My mom was a school nurse in Camden for 15 years. Parents were always the number 1 issue she ran into. While some were involved, she said most of them either didn’t care or they tried to berate the teacher into looking the other way instead of listening to the teacher.
My mother thought me to read from the Jungle book when the school failed me. Looking back I'm certain I had ADHD but in the '70's that was a very new discovery!
My wife is an educator. Her most troubled students have parents that won't even make them do their homework. All the money in the world can't fix that stupid.
@Marty Magpie You REALLY think that it's the teacher's job to educate YOUR kids? Dayum. If you don't actively participate in your child's education, including engaging them with their homework, you flat-out suck as a parent. Get a dog.
@@maxpain917 Is English your primary language? That was hard to read. Regardless, excuses are like butt-holes. Everyone has one, and they all stink. "Failing schools" are not holding kids back. Their lazy, dumb-arse parents are. You can't use a lack of money as an excuse for not taking the time to take care of your kids.
@Johan Gustav Lammers When you grow up you may understand just how naive your idea of someone providing solutions for another person's life, using yet another person's money really is.
@@ghostlyone2 Exactly, thats the point of the video. That poor school district got MORE money than mainstream schools and nothing really changed. You could build schools made out of gold but if kids are being raised in single mother households of crime and gangs and no parental guidance, its not going to work.
@Kevin Simmons Why the them vs me mentality? Taxes should go to the benefit of all. You pay for road, park and public building upkeep already. This is how education, public transport and healthcare should be. Not you and me but us. We all benefit.
@@brianmartinez7530 Exactly, the system rewards misfortune, the people who receive the greatest rewards are those who can prove that they are more unhappy than others or at least appear so. 75% of African-American children born in the last decade were born in single-parent homes without parental presence, it is not only that the father is lacking as a provider, but also that moral guidance, discipline and pride in earning a living are lacking. With your effort, just do a little research and you will find children of rich parents who suffer from psychological disorders due to the lack of healthy family relationships, in the case of poor children things are much worse.
@@demonwaterdemonwater4993 Look at poverty statistics for single-parent households. Compare this to poverty statistics for two-parent households. By the way, if you're going to call someone "dumb", please use coherent sentences
Yes. That's part of the problem in the black community where single mothers are on the rise and this has been partly due to government involvement. I agree with Thomas Sowell who talks valid points. This is also mentioned by the professor as part of the problem. The education sucks coz the government doesn't want to make it better. Even Milton friedman talks about why education sucks.
@@demonwaterdemonwater4993 If there's infighting between parents then its a bad influence but at the same time if there's no father or mother figure the young look up to influencers in the society or to peers and if those peers and influencers have bad habits and infighting again its bad influence. I ain't a religious person but i would prefer both parents in my life, but I'll not silently follow what they preach to me but I'll always question everything they tell me.
Reason we see so much single parents is the massive incarceration in the US. Takes millions of men out of marriage pool. Our incarceration rate is easily highest in the world.
I was able to learn physics in high school and college with nothing more than a paper notebook and a chalkboard. My professors wrote out equations on the chalkboard and we took notes. No iPads, no MacBooks, no fancy school building. How on earth did I learn it???
The answer to your question is the quality of your professors. Quality teachers don't grow on trees, and so poor shit holes don't attract them. You can't always pay for excellence, yet you need excellence to beget excellence. If impoverished low-performing cities want to improve their lot in life, they'd better start offering conservative private school teachers six figures to come work for their schools. Same budget, except the kids use chalkboards. Most problems solved. If the teachers do a good job, you probably won't see the payoff until the next generation because the initial students of the improved curriculum and staff will be more successful than their parents, and so on.
@@MFPWM2010 We were talking about academics, not crime. Poor schools don't have an issue retaining good teachers; they never had good teachers in the first place. Is the average, say, Hillsdale College professor going to sacrifice his standard of living to go teach inner city kids (among whom whites and every other race also fail on average) about the classics, Latin, symbolic logic? No. They don't. They won't. And why would you expect requisite teachers to volunteer their time among the poor for a low wage? Why, then, would anyone expect laptops to solve that specific problem? You also seem to misunderstand how education works if you -- and some foolish administrator -- thinks you can move older kids to another school and they will magically be able to catch up to other kids who've benefited from a lifetime of classical education. You missed what I wrote, which is completely right, that if inner city kids got a quality classical education, they would excel. It is undoubtedly curriculum and teachers that are the primary impetus of academic success or failure, otherwise you could essentially fire all good teachers and throw out the textbooks in schools with kids with your preferred genes, and they'd excel without them -- of course, they wouldn't. There is no scientific evidence of genetic differences in brain function between races, so unless you want to presuppose that conclusion within your premises for aesthetic reasons (that which is ugly to me should not be smart), there is no way to reasonably make that claim.
@@MFPWM2010 Also, I made the exact opposite argument, that money is not spent well. In your state, you can reasonably say more money is spent ineffectively per pupil in black districts. Furthermore, when you say you can't pay conservative classical teachers enough to deal with some of the kids, you're really complaining about bad policy concerning corporal punishment, which is quite effective. So, my advice to your state legislature and you as a citizen would be to change your bad policies, not blame an abstract concept like non-existent "black genes" for the stupid public policy upheld by supposedly superior whites in your state.
Johann Popper - “There is no scientific evidence of genetic differences in brain function between races...” LOL! Except for over 100 years of IQ testing done around the globe showing similar results across different cultures. I know, you’re going to argue that IQ testing is meaningless, but mainstream psychology disagrees with that notion. In fact, it has been confirmed many times that IQ is in large part genetic (positive correlation of 0.7-0.8). Look up the identical twin studies on this. Identical twins separated at birth and raised in different environments have a higher correlated IQ score than fraternal twins raised in the same household. Mainstream psychology accepts that IQ results are largely genetically based. They also accept that IQ is the NUMBER ONE predictor of success in adulthood; more than education and socioeconomic status. So if IQ has a large genetic component, and racial groups consistently score differently across time and culture, then obviously the IQ differences among racial groups have a genetic basis. Do you honestly believe that racial groups can be geographically separated for tens of thousands of years of evolution with no significant differences emerging? Laughable! Do you honestly believe that the domination of professional football, basketball, sprinting, etc by blacks has absolutely NO genetic basis whatsoever? Absolutely absurd.
Johann Popper - And on your education points, no, I’m talking about the same district busing kids to different areas of town. They are all under the same curriculum. White kids are not being taught some magical “classical education” while the blacks aren’t. Of course there is some overlap in the racial makeup between these schools. In fact, at one predominantly black school there is always at least one student every year who scores a perfect score on either their ACT or SAT. But, it is always a WHITE student. So somehow these white students are able to succeed at predominantly black schools, even with the same teachers. So somehow they are able to learn the information. The fact is that the teachers in these schools are actually paid very well, and there is a lot of pressure on them to improve black test scores, but to no avail. So, you are wrong in every possible way. Except I do agree that corporal punishment should be brought back and teachers/administrators should have more power to discipline these kids. But don’t expect to equalize performance between races anytime soon.
Well thats because all the dads that dont want to be a dad. So many fuckers out here just bust a nutt and haul ass like this is the fucking woods and we are animals. Its sad.
Klaa2 well that because places like china execute them by the boatload too. What about places like North Korea where the whole society is essentially a prison and you couldnt get accurate incarceration numbers anyway. I agree we should focus on violent criminals and stop with the war on drugs bs.
@jhan bass : "[Khorps' quote: 'The state is the ultimately responsible actor for education...' is] from 'reason' magazine lol!!" Oh, wow! They're way off on that! That's awful "reasoning," and blatantly flunks as it always has! That's terribly bad advice and just does not work, nope! The State isn't; the Individual is. That's about the only way it's ever worked, such as in those instances where it really has, rather few such instances of that there has been. Man, looks like _Reason_ magazine oughta do a little re-thinking on that statement, wow!
@@codeoptimizationware2803 are you an idiot? Reason is a libertarian magazine. They obviously don't believe that. They're just showing what their opponents think.
It's simple really: when you're spending your own time and resources on a project, you have more incentive to create a successful result. When you use other people's money, you care more about keeping the flow going. Incentives are what drive human beings. You must set up the system to promote helping others for your own success. But of course, that's not what those in control want.. So we keep suffering unnecessarily..
Not true. If you are a professional sports team owner.....the government gives you tons of free money and you are a genius for being a "smart businessman".
@jhan bass ... and capitalists are anti-Science (dumb as rocks). Personally, Id rather be boring and free, rather than stupid and enslaved -> Im not a Communist, but why is it that everything other than capitalism is Communism to you? smfh
@jhan bass How disingenuous! There is no way that you could have watched those videos in the time it took you to reply! Is it because capitalism is a religion to you, that you are so against seeing my provided evidence? And what do you mean 'everyone's eating'?! Think again -> Idiot capitalists worry about breadlines, while the rich elites under capitalism steal billions! Get your head out of your ass!
This is an indicator of why so many people have had it with public schools. The problem is nationwide and all they come up with is more money. Same answer every time.
It is popular to come up with the proposal more money. Because it requires no thought about where the problem is. We have the same problem in Sweden. Here, the school budget is one of the highest in Europe per child, but in the end the performance results fall quickly. The solution, especially from the left, is more money. Nobody wants to take on the real problems, because then you can come into conflict with the popular political currents and cultural ideals.
Gotta call bullshit on that one. Look to Finland, #1 schools in the world, best outcomes as well. and guess what? Finland made it illegal for a school to accept private money, so private schools de facto were outlawed. So that pretty much strikes a giant hole in your bullshit premise.
