Having trouble sleeping? Check out our collection right here on TH-cam featuring some of the products we can't sleep without! th-cam.com/users/shopcollectionSCUCRKKJXXj5iuc5Ty3byaTE703s6x7ntNwkg?scp=EAM%3D
Liam G., I wish everyone had your attitude about the world and felt the same about people who they don't even know. The world would be a better place. Love you too bro. Take care. Frank
Yes bro I feel you on that I'm from Chicago and get hit with really awesome thunderstorms and I remember being a little kid playing with my 2 older sisters in the pouring rain and standing underneath a garage because the rain would pour down like a waterfall it my mom and dad would join us too it was truly a blessing ☺goodnight and have a good day when you wake up
@@robertoflores4468 bvb mmbncbmccbmcvmbbcmbccmcvmcmvmmmvmcbmb Bcbmbb vmmbcmcmvbcmcm cbmbm b Cbcmcbmvmmbbmcbcvmbcmvmvmccmcmccccbmvmmbcvm bCncc c bvmbvmmcbbcccbbbbcccncvmccbc cbccmmvmccmmbcmcmcccmvcbmv Cvcnccmmmb bmbvm m cm m mbm Bc cb mcmmc M Mv vm cmb bbccc mb bm b mbm mm vbb Bbbbbmb mc nmm m bmmm mb bmmm m cm mmvmcmcmmvmv cmvmmm mm c m cmmm bmmvmmbmc mc Cc mm vnmc n bmmb c m m cmv Cm m Mbmb CbcM bc mmcm m bc n m m b mcm mmbc m c m bm bmmm cmcc mm mc bbmvm b bm bc mbb m Cmn m m m b ccb c m bmmb bmcm vmm ccmm b b b b mmmm bn bcbm m b Mc cmb n bmbmb mmbb mbb cmbcbvmcmbcm cbm bm mbm bc m mbb m mm mm nc v bc vmm b m cm bm b M m mb m ncbv m m c mccm vbbb cm bm M m m c m m c bmcmm b vm m mm bc mmbmm mcbccmm C cc C bm m m cbc m m cm cmbc m vcbbm cm cmmb B c mmm mm b M b c c M vm Mm cmc mnm mmm Bm ncm mcmm b cmm m m c cm m cb c n m cmb C mbb mb c v c mmmm cbmc vm b mm mcmcc bcbmcm mc bc m v mc m c bvm m m Mb mbm M mmmmmm cmbbm bmmm cb Mm nbm mb c bbmb m m cmccvm m m bb mb mmmmmcb c mmmb cmvm vmmc Cmmc bmb mm mcmmcc mm cv cbc mc c mbccm bbb m m mb mmmmmm mn bm m m mmmc mb mm cbcncmb mc c mmmcmc mmm m mcmc bmm m mccm mmnc mm cm bmmv m mm mm b mm m Mm m cb M cm c m bb bm b bm mm mm bmnb mmmmb vmm nbcb m m mm cmm bm mb mmb bmm m m vm bbm bbm mmb c m b b mm mmm m Bcm cmm mmm mm c cmcm nc m b cbcmm bcm mb v b mm m cm nc vm bmmm mc mb v bbm bcmm b nc cmcmcmm b c mcc ccmmmbv mm mbb mv b mccm mnb m cmccc c cc m m bm m b c mc mm m bbcm m mmmm c ccv mmm m mm m c mmm c mmc cb mmc c c m vm mmm b mmm m b bm c cmm mv cc bmm bbcmmbm b m mm cc bmm n bv c cc c mmm n bmm c m m mm bb mm m Mm mb bm bm bmm m c mb bbm mc mb cbbm m m m m m Bmm m m b m cmm mmm ccmmm mmcm bm nm m m m mm mmmmmcm cmmm mc mbb mm mb ccbmmm mm b bmm m m cmmm mm m mmmb bm mbm mb bmm cm m m mm m m c m vmbm bc m b m m cm m bbbmb m mmb m ccm m mmm m bm m mmb c b bmmm m mmmc m m cc m M bmc mmm c m b mm c b bm m b c bmmb b c B Bm v cm c mbmc ccmcc M b bcc mmm b mb m cmbmb m Mmmmbcbm mmb bmm c m mbm m mm mmm mb bmmm cmb mcbb bmcc b cbmcm c bcC mm Mmbm mm mm m m mcbcb cbbbbn m mcm c cmm b mm c mm mbcm c mmm m bm ccbmm bm cmcmbm ncb b m ccc c mmm c cmcmcm m mm m mm m bm ccccmm b cm b cmmm M m c m mmmm mb m bcm m mc ccmmm mb mmm bmb v bmmbm ccmm cmvm bbmbbc