We’re on the island from Lost… I found the electricity supply, but still don’t understand what that was all about. 5 series (or whatever it was) of my life that I’ll never get back. I’m glad I have a Les Paul & a Super Reverb - at least that makes sense
@user-ri3gh6yb5k The fact that just about everybody predicted the ending almost from the start & they spent years denying it only to pretty much go yeah guilty as charged lol.
I've heard Joe can quite easily smell a '59 burst within a 10,000 mile range. He doesn't go on reverb for gear finds, he just lifts his head and smells the air..
Best comment ever! So true. He would mount a rescue mission but instead of bringing them home, he would bring 6 more amps, 10 more guitars and stay to jam!
What I miss about these kind of videos is you guys being in the store figuring out stuff as you go along. Seeing what inspires you as you see pedals in the cabinet and then making changes. But I also understand that these videos are probably annoying to make for the team. You also probably have more stuff in stock (warehouse) than in the store. But you could add intermissions where you’re on the website at a computer in the store.
Yea, mates back together in a room having a jam. Now, if the pub would deliver... It's great to see that the lads that started it all, are back together as the men who are fulfilling their collective dreams. Thanks for sharing that banter with us again. Cheers.
This is where I'm at. It feels like getting the old friends back together. Makes me feel warm and happy but also a reminder of how much time has passed.
Would love to see videos where they go into the store and pick these types of rigs, those have always been my favourite Chappers and the Captain videos
If I were to choose, I would go for a PRS Private Stock 513 in charcoal purple burst and an Orange Rockerverb 100 2x12 Combo. Plus a Boss ME90 and get all the tones I want. Nice video as always. I love seeing Rob making videos with the captain again albeit temporarily cause obviously Rob lives in Malta now. But please do more videos together. We're no longer bound by the laws of Covid19.
I think most of us are striving to find our desert island rig right now. So I think Lee chose a rig that’s true to his history and experience. I think Robb is out in left field. I don’t think that would be his desert island rig at all. Lol, although I do like the utilitarian side of a all chrome or all gold guitar on a desert island! As I get older, I’ve assembled my dream rig because life‘s too short to not have your dream rig. I would take my 1963 vintage Stratocaster with my Mesa, California tweed, and a genuine Klon. 👍😎🌴
For me it just doesn't get any better than listening to Lee & Rob play and talk. There have been many great participants in Anderton videos over the years. It has been entertaining and I have learned much. But Chappers & the Captain draw my attention and it is awesome. Thanks guys, you are an unbeatable team in my book.
@@BrowneAmplification aha, that explains all but then again I have a protein and know how good it is so if he took a lot of BBQ Sauce then he is very disingenuous!
Watching Lee and Rob together is like going back to when I was a teenager. You are as familiar as old friends for me and for many guitarists, I bet. Despite living in a different country, sooner or later I'll buy something in person at the store. Cheers!
I smiled when I saw this thumbnail. Joyous. I totally understand you mostly need to focus your videos on gear you’re selling but it’s nice to see something like this that is just about the joy of playing a guitar you love. ☺️
I think a really big closed back cab, like an 8x10, as long as the closed back is reallly airtight. Then one of those Steinberger guitars that look like a canoe paddle.
robs’ playing has reallt grown on me over the years. he has refined his playing and his sound a lot, he has some impresive dynamic range, and ofcourse I’ve always loved him for his wit 🤣
I really love the RD1 amp that Rob designed. I would add a 412 cabinet and a Helix or something similar for time effects. The guitar would be some kind of G&L ASAT or a hollow body jazz guitar with a P90 in the neck position or maybe an Epiphone Casino made in the USA.
You guys are just stellar. All the other guys are great too, lovely people, but you two together just have that thing, that inexplicable thing, that lights up everything. It can't be explained; it can't be deserved - it's just there.
Love these guys when they're together... just the best! How do you not click on this? Coconuts... indeed! I'm hoping the island has electricity... but I do understand this is a Fantasy Island sort of thing... haven't yet watched the whole thing... I can't wait! 😎🤩🎸❤️🤘
How amazing did it sound as soon as Lee started playing! Soulful, great tone and well played.. I used to be an Ibanez Satch fan 30 years ago but I know which I prefer nowadays.
