Kobirita That sounds more like a comic book movies trope than an actual comic book tropes. I mean, tons of Spiderman antagonist only showed up decades after his first appearance, and I can think of many superheroes who got their abilities after their antagonist
Here's to hoping that we eventually get to see the real Galactus in the MCU after the Disney/Fox Merger goes down (I think Galactus would make for a good end of Phase 4 villain for everyone to go up against)!
In the original comic Stan Lee and Jack Kirby tried to get into the wedding and they wouldn't let them in. So it's accurate and honestly my favorite Stan Lee scene
Well, actually, In my search for people whose last name is story, this instance of the name story/storey comes from an old norse epithet "stori" a derivative of "storr" which comes from "large" or "big." It can also mean "vast" or "Rough."
He has stretching street clothes in the comics, no reason why he shouldn't have them in the movies. He simply used the stretching material from their battle suits and made normal looking clothes.
The military guy trusts Doom despite the fact that he caused public destruction for everyone to see and is obviously not to be trusted. Oh and by the way HIS NAME IS FRIGGEN DOOM!!
4:00 I remember hearing that this happens in the actual comics (though I believe he's supposed to be with Jack Kirby when they're trying to get in). It's probably the most fitting cameo he could have in this movie.
These movies weren’t bad for it’s time. It just the fact that they aged terribly seeing how mcu is basically raking in all the loot. totally agree that the 2015 version sucks though
So wait, NO SIN FOR THAT NOT ACTUALLY BEING GALACTUS?! Galactus is not a fucking tropical storm, he's the living embodiment of a galaxy past and the galaxy future.
Actually that didn't make me as mad as I thought It would. Be honest, with the effects that this movie has shown us would a giant man in a weird ass helmet look less or more stupid than cloud galactus
I'd have gone with something like this fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/361/9/8/galactus_by_adamlimbert-d35tlu1.jpg coming out of the cloud. I can just picture a hand forming out of the clouds, then an arm, then a head and torso... It'd have looked cool as shit.
actually what i think they were really going for wasn't that galactus WAS the cloud but that galactus was IN the cloud since in the scene where the surfer goes to "kill" him you can see the silhouette of his head in all that firey stuff. they probably thought his usual suit would make him look silly and people wouldnt take him as seriously
As to the sin as to why the surfer got powers that could stop Galactus: the original comic book intention for the Surfer was that he was like frankenstein's monster creature that was created by Galactus with no sense of right or wrong, he just did what he was told. But that eventually changed when the people in charge wanted to give the Surfer an actual backstory.
What blows my mind was the finale of Spider-Man. You know that cartoon the '90s. I mean that was a hugest fourth wall break I've ever f****** seen man. it's been years since I watched the show but I'm still baffled that on how Deadpool is not jealous of that huge wall break.
I friggin love this channel. And I friggin love his signature sins, like the "cliches", "That's Racist!", "Bullsh*t" and so on! I always laugh at those! :D
I love how he adds Sins for the Movie "Taking scenes from other movies" when the Movies he claims they took it from came out AFTER This one. Some even multiple years after
Agree. Iron Man came out a year after this and the hero falling back to himself was featured in Man of Steel released much later. This film also has a few things going for it: SILVER SURFER, some of VFX and that’s about it…
How about "In the previous movie, it was explained that their outfits were also affected by the cosmic storm, letting them be unharmed by the various powers of the characters. But at reed's bachelor party, his regular shirt stretches a a number of feet and then retracts with no problem."
Another sin. How was the moment when the Silver Surfer throwing a projectile at Victor Von Doom captured for the military to see? Did Victor have a camera man on stand-by or hiding somewhere capture the whole thing, knowing it'll lead to an altercation?
Doom's helicopter is just off to the side of their altercation, Doom unlike most heroes and villains does not land his helicopter 5 miles and a mountain away from where he is going. Let's not forget this is the man who cured an incurable disease overnight to prove he was smarter than Reed from pure spite and genius.
I was starting to think this was slightly better than the first one. Then all of a sudden, Galactus is an octopus cloud. The baddest villain in the literal Marvel universe, the Devourer of Worlds, and they decided "Ehh, his outfit is cheesy. Let's make him remind us of the Cosmic Bullshit plot device from the first one. But give it tentacles, it makes it spookier." Marvel Studios screwed the pooch on this one.
I think Fantastic Four 2015 has a bad enough predecessor that even if it's bad it'll look better by comparison. But honestly I have as much hope for it as Sony giving up the rights to Spider Man.
I think that space cloud is is better than dressed in XXX-infinity size purple latex suit alien that looks *EXACTLY LIKE HUMAN*, despite being cosmic-sized. It would look ridicoulus. It's not 60' anymore, aliens don't have to perfectly resemble humans.
The worst part about it was the non-Galactus in the final scene. He's supposed to have purple and blue tights, be 40 feet tall and have a metal antler helm.
You guys realize this movie came out a year before Iron Man, right? How can it be a rip-off of something that didn't exist yet? If anything by your logic, Iron Man ripped this film off.
You may have missed a sin. When the Silver Surfer drops Johnny into the desert, his temperature and the heat he gains from dropping into the atmosphere DEFINITELY should have turned that sand into glass.
@@chrisallie2224 Ahh yes down syndrome well known for making your eyes bigger and bright blue, it literally makes your eyes smaller and effects your IQ due to extra chromosome , Sure you dont have down syndrome ?
It's kind of sweet in a way that The Thing has moved from most people being afraid of him to "here please hold my children by the scruffs of their shirts for a cool photo.
It also came out before Green Lantern. And the 'ship splits into smaller ships' was from the comic books back in the early 60s, so before ST:TOS, much less Next Gen.
The only thing that I didn’t mind about this film was it’s interpretation of Galactus I felt like if you wanted him to be realistic that this makes a lot more , it’s much easier to make a genderless sentient cloud thing look realistic with CGI than a giant human but who knows maybe Marvel can actually pull off the whole giant human thing and actually make it work
Marin Marquez from the first movie to the second movie they changed her eyes completely she looked crazy in this second movie, they coulda easily explained it by some throw away line about how her powers have effected her eyes or something sciencey bs
+Marin Marquez They used some crazy low quality contacts. I mean contacts that are so low quality I could get betters ones 10 years ago at any optometrists. Seriously the baby blue contacts are silly and are a major detraction from the movie...
This movie sucked. Why was Galactus a giant cloud instead of the big purple guy? Also,why does Doom have a standard American accent? Isn't he supposed to be from Latveria, which is Eastern European?
+LeCoolFace And the Silver Surfer was not an Earth human, he was from Zenn-La...this movie makes it seem like he "regains his humanity" but why do we have to assume human-like creatures from other planets have the same moral values as we do? Hell, we don't even have the same moral values we do! I mean he gave up his supposed humanity to save his home world from Galactus in return for awesome superpowers to use to let Galactus consume other planets...
LeCoolFace And what I'm saying is Radd might have been "Human" but assuming that all similar human species from other planets behave the same way as we do here is racist, and that's a sin.
