i think what really is perfect is Grubby's intense curiosity and intrigue with WoW, paired with his experience with WarCraft that links alot of small irrelevant references. That makes his playthough so interesting to watch
Was looking at why the Warrior died and why the shaman went oom. First, the warrior decided to use his target dummy at the very beginning after taking two hits in a row. If this had been me, I would've health potted instead to take the next hit. If I was still in risk of dying, then I would've used the engineering dummy. This would buy a fair good five seconds extra, and I would be on higher HP towards the end. Far more egregious of a failure is the Shaman. Shaman had multiple times where his regen (5sr) was about to kick in. He broke it with his own earthshock and frost shock, cosing him an enormous amount of mana. On top of this he landed 4 heals onto a full HP tank where he could've interrupted his own healing spells. The Shaman ultimately killed the Warrior, but with a bit more patience from the Warrior's side, he would've been fine as well. Could've probably waited a long as while with taunting off the mage, as Verdant was casting the grasping roots crap.
Naowh was a main tank in Future in 2017 when they first started to stream wow, then was recruited by limit/liquid in 2020 when they got their first World 1st mythic kill. Then he went to Echo.
True, but the tank has no one but himself to blame. He was unrooted before taking the big hit that killed him. He could have kited the boss for the 3-4 seconds left to kill the boss instead of standing there taking damage. Even so kiting a lot more in general, the thing about this boss is that It's extremely slow and that's why it also hit very hard. Healer did some questionable things but the only blame is on the tank. The fact that the first thing he says is "No heals" just shows his awareness overall. He didn't even know the healer was oom :P Just proves the point that the healer always gets blamed for others mistakes xd 80% of the group + 90% of the chat blamed everything on the healer lol.
@@andreasstahl8207 Agree, at the end of the day its your time that gets lost if you die. This doesn't change the fact that the healer lied and sabotaged by wasting mana on frost shock instead of healing. If he'd kept that mana for healing as he said he would the tank would still be alive.
@@askekrause3909 That's definetely true as well. If the scenario would have been without the tank being unsnared, the healer would have been the biggest proportion of his demise. His tanking was pretty much similar in fault as the healers healing though, especially for this particular boss. At the end of the day It's also easy to sit here and preach about the things they did wrong. They were probably in a lot of preassure, and I'm sure the healer nor the tank wanted it to end that way. Healer seems to feel remorse about it too, so I do feel bad for him. Just saying that the final straw of survival after every mistakes that were made was on the warrior.
I was playing this Wailing Cavern when I was 16 years old, back in 2005-2006, on a private server very late at night. I have fond memories of playing this with no lights and having such a blast of a time. We were wiped out at 1% of the boss's health.
When you are a caster, don't stand in melee range, because of the way aggro works you don't have the aggro buffer when you are in melee range. i am not sure about the exact value anymore, but enemies will change target to the highest aggro player, but if you are not in melee range it is like 120% before you get attacked. Classic wow is a lot about aggro management
@@oriongaby Yes, while technically you don't generate less threat over 30yds from a target, it takes a little bit more threat to get above a player in melee range on the threat table. This *effectively* gives 10% less threat generation, but doesn't *literally* do that. You're generating your full threat amounts per damage done (based on many factors like talents, class, damage type), but you get 10% more total before they come after you.
By the time healer hit half mana, they'd already healed tank twice with barely any or no health missing, and frost shocked once, preventing any mp5. They completely shat away their mana, 100% their fault.
28:48 You were right in your assumption grubby. If you will use the item in your professions, it's fine to need on it. Most people greed them for the same reason they greed anything else. There might be some varying rules among some circles of people, but you're fine needing if you'll use it. When it comes to items of high value or rarity, I'd wait until everyone needs or greeds until you roll to be safe. Many people treat high value items differently unless clarified.