I actually had to take some "desert island" decisions many times in my life because at one point I was moving to different countries every 6 months or so and I'd buy stuff as I arrived and sell stuff as I left. My favorite Desert rig was the one I had went I lived in london: MIJ Fender Telecaster -> Orange OR 15 with 1x12 cab -> Earthquaker Dispatch Master Delay/Reverb in the loop. I could play anything with that rig: Jazz, blues, rock, sabbath-esque metal...
Interesting picks. I’ve been sort of obsessed with the Tonemaster Twin Reverb ever since y’all did the blind amp comparisons a couple weeks back. Though I haven’t actually bought one (yet), I might pick that for my desert island rig. The power attenuator alone would allow me to get that cranked tube amp tone without upsetting the natives. 🤓🎸👍
Both of those rigs sound fantastic, and very much capture the essence of their respective players. Rob's sounds like epic arena rock, and Lee sounds like the perfect tone for an intimate pub show. Now if Browne can only combine those pedals (Carbon x Gritador??) I'd be on board for that desert island pedal.
Lee, your rig reminds me of the late, great B.B. King. At one time, he favored Gibson guitars into Fender amps, although I think his rig was his ES-355-based Lucille into a Twin Reverb or something like that. I also find it interesting that you both were able to express yourselves in your respective rigs.
My current rig, truthfully! It really goes where I want it to for the most part. I say “most” because I’d like for main guitar to have a trem and a coil split, and I would like for the effects on my amp to be placed in front of the preamp as opposed behind it-I’m using a Grandmeister 40 DLX and it’s absolutely phenomenal. I missed being spoiled by my old Triamp MKII and this lil thing totally satisfies that
My Bride allowed an extravagance years ago and I bought a first gen Bad Cat Cub 2 R Old Sampson era tone machine, 15 Watts 1z12 When you put it through the 12 and a side 4x10 cabinet at 4 ohms it sings like angels... 1980 Hard tail Strat and the Bad Cat No pedals necessary but if one was around the Blues Driver would be just fine
I never thought I'd see Ibanez do another guitar with toggles for every pickup. I have a Kramer with toggles for all 3 pickups + a bypass switch that just sends the bridge pickup straight to the volume. It's a fun setup.
I’m bringing a 7 or 8 string prestige Ibanez cus I won’t ever get bored with that. Mesa Rectoverb And the Strymon Timeline looper. Endless levels of fun.
Mine would be 89 fender strat plus deluxe with a line 6 spider jam. The most underrated practice amp known to man. Had a built in 60 sec looper. Like 100 backing tracks that could be changed to any key. Every style drum beat. Separate bass input, Separate mic input. It was the most versatile amp i have ever played
Being a rather long in the tooth classic rock type of person I would choose Lee's rig all day long.A beautiful vintage tone.You can hear the nuances of different pick ups and the Les Paul tone controls.If you are a high gain type of shredder then Rob's choice of gear is the way to go although I don't think the choice of gear is so crucial.
If price wasn't a concern, my desert island rig would be a Marshall Silver Jubilee 100W head and matching 2x12 cab, a Collings I-35, and a Dunlop Justin Chancellor JCT95 fuzz-wah. My affordable desert island rig consisting of gear I actually own would be an Orange CR60, an Epiphone ES-339, and a Dunlop Justin Chancellor JCT95 fuzz-wah. My realistic, electricity-free desert island rig would be one of those large, hollow-body jazz guitars with only a single, floating pickup in the neck position. I don't have any specific brands or models in mind since I only own solid and semi-hollow electrics. However, the occasional times I check out the acoustic guitars at guitar stores, I tend to prefer the feel and the look of those jazz guitars over full-blown acoustic guitars, and they are just as loud unplugged more or less.
Lovepedal Purple Plexi was mentioned. That is a seriously great pedal. As are all Lovepedal pedals. And their pedals are really affordable for what they are. That is all.
That fender amp sounds lush. Fender make such awesome amps. I had a hot rod deville, but it was too loud for the house and I wasn’t giggling anymore. I’ll have to buy another fender amp. I’d probably take that Fender amp, a Duesenberg Starplayer TV and a helix.
