about worshipping God in spirit and in truth. When the wise men from the East found the baby Jesus, they brought gifts and they worshipped him. So did the Shepards. After Jesus saved the disciples during the storm, the disciples fell down before him and worshiped him. We know that Jesus is God. Are you saying that they weren't really worshipping him because Jesus was in a physical body? Are you saying that no one worshipped God during those 33 years that Jesus was on the Earth? Of course not! There has never been a single moment in time when God has not received true worship. When Jesus said that He wanted people who would worship in spirit and in truth, he meant that he wanted people who were worshipping through the holy Spirit, and in the true way that has been established in His word.
But he also said that the kingdom is within you.🙏❤️
@kristinbingamon568 What does that have to do with what I commented? I'm trying to say that your argument doesn't negate the possibility of Jesus being in a physical body in Heaven. People can still worship him if he has a body. Of course, it would be a perfect glorious body, without imperfections. And to your reply, modern translations translate it "the kingdom of God is among you" or "the kingdom of God is in your midst".
@@nerychristian so are you saying that the kingdom does not come with observation, is among us, is not flesh and blood, but Jesus has a physical body still?
You also don't understand that we are not going to be living in Heaven. When Christ returns he will establish his kingdom on the new Earth that he will create after the old heaven and Earth destroyed. Unfortunately because of your view, you have to go through all of these mental gymnastics to support your view. There is a reason why for almost 2000 years, the orthodox view was that Christ would return again, raise the believers, and judge the nations. Then he will establish his kingdom here on Earth, and we will reign alongside him. Your full preterist view has left you with a soulless Christianity with no hope of things ever getting better, or of there ever being any true justice for the believers. According to you, sin and wickedness, death and corruption, and the works of the devil will continue forever.
@@kristinbingamon568 I'm saying that Jesus was answering the religious leaders of the time who were claiming to be waiting for the kingdom of God. Jesus was saying that the kingdom was there, happening in front of them, and that they were witnessing the fulfillment of the promises. They were seeing the gospel preached, people being healed, miracles being performed, people repenting and turning to God. Yet they were still blind and couldn't see that the kingdom had arrived. The kingdom had arrived and would continue to spread to the ends of the earth through the preaching of the Gospel. And will ultimately culminate when Jesus returns at the end of the age, when he will finally bring justice and put an end to all of the evil doers. And Satan and his followers will be cast into the lake of fire, along with Death. And we will all be transformed and given glorified bodies. And we will live forever in his Kingdom
Hmm… so that would mean it will come with observation. So clearly Jesus didn’t understand what you seem to know.. interesting…
The New Jerusalem is here already
Jesus left earth with his glorified body and He came back again with His Spirit body at Pentecost 33 AD. The Holy Spirit was given as a down payment to all true believers since that meeting, and is a token of the full reward: a glorified body just like Jesus received. He is the Head, and all true believers are the Body.(Rom. chap. 8 explains the transformation beautifully) The head goes nowhere without the body. When is the glorified body available to all true believers? During the resurrection of the dead who become Christ’s body and inheritance, together at last!
You just skip right over 70AD. And Jesus promised to destroy it and give THEM relief. Convenient how you just ignore Matthew 16:27-28 also.
@ I like vs. 28. Jesus meant here that he would return in the Spirit, which He did at Pentecost to pour out God’s Holy Spirit upon all believers gathered there as instructed.(Acts 1:4-8) Acts chap.2 gives more detail about what the Holy Spirit would accomplish. This happened so quickly that many would be born of the Spirit before dying in the flesh. This has happened since til today, as some from each generation become reborn just as Christ said was necessary to be saved.(Joh.3:5,6)
If it isn’t J’s that suppose to visit and take away who ever! Or the way eye see it is with so many powerful and beautiful angels almighty has that they visit earth everyday and they take someone away because someone dies everyday or night! Almighty father doesn’t have to visit the earth like as if he had to come over and get anyone! Unless someone is one special & privileged person that more likely does not exist that almighty would arrive to get anyone! So the then when the sun rises and it becomes day that’s when the pick up is! Only in the day time and it’s a high rank angel that comes over to take that one soul away and if one is being taken then it would a cheerful and blessing time to be accompanied by an angel to be taken up!!!
Num 32:13 ISV “The LORD’s anger had flared up against Israel so that he made them wander in the wilderness for 40 years until that whole generation, who committed evil in the eyes of the LORD, had died.
