this was an awesome show and totally stoked to find this video from the Mann! i was home and caught it....blown away. i'm catching them tomorrow night in San Francisco, hoping for much of the same. thanks!
@dillsnufus not just the quality, the way they performed the song, they've been experimenting with Dondante a lot lately and that version was really good
this was an awesome show and totally stoked to find this video from the Mann! i was home and caught it....blown away. i'm catching them tomorrow night in San Francisco, hoping for much of the same. thanks!
thank you for this ..........i was born then died and born again during that song that night
best dondante ive ever seen
Seeing this live was mind blowing
@dillsnufus not just the quality, the way they performed the song, they've been experimenting with Dondante a lot lately and that version was really good
damn that video was pretty much perfect
@darkphoenix2 pretty much? lol jk thanks. i know i was a little all over the place. you would be too trying to follow this magic. lol