So painful to watch. I wish that some of misinformations aren’t being spread. Large format photography isn’t always like this. A shot of 8x10 is roughly $30. Every steps are counted for a successful shot. There are things that should and shouldn’t be done here. For people who regularly shot the LF to begin with happen to watch and read this would agree with some of my writing. Yes there is no right or wrong of how we do things, but there are some tips which benefit photographers to produce good results and taking care of equipments at the same time. What shouldn’t be done ( for anyone who is new to large format photography ) is “ loading films under a day light nor leave them expose to the light ( especially the direct sun light cuz it can ruins the film ), on the ground where “ dust “ can be a dead serious of a problem to the end results. We load films mostly under a controllable environment using the tent or just a 100% light proof room which no wind and cool temperatures whenever possible. The reason being is that a loaded piece of film in a holder is dust free. 2, using force on equipments don’t yield any great result. We can all be gentle to them, and they will serve us more years to come, and still produce the same result or better than when we use force with them. 3, a side from being costly( film cost, and its processing cost ) the large format photography is not that hard as we see here where he presented it the way his preferential agenda,too hard to do or to handle. It isn’t. There are plenty of cameras, lenses, and camera backpacks in the market, no need to look for a custom made. Just doing some research, and everything is under your finger tips. I don’t mean to be disrespectful here, but I rather point out some missing informations and share my thought. Enjoy shooting everyone.
20数年前、HORSEMAN VH-R(69)を持って上高地に出かけたことを思い出しました。
大変 興味深く見させていただきました。多分、お忙しいとおもいますので、ご返信いただけないこと覚悟で質問させていただきます。8×10というサイズのフィルムを晴天の中、簡易的な暗室で手探りで・・いつも?されているのは何か理由があるのでしょうか? 前日夜に宿泊先とか自宅でされたほうが良いのでは?(当然ですけど) あと、ホコリ対策は大丈夫なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。
Quite the comedy ! Ha.
初心者です。 何故外出前にフィルムをホルダーに入れてこなかったんですか?
8x10はもうフィルム高くて無理です、あと引き伸ばし機が手に入らない。 4x5と120で頑張って暗室でプリントしています。
So painful to watch. I wish that some of misinformations aren’t being spread. Large format photography isn’t always like this. A shot of 8x10 is roughly $30. Every steps are counted for a successful shot. There are things that should and shouldn’t be done here. For people who regularly shot the LF to begin with happen to watch and read this would agree with some of my writing. Yes there is no right or wrong of how we do things, but there are some tips which benefit photographers to produce good results and taking care of equipments at the same time. What shouldn’t be done ( for anyone who is new to large format photography ) is “ loading films under a day light nor leave them expose to the light ( especially the direct sun light cuz it can ruins the film ), on the ground where “ dust “ can be a dead serious of a problem to the end results. We load films mostly under a controllable environment using the tent or just a 100% light proof room which no wind and cool temperatures whenever possible. The reason being is that a loaded piece of film in a holder is dust free. 2, using force on equipments don’t yield any great result. We can all be gentle to them, and they will serve us more years to come, and still produce the same result or better than when we use force with them. 3, a side from being costly( film cost, and its processing cost ) the large format photography is not that hard as we see here where he presented it the way his preferential agenda,too hard to do or to handle. It isn’t. There are plenty of cameras, lenses, and camera backpacks in the market, no need to look for a custom made. Just doing some research, and everything is under your finger tips. I don’t mean to be disrespectful here, but I rather point out some missing informations and share my thought. Enjoy shooting everyone.
あと、暗室テントのチャックの締め方が大分気になりました 咬んじゃわないかなと
見ていてハラハラしてしまいます 4x5でたくさん仕事をしてきたものですが・・・
撮っている姿が演技臭い(笑)撮影後に引き蓋を(黒に)切り替えないの?この動画は「こんな風に撮影をしているんですよ」という演技プランに沿って撮影しているものとお見受けしました(笑) 余計な事を言ってしまいました、すみません。