4x12 mesa boogie cab evh 5150 120watt head and probably the Jeff Loomis Signature Schecter from when he was in Nevermore. Oh and some OD/Reverb/Delay pedals
If I may allowed to indulge...😉 Desert Island Rig..? I find myself leaning on going on a limb for some bits of it, as I have only properly tried so much gear... But lets give it a try, hehe😁; guitar: Les Paul Standard 50's with P-90's, or, an original vintage 50's specimen... Amp: either that "baby" 5f6 with reverb and tremolo that Victoria Amps use to make; never tried it, but you know... seems to be exactly what I think would be my perfect amp. Otherwise, possibly a Friedman Twin Sister, or a Suhr '67...with a nice set of alnico Celestions (?!). Pedal-wise; Fulltone '69 mk2, JHS Morning Glory, Fulltone OCD, Déjà Vibe, Clyde Deluxe, and a Catalinbred Deluxe Belle Epoque. That should keep me entertained for a while..!😉
Telecaster - You can use it to chop down tree, smash open coconuts, or even slay the native wildlife. Twin or Plexi - You can use it to signal for help from the mainland.
I love the Satch sig Ibanez - I have one (the cheap one, obviously), but they get really uncomfortable if you play sitting down. Those curves mean it cuts into your leg after a few minutes.
What a coup for Browne Amplification! Lee, the Carbon (BB side of your Protein) was my first pedal, and I love it. You were possibly thinking that a two-in-one was best, if you could have just one pedal on the desert island. But in the “real world,” would you pick a Browne Atom (ODR-1 side) to pair with a Carbon, or is there some alternative you like even better? Nordland ODR-C, Vemuran Shanks ODS-1, Wampler Belle, Lightspeed, Timmy? Your expert opinion would be much appreciated!
Desert island pedal: Empress Zoia. Desert island rig? I’m not sure 🤔. Maybe: Zoia, Poly Beebo and EQD Afterneath with a Blackstar amp and a Stranberg Boden 08.
I have my desert island rig which is a Fender Stratocaster (1973) loaded with Dimarzio HS3 in the bridge position & 2X HS4'S middle & neck positions.This guitar also has Stainless steel jumbo fretwire (21 of them) & my spec custom compound scalloping which means frets 1 too 5 aren't touched & frets 6 too 11 are only scallopped on the trebble strings & frets 12 too 21 are scallopped all the way (shallow scallops!!) & the tuners are gotoh locking hight compensation & a brass nut!!!!! My amp is a mk 2 Marshall superlead 50 watt head & a Marshall base (flat front 4X12" loaded with 75 watt Celestion's!!!) & my pedalboard is a Dunlop crybaby wah,Boss TU2,MXR Phase 90,Boss SD1,Ibanez CS9 & 2x Boss DD2'S. That is what I've used for well over 40 years!!!
Desert island can be tropical (in the case of "desert island" it doesn't get its name from arid desert but from the words original meaning of "deserted" as in uninhabited)
Amp: Orange Pedal Baby 100 and a 2x12 Pedal: Boss GT-1000 Core Guitar: Some custombuild Super Strat that can take anything, so no wood, Carbonfibre, Aluminum etc. instead and with a DP 100 as close to the bridge as possible.
I genuinely hope that I can be watching Rob, Lee, Pete and Rabea all the way till we are all old men. The kinda guys you wanna hang out with each week at the coffee shop.
One Hss strat plus a plexi style amp sounds enough for me. I would also take some old fuzz and wah pedals which can pickup radio signals. Maybe it's possible revert the circuit to transmit signals through them while the 9V battery survives.
Guitar: Fender Stratocaster Amp: Marshall JCM800 or Vox AC30 Pedal: Boss OD-1X (One of my very first guitar pedals and my go-to in terms of gain as well as one of my favourite guitar pedals in general) or Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi
Dude, I'm playing an amp/pedal right now that is really reminiscent of Rob's. It's a BadCat Cub with a One Control Honey Bee overdrive. I haven't played anything I like better so far. (I also have a delay in the effects loop) The guitar I'm liking the most with that rig right now is a G&L ASAT Special. :)
Hmm... My desert island rig... Browne Protein, I've wanted this pedal since it came out. Terrible choice for the sand, but a Strandberg Salen Jazz, it's just beautiful. For the amp I want something portable so a Supro delta king 12 (full transparency, it's mostly winning for style points).
