I hope so as well. Speaking of the game ending, have you read this interview from the FE3H developers? www.famitsu.com/news/202002/22192717.html The following is a quick translation of a part of the interview by myself: A: If there is a fairly-tale ending, that route inevitably becomes the truest one. I wanted each player to decide on his or her own true story. In this game, there are 3 protagonists, each with their own non-negotiable outlook, and depending on the protagonist you choose, you will view the world in a different light. I wanted to show a real-life dilemma as the theme. That is why I did not include a picture-perfect ending in the game. B: I love fairly-tale endings, but because he had such a strong passion on this, I did not develop a happy ending. I also didn't want to do the same thing as we had done with "FE Fates”. I had a lot of conflicting thoughts about this, though... I think the developers finally found a way to create a “happy ending” without detriment to the original concept!
2:48 ソティスの「Revenge is not a thing you take for someone else.」の別解釈を動画の説明欄に追加しています
今はベレス先生の新イラストのビジュアルにも心を持ってかれてます! www.intsys.co.jp/works/goods/fireemblem-figure/04.html#comment
「より明るい未来」は ”何より明るいか" が書かれていないので油断禁物ではありますが、日本語の宣伝文句でも ifルートを強調しているので ifルートであることは間違いないと思います。
At least we know there will be a new route in this story. 🤩maybe everyone can survive this time? I sincerely hope so🥺
I hope so as well. Speaking of the game ending, have you read this interview from the FE3H developers?
The following is a quick translation of a part of the interview by myself:
A: If there is a fairly-tale ending, that route inevitably becomes the truest one. I wanted each player to decide on his or her own true story. In this game, there are 3 protagonists, each with their own non-negotiable outlook, and depending on the protagonist you choose, you will view the world in a different light. I wanted to show a real-life dilemma as the theme. That is why I did not include a picture-perfect ending in the game.
B: I love fairly-tale endings, but because he had such a strong passion on this, I did not develop a happy ending. I also didn't want to do the same thing as we had done with "FE Fates”. I had a lot of conflicting thoughts about this, though...
I think the developers finally found a way to create a “happy ending” without detriment to the original concept!
wow thank you! it's good to know what they're thinking when doing FE3H. it's sad there's no perfect ending, but this is why FE3H is so unforgettable.
2:03 頃にかいてある誤った選択は何が誤っているのか。エーデルガルトの選択が誤り?ちょっとわかりにくい