That mage jumping down and then somehow teleporting back up was server-client desynchronization. The server predicted based on his movements and inputs that he would strafe right and jump down, but there was a delay between his strafing and jumping, then the server checked where the player was and corrected the visual representation you were seeing, thus it looked like he teleported back up. The truth is that he never jumped down in the first place and it was your client predicting his actions with a delay between them that was not correct. If your connection had been much, much better, you wouldn't have seen that. I for example have a very good ping (less than 100ms most of the time) and almost never see any desync, but it's based on my location, my ISP's connection speed and the locations and connection speeds of the players around me, who usually have a good connection. This is an assumption because I don't see desync very often.
Chat's weird hatred for retail is super underselling how incredible mythic/progression raiding is, the amount of complexity, teamwork and difficulty is found nowhere else in gaming to be honest. Dont see retail as a "bad MMO" , see it as "the best multiplayer ARPG" of all time. It's not trying to be a mmo anymore, its completely built around endgame and completionism content instead of a great leveling experience like classic. Both are incredible games, most players just play both and switch around whenever a new season starts because both succeed at very different design philosophies
@@Corrupted “This game being more like the genre it belongs to and it’s meant to be doesn’t mean it’s better.” - a derp. Yes it does. There’s a reason why Classic is more popular than retail.
When your healer or another member is getting attacked and you're playing mage, it's good to use FROST NOVA or CONE OF COLD to either slow or trap the mobs to give them a chance to get some distance from them.
I envy you mate, seeing this for the first time :) Remember when I was doing this as a teen, the game was really special to get into. Although now if I were to play it again, I would die of boredom - was playing paladin back then and the gameplay loop before WotLK was mostly - melee melee melee melee until the thing died :D
Healer did not pre-totem and drink to full. He also wasted mana by overhealing. He also Frost Shocked??? He also healed the rogue who didn't have aggro, was just taking a bit of damage from roots. Healer got killboy killed, RIP.
12:18 Naowhwo is 💯% correct!!Healers always get the blame game. 😔 Edit: ending proved this right 😂 why arent people using potions…they following some hardcore feature that prevents it?
The end result of the boss battle proves that point to teeth lol, even Naowhwo himself blames the healer to some extent even after making that statement a while before xD
rip killboy, got 2.5 heals and healer went oom on casting totems and overhealing for the rest, i cant imagine playing tank in HC... You will not be remembered but you were brave and are appreciated.
not sure if it is the same person, but when I was playing HC on the Skull Rock server I remember a high level warrior named Killboy always offering help to lower levels with tough content. RIP
Bosses give more XP in HC than trash so people don't play it safe farming trash all day without getting saved to the instance. The slimes are randomly immune to different elements. You should be able to tell based on their color.
Your commentary on League and Hots are spot on. I loved League in its early stage, but now that it is almost impossible to come back it's quite boring to watch.
Shaman healers generally have less mana to work with at this level. They are worse at it than say a priest. There's also the fact he healed the mage when he could not afford to. You have to prioritize with your mana to keep the tank alive. Save the mage or save the tank? He chose the mage. There's also the fact that the mage wasn't going to keep agro so the HP he lost was irrelevant and he could heal solely the tank and it wouldn't have been a problem.
Dont raid with this healer. With that terrible mana management, he will 100% wipe more tanks and groups in future in this way. It will be a super easy fight if he just plays his healer role. He has no responsibility as healer in HC.
RIP Killboy. Healer wanted to be a gigachad and killed him by doing so. He immidiately knew, given how defensive he got. Nothing u guys could have done. But then again, that first almost-death would have been totally on you guys goofing arround and the fact he survived with 2% hp was a wonder, lol.
Slimp crapped the bed on this big time. I looked and analyzed the video and he wasted so much mana healing 5-10% with big heals, and threw in frost shock to boot.
Unlucky, The healer did make a few mistakes. he used mana on damage there grubby. he also needed to save mana to only heal the tank and not top off the dps. Small nuances that could have mad a difference if you were curious.