The highest end Positive Grid amp, a PRS custom with split coil and a floating bridge, and an expression pedal. (We're assuming a massive supply of strings here) Endless tones to keep me busy for a lifetime.
I'd totally bypass the electricity question by going acoustic. Guild F-55 for volume. Custom made with cedar top (to help repel mosquitos). Could use the huge case for shade. Polymer coated strings to help with resisting corrosion. And a 99 with a flake for desert island dessert. Do I get a copy of the complete works of Shakespeare as well?
I'd go with my 2007 Variax 700, a Hiwatt T40/20 Combo (2x12), and a JHS Good Vibrations pedal because I can get a Univibe to sound like any modulation worth using.
We’re on the island from Lost… I found the electricity supply, but still don’t understand what that was all about. 5 series (or whatever it was) of my life that I’ll never get back. I’m glad I have a Les Paul & a Super Reverb - at least that makes sense
mystery box!
Same intern wrote the ending for Game of Thrones
@user-ri3gh6yb5k The fact that just about everybody predicted the ending almost from the start & they spent years denying it only to pretty much go yeah guilty as charged lol.
Do it Flintstones style and plug it into an electric eel.
I want to give away the ending... just to save others from getting Lost on that deserted island!😆😂😆🤣😂
Hmmm...a super clean '59 lester, and a super clean '59 fender twin, so bonamassa would sense their presence and mount a rescue expedition.
You see the method behind my madness :)
I've heard Joe can quite easily smell a '59 burst within a 10,000 mile range. He doesn't go on reverb for gear finds, he just lifts his head and smells the air..
Best comment ever! So true. He would mount a rescue mission but instead of bringing them home, he would bring 6 more amps, 10 more guitars and stay to jam!
Fender Super Reverb
"What are THESE all for?" "I dunno, we're gonna find out" - perfection.
Also: Tele Deluxe, H&K Tubemeister 18, MWK Audio Design Lonely Ghost
What I miss about these kind of videos is you guys being in the store figuring out stuff as you go along. Seeing what inspires you as you see pedals in the cabinet and then making changes. But I also understand that these videos are probably annoying to make for the team. You also probably have more stuff in stock (warehouse) than in the store. But you could add intermissions where you’re on the website at a computer in the store.
Lee is such a brilliantly understated, tasteful player and his vibrato is perfect.
Yea, mates back together in a room having a jam. Now, if the pub would deliver...
It's great to see that the lads that started it all, are back together as the men who are fulfilling their collective dreams. Thanks for sharing that banter with us again. Cheers.
Great vid. I think I would be ship wrecked with a Vox AC30, Fender Tele AP II and a Jam waterfall Chorus pedal.
The vids with Rob have been so enjoyable lately. Always great to see him come back.
He's getting his mojo back!
I love when Chappers drops by. It's like a visit from an old friend. And I also love Pete's offscreen commentary :P
This is where I'm at. It feels like getting the old friends back together. Makes me feel warm and happy but also a reminder of how much time has passed.
He's back next week too!!
@@andertons WOOHOOOOOO!!!
Yep, and over the years he's become (gasp!) more mature and less goofy. Now the goofy one is the captain. Things do change, I guess. 😂
Bring back going through the shop to find your gear ! Was always the most exciting part
Would love to see videos where they go into the store and pick these types of rigs, those have always been my favourite Chappers and the Captain videos
Same! I miss that
Regardless of what type or brand - you have to call your guitar Wilson.
Is it Gibson Wilson or Wilson Gibson?
@@chaosin73 Cast Away?
If I were to choose, I would go for a PRS Private Stock 513 in charcoal purple burst and an Orange Rockerverb 100 2x12 Combo. Plus a Boss ME90 and get all the tones I want. Nice video as always. I love seeing Rob making videos with the captain again albeit temporarily cause obviously Rob lives in Malta now. But please do more videos together. We're no longer bound by the laws of Covid19.
OMG guys, that ending JAM was EPIC !!! More of that please :) also your rigs are spectacular !!!