Mat 12:39 ISV But he replied to them, “An evil and adulterous generation craves a sign. Yet no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah,
The people in the 2nd Exodus never entered the promised Land of the new heavens and earth
we must not be bound by Mosaic law because there's a whole lotta murder and idolatry going on today. - WW
Oh man I have a lot to add to this video there Kristin! But I only want to make one comment first as I watch 6:50 in….
Yes I firmly believe He is indeed STILL in His “humbled” body as you characterize it. And I do think thats a decent description!
I have considered this quite a bit. Worthy of much thought and meditation by Christians. Think about what Jesus gave up for every Christian….out of perfect endless love….that love which will last for eternity! I don’t think our human minds have any capacity to comprehend what Jesus actually gave up for us. I firmly believe Jesus will have that marred actual physical body forever. And just as Thomas did, we will be able to see and touch those wounds.
The evidence for this lies at least partially in the extreme importance God places on memorialization throughout scripture! He values remembering with praise and glory very highly! Study what He has done vis a vis memorialization and you will get a feel for this.
I suspect that we are going to find out that the new glorified bodies WE ultimately receive will be BETTER than His because ours will NOT be marred! And He knew this going in…….and said “yes, I will do it”….all because of the unmeasurable depths of His perfect love for us that even the angels can’t understand!
More to add later.
@@Scott767300 although I disagree I appreciate where you are coming from…that Jesus loves us so much he would be willing to to suffer for eternity for us. I agree that his love is more vast than we can imagine.🙏❤️
@ I wouldn’t say that “he is suffering” for all of eternity. I certainly didn’t mean to imply that. We can have wounds in the bodies we have now that heal and don’t cause suffering. I have a bunch of broken bones, scars etc but they don’t cause me any suffering. But I do retain the evidence of wounds.
Also I would add that if Jesus were to “later” change into yet another body post ascension, the absolute fact of His resurrection seems to “cheapen” if you will. Thats probably not the greatest word to use but hopefully it gets the point across.
Anyway, more comments on your presentation later for your consideration! Gotta keep showing ya that some of us do in fact have possible answers to so e of these things! All in good spirit. 👍👍
8:52 Yes. The Holy Spirit put the sperm in Mary. This was God’s plan to have His son born as a human, like us. The only difference is that Christ did not have a human father.
Really? A spirit has a penis?
@ According to Luke chap. 2 God’s Holy Spirit provided the seed which would grow to become God’s only begotten Son. It is God’s perfect plan to bring a saviour into the world. No human father could do this as Adam brought only death to mankind whereas Christ became a life giving spirit.(1Cor.15:45-49)
ubiq·ui·tous yü-ˈbi-kwə-təs
Synonyms of ubiquitous
: existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : widespread
a ubiquitous fashion
ubiquitously adverb
ubiquitousness noun
Comment 3. So then what IS the resurrection all about? Paul again makes it explicitly clear. Make no mistake, I am absolutely 100% convinced in the pre millenial pretrib rapture. Not the slightest doubt in my mind. Period.
That being said, folks on my side have it completely wrong about 1 COR 15:51-54. Almost everyone says that set of verses is about the rapture….
The entire chapter must be read in context. From verse 12 to the end the entirety is about the resurrection. Paul does NOT even touch on the rapture! People on my side suffer from the incorrect teaching that 51-54 is the rapture. They plainly haven’t studied the chapter and just accept what they have been told! I know…I used to be one of them until I studied it on my own. The whole thing. In context.
Saying that 51-54 is totally and completely out of context. We are supposed to think that Paul spends 40 verses discussing the resurrection and then out of the blue with no context suddenly inserts the rapture.
No way no how.
After the previous 40 verses before 51 Paul’s narrative begs a conclusion. A conclusion that answers the one thing Paul hasn’t mentioned yet. What’s that?
Its the “when” the resurrection occurs. THIS is the context of verse 51-54. THIS is the mystery he reveals. The mystery of when the resurrection occurs. And what he plainly explains is that the very second a believer passes away they receive their new glorified body in the resurrection that VERY INSTANT. The passage is not about the rapture.
If people would only take the time…..not 5 minutes either…..invest the time to study chapter 15 and realize the Truth of 51-54 I can’t begin to explain how apparent conflicts melt away….
Where did you come from, where did you go. Where did you come frome cotton eyed joe. If it hadn't been for cotton eyed joe, I would've been married along time ago.
@@waluigiinsmashbros I thought you were weird at first with this comment but I just got it!😂🙏❤️
Bible claims Jesus resurrected in HUMAN BODY but also that body can not enter Heaven so who knows where Jesus is based on Bible descriptions. Since Jesus is in human body it means he will die since at one point has to leave body.This fits more to Islamic version than Bible version.