@@troutfishdesigns healer went oom mostly panic spam casting and just overhealing. I went over the fight in slow motion cuz I couldnt understand why he was oom so fast, then I saw all the spam casting on full health targets, and the one frost shock (which isnt that big of a deal compared to the mana wasted on overheals)
If one tries to solo the last boss you need to be higher than lv 27-28 - Guess he hits for 400 ( maybe not now) damage each slap - but if the boss is 20 then hes nerfed from the level 23 he was in vanilla ,just as any content in classic it seems .
why are all this healers so bad lol ? that shaman pumped two big heals on the tank that was 90% hp... ^^ also casting frostschock healing the rogue .. like ofc you oom if u waste all your mana like that jesus.
Since this boss can one-shot you otherwise that's actually needed, players needs to be topd! So the statement still holds... healers get blamed for everything xD The only reason the tank died is his own fault. 3 Seconds before the bosses burst the tank got unrooted and could have kited the boss for those last 5 seconds for the boss to go down (and kited more in general). That, along with people getting hit from easy avoidable damage is the mistakes that were made. I don't play HC, but not knowing the basics of tanking and kiting is a recipe for a disaster in HC (Not puting anything on Grubby because he's completely oblivious). And obviously not taking some time to discuss things before pulling the boss, this boss is not a joke at this level :P I actually rewatched the fight again, and you are correct that he overhealed at one point. Probably because of the fear for the burst, even though the boss had aggro on someone else. He also did 2 shocks which is heavy on the mana. So both the tank and the healer do lack awareness for sure. But the tank for sure can only blame himself for dying.
@@andreasstahl8207 when boss is like 50% only a couple of scnds into the fight he already wasted two big heals on the tank that was 90% the first time 100%even the scnd time also one frostshock, than he wastes another big heal on the rogue topping him when he didnt even had aggro anymore. i think he even did a scnd frostschock there near the end.. also meleeng the boss .. thats the typicall "im such a good healer look i can do dmg and heal" ooopsy tank died i was oom! he also heald the mage who was at 100% near the end lol how can u say this was good healing ?!??!?! with this last 3 heals he literally heals the mage, the rogue and ONE on the tank... (there all full hp or 90%hp) i kinda lost count be he did about 4-5 useless heals, thats ALOT if ur casting big heals. you wanna tell me wasting almost every heal on overhealing or healing a dps not a tank is good healing ? your coocked man. "some overhealing" you say lol, he did more overhealing than actual healing, u might wanna rewatch and watch closeley. he was terrible.
@@lolleonlolable Where did I say that the healer did good healing? I even said that he did a lot of questionable things overall (like shocks and overhealing, bad positioning, focusing wrong targets etc). But thing is also that the heals are extremely slow at this low level, canceling heals properly is far more challenging at this level especially with a boss that can hit as hard and the HP needs to be high). But no the healer did far from a stellar job. Still doesn't change the fact that the warrior did far from a stellar job either. He could have easily survived, and is the blame for taking that last hit that killed him. Hence why I said Healers get blamed for everyones mistakes. Edit: It was actually in another post I wrote about the "questionable" things the healer did, so you are right about that, I apologise.
Shaman needs to get healing totem for healing in WC. Makes it much easier. Also, it looks like shaman was overhealing when tank was taking no damage, should learn to pre-cast and cancel rather.
@@technetin Maybe in level 60 raids, but in WC its amazing. 40 mana for 1 min of aoe healing and its practically free because you can cast it before pull, drink and go. Then focus on tank, while hst keeps up the rest of the group.
Horrible healer and no tremor. Sad. And grubby you never had aggro he was targetting someone else. You dont need an overlay, iust see who the boss is targetting
I think it doesn't do wow justice when you say "other pvp games do it better" and compare it to LoL. That is like a completely different genre, I do not see how it compares... Retail arena is kinda meh, it is poorly balanced, but Cata/MoP arena was peak PvP in MMORPGs. I think no MMORPG did it better than wow, personally
Naowh kinda undersold with his answer when Grubby asked if he plays retail lol. Naowh's one of the GOAT pve tank in WoW.
i think what really is perfect is Grubby's intense curiosity and intrigue with WoW, paired with his experience with WarCraft that links alot of small irrelevant references. That makes his playthough so interesting to watch
Was looking at why the Warrior died and why the shaman went oom.