LeCoolFace Not really, he did it for a good reason. Beings that want to destroy your world are evil, no mater where you are from sure, but I don't think you get what I'm saying. Why should other species of human (or greater) levels of intelligence share our beliefs in good and evil? And no, the retort "Why shouldn't they" is asking me to prove a negative so it doesn't work (and asking the negative of someone else's question is just childish)
+LeCoolFace vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/3/32/Galactus3.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130710001019 this guy look pink to you? you sir are colorblind also bad joke is bad please don't bring FNAF in where it doesn't belong.
It's hard to steal a scene from a movie that was made after this movie. Also, they had their Fantastic 4 plane that could separate long before TNG was a thing.
neverest357 It was lazy, there are sooooo many jokes you can make about a movie that bad. He wasted a golden opportunity to thoroughly bash of that horrible train wreck.
Holy heck... I've seen this movie a million times but never remember that Andre Braugher was there in it, so when I saw him I literally screamed "HOLT??!!"
Superman13195 true. pulling the 'This guy isn't the actual Mandarin, Killian is. oh wait, we're just kidding the real Mandarin is somewhere else!' that was annoying. but i did like Trevor, he was kind of funny. and you have to admit, this leaves the opening for the actual Mandarin with his magic rings, especially once they get the Doctor Strange movie going since that will most likely introduce magic on Earth.
Superman13195 ugh, i hated Wolverine Origins. they totally messed up Deadpool. they got the merc with the mouth at the beginning but then they just, flopped. i actually liked IM3, i own the Blue-ray/DVD combo (sucks i can't get the JARVIS app, i don't have an i-phone or i-pad and they haven't made it for Android phones). and the thing with Thor, it's sort of hard to explain? i know what the Asgardians have humans call magic, but it's just science humans don't understand yet. and i'm like, 50/50 for the Strange movie. on one hand it could be great, on the other it could be horrible. we won't know until it comes out.
How is their fireproof lingerie? Did the lingerie stores some how assume that a lot of women would want to sleep with Johnny? Unless fireproof lingerie already exists because of some fire fetish or BDSM.
+MikoyCreator Guessing you are from the States, and unaware of UK regulations and EU directives to stop smokers setting themselves on fire by smoking in bed.....I'm not making this up, all lingerie has to be fire resistant over here, after people died or badly burned by dropped cigarettes or open fires catching the hem of garments
+MikoyCreator Yeah, but my MP is trying to get fancy dress costumes (incl. superhero outfits) subject to the same laws, so a Johnny Storm outfit would have to fire-proofed. Life imitates art?
I just noticed that when Reed is dancing with the girls in the club, and reels them in with his rubbery arms, his shirt sleeves ALSO stretch all the way out to pull them in, lol....I guess he created an entire stretchy wardrobe?
Well it could be like a custom clothing. I can see somehow recreating the suit in a more casual form. Though in this case i think it was the people didn't bother they just wanted to show off flexible movement
even superheroe movies must follow thair rules and one rule is that only the suits are capable of hold the powers well suzan cant go invisible with normal clothes and jony cant go burn form with normal clothes or they get wrecked.. so your argument is invalid. by the way phsysik fucks it again because to strech like that the clothes must be pinned on his arm or with glue or i dont know something to hold it on place .... just to say
4:32 The "nope" was just funny for some reason. He could have just said "there's no way he could hear that from that far away or over the sound of his own flames".
And unfortunately, the way this channel works is for satire and comedic purposes but i don't think he has enough balls to critique high school musical and not include 100 pings of "That's Gay". Imagine the haters.
But that's not as much of a joke: A lot of movies have a character hit a wall, or hit a trash can or car, for no reason. The "movies after" points out that the movie after was more successful at it.
The rip-off joke is a running gag, but the joke here is that more people have seen iron man than have seen fantastic four 2. He is (I would have thought) poking fun at those people, who would say that it is a rip off because they wouldn't know any better!
Shouldn't the rock dude, who the previous film implied weighs about the same as a truck, sit in the centre of the plane, to stop it overbalancing...? [Ding!!] Also, he can get into vehicles not designed to take his implied weight...? I know physics means bugger-all in the Marvel universe, but there are times when even they must realise that nobody older than 10's gonna be buying this! [Ding!!] 2:00 I see logos. So THAT's how they funded this mess! [Ding!!] 9:29 Also, that's a Kodiak bear. Those only live in one tiny part of America. How the hairy fuck did one make it to Germany? [Ding!!] 10:18 Exposition by ripping off the Teletubbies...! [Ding!!] It ate Saturn. That would cause all kinds of chaos with the Solar system. Not to mention if this planet-eating thing is as massive as it must be after eating loads and loads of PLANETS, then first off, why do celestial bodies it passes by not get slingshot in all directions, and wouldn't we notice it coming, from all the massive earthquakes and storms it'd cause...? [Ding!!] Also, why does the Space Cloud O' Doom actually need to approach our planet, anyway? We'd fall into it if it even came close. [Ding!!] Destroying enormous evil cloud monster with a massive release of energy causes no damage to the near side of Earth whatsoever. None. Is Earth's atmosphere magic, now? [Ding!!]
It pisses me off that they didn't go "Giant man dressed in purple" with Galactus as if their aproach was somehow less silly. Nobody with a notion of how gravity works is gonna take it seriously anyway.
+Annoying Nerd the producers specified that underneath the fog, he looks like the classic version. They wanted to keep it a surprise for a silver surfer spin-off.
Lol what a bunch of assholes. That's like if Iron Man 3 had the Mandarin be a fake and the producers said "Don't worry, that's not the real Mandarin! The real Mandarin will show up in another movie!" Oh wait...
You missed the real last sin. Venice has always been sinking into the Adriatic Sea. It's kind of an occupational hazard of being a city built on water. I loled when I saw the movie years ago, and I loled just now when I saw you didn't notice.
"Ripped off Iron Man." This came out a year before the first Iron Man movie and therefore cannot rip it off. *DING!* Also, "not Andy Serkis." I know Andy Serkis is an amazing actor for motion capture and whatnot, but Doug Jones is a good actor when it comes to playing different creatures using makeup effects. Cinema Sins is a dick to Doug Jones. *Ding!* (I'm kidding, though. I like Cinema Sins.)
Yeah, this is the point that I was making. I know the Cinema Sins uses the "rip off" joke a lot, but it doesn't make sense for a movie that came out first to rip off a movie that came out afterwards.
That is one of the things that disappointed me about the movie. Galactus was just a blob of space crap and not a real character. I don't think it was counted as a sin because probably only people who know the comic and cartoons would notice.
To be fair, I'm pretty certain that Galactus looks different to each species that looks at him, So he could just look like that normally. Still doesn't make up for not having him be his 'Normal' form.
My theory is this. They focused too much on the wedding and had no time for a good Galactus development OR they wanted him for the third movie (which never happened) OR they couldn't get an actor that fit Galactus (either didn't like actors for the role OR didn't have the budget for a good actor) so they made it like this as an excuse to not show Galactus but still have Galactus
There is actually an explanation for that, but it's plain crap. They were wearing those suits while the space thing happened in the first movie, and so all of those suits also get those powers, e.g, Richards suit becomes stretchy
They clearly tried really hard to make Jessica Alba white in the sequel - she's visibly paler, her hair's a lighter blonde, and they jammed horribly fake blue contacts in her eyes. I don't know if that's racist or just tacky.
