I believe that ‘love’ on earth is nothing compared to love after we die. Who out there is truly looking forward to the UNCONDITIONAL, NON-JUDGEMENTAL, INCREDIBLE LOVE YOU WILL GET AFTER YOU DIE??
Everyone I ever knew apart from my husband has turned their backs on me for no reason I can think of. Not all at once but over the course of my life. They are the ones who behaved badly but I always get the blame. I give up on people really but it’s ok
It is because you stand back and just observe life. Go out every day and smile at people, ask them how their day is going, help people wherever you can and look for ways to encourage others through a genuine compliment and your life will be transformed.
when i feel alone and not wanted i start to build a wall that then pushes new people i meet away and makes it harder to meet people. this is because of previous experiencs. i am learning to put myself out there and to love myself. by learning to love myself i am becomeing able to make connections with others. its not easy at first but possible. believing people want to be around me and thaat i am worthy is a good start too. :) nice to meet you
Love the gratitude. Her life will be soooo much better than those that do not have gratitude. I feel sorry for people on tik tok that just have a low vibration and do not get it... Blessings to this lady!🎉
There is privilege and meaning in the human experience. Facing the adversities of life and mastering them is exactly the point. Acceptance and gratitude whilst following your true Self are key.
Thanks so much for sharing this. I am fairly introverted in my personal life but professionally while doing my job I make connections and have relationships with many adults and children. Your experience makes me feel like I should value my job and those relationships and the good that I try to do more because that’s what God wants. Thanks again for sharing your experience.
I really don't know how to respond to your feeling lonely for four decades. I want to say I feel sorry for you, not in a pitiful way, but from deep sense of compassion and understanding. I have personally experienced that kind pain. I don't know your situation. I know that my low self extreme and fear of rejection prevented me from risking engaging with others. I finally realized that I believed that because I didn't see any value in myself, I expected noone would see any value in me. Only after finding value in myself did I find the courage to engage others. I am much, much happier now.
*In 1973 the body I was experiencing was pronounced "DEAD On ARRIVAL" at a medical center... More than half an hour passed, then its heart started beating again... During that time I, "LIFE The Real Self", ( NOT The Human entity ) entered "The LIGHT", and have remained in "The LIGHT" to this day...*
I just don't understand. I see videos like this basically telling me it's almost a sure thing that I'm going to heaven. But then I see NDE videos of people that were shown hell or had a close call with going to hell and I'm so conflicted with what to believe. It's so aggravating and disheartening to think of.
@mikevonn8214 Everything is energy. Our thoughts are energy. Even on Earth, we attract what we think of, though slowly and only if we keep focusing on the thought. When out of the body, there is no physical inertia, so we immediately attract what we subconsciously expect to see. The only people who see hell are those raised to fear hell. Many NDE-ers say that everyone was shown a different environment based on a person's mindset. There are very detailed explanations of what happens after physical death in Michael Newton's books. If you are interested in the topic, they can be borrowed from a public library. The best source I've seen so far.
@mikevonn8214 There are NDE that explain the hevan and hell are a prospective of the person experiencing it. What you need to experience is what you will experience, and all negative NDEs are going to be positive in the end.
Tbh I think all the ones where they were sent to hell are bullshit. I don't believe in hell and much as I'd love to see rapists and murders go to a place of torture... I just don't believe in a purgetory type of place. We all go to the same location imo. I think it's just their guilty conscience mixed with the hormones that release during death that create that image. There was one NDE a lady had that sounded so incredibly outlandish and that's what solidified my belief that hell doesn't exist.
One of my theories is that in an eternal peaceful place love is easy. So we wanted to see if we could still live in a world that is built off competition from day one. In this world life must consume life to live. Can we love in an existence like this? How deeply can we love? Treasure your life. Many other lives went into getting you to this point.