m m m vmm Mmb mm v vm c bkm mccmmc bmm c m cb m m mc m cmmmbm c bm mncm mc ccbcmmn b cmm c mmmm m bb b mmmbb m mcm m bm m mb mm m c cm mcmv bm vmmm b bc m m m mcm v v mccmm v v v vc mm cmcmccm mcc b cm mb c m b v v b mb m m m mb mb bb b v mcbb v cb mbcmb bcbb bb bb mcbcc cv v bbb c cbc b v Bb b cbb c mb bbb mb mb b b bcc c c cc b c b b b bbbcmb cm m mb cbb cb b b cc mb c bb c b bmb cbc bb b cb cc bbcc bc bbc b b bb bb c b m c mcCc v mm ccmcmb b m m mccm nms nvaa,z.
A few years ago I moved away from my home county in Ohio; it used to rain pretty often in the towns I lived in. If it wasn't raining and it wasn't June or July, chances were the sky was blanketed with strata clouds. After I moved, I found myself in a wildly different climate. Closer to the equator, sunnier, and with a lot less rain-I really miss it. Even with monsoon like torrents of rain from being at the edge of a hurricane didn't do much, because even though it was nice, it was quite temporary. Now, I left a lot behind, so I feel like I'm in a transient state right now: not much to call mine, nor anywhere to truly call home. However, one thing I always felt at home with was the rain in Ohio, specifically the sound of it. This video is one of the few _(if not the only one)_ that I've found that parallels that sound, and gives me some peace when it hasn't rained in a while. Even though I don't miss the people that used to be in my life, I really miss the place where I was-even if winter was a bit long, hah. Wherever you are, I hope it feels like home. For any reason, be it the place, the people, or the nuance in your daily life. I hope current events aren't leaving you too stir crazy to bear, and whatever troubles the world has are accompanied by respite in the quieter moments, even if it doesn't last forever. Wherever you may be, make sure you know where your home is.
Thank you for taking your time and writing this, I hope you have peace of mind now, rain makes me feel energetic and fresh, and I love thunderstorms. ❤️🤗
Normal people: rain is bad weather. I love when it's sunny. Me: I don't like the sun and summer that much... I absolutely love the rain and chilly weather.
Hey guys, I just wanted to stop by to send some positive energy to all of you! These past years been very tough to me. Ive been challenged mentally, emotionally and certainly spiritually. I feel like i’m finally finding myself and who I was once before when I had peace. I am thankful to come across a channel like this one that shows me that we are really all one in the same. We all have these daily struggles that we deal with that can keep us up late at night but just know that you are not alone. Knowing that I can come here and openly express myself and see others doing the same gives me hope that the world will indeed be a better place but it starts with us. We have to set an example for others and I know we can do it. Peace and Love to ALL OF YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE.
