You are not the only one! 我同老婆都係帶咗好少錢(一定買唔到一部Mazda 3!) 同我同學相比無移民個D,佢地多咗錢,但係聽佢地講現在己經唔夠分 申請,試過一次同D為錢無移民同學食飯,佢地D小朋友講英文真係典型香港人講英文。加上我地早移民早買樓,佢地就算而家甩咗香港層樓都唔好得過我地好多, 輸咗自己時間,輸咗小朋友英文。
因為快要退休,所以現在的投資都注重cash flow. 兩年前開始投資apartment syndication. Preferred return 已經有7-8%, after sale IRR 13-15%, 或者5年之後賣可以大概double 之前嘅投資. 當然亦可以買屋收租。不過要在一些high population growth 嘅地方買才好。如果你自己住嘅地方不屬於 high population growth,可以睇吓俾人管理有冇得賺. 我之前有睇過一些在佛羅里達州新屋投資,每年可以有7-8%嘅回報。一般做呢啲apartment syndication 都係專業人士,雖然比啲錢佢哋賺,但係佢哋對市場研究俾我哋自己小屋主應該係好啲。
You are so kind and wise! Proud to have you as a HKgers . All the best to you. I have already the money for retirement and emigration, and have the full foreign passport. What held me back? Because I love the efficiency of HK, love the food and Chinese culture ! Because HKgers have subject to a lot of pressure to toe the red line, there grew a sense of belonging and bonding 💕
Well said and outstanding analysis. I am from HK and lived many years in North America. Other than finance, It is also important to consider other factors : such as living environment, opportunities for education and job or career, social system and culture. Each family or person should consider what would expect in the future if they decide to stay or to move before making the proper decision. Both Canada and US have a relatively good social system for the unfortunates.Please realize that you need to make adjustments if you move to another country. Don’t expect to get “ freebies” from the free country. You need to make contributions including working hard and paying taxes. Moving to North America is the best decision in my life. I would not be what I am if I were staying in HK. It is a challenging time for HK residents. Wish you all best of luck in you decision.
@@ll650 you should also compare the salary. USA has more job opportunities than Canada especially we are the foreigner. The average Asian American is earning 80k usd per year. Canada is only 45k usd. I am a software engineer. With all compensation. My salary is 450k last year. Canada is nowhere close.
thanks for sharing, I think we work in the same industry. I am also thinking about moving to toronto in a few years. So probably going through similar problems. Maybe see you in toronto one day
豬豬...Income tax in Canada are not 25%, if you looking at $400,000 HKG (approx. $60K CAD) income per yr. you are looking at 40% plus every dollar you spend, there will be additional 5 to 12% for GST and PST.
You will get some GST/PST/HST rebate, even at $60000 annual income. At $60,000 income , Federal Income Tax is 20.5%, and also depending on your province, (around 10% on top of the Federal Income Tax), that makes it around 31% of income tax. Nowhere near 40%+ income tax as you have mentioned. (Based on $60000 annual income) But you get lots of social benefits and free medical care (depending on your province)
@@cococly family or individual income tax? Gee, I thought the US pay less, in the US, Fed income tax is already 22% at $39476, and Canada is only 15% until $47630.
Thanks for ur reminder about not letting money take options away from us. There is no end to our desires, we really do need to step back and think what’s really important in our lives instead of chasing temporary pleasures indefinitely.
Thanks for making this video, are you suggesting HKD$7,40,000 per head? If a family of three will times 3 so $22,200,000 is required for a family of 3?
Thanks 阿豬. Very inspiring. We will also go to Canada and are planning ahead for passive income. Have viewed a lot of videos on TH-cam and learnt that for the first CAD$47,000 (per person) annual income earned thru "dividends" from eligible Canadian stocks, it's tax free in BC. While we will diversify our assets, the direction for my family is to increase our investment in eligible Canadian stocks for dividends. Will be great if you'd share your thoughts in your future videos. Thanks!
Here's how to do it, noted that it's per person, so a couple could get almost 100K Cdn tax free, pretty comfy living.
@@AhJu Thank you for the reply. I was referring the eurobonds. So basically the coupon income will be added to your taxable income , no special tax treatment?
Don't forget car and medical and house insurances. Especially medical or senior care can break your bank overnight. I would go UK because for sure u will get UK citizenship. Thanks.
Very well said sir!
@@AhJu I subscribed to your channel already. Very informative and very well laid out. Keep up the good work!