I don't understand why someone find that much peace and love beyond imagination on the other side then choose to come back, that's telling me that probably the person was just dreaming
They may see a purpose on Earth that they can’t fulfill, there. There’s a part of me that would love to be back home, but I know that there are things I see here and have an interest in working on.
Most of the NDE stories are like this. A place of unconditional love and no judgment. So, why are there NDE's about Hell? I am just trying to understand.
It's because those that are brainwashed by their religions tend to "manifest"/conjure up this hell that they experience due to their belief in it. If someone's was brainwashed into catholicism or christianity and they feel guilt (which is a thing of the EGO) then when they die or have an NDE they experience the thing they believed in due to their guilt.
@@KSGaming419 Thanks. I try to talk to God and Jesus everyday. My mom keeps telling me to go to church. My dad had an NDE when he was a kid. He drowned in a lake and had an Out of Body experience. He started floating up and then he felt a voice (telepathy) asking him if he wanted to stay or go.
Hell is real. Some NDEs go there and some go to Heaven. I'm trying to figure out the difference. Those that reject God, or hold onto unforgiveness I believe go to hell.
NDE's are across all cultures and belief systems. Essentially they're visions of the Subconscious Mind, one of the faculties within the soul which is responsible for our memories, habits, impressions, instincts etc. You fall into a state of soul consciousness, (the soul never dies, its eternal) they're like dreams or visions. They are different for each soul according to their cultural belief systems and past lives. The reason is what's lurking in their Subconscious Mind within the soul. I have interviewed many NDE’s, some have conversations with Krishna or Vishnu and others with Christ or the Virgin Mary, some see amazing lights! or past family members...the list is very long. The soul is genderless, endless, religious-less, culture-less, nameless when it's separated from the body. Mind, Intellect, Subconscious are the only constants. When the soul truly departs the body, all memories of that past birth are finished along with relationships, this is known as death. The soul then enters a womb and a new chapter begins according to the karmic accounts (actions) of its past life.
I have watched several videos on this channel. The stories are amazing, and I'm thankful to this channel for bringing them to us, but i have to say, can we just get a straight interview without the esoteric background music, the wierd ai generated graphics, and the interminable scenes of women sipping tea on a waterside patio? I mean, we're adults, this is serious stuff, and we can handle a straightforward interview without the unrelated imagery.
Screaming always helps, . . . not. I listened up to (5:24) & gave up. I could be wrong but what I heard sounded dodgy compared to all the other NDE experiences I've heard. . . . →???
Our experience on this Earth is only One of Our Classrooms and once we learn our lessons here we go on to our next learning experience and it's Our Heavenly Father's and Jesus's Protection and Love we grow and mature to our full capacity 😇😇😇😇🥰😍🥰😍💘💘💘💘
Yes - we should value our life experience and be conscience of the beauty all around us. So many of the things we get to experience in a body we will not experience in the spirit realm. Sure unconditional, all pervasive love is super groovy, but so are many of the things we came here to experience. Stop and smell the flowers, check out the sunset, see the full moon rise, be fascinated by it all, enjoy your connection to people in your life, see their light and quit judging them. We all over complicate this Earth experience as our heads are filled with way too much matrix crap from day one. Your job, if you choose to do, it is to get rid of most of that culturally learned rubbish that doesn't matter to who you actually are on an eternal level. Get off that automatic pilot daze and create the life you desire, no blame, no excuses, and don't give up on your dreams.
Just remember that the physical world demands sacrifice...you are constantly using and relying on OTHERS hardwon achievments and creations and inventions...eating , and having, and all the "haftoo's " of physical life demands more of you than just " Do you Boo" B.S. ...their are many jobs that require that people who wouldn't necessarily want to do somthing ...NOT achieve their dreams....or we would have to live lives of hand-to- mouth Mad Max Fury Road type existence....
I have to ask why you would want to participate in such a ridiculous event. It might have occurred to you that participation might lead to less than a positive outcome.
Sone Voice: "What were you thinking at that time?" Me: -I don't answer questions, I don't do favors and I don't consent to whatever this is. Practice this and you'll be fine.