First, the warrior decided to use his target dummy at the very beginning after taking two hits in a row. If this had been me, I would've health potted instead to take the next hit. If I was still in risk of dying, then I would've used the engineering dummy. This would buy a fair good five seconds extra, and I would be on higher HP towards the end.
Far more egregious of a failure is the Shaman. Shaman had multiple times where his regen (5sr) was about to kick in. He broke it with his own earthshock and frost shock, cosing him an enormous amount of mana. On top of this he landed 4 heals onto a full HP tank where he could've interrupted his own healing spells.
The Shaman ultimately killed the Warrior, but with a bit more patience from the Warrior's side, he would've been fine as well. Could've probably waited a long as while with taunting off the mage, as Verdant was casting the grasping roots crap.
Naowh was a main tank in Future in 2017 when they first started to stream wow, then was recruited by limit/liquid in 2020 when they got their first World 1st mythic kill. Then he went to Echo.
Healer cast frost shock twice, removing ~20% of his mana. He said he'd only heal. He lied, used mana on damage and effectively killed the tank.
True, but the tank has no one but himself to blame. He was unrooted before taking the big hit that killed him. He could have kited the boss for the 3-4 seconds left to kill the boss instead of standing there taking damage. Even so kiting a lot more in general, the thing about this boss is that It's extremely slow and that's why it also hit very hard. Healer did some questionable things but the only blame is on the tank. The fact that the first thing he says is "No heals" just shows his awareness overall. He didn't even know the healer was oom :P
Just proves the point that the healer always gets blamed for others mistakes xd
80% of the group + 90% of the chat blamed everything on the healer lol.
@@andreasstahl8207 Sure the tank wasn't great. Two terrible players don't make a right and I'd argue the healer was the worse of the bunch.
@@askekrause3909 Still doesn't change the fact that the Tank is the one to blame for him getting killed though.
@@andreasstahl8207 Agree, at the end of the day its your time that gets lost if you die. This doesn't change the fact that the healer lied and sabotaged by wasting mana on frost shock instead of healing. If he'd kept that mana for healing as he said he would the tank would still be alive.
@@askekrause3909 That's definetely true as well.
If the scenario would have been without the tank being unsnared, the healer would have been the biggest proportion of his demise. His tanking was pretty much similar in fault as the healers healing though, especially for this particular boss.
At the end of the day It's also easy to sit here and preach about the things they did wrong. They were probably in a lot of preassure, and I'm sure the healer nor the tank wanted it to end that way. Healer seems to feel remorse about it too, so I do feel bad for him.
Just saying that the final straw of survival after every mistakes that were made was on the warrior.
Just commenting to show support and to day I've been really enjoying your WOW streams.
I was playing this Wailing Cavern when I was 16 years old, back in 2005-2006, on a private server very late at night. I have fond memories of playing this with no lights and having such a blast of a time. We were wiped out at 1% of the boss's health.
When you are a caster, don't stand in melee range, because of the way aggro works you don't have the aggro buffer when you are in melee range.
i am not sure about the exact value anymore, but enemies will change target to the highest aggro player, but if you are not in melee range it is like 120% before you get attacked.
Classic wow is a lot about aggro management
Melee pulls aggro once it goes over 110% threat, at max range you need 130% threat to pull from the tank.
@@oriongaby Yes, while technically you don't generate less threat over 30yds from a target, it takes a little bit more threat to get above a player in melee range on the threat table. This *effectively* gives 10% less threat generation, but doesn't *literally* do that. You're generating your full threat amounts per damage done (based on many factors like talents, class, damage type), but you get 10% more total before they come after you.