They left out the greatest sin of all: The pussification of Silver Surfer. You know that board that in no way gives him his power and you could even snap in half and he could make another? Thats now his source of power and you can just steal it and gain all of his power.
I think Cinema Sins should exclude the "Copied from " sin if the movie being judged came out before the movie that the particular sin was copied from. In this one he should have excluded the "Copied from Iron Man" and "Copied from Green Lantern" sins.
Thacrazytaco It would be if it was funny, also they could've easily make the joke valid and funny just by changing some words... instead of saying 'oh a killing cloud, rip off from the green lantern' they only had to say 'humm a killing cloud, now we know where green lantern got their bright ideas from' fuck it's even funnier this way...
Haruko Ryuu wait 5 minutes guys, if im correct they dont do sin videos until the DVD comes out, unless FOX decided not to bother with the cinema release and just let CinemaSins live sin the thing
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Also, Galactus doesn't need holes to devour other planets, but then somehow needs holes to devour Earth. I mean, come on, Jupiter's much bigger than Earth.
OWEN STINSON How is Johnny not dead from being in space...unprotected? From what i was told without a space suit or enough protection one would literally explode in space. But you know what fuck science.
CYbr Wolfie You wouldn't explode in space but your death (which would only take seconds) will be absolutely torturous. There's a youtube video about what would happen to the human body in space without protection.
"Answer me this. Why would a planet-eating space monster put in his employ an indentured servant and give him the power source capable of overthrowing the monster? If the surfer is this powerful, why the fuck did he ever allow himself to be the slave and let his planet and girlfriend be threatened." I haven't watched the full movie, so I don't know if they explained this in the movie, but here's my response (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong): 1. He's not a 'planet-eating space monster'. Galactus is a cosmic entity wielding immense power that cannot be sustained fully unless he consumes the energy of entire planets. 2.While the silver surfer IS Galactus' most powerful herald, he does not nearly posses power that would allow him to be capable of destroying Galactus. Galactus chose him to find planets that he could consume and in doing so, he had to make the surfer powerful enough to a. Survive in space b. move in space at incredibly fast speeds over incredibly far distances c. survive forever without any food or water d. protect himself from any other entity or being that would try to cause him harm along the way. this means that he had to be made pretty darn powerful, but Galactus is a being of pure energy who existed in a universe before ours, and caused the big bang of our universe. The Surfer is NOT more powerful than Galactus nor would Galactus ever allow him to be. 3. The reason why the surfer allowed himself to be enslaved even though he was so powerful is because at the time, he was NOT powerful. His name was Norrin Radd and he lived on the planet Zenn-La where everyone was simply a humanoid being with power equivalent to that of Earth humans. His society was almost a Utopia but one day, a UFO came hurtling down from the sky. No weapons could penetrate it and Zenn-La's ultimate computer told the people that they had no chance. They discovered that the UFO was Galactus's ship, (Galactus is not a giant storm cloud by the way) and Galactus threatened to eat their planet. Norrin Radd, a normal, non-powerful person volunteered to be Galactus's herald and find him planets to eat in exchange for Galactus not eating his planet. Galactus accepted and made him into the Silver Surfer. He had to be enslaved because otherwise his planet and everyone on it would die. He couldn't fight against Galactus because he wasn't powerful enough, and even if he was, (which he wasn't) he certainly wouldn't have known it at the time. 4. As to why he allowed his planet and girlfriend to be endangered, as I explained above, he DIDN'T. They were originally threatened by Galactus which NORRIN RADD couldn't have done anything about. By becoming the Silver Surver and enslaving himself to Galactus, he was PROTECTING his planet and girlfriend who he couldn't have otherwise stopped from being devoured and killed. Keep in mind I got all this from the original comics, not the movie, and because movies always screw up characters and their origins, I understand that he could have had no way of knowing all this. Even if he did, he was basing his sins on the movie, regardless of the comic origins. Also, I'm not trying to be annoying or smart-alack-y, (which I'm sure I already have, lol) but as the comic nerd that I am, I felt obliged to speak the truth. :)
Great explanation! I wish one day the Silver Surfer can make an appearance in the MCU. Perhaps since Thanos is dead now, Galactus can become the new Thanos in the next Avengers movie. If this could come true, not only would it make for a great movie but, it also opens the window for the Silver Surfer to make his appearance into the MCU. That would be EPIC.
A BIG SIN you missed were all of those moments when Reed's regular clothes were somehow able to stretch along with his powers. All of those moments include when he's storing his luggage on the plane, dancing with the ladies at the bachelor party and when Ben carries him out of the lab to the wedding when Reed starts to remember that he's getting married. That's quite a stretchy wardrobe of clothes he's got. But remember, the only other piece of clothing that was exposed to the storm along with Reed other than his current superhero outfit was his grey Von Doom Space Station uniform. So this aspect here is quite a sin.
Sin: the ads on johnnys costume don't burn up even though the first movie says that the only thing that keeps the suit from burning up was because they wore their outfits in space when they got they're powers
Pepper Potts? In the novelization (which was amazing, btw), she is a genius and great secretary. She gets her boss's job because he's a suck-up to Stark and would rather tell Stark everything was fine rather than "hey your math is off that should be a 4 not a 1".
I just love this one: "It's amazing how comic book villains start showing up on Earth right after comic book heroes get their powers"
***** Yeah, that's true, but still I think it's funny, and pretty accurate :P
Kobirita That sounds more like a comic book movies trope than an actual comic book tropes.
I mean, tons of Spiderman antagonist only showed up decades after his first appearance, and I can think of many superheroes who got their abilities after their antagonist
Kobirita Well, if it appeared before they got their powers then it wouldn't be a superheroes movie, would it?
MrBX5 It could still be... While the villians attack, a "hero" could get their powers, while trying to fight the "bad guy"
+Steve Clapper yeah doom did but how about silver surfer and galactus (;
Captain America: The Human Torch
Captorch Humerica…
"Look at me, I'm the captain now" - Human Torch 2011
Proof he's a fantastic actor.
DIdn't mean that pun, but will take it.
HotaruZoku sadly, he is a mediocre actor
But he sure is nice to look at!
Man Galactus was so embrassed to be in this movie he hid himself in fire and smog
Hilarious🤣🤣🤣 And true😏
that is the most true thing ive ever heard, but I still like the movie
Here's to hoping that we eventually get to see the real Galactus in the MCU after the Disney/Fox Merger goes down (I think Galactus would make for a good end of Phase 4 villain for everyone to go up against)!
In the original comic Stan Lee and Jack Kirby tried to get into the wedding and they wouldn't let them in. So it's accurate and honestly my favorite Stan Lee scene
Human Torch: The First Avenger
Sed the same thing
Yo mumma is the first one
Chris Allie childish
YRN GAMING yo mumma
"movie with no story directed by a guy name story"
haha XD
+Glen Coco I'm just amazed that there is someone out there whose last name is Story... Americans have some odd names.
