[ASMR] SR3D-중국식 귀청소 풀코스(양쪽동시)/ Chinese-Style Ear Cleaning- full course(both)/ No Talking

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
  • #SR3D #EarCleaning #양쪽동시귀청소
    [No Talking ASMR] 중국산 귀청소 도구로 중국식 귀청소를 흉내내 보았습니다. 30분이 넘는, 아주 귀지가 많아야 가능한 시술 시간이지만 가벼운 마음으로 즐겨 주시면 좋겠습니다.
    [No Talking ASMR]I tried to imitate a Chinese-style ear-cleaning room service with a Chinese tools. It's more than 30 minutes. It might be possible if you have lots of earwax, but I hope you enjoy it and have a tingle time.
    *이 영상은 제가 직접 만든 창작물이며 허락없는 재업로드, 수정을 엄격히 금지합니다.
    *This video is a creation I made myself and strictly prohibited from re-upload or modification without permission.

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