This really helped me sleep last night. And when I awoke my room was cool and I was nice and warm under my blankets just like on a rainy morning when you are comfy in your bed and hate to get out of it to go to work. Thank You
The best is when it’s a nice, not cold not too hot evening, you sit on you’re front porch that is covered but open and you just sit there on you’re phone or whatever and take in the cool breeze while listening to the rain and thunder
hi stranger, if you’re reading this. i just wanna tell you that you matter and you’re important ❤️ i know you are tired,, but please never give up. okay? i believe you can do it :) and i’m proud of you!! even though i dont know you. always think positive and ignore the negativity that surrounds you. focus on positive side and the things that makes you happy. you are doing great hun. 😙 let’s keep going. we can get through this together. you are worth it
hey to you reading this (: whatever brings you here, wether it's to fall asleep or to relax from something stressful, i just wanted to let you know that everything will be fine. If you're going through a hard time right now, it's okay to remind yourself that this is temporary, and there are many good and relaxing days to come. If you're about to sleep, i hope you will have the most beautiful dreams, and the most peaceful sleep. You are an amazing person and the world is lucky to have someone like you in it. I hope only good things, love and strenth will come your way. Goodnight (:
This video just went off, and I realized I'd slept through a peaceful night of listening - and continued listening - for hours after I awoke. How peaceful - how calming - how very pleasant it's made my day. The Beast is in a very good place. There's a freshness to nature after having conversed with the powers of the sky throughout the night. I understand I have a voice in determining where my life takes me - and I use it often. Now to go out and enjoy the nature we are part of. By creation, we are part of all things, and all things (most things) accept us and respect us when we respect them and their given place. Respect the space give to any creature - human being - or not. We have a sacred space we call our own - so do all things.
Constant and reassuring are the drops of rain that continue to fall and when they naturally begin to stop I'm already well asleep I hope you all sleep well tonight, love From New Zealand
Teacher: there’s been bad storms lately, and I’m sorry for you all because it’s been destroying your grades lately..... wait..... your grades are getting better 👁👄👁
with wifi access and a great view out the window while the sky lights up with distant thunder you can't really hear but a low rumble. AND LOTS OR RAIN!!!
This helps me sleep at night. Always love a good rain storm. I'm weird I guess because it calms me down and relaxes me. Love it! Have a restful night and God bless you.
If you are reading this, I want to tell you that everything will be fine. You are incredible, you are unique, you can face anything in your life, you have the strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle, loss or situation. You are not alone, you are loved, you have the right to feel bad and good, you have the right to feel. Be blessed by these positive vibes and live your life to the fullest. I'm sending my love to the universe so that I can reach you❤️❤️❤️❤️
This one sounds really good on my speakers. close to perfect mix I'd say. The thunder is present but mellow without the sharp close cracks of lightning....and timed perfectly. Good depth in the rain. realistic, doesn't sound like sizzling bacon. Easy sleeping. Cheers.
I'm a combat veteran and have pretty bad PTSD along with a list of other things. But falling/staying asleep is extremely hard to do, and this really helps me to do both a lot easier. Thank you and much love to everyone from Albuquerque, NM 505 💙
The best thunderstorms of my life were during monsoon season in Phoenix years ago. The whole house would shake and the sky would light up like daytime.
For anyone that is still using this audio to this day to help fall asleep. No matter what the atmosphere that you were in before you snuggle up in bed with your sheets, just know you matter. Whether you had a rough day at work/school or anywhere at all. Remember you are amazing. And if you had a wonderful today, have an even greater one tomorrow! All I want you to do, if get some amazing and well deserved sleep. Sleep tight you rockstars.
Me: Scrolling through the comments Comment: Stop reading comments and go to sleep 😴 have a good night guys Me: bruh it is 3 pm here, i only came because I miss the rain
You need to understand that we have friends who love rain all over the 🌎 world. Find out what time zones we are in before you tell someone to go to bed. By the way, if you turn on the video and go to sleep you won't no who's strolling the comments
I've been listening to this exact rain track for over 2 years now. Its simply the best, theres not a single other video that gets me to sleep quite like this one, and when i switch others on, its always with this one layered at a lower volume beneath it. 12/10
Suffering ,relief,sadness , joy and delight are all in nature . Nature is almighty to man . From Tokyo in Japan Which national are you watching this video ?
@@RafaelPellizzari ありがとう❗お便り感謝しています‼️頑張ってください‼️ Sorry the late reply ! Thank-you very much to your excellent reply ! Japan is the rainy season soon , and the rainy days are about one month . When the rainy season over , hell,s summer comes . Japanese summer is severe and dreadful . The old man has the hot stroke , and falls down every day .However , Japanese spring and autumn are incomparable beauty and comfortable season . By the way in Japan the old Emperor abdicated it for very old age , and the Crown Prince succeeds to the throne to the new Emperor . It changed a name of the year as Reiwa from a name of the year in Heisei on May Ist , 2019. Take care of yourself ! Good look . So long ! Someday please come to Japan in the height of spring and autumn .