@@DaveE99 well mabey they could command larger salaries just like evryone else by displaying firce work ethic. Evry other race who were in poor condition fought their way up and out by way of hard labor mainly construction work. And race is of no importanse in construction work ethic is. You have to force yourselves into trades by way of better work ethic than others. Its that simple but they dont seem that interested in taking proven way out.
Many years ago J. Paul Getty (Getty Oil) had a similar query. His response: "You can take all of the money from the richest people and give it to the poorest people and in a year they would have it all back." It's the same idea as the Chinese Proverb: "You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime." There needs to be a change of consciousness along with the government subsidy. A welfare state doesn't teach independence and self-sufficiency but the opposite. Remove the dependency and you get someone who feels pride in their self and what they can do. This will give them happiness throughout their life.
@kv2090 My family was the poorest family in a small village. Country was communist. No real jobs unless you knew someone. We moved here, and my parents both worked. Guess what, they weren't in poverty anymore. So don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Your self righteous attitude is a big problem. If you want to get out of poverty then go and do it.
That's odd. Geniuses like Leonardo Da Vinci, Plato, Einstein, and Beethoven learned their ABCs in wood huts with blackboards and chalk. Perhaps the gaudiness of one's school doesn't determine their academic performance.
Bureaucracies grow until only the bureaucracy is what is important. You hide all the bad things just to keep the system alive. It is the Department of Redundancy Department that is important and NOT the problem the department was set up to solve.
Well, I live in the Netherlands and If I don't wanna work you get housing, free TV becourse it's according to our government a essential and a lot more, and still the most people work. Becourse the most people don't wannabe lowlife's with no goal in life.
Single parent household rates have exploded in the past fifty years across ethnicity. But definitely concentrated most heavily in minority population. 90% of public assistance recipients are single parent households. Is there a greater indice of poverty than that?
We are now on the sixth generation of welfare recipients now. For decades we have been telling people that they do not have to raise and support their children. And that welfare slavery is a good thing. And that you do not have to get a job that you will get tired and dirty. That is what we have illegals for.
Charles... I was born in ' the still segregated south...and here we 2020. And all that means is I have been alive and kicking throughout *all* those "changes," all those "promises". So only this regarding your comment: Bravo!
@@archerbowyer7704 Quick question and then a brief, mostly meaningless comment: Why did you put the word "news" in quotation marks? I've been doing it for what is starting to feel like forever. I'm just curious what got you started doing it? As to those "generations". That's one of those things I have researched from time to time to see what the "experts" (another word I no longer ever write without putting it in quotes) say. Some say 20, maybe 25 years. Me? I usually stick with what was, at least a long time, what, once again, most of the "experts" in all things related to the Bible said was a Biblical generation, or 40 years. But if we start the beginning of "welfare" with LBJ back in the mid-sixties, any way you count it, yeah, that's a damn lot of people, ain't it? Archer, stay safe and be well.
@@jackmorgan8931 it really started for me in the 90's with the NBC show "Dateline". They were doing a show about the dangers of GM pickup trucks with the gas tank behind the seat, claiming they would explode in a crash. After GM sued NBC and showed a frame-by-frame of the video it was proven they put a model rocket at the mouth of the fuel filler neck in order to get the truck to catch fire. They staged the incident and then lied on national tv about it. They haven't changed anything since then. When they started showing commercials during the "news" they stopped reporting real news. It's all sensationalism to try to sell things!!!! They cannot be trusted! God bless. Stay safe out there.
@@archerbowyer7704 And yep, I remember that bit of "news" very well. So you are one of "those people" who really does pay attention as he goes through life. You're becoming a rare breed these days. archer, stay and be well and though it is a bit early, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas...and I get the feeling you will not "because of" but rather "in spite of" everything going on here in 2020.
if you gave the people of Camden more money, they'd buy more drugs, more liquor, more rims for their '85 couple de ville. but they wouldn't spend a nickle of it on condoms or text books.
Canada is a pretty intellectual society from my experiences. And they don't need condoms; they've been below replacement rate since 1970; hence why they've needed to import the third world to keep high population.
@@cheesemccheese5780 If there's policy that rewards a family more if the parents are separate than if they were to stay together, then it to some degree incentivizes families where the parents are married to get divorced OR, what I suppose is more likely, for the parents who were never married, to not marry, because if the father doesn't have a job, or has one that doesn't pay well (perhaps he's very young, even a high school student), then the mother will be able to get more money from government policies meant to help these kind of people if she were to separate from whatever kind of relationship they did have and remain a single mother. And I believe the statistics show this, raising a child with a single parent has massive problems compared to raising them with both parents present, specifically with them being married (And this would be comparing families of similar socio-economic background, and also families in the same ethnic group). Therefore, assuming that all the above is true, state policy is incentivizing poor parenting. ps. sorry about not mentioning any specific policies or programs, I've just woken up, and I can't remember their names too well.
The war on poverty has been going on now over 50 years, are there still lots of poor people after billions and billions spent? Yes, actually there are more poor, uneducated, unskilled, lazy, government leaches now, than ever. Get the government out of education, health care, and many other functions, and let the free economy fix the issues.
Ben Chesterman so the financial crash in 2008/09 wasn’t a product of under regulating the banks! Actually think about this, it was an act of blatant Socialism that saved those fat cat leeches arses, the State bailing out voracious Capitalists - the bankers. At the end of the day who paid for that bail out, US, the real people who make their countries’ what they are - the workers, the guy with the skills, and the guy who gives his time to produce that item, not some over indulged, elitist, tosser, who’s full of buzz words, and sound bites, but little understanding of what makes this world go round! Unregulated banks and financial markets showed their true colours back then, and one of them was their lack of respect for their countries’ and it’s people, like pigs feeding at the trough, feeding with their snouts and fat bloated bellies.
There are countless examples of ill-spent government funding. That's not disputed. There is no other institution or funding source that is even slightly motivated to deal with poverty. It's not going to be funded by private businesses. It's not going to be addressed town by town across America. This is an enormous problem that can only be addressed by the government. That's what governments are for, to do the things that individuals, or towns, or cities, can't do on their own. Roads, bridges, health care, these all are possible only through the efforts of good government with well-intentioned leadership. Our job is to insist that the money is well spent and managed properly. That's what community involvement can help to monitor and achieve.
Where does Corruption come from? That's right Humans! We are the worst species on these planet that have to make our lives complicated with Feminism, Equality, Schools, Laws and look where all these things are leading us!
I have so much respect for charter schools staff members! They actually care about the students! Thank you so much for taking care and actually educating this countries children!
Giving a home to a homeless person doesn't make them not homeless...if they can't afford water, electricity, etc...they're just skill and labor for compensation (income) is necessary.
I am Venezuelan, until the 70s Venezuela was the fastest developing country in Latin America, the national currency known as "Bolivar" was backed with the gold reserves of the Central Bank of Venezuela and was solid as a rock, all to think that we We went to the first world, unfortunately oil was nationalized in 1976 and the crisis in the Middle East of 1978 occurred, the government received billions of dollars, a colossal amount, it was decided to "fight poverty" with public spending and social programs, At the same time that the normal economy was marginalized with exchange controls, wages and prices decided without consulting anyone and without relation to the real economy, in the midst of the oil bonanza the government requested and received large loans from international banks, in 1983 There was a crisis due to the drop in the price of oil and we never recovered, the more money the government received, the more it spent on fighting poverty and poverty. It increased more and more, from the year 2000 to 2014, Venezuela received more money for oil than in the previous 40 years, an incalculable amount, poverty increased to the point that currently eating 3 times a day is a luxury and malnutrition is the norm. The government does not know how to invest, it spends money to buy votes, poor people are a captive mass of votes, their vote can easily be bought with the promise of a social program or the threat that it will be taken from them if they do not vote for the party they want. takes care of the program.
The root cause is the home, parents refuse to take responsibility to raise their children and seem to blame the school system for their failure and disfunction.
Assign the money to the children and allow them to attend the best school Charter or whatever and you solve the problem. Get the government OUT of the way and EVERYTHING improves.
I am a libertarian but it is pretty obvious that giving the money to people without a middle man would be 100000000 times better than government services that suck äss. Yea, some would use that money in crap, but you can limit the amount of money per children. It would be a lot of money anyway and if the parents buy drugs, burn the money, etc- they go to jail. Bureaucrats can do the same and nothing happens.
In Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia the charters and private schools up the price until vouchers weren't enough. In the 1980-1990's we watched as private schools took the money and many kids showed up to closed schools. Private businesses are worse than gov schools. Gov schools at least have purchase and bulk rate buying power. Communities work in gov and the schools are looked after. In private schools communities don't work there and don't feel obligated to treat children better unless they buy a building or a library.
When I was about 12 my sisters and I were allowed to work a day in the fields picking grapes. At the end of that day my mother divided our meager check 4 ways and said “if you don’t finish school this is what kind of pay you have to look foreword to”. We all went to college and make more money than most people from the poor side of town where we lived and the people around us oh and we didn’t have children until our thirties. The only good lesson our single alcoholic mother has ever given us. It was a reality check for sure.
Unfortunately, many of the low-skill, entry-level jobs that were typically done by teens have now been filled by dropouts & immigrants, who expect to earn a salary stuff to raise a family on...