Luke 24:31. …Jesus vanished from their sight… Obviously whatever body he had at that point was still not exactly like our physical bodies. Unless we just haven’t figured out that part yet!! Maybe that’s part of an upgrade to the software that I have kept putting off?
Hi Jesus was taken into a (cloud) (of witness) . of course
Comment 2….Early on you discuss the status of bodies in the grave. Not that you do, but people for some reason think we are “coming back” to get these bodies. This is totally and completely untrue! Paul makes this explicitly clear in 1 Corinthians. He spends some 50 verses discussing the resurrection in exquisite detail. Its like people haven’t read chapter 15 at all. These people need read verse 35 through 38 and STUDY IT! Read it in the KJV and look at what Paul calls those who think we are coming back for these bodies….verse 36: “thou fool”.
We NEVER come back for these bodies. EVER. The resurrection is NOT about our present bodies in any way shape or form!
Read people! Read!
Well we agree on something! Baby steps😂🙏❤️
He came from a woman and a spirit then he went to heaven in flesh
@@ginny2998 where do you find that he went to heaven in flesh? I do agree that he was in his flesh just prior to his ascension, but at his ascension, a cloud hid him from their sight. I would argue that the cloud was the glory cloud like that which was present with the Israelites in the wilderness, and it was at that time that he put off his flesh and ascended into heaven. Scripture does say, flesh in blood cannot inherit the kingdom, so if he is in the flesh, then he himself could not be in the kingdom.🙏❤️
(John 4:23,24) But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” Whenever Jesus referred to God or to The Father, Jesus was not referring to himself, but to his Father, his God(John 20:17). Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’ ”
Talking about contradictions, Does God have a God whom he worships and prays to? Does God obey anyone? Has God ever died? Can God die? (1Tim.1:17) Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Heretic Chick, You need to look into who God really is, and into who Jesus really is. Bible first, and afterward I highly recommend an excellent book by Greg Deuble titled: "They Never Told Me THIS In Church"!
Jesus pre existed as the Word of the Father and not as another Deity or entity :
Psa 33:6 By the word < of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath < of his mouth.
That Word was made flesh through Mary thus it can be said of Christ all things were made by Him which was the Word made human.
1Ti 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
The Apostles disagree with you: I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of The Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
@@T.Truthtella-n3i do you think the apostles actually wrote that? And it doesn’t say, “the resurrection of the physical body” so I think we need to take a little more into consideration there.❤️🙏
Well the apostles clearly didn’t know what they were talking about. They affirmed Jesus was to come back in their generation, and obviously he didn’t right?
"Because all the bodies are still in the grave"... doesn't support your ideas. It supports the idea Jesus has not returned for His final ressurection of bodies from the graves. Even in the old testament believers understood the final ressurection.. job spoke of Jesus The R edeemer and his(jobs) body that had rotted in the grave coming back fleshly and new in Christ Jesus-->
25For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
26And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
I've got this
Matthew 10:23 when they persecute you in one town, flee to the next, for truly, I say to you, (you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the son of man comes.)
Matthew 16 verse 28 Truly, I say to you,( there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the son of man coming in his kingdom.)
Matthew 24:34 (Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away into all these things take place.)
Mark 1:14 now after John was arrested, Jesus came into galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, (the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand,) repent and believe in the
Mark 13:30 truly, I say to you, (this generation will not pass away until these things take place.) Heaven and Earth will pass away, but the words will not pass away.
Romans 13:11 (beside this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than we first believed.)
1st Corinthians 7:29 This is what I mean, Brothers; the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none.
1st Corinthians 10:11 now these things happen to them as an example, (but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of Ages has come.)
1 John 4 verse 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is a spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and (now is in the world already.)
That's just about as good as I've got but not quite. The scripture speaks for itself. It always has and it always will.
Now we are waiting for the battle of gog and Magog the blood bath
Well, I am not waiting for that😉🙏❤️
Not likely my friend..
The immortality of the soul came from Plato not Gods word.
You don’t believe our souls live on after death?
@ our spirit does.
@@pauldmckee I have never understood the difference between soul and spirit.
@ how can one understand what God does. We only know what He has revealed to us and we even mess that up.
@@pauldmckee isn’t it this way that the ones who believe Jesus will be with him when they die & the ones who don’t believe him will be nowhere when they die like be nothing…..
I Can't watch anymore. You Do not know the Bible at all. YOU NEED TO BE BORN AGAIN. It is amazing all the lost people who comment, I know most are but to see it more and more is shocking.