By the time healer hit half mana, they'd already healed tank twice with barely any or no health missing, and frost shocked once, preventing any mp5. They completely shat away their mana, 100% their fault.
this is making me remember back to the days when I felt like a hot commodity as a healer who knew his way through WC classic. This is a joy to watch!
also a joy to watch Grubby ecstatic over getting a cloth chestpiece with str and spirit on it but no int 😜 classic vanilla
28:48 You were right in your assumption grubby. If you will use the item in your professions, it's fine to need on it. Most people greed them for the same reason they greed anything else. There might be some varying rules among some circles of people, but you're fine needing if you'll use it. When it comes to items of high value or rarity, I'd wait until everyone needs or greeds until you roll to be safe. Many people treat high value items differently unless clarified.
That mage jumping down and then somehow teleporting back up was server-client desynchronization. The server predicted based on his movements and inputs that he would strafe right and jump down, but there was a delay between his strafing and jumping, then the server checked where the player was and corrected the visual representation you were seeing, thus it looked like he teleported back up. The truth is that he never jumped down in the first place and it was your client predicting his actions with a delay between them that was not correct. If your connection had been much, much better, you wouldn't have seen that. I for example have a very good ping (less than 100ms most of the time) and almost never see any desync, but it's based on my location, my ISP's connection speed and the locations and connection speeds of the players around me, who usually have a good connection. This is an assumption because I don't see desync very often.
Seeing Grubby learning the ways is so good to watch! hahahah nice content brooo!
Cant believe grubby almost got the tank killed lmao
Grubby mom wanted him to play outside, this is the compromise
Chat's weird hatred for retail is super underselling how incredible mythic/progression raiding is, the amount of complexity, teamwork and difficulty is found nowhere else in gaming to be honest. Dont see retail as a "bad MMO" , see it as "the best multiplayer ARPG" of all time. It's not trying to be a mmo anymore, its completely built around endgame and completionism content instead of a great leveling experience like classic. Both are incredible games, most players just play both and switch around whenever a new season starts because both succeed at very different design philosophies
It's not that weird. The fact that a lot of people don't like retail is why we got classic servers to begin with.
Retail is trash. Naowh even said in the video that Classic is far more of a real MMO than retail.
People have to hate something so they feel better
@@someguy9970 "more mmo" doesnt mean better lmao
“This game being more like the genre it belongs to and it’s meant to be doesn’t mean it’s better.” - a derp.
Yes it does. There’s a reason why Classic is more popular than retail.
1:38:38 my heart dropped thinking grubby was about to die from this jump lol
Can't die from fall damage during slow fall being active :)
@@andreasstahl8207 yes I know but I didn't see that activate, I was staring at Grubby who was doing a bunch of animated hand gestures lol!
I freakin love the barrens music theme! Brings back memories of Shumarmukk, the Tauren shaman in 2004. FOR THE HORDE!
When your healer or another member is getting attacked and you're playing mage, it's good to use FROST NOVA or CONE OF COLD to either slow or trap the mobs to give them a chance to get some distance from them.
I envy you mate, seeing this for the first time :) Remember when I was doing this as a teen, the game was really special to get into. Although now if I were to play it again, I would die of boredom - was playing paladin back then and the gameplay loop before WotLK was mostly - melee melee melee melee until the thing died :D
Healer did not pre-totem and drink to full. He also wasted mana by overhealing. He also Frost Shocked??? He also healed the rogue who didn't have aggro, was just taking a bit of damage from roots. Healer got killboy killed, RIP.
You need to have enemy name plates turned on all the time makes targeting things easier.
12:18 Naowhwo is 💯% correct!!Healers always get the blame game. 😔
Edit: ending proved this right 😂 why arent people using potions…they following some hardcore feature that prevents it?
The end result of the boss battle proves that point to teeth lol, even Naowhwo himself blames the healer to some extent even after making that statement a while before xD
Love this WoW content
Gruby you don't need to wait until the cast bar ends to start casting the next spell, try spamming the key it adds up to a lot of dps 😊
1:22:00 😂😂 "what is that called?" Its called division
I laughed so hard at 1:06:44 😂😂😂
Grubby asked about the odd rare spawns very close to where one spawns, down with the crocs if I remember correctly
rip killboy, got 2.5 heals and healer went oom on casting totems and overhealing for the rest, i cant imagine playing tank in HC...
