personally I don like the new quick combat rules. It removes too much of the strategy in my opinion. No more stances, and no more deciding which airplanes are for air cover, and which are for ground combat....not to mention no more damaged they just remove to much for me...We find the biggest time-consuming part is removing the units from the board and doing the math, so you get to 30 but no more...
Thanks a bunch for this as always now I am set for when it arrives :D
Gonna play this coming Saturday. Looking forward to it.
So excited for this version!
Is the quick battle system optional?
personally I don like the new quick combat rules. It removes too much of the strategy in my opinion. No more stances, and no more deciding which airplanes are for air cover, and which are for ground combat....not to mention no more damaged they just remove to much for me...We find the biggest time-consuming part is removing the units from the board and doing the math, so you get to 30 but no more...