Strat HSS --- 2x 100W Katana in stereo (their connected via a cable so that really counts as 1 amp) --- Loop station. 🌴😎🎸
I think most of us are striving to find our desert island rig right now. So I think Lee chose a rig that’s true to his history and experience. I think Robb is out in left field. I don’t think that would be his desert island rig at all. Lol, although I do like the utilitarian side of a all chrome or all gold guitar on a desert island! As I get older, I’ve assembled my dream rig because life‘s too short to not have your dream rig. I would take my 1963 vintage Stratocaster with my Mesa, California tweed, and a genuine Klon. 👍😎🌴
For me it just doesn't get any better than listening to Lee & Rob play and talk. There have been many great participants in Anderton videos over the years. It has been entertaining and I have learned much. But Chappers & the Captain draw my attention and it is awesome. Thanks guys, you are an unbeatable team in my book.
Huge win for Browne. The Gritador and Protein both sound so good
If only you knew how much Kansas BBQ sauce we had to send to Pete to make sure they both chose Browne pedals...
@@BrowneAmplification aha, that explains all but then again I have a protein and know how good it is so if he took a lot of BBQ Sauce then he is very disingenuous!
Lee was vibing and really feeling it with that little Neo-Soul/RnB Chords
Watching Lee and Rob together is like going back to when I was a teenager. You are as familiar as old friends for me and for many guitarists, I bet. Despite living in a different country, sooner or later I'll buy something in person at the store. Cheers!
I smiled when I saw this thumbnail. Joyous. I totally understand you mostly need to focus your videos on gear you’re selling but it’s nice to see something like this that is just about the joy of playing a guitar you love. ☺️
I think a really big closed back cab, like an 8x10, as long as the closed back is reallly airtight. Then one of those Steinberger guitars that look like a canoe paddle.
Sensible raft rig, wisdom 👌
robs’ playing has reallt grown on me over the years. he has refined his playing and his sound a lot, he has some impresive dynamic range, and ofcourse I’ve always loved him for his wit 🤣
not to much to smile about these days until you two come along, find myself with a big smile soo often :-)
Jumping Jiminy!!! Never play anything but your desert island rig! The feeling that's coming through TH-cam right now is incredible!
I really love the RD1 amp that Rob designed. I would add a 412 cabinet and a Helix or something similar for time effects. The guitar would be some kind of G&L ASAT or a hollow body jazz guitar with a P90 in the neck position or maybe an Epiphone Casino made in the USA.
You guys are just stellar. All the other guys are great too, lovely people, but you two together just have that thing, that inexplicable thing, that lights up everything.
It can't be explained; it can't be deserved - it's just there.
Love these guys when they're together... just the best! How do you not click on this? Coconuts... indeed! I'm hoping the island has electricity... but I do understand this is a Fantasy Island sort of thing... haven't yet watched the whole thing... I can't wait! 😎🤩🎸❤️🤘
How amazing did it sound as soon as Lee started playing! Soulful, great tone and well played.. I used to be an Ibanez Satch fan 30 years ago but I know which I prefer nowadays.
I actually had to take some "desert island" decisions many times in my life because at one point I was moving to different countries every 6 months or so and I'd buy stuff as I arrived and sell stuff as I left.
My favorite Desert rig was the one I had went I lived in london: MIJ Fender Telecaster -> Orange OR 15 with 1x12 cab -> Earthquaker Dispatch Master Delay/Reverb in the loop.
I could play anything with that rig: Jazz, blues, rock, sabbath-esque metal...
I know it’s been mentioned before, but man, props to the video editor(s) for these vids. The in jokes are hilarious and I am here for it
Guitar: Ernie Ball Music Man Majesty 6 string
Mesa Boogie JP-2C
Pedal: Boss Digital Delay
Damn....you'd have the sickest rig within 10k mile radius
Solar generator
nuclear plant😊
I was typing something, saw this and was like….shit that’s better.
You guys are great to watch!
Interesting picks. I’ve been sort of obsessed with the Tonemaster Twin Reverb ever since y’all did the blind amp comparisons a couple weeks back. Though I haven’t actually bought one (yet), I might pick that for my desert island rig. The power attenuator alone would allow me to get that cranked tube amp tone without upsetting the natives. 🤓🎸👍
It’s great to see you two together in a video again.
The Gritador into the Bad Cat sounds inasanely good.
we agree.
Both of those rigs sound fantastic, and very much capture the essence of their respective players. Rob's sounds like epic arena rock, and Lee sounds like the perfect tone for an intimate pub show. Now if Browne can only combine those pedals (Carbon x Gritador??) I'd be on board for that desert island pedal.
Instantly love any video with the Captain and Chappers back together!
I loved seeing Rob being impressed with Lee's playing
Chappers and the Captain strike again! Great content.
Lee, your rig reminds me of the late, great B.B. King. At one time, he favored Gibson guitars into Fender amps, although I think his rig was his ES-355-based Lucille into a Twin Reverb or something like that. I also find it interesting that you both were able to express yourselves in your respective rigs.
My current rig, truthfully! It really goes where I want it to for the most part. I say “most” because I’d like for main guitar to have a trem and a coil split, and I would like for the effects on my amp to be placed in front of the preamp as opposed behind it-I’m using a Grandmeister 40 DLX and it’s absolutely phenomenal. I missed being spoiled by my old Triamp MKII and this lil thing totally satisfies that
Loved this and always love seeing Rob and you, like a double act
Two cracking rigs guys, but the cap just it with the two items he chose, fab tones from the Lester and fender amp.
My Bride allowed an extravagance years ago and I bought a first gen Bad Cat Cub 2 R Old Sampson era tone machine, 15 Watts 1z12 When you put it through the 12 and a side 4x10 cabinet at 4 ohms it sings like angels... 1980 Hard tail Strat and the Bad Cat No pedals necessary but if one was around the Blues Driver would be just fine
more of these please you and rob still the best duo!!!
I never thought I'd see Ibanez do another guitar with toggles for every pickup. I have a Kramer with toggles for all 3 pickups + a bypass switch that just sends the bridge pickup straight to the volume. It's a fun setup.
it's a joy watching Rob play.....I'm pretty decent, but I most definitely can NOT due what you due...........jealous, I admit it.
Guitar: my G&L ASAT Classic S with alnico pickups and the Free-Way 10-way switch
Amp: Carr Mercury V
Pedal: Eventide H9
I’m bringing a 7 or 8 string prestige Ibanez cus I won’t ever get bored with that.
Mesa Rectoverb
And the Strymon Timeline looper.
Endless levels of fun.
Beautiful tone Captain! I had a super but it was too old and heavy but I do miss it. Sounds great with the Paul!
Mine would be 89 fender strat plus deluxe with a line 6 spider jam. The most underrated practice amp known to man. Had a built in 60 sec looper. Like 100 backing tracks that could be changed to any key. Every style drum beat. Separate bass input, Separate mic input. It was the most versatile amp i have ever played
All the “no electricity” comments 🙄. Y’all must have been some boring children.
Our job is to overstate the obvious.
To be fair, I AM the world's most boring person.
We might be boring, but we don't waste days stranded on a desert island looking for a plug socket 😜
Love the sound of a good 4X10! I've gone with the Rivera Quiana in their 4X10 version. (Years ago I did have the Fender Super Reverb!)
KDH really did a number on these guys.
I tease. I’ve enjoyed this channel and the whole gang for years.
Being a rather long in the tooth classic rock type of person I would choose Lee's rig all day long.A beautiful vintage tone.You can hear the nuances of different pick ups and the Les Paul tone controls.If you are a high gain type of shredder then Rob's choice of gear is the way to go although I don't think the choice of gear is so crucial.
I could live with Lee’s rig for sure. But I would probably go with a delay pedal instead. Something with tons of features like Boss or Strymon.
If price wasn't a concern, my desert island rig would be a Marshall Silver Jubilee 100W head and matching 2x12 cab, a Collings I-35, and a Dunlop Justin Chancellor JCT95 fuzz-wah.
My affordable desert island rig consisting of gear I actually own would be an Orange CR60, an Epiphone ES-339, and a Dunlop Justin Chancellor JCT95 fuzz-wah.