You will not be remembered but you were brave and are appreciated.
not sure if it is the same person, but when I was playing HC on the Skull Rock server I remember a high level warrior named Killboy always offering help to lower levels with tough content. RIP
Bosses give more XP in HC than trash so people don't play it safe farming trash all day without getting saved to the instance.
The slimes are randomly immune to different elements. You should be able to tell based on their color.
you can make your chat window much bigger grubs, making it easyer to read all the stuff and less scroling
Your commentary on League and Hots are spot on. I loved League in its early stage, but now that it is almost impossible to come back it's quite boring to watch.
Grubby has an itchy trigger finger lol
Shaman healers generally have less mana to work with at this level. They are worse at it than say a priest. There's also the fact he healed the mage when he could not afford to. You have to prioritize with your mana to keep the tank alive. Save the mage or save the tank? He chose the mage.
There's also the fact that the mage wasn't going to keep agro so the HP he lost was irrelevant and he could heal solely the tank and it wouldn't have been a problem.
Wow, you really do not pay attention while talking to someone, which is not the best thing to do in a hardcore dungeon xD
Dont raid with this healer. With that terrible mana management, he will 100% wipe more tanks and groups in future in this way. It will be a super easy fight if he just plays his healer role. He has no responsibility as healer in HC.
Naowh is the greatest Tank player in Retail of all time. There has never been a better tank ever.
A whole WC run without using Evocation huh... That's crazy.
lol pizjub still just hangin around
😂 bless his soul 🙏
This is fun to watch :)
RIP Killboy. Healer wanted to be a gigachad and killed him by doing so. He immidiately knew, given how defensive he got.
Nothing u guys could have done.
But then again, that first almost-death would have been totally on you guys goofing arround and the fact he survived with 2% hp was a wonder, lol.
Slimp crapped the bed on this big time. I looked and analyzed the video and he wasted so much mana healing 5-10% with big heals, and threw in frost shock to boot.
I know I’m late but lmfao dorki appearance !?!? Fucking goated
Classic was not designed with hardcore in mind lack of knowledge and lack of patience can easily get you killed.
Unlucky, The healer did make a few mistakes. he used mana on damage there grubby. he also needed to save mana to only heal the tank and not top off the dps. Small nuances that could have mad a difference if you were curious.
@@troutfishdesigns healer went oom mostly panic spam casting and just overhealing. I went over the fight in slow motion cuz I couldnt understand why he was oom so fast, then I saw all the spam casting on full health targets, and the one frost shock (which isnt that big of a deal compared to the mana wasted on overheals)
What was the sound after all?
If one tries to solo the last boss you need to be higher than lv 27-28 - Guess he hits for 400 ( maybe not now) damage each slap - but if the boss is 20 then hes nerfed from the level 23 he was in vanilla ,just as any content in classic it seems .
why are all this healers so bad lol ? that shaman pumped two big heals on the tank that was 90% hp... ^^ also casting frostschock healing the rogue .. like ofc you oom if u waste all your mana like that jesus.
Since this boss can one-shot you otherwise that's actually needed, players needs to be topd! So the statement still holds... healers get blamed for everything xD The only reason the tank died is his own fault. 3 Seconds before the bosses burst the tank got unrooted and could have kited the boss for those last 5 seconds for the boss to go down (and kited more in general). That, along with people getting hit from easy avoidable damage is the mistakes that were made. I don't play HC, but not knowing the basics of tanking and kiting is a recipe for a disaster in HC (Not puting anything on Grubby because he's completely oblivious).
And obviously not taking some time to discuss things before pulling the boss, this boss is not a joke at this level :P
I actually rewatched the fight again, and you are correct that he overhealed at one point. Probably because of the fear for the burst, even though the boss had aggro on someone else. He also did 2 shocks which is heavy on the mana. So both the tank and the healer do lack awareness for sure. But the tank for sure can only blame himself for dying.