Well, actually, In my search for people whose last name is story, this instance of the name story/storey comes from an old norse epithet "stori" a derivative of "storr" which comes from "large" or "big." It can also mean "vast" or "Rough."
'which comes from large' omg imagine if someone's first name was Dick and they had that surname xD
I read this as soon as he said that 😂
What if Tim Story directed Toy Story?
Another one: How did Reed's normal clothes stretch with him during the bachelor party?
He has stretching street clothes in the comics, no reason why he shouldn't have them in the movies. He simply used the stretching material from their battle suits and made normal looking clothes.
Nano technology!
Geez. Unstable Molecules!
@@Sc0rpJoe you know what we say about the source material here!
It was a wizard (Simpson reference)
The military guy trusts Doom despite the fact that he caused public destruction for everyone to see and is obviously not to be trusted. Oh and by the way HIS NAME IS FRIGGEN DOOM!!
Doom is german and means „Happyness“
...also these giant robots are called DECEPTICONS!!!
To think that this guy got another chance, to be Captain America.
BrainSeepsOut he is the perfect captain america though. he plays the role so well
BrainSeepsOut he is the perfect captain america though. he plays the role so well
LoL Stacker Yeah but it's still a sin. Ding.
LoL Stacker
He won't be Cap for long...
NickDaGamer1998 yep, marvel's gunna screw that up
im on a cinemasins binge, lord help me
I just found them and am doing the same lol
48 hours no sleep zzzzzzz............... *oh what*
we have all been thru that
there is no cure. 😱
still in it?
Also Stan Lee getting denied to the wedding of his own characters.
+Cullan Mythen Oakhier Happened that way in the actual comic. Shame it didn't get mentioned. It's worth a sin off
No kidding! That was line for line the way it happened in the comic.
Ironically this is the second movie wedding he couldn't get into if you count Princess Diaries 2.
The biggest disservice of this movie
I would like to compliment Chris Evans for so perfectly capturing the essences of two completely different superheros
"Movie with no story directed by a guy name story"
300 likes for 300 spartans!
He stole the story of the movie for his name
All of the story went into that guys last name
I literally liked this to be the one thousandth like
5:20 But this film came out before Iron Man? Just saiyan
Just sayian? Or Super Sayian?
Dwayne Collins His power level... IT'S... 1006. Kick his ass.
And this was made after that
Xanthios73 wait nappa....WHAATTT!! His power level is over 9000.
@Zachary Holy shit people are STILL doing that joke...
Is it bad that I use this to watch films I've never seen before?
+Demented_Duck555 Beats spending a ton of time watching movies to the end realizing they're bad.
+ShadeKill Gaming thank you. See this guy gets it
+Demented_Duck Nope.Avoids paying for shite and also 2 hours of my life
+Demented_Duck Cinemasins make every movie look bad LOL.
4:00 I remember hearing that this happens in the actual comics (though I believe he's supposed to be with Jack Kirby when they're trying to get in). It's probably the most fitting cameo he could have in this movie.
As bad and cheesy as these films were, I enjoyed them alot better than the 2015 version
The only good Fantastic Four movie is The Incredibles.
These movies weren’t bad for it’s time. It just the fact that they aged terribly seeing how mcu is basically raking in all the loot. totally agree that the 2015 version sucks though
JOBO Fuck off
So wait, NO SIN FOR THAT NOT ACTUALLY BEING GALACTUS?! Galactus is not a fucking tropical storm, he's the living embodiment of a galaxy past and the galaxy future.
Actually that didn't make me as mad as I thought It would. Be honest, with the effects that this movie has shown us would a giant man in a weird ass helmet look less or more stupid than cloud galactus
I'd have gone with something like this fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/361/9/8/galactus_by_adamlimbert-d35tlu1.jpg coming out of the cloud. I can just picture a hand forming out of the clouds, then an arm, then a head and torso... It'd have looked cool as shit.
Tho I think that idea might have been cool I can still see people complaining about it.
actually what i think they were really going for wasn't that galactus WAS the cloud but that galactus was IN the cloud since in the scene where the surfer goes to "kill" him you can see the silhouette of his head in all that firey stuff. they probably thought his usual suit would make him look silly and people wouldnt take him as seriously
Galactus is made of pure energy, they could've just kept him in that form because a thousand foot purple guy wouldve kinda looked ridiculous
As to the sin as to why the surfer got powers that could stop Galactus: the original comic book intention for the Surfer was that he was like frankenstein's monster creature that was created by Galactus with no sense of right or wrong, he just did what he was told. But that eventually changed when the people in charge wanted to give the Surfer an actual backstory.
What blows my mind was the finale of Spider-Man. You know that cartoon the '90s. I mean that was a hugest fourth wall break I've ever f****** seen man. it's been years since I watched the show but I'm still baffled that on how Deadpool is not jealous of that huge wall break.
The "VidCon girls" bit made me burst out laughing lmaoooo
Wow wtf Nathan why are you like everywhere I am
Ahh I love you and your channel!!
5 sins removed for Cinema Sins because you researched the bears in germany
Problembär ;)
But well: This movie is from 2007, probably shot in 2005-2006. So the bear in this movie IS Bruno ;)
certainly not, because bruno strolled through bavaria, which is not where the black forest is located!
@@fahrinurlaub01vg, all landmarks in a country stand next to each other. Ask any US movie.
@@HelgaCavoli add the ones from earlier like going through Japan, then Egypt, Then LA, then Paris.
I friggin love this channel. And I friggin love his signature sins, like the "cliches", "That's Racist!", "Bullsh*t" and so on! I always laugh at those! :D
NNEEEEEEEEEERD. Thats my favorite.
My favorite is "...What?" Just love the way it's delivered I guess.
I love it when he just sighs at stupid lines, haha.
"There goes HBO"
Favorite sin ever: "Something someone is something"
I love how he adds Sins for the Movie "Taking scenes from other movies" when the Movies he claims they took it from came out AFTER This one. Some even multiple years after
Agree. Iron Man came out a year after this and the hero falling back to himself was featured in Man of Steel released much later. This film also has a few things going for it: SILVER SURFER, some of VFX and that’s about it…
Yeah he's not a smart guy. Also his constant SJW idiocy.
@@ambrar12 yeah I stopped watching this channel. It started neat when it was actually flaws like with some of the Jaws video. But then this shit
-I'm very serious. I took my hair out of a ponytail for this.
Hahahahahaha, that cracks me up
Patachu665 I read this as soon as he said it. Ah, great timing makes it even better X'D
Missed sins : Rid is capable to extend normal clothes made out of normal tissues like it was his uniform. *ting*
Omg I didn't notice that 1 sin to the movie and 5 points to you.
Says Missed sins when there is only one
Flutter Crafter DING!
just playing devil's advocate here, but is it possible reed invented stretchy clothes at this point?
they explained in the first movie that reed made clothing that stretched as far as he can. He also made clothes to suit sue's and johnny's powers.
How about "In the previous movie, it was explained that their outfits were also affected by the cosmic storm, letting them be unharmed by the various powers of the characters. But at reed's bachelor party, his regular shirt stretches a a number of feet and then retracts with no problem."