My realistic, electricity-free desert island rig would be one of those large, hollow-body jazz guitars with only a single, floating pickup in the neck position. I don't have any specific brands or models in mind since I only own solid and semi-hollow electrics. However, the occasional times I check out the acoustic guitars at guitar stores, I tend to prefer the feel and the look of those jazz guitars over full-blown acoustic guitars, and they are just as loud unplugged more or less.
for my desert island 🏝️ rig
guitar-kiesel solo double humbuckers with trem
amp-fender mustang or Boss katana
pedal-Boss OD-1
Great stuff as always… Lee’s rig sounded lush
les paul/super reverb is a very under rated match you rarely see , i almost always see a strat used with a super reverb ..
Lovepedal Purple Plexi was mentioned. That is a seriously great pedal. As are all Lovepedal pedals. And their pedals are really affordable for what they are. That is all.
That fender amp sounds lush. Fender make such awesome amps. I had a hot rod deville, but it was too loud for the house and I wasn’t giggling anymore. I’ll have to buy another fender amp.
I’d probably take that Fender amp, a Duesenberg Starplayer TV and a helix.
4x12 mesa boogie cab evh 5150 120watt head and probably the Jeff Loomis Signature Schecter from when he was in Nevermore. Oh and some OD/Reverb/Delay pedals
I really enjoyed that set up you had Lee. I haven't tried that amp but need to take another look at it.
If I may allowed to indulge...😉
Desert Island Rig..?
I find myself leaning on going on a limb for some bits of it, as I have only properly tried so much gear...
But lets give it a try, hehe😁; guitar: Les Paul Standard 50's with P-90's, or, an original vintage 50's specimen...
Amp: either that "baby" 5f6 with reverb and tremolo that Victoria Amps use to make; never tried it, but you know... seems to be exactly what I think would be my perfect amp.
Otherwise, possibly a Friedman Twin Sister, or a Suhr '67...with a nice set of alnico Celestions (?!).
Pedal-wise; Fulltone '69 mk2, JHS Morning Glory, Fulltone OCD, Déjà Vibe, Clyde Deluxe, and a Catalinbred Deluxe Belle Epoque.
That should keep me entertained for a while..!😉
Lee's playing is so tasteful 👌
Telecaster - You can use it to chop down tree, smash open coconuts, or even slay the native wildlife.
Twin or Plexi - You can use it to signal for help from the mainland.
This is so fun!
Captain’s LP through a Super was awesome. Gold Boy was intriguing. Felt all the tones were decent, but that LP into the Super had it!
I love the Satch sig Ibanez - I have one (the cheap one, obviously), but they get really uncomfortable if you play sitting down. Those curves mean it cuts into your leg after a few minutes.
Lee your playing is fantastic!
Mine would be a Fender Hotrod with a Univibe and a Fender strat. Would suit the sound of the waves hitting the shore.
I feel like I’m getting Deja vu from 10 years ago when I first discovered this channel hahaha time flies
What a coup for Browne Amplification! Lee, the Carbon (BB side of your Protein) was my first pedal, and I love it. You were possibly thinking that a two-in-one was best, if you could have just one pedal on the desert island. But in the “real world,” would you pick a Browne Atom (ODR-1 side) to pair with a Carbon, or is there some alternative you like even better? Nordland ODR-C, Vemuran Shanks ODS-1, Wampler Belle, Lightspeed, Timmy? Your expert opinion would be much appreciated!
I know what we would pick...
Desert island pedal: Empress Zoia. Desert island rig? I’m not sure 🤔. Maybe: Zoia, Poly Beebo and EQD Afterneath with a Blackstar amp and a Stranberg Boden 08.
I have my desert island rig which is a Fender Stratocaster (1973) loaded with Dimarzio HS3 in the bridge position & 2X HS4'S middle & neck positions.This guitar also has Stainless steel jumbo fretwire (21 of them) & my spec custom compound scalloping which means frets 1 too 5 aren't touched & frets 6 too 11 are only scallopped on the trebble strings & frets 12 too 21 are scallopped all the way (shallow scallops!!) & the tuners are gotoh locking hight compensation & a brass nut!!!!!