@@shin-i-chikozima Here in southern Brazil, winter is finally ending, and so comes spring with a pleasant weather. I hope one day I can visit the shrines in Kyoto and see the Sakura flowers bloom! I recommend Iguaçu Falls in Brazil, it's an incredible natural wonder.
I am currently playing this music to assist a little young person go to sleep. This young person has been through so much trauma as a child and night time is a trigger. This music has helped her so much and really helps her see there are safe adults in this world. Thank you for such beautiful music. You are helping so many without even realising. Blessings, love and light to everyone who comes across this text
Hi. I have never met you, we will probably never meet. But you've found my comment, among all these thousands. If you are seeing this comment then take this as your sign that things will get better, that things will be alright, that you can get through this. Whatever troubles are bring you here, or if you're simply here for the sake of relaxing, remember that you are important, you are valid and that you have a right to be here. You are braver and stronger than you think. You're still here, trying to make things better and to live a better life. So whatever is keeping you up at night, it is not stronger than you. You can get through this. I don't know you, you can dismiss this as the meaningless words of a stranger, or you can believe me. Whatever you chose, I believe in you.
To the one reading this, sleep well. Forget your troubles, everything is going to be ok. Clear your mind, relax and listen to your breathing, goodnight 🌔🌙
I know i'm extremely late but what i do to relax and go to bed is 1. (If you have LED lights) set them on a dark grayish blue 2. Put your fan at max speed 3. Cover yourself in the covers but leave your face out 4. Put this audio on my speaker (My record to fall asleep after i set this up is 4 minutes and 34 seconds.) *I hope it works for you :)*
Alot of people tell me that rain makes them sad or it's God crying or it's totally a drag.....But honestly, it's just SO satisfying to listen to and to be in it is even better. To anyone who's reading this comment, may you sleep soundly and have nice dreams. 😀
That's where my grandmother grew up... Omg... Do you know any Keeblers? Before anyone else starts, yes, it's like the cookie company, and yes, I'm short....
You don't have to stay woke for 10 hours. If just go to sleep it will have the same impact to BRAINS just as if it was 🌧 raining outside. RELAX 🙏 & CALM DOWN
Having trouble sleeping? Check out our collection right here on TH-cam featuring some of the products we can't sleep without! th-cam.com/users/shopcollectionSCUCRKKJXXj5iuc5Ty3byaTE703s6x7ntNwkg?scp=EAM%3D
@@juanitalayanto595 D
To everyone who reads this- goodnight. I love you. Tomorrow could be the best day of your life. Things are gonna be okay.
Liam G., I wish everyone had your attitude about the world and felt the same about people who they don't even know. The world would be a better place. Love you too bro. Take care.
Much love mates💛
Liam Griffin 💞
U too
Hey you. Yes you random person that i will never meet.I truly hope that you will find happiness in life. Today is going to be a great day
Thank you! That really made my day much better, I hope the same thing for u! :D
Thank u so much. I needed just that. God richly bless u🤗
@@chel-c1904 ❣
Yessir 💕✨
THANK you- very sweet of you to pass on goodness to a stranger!! Have a great day!!!
Hey buddy, I love you and I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow. Now stop scrolling through the comments and get some sleep😊
Don't tell me what to do. LOL.
I love you.
You made me laugh. I sleep well. No stress. I comment positive vibes only🙏🫂
Ok. I'll try
You didn't say i couldn't reply to your comment
I think it's just me, but I always get excited when a bad storm is coming in.
allen dixon haha me to
No one:
Me every time there is a storm: "THERE'S A STORM COMING HARRY AND YER BEST BE READY WHEN SHE DOES" - Hagrid
Nah it's me to :)
Me too it's just so beautiful
i remember with my elder brother and sister, we played in the rain when i was just 5 years old , i want to turn back the time to feel that again.
Feeling same that time was awesome.... that will be more awesome if we can turn back the same time . Your comments touch my heart .💝💝💝
Yes bro I feel you on that I'm from Chicago and get hit with really awesome thunderstorms and I remember being a little kid playing with my 2 older sisters in the pouring rain and standing underneath a garage because the rain would pour down like a waterfall it my mom and dad would join us too it was truly a blessing ☺goodnight and have a good day when you wake up
I remember that too!!