"I'm very serious. I took my hair out of my ponytail for this."😂
lol "poor bastards thought they were getting a 3rd movie" XD
SPVCXGHØSTPURP 98 they didn’t get one cuz because the movies sucked and could burn in hell
@@yourfriendlyofficer1214 Just like you're spelling
@@yourfriendlyofficer1214 "cuz because"??
@@c_f0rce you're spelling????
@@c_f0rce LMAO
Another sin. How was the moment when the Silver Surfer throwing a projectile at Victor Von Doom captured for the military to see? Did Victor have a camera man on stand-by or hiding somewhere capture the whole thing, knowing it'll lead to an altercation?
Perhaps Doom wanted to provoke the Silver Surfer in order to record how and when the Silver Surfer uses his powers.
Doom's helicopter is just off to the side of their altercation, Doom unlike most heroes and villains does not land his helicopter 5 miles and a mountain away from where he is going. Let's not forget this is the man who cured an incurable disease overnight to prove he was smarter than Reed from pure spite and genius.
I was starting to think this was slightly better than the first one. Then all of a sudden, Galactus is an octopus cloud. The baddest villain in the literal Marvel universe, the Devourer of Worlds, and they decided "Ehh, his outfit is cheesy. Let's make him remind us of the Cosmic Bullshit plot device from the first one. But give it tentacles, it makes it spookier."
Marvel Studios screwed the pooch on this one.
Fox owns the rights to Fantastic Four unfortunately (movie rights). Which sucks cuz Marvel would make these movies a million times better in the MCU
SinnedNogara And in retrospect, make Dr. Doom the main villain in The Avengers movie as the comic books usually made him out to be.
Jason Carson I always thought an Avengers movie with Galactus and the Skrulls in it would be awesome.
I think Fantastic Four 2015 has a bad enough predecessor that even if it's bad it'll look better by comparison. But honestly I have as much hope for it as Sony giving up the rights to Spider Man.
I think that space cloud is is better than dressed in XXX-infinity size purple latex suit alien that looks *EXACTLY LIKE HUMAN*, despite being cosmic-sized. It would look ridicoulus.
It's not 60' anymore, aliens don't have to perfectly resemble humans.
The worst part about it was the non-Galactus in the final scene. He's supposed to have purple and blue tights, be 40 feet tall and have a metal antler helm.
You guys realize this movie came out a year before Iron Man, right? How can it be a rip-off of something that didn't exist yet? If anything by your logic, Iron Man ripped this film off.
Taking the internet seriously. Ding
I loved iron man :/
The comic that have been out for decades
You obviously have not seen CinemaSins' "Everything Wrong With CinemaSins" video.
You may have missed a sin. When the Silver Surfer drops Johnny into the desert, his temperature and the heat he gains from dropping into the atmosphere DEFINITELY should have turned that sand into glass.
this is the best fantastic four movie yet (which is sad)
I'm sorry, but that honor goes to Roger Corman's unreleased film (which is even more sad).
+Jeffrey Heesch nah that one is cheesy as hell
The best fantastic four movie is the incredibles
+Carlos Ike true that
+Carlos The G.O.A. T Oh, you did NOT fucking go there.
Missed a sin. Pause at 2:03 and you'll notice that Reed's powers apparently allow him to grow extra fingers when he needs them.
Poor Jessica Alba, she just looks like her eyes are going to explode when she has on those glasses and contacts.
Still bery perrty though.
José Murillo Sáenz well of course.
Not really,kind of looking Down syndrome
@@chrisallie2224 Ahh yes down syndrome well known for making your eyes bigger and bright blue, it literally makes your eyes smaller and effects your IQ due to extra chromosome , Sure you dont have down syndrome ?
And they trusted the horrible escaped criminal Von Doom with the outcome of the Earth should have been 3000 sins alone.
Ikr. That was so stupid.
Doom is a soverign leader of a country and super genius wizard who despite having a hate Boner for Reed is considered a hero by literal gods
@@DEMIxGODxSHADOW yeah COMICS Doom not this candy ass Raimi Green Goblin wannabe ass movie Doom
Jessica Alba may not be gifted with acting or musical or any other talent, but man is she hot
I guess someone never watched: James Cameron's: Angel, starting none other than.... Yep! Jessica Alba!!!! She was really good in that show
Vladimir Rasplicka well she’s literally worth more money than Beyoncé so that’s ok lol
The show is called Dark Angel.
It's kind of sweet in a way that The Thing has moved from most people being afraid of him to "here please hold my children by the scruffs of their shirts for a cool photo.
Is it just me or does anyone else want to see everything wrong with the Narnia movies
the fact that the movie exist is already a sin...
The first one is okay. The second is crap. And I haven't seen the third
Apparently, it's not just you.
lol i guess not
He did the first two so far
5:15 but this movie came before iron man...
They don't care, you know ;)
***** aahhh, I forgot. One of the main appeals of this channel is that they really don't give a sh*t about what they say. And that's awesome.
Ethan Barclay I said the same thing about iron man coming out after this movie.
It also came out before Green Lantern. And the 'ship splits into smaller ships' was from the comic books back in the early 60s, so before ST:TOS, much less Next Gen.
@@Schiebelini yeh, they gave the MCU intro a point for sin
This movie came out in 2007. Iron Man came out in 2008. Green Lantern came out in 2011. So how could this movie possibly rip those two off?
Welcome to cinemasins.
Fantastic four was even earlier in 2005
They are all comics. So, the director could literally have picked up some spare comics around and went 'Hmmmm...EUREKA! this is gonna be awesome!' XD
Not to mention that aside from this movie coming out years before Green Lantern; Galactus debuted decades before Parallax in the comics.
The only thing that I didn’t mind about this film was it’s interpretation of Galactus I felt like if you wanted him to be realistic that this makes a lot more , it’s much easier to make a genderless sentient cloud thing look realistic with CGI than a giant human but who knows maybe Marvel can actually pull off the whole giant human thing and actually make it work
Jessica Alba's eyes were brown, her characters eyes were blue from the comics. so that's what happened to her eyes
Marin Marquez from the first movie to the second movie they changed her eyes completely she looked crazy in this second movie, they coulda easily explained it by some throw away line about how her powers have effected her eyes or something sciencey bs
Contacts exist. They made things weird and hard for no reason, like that time my cousin-
+Marin Marquez They used some crazy low quality contacts. I mean contacts that are so low quality I could get betters ones 10 years ago at any optometrists. Seriously the baby blue contacts are silly and are a major detraction from the movie...
+Darius Peyton Or they could've kept the same type of contacts from the first movie.
+Aj Hampton lmao very very true point - if it ain't broke don't fix it right
This movie sucked. Why was Galactus a giant cloud instead of the big purple guy? Also,why does Doom have a standard American accent? Isn't he supposed to be from Latveria, which is Eastern European?
Why is he a cloud? Twentieth Century Fox that's why
+LeCoolFace And the Silver Surfer was not an Earth human, he was from Zenn-La...this movie makes it seem like he "regains his humanity" but why do we have to assume human-like creatures from other planets have the same moral values as we do? Hell, we don't even have the same moral values we do! I mean he gave up his supposed humanity to save his home world from Galactus in return for awesome superpowers to use to let Galactus consume other planets...