*I hope this gives Courage to others... I, "LIFE The Real Self" ( NOT The Human Body ) went to "The Marriage Supper of The Lamb"... I also witnessed "The Birth of The MAN Child", ( which took about seven hours ) mentioned in "The Revelation" chapter 12... And as Promised I, "LIFE The Real Self", ( NOT the human entity ) now resides in "The HOUSE of GOD" !*
Remember, Source created all this , including earth. It’s hell and pain, fears, frustrations, war, famin, disability, chtiic disease and painful deaths. CRUEL God.
Get to a Catholic Church and get to confession. If your Catholic get back to the Church and the sacraments. Follow the teachings of the Church and the Bible and you will be fine.
@@eaglewings8206 This still doesn’t guarantee you heaven. Because Jesus said even tho u cast demons out and lived for him he would say he never knew you. So to me hell and heaven is a gamble rather you live godly or not.
The truth about us, reality, spirituality, creation, our purpose, God, heaven, et cetera must never be derived from a subjective personal experience like this one. God, in His provision for us, has preserved and provided the TRUTH about all things in His word, the bible. BTW, notice that people who experience an NDE do NOT all have the same philosophical take-away about what's true. If you do not have God as your Father and Jesus as the savior of your soul, you are not under God's protection when entering into the spirit realm, where there are very powerful and deceptive fallen angles who can create a false reality and send you back with a lie, that lie usually being something warm and fuzzy and easy, and one that leaves out the most important thing, repentance and forgiveness in Jesus for eternal life. And remember that the path that leads to eternal life is called the "straight and narrow" (with few people choosing it), whereas the "broad" way that rejects Christ leads to destruction (and chosen by most). The TRUTH is found in your bible, what God says, not in your feeling or experiences.
This comment should be in every NDE video. So true and unfortunately missed by so many. Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
Through Christ, God saved all. 1 Timothy 4:10 - The New International Version (NIV) 10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe. 1 Cor 15:22 for even as in Adam all die, so also in the Christ all shall be made alive 1 John 2:2 New International Version 2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.
Will it Seems to me that you was Not in Heaven!. You was somewhere that wasn't good! . But When a born-again Christian accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and personal savior, they go to Heaven and experience a Beautiful planet like Earth. Some people say when they go there they see Grass Trees Flowers Mansions and Streets of Gold!. And they see people up there! Sometimes they see God the Father and the Son of God which is Jesus... But What you experience is Nothing like that! don't be deceived by the enemy! Because he have a false heaven that's not even real! The devil is a liar!..
@@donstrong3638 If you look you'll see that pretty much every NDE video will have Christians in the comments taking issue with the content of the NDE experience or after effects. There is clearly a tension between peoples Theological expectations and what people tend to experience during NDEs or a result of having them.
Because there are different levels or reality that transcend any religious figures as this is about..."Spirituality"...NOT..."Religion"...The 2 are as different as Night & Day....
@@SPIKE-0000 Christianity isn’t religion it’s about a relationship with Jesus, hence why He’ll say to many, go away from Me I never knew you, after this life, it’s either eternal paradise or hell…., you only get this life to choose….., if that voice was Jesus, then why not just say Jesus
I believe that ‘love’ on earth is nothing compared to love after we die. Who out there is truly looking forward to the UNCONDITIONAL, NON-JUDGEMENTAL, INCREDIBLE LOVE YOU WILL GET AFTER YOU DIE??
You sound suicidal. Life is hard but all you can do is live the best you can.
Me but you also got to take my advice and follow the quran alone.
No follow Jesus
Amen! Once we learn our lessons here we go on to our next learning classroom and we mature and grow!PEACE TO ALL🥰😍🥰😍‼️‼️
@@louly3212 I wouldn't advise that. I would advise you to follow your own heart.
I don't have connections with people. I have felt alone for almost 4 decades on this planet.
@@BW9971 66 years and feel the same.
Everyone I ever knew apart from my husband has turned their backs on me for no reason I can think of. Not all at once but over the course of my life. They are the ones who behaved badly but I always get the blame. I give up on people really but it’s ok
It is because you stand back and just observe life. Go out every day and smile at people, ask them how their day is going, help people wherever you can and look for ways to encourage others through a genuine compliment and your life will be transformed.
when i feel alone and not wanted i start to build a wall that then pushes new people i meet away and makes it harder to meet people. this is because of previous experiencs. i am learning to put myself out there and to love myself. by learning to love myself i am becomeing able to make connections with others. its not easy at first but possible. believing people want to be around me and thaat i am worthy is a good start too. :) nice to meet you
You and me both brother
This one made me tear up, what a sweet lady. Thank you.
Love the gratitude. Her life will be soooo much better than those that do not have gratitude. I feel sorry for people on tik tok that just have a low vibration and do not get it... Blessings to this lady!🎉
Our existence After our earthly life is Better! Those who have died ARE the Lucky ones ❤
Only ever one lucky person at a funeral.
How do you know life is not a gift? You want to just lay down and die?
Lucky? You don't have to count on luck to experience the fullness of unrequited love. All you have to do is reach out.
There is privilege and meaning in the human experience. Facing the adversities of life and mastering them is exactly the point. Acceptance and gratitude whilst following your true Self are key.
Lovely NDE 🎉🎉🎉I love the NDE's They make u not fear of death and they uplift me
I heard the voice in my head too. Gentle but to the point. It saved my life. LOVE💖💖💖
Beautiful experience, so peaceful and loving❤ Thank you for telling your story!!
Sleep deprivation is very bad for your health, it is a form of torture, nothing to mess around with.
Yes Jen she said she was sleep deprived i knew she was in trouble
I agree.
Thank you for sharing your experience🙏
NDE starts at 2:55
@michaelperez2827 if they say they are some sort of expert, gooroo or pushing a book, etc. I don't even watch anymore because it's not genuine.
know you are very Loved by those who are your Loved ones and your Friends ❤
Thanks so much for sharing this. I am fairly introverted in my personal life but professionally while doing my job I make connections and have relationships with many adults and children. Your experience makes me feel like I should value my job and those relationships and the good that I try to do more because that’s what God wants. Thanks again for sharing your experience.
I really don't know how to respond to your feeling lonely for four decades. I want to say I feel sorry for you, not in a pitiful way, but from deep sense of compassion and understanding. I have personally experienced that kind pain. I don't know your situation. I know that my low self extreme and fear of rejection prevented me from risking engaging with others. I finally realized that I believed that because I didn't see any value in myself, I expected noone would see any value in me. Only after finding value in myself did I find the courage to engage others. I am much, much happier now.
Been feeling the same way for almost a two years now. But somehow your response makes so much sense.
*In 1973 the body I was experiencing was pronounced "DEAD On ARRIVAL" at a medical center... More than half an hour passed, then its heart started beating again... During that time I, "LIFE The Real Self", ( NOT The Human entity ) entered "The LIGHT", and have remained in "The LIGHT" to this day...*
I just don't understand. I see videos like this basically telling me it's almost a sure thing that I'm going to heaven. But then I see NDE videos of people that were shown hell or had a close call with going to hell and I'm so conflicted with what to believe. It's so aggravating and disheartening to think of.
@mikevonn8214 Everything is energy. Our thoughts are energy. Even on Earth, we attract what we think of, though slowly and only if we keep focusing on the thought. When out of the body, there is no physical inertia, so we immediately attract what we subconsciously expect to see.
The only people who see hell are those raised to fear hell. Many NDE-ers say that everyone was shown a different environment based on a person's mindset.
There are very detailed explanations of what happens after physical death in Michael Newton's books. If you are interested in the topic, they can be borrowed from a public library. The best source I've seen so far.