@@robertoflores4468 bvb mmbncbmccbmcvmbbcmbccmcvmcmvmmmvmcbmb
Bcbmbb vmmbcmcmvbcmcm
bCncc c
bmbvm m cm m mbm
Bc cb mcmmc
Mv vm cmb
bbccc mb bm b mbm mm vbb
Bbbbbmb mc nmm m bmmm mb bmmm m cm mmvmcmcmmvmv cmvmmm mm c m cmmm bmmvmmbmc mc
Cc mm vnmc n bmmb c m m cmv
Cm m
CbcM bc mmcm m bc n m m b mcm mmbc
m c m bm bmmm cmcc mm mc bbmvm b bm bc mbb m
Cmn m m m b ccb c m bmmb bmcm vmm ccmm b b b b mmmm bn bcbm m b
Mc cmb n bmbmb mmbb mbb cmbcbvmcmbcm cbm bm mbm bc m mbb m mm mm nc v bc vmm b m cm bm b
M m mb m ncbv m m c mccm vbbb cm bm
M m m c m m
c bmcmm b vm m
mm bc mmbmm mcbccmm
C cc
C bm m m cbc m m
cmbc m vcbbm cm cmmb
B c mmm mm b
M b c c
M vm
Mm cmc mnm mmm
Bm ncm mcmm b cmm m m
c cm m
cb c n
m cmb
C mbb mb c v c mmmm cbmc vm b mm mcmcc
bcbmcm mc bc m v mc m c
m m
Mb mbm
M mmmmmm cmbbm bmmm cb
Mm nbm mb c bbmb m m cmccvm
m m bb mb mmmmmcb c mmmb cmvm vmmc
Cmmc bmb mm mcmmcc
mm cv cbc mc c mbccm bbb m m mb mmmmmm mn bm m m mmmc mb mm cbcncmb
c mmmcmc mmm m mcmc bmm m mccm mmnc mm cm bmmv m mm
mm b
Mm m cb
M cm c m bb bm b bm mm mm bmnb mmmmb vmm nbcb m m mm cmm bm mb mmb bmm m
m vm bbm bbm mmb c m b
b mm mmm m
Bcm cmm mmm mm c cmcm nc m b cbcmm bcm mb v b mm m cm nc vm bmmm mc mb v bbm bcmm b nc cmcmcmm
b c
mcc ccmmmbv mm mbb mv b mccm mnb m cmccc c cc m m bm m b c mc mm m bbcm m mmmm c ccv mmm m mm m c mmm c mmc cb mmc c c
m vm mmm b mmm m b bm c cmm mv cc bmm bbcmmbm b m mm cc bmm n bv c
cc c mmm n bmm c m m mm bb mm
Mm mb bm bm bmm m
c mb bbm mc mb cbbm
m m m m m
Bmm m m b m cmm mmm ccmmm mmcm bm nm m m
m mm mmmmmcm cmmm mc mbb mm mb ccbmmm mm b bmm m m cmmm mm m mmmb bm mbm mb bmm cm m m mm m m c m vmbm bc m b m m cm m bbbmb m mmb m ccm m mmm m bm m mmb c b bmmm m mmmc m m cc m
M bmc mmm c m b mm c b bm m b
c bmmb b c
Bm v cm c mbmc ccmcc
M b bcc mmm b mb m cmbmb m
Mmmmbcbm mmb bmm c m mbm m mm mmm mb bmmm cmb mcbb bmcc b cbmcm
c bcC
mm Mmbm mm mm m m mcbcb cbbbbn m mcm c cmm b mm c mm mbcm c mmm m bm ccbmm bm cmcmbm ncb b m ccc c mmm c cmcmcm m mm m mm m bm ccccmm b cm b cmmm
M m c m mmmm mb m bcm
m mc ccmmm mb
mmm bmb v bmmbm ccmm cmvm bbmbbc m m m vmm
Mmb mm v vm c bkm mccmmc bmm c m cb m m mc m cmmmbm c bm
mncm mc ccbcmmn b cmm c mmmm m bb b mmmbb m mcm m bm m mb mm m c cm mcmv bm vmmm b bc m m m mcm v v mccmm v v v vc mm cmcmccm mcc b cm mb c m b v v b mb m m m mb mb bb b v mcbb v cb mbcmb bcbb bb bb mcbcc
cv v bbb c cbc
b v
Bb b cbb c mb bbb mb mb b b bcc c c
cc b c b b b bbbcmb cm m mb cbb cb b b cc mb c bb
c b bmb cbc bb b cb cc bbcc bc bbc b b bb bb
b m
c mcCc v mm ccmcmb
b m m mccm
nms nvaa,z.
