I hope you are going to posting more videos. My husband and I look forward to watching these videos about these different species of trees and what they look like. Just curious about what some of these woods are used for in carpentry or woodworking like furniture or building materials.
Hello from the Netherlands. I subscribed to your channel a few weeks ago. Now busy to catch up watching your videos. I love the peace and quietness, very soothing. As a kid I spent some time in a local sawmill here, loved the scent of freshly cut wood. I can almost smell it when you start sawing the lumber. Maybe it's time for me to start a small sawmill, I know I'd love my job. I wish you the best of luck and prosperity. John
ひゃぁー!!!なるほどねぇ・・・・この縞縞模様は正にピンクの虎 素晴らしい表現です。
十分に枯らしたカゴノキ 長い年月で朽ちかけた表皮を剥げばどんな美しいものに出会うかがこの仕事の醍醐味だぜと青レンジャーは呟いた。
果たして 稀有な虎にまみえて満足そうなレンジャーであった。
したね⤵️散布しないから出たですよ⤴️😜大好き💕ですので安心して児なゃ無し?❗️😅😅 2:04 2:04
カゴノキ クスノキの仲間だからか、奇麗な赤味の強い材が取れるんですね。広葉樹で、幹が暴れるから、繊維が乱れて、杢が出やすいのでしょう。
因みにカゴノキは、ハマビワ属の常緑広葉樹の高木です。同じ属には、ハマビワ、バリバリノキ、アオモジの四種が日本に生育しています。カゴノキは、樹皮が鹿の子のように、白い斑点がたくさん散って居ることから、付けられた名前で、鹿子の木 と、表記すると由来が分かりやすいです。
I'm completely immersed in the world of this video, it's mesmerizing.
I love this couple. I have watched them for a long time - what a great team. X
How beautiful. I am amazed how the external part of a tree - the bark - can conceal such beautiful timber.
Hi Mr & Mrs Kirishima. Beautiful pink lumber. The heathering reminds of U.S.A cream colored sugar maple. Beautiful. Thanks. 😍😊😉👍❤️💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
No 'click bait' here! Two hard working people producing beautiful lumber.
What a beautiful piece of wood. The compression waves are spectacular. ❤
That would make some beautiful and expensive rifle stocks...and the scraps could be use for some expensive pistol grips.
I hope you are going to posting more videos. My husband and I look forward to watching these videos about these different species of trees and what they look like. Just curious about what some of these woods are used for in carpentry or woodworking like furniture or building materials.
Wow 🤩 very exclusive log , a great opportunity !!!! 👍😎
Hello from the Netherlands.
I subscribed to your channel a few weeks ago.
Now busy to catch up watching your videos.
I love the peace and quietness, very soothing.
As a kid I spent some time in a local sawmill here, loved the scent of freshly cut wood.
I can almost smell it when you start sawing the lumber.
Maybe it's time for me to start a small sawmill, I know I'd love my job.
I wish you the best of luck and prosperity.
You and your wonderful wife are wizards at conjuring gorgeous planks from logs!!
love the tiger stripes
hello from Haida Gwaii. love what you do and your reverence for the spirit of the wood. ❤❤❤✌👍👍❤
Do u guys sell box of small cut off???? I would love to work with all the special wood u guys cut. But we don't get in the USA.
Amazing video friends
Extraordinarily cool
Beautiful wood,missed seeing your video's.
I would strongly consider NOT stepping between the work piece and the running blade. 🙏
Агов Шановні! У Вас все добре? Щось дуже давно немає нових відео. Надіюсь, що всі живі та здорові.
Harimau mbahmu iku