我2017年帶了好少錢就全家來了墨爾本生活 中間失業做散工維持 還要供樓 都係咁過左 未洗用老本 我來之前無計咁多嘢 阿豬的分享對擔心移民生活的香港人好重要 我會分享比D朋友 謝謝
Alex Yeung 散工做Aged care 照顧年老/傷殘婆婆 帶佢地去買菜
同佢地煮飯 高峰時5個客 夠生活
後來找到長工就炒剩一個客 因為個個客已經成為了好朋友 做part time 當幫忙 現在墨爾本疫情下這個兼職都完全停了 反而利用lockdown 時間考牌進修 年中考到一個牌即時有人工加 下年年初如如期考多個牌 事業又會轉變 把握疫情無街去 專心在家 係讀書黃金時期
You are not the only one! 我同老婆都係帶咗好少錢(一定買唔到一部Mazda 3!) 同我同學相比無移民個D,佢地多咗錢,但係聽佢地講現在己經唔夠分 申請,試過一次同D為錢無移民同學食飯,佢地D小朋友講英文真係典型香港人講英文。加上我地早移民早買樓,佢地就算而家甩咗香港層樓都唔好得過我地好多, 輸咗自己時間,輸咗小朋友英文。
哈哈哈 最后一句求生欲好强
"Money gives me options, not limiting my life." Well said! Thank you Chu Sir~! :D
你的分享很有啟發 簡直是當頭棒喝!好詳細 很好的分析!多謝
Never like the church people, they are all moronic!
thank you, the final conclusion is very insightful "money gives you options, don't let money limit you options"
100% agree w/you, the options are what we need
你今集講得好正! 錢唔會搵得曬,我自己理念係人生係要生活(平凡可以了)不是生存! 完全認同小朋友學多啲野唔代表人生一定會贏! 👍🏻👍🏻
Thanks for your compliment!
Ar Chu, well said. Thanks for sharing all video. Good luck and all the best to your journey.
無意中發現豬兄呢個 channel. 👍🏻👍🏻. 我幾年前1家4口移民美國, 移民前10幾年已好似豬兄解劃移民後嘅生活. 而家正正就係做緊豬兄所講嘅嘢 - 移民後退休靠passive incone 去生活. 提醒大家豬兄所講嘅7%投資回報收入, 比較難達到. 我自己股票投資就預算4% dividend income 去維持生活費, 所以投資嘅本金大家可能需要預鬆d.
多謝分享 Roy
Really good advice in the end. Something alot of people feel trapped in their minds about. Money is never enough.
Thank you.
Thank you Kennis
因為快要退休,所以現在的投資都注重cash flow. 兩年前開始投資apartment syndication. Preferred return 已經有7-8%, after sale IRR 13-15%, 或者5年之後賣可以大概double 之前嘅投資. 當然亦可以買屋收租。不過要在一些high population growth 嘅地方買才好。如果你自己住嘅地方不屬於 high population growth,可以睇吓俾人管理有冇得賺. 我之前有睇過一些在佛羅里達州新屋投資,每年可以有7-8%嘅回報。一般做呢啲apartment syndication 都係專業人士,雖然比啲錢佢哋賺,但係佢哋對市場研究俾我哋自己小屋主應該係好啲。
Thanks for sharing Marina
If you have skilled work experience, under 30 years old, and can score IELTS-G 7.5 or above, you should apply via "Express Entry". Good luck.
well said,好值得睇多兩次
You are so kind and wise! Proud to have you as a HKgers . All the best to you. I have already the money for retirement and emigration, and have the full foreign passport. What held me back? Because I love the efficiency of HK, love the food and Chinese culture ! Because HKgers have subject to a lot of pressure to toe the red line, there grew a sense of belonging and bonding 💕
最鐘意你無廢話 主題清晰 內容夠資訊性!!
多謝你分享呢個睇法 幫到我更加清楚自己想要咩嘅生活!! Thank you !!
Well said and outstanding analysis. I am from HK and lived many years in North America. Other than finance, It is also important to consider other factors : such as living environment, opportunities for education and job or career, social system and culture. Each family or person should consider what would expect in the future if they decide to stay or to move before making the proper decision. Both Canada and US have a relatively good social system for the unfortunates.Please realize that you need to make adjustments if you move to another country. Don’t expect to get “ freebies” from the free country. You need to make contributions including working hard and paying taxes. Moving to North America is the best decision in my life. I would not be what I am if I were staying in HK. It is a challenging time for HK residents. Wish you all best of luck in you decision.
thank you CC
無錯,鐘意你最後講對錢嘅睇法! Support
Thanks Matthew
多謝你做既片,獲益良多,亦都好佩服你做到財務自由, 羨慕羨慕
你D配圖好搞笑, 講D concept又好易明
@@AhJu 其實我依家就似你片頭講咁樣, 年紀已經大到差唔多最後關頭, 又唔夠錢做投資移民, 方法其實好似你咁讀書移民, 但係真係好擔心, 用曬D 錢, 得50/50 機會
@@AhJu 我可以私信問下你一D 心得嘛, 我想聽下你既分析
So envious of the low cost of living and laid back lifestyle in Toronto. Take a look at NY.