A few years ago I moved away from my home county in Ohio; it used to rain pretty often in the towns I lived in. If it wasn't raining and it wasn't June or July, chances were the sky was blanketed with strata clouds. After I moved, I found myself in a wildly different climate. Closer to the equator, sunnier, and with a lot less rain-I really miss it. Even with monsoon like torrents of rain from being at the edge of a hurricane didn't do much, because even though it was nice, it was quite temporary.
Now, I left a lot behind, so I feel like I'm in a transient state right now: not much to call mine, nor anywhere to truly call home. However, one thing I always felt at home with was the rain in Ohio, specifically the sound of it. This video is one of the few _(if not the only one)_ that I've found that parallels that sound, and gives me some peace when it hasn't rained in a while. Even though I don't miss the people that used to be in my life, I really miss the place where I was-even if winter was a bit long, hah.
Wherever you are, I hope it feels like home. For any reason, be it the place, the people, or the nuance in your daily life. I hope current events aren't leaving you too stir crazy to bear, and whatever troubles the world has are accompanied by respite in the quieter moments, even if it doesn't last forever. Wherever you may be, make sure you know where your home is.
Thank you for taking your time and writing this, I hope you have peace of mind now, rain makes me feel energetic and fresh, and I love thunderstorms. ❤️🤗
This was a lovely read, thank you!
This reminds me of the night before Christmas when I lived in my old house, cause it always used to rain on Christmas eve for some weird reason
what a beautiful thing to share with us 🤍
Normal people: rain is bad weather. I love when it's sunny.
Me: I don't like the sun and summer that much... I absolutely love the rain and chilly weather.
That’s why Washington is great lol. Nothing but rain haha
Me to i wish it would rain every day, i love the rain and thunder.⛅☁⚡⛅☁⚡☔⚡☁☔⛅⚡⚡☁⛅
Me too I love the rain
If it rained everyday it would be so cool
Omg. Me. I love the rain
Used to love to go into the deep woods when the weather was stormy... set up a comfy camp and listen to the sounds of nature like this.
Phoenix Michaels ugh yes please 💜
love it
I always go outside when it's raining. I enjoy being soaked by the rain. I know it's strange but that's the case.
Thats strange
man raspberry no it’s not , live yo life & enjoy nature ♥️
I must be so addicted to listening to rain when I sleep that even if it’s raining I still listen to this stuff...
I do too!! Glad to know im not alone-smiles
Me too lol
Love it 💕💕💕
Me to
Lmao xDDD
Took a long time, but I think I memorized all of the lyrics.
Comment of the year
I always get the verses mixed up
Impressive, I always mix up pdsvsfvfegefo with pdsvfvegefo
Nice to see someone else who appreciates this band!
Hey guys, I just wanted to stop by to send some positive energy to all of you! These past years been very tough to me. Ive been challenged mentally, emotionally and certainly spiritually. I feel like i’m finally finding myself and who I was once before when I had peace. I am thankful to come across a channel like this one that shows me that we are really all one in the same. We all have these daily struggles that we deal with that can keep us up late at night but just know that you are not alone. Knowing that I can come here and openly express myself and see others doing the same gives me hope that the world will indeed be a better place but it starts with us. We have to set an example for others and I know we can do it. Peace and Love to ALL OF YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE.
Would recommend for aiding in sleeping. 10/10 I am asleep writing this.