My father was the son of a penniless European emigrant. My mother was the daughter of a sharecropper. I was born in 1944 but my parents had some enormous advantages over today’s parents: 1: My parents weren’t told they were poor. 2: My parents weren’t rewarded for remaining poor. Given their tremendous advantages (compared to today’s parents), they had reasons to work full time AND moonlight at night. They had reasons to economize in various ways so they could invest. Example: The first “house” I remember was a converted chicken house about 13 feet by 13 feet (we called it “the peanut”) where my sister and I and our paternal grandmother lived with our parents. Our parents did eventually borrow money to buy an old house “to fix up” but, before they even did that, they bought another building, larger than the peanut, in which to house chickens. I was too young to remember whether they sold eggs from those chickens or only sold them for meat but, nowadays, most poor parents would be prohibited by various laws from doing anything similar. (We are told those laws are for our “protection” but some of us know it is because there are politicians who want to keep people dependent on government.) When our parents bought the old house to fix up, they left the peanut where it was. Someone bought the peanut and the lot on which it was situated and our parents moved the larger chicken house to the lot where the fixer-upper was located. I remember: a) When they bought the first batch of chicks to raise at the new location, they kept the chicks in one end of the chicken house and my dad used the other end as an upholstery shop. That was in addition to his full-time job as a carpenter. When our parents began remodeling the house in which we were then living, I remember Dad showing me the lath-and-plaster construction, much of which he then replaced with sheet rock. Another thing our parents did to earn money was to leave my sister and me in the care of our live-in widowed grandmother (who had no income of her own) while our parents went out at night and “papered” the interior walls of people’s houses. Their work was so meticulous their customers told other people and they always had all the papering work they could do at night. When do you suppose our parents began educating my sister and me? Every day, from the time we were born, our parents read to us. After Ruth was born, she and I took turns sitting on the lap of whomever was reading. And our parents moved their fingers along the pages under the words they were reading. I don’t remember them doing anything else to encourage us to read but I could read most of the words in a newspaper before I ever attended school. It wasn’t until the 1950s that Mom revealed to us children how much she had been spending on food- 10 cents per person per meal. Her father - still sharecropping - gave us a bushel of soybeans and a bushel of course flour each year (he ground it in the same hammermill he used for grinding feed for livestock). We had a small garden and our parents “canned” food from the garden for many years before they could afford a freezer. They bought fruit and vegetables at a local farmers market and canned some of those things too. Mom found out that a local grocery store was saving the outer leaves from head lettuce (taken off before displaying the lettuce in the store) and giving the outer leaves to people who raised rabbits. She told the produce man we didn’t have rabbits but asked whether we could have some too. (Mom knew that most of the nutrition was in the other leaves that some grocers discarded.) Because our parents didn’t have the government telling them how disadvantaged they were, they held their heads high, paid taxes and considered themselves contributing members of society. They taught Ruth and me - and two siblings who were born a decade later - that our worth wasn’t measured in how many toys we had but in how much we could do of a useful nature. It would be easy to argue that nobody should HAVE TO work that hard and economize in as many ways as our parents did. But that is what built this country - the hard work and thrift of our parents and many other people with similar work ethics. There ARE ways to get back to that. Or we can sell our children’s future for nothing more than the proverbial potage of lentils (see Genesis 25:27-34).
They came so close to saying the problem was culture and families first, and then corrupt systems next.
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Socialists and all other anti-capitalists have an unwavering faith in the idea that if only they had enough money, they could solve all the world's problems. They simply do not understand people, society, economics or the role of money AT ALL. They are utterly clueless. Money is INFORMATION, which establishes a connection between a producer and a consumer, telling the producer what is most demanded - thus motivating him to provide more of it - and telling the consumer what goods and services are available and at what cost, relative to all other goods and services he might want to consume. This bi-directional communication only works when the incentives are clear on both sides of the channel: money must reflect resources and an effort for both, the consumer and the producer, thus ensuring that bad choices imply a cost, i.e. it must be painful to make bad choices. If money is just given to people, it is meaningless to them. Thus they will spend it in the worst possible way. It will not generate any kind of incentive to manage resources well. Thus it is possible to waste an unlimited amount of money - and the resources it bought - with absolutely no benefit to anyone except short-term luxury consumption for a few. If you pay poor people for being poor, you will get more poor people. Which is why you cannot spend poor people into prosperity.
Socialists don't believe if they had enough money.. it is the motivations behind hoarding money and status that spur poverty. Capitalists believe if they have more money.. your money.. all the money..
@@santouchesantouche2873 - My grand parents were poor beyond your imagination. If I told you the things my Grand Dad did to keep his family alive, you would think I was talking about pioneer days. There is a picture of my Mother, barefoot, wearing a dress made from a flour sack. She drove herself to learn secretarial skills to get a job. My Dad joined the army to get money to go to college. He never learned to drive until he was out of college because he was always too poor to have a car. People can start poor and not stay poor, if that's what they really want.
@@santouchesantouche2873 - My grand parents never had any capital. They worked for intermittent wages or made things to sell. Two of them died young...from being poor. The other two lived in bad health...from being poor. My parents only ever had the wages they made. The same for me and my siblings and all my many cousins. My parents, my siblings, my cousins are not poor. None of us is rich, except as compared to my grand parents and how their children lived in their youth. Rich is not the opposite of poor and lack of capital is not poverty. Nor were we made into money grubbers. We don't work for money. We work to not be poor. Money is the tool that allows us to not be poor.
@@wdtaut5650 working for a living to stave off poverty is not something that should be OK in modern times. Working to pay for a home.or healthcare while others take resources through nefarious means is unjust. Humans are inherently creative entities who enjoy leisure time with family and friends. This is what enriches lives and a society. No working a dead-end job being wage slaves alienated from your community.
True! Why can’t the parents just be happy living in poverty? You just solved the drugs problems, domestic violence problems, mental health problems and childhood deprivation problems in one comment. Congratulations! Or maybe you could be empathetic and realise not everyone has the same means and privilege in life as you and therefore you can never compare yourself to them.
@Non,Player, Adeptus That’s great for you but again, if it’s so easy why does poverty exist at all? Why would people choose that life? If that’s true you must recognise the privileges you lacked and how much harder it was to succeed for you compared to others better off? It’s completely ignorant to say there are no outside factors that affect people’s quality of life, job prospects and well being. Look at the Pandemic now for example. And what about children who are deprived, do they deserve to be punished for their parents choices? We could college educate the poor and provide universal healthcare easily but it does not stand to benefit the elite, therefore the poor will always be on the back foot.
***** If that wasn't so sad & depressing, it would be funny. Have people forgot that life isn't all roses & perfume? It's not easy, it's tough & not everyone wins.
I would recommend replacing 'Public' to 'Government' in order to drive home who is the problem and responsible. Those who control your words controls you. Just saying!
Private or public schools do not matter. The problem is that too many with political / special interests rule in the schools. The school should be for learning. Not to create loyalists. Socialist, farcist and religious groups almost always give priority to creating loyal children before providing good education.
My daughter went to a poor public school but it had a good principal. Most of the kids in the school were fatherless including my daughter. The Principal (who was a wonderful black woman serving her black students). decided to have free test prep sessions for 4-5 Saturdays before the statewide tests. All the students were encouraged to attend. My daughter and only a handful of kids showed up. Some Saturdays my daughter was the only one that showed up. I mentioned this on a “mommy chat forum” and was basically told that parents are working on Saturday morning and can’t possibly take their kids to school for test prep. That life was unfair and poor people just can’t make it work. I almost feel like the most vulnerable students belong at boarding school where they can just focus on learning and leave their home for a little while. Because their home life is not serving them.
You can't teach stupid. Too much government will keep stupid stupid. Smart people don't wait for hand outs. So, if you vote for bigger government, don't hold your breath.
If several years of federal/state funding is misspent and missing, and _nobody goes to jail,_ how the hell do you expect the situation to ever improve?
Stunning piece. The corruption is damming. I wonder if some of those officials still hold office somewhere. Billions in “missing” money. like it’s nothing. What is happening?
In California, they put on the ballot 20 yrs ago for Powerball gaming to fund public schools and it would give us the BEST schools in the nation. My thoughts then were: "so funding schools with gambling will benefit kids? Sounds like lots of graft for the kids instead." Now, 20 yrs later CA schools went from some of the better schools in the nation to next to the bottom. And just WHERE did all that gambling money go? When you invite in the mob, the mob wins!
@@kendralisle2762 Interesting comment. I guess my question for you is this: what made you make the connection between gambling and harm for children-seeing PAST the promise of money... and what made others bypass the morality of the ballot’s proposition and focus on the idea that more money would mean better schools? I imagine that there are bedrock assumptions and pre-commitments we have PRIOR to the vote that motivated you to go in one direction and not the other. Does that make sense?
Work is the only antidote to poverty! Today low skill work is moved to countries were the pay is much lower than in the USA. In the USA those that support economic liberalism demand that people who previously held low skill jobs get training to do high skill jobs, like software programming! That is, they demand the impossible. And they know it, not even the supporters of economic financial liberalism are that stupid! Liberalism and its three dimensions, social, political and economic have shown what they can "achieve" when given the freedom of action that they demand!
First most kids don't have a mom and a dad in the house. Families lost their sense of morality and values when they stop attending church. this causes people not to want to go out and work to be honest. And finally they're trying to make money the easy and fast way which is usually crime. We once training men how to be husbands and fathers we don't do that anymore. Everyone's training women to be wives and mothers as well as being educated so they could use it within the home or outside the home. We've created a society where we tell women that they can have children and they don't need good husbands in their lives
I wish that ocazio cortez person could see this, and then of course not automatically jump to "oh, but we'd do it right this time" because she knows for a fact they wouldn't.
No it doesn't. The New Deal put people first. In Camden you have poor administration of the needs of the people. Corrupt even. But that was NOT the New Deal. But nice try.
Title should be: Why tax payers money can't fix poverty. Reason: Because government agencies get big salaries for it. Comparison: 5 cents of every dollar you give to charities goes to the ones that you donated to help. The other 95cents disappears. .
Anytime you give people money they become dependent on it. I lived in Indonesia for 16 years and the poor there do anything to support themselves like selling coffee or fried rice on the street an everyone eats an survive with out hand outs
The main problem is avoided! It is the lack of family support, single mother on welfare or lazy parents. You can lead a horse to the water, but you cannot force him to drink!