@@ll650 you should also compare the salary. USA has more job opportunities than Canada especially we are the foreigner. The average Asian American is earning 80k usd per year. Canada is only 45k usd.
I am a software engineer. With all compensation. My salary is 450k last year. Canada is nowhere close.
睇哂你d片,好informative, 分析得好有條理,加油
Samf17 多謝你捧場!
你頻道講解好清晰, 今一理通百理明!😃
Thanks cho
主要是要组合保证到7%, 在目前这个低息环境下, 其实好有难度.
thanks for sharing, I think we work in the same industry. I am also thinking about moving to toronto in a few years. So probably going through similar problems. Maybe see you in toronto one day
Thanks for watching Michael!
阿豬移民日記 Thanks for making such a good video 阿豬。 看得出你很有心機去做。
多倫多唔係唔鍾意洗車,係洗車超級平 買套票 一千蚊港幣洗90日, 圍起十零蚊港幣一次兩個幾加幣一次。
真係touch heart ,真係忙碌生活為咗咩....
I enjoy watching your video. Thanks for your efforts. 加油
Thanks for watching Tracy
多謝你又返嚟啊 Mike!
阿豬移民日記 我都好多謝你嘅分享,繼續支持你!
Mr. Pig 你分折得非常之詳細 ,亦安排日後在Toronto 的生活費的安排得很有條理 ! 近來Toronto 的 Condo 的租金亦回落少許 ! Good Luck !
Amy Li, thanks for your support! I’m looking forward
Ah Ju, thank you for sharing!
Welcome mi. Next week I’ll talk about ETF !
本身係公司食飯開無痕睇緊,特登要登入subscribe同like你。 你分享有關金錢的講法真係好好。我自己岩出黎做左野一陣都覺得自己有掉入去呢個賺錢循環的危機。謝提醒!
聽落去你仲後生.加油啊 B Wong!
好多謝你啊ah Ju. 而家喺香港做緊護士,不過由細到大一直以來都對經濟股票呢啲冇乜概念,一直都想學投資但又冇認真去學(因為覺得好悶)。不過最近因為又想移民都有Concern到錢嘅問題,好鍾意睇你嘅片。無論係移民系列定係投資系列,好有條理得來,睇得出你背後個腦好犀利👍🏻好識得分析👍🏻幫助到我更加仔細去諗移民要Concern嘅位!多謝你做緊咁有意義嘅嘢🤚🏻🤚🏻我會努力學習!
Your analysis is so professional. Thank!
So happy to hear that Devin
Thx for ur sharing esp your thoughts about money, agree w u Money should be giving us options 💪🏻
Glad to hear there are like minded people
有捨才有得, very good👍
好準,我都係咁同D friend 講,7.5 mil 夠晒。叫佢地過嚟。但我哋年紀大D。其實加澳好正。其他地方唔知。
Thanks 阿朱🌱🌱🌱太好的分析
豬豬...Income tax in Canada are not 25%, if you looking at $400,000 HKG (approx. $60K CAD) income per yr. you are looking at 40% plus every dollar you spend, there will be additional 5 to 12% for GST and PST.
You will get some GST/PST/HST rebate, even at $60000 annual income.
At $60,000 income , Federal Income Tax is 20.5%, and also depending on your province, (around 10% on top of the Federal Income Tax), that makes it around 31% of income tax.
Nowhere near 40%+ income tax as you have mentioned. (Based on $60000 annual income)
But you get lots of social benefits and free medical care (depending on your province)
@@cococly family or individual income tax? Gee, I thought the US pay less, in the US, Fed income tax is already 22% at $39476, and Canada is only 15% until $47630.
Thanks for ur reminder about not letting money take options away from us. There is no end to our desires, we really do need to step back and think what’s really important in our lives instead of chasing temporary pleasures indefinitely.
hope u successful in your immi plan.
Thanks for making this video, are you suggesting HKD$7,40,000 per head? If a family of three will times 3 so $22,200,000 is required for a family of 3?