LeCoolFace And what I'm saying is Radd might have been "Human" but assuming that all similar human species from other planets behave the same way as we do here is racist, and that's a sin.
LeCoolFace Not really, he did it for a good reason. Beings that want to destroy your world are evil, no mater where you are from sure, but I don't think you get what I'm saying.
Why should other species of human (or greater) levels of intelligence share our beliefs in good and evil? And no, the retort "Why shouldn't they" is asking me to prove a negative so it doesn't work (and asking the negative of someone else's question is just childish)
this guy look pink to you? you sir are colorblind
also bad joke is bad please don't bring FNAF in where it doesn't belong.
First sin should of been, "There was a sequel."
This movie exists. DING!
Silver Surfer actually did try to kill Doom. It’s just that Doom is extremely durable allowing him to withstand the attack.
You forgot to make it a damn sin that Reed's clothing was stretching with his body even thought they are normal ass clothing that doesn't stretch.
I hated Doom's entire "Earth is going to be eaten by a giant spacecloud but I'm too busy joy-riding an alien surfboard to care."
It's hard to steal a scene from a movie that was made after this movie. Also, they had their Fantastic 4 plane that could separate long before TNG was a thing.
Does nobody understand jokes anymore?
CinemaSins is well aware of the years these movies were created.
neverest357 It was lazy, there are sooooo many jokes you can make about a movie that bad. He wasted a golden opportunity to thoroughly bash of that horrible train wreck.
***** stupeedd
neverest357 It's setting up another 'sins in cinemasins' I reckon.
I believe it's just a running joke. Like the "That's Racist" one.
Holy heck... I've seen this movie a million times but never remember that Andre Braugher was there in it, so when I saw him I literally screamed "HOLT??!!"
Wow, narrator claims this movie rips off a bunch of movies made after it cliche!
Add to that, The large aircraft breaking into smaller ones appeared in Fantasic Four comic books before it was used by any other T.V. series / movie.
redmarvel Cinema Sins rule: books don't matter! I guess it includes comic books.
Biggest sin of this movie? No f'n Galactus!! No, THAT... whatever that shit was... was NOT Galactus.
It reminded me a bit of Ultimate Galactus but yeah it was pretty shit
The biggest sin is using Internet Explorer as a browser. But I think you know what I mean )
true. pulling the 'This guy isn't the actual Mandarin, Killian is. oh wait, we're just kidding the real Mandarin is somewhere else!' that was annoying. but i did like Trevor, he was kind of funny. and you have to admit, this leaves the opening for the actual Mandarin with his magic rings, especially once they get the Doctor Strange movie going since that will most likely introduce magic on Earth.
ugh, i hated Wolverine Origins. they totally messed up Deadpool. they got the merc with the mouth at the beginning but then they just, flopped.
i actually liked IM3, i own the Blue-ray/DVD combo (sucks i can't get the JARVIS app, i don't have an i-phone or i-pad and they haven't made it for Android phones).
and the thing with Thor, it's sort of hard to explain? i know what the Asgardians have humans call magic, but it's just science humans don't understand yet. and i'm like, 50/50 for the Strange movie. on one hand it could be great, on the other it could be horrible. we won't know until it comes out.
"Introduce magic on Earth"? What, like introducing magic to the normies? Everyone will be able to do magic? Ned? Anyone?
silver surfer needs a good polishing, he's more tarnished than my grandma's silverware
He's more tarnished than Arin Hansonses's Dick.
POLISHing? That's racist *ding*
I have never been more let down during a movie than when the credits rolled and I realized that Galactus was just a giant cloud.
5:19 didn't iron man come out after this movie?
That's the joke.
Our last hero "Thats the joke" cliché
Yep. So Iron Man ripped this off
Dogpool and does it better
I love when he does the NERRRDDDDDDD thing hahahahah
The nerd thing from Simpsons subtracts 20 sins from an already sinful movie *ding*
Shaun Vega dragon ball z abriged
Silent doing the"copying someone's comment" cliche *ding*
Malcolm McGlashan You like to play w/ coc?
+Fit Fernandez C.O.C means Clash Of Clans
How is their fireproof lingerie? Did the lingerie stores some how assume that a lot of women would want to sleep with Johnny? Unless fireproof lingerie already exists because of some fire fetish or BDSM.
Their clothes take on their powers! Didn't you hear!?
Ya I heard but isn't that only the fantastic four's outfits?
+MikoyCreator Guessing you are from the States, and unaware of UK regulations and EU directives to stop smokers setting themselves on fire by smoking in bed.....I'm not making this up, all lingerie has to be fire resistant over here, after people died or badly burned by dropped cigarettes or open fires catching the hem of garments
Oh, well that changes everything but then again. Isn't that the risk smokers take for smoking in the house in the first place.
+MikoyCreator Yeah, but my MP is trying to get fancy dress costumes (incl. superhero outfits) subject to the same laws, so a Johnny Storm outfit would have to fire-proofed. Life imitates art?
Even if they destroy Galactus, the Earth is screwed if it already destroyed Saturn. It would completely change the orbits of the other planets.
Still a better movie than fan4stic.
Fanta stick 4
FANT4STIC sucks.
Fan 4 stick is whatta call mah penis
Bruce Banner Then Hulk SMASH the Sequel!
I just love the way you make the shittest of movies so fun to watch =P
I just noticed that when Reed is dancing with the girls in the club, and reels them in with his rubbery arms, his shirt sleeves ALSO stretch all the way out to pull them in, lol....I guess he created an entire stretchy wardrobe?
2:48 A sin to CinemaSin for not noticing Reed's regular clothes stretching like his superhero costume does 🔔
How many superhero roles does Chris Evans have
He did a movie called push were he has superpowers and a super villian in Scott pilgrim vs the world
So that's four at least
+SinSlasher505 Just like Ryan Reynolds playing a Merc with a Mouth talking about Ryan Reynolds.
+Koby Glennon he was in push?
i love these. you pretty much get to watch the entire movie in a fraction of the time and spot all the mistakes at the same time.
another thing why do his clothes strech with him even if this are normal clothes... they said it so mansy times only te suites are capable of that
i mean mr fantastic .. sorry forgot to say that
Well it could be like a custom clothing. I can see somehow recreating the suit in a more casual form. Though in this case i think it was the people didn't bother they just wanted to show off flexible movement
still not possible
madara gan It's a superhero movie...
even superheroe movies must follow thair rules and one rule is that only the suits are capable of hold the powers
well suzan cant go invisible with normal clothes and jony cant go burn form with normal clothes or they get wrecked.. so
your argument is invalid.
by the way phsysik fucks it again because to strech like that the clothes must be pinned on his arm or with glue or i dont know something to hold it on place .... just to say
4:32 The "nope" was just funny for some reason. He could have just said "there's no way he could hear that from that far away or over the sound of his own flames".
I meant 3:32
Now do Everything Wrong with High School Musical
People need to see this comment.
Yes! Yes! Do it Cinema Sins. Make this guy's brilliant idea come true, lol.
Am I the only one who thinks that they'd have an aneurysm from attempting to capture all those sins?