Your focus is on the wrong things. You should focus on living your life perfect and sinless and improving yourself daily and begging God to forgive you for all the wrong you have done
Great advice! I would say reading and studying Gods word is one of the absolute best ways to do what you have stated! What better way to live a more pleasing to God life than actually reading his word so that you can know what it is that you need to be doing to accomplish His purpose. Thanks for the encouragement!
Jesus came in the flesh, John 1:14, Jesus left in the flesh Acts 1, and He will return in the flesh on the last day. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.
@@aj9640w did you actually watch the whole video? I’m just curious.🙏❤️
I would think, the one that was the only begotten son of God , could do what the only Father of life could do when he was just that , a Son of That God and All from that God , and since in real life ,I am a father and I am a son , I gave to my son all I could give and received and what my father could give me is just that ,and that is the image of God , you should know you inherited your father’s and mother’s likeness and position , so we first received Adams place because we were in the image of What God said , because that is what God gave to mankind .To make God visible by Making Adam and Eve in The image of God an having that domain ,to be in the image of that God ( is That true ?) is that our first estate? I say yes ! That makes me in the son of man situation, fleshly ,sold to be exploited , Do you not think there is evidence the “world orders” aren’t utilizing this reality? You have to touch the truth , I believe we’ve all been fooled, I am born to the son of man’s fate , but I’ve the opportunity to be born again to The Son of Gods fate , because the Son of God Gave the Son of man the The Son of God reality and exchanged position to restore the image of God back to that which our first parents occupied to make God visible. , weather I still live in organics or not or have flesh for Gods purpose and birthright I’m will to live by what he tells me , but most of all what he gives me is the birthright of the living Son God in our presence, in our hearts . I surrender to his Judgment.
I just wondered, do you believe Jesus was born Dec. 25 .
In my opinion, FWIW, baby Jesus was not born on Dec 25th. However God created all the days of the year, so if people want to agree to celebrate his birth on that particular day there is nothing inherently wrong with that.
I have heard it said that ancient people didn’t even celebrate “birthdays” anyways. I don’t know if that’s true or not.
I don’t think we really need to divide as Christians over whether this particular day is somehow bad or evil just because at some point in history some bad people did bad things on this particular day or the year. Again ALL the days were created by the Creator and are His. No one is forcing anyone to put up a tree or decorations, if it seriously offends a persons faith they are free to not participate, however in 2024 I doubt there are many alive who actually remember the tammuz tree or whatever pagan belief that the “original” solstice was said to represent.
This is just my opinion, and I am not the Heretic Chick. However I have a sneaking suspicion she might say something similar to this. I have watched all her videos.
Philippians 2:6 has been misunderstood by many. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,[a] 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,[b] 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,[c] being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross." First, Jesus was in the form of God, not God. His words and powers were as if were of a God, or the image of a God not God. Even though Jesus was the son of the Highest, he did not use that privileged position to his advantage but took the position(form) of a servant to the point of obediently go to his death. Jesus was created in Mary as Luke 1:26-35 teaches, he was not God that became human, he was created as Luke says by God's powerful word.
So do you think he still has a physical body in heaven?
@@kristinbingamon568 In the gospels, when he appeared to his disciples after the resurrection, Jesus told them to touch him to handle him, so he is still human, he still has a physical body however his body is not of the same stuff as before the resurrection because he could appear and go through walls etc.
Hey guys,
Fascinating conversation....
It's a tough one for "Christians"....cos the person of Jesus and God remains a mystery to the carnal mind.
A child understands their inseparable oneness with their Father (in Spirit), but never mistakes that they are their Father's son (in the flesh)
This passage helps to provide an insight into what was going on when Jesus came to "literally" rock their "lack of spiritual understanding"....
John 10:31-39 NKJV - Then the Jews took up stones again to stone Him. Jesus answered them, “Many good works I have shown you from My Father. For which of those works do you stone Me?” The Jews answered Him, saying, “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, make Yourself God.” Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods” ’? “If He called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), “do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’? “If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; “but if I do, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him.” Therefore they sought again to seize Him, but He escaped out of their hand.
Love and blessings
@@fcastellanos57 I believe he had a physical body when he resurrected. Did you watch the whole video? Just curious.🙏❤️
@@kristinbingamon568 you are asking interesting question that regular christians do not. Jesus as I said is physical but immortal. We will be like angels at the resurrection or when Jesus returns. We do not have to eat but we can just as Jesus did right after his resurrection. I have to tell you something I am a christian but I do not understand Jesus to be God or the Trinity to be correct. Jesus as he agreed with Peter in Matthew 16:16, is the Christ, the son of God, Christ means a descendant of king David, and son of God means that God created him in Mary as we can read in Luke 1:26-35. I have been a Christian for 50 years , I know time does not give me any credentials but I know the Bible and have dealt with all those issues extensively. Any questions, let me know.