在加拿大有四大城市,東岸有Toronto 和 Montreal, 而西岸有Vancouver 和 Calgary 。 除香港外,Vancouver 屋價最高,在加拿大氣候最溫和,生活模式最似香港。 但很少香港人會留意到Calgary。 若是退休的話,Calgary是一個很好的地方,有七萬多華人,鄰近美麗的Banff 國家公園,可媲美瑞士,稅率最低,也不乏華人超市、酒樓和港式茶記等等。 屋價較Toronto便宜,天氣和Toronto 差不多,但濕度較低。 若想下一代學好英語的話,來Calgary 較好。 在Vancouver生活,可以廣東話走天涯,香港人最易適應。
I like Calgary too
我很同意你要plan, 但你比較的方法要加入當地原素. 例如外國買車可平香港三分一至多個一半。油價是香港的三分一,維修起碼平一半 ! 超市一般食品,牛奶,牛扒是香港一半. 還有你的生活會改變。 医療你會買保險, 娛樂會有新hobby. 不過我覺得你要有更多buffer. 因為會好多unexpected事件發生.
Good tips Martin
Absolutely agree with you!
Great video mate! I really like your conclusion on this video. Money does give us options.
Thanks Chris!!
From Vancouver 🙋🏻♀️..Very well said! Best wishes to you
@@martinlu4690 住過你就知。
@@ErwinLau 但係我冇住過哦~可否講少少實例來聽吓?多謝!
@@martinlu4690 佢講得好過我
@@ErwinLau 收到,多謝~
Hello Ah Ju, 今日第一次發現你既channel, 一口氣睇左好幾條片. 你既資訊真係好informative!!! (包捨講理財 &財務自由既video)當我由2020年想移民果刻先開始改善自己的理財習慣,我諗我同樓主你參唔多年紀,但我過往不善理財,導致而家儲蓄不多 .... 我打算行stream A路線去vancouver, 而家都積極儲緊錢,請問你覺得2人 (SP+SOWP) 要預多少錢才可以出發呢?thank you!
你好阿豬,我都係啱啱移民左一年半,而家去左英國。咁啱個channel都係無出樣,你個channel好正,教左好多錢嘅概念... 我本身做攝影,就係最差金錢概念。希望你個visa快d批! 利申,已subscribe :)
多多指教!我都subscribe 你先!Wah, 啲animation 你自己畫咖?
@@AhJu 邊有咁叻,用app. 原意同你一樣,出聲唔出樣,但又唔想無畫面
Thanks 阿豬. Very inspiring. We will also go to Canada and are planning ahead for passive income. Have viewed a lot of videos on TH-cam and learnt that for the first CAD$47,000 (per person) annual income earned thru "dividends" from eligible Canadian stocks, it's tax free in BC. While we will diversify our assets, the direction for my family is to increase our investment in eligible Canadian stocks for dividends. Will be great if you'd share your thoughts in your future videos. Thanks!
That’s a great idea Angela. Let me research into this area. Keep u posted
Here's how to do it, noted that it's per person, so a couple could get almost 100K Cdn tax free, pretty comfy living.
Thank you for your sharing. It is very useful.
Glad you enjoyed it Emers!
Very useful. Thanks for sharing
bonds cause depreciation every year. Not safe🧐🧐🧐. Good speech anyway👍👍👍👍
Thanks Lisa
Thanks Ah Ju. Would like to ask if you know the tax rate on foreign bond income please? Say if coupon income is the only source of income.
It depends on a range of factors. Like where is the bond from. Where you are. Your income. Etc
@@AhJu Thank you for the reply. I was referring the eurobonds. So basically the coupon income will be added to your taxable income , no special tax treatment?
Thank you for your sharing . I didn’t do comparisons as detailed as you to figure out amount for retirement that I need precisely . Inspired . 🙏🏻
Thank you Mabel
You may need to add the car insurance also..medical insurance and utilities would be much higher than Hong kong
I like your talk, very detail. Thank you.
Support! thanks for sharing!!
Thanks chit!
extremely good explanation of "need"
Don't forget car and medical and house insurances. Especially medical or senior care can break your bank overnight. I would go UK because for sure u will get UK citizenship. Thanks.
Thanks FKM
Thanks 阿豬! Do you have any good investment ideas?
Hello! 我覺得股票三月後已經升左唔少,會觀察下先考慮。反而我幾喜歡黃金你可以睇以下嘅video了解為什麼
very useful information and clear explanation. like!!
Can't agree with you more on your observation to money.
非常適合佛誕時考慮吓 :)
Just my opinions ^_^
Very meaningful
Thank you Dereck!
做左幾年 有時睇到好多大過我既同事 人工都講緊60k-100k 但option 愈黎愈少 好大原因係層樓太貴 諗緊自己點樣唔好步佢地後塵
Thanks for your support!!