@@andreasstahl8207 when boss is like 50% only a couple of scnds into the fight he already wasted two big heals on the tank that was 90% the first time 100%even the scnd time
also one frostshock, than he wastes another big heal on the rogue topping him when he didnt even had aggro anymore.
i think he even did a scnd frostschock there near the end.. also meleeng the boss .. thats the typicall "im such a good healer look i can do dmg and heal"
ooopsy tank died i was oom! he also heald the mage who was at 100% near the end lol how can u say this was good healing ?!??!?!
with this last 3 heals he literally heals the mage, the rogue and ONE on the tank... (there all full hp or 90%hp)
i kinda lost count be he did about 4-5 useless heals, thats ALOT if ur casting big heals.
you wanna tell me wasting almost every heal on overhealing or healing a dps not a tank is good healing ? your coocked man. "some overhealing" you say lol, he did more overhealing than actual healing, u might wanna rewatch and watch closeley. he was terrible.
@@lolleonlolable Where did I say that the healer did good healing? I even said that he did a lot of questionable things overall (like shocks and overhealing, bad positioning, focusing wrong targets etc). But thing is also that the heals are extremely slow at this low level, canceling heals properly is far more challenging at this level especially with a boss that can hit as hard and the HP needs to be high). But no the healer did far from a stellar job.
Still doesn't change the fact that the warrior did far from a stellar job either. He could have easily survived, and is the blame for taking that last hit that killed him.
Hence why I said Healers get blamed for everyones mistakes.
Edit: It was actually in another post I wrote about the "questionable" things the healer did, so you are right about that, I apologise.
01:14:38 wtf was the sound ? 😂
Grubby I love your content. can you please put the details addon in view for us? It just helps me enjoy the content more
Rip Killboy 🫡
You need stamina as well
Grubby on the PoddyC?
Shaman needs to get healing totem for healing in WC. Makes it much easier.
Also, it looks like shaman was overhealing when tank was taking no damage, should learn to pre-cast and cancel rather.
Terrible hps and poor htm ratio, immobile and hard to receive full benefit from when primarily single target receiving damage. Big pass on hst.
Healing totem is ass, he needed mana totem.
@@valitsemllaluokanavahyvaks3556 Shamans only get that at level 26 ... Hst AOE heals group and can then focus on tank.
@@technetin Maybe in level 60 raids, but in WC its amazing. 40 mana for 1 min of aoe healing and its practically free because you can cast it before pull, drink and go. Then focus on tank, while hst keeps up the rest of the group.
not my favorite dungeon but def worth doing!
Rip killboy
questionable tank and healer, you don't want noobs playing these roles in hc
too true. It was already a huge warning sign when tank didnt even know healer was incapacitated cuz the serpent king casted asleep 💤
Funny how much Naowhtwo dosnt know about classic, aah he plays retail...far enough:)
i love you grubby
WC and Deadmines are actually easy compared to the past , all lowlevel content are
Cool story bro
There's another boss in WC, if you go back to the beginning and talk to the NPC, escort him to a last boss room and there's one more fight.
You would have to pay me for me to every set foot into that dungeon
Horrible healer and no tremor. Sad. And grubby you never had aggro he was targetting someone else. You dont need an overlay, iust see who the boss is targetting
I think it doesn't do wow justice when you say "other pvp games do it better" and compare it to LoL. That is like a completely different genre, I do not see how it compares... Retail arena is kinda meh, it is poorly balanced, but Cata/MoP arena was peak PvP in MMORPGs. I think no MMORPG did it better than wow, personally
u need to stop pulling stuff, youre gonna end up wiping a party and ppl wont wanna group up with u
LOL mythic world first raiders complaining about pogostuck has to be the most pot calling kettle black situation ever.
they lied to you grubb... world of warcraft has the best mmorpg pvp no matter what version of the game you're paying !
Shadowlands season 1 was rouuuugh, so the version does matter
@@Lyrantesundeniable truth
"MMORPG PvP" is a low standard for competitive players, which was their point. That said MMORPG PvP is cool for other reasons.