Titus 1:9-11,13.
You should be studying the Bible not teaching it yet.
@@rosemarietolentino3218 you are correct! I do need to keep studying and I am👍. I’m not teaching…. Just talking🤪🙏❤️
@@rosemarietolentino3218 she knows the true message of the Bible and it is Preterism
1st Corinthians 15:50-53 says, "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep (die) but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory".
ALL Christians will receive an IMMORTAL, INCORRUPTABLE body at the LAST TRUMPET. We haven't had that happen yet. Undeniable truth that FULL Preterism is NOT Biblical.
@@Mike-qt7jp maybe you are right. But maybe not. It’s always good to look at both sides of an issue🥰. Have you read 1 Corinthians 12 lately? What type of body is in mind there? Do you think it’s different one in chapter 15? Just curious.❤️🙏
@@kristinbingamon568 Well, in 1 Corinthians 12 it is speaking of us being members of Christ's body; obviously this is a metaphor. But in Chapter 15 it is speaking of the body we as believers will receive at the Last Trumpet, the bodies that we will have forever.
Philippians 3:20-21 says, "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body."
I think Philippians 3:20-21 is pretty clear: we WILL (someday) have a glorified body like Christ's that will not get sick, diseased, or grow old: it will be fresh and vibrant FOREVER. Again, you and I and all Christians alive today are STILL awaiting these glorious new bodies.
While there are clearly metaphors in scripture, NOT everything is. And AGAIN, while there certainly have been prophecies fulfilled in the Old Testament times, and in the first century (dealing with the prophesied Messiah) many are still future. Just look at you and me: is this it for us? No "future" prophesied for us? No glorified bodies? No removal of our sin nature? Are we NOT going to see Jesus face-to-face? Are we NOT going to see those who have died in CHRIST and gone on ahead of us? I really don't know why the FULL (Hyper) preterists insist EVERY single prophesy has been fulfilled.
Also, Revelation 21:4 says, "God will wipe away every tear. There will be NO MORE crying, NO MORE sorrow, NO MORE pain and NO MORE DEATH. This has not happened. Also, it can't be a reference to Heaven or the New Jerusalem or any other spiritual existence because it says, "NO MORE crying, sorrow, pain and death." Those things NEVER existed in Heaven or the Heavenly Jerusalem. They are ALL the result of sin down here on earth. In other words, you can say there is no crying, sorrow, pain or death in Heaven, but you CAN'T say there is No MORE crying, No MORE sorrow, No MORE pain. and No MORE death, because there NEVER has been crying, sorrow, pain, or death in Heaven.
And clearly, we live in a world with crying, sorrow, pain, and death.
The idea of Jesus came from earlier myths...from the minds of men. There's no good reason to believe that he actually existed.
Other than the fact that you exist. And that everything cannot come from nothing.
Really? That’s an impressive myth!🙏❤️
@@kristinbingamon568 It's not even the most interesting myth.
@@allthingsbing1295 Theists believe that god came from nothing, existed before anything, then created everything out of nothing...and I exist because my parents had sex.
@@bibleburner8426 well now that would just be your opinion😉 and it certainly seems to be the one “myth“ that gets people very angry when other people believe it!🙏❤️
Some of the most absurd nonsense I’ve ever heard.
@@T.Truthtella-n3i 😂❤️🙏
IDK? I feel really sure about it myself.
Read the comment I wrote to JonnyDuock. I'm not writing all that down twice. I put the scripture down and the scripture speaks for itself. It always has and it always will.
@@T.Truthtella-n3i nonsense to you maybe because you are like close minded or something like that possibly
Your Holy Spirit isn’t working…
You haven’t seen my computer program that I wrote to analyze the Bible.
Iseu never left. The angels and I can’t just travel back and forth from other planets.
Read the kjb. Preterist is a total lie. You need to learn to rightly divide the word of god. Jesus is god almighty. Do you even get that ?
Did you even bother to read the scripture? To say fulfillment is a lie is to say Jesus lied. Are you willing to continue that? Matthew 16:27-28 did he lie? And don’t tell me those two verses are separated by thousands of years so far. And it’s not the transfiguration. Nobody was rewarded and it was only a week or so later from him speaking those words,no one even died then.
He was a black North African and came from there.