I don’t know you remember me or not but 17 years ago you trained me life skill. I am leaved it and changes my lifestyle. I was greatfull for that it’s nice to see you.
Its fantastic topic important for all particularly for us working in diversified environment. Thanks Doc! I always remember your training delivered to us in wolkite university!!!!
ዶ.ር አደራ ስለ ገነፈለው ድስት.. በጣም ያስተምራል . ተባረክ
ዶር ኮርሱን ወስጄ ነበር የበለጠ ትምህርትህ ደግሞ ጠቅሞኛል። እግዚአብሔር ይባርክህ።
ዶ/ር ጡሩ ት/ም ይቀጥል
betam betam konjo astemari new doctor ersaen enday sladerekegn betam amesegnalew kberlgn
ዶ/ር በእዉነት ትልቅ ትምህርት ነዉ ያገኘሁበት እራሴን እዳይ አድርጎኛል እኔ ብዙ ግዜ በስሞት እወስናለሁ ከዚህ በሗላ እቀይራለሁ እናመሰግናለን በጣም !!!!!
I don’t know you remember me or not but 17 years ago you trained me life skill. I am leaved it and changes my lifestyle. I was greatfull for that it’s nice to see you.
Thank you Dr.Adera, really appreciate this practical life lesson!!keep up the good thoughts and deeds for the society..
ዶ/ር አዴ አብሮ አደጌ ጥሩ ርእስ ነው ያነሳኸው ሁሌ ይቀጥል ይበል ነው የምለው።
Its fantastic topic important for all particularly for us working in diversified environment. Thanks Doc! I always remember your training delivered to us in wolkite university!!!!
በጣም እናመሰግናለን:: በተለይ ተረትና ምሳሌዋ ሁሉን ገላጭ በመሆንዋ ወድጄአታለሁ::
It's very good training, thank you.please try to improve sound quality
great man come now.Thank you!
very very very great
Thank You Dr. This is the very informative
You are most welcome.
ደስ ሲሉ ዶክተር ቀጥሉበት እሽ ❤❤
Dr adera ትክክል ነው እንወድሀለን
Today’s content is wonderful 😮
Eshi 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
ኤረ እናሳድገው ይህ ኣባታችን ለኛ ይጠቅመናል ❤❤❤❤
it is interesting
That is true 👍
I do it.
Waw thanks wondme❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤
ኣረ ዶ/ር እስካሁን የት ነበር በስመኣብ እናመሰግናለን ኑርልን
Thank u!
ዶር አንተን አለማመስገን አይቻልም ግሩም ት/ት ነው እግዚአብሄር ይባርክህ፡፡
Thank you Dr
Thank you 100k
Thank you
Helpful content.
Thank you Adra!
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you dear
Thank you, Dr. Adera
You are welcome!
YaLamargagat eko yalamatadel naw
67k subscribers ያለው YT channel alegn megzat mifelg
ዶ/ር ጥሩ ት/ት ነው ግን ባህሪያችን ለዚ ነገር አስተዋፅኦ የለውም !
It does. However, with intentional effort, one can control his/ her emotions because it can be improved.
Please leave your mobile number.
ዶ/ር ጡሩ ት/ም ይቀጥል
Thank you
Thank you Doctor
Thank you Dr
Thank you Dr