Because hovernment mo ey is extracted from the folk who actualy fix infrastructure. You need to have penalty for failure. Government does not have penalty for failure if anything it doubles down.
The state aquarium was built in Camden to help bring money into the town. A total waste! Then the Battleship New Jersey was placed there. Another total waste! ...... How about not having kids without a father present! Along with jobs and self-respect just might do the trick!!!
+Coolrockndad A job does not pull a person out of poverty. The steady and high enough income does! Being employed is nothing more than building someone else's dream than working to build your own.
+Coolrockndad Remember...many children grow up without a father present in the home due to death or distance. It is not solely an inner city or urban *problem.* Even with a *father* in the home....that alone does not quantify a family not growing up in poverty if extenuating circumstances are present alcoholism, drugs, uneducated, mental illness or even death. It's so easy to sit up and spout off morality and totally another to give people the tools and support necessary to see it to successful fruition.
+Coolrockndad You have families and individuals who are stuck in poverty who are solely supported on and by military income...with the father being the one IN the that theory of a father being in the home is utter BS. Low or lack of Income is the sole reason for people being in poverty. Not a 2 parent household. If a woman was independently wealthy and her child's father walked out...would she be suddenly thrown into poverty? No. So that throws that theory out the door. It's not based on a father being present. What it IS based on is money...and enough of it to support those living off of it and dependent upon it.
+Teach Her2Fish Jobs for ALL will pull the community out of poverty. .... Wow this is an unthought thing to say "Being employed is nothing more than building someone else's dream than working to build your own." Just how would you work to develop your own dreams then?
The most significant enabling factor in motivating children is the parents. That´s it. If parents don´t give a damn then their offspring will follow suite. Throw all the money you want and without total parental participation you will change nothing.
Education (school) is like a three-legged stool. Its three legs are the student, the home the student comes from, and the school program (the teacher and curriculum). For a school to succeed all three legs have to be in place, doing their job.
Kids need to be teach the importance of self responsibility. And government needs to stop holding people from life consequences. You messed up you pay the price.
Humans not valuing humans is the problem. Else there could never be a rich or poverty mindset. Money is but a tool of control. And that tool succumbs to greed of individuals paving way to current state of the survival of the fittest, smartest,best looking.
Poverty is the norm in human history. The problem with socialists who have always been anti-capitalist and anti-property rights, don't inherently believe that. They actually have persuaded themselves into believing that the greatest force in wealth creation in over 6000 years of recorded history, is also the greatest driver of poverty in human history. That said the error in socialism has always been pretty basic, despite the never-ending complexity imposed by academics: if you, the individual, don't own it, you don't control it. Government money is owned by the government, anything the government redistributes, it logically owns and can only do so because it owns it. You can't change schools or communities if you don't own them.
they priced out all of the jobs and businesses that you need to start over. It's too expensive to start small. Taxes and inflation raise the cost of goods, rent, real estate, and labor.
I worked at a local super market in the mid 70's...the first of the month was the worst time to come to our store on the south side of Chicago.I never see so many people on food stamps in my life.. The grandparent, the mother and her daughter all with ( at that time ) booklets of peel off Monopoly money, plus all the coupons for baby food and diapers. Can you double bag that for me??? I got to go up 14 floors. Then watch them push two full carts out to a Cadillac or a Lincoln Town car with some guy in a zuit suit sitting behind the wheel. Oh and the things that state didn't allow them to buy on their dime...the TiTTY-Bank Roll of 20's that never seem to end...Your cigarettes , alcohol ..the things I'm sure a social worker would have to note on her trip to see if any men were living with them in the public housing building...Thats the government...once your on one of their programs...your never asked to get off....
"Believing that black culture is primarily at fault means believing that black cultural attitudes are why the black unemployment rate has always been at least 50 percent higher than white unemployment. It likely means assuming that vague, hard-to-identify and complex cultural attitudes are responsible for most of the things on this bulleted list: flat wages, higher rates of arrest for possession of marijuana, higher rates of incarceration, a greater likelihood of being arrested at school, a lower likelihood of being accepted to top-tier colleges. When The Wire noted that black preschoolers are more likely to be expelled from their preschool programs, multiple people wrote in to blame the black culture of single parenthood. It was blamed on black culture. "Is black culture why this 2003 study found that job applicants 'with white-sounding names are 50 percent more likely to get called for an initial interview than applicants with African-American-sounding names'? American history demonstrates countless examples of racist obstruction of black economic success. Ongoing examples show countless ways in which black Americans are still obstructed in the same way."
But the nay sayers will say we are lazy and don’t work hard. I make very good money but I’m well aware that my name got me through the front door while my black classmates with traditional black names did not get call backs for an interview. We applied to same jobs...
My mom was a school nurse in Camden for 15 years. Parents were always the number 1 issue she ran into. While some were involved, she said most of them either didn’t care or they tried to berate the teacher into looking the other way instead of listening to the teacher.
My mother thought me to read from the Jungle book when the school failed me.
Looking back I'm certain I had ADHD but in the '70's that was a very new discovery!
My wife is an educator. Her most troubled students have parents that won't even make them do their homework.
All the money in the world can't fix that stupid.
@Marty Magpie You REALLY think that it's the teacher's job to educate YOUR kids? Dayum.
If you don't actively participate in your child's education, including engaging them with their homework, you flat-out suck as a parent. Get a dog.
@Marty Magpie Fair enough.
Sorry, I just have no patience for those that shirk their personal responsibilities. Especially when it's their kids.
Common core curriculum is a bust...
What world you living in. In Canada, most parents are working 50 plus hrs a week. They destroyed your dream world sometime in the 80s
@@maxpain917 Is English your primary language? That was hard to read. Regardless, excuses are like butt-holes. Everyone has one, and they all stink.
"Failing schools" are not holding kids back. Their lazy, dumb-arse parents are. You can't use a lack of money as an excuse for not taking the time to take care of your kids.
Big Government: If you think the problems we created were bad, Just wait until you see our solutions.
Big governments plan: tax cuts for the richest 1% and increase the pentagon and defence spending
@Johan Gustav Lammers Yep every human on the planet should be provided all of that. I mean it's free right?
@Johan Gustav Lammers the free market isn't simply chance..?
@Johan Gustav Lammers When you grow up you may understand just how naive your idea of someone providing solutions for another person's life, using yet another person's money really is.
@Johan Gustav Lammers that’s kinda weird you got more naive as you aged
Listen, let's not ignore the responsibility of parents to teach their children as well. Education starts in the home.
true dat! i love clicking to see what other channels people are subbed to especially when the first 5 are matched to what I'm subbed to
But children should not be punished for the mistakes of their parents. Poor kids deserve the same opportunities as the wealthy.
@Kevin Simmons Did you not learn anything? The whole point of this was that money wasn't the answer.
@@ghostlyone2 Exactly, thats the point of the video. That poor school district got MORE money than mainstream schools and nothing really changed.
You could build schools made out of gold but if kids are being raised in single mother households of crime and gangs and no parental guidance, its not going to work.
@Kevin Simmons Why the them vs me mentality? Taxes should go to the benefit of all. You pay for road, park and public building upkeep already. This is how education, public transport and healthcare should be. Not you and me but us. We all benefit.
When government replaces the father in the home, this is what you get.
Yep government replaces father....even though they are mothers !!!!
Government replaces wealth creation
When did the government do that?
@@johnnysalter7072 When no fault divorce was created.
Exactly, the system rewards misfortune, the people who receive the greatest rewards are those who can prove that they are more unhappy than others or at least appear so. 75% of African-American children born in the last decade were born in single-parent homes without parental presence, it is not only that the father is lacking as a provider, but also that moral guidance, discipline and pride in earning a living are lacking. With your effort, just do a little research and you will find children of rich parents who suffer from psychological disorders due to the lack of healthy family relationships, in the case of poor children things are much worse.
mother and father under the same roof....problem cut in half right there.
Do they even like each other. Both parents need to put in financially, that's what I agree with
@@demonwaterdemonwater4993 Look at poverty statistics for single-parent households. Compare this to poverty statistics for two-parent households. By the way, if you're going to call someone "dumb", please use coherent sentences
Yes. That's part of the problem in the black community where single mothers are on the rise and this has been partly due to government involvement.
I agree with Thomas Sowell who talks valid points.
This is also mentioned by the professor as part of the problem.
The education sucks coz the government doesn't want to make it better.
Even Milton friedman talks about why education sucks.
@@demonwaterdemonwater4993 If there's infighting between parents then its a bad influence but at the same time if there's no father or mother figure the young look up to influencers in the society or to peers and if those peers and influencers have bad habits and infighting again its bad influence.
I ain't a religious person but i would prefer both parents in my life, but I'll not silently follow what they preach to me but I'll always question everything they tell me.
Reason we see so much single parents is the massive incarceration in the US. Takes millions of men out of marriage pool. Our incarceration rate is easily highest in the world.
I was able to learn physics in high school and college with nothing more than a paper notebook and a chalkboard. My professors wrote out equations on the chalkboard and we took notes. No iPads, no MacBooks, no fancy school building. How on earth did I learn it???
The answer to your question is the quality of your professors. Quality teachers don't grow on trees, and so poor shit holes don't attract them. You can't always pay for excellence, yet you need excellence to beget excellence. If impoverished low-performing cities want to improve their lot in life, they'd better start offering conservative private school teachers six figures to come work for their schools. Same budget, except the kids use chalkboards. Most problems solved. If the teachers do a good job, you probably won't see the payoff until the next generation because the initial students of the improved curriculum and staff will be more successful than their parents, and so on.
