I don't what everyone else is talking about, that was a very close fight. Emile sure did have his hands full going against Jules. Real talk, your animations are always a wonderful thing to see. The derpy looks Jules's pokemon had were perfect.
I'm a little sad you didn't include the doggie, but I understand that'd be harder to animate, especially with the charity messages being read out interupting chuggaa, tom and jules. Thanks for reanimating this. Genuinely a top 10 TRG moment imo
I love how you make the Dile mon so fucking cutesy and at the very end, the sfx used to defeat 1 Billion Lions *is a fucking squeak toy sfx* XD Good shit as always my dude~!
So seeing this reminded me of the Incident, which has lead my mind down a wondefrful rabbiit hole. Imagine: Jules and Tyler as Tate and Liza, with everyone's favorite Psychic-type, Gengar.
This was a blast to see, even in animated form. Seeing this animated made it about five times more better than seeing it (though seeing the original was still fun to witness unfold, especially with Jules in the mix.) Wonderful work Joli! ^-^
I love how Jules just hammed it up through the whole battle.
You can tell Jules was not even taking the match seriously, which was hilarious.
Sometimes it's important to just have fun :D
Rarely does he take anything seriously lol
@@TeruteruBozusama yup
Though there was the time that Jules non seriousness did hurt Masae's feelings that one time by jokingly 'reject' her gift.
@@barneypurple3435 which is why I said sometimes.
“Who let this guy into the Elite 4?”
Good question, because they deserve a raise.
I love how it defeated the luxray the same way as those the dodongo's attacked in the animation
"Oh he killed me"
Jon and Chugga: *laughs*
I like it that Emile’s Krokodile looks so Cute and just takes out the whole team like a champ while looking so obliviously.
"Did I win?"
I love how Krookodile goes from slighty taller than chugga to godzilla height
1:30 the plushie squeak is hilarious
I don't what everyone else is talking about, that was a very close fight. Emile sure did have his hands full going against Jules.
Real talk, your animations are always a wonderful thing to see. The derpy looks Jules's pokemon had were perfect.
What are you talking about, a ground type taking on the electric leader never goes well for electric
That's the joke dude
@@Azuremoon0724 well I’m not the best at getting jokes
Chuggaacconroy using my second favorite Pokémon to sweet is so beautiful.
All I can think when I was watching this was "Goddammit Jules"
That was me throughout that entire segment
1:30 I love how you added the same Squeak joke from the “Ding-dongos” video, and it works just as well! Fantastically adorable!
I know!!!
I'm a little sad you didn't include the doggie, but I understand that'd be harder to animate, especially with the charity messages being read out interupting chuggaa, tom and jules. Thanks for reanimating this. Genuinely a top 10 TRG moment imo
I love Jolte- err, Pikachu’s face!
I love how you make the Dile mon so fucking cutesy and at the very end, the sfx used to defeat 1 Billion Lions *is a fucking squeak toy sfx* XD
Good shit as always my dude~!
So seeing this reminded me of the Incident, which has lead my mind down a wondefrful rabbiit hole. Imagine: Jules and Tyler as Tate and Liza, with everyone's favorite Psychic-type, Gengar.
I was expecting a random puppy to show up being Marnie.
This was a blast to see, even in animated form. Seeing this animated made it about five times more better than seeing it (though seeing the original was still fun to witness unfold, especially with Jules in the mix.) Wonderful work Joli! ^-^
I absolutely love these animations. The fight was already great but Joli makes it shine even more.
Jules knew that he wouldn’t win, so might as well just have fun
Man, the match would have been so much more intense had Jules selected Agumon.
Aww, you skipped Angy!
This is still great tho.
Hands-down one of the best moments from TRG Colosseum 2021, this was so damn funny
This is amazing. Love your work, Joli
Was hoping we could see the doggie
But the whole thing was just gold even still
1:00 Hey, someone called in, he want his dragon back. Never mind, you can keep him for a while? I think he has found an alternative solution.
This animation was better than I expected 😄
Jules never fails to put a smile on my face
I never thought I would say this but that krookodile is adorable.
That luxray counts as 1 billion lions
That Krookodile is freaking adorable :D
1:30 Dongos squeak: the sequel
That whole fight was great.
I've watched this like 3 times, it's perfect...
Jules became hype itself
I love the chibi Krookodile
I was in tears that was so hilarious 🤣
Hahaha hahaha that funny to see in animation form.
My favourite part was both Emile and his Krookodile just going :T
This is fantastic
I can't believe 1 billion lions lost to the Pokemon. I thought 1 billion was a lot
Krookidile was super cute here. :3
I also am question who let this unknown trainer in this tournament.
JoliVector I’m curious of why you haven’t posted anything in so long.
Hahahaha 🤣 I love this
Trg colosseum. Pokemon tournament.
I guess I'll sub. But who are you?
😝 ƤRO𝓂O𝕤ᗰ
i could beat chugga