It's vary easy if you know your way around a computer board and a soldering iron. Just get the right battery and take a picture of the the old battery in the machine before you remove it. That way you will know what end is the positive side when you get the board out. Make sure you have taken all the screws out first. Unsolder the battery and take it out. Put the new one in and solder it in. I took a picture of the old battery and got on TH-cam and found the right one. Sometimes you will need a solder sucking tool to remove the old solder. But if your fast you can get the battery out while the solder is still molten or in a liquefied state. I'm sure their is videos on TH-cam that will show you how to do it. I hope this helps you out. I see you posted your comment a year ago so you probably already got it fixed.
GREAT post on the IGT series Thank you
I need to know how to clear the ram on my universal double jackpot slot machine I replaced new battery and still goes to tilt code 33
Can anyone please help me lights on top stay on at my Witt’s end paid 900 for this machine and cannot play it
I have and Aztec spirit slot machine how do I change the battery. I have no idea what to do
It's vary easy if you know your way around a computer board and a soldering iron. Just get the right battery and take a picture of the the old battery in the machine before you remove it. That way you will know what end is the positive side when you get the board out. Make sure you have taken all the screws out first. Unsolder the battery and take it out. Put the new one in and solder it in. I took a picture of the old battery and got on TH-cam and found the right one. Sometimes you will need a solder sucking tool to remove the old solder. But if your fast you can get the battery out while the solder is still molten or in a liquefied state. I'm sure their is videos on TH-cam that will show you how to do it. I hope this helps you out. I see you posted your comment a year ago so you probably already got it fixed.