@@MFPWM2010 We were talking about academics, not crime. Poor schools don't have an issue retaining good teachers; they never had good teachers in the first place. Is the average, say, Hillsdale College professor going to sacrifice his standard of living to go teach inner city kids (among whom whites and every other race also fail on average) about the classics, Latin, symbolic logic? No. They don't. They won't. And why would you expect requisite teachers to volunteer their time among the poor for a low wage? Why, then, would anyone expect laptops to solve that specific problem? You also seem to misunderstand how education works if you -- and some foolish administrator -- thinks you can move older kids to another school and they will magically be able to catch up to other kids who've benefited from a lifetime of classical education. You missed what I wrote, which is completely right, that if inner city kids got a quality classical education, they would excel. It is undoubtedly curriculum and teachers that are the primary impetus of academic success or failure, otherwise you could essentially fire all good teachers and throw out the textbooks in schools with kids with your preferred genes, and they'd excel without them -- of course, they wouldn't. There is no scientific evidence of genetic differences in brain function between races, so unless you want to presuppose that conclusion within your premises for aesthetic reasons (that which is ugly to me should not be smart), there is no way to reasonably make that claim.
@@MFPWM2010 Also, I made the exact opposite argument, that money is not spent well. In your state, you can reasonably say more money is spent ineffectively per pupil in black districts. Furthermore, when you say you can't pay conservative classical teachers enough to deal with some of the kids, you're really complaining about bad policy concerning corporal punishment, which is quite effective. So, my advice to your state legislature and you as a citizen would be to change your bad policies, not blame an abstract concept like non-existent "black genes" for the stupid public policy upheld by supposedly superior whites in your state.
Johann Popper - “There is no scientific evidence of genetic differences in brain function between races...” LOL! Except for over 100 years of IQ testing done around the globe showing similar results across different cultures. I know, you’re going to argue that IQ testing is meaningless, but mainstream psychology disagrees with that notion. In fact, it has been confirmed many times that IQ is in large part genetic (positive correlation of 0.7-0.8). Look up the identical twin studies on this. Identical twins separated at birth and raised in different environments have a higher correlated IQ score than fraternal twins raised in the same household. Mainstream psychology accepts that IQ results are largely genetically based. They also accept that IQ is the NUMBER ONE predictor of success in adulthood; more than education and socioeconomic status. So if IQ has a large genetic component, and racial groups consistently score differently across time and culture, then obviously the IQ differences among racial groups have a genetic basis. Do you honestly believe that racial groups can be geographically separated for tens of thousands of years of evolution with no significant differences emerging? Laughable! Do you honestly believe that the domination of professional football, basketball, sprinting, etc by blacks has absolutely NO genetic basis whatsoever? Absolutely absurd.
Johann Popper - And on your education points, no, I’m talking about the same district busing kids to different areas of town. They are all under the same curriculum. White kids are not being taught some magical “classical education” while the blacks aren’t. Of course there is some overlap in the racial makeup between these schools. In fact, at one predominantly black school there is always at least one student every year who scores a perfect score on either their ACT or SAT. But, it is always a WHITE student. So somehow these white students are able to succeed at predominantly black schools, even with the same teachers. So somehow they are able to learn the information. The fact is that the teachers in these schools are actually paid very well, and there is a lot of pressure on them to improve black test scores, but to no avail. So, you are wrong in every possible way. Except I do agree that corporal punishment should be brought back and teachers/administrators should have more power to discipline these kids. But don’t expect to equalize performance between races anytime soon.
The biggest problem is the one thing we don't want to tackle, UNFIT SINGLE MOTHERS
when women are single they want the D, when they are in a relationship they dont
Well thats because all the dads that dont want to be a dad. So many fuckers out here just bust a nutt and haul ass like this is the fucking woods and we are animals. Its sad.
@@gregoryeverson741 wrong, when they are in a relationship they want another D.
Emily Van Allen can we agree that its both? How about broken families is a problem, wether its a welfare queen or an absentee father.
Klaa2 well that because places like china execute them by the boatload too. What about places like North Korea where the whole society is essentially a prison and you couldnt get accurate incarceration numbers anyway. I agree we should focus on violent criminals and stop with the war on drugs bs.
"The state is the ultimately responsible actor for education..."
says it all
@jhan bass : "[Khorps' quote: 'The state is the ultimately responsible actor for education...' is] from 'reason' magazine lol!!"
Oh, wow! They're way off on that! That's awful "reasoning," and blatantly flunks as it always has! That's terribly bad advice and just does not work, nope!
The State isn't; the Individual is. That's about the only way it's ever worked, such as in those instances where it really has, rather few such instances of that there has been.
Man, looks like _Reason_ magazine oughta do a little re-thinking on that statement, wow!
@@codeoptimizationware2803 are you an idiot? Reason is a libertarian magazine. They obviously don't believe that. They're just showing what their opponents think.
@@flybackrs :
Whatever, anyway, I'm voting for The Grand Nagus in '24. He's his own Party, a Party onto himself.
It's simple really: when you're spending your own time and resources on a project, you have more incentive to create a successful result. When you use other people's money, you care more about keeping the flow going. Incentives are what drive human beings. You must set up the system to promote helping others for your own success. But of course, that's not what those in control want.. So we keep suffering unnecessarily..
Money will never fix a culture of ignorance
Unless you pay for conservative teachers.
Not true. If you are a professional sports team owner.....the government gives you tons of free money and you are a genius for being a "smart businessman".
Money is a tool, you can either use it to invest in yourself or waste it on a gucci belt.
@@BackSeatJunkie it still doesn't fix a culture.
....or greed.
Money never ended up where it was supposed to. Really? I'm shocked.
Especially when the whole of capitalism is nothing but a wealth redistribution mechanism for the rich elites.
Especially when you have a Democratic mayor.
@jhan bass ... and capitalists are anti-Science (dumb as rocks). Personally, Id rather be boring and free, rather than stupid and enslaved ->
Im not a Communist, but why is it that everything other than capitalism is Communism to you? smfh
@jhan bass How disingenuous! There is no way that you could have watched those videos in the time it took you to reply! Is it because capitalism is a religion to you, that you are so against seeing my provided evidence?
And what do you mean 'everyone's eating'?! Think again ->
Idiot capitalists worry about breadlines, while the rich elites under capitalism steal billions! Get your head out of your ass!
I wanna see where these new Biden taxes are gonna go.
This is an indicator of why so many people have had it with public schools. The problem is nationwide and all they come up with is more money. Same answer every time.
If only we had more midnight basketball.
It is popular to come up with the proposal more money. Because it requires no thought about where the problem is. We have the same problem in Sweden. Here, the school budget is one of the highest in Europe per child, but in the end the performance results fall quickly. The solution, especially from the left, is more money. Nobody wants to take on the real problems, because then you can come into conflict with the popular political currents and cultural ideals.
Gotta call bullshit on that one. Look to Finland, #1 schools in the world, best outcomes as well. and guess what? Finland made it illegal for a school to accept private money, so private schools de facto were outlawed. So that pretty much strikes a giant hole in your bullshit premise.
@@davidhutchinson5233 doesnt say anything about the school budget, in the end we also pay for the public schools, just indirectly
@@davidhutchinson5233 Private schools outlawed? Including those which were always 100% private? I don't believe you.
Lack of money isn't the problem. Lack of FATHERS is the problem.
That means paying a good wage is too.
Cuz without that you can’t have good fathers.
@@DaveE99 well mabey they could command larger salaries just like evryone else by displaying firce work ethic. Evry other race who were in poor condition fought their way up and out by way of hard labor mainly construction work. And race is of no importanse in construction work ethic is. You have to force yourselves into trades by way of better work ethic than others. Its that simple but they dont seem that interested in taking proven way out.
This is racist
And the mothers who tan them off...
Many years ago J. Paul Getty (Getty Oil) had a similar query. His response: "You can take all of the money from the richest people and give it to the poorest people and in a year they would have it all back." It's the same idea as the Chinese Proverb: "You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime." There needs to be a change of consciousness along with the government subsidy. A welfare state doesn't teach independence and self-sufficiency but the opposite. Remove the dependency and you get someone who feels pride in their self and what they can do. This will give them happiness throughout their life.
In modern societies, people are interdependent, not self-sufficient.
“The state is ultimately responsible”. Prof Tractenburg shows that just because you’re educated doesn’t mean you’re smart.
New Jersey hasn't been responsible since I was a kid there 50 years ago.
The entire Constitutional vision, of a nation created by the people, has been lost. The founding fathers should not have bothered.
@@johnmarks227 it’s been especially over the last year. NJ’s credit rating has been downgraded twice since the pandemic began.
@kv2090 The best anti-poverty program is a job. Go get one.
@kv2090 My family was the poorest family in a small village. Country was communist. No real jobs unless you knew someone. We moved here, and my parents both worked. Guess what, they weren't in poverty anymore. So don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Your self righteous attitude is a big problem. If you want to get out of poverty then go and do it.
That's odd. Geniuses like Leonardo Da Vinci, Plato, Einstein, and Beethoven learned their ABCs in wood huts with blackboards and chalk. Perhaps the gaudiness of one's school doesn't determine their academic performance.
Yes. It's what you learn, not how.
Yes, perhaps it has more to do with genetics. Who knows?
These people were exceptional geniuses, not average folk!
Your on point!
What about his on point?
Why wasn't anyone held accountable??? How many people went to prison??? Where is the oversight???
Oversight? In government? Since when did that ever exist? Even if there was, they'd all just buy each other off.
Bureaucracies grow until only the bureaucracy is what is important. You hide all the bad things just to keep the system alive. It is the Department of Redundancy Department that is important and NOT the problem the department was set up to solve.
Poverty is not the absence of wealth, its the absence of personal responsibility.