And unfortunately, the way this channel works is for satire and comedic purposes but i don't think he has enough balls to critique high school musical and not include 100 pings of "That's Gay". Imagine the haters.
Yeah :D
Why do you nail movies for "ripping off" movies that came AFTER them?
Also, you missed Reed's clothes somehow stretching with him when he's dancing at the club.
its a joke that he does, sort of like all the bad boy jokes he makes in transformers movie, even though he knows they are all directed by Michael Bay.
sheraldford I don't know, it doesn't really strike me as a joke the way "Somebody is a dick to somethings" is a joke. It just strikes me as a flaw.
But that's not as much of a joke: A lot of movies have a character hit a wall, or hit a trash can or car, for no reason. The "movies after" points out that the movie after was more successful at it.
The rip-off joke is a running gag, but the joke here is that more people have seen iron man than have seen fantastic four 2. He is (I would have thought) poking fun at those people, who would say that it is a rip off because they wouldn't know any better!
I lost it at "Reed still wants to marry Sue despite her freak alien eyeballs"
What's really wrong with her eyes?
+Breyon Harris Terrible, terrible contact lenses to make her eyes blue.
I know this movie did not do Galactus right or anything, but I still like it. I think the switching powers thing is fun.
Shouldn't the rock dude, who the previous film implied weighs about the same as a truck, sit in the centre of the plane, to stop it overbalancing...? [Ding!!]
Also, he can get into vehicles not designed to take his implied weight...? I know physics means bugger-all in the Marvel universe, but there are times when even they must realise that nobody older than 10's gonna be buying this! [Ding!!]
2:00 I see logos. So THAT's how they funded this mess! [Ding!!]
9:29 Also, that's a Kodiak bear. Those only live in one tiny part of America. How the hairy fuck did one make it to Germany? [Ding!!]
10:18 Exposition by ripping off the Teletubbies...! [Ding!!]
It ate Saturn. That would cause all kinds of chaos with the Solar system. Not to mention if this planet-eating thing is as massive as it must be after eating loads and loads of PLANETS, then first off, why do celestial bodies it passes by not get slingshot in all directions, and wouldn't we notice it coming, from all the massive earthquakes and storms it'd cause...? [Ding!!]
Also, why does the Space Cloud O' Doom actually need to approach our planet, anyway? We'd fall into it if it even came close. [Ding!!]
Destroying enormous evil cloud monster with a massive release of energy causes no damage to the near side of Earth whatsoever. None. Is Earth's atmosphere magic, now? [Ding!!]
It pisses me off that they didn't go "Giant man dressed in purple" with Galactus as if their aproach was somehow less silly. Nobody with a notion of how gravity works is gonna take it seriously anyway.
Well if Earths atmosphere wasn't magic then it would have eaten our planet Duhhh!
Three of those sins shouldn't count because like in most superhero comics and movies : Space is warped and time is bendable.
I read that in the Cinema Sins voice. Way to point those out :)
3DSDF Just because a lot use it doesn't mean it's not a sin.
Silver Surfer is a Teletubby
ZachPlaysAllDay-(ZPAD) If you do not get the reference, get out.
+Martin Tresidder Well, that's quite a rude reply.
VideoGameLova1 Not at all. If you don't know what aTeletubbie is then theres no point explaining it as you won't get the joke anyway.
the galactus in this movie was shit
Yes. As in literally space poo.
+Niall Reid no, a space fart or fog
+Annoying Nerd the producers specified that underneath the fog, he looks like the classic version. They wanted to keep it a surprise for a silver surfer spin-off.
plus 4 million sins for that.
Lol what a bunch of assholes. That's like if Iron Man 3 had the Mandarin be a fake and the producers said "Don't worry, that's not the real Mandarin! The real Mandarin will show up in another movie!" Oh wait...
The silver surfer was always one of my favorite comic characters
but Iron-Man came out in 2008 so Iron-Man kinda ripped fantastic 4
actually the iron man film ripped off the comic
Yeah I was wondering about that
+Aris Ioannou The only thing that matters is that Iron Man is good. This is not.
Ultima IX true
You missed the real last sin. Venice has always been sinking into the Adriatic Sea. It's kind of an occupational hazard of being a city built on water. I loled when I saw the movie years ago, and I loled just now when I saw you didn't notice.
"Ripped off Iron Man." This came out a year before the first Iron Man movie and therefore cannot rip it off. *DING!*
Also, "not Andy Serkis." I know Andy Serkis is an amazing actor for motion capture and whatnot, but Doug Jones is a good actor when it comes to playing different creatures using makeup effects. Cinema Sins is a dick to Doug Jones. *Ding!*
(I'm kidding, though. I like Cinema Sins.)
that Rip off thing has been in this channel for years, you can actually see that in previous EWWs
Bogri Namka
Yeah but I don't think they usually do rip off lines about movies that came out before the 'ripped off'
Yeah, this is the point that I was making. I know the Cinema Sins uses the "rip off" joke a lot, but it doesn't make sense for a movie that came out first to rip off a movie that came out afterwards.
***** well then what about TDKR rip off (sort of)? he clearly called SS Bane
Bogri Namka I wrote that comment midway through the video. Either I hadn't gotten to that part or I forgot about it. I didn't bother editing it.
My favorite thing about this movie is that Captain Holt is in it for some reason
Wait... did I missed the sin that Galactus was just a giant space-cloud instead of Galactus?
That is one of the things that disappointed me about the movie. Galactus was just a blob of space crap and not a real character. I don't think it was counted as a sin because probably only people who know the comic and cartoons would notice.
To be fair, I'm pretty certain that Galactus looks different to each species that looks at him, So he could just look like that normally. Still doesn't make up for not having him be his 'Normal' form.
My theory is this. They focused too much on the wedding and had no time for a good Galactus development OR they wanted him for the third movie (which never happened) OR they couldn't get an actor that fit Galactus (either didn't like actors for the role OR didn't have the budget for a good actor) so they made it like this as an excuse to not show Galactus but still have Galactus
Wait, THAT was Galactus!?
Sin, why exactly does mr fantastic regular clothes also stretch ?????
because fuck movie logic
There is actually an explanation for that, but it's plain crap.
They were wearing those suits while the space thing happened in the first movie, and so all of those suits also get those powers, e.g, Richards suit becomes stretchy
Maybe he made clothes that look like regular clothes, but also stretches so he can show of.
I think it's because the designer of those clothes is Edna Mode.
Nick Bob Read the original message again. He wasn't referring to the suit.
They clearly tried really hard to make Jessica Alba white in the sequel - she's visibly paler, her hair's a lighter blonde, and they jammed horribly fake blue contacts in her eyes. I don't know if that's racist or just tacky.
Don't be ridiculous. She is already white. They don't have to make her white.
Protector of the Republic Actually she is half-Mexican
Protector of the Republic how is Jessica Alba white?
Protector of the Republic Her dad's Mexican-American, plus just look at her, does she look like any white girls you know?
I wish. I really, really wish.
The one major pro in both of these movies is that the casting was on point. Especially for Johnny Storm.
They left out the greatest sin of all: The pussification of Silver Surfer. You know that board that in no way gives him his power and you could even snap in half and he could make another? Thats now his source of power and you can just steal it and gain all of his power.
It was for convenience. :/
Greer Jones And that's a sin.
I think Cinema Sins should exclude the "Copied from " sin if the movie being judged came out before the movie that the particular sin was copied from. In this one he should have excluded the "Copied from Iron Man" and "Copied from Green Lantern" sins.
it's a joke
Thacrazytaco It would be if it was funny, also they could've easily make the joke valid and funny just by changing some words... instead of saying 'oh a killing cloud, rip off from the green lantern' they only had to say 'humm a killing cloud, now we know where green lantern got their bright ideas from' fuck it's even funnier this way...
CinemaSins, please do Fantastic Four 2015. My brother is ranting, so I want to see what you say about it.
Haruko Ryuu Agreed.
Haruko Ryuu wait 5 minutes guys, if im correct they dont do sin videos until the DVD comes out, unless FOX decided not to bother with the cinema release and just let CinemaSins live sin the thing
Ian Lister I can wait as long as needed. I'll be happy as long as it's eventually done.
I want to see it done as well
The way they portrayed Galactus should be 100 sins at least
So many missed opportunities to make Captain America jokes about Johnny
How can a move that came out before Iron Man rip off Iron Man? That's a sin.
you dont understand a joke? Thats a sin
You must not have seen any other video of these guys they make that joke a lot. Its not serious.
The only sin about that comment was that you spelt 'movie' wrong.
xToxicViper Ever heard of a typo? Wiseass.
Hooch Hogan Nevertheless, that spelling is wrong.
In the first movie only their suits stretch/become invisible/do not burn. Here Reed's usual clothes stretch with him too ?
In the gap between the two films, he went clothes shopping with Bruce Banner.
Catherine Bradbury
Yeah, magic stretchable pants that can hold a mini cooper inside.
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Catherine Bradbury Or he got Edna Mode from the Incredibles to make him some
4:52 its not a cliche if they were LITERALLY THE FIRST COMIC BOOK SUPERHEROES EVER
Sin #142 "Not so tough now, are you?" cliche.
Also, Galactus doesn't need holes to devour other planets, but then somehow needs holes to devour Earth.
I mean, come on, Jupiter's much bigger than Earth.
loanwe247 Also note that Galactus didn't need the holes to eat the the first planet that the Surfer showed to Sue. And that planet sure was solid
scockery must need solid mass or something
OWEN STINSON How is Johnny not dead from being in space...unprotected? From what i was told without a space suit or enough protection one would literally explode in space. But you know what fuck science.
CYbr Wolfie You wouldn't explode in space but your death (which would only take seconds) will be absolutely torturous. There's a youtube video about what would happen to the human body in space without protection.
Yay Captain Holt.
Holy shit I thought i was the only one.
I hate it when [Sergeant Jeffords] says that. He should say, "Cheers to the Ninety-Ninth Precinct!"
"Answer me this. Why would a planet-eating space monster put in his employ an indentured servant and give him the power source capable of overthrowing the monster? If the surfer is this powerful, why the fuck did he ever allow himself to be the slave and let his planet and girlfriend be threatened."
I haven't watched the full movie, so I don't know if they explained this in the movie, but here's my response (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong):
1. He's not a 'planet-eating space monster'. Galactus is a cosmic entity wielding immense power that cannot be sustained fully unless he consumes the energy of entire planets.
2.While the silver surfer IS Galactus' most powerful herald, he does not nearly posses power that would allow him to be capable of destroying Galactus. Galactus chose him to find planets that he could consume and in doing so, he had to make the surfer powerful enough to
a. Survive in space
b. move in space at incredibly fast speeds over incredibly far distances
c. survive forever without any food or water
d. protect himself from any other entity or being that would try to cause him harm
along the way.
this means that he had to be made pretty darn powerful, but Galactus is a being of pure energy who existed in a universe before ours, and caused the big bang of our universe. The Surfer is NOT more powerful than Galactus nor would Galactus ever allow him to be.
3. The reason why the surfer allowed himself to be enslaved even though he was so powerful is because at the time, he was NOT powerful. His name was Norrin Radd and he lived on the planet Zenn-La where everyone was simply a humanoid being with power equivalent to that of Earth humans. His society was almost a Utopia but one day, a UFO came hurtling down from the sky. No weapons could penetrate it and Zenn-La's ultimate computer told the people that they had no chance. They discovered that the UFO was Galactus's ship, (Galactus is not a giant storm cloud by the way) and Galactus threatened to eat their planet. Norrin Radd, a normal, non-powerful person volunteered to be Galactus's herald and find him planets to eat in exchange for Galactus not eating his planet. Galactus accepted and made him into the Silver Surfer. He had to be enslaved because otherwise his planet and everyone on it would die. He couldn't fight against Galactus because he wasn't powerful enough, and even if he was, (which he wasn't) he certainly wouldn't have known it at the time.
4. As to why he allowed his planet and girlfriend to be endangered, as I explained above, he DIDN'T. They were originally threatened by Galactus which NORRIN RADD couldn't have done anything about. By becoming the Silver Surver and enslaving himself to Galactus, he was PROTECTING his planet and girlfriend who he couldn't have otherwise stopped from being devoured and killed.
Keep in mind I got all this from the original comics, not the movie, and because movies always screw up characters and their origins, I understand that he could have had no way of knowing all this. Even if he did, he was basing his sins on the movie, regardless of the comic origins. Also, I'm not trying to be annoying or smart-alack-y, (which I'm sure I already have, lol) but as the comic nerd that I am, I felt obliged to speak the truth. :)
Ahhh so much thiiisss ^^^^ This is why Marvel need FF back, they will certainly do Galactus justice! Absolutely love the cosmic side of Marvel.
Great explanation! I wish one day the Silver Surfer can make an appearance in the MCU. Perhaps since Thanos is dead now, Galactus can become the new Thanos in the next Avengers movie. If this could come true, not only would it make for a great movie but, it also opens the window for the Silver Surfer to make his appearance into the MCU. That would be EPIC.
A Tachyon Pulse, So That's how Time Travel is Achieved in Avengers End Game, Thanks Reed.
A BIG SIN you missed were all of those moments when Reed's regular clothes were somehow able to stretch along with his powers. All of those moments include when he's storing his luggage on the plane, dancing with the ladies at the bachelor party and when Ben carries him out of the lab to the wedding when Reed starts to remember that he's getting married. That's quite a stretchy wardrobe of clothes he's got. But remember, the only other piece of clothing that was exposed to the storm along with Reed other than his current superhero outfit was his grey Von Doom Space Station uniform. So this aspect here is quite a sin.
Still curious why Galactus didn't remove the surfers powers when he was flying towards him.
Clearly lol
Google: "deus ex machina" That's the reason why.
Sin: the ads on johnnys costume don't burn up even though the first movie says that the only thing that keeps the suit from burning up was because they wore their outfits in space when they got they're powers
Pepper Potts? In the novelization (which was amazing, btw), she is a genius and great secretary. She gets her boss's job because he's a suck-up to Stark and would rather tell Stark everything was fine rather than "hey your math is off that should be a 4 not a 1".