I’d recommend we both go to bed it’s really late
thanks for your humorous comment
I am also asleep reading this,you are completely right it is 10/10
I’d recommend you commit your self to a nice home
@@Jbird1978Qqqqqq its 01:17 By me RN Bc i live in germany LOLZ
This really helped me sleep last night. And when I awoke my room was cool and I was nice and warm under my blankets just like on a rainy morning when you are comfy in your bed and hate to get out of it to go to work. Thank You
White noise, rain sounds, 10 hours
I feel ya MY GIRL
Te amo se are you from sorry from Tijuana baja México
it's always relaxing when the sound speaks about nature
Maybe it did more than it's aforementioned bite
The best is when it’s a nice, not cold not too hot evening, you sit on you’re front porch that is covered but open and you just sit there on you’re phone or whatever and take in the cool breeze while listening to the rain and thunder
Nick Gall yes definitely
Nick Gall facts of life. True statement
Mine isnt covered at all and I still do this. I just sit outside and let the rain hit me.
So peaceful
Lol gotta get away from that phone though!
Let all the troubles leave you, good people. Greetings from Moscow, Russia
Hello a year later from a friend in Florida, USA.
For you too, my friend! Greetings from São Paulo, Brazil!
Hello from Montreal, Canada.
hello there, comrade
It’s 3 am. I can’t sleep. Time for rain noises.
@@voltshocker3441 Oh this comment is making me realize how sleep deprived I really am lmao, and tbh I haven’t changed the slightest in 2 years
hi stranger, if you’re reading this. i just wanna tell you that you matter and you’re important ❤️ i know you are tired,, but please never give up. okay? i believe you can do it :) and i’m proud of you!! even though i dont know you. always think positive and ignore the negativity that surrounds you. focus on positive side and the things that makes you happy. you are doing great hun. 😙 let’s keep going. we can get through this together. you are worth it
🥰 this comment warmed my heart
Thank you :)
Thank you ❤🙏
I like cheese
Thanks need t o hear that
0:00 to 10:00:00 is easily the best part of this. Goodnight from Australia.
*_Is everything upside-down over there?_*
@@LoneShootingStar It would be if it existed.
Yay Good night from New Zealand.
I listen to this every night when i sleep because i am depressed and sad
Buy from Russia
Thunderstorms are about the only thing other than meds that calm my anxiety down enough to sleep. This video is PERFECT!!! Thank you so much!
not trying to be mean, but have you talked to a doctor i'm kinda concerned
didn´t know this could help but now i'll try to listen to it more often, tks
@Cosmos_Ningame She has meds so likely talking to a doc already. I use these sounds myself to get to sleep.
@@karlamonroy3340 really
Honestly same. And it's the only thing that can help me sleep considering I'm allergic to most sleep meds.
Stop scrolling thew rhe comments and go to sleep.💤 💤💤
Good Night from the USA🇺🇸
Just hi
Good Night
Love from india
Who’s watching for their first time?🌧
watching? u mean listening?
I think it's just me, but I always get excited when a bad storm is coming in.
I'm watching /hearing this for sleep
For a long time now. It really helps me sleeping. Have a good night 😉
hey to you reading this (: whatever brings you here, wether it's to fall asleep or to relax from something stressful, i just wanted to let you know that everything will be fine. If you're going through a hard time right now, it's okay to remind yourself that this is temporary, and there are many good and relaxing days to come. If you're about to sleep, i hope you will have the most beautiful dreams, and the most peaceful sleep. You are an amazing person and the world is lucky to have someone like you in it. I hope only good things, love and strenth will come your way. Goodnight (:
The world is lucky to have someone like you in it. To give absolute strangers your encouraging words. Peace and love to you!
The world is blessed to have you! I pray that you are blessed abundantly 😇
*Thank you so much.* 🥰👌🥹👍❤💙💚💜 The people in my basement never tell me these beautiful things. 😭💔
Thank you 😊
Sending love all the way from Cape Town South Africa 🇿🇦
@@thegirls2763 you've gained 1 more subscriber
This video just went off, and I realized I'd slept through a peaceful night of listening - and continued listening - for hours after I awoke.
How peaceful - how calming - how very pleasant it's made my day. The Beast is in a very good place.