Fathers. No matter how hard you think it is, be there for your kids.
mothers: no matter how hard you think it is, don't divorce your man.
The long and short of it is, paying people to not work will cause more people to not work. You can't argue with it,
Well, I live in the Netherlands and If I don't wanna work you get housing, free TV becourse it's according to our government a essential and a lot more, and still the most people work. Becourse the most people don't wannabe lowlife's with no goal in life.
Incentivizing bad behavior is never a good idea, even if some are immune to such things.
Single parent household rates have exploded in the past fifty years across ethnicity. But definitely concentrated most heavily in minority population. 90% of public assistance recipients are single parent households. Is there a greater indice of poverty than that?
We are now on the sixth generation of welfare recipients now. For decades we have been telling people that they do not have to raise and support their children. And that welfare slavery is a good thing. And that you do not have to get a job that you will get tired and dirty. That is what we have illegals for.
I was born in ' the still segregated south...and here we 2020. And all that means is I have been alive and kicking throughout *all* those "changes," all those "promises". So only this regarding your comment:
There was a "news" magazine in the 80's with a picture and a headline: "5 generations on welfare". Seems it would be 10 generations or more in 2020.
Quick question and then a brief, mostly meaningless comment:
Why did you put the word "news" in quotation marks? I've been doing it for what is starting to feel like forever. I'm just curious what got you started doing it?
As to those "generations".
That's one of those things I have researched from time to time to see what the "experts" (another word I no longer ever write without putting it in quotes) say. Some say 20, maybe 25 years. Me? I usually stick with what was, at least a long time, what, once again, most of the "experts" in all things related to the Bible said was a Biblical generation, or 40 years.
But if we start the beginning of "welfare" with LBJ back in the mid-sixties, any way you count it, yeah, that's a damn lot of people, ain't it?
Archer, stay safe and be well.
@@jackmorgan8931 it really started for me in the 90's with the NBC show "Dateline". They were doing a show about the dangers of GM pickup trucks with the gas tank behind the seat, claiming they would explode in a crash. After GM sued NBC and showed a frame-by-frame of the video it was proven they put a model rocket at the mouth of the fuel filler neck in order to get the truck to catch fire. They staged the incident and then lied on national tv about it. They haven't changed anything since then. When they started showing commercials during the "news" they stopped reporting real news. It's all sensationalism to try to sell things!!!!
They cannot be trusted! God bless. Stay safe out there.
And yep, I remember that bit of "news" very well.
So you are one of "those people" who really does pay attention as he goes through life. You're becoming a rare breed these days.
archer, stay and be well and though it is a bit early, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas...and I get the feeling you will not "because of" but rather "in spite of" everything going on here in 2020.
As Ronald Reagan said to paraphrase " the last thing you want to hear is we're from the government and we're here to help you"
$25,000 per student per year. K-12 is 13 years. How about just giving the kids $325,000 when they turn 18?
if you gave the people of Camden more money, they'd buy more drugs, more liquor, more rims for their '85 couple de ville. but they wouldn't spend a nickle of it on condoms or text books.
Canada is a pretty intellectual society from my experiences. And they don't need condoms; they've been below replacement rate since 1970; hence why they've needed to import the third world to keep high population.
@@BigMac4459 He said Camden, not Canada.
You forgot $200/pair NIKEs...they seem to love em.
Exactly. The stimulus checks of COVID resulted in most people buying a new cell phone here in Brazil.
Make babies and drink 40's
6:19 that's the issue...the state is NOT ultimately responsible, the parents are
And state policy actively incentivizes poor parenting.
@@cheesemccheese5780 If there's policy that rewards a family more if the parents are separate than if they were to stay together, then it to some degree incentivizes families where the parents are married to get divorced OR, what I suppose is more likely, for the parents who were never married, to not marry, because if the father doesn't have a job, or has one that doesn't pay well (perhaps he's very young, even a high school student), then the mother will be able to get more money from government policies meant to help these kind of people if she were to separate from whatever kind of relationship they did have and remain a single mother. And I believe the statistics show this, raising a child with a single parent has massive problems compared to raising them with both parents present, specifically with them being married (And this would be comparing families of similar socio-economic background, and also families in the same ethnic group). Therefore, assuming that all the above is true, state policy is incentivizing poor parenting.
ps. sorry about not mentioning any specific policies or programs, I've just woken up, and I can't remember their names too well.
The war on poverty has been going on now over 50 years, are there still lots of poor people after billions and billions spent? Yes, actually there are more poor, uneducated, unskilled, lazy, government leaches now, than ever. Get the government out of education, health care, and many other functions, and let the free economy fix the issues.
free economy always fails, you need regulations, remember when Bush de-regulated the banks, that really fucked over America
Wages fell 1970 before Regean and Bush idiot lefty
Ben Chesterman so the financial crash in 2008/09 wasn’t a product of under regulating the banks!
Actually think about this, it was an act of blatant Socialism that saved those fat cat leeches arses, the State bailing out voracious Capitalists - the bankers.
At the end of the day who paid for that bail out, US, the real people who make their countries’ what they are - the workers, the guy with the skills, and the guy who gives his time to produce that item, not some over indulged, elitist, tosser, who’s full of buzz words, and sound bites, but little understanding of what makes this world go round!
Unregulated banks and financial markets showed their true colours back then, and one of them was their lack of respect for their countries’ and it’s people, like pigs feeding at the trough, feeding with their snouts and fat bloated bellies.
left party in Australia , tax wealthy more why they ended on the age pension in retirement
Don’t worry Charter run schools are going up all over CAMDEN now
There are countless examples of ill-spent government funding. That's not disputed. There is no other institution or funding source that is even slightly motivated to deal with poverty. It's not going to be funded by private businesses. It's not going to be addressed town by town across America. This is an enormous problem that can only be addressed by the government. That's what governments are for, to do the things that individuals, or towns, or cities, can't do on their own. Roads, bridges, health care, these all are possible only through the efforts of good government with well-intentioned leadership. Our job is to insist that the money is well spent and managed properly. That's what community involvement can help to monitor and achieve.
*"What's that smell?"* - New Jersey state motto
And it’s a shame because New Jersey is a very beautiful state. Very little of New Jersey is actually considered “ Urban “ areas.
One Word- Corruption
Where does Corruption come from? That's right Humans! We are the worst species on these planet that have to make our lives complicated with Feminism, Equality, Schools, Laws and look where all these things are leading us!
@@4mutinyofpreverts2 sorry but we do it just needs to be not fully corrupt
No fucking shit
As a leftist I'll agree with that.
I have so much respect for charter schools staff members! They actually care about the students! Thank you so much for taking care and actually educating this countries children!
Giving a home to a homeless person doesn't make them not homeless...if they can't afford water, electricity, etc...they're just skill and labor for compensation (income) is necessary.
I am Venezuelan, until the 70s Venezuela was the fastest developing country in Latin America, the national currency known as "Bolivar" was backed with the gold reserves of the Central Bank of Venezuela and was solid as a rock, all to think that we We went to the first world, unfortunately oil was nationalized in 1976 and the crisis in the Middle East of 1978 occurred, the government received billions of dollars, a colossal amount, it was decided to "fight poverty" with public spending and social programs, At the same time that the normal economy was marginalized with exchange controls, wages and prices decided without consulting anyone and without relation to the real economy, in the midst of the oil bonanza the government requested and received large loans from international banks, in 1983 There was a crisis due to the drop in the price of oil and we never recovered, the more money the government received, the more it spent on fighting poverty and poverty. It increased more and more, from the year 2000 to 2014, Venezuela received more money for oil than in the previous 40 years, an incalculable amount, poverty increased to the point that currently eating 3 times a day is a luxury and malnutrition is the norm. The government does not know how to invest, it spends money to buy votes, poor people are a captive mass of votes, their vote can easily be bought with the promise of a social program or the threat that it will be taken from them if they do not vote for the party they want. takes care of the program.
The root cause is the home, parents refuse to take responsibility to raise their children and seem to blame the school system for their failure and disfunction.
Assign the money to the children and allow them to attend the best school Charter or whatever and you solve the problem.
Get the government OUT of the way and EVERYTHING improves.
I am a libertarian but it is pretty obvious that giving the money to people without a middle man would be 100000000 times better than government services that suck äss. Yea, some would use that money in crap, but you can limit the amount of money per children. It would be a lot of money anyway and if the parents buy drugs, burn the money, etc- they go to jail. Bureaucrats can do the same and nothing happens.
In Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia the charters and private schools up the price until vouchers weren't enough. In the 1980-1990's we watched as private schools took the money and many kids showed up to closed schools. Private businesses are worse than gov schools. Gov schools at least have purchase and bulk rate buying power. Communities work in gov and the schools are looked after. In private schools communities don't work there and don't feel obligated to treat children better unless they buy a building or a library.
@@sweetsendaedreamr they feel obligated because you are paying them money if they are trash you will leave!!!
If children don’t want to be highly educated then give them job opportunities so they can experience work and its real world lessons 😃
When I was about 12 my sisters and I were allowed to work a day in the fields picking grapes. At the end of that day my mother divided our meager check 4 ways and said “if you don’t finish school this is what kind of pay you have to look foreword to”. We all went to college and make more money than most people from the poor side of town where we lived and the people around us oh and we didn’t have children until our thirties. The only good lesson our single alcoholic mother has ever given us. It was a reality check for sure.
No can do. That might be effective. The #1 rule of government is to make certain that whatever they do is the least effective thing possible.
@@LM-kt2er that was very intelligent of her to do so. She succeeded with you all!
Unfortunately, many of the low-skill, entry-level jobs that were typically done by teens have now been filled by dropouts & immigrants, who expect to earn a salary stuff to raise a family on...