My amp is a mk 2 Marshall superlead 50 watt head & a Marshall base (flat front 4X12" loaded with 75 watt Celestion's!!!) & my pedalboard is a Dunlop crybaby wah,Boss TU2,MXR Phase 90,Boss SD1,Ibanez CS9 & 2x Boss DD2'S.
That is what I've used for well over 40 years!!!
That les Paul clean sound is unbelievable
That B-Roll was a tropical island. 🤣
I love these types of videos!
Desert island can be tropical (in the case of "desert island" it doesn't get its name from arid desert but from the words original meaning of "deserted" as in uninhabited)
@@TheRealMarxz Dang, learn something new all the time! Thank you for the information.
Amp: Orange Pedal Baby 100 and a 2x12
Pedal: Boss GT-1000 Core
Guitar: Some custombuild Super Strat that can take anything, so no wood, Carbonfibre, Aluminum etc. instead and with a DP 100 as close to the bridge as possible.
I genuinely hope that I can be watching Rob, Lee, Pete and Rabea all the way till we are all old men. The kinda guys you wanna hang out with each week at the coffee shop.
One Hss strat plus a plexi style amp sounds enough for me.
I would also take some old fuzz and wah pedals which can pickup radio signals. Maybe it's possible revert the circuit to transmit signals through them while the 9V battery survives.
Guitar: Fender Stratocaster
Amp: Marshall JCM800 or Vox AC30
Pedal: Boss OD-1X (One of my very first guitar pedals and my go-to in terms of gain as well as one of my favourite guitar pedals in general) or Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi
The three pickup switch thing is interesting it seemed popular in the 80s. I’ve got a 88 Fernandes with the same pickup control setup.
Mine would be my Duo Jet, my Blues Deluxe and my Supa Puss Delay…although a looper pedal would be THE way to go really 😊
Superb! Rob's shredding and trem use is bonkers - Lee's feel and tone are off the scale - need more of that trem - cheers 😎
If I had to choose, my desert island rig would be a PRS S2 Vela semi hollowbody, a Fender Bassbreaker 15, and a TC Electronic Flashback delay.
Rob, you should make a Chapman with a finish like that chromeboy. Would be cool I think.
Dude, I'm playing an amp/pedal right now that is really reminiscent of Rob's. It's a BadCat Cub with a One Control Honey Bee overdrive. I haven't played anything I like better so far. (I also have a delay in the effects loop) The guitar I'm liking the most with that rig right now is a G&L ASAT Special. :)
Hmm... My desert island rig... Browne Protein, I've wanted this pedal since it came out. Terrible choice for the sand, but a Strandberg Salen Jazz, it's just beautiful. For the amp I want something portable so a Supro delta king 12 (full transparency, it's mostly winning for style points).
You should remedy that lack soon!
The highest end Positive Grid amp, a PRS custom with split coil and a floating bridge, and an expression pedal. (We're assuming a massive supply of strings here)
Endless tones to keep me busy for a lifetime.
My Rig: G&L Asat 2 with jumbo mfd's, PRS Archon 50, Creamback loaded 4x12 and an EHX Memory Man/Boy and Im set
Rob is smart. He can use the reflection off that Ibanez to signal the plane to come rescue him off that island!
Wow, this Ibanez SINGS! If I were Rob, I'd go back home with his guitar. No matter if it's so expensive. :D
I'd totally bypass the electricity question by going acoustic. Guild F-55 for volume. Custom made with cedar top (to help repel mosquitos). Could use the huge case for shade. Polymer coated strings to help with resisting corrosion. And a 99 with a flake for desert island dessert. Do I get a copy of the complete works of Shakespeare as well?
The gold Satriani model , is looking special .
I'd go with my 2007 Variax 700, a Hiwatt T40/20 Combo (2x12), and a JHS Good Vibrations pedal because I can get a Univibe to sound like any modulation worth using.
Pedal: Ibanez Tube Screamer
Amp: Marshall DSL20
Guitar: Ibanez Joe Satriani(black one) Will stand the heat and sweaty fingerprints.
My rig? My ES-335, My JTM-45 and 1960TV cab. The pedal is my Source Audio Collider.
That clasic riff at the end is always cool. What chords are they alternating between? I know it's part of an old song Rob wrote. White Rose.