There's a freshness to nature after having conversed with the powers of the sky throughout the night.
I understand I have a voice in determining where my life takes me - and I use it often.
Now to go out and enjoy the nature we are part of.
By creation, we are part of all things, and all things (most things) accept us and respect us when we respect them and their given place.
Respect the space give to any creature - human being - or not.
We have a sacred space we call our own - so do all things.
10 hours!? W. O. W.
Can you like write me poetry to read
hi pls subscribe my channel and support me, i am also relaxing sound maker
Constant and reassuring are the drops of rain that continue to fall and when they naturally begin to stop I'm already well asleep
I hope you all sleep well tonight, love From New Zealand
One Love from the Universe
Love from ✨s p a c e✨
Blessings blessings to you for such comforting, beautiful words❤️💕🙏🏽
I have relatives who are Kiwi's.
This is to Sheyne.
So relaxing and peacefull, i prey everyone reading this will have a happy and healthy life!!! see you on the other side brothers and sisters god bless
thank you so much! i hope you live happy and healthy too! May god protect you and always lead you to the right path!
So, did you get what you needed from this? There's a glut of this kind of nonsense on these channels.
Back at ya Jay....
🙏 ❤😊
I remember when me and my gma played in the summer rain, it was delightful then and i still love it today. Help me sleep peacefully.
Wait I call my grandma Gma
@@RelaxMusic22883 I have introduced most of my friends struggling to sleep 😴 they now enjoying the therapy
So relaxing. Rain makes me relaxed. But it also makes me wanna cry. I miss being younger.
Meagan Graves ♥️
let the rain take away your tears
Awhh poor you 💀
As someone with ADHD, this helps me focus on my work, and I've actually been getting better grades because of it. :D
Yaay:) I’m proud that your doing better! Remember that it’s okay to fail sometimes just keep working on it ♥️♥️
Bravo Bro👏🏽 I’m happy to hear that for you
Yeah! And you have a cute dog in your image. :3
Teacher: there’s been bad storms lately, and I’m sorry for you all because it’s been destroying your grades lately..... wait..... your grades are getting better 👁👄👁
same! i love using it for sleep cuz it gives me something to focus on and quite my ADHD mind
I wish I was in a cabin in that forest right now *sigh*
watch outfor jason
damp cabin?
Count me in!
with wifi access and a great view out the window while the sky lights up with distant thunder you can't really hear but a low rumble. AND LOTS OR RAIN!!!
Since I was a little kid words cant describe how soothing and relaxing I've found the sound of rain or a shower
My landlord pays for my water soi litterally sleep in the bathroom with the shower on sometimes when my anxiety is peaking
good night everyone, i know it's hard but we must keep moving and wish for a better days to come 🙂
That is super sweet
I love listening to your rain sounds thank you for helping me sleep
Nice, advertising for your channel in someone else's 🙄
Good night from Portugal 🇵🇹
Boa noite 🌠🌚
am from UK
@@tracelace i'm from
Good night from Canada and argentina! good night!/Buena's noches!
Thank you for supporting the channel!
This helps me sleep at night. Always love a good rain storm. I'm weird I guess because it calms me down and relaxes me. Love it! Have a restful night and God bless you.
Same gbu
really relax❤❤
You're NOT weird. it's normal. Jehovah God blessed us with this creation to enjoy! Everything God created, he's said it was good
If you are reading this, I want to tell you that everything will be fine. You are incredible, you are unique, you can face anything in your life, you have the strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle, loss or situation. You are not alone, you are loved, you have the right to feel bad and good, you have the right to feel. Be blessed by these positive vibes and live your life to the fullest. I'm sending my love to the universe so that I can reach you❤️❤️❤️❤️
P. I will not be a great deal with the
bruh this is literally just for likes
Thank you, dear! I really needed to hear this, sending my love back to the universe to reach back to you 😍😍😍😍
Thanks for not making it about a specific religion
I love this sound it really helps when going to sleep. Have a good rest, and a even better tomorrow.
Enjoy brand-new rain sounds on our second channel!
I am from Malaysia and i love the sound of the rain and the thunder😍so relaxing easