@justtakeiteasy It depends from the crew on board in some flights u still hear sinhala and english both. ys i totally agree with u cauz the airline of Sri Lanka must speak in Sinhala too, bt u know, lots of our people wants to show that they can speak in english and forget their original native language. (sobane)
I miss my country alot.......waiting to get back there once my studies finished...
i remember landing in colombo a few years ago, blue sea leading on to a green patch of land and a smooth landing
Well spotted SIA B777! yes they are everywhere I tell u! yep Landing was smooth and i think it was the seat :P
Can't wait to got ot my country .... god know s when will i go there ? Gaya wewa ... Lankawata
Awesome!! Have a super time
Thanks, I feel much better now!!
hope you two can be there soon!!
what is that cracking sound before touchdown?great vid btw
Thanks P. Yes it is
i wish i was on dat flight!!! i already went 2 sri lanka in march and april
love this video especially while listening to ''summer of 69- Brian Adams'' =D
Nice work. But what is that creaky sound? It couldn't be in the fuselage.
Finally I'm going there today :D
Rwy 22 isnt it? its a nice landing.....
wow have fun doode!
@michaelshehan Hope you get to SL soon doode! Jaya Wewa!
@tmsupun ah awsome I assume your still in SL then...
Thanks dude!
awesome! :D
What was the airline at the gate next to the two sri lankan airlines aircraft....
where did you go from
you can use any electronic device that don't transmit any kind of radio or infrared signal. But I wouldn't use any regardless for everyone's safety.
ammata udu how did u take this. air hostess asked me to switch off my camera when i tried video the landing, good job any way
Yeah man!
@justtakeiteasy It depends from the crew on board in some flights u still hear sinhala and english both. ys i totally agree with u cauz the airline of Sri Lanka must speak in Sinhala too, bt u know, lots of our people wants to show that they can speak in english and forget their original native language. (sobane)
I should go to Sri Lanka again...
Yeah you should :-)
classic Bryan Adams! :D
cool but touching down On colombo, in colombo, graet vid though, i was doing the two weeks ago
ah I know the feeling!
i thought all electrical devices were supposed to be switched off during takeoff and landing? :S
from LHR
@panne92 Its fairly safe I believe
@justtakeiteasy indeed man!
omg onlii 3 more months 2 go nd im back in Srilanka
@KurtWagnr tell me about it :)
@justtakeiteasy well you only hr half of it.. after the english version they speak both in sinhala and tamil..:)
@racear8 it was a creaky seat :P
lol nope it was a creaky seat behind me :P yep love those A340s
hope its not fuselage stress
@justtakeiteasy ya well anyway they are all languages..
what makes u think it wont land :P
You cannot have electrical equipment such as mobile phones which transmits signals, having a camera is perfectly safe ;)
no place like SL!
it was only during landing so was ok, still should get it sorted! ;)
try next ;-)
@justtakeiteasy not sure assume cause most understand english
Well....You have to NOT show them the camera :D
i think it was the creaky seats :|
nope it was one or two dodgy seats in front :P
10 hours of listening to that creaking seat??...should be worth some compensation from the airlne.
ur not allowed to have any electrical devices on during landing... u cudve seriously harmed the passengers lol
wish i could jump through the screen
oh yea 3 more months to go and im gonna be back in sl :D
lol, i will next time :)
seat seat! creaky seats!