Huh! I stumbled on this site yesterday, compared a few plugins, left and forgot about it. Your video makes me appreciate it better. I'll bookmark it to use often.
Thanks, I’m always very cautious about the plugins I install. So this data will come in very handy. You can only do basic checks on the WordPress website.
Yeah i picked up on that little gem you dropped on your most recent live stream! Thank you A nice add-on would be a suggested alternative when possible
Hi Paul, can you show an example how to use dynamic image with background overlay generapress? I tried to figure out if there is any default option like Elementor or Kubio. I am tried of trying many things to make an overlay color, but it seems once I add an image, it doesn't care about background color. Thank you for your videos.
Interesting tool but if the memory advice is as you stated just a global comparison it makes no sense to me. This would mean you are comparing plugins that maybe only add a single button compared to complete page builders. I think it might even be a misleading statistic like this. Also does it test with a fully configured plugin or only one that is enabled? That could also make a huge difference in results
I talked about this on my recent livestream covering it. I’m not 100% sure where the stat comes from. I find the per page stats more useful to the ‘cumulative’ figure. The stats about comparing it to X% of other plugins need to consider the fact that many of those plugins may only be a tiny plugin with a single simple function. Again, I covered that in the stream. 😁
I came across some plugin comparisons by WP Hive a while ago, while searching for reviews on a couple premium plugins I was interested in purchasing. However, I found that a lot of the info WP Hive returned was completely inaccurate, so I'd take their info with a grain of salt. Better to run some performance tests using something like the code profiler plugin, to see what parts of their site can be optimised and where any bottlenecks might be.
Yeah I find this part of WP Hive is most likely just serving as a way to get more traffic to their site, rather than giving you anything truly useful when deciding which plugin to go with. You really need to try out a plugin to know if it truly meets your requirements or not (preferably on a test site of course).
You are one of the most fantastic resources for wordpress!! Thank you, for years you have been my go-to when I have issues.
I found out about WP Hive myself when watching David McCan's ASE tutorial. Glad you've drawn more attention to it.
Huh! I stumbled on this site yesterday, compared a few plugins, left and forgot about it. Your video makes me appreciate it better. I'll bookmark it to use often.
Thanks for sharing. I was surprised and also thought this was cool when I saw David's Video.
went there - checked for elementor - left site. But thanks for the input
Thanks, I’m always very cautious about the plugins I install. So this data will come in very handy. You can only do basic checks on the WordPress website.
Thanks for your video!
Yeah i picked up on that little gem you dropped on your most recent live stream! Thank you
A nice add-on would be a suggested alternative when possible
Great tool thank you!
Hi Paul, can you show an example how to use dynamic image with background overlay generapress? I tried to figure out if there is any default option like Elementor or Kubio. I am tried of trying many things to make an overlay color, but it seems once I add an image, it doesn't care about background color. Thank you for your videos.
Awsome !!! Thank you 💯
Off-topic: I just realized you also did the videos for ReaperTV, am I right? :)
@@carstenaltena yup! That was one of my earlier channels before I focussed on WPTuts. 🤘🏻
@@WPTuts nice!
This is amazing, thanks
Interesting tool but if the memory advice is as you stated just a global comparison it makes no sense to me. This would mean you are comparing plugins that maybe only add a single button compared to complete page builders. I think it might even be a misleading statistic like this. Also does it test with a fully configured plugin or only one that is enabled? That could also make a huge difference in results
I talked about this on my recent livestream covering it. I’m not 100% sure where the stat comes from. I find the per page stats more useful to the ‘cumulative’ figure.
The stats about comparing it to X% of other plugins need to consider the fact that many of those plugins may only be a tiny plugin with a single simple function.
Again, I covered that in the stream. 😁
I came across some plugin comparisons by WP Hive a while ago, while searching for reviews on a couple premium plugins I was interested in purchasing. However, I found that a lot of the info WP Hive returned was completely inaccurate, so I'd take their info with a grain of salt. Better to run some performance tests using something like the code profiler plugin, to see what parts of their site can be optimised and where any bottlenecks might be.
How cool is that :-)
Sorry.. There are so many factors to consider, how can these numbers even be remotely accurate?
Yeah I find this part of WP Hive is most likely just serving as a way to get more traffic to their site, rather than giving you anything truly useful when deciding which plugin to go with. You really need to try out a plugin to know if it truly meets your requirements or not (preferably on a test site of course).
Jetpack would be certain the worst … anybody did a test?
I know right 😂
It’s a beast that can’t be avoided for folks like myself. The Woo app relies on it for order notifications.
This Kentuckian wants to hear the back story about the t-shirt 🤔
It’s a song by Black Stone Cherry and this is a tour shirt from a recent festival show I saw them at.