@mikevonn8214 There are NDE that explain the hevan and hell are a prospective of the person experiencing it. What you need to experience is what you will experience, and all negative NDEs are going to be positive in the end.
I don't believe in hell, some people have said that they had a hellish experience.
Tbh I think all the ones where they were sent to hell are bullshit. I don't believe in hell and much as I'd love to see rapists and murders go to a place of torture... I just don't believe in a purgetory type of place. We all go to the same location imo. I think it's just their guilty conscience mixed with the hormones that release during death that create that image. There was one NDE a lady had that sounded so incredibly outlandish and that's what solidified my belief that hell doesn't exist.
Or they're saying they had a Hell based NDE to push their Christian agenda and scare others into believing their version of God.
Beautiful story. Beautiful woman as well. Almost angelic looking. Maybe it's the lighting.
😆 she did look angelic looking ,I thought so too !
I think this life we r meant to experience love, create love, share love
One of my theories is that in an eternal peaceful place love is easy. So we wanted to see if we could still live in a world that is built off competition from day one. In this world life must consume life to live. Can we love in an existence like this? How deeply can we love?
Treasure your life. Many other lives went into getting you to this point.
@@Marynicole830 that's a lovely comment, thank u
@@marias8007 .....and perhaps, just BE love
A beautiful story! Thanks for sharing.
This life is just a preparation for the next, that is ALL it is, you are a wonderful lady, thankyou for sharing
If the universe is made of love, why do we have wars?
@@JosannaMonik Free will and less evolved souls giving into their impulses.
Because the devil is god down here and he hates us. Imagine that, an entity that hates us is god down here. Jesus defeated him though.
Because everyone ditched their blood for a death cult, that conquered them with some chosen philosophy where everyone else must die.
I loved what you have shared. Derek in Winston Salem NC
❤aw thanks! I liked this one a lot. I really enjoyed it, gave me a few things to think about.
I don't understand why someone find that much peace and love beyond imagination on the other side then choose to come back, that's telling me that probably the person was just dreaming
They may see a purpose on Earth that they can’t fulfill, there. There’s a part of me that would love to be back home, but I know that there are things I see here and have an interest in working on.
Most of the NDE stories are like this. A place of unconditional love and no judgment.
So, why are there NDE's about Hell?
I am just trying to understand.
It's because those that are brainwashed by their religions tend to "manifest"/conjure up this hell that they experience due to their belief in it. If someone's was brainwashed into catholicism or christianity and they feel guilt (which is a thing of the EGO) then when they die or have an NDE they experience the thing they believed in due to their guilt.
@@KSGaming419 Thanks. I try to talk to God and Jesus everyday. My mom keeps telling me to go to church. My dad had an NDE when he was a kid. He drowned in a lake and had an Out of Body experience. He started floating up and then he felt a voice (telepathy) asking him if he wanted to stay or go.
Hell is real. Some NDEs go there and some go to Heaven. I'm trying to figure out the difference. Those that reject God, or hold onto unforgiveness I believe go to hell.
How interesting that she experienced a life review that lasted for hours, as far as she could tell - that's a lot!
That… was… awesome… thanks for sharing
NDE's are across all cultures and belief systems. Essentially they're visions of the Subconscious Mind, one of the faculties within the soul which is responsible for our memories, habits, impressions, instincts etc. You fall into a state of soul consciousness, (the soul never dies, its eternal) they're like dreams or visions. They are different for each soul according to their cultural belief systems and past lives. The reason is what's lurking in their Subconscious Mind within the soul. I have interviewed many NDE’s, some have conversations with Krishna or Vishnu and others with Christ or the Virgin Mary, some see amazing lights! or past family members...the list is very long. The soul is genderless, endless, religious-less, culture-less, nameless when it's separated from the body. Mind, Intellect, Subconscious are the only constants. When the soul truly departs the body, all memories of that past birth are finished along with relationships, this is known as death. The soul then enters a womb and a new chapter begins according to the karmic accounts (actions) of its past life.
I want to hear more of that experience
Is there a version of this where it’s not edited so much?
Jesus of Nazareth does not have it completely backward....remember THE most important commandment.
@@keats27 to love God? Or which do you mean?
I have watched several videos on this channel. The stories are amazing, and I'm thankful to this channel for bringing them to us, but i have to say, can we just get a straight interview without the esoteric background music, the wierd ai generated graphics, and the interminable scenes of women sipping tea on a waterside patio? I mean, we're adults, this is serious stuff, and we can handle a straightforward interview without the unrelated imagery.
Noted! But all is to bring live to the narration
I understand. Forgive me for my complaining. Keep up the good work.
~ Sam Tyler: "Life On Mars" season 1 right?....
Уникальный случай и внутренний голос подтверждает выход из тела
It ended before the what we've got backwards portion was discussed. Cool story though.
Screaming always helps, . . . not. I listened up to (5:24) & gave up. I could be wrong but what I heard sounded dodgy compared to all the other NDE experiences I've heard. . . . →???
@@tamdsms sounds normal to me. What sounds dodgy to you?
thank you
I really do hope there is something after this earthly existence.
Our experience on this Earth is only One of Our Classrooms and once we learn our lessons here we go on to our next learning experience and it's Our Heavenly Father's and Jesus's Protection and Love we grow and mature to our full capacity 😇😇😇😇🥰😍🥰😍💘💘💘💘
I see you put a capital where it doesn’t belong….. revealing.
a few hours. in a place where there is no time?
You signed NDE? What are you talking about?
Yes - we should value our life experience and be conscience of the beauty all around us. So many of the things we get to experience in a body we will not experience in the spirit realm. Sure unconditional, all pervasive love is super groovy, but so are many of the things we came here to experience. Stop and smell the flowers, check out the sunset, see the full moon rise, be fascinated by it all, enjoy your connection to people in your life, see their light and quit judging them. We all over complicate this Earth experience as our heads are filled with way too much matrix crap from day one. Your job, if you choose to do, it is to get rid of most of that culturally learned rubbish that doesn't matter to who you actually are on an eternal level. Get off that automatic pilot daze and create the life you desire, no blame, no excuses, and don't give up on your dreams.
Just remember that the physical world demands sacrifice...you are constantly using and relying on OTHERS hardwon achievments and creations and inventions...eating , and having, and all the "haftoo's " of physical life demands more of you than just " Do you Boo" B.S. ...their are many jobs that require that people who wouldn't necessarily want to do somthing ...NOT achieve their dreams....or we would have to live lives of hand-to- mouth Mad Max Fury Road type existence....
I have to ask why you would want to participate in such a ridiculous event. It might have occurred to you that participation might lead to less than a positive outcome.
It never told use what we have backwards
Sone Voice: "What were you thinking at that time?"
Me: -I don't answer questions, I don't do favors and I don't consent to whatever this is.
Practice this and you'll be fine.
if she got just a tiny bit of regular table salt this probably wouldnt have happened
*I hope this gives Courage to others... I, "LIFE The Real Self" ( NOT The Human Body ) went to "The Marriage Supper of The Lamb"... I also witnessed "The Birth of The MAN Child", ( which took about seven hours ) mentioned in "The Revelation" chapter 12... And as Promised I, "LIFE The Real Self", ( NOT the human entity ) now resides in "The HOUSE of GOD" !*
IDK about finding paradise after dying, but hope actual MEN; no narcs, attys, mazons, and p33toes.
Gotta be better than this sick system.
sorry you'll be in for a surprise
@socalsp3 nah. In the end, we're all just food for new life. No one will remember any of us in 100 years.
Remember, Source created all this , including earth. It’s hell and pain, fears, frustrations, war, famin, disability, chtiic disease and painful deaths. CRUEL God.
human beings created all of that
Bad choice. NDA? Clue.
I would have to say, if you know the all the answers then we don´t need to play all my yesterdays, so lets move the blank on!
Im going to hell....for sure...😮😮😮
I think me too. :(
Believe in Jesus and what he did for you. He is alive now!
Get to a Catholic Church and get to confession. If your Catholic get back to the Church and the sacraments. Follow the teachings of the Church and the Bible and you will be fine.
This still doesn’t guarantee you heaven. Because Jesus said even tho u cast demons out and lived for him he would say he never knew you. So to me hell and heaven is a gamble rather you live godly or not.
@@truthshallsetufree1295 maybe he wanted to teach them to care about love and friendship etc. instead of trying to do big miracles without love??
I don't believe this. She's basically saying every starving artist's work and life is worthless because they don't touch anyone's life.
on the contrary. listen to the rest of the interview
Bible says absent from the body present with the Lord. No mention of Jesus.
Stupid music makes everything look like a lie
The truth about us, reality, spirituality, creation, our purpose, God, heaven, et cetera must never be derived from a subjective personal experience like this one. God, in His provision for us, has preserved and provided the TRUTH about all things in His word, the bible. BTW, notice that people who experience an NDE do NOT all have the same philosophical take-away about what's true. If you do not have God as your Father and Jesus as the savior of your soul, you are not under God's protection when entering into the spirit realm, where there are very powerful and deceptive fallen angles who can create a false reality and send you back with a lie, that lie usually being something warm and fuzzy and easy, and one that leaves out the most important thing, repentance and forgiveness in Jesus for eternal life. And remember that the path that leads to eternal life is called the "straight and narrow" (with few people choosing it), whereas the "broad" way that rejects Christ leads to destruction (and chosen by most). The TRUTH is found in your bible, what God says, not in your feeling or experiences.
This comment should be in every NDE video. So true and unfortunately missed by so many. Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
Through Christ, God saved all.
1 Timothy 4:10 - The New International Version (NIV)
10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.
1 Cor 15:22
for even as in Adam all die, so also in the Christ all shall be made alive
1 John 2:2
New International Version
2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.
Will it Seems to me that you was Not in Heaven!. You was somewhere that wasn't good! . But When a born-again Christian accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and personal savior, they go to Heaven and experience a Beautiful planet like Earth. Some people say when they go there they see Grass Trees Flowers Mansions and Streets of Gold!. And they see people up there! Sometimes they see God the Father and the Son of God which is Jesus... But What you experience is Nothing like that! don't be deceived by the enemy! Because he have a false heaven that's not even real! The devil is a liar!..
So this is straight new age when you say spirit guide! Not good at all.. yeah this doesn't sit well with my spirit!
@@donstrong3638 what makes it not sit well with you?
@@donstrong3638 If you look you'll see that pretty much every NDE video will have Christians in the comments taking issue with the content of the NDE experience or after effects. There is clearly a tension between peoples Theological expectations and what people tend to experience during NDEs or a result of having them.
HUMAN create GOD...
An Atheist and a Scientist.
without Jesus your lost
No mention of Jesus At all…..?????
Who you think was talking to her.
Because there are different levels or reality that transcend any religious figures as this is about..."Spirituality"...NOT..."Religion"...The 2 are as different as Night & Day....
@@SPIKE-0000 Christianity isn’t religion it’s about a relationship with Jesus, hence why He’ll say to many, go away from Me I never knew you, after this life, it’s either eternal paradise or hell…., you only get this life to choose….., if that voice was Jesus, then why not just say Jesus
Ohhh, Gods not separate from me, it’s WITHIN me. Who woulda thought? Definitely not the churches 😬🤫 🕴️🕴️🕴️🕴️🕴️🧠🕴️🕴️🕴️🕴️🕴️
God says he fills up the earth and space.
@@truthshallsetufree1295 yes it’s all God
Yet it’s in the Bible, you can find him within, you also can find god under a rock, peace and love to all .