My father was the son of a penniless European emigrant. My mother was the daughter of a sharecropper. I was born in 1944 but my parents had some enormous advantages over today’s parents:
1: My parents weren’t told they were poor.
2: My parents weren’t rewarded for remaining poor.
Given their tremendous advantages (compared to today’s parents), they had reasons to work full time AND moonlight at night. They had reasons to economize in various ways so they could invest. Example: The first “house” I remember was a converted chicken house about 13 feet by 13 feet (we called it “the peanut”) where my sister and I and our paternal grandmother lived with our parents. Our parents did eventually borrow money to buy an old house “to fix up” but, before they even did that, they bought another building, larger than the peanut, in which to house chickens. I was too young to remember whether they sold eggs from those chickens or only sold them for meat but, nowadays, most poor parents would be prohibited by various laws from doing anything similar. (We are told those laws are for our “protection” but some of us know it is because there are politicians who want to keep people dependent on government.)
When our parents bought the old house to fix up, they left the peanut where it was. Someone bought the peanut and the lot on which it was situated and our parents moved the larger chicken house to the lot where the fixer-upper was located. I remember: a) When they bought the first batch of chicks to raise at the new location, they kept the chicks in one end of the chicken house and my dad used the other end as an upholstery shop. That was in addition to his full-time job as a carpenter. When our parents began remodeling the house in which we were then living, I remember Dad showing me the lath-and-plaster construction, much of which he then replaced with sheet rock.
Another thing our parents did to earn money was to leave my sister and me in the care of our live-in widowed grandmother (who had no income of her own) while our parents went out at night and “papered” the interior walls of people’s houses. Their work was so meticulous their customers told other people and they always had all the papering work they could do at night.
When do you suppose our parents began educating my sister and me?
Every day, from the time we were born, our parents read to us. After Ruth was born, she and I took turns sitting on the lap of whomever was reading. And our parents moved their fingers along the pages under the words they were reading. I don’t remember them doing anything else to encourage us to read but I could read most of the words in a newspaper before I ever attended school.
It wasn’t until the 1950s that Mom revealed to us children how much she had been spending on food- 10 cents per person per meal. Her father - still sharecropping - gave us a bushel of soybeans and a bushel of course flour each year (he ground it in the same hammermill he used for grinding feed for livestock). We had a small garden and our parents “canned” food from the garden for many years before they could afford a freezer. They bought fruit and vegetables at a local farmers market and canned some of those things too. Mom found out that a local grocery store was saving the outer leaves from head lettuce (taken off before displaying the lettuce in the store) and giving the outer leaves to people who raised rabbits. She told the produce man we didn’t have rabbits but asked whether we could have some too. (Mom knew that most of the nutrition was in the other leaves that some grocers discarded.)
Because our parents didn’t have the government telling them how disadvantaged they were, they held their heads high, paid taxes and considered themselves contributing members of society. They taught Ruth and me - and two siblings who were born a decade later - that our worth wasn’t measured in how many toys we had but in how much we could do of a useful nature.
It would be easy to argue that nobody should HAVE TO work that hard and economize in as many ways as our parents did. But that is what built this country - the hard work and thrift of our parents and many other people with similar work ethics.
There ARE ways to get back to that. Or we can sell our children’s future for nothing more than the proverbial potage of lentils (see Genesis 25:27-34).
It is amusing when government employees tell you that the government isn't spending enough money .
They came so close to saying the problem was culture and families first, and then corrupt systems next.
Socialists and all other anti-capitalists have an unwavering faith in the idea that if only they had enough money, they could solve all the world's problems.
They simply do not understand people, society, economics or the role of money AT ALL. They are utterly clueless.
Money is INFORMATION, which establishes a connection between a producer and a consumer, telling the producer what is most demanded - thus motivating him to provide more of it - and telling the consumer what goods and services are available and at what cost, relative to all other goods and services he might want to consume.
This bi-directional communication only works when the incentives are clear on both sides of the channel: money must reflect resources and an effort for both, the consumer and the producer, thus ensuring that bad choices imply a cost, i.e. it must be painful to make bad choices.
If money is just given to people, it is meaningless to them.
Thus they will spend it in the worst possible way.
It will not generate any kind of incentive to manage resources well.
Thus it is possible to waste an unlimited amount of money - and the resources it bought - with absolutely no benefit to anyone except short-term luxury consumption for a few.
If you pay poor people for being poor, you will get more poor people. Which is why you cannot spend poor people into prosperity.
Interesting. I didn't know that.
Socialists don't believe if they had enough money.. it is the motivations behind hoarding money and status that spur poverty. Capitalists believe if they have more money.. your money.. all the money..
Your so wrong.
Socialists, having rejected the concept of private property are also unable to understand that money and wealth are not the same.
@@sweetsendaedreamr liberal crap
Poverty is, simply put, a front for a corrupt industry within the government.
Poverty is not a lack of money but a lack of understanding.
No. Not correct. It's lack of capital. No one got rich working 9 to 5. It's mostly inherited. If you start poor odds are you will stay poor
@@santouchesantouche2873 - My grand parents were poor beyond your imagination. If I told you the things my Grand Dad did to keep his family alive, you would think I was talking about pioneer days. There is a picture of my Mother, barefoot, wearing a dress made from a flour sack. She drove herself to learn secretarial skills to get a job. My Dad joined the army to get money to go to college. He never learned to drive until he was out of college because he was always too poor to have a car. People can start poor and not stay poor, if that's what they really want.
@@wdtaut5650 you might want to read my comment carefully. Or rather, let me ask you this. Are your grandparents rich now?
@@santouchesantouche2873 - My grand parents never had any capital. They worked for intermittent wages or made things to sell. Two of them died young...from being poor. The other two lived in bad health...from being poor. My parents only ever had the wages they made. The same for me and my siblings and all my many cousins. My parents, my siblings, my cousins are not poor. None of us is rich, except as compared to my grand parents and how their children lived in their youth. Rich is not the opposite of poor and lack of capital is not poverty. Nor were we made into money grubbers. We don't work for money. We work to not be poor. Money is the tool that allows us to not be poor.
@@wdtaut5650 working for a living to stave off poverty is not something that should be OK in modern times. Working to pay for a home.or healthcare while others take resources through nefarious means is unjust. Humans are inherently creative entities who enjoy leisure time with family and friends. This is what enriches lives and a society. No working a dead-end job being wage slaves alienated from your community.
When people talk about money in education, they are talking about the administration of education. Not students and quality of education.
This is why I don't like paying taxes. If I was confident the money would be well spent, I wouldn't mind as much.
There are just 2 rules for government programs:
1. The program must grow or it will die.
2. No program can die.
"It's the states responsibility" around 6 min in. WRONG! It's the parents.
True! Why can’t the parents just be happy living in poverty? You just solved the drugs problems, domestic violence problems, mental health problems and childhood deprivation problems in one comment. Congratulations! Or maybe you could be empathetic and realise not everyone has the same means and privilege in life as you and therefore you can never compare yourself to them.
But the state can get in your way if you spanked your kid
The STATE is responsible for how they SPEND the tax dollars
@Non,Player, Adeptus That’s great for you but again, if it’s so easy why does poverty exist at all? Why would people choose that life? If that’s true you must recognise the privileges you lacked and how much harder it was to succeed for you compared to others better off? It’s completely ignorant to say there are no outside factors that affect people’s quality of life, job prospects and well being. Look at the Pandemic now for example. And what about children who are deprived, do they deserve to be punished for their parents choices? We could college educate the poor and provide universal healthcare easily but it does not stand to benefit the elite, therefore the poor will always be on the back foot.
@@ronlanter6906 with out the right to for a parent to do their job dollars are no good.
I have yet to see one good example of a black neighborhood that has a prosperous school system. The elephant in the room is the people not the system.
Sadly so.
As a South African I can relate to the fact that the money doesn't get to where they say it will go.
the money is not to FIX poverty, it is meant to PROLONG it.
It's not just money but also corruption, lack of common sense and local knowledge.
Camden, NJ usually ranks right up there in homicides per capita, year after year. A perfect example of govt social engineering attempts.
***** If that wasn't so sad & depressing, it would be funny. Have people forgot that life isn't all roses & perfume? It's not easy, it's tough & not everyone wins.
I would recommend replacing 'Public' to 'Government' in order to drive home who is the problem and responsible. Those who control your words controls you. Just saying!
I would reccomend replacing government with jews in order to drive home who is the problem and reaponsible.
Ah yes of course, and who else would you blame it on eh? Ultimately, at the center of the alt-right onion, where else would you go
Private or public schools do not matter. The problem is that too many with political / special interests rule in the schools.
The school should be for learning. Not to create loyalists. Socialist, farcist and religious groups almost always give priority to creating loyal children before providing good education.
The one that’ll screw you the most is the one that claims he/shes your buddy.
My grandfather always told me that the only person who can pull you out of a rut is yourself
My daughter went to a poor public school but it had a good principal. Most of the kids in the school were fatherless including my daughter. The Principal (who was a wonderful black woman serving her black students). decided to have free test prep sessions for 4-5 Saturdays before the statewide tests. All the students were encouraged to attend.
My daughter and only a handful of kids showed up. Some Saturdays my daughter was the only one that showed up.
I mentioned this on a “mommy chat forum” and was basically told that parents are working on Saturday morning and can’t possibly take their kids to school for test prep. That life was unfair and poor people just can’t make it work.
I almost feel like the most vulnerable students belong at boarding school where they can just focus on learning and leave their home for a little while. Because their home life is not serving them.
The scariest words ever spoken, “I am from the government and I am here to help.”
How funny, that this works in every western country but the US
You can't teach stupid.
Too much government will keep stupid stupid.
Smart people don't wait for hand outs.
So, if you vote for bigger government, don't hold your breath.
If several years of federal/state funding is misspent and missing, and _nobody goes to jail,_ how the hell do you expect the situation to ever improve?
Stunning piece. The corruption is damming. I wonder if some of those officials still hold office somewhere. Billions in “missing” money. like it’s nothing. What is happening?
"Let's call them raciists. They'll throw a bunch of money at us, and the problem will be solved."
Yeah. . .
Vote TRUMP 2016 for solutions to reckless government spending. Vote Democrat if you want nothing done and money disappears.
shoa31 Look at where we fucking are right fucking now, Shoaaa!!!!
shoa31 There now children being imprisoned because of our hero Donald! Nothing's changed in these poor communities.
"The state is ultimately the responsible actor for education." So the parents are responsible for...?
In California, they put on the ballot 20 yrs ago for Powerball gaming to fund public schools and it would give us the BEST schools in the nation. My thoughts then were: "so funding schools with gambling will benefit kids? Sounds like lots of graft for the kids instead." Now, 20 yrs later CA schools went from some of the better schools in the nation to next to the bottom. And just WHERE did all that gambling money go? When you invite in the mob, the mob wins!
@@kendralisle2762 Interesting comment. I guess my question for you is this: what made you make the connection between gambling and harm for children-seeing PAST the promise of money... and what made others bypass the morality of the ballot’s proposition and focus on the idea that more money would mean better schools? I imagine that there are bedrock assumptions and pre-commitments we have PRIOR to the vote that motivated you to go in one direction and not the other. Does that make sense?
Work is the only antidote to poverty! Today low skill work is moved to countries were the pay is much lower than in the USA. In the USA those that support economic liberalism demand that people who previously held low skill jobs get training to do high skill jobs, like software programming! That is, they demand the impossible. And they know it, not even the supporters of economic financial liberalism are that stupid!
Liberalism and its three dimensions, social, political and economic have shown what they can "achieve" when given the freedom of action that they demand!
First most kids don't have a mom and a dad in the house. Families lost their sense of morality and values when they stop attending church.
this causes people not to want to go out and work to be honest.
And finally they're trying to make money the easy and fast way which is usually crime.
We once training men how to be husbands and fathers we don't do that anymore. Everyone's training women to be wives and mothers as well as being educated so they could use it within the home or outside the home.
We've created a society where we tell women that they can have children and they don't need good husbands in their lives
I wish that ocazio cortez person could see this, and then of course not automatically jump to "oh, but we'd do it right this time" because she knows for a fact they wouldn't.
They took it straight to race. Huh. That's unusual. How about that.
Jews always do
Leonidas Sabr rarely but nice race baiting comment, although substance would be nice.
Should be taking it straight to officals abusing community money.
The whole concept plays off the FDR, “new deal” , socialism , BS.
No it doesn't. The New Deal put people first. In Camden you have poor administration of the needs of the people. Corrupt even.
But that was NOT the New Deal. But nice try.
Title should be: Why tax payers money can't fix poverty.
Reason: Because government agencies get big salaries for it.
Comparison: 5 cents of every dollar you give to charities goes to the ones that you donated to help. The other 95cents disappears.
People come here from third world countries, speak no English, have no money and somehow thrive. Whats wrong with the "urban" people?
Anytime you give people money they become dependent on it. I lived in Indonesia for 16 years and the poor there do anything to support themselves like selling coffee or fried rice on the street an everyone eats an survive with out hand outs
Turn these schools into vocational training centers.
That may help on a small scale, but when being gangster is much cooler than education and hard work - majority won’t go.
Insanity of politicians is the root cause of growing poverty. They keep doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results.
Thast just plain stupidity
Don't call it government money. It's my money, it's my neighbors money, it's my coworkers money.
The main problem is avoided! It is the lack of family support, single mother on welfare or lazy parents. You can lead a horse to the water, but you cannot force him to drink!
I've always found it humorous how people buy into the notion that if only there were more money, every student would be an Einstein.
Melaine White but it's ok for people to buy into prep schools churning out CEOs?
Money will never fix Homelessness or Poverty,why? it is Spiritual, it has to do with the Heart.
It's isn't incomprehensible just because you can't comprehend it.
Bullshit. This is an international economic issue
Single parent households and government education at its finest
"You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink"
Because hovernment mo ey is extracted from the folk who actualy fix infrastructure. You need to have penalty for failure. Government does not have penalty for failure if anything it doubles down.
I wonder, could the demographics of Camden have anything to do with it? Hmmmmm
Nation wide school administration spending has grown by more 600% inflation adjusted since the 1970's.
The state aquarium was built in Camden to help bring money into the town. A total waste! Then the Battleship New Jersey was placed there. Another total waste! ...... How about not having kids without a father present! Along with jobs and self-respect just might do the trick!!!
what, people should take some responsibility?...what a novel idea !
+Coolrockndad A job does not pull a person out of poverty. The steady and high enough income does! Being employed is nothing more than building someone else's dream than working to build your own.
+Coolrockndad Remember...many children grow up without a father present in the home due to death or distance. It is not solely an inner city or urban *problem.* Even with a *father* in the home....that alone does not quantify a family not growing up in poverty if extenuating circumstances are present alcoholism, drugs, uneducated, mental illness or even death. It's so easy to sit up and spout off morality and totally another to give people the tools and support necessary to see it to successful fruition.
+Coolrockndad You have families and individuals who are stuck in poverty who are solely supported on and by military income...with the father being the one IN the that theory of a father being in the home is utter BS. Low or lack of Income is the sole reason for people being in poverty. Not a 2 parent household. If a woman was independently wealthy and her child's father walked out...would she be suddenly thrown into poverty? No. So that throws that theory out the door. It's not based on a father being present. What it IS based on is money...and enough of it to support those living off of it and dependent upon it.
+Teach Her2Fish Jobs for ALL will pull the community out of poverty. .... Wow this is an unthought thing to say "Being employed is nothing more than building someone else's dream than working to build your own." Just how would you work to develop your own dreams then?
Generational poverty is one of the saddest things in our country. It is avoidable. Attack the disease, not the symptoms.
The most significant enabling factor in motivating children is the parents. That´s it. If parents don´t give a damn then their offspring will follow suite. Throw all the money you want and without total parental participation you will change nothing.
Education (school) is like a three-legged stool. Its three legs are the student, the home the student comes from, and the school program (the teacher and curriculum). For a school to succeed all three legs have to be in place, doing their job.
"I dont want to make this ad hominem": now here is my ad hominem in the form of an accusation of racism.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand the $820 BILLION '09 stimulus went straight into bank coffers.....
Kids need to be teach the importance of self responsibility. And government needs to stop holding people from life consequences. You messed up you pay the price.
Humans not valuing humans is the problem. Else there could never be a rich or poverty mindset. Money is but a tool of control. And that tool succumbs to greed of individuals paving way to current state of the survival of the fittest, smartest,best looking.
Poverty is the norm in human history.
The problem with socialists who have always been anti-capitalist and anti-property rights, don't inherently believe that. They actually have persuaded themselves into believing that the greatest force in wealth creation in over 6000 years of recorded history, is also the greatest driver of poverty in human history.
That said the error in socialism has always been pretty basic, despite the never-ending complexity imposed by academics: if you, the individual, don't own it, you don't control it. Government money is owned by the government, anything the government redistributes, it logically owns and can only do so because it owns it.
You can't change schools or communities if you don't own them.
This is why the revised direction of the Democrats scare me.
Any farmer will tell you that breeding from the substandard stock will produce substandard offspring.
It's become far too easy for politicians to sell the people promises. Taxpayers must demand results.
they priced out all of the jobs and businesses that you need to start over. It's too expensive to start small. Taxes and inflation raise the cost of goods, rent, real estate, and labor.
not even 10 seconds in and you see “Newark” in the headlines
"I dont want to make this an ad hominem" immediately proceeds to attack him with ad hominems
If you cant sell them on giving up thug life, you cant sell them on being civilized.
I worked at a local super market in the mid 70's...the first of the month was the worst time to come to our store on the south side of Chicago.I never see so many people on food stamps in my life.. The grandparent, the mother and her daughter all with ( at that time ) booklets of peel off Monopoly money, plus all the coupons for baby food and diapers. Can you double bag that for me??? I got to go up 14 floors. Then watch them push two full carts out to a Cadillac or a Lincoln Town car with some guy in a zuit suit sitting behind the wheel. Oh and the things that state didn't allow them to buy on their dime...the TiTTY-Bank Roll of 20's that never seem to end...Your cigarettes , alcohol ..the things I'm sure a social worker would have to note on her trip to see if any men were living with them in the public housing building...Thats the government...once your on one of their programs...your never asked to get off....
"Believing that black culture is primarily at fault means believing that black cultural attitudes are why the black unemployment rate has always been at least 50 percent higher than white unemployment. It likely means assuming that vague, hard-to-identify and complex cultural attitudes are responsible for most of the things on this bulleted list: flat wages, higher rates of arrest for possession of marijuana, higher rates of incarceration, a greater likelihood of being arrested at school, a lower likelihood of being accepted to top-tier colleges. When The Wire noted that black preschoolers are more likely to be expelled from their preschool programs, multiple people wrote in to blame the black culture of single parenthood. It was blamed on black culture.
"Is black culture why this 2003 study found that job applicants 'with white-sounding names are 50 percent more likely to get called for an initial interview than applicants with African-American-sounding names'? American history demonstrates countless examples of racist obstruction of black economic success. Ongoing examples show countless ways in which black Americans are still obstructed in the same way."
But the nay sayers will say we are lazy and don’t work hard. I make very good money but I’m well aware that my name got me through the front door while my black classmates with traditional black names did not get call backs for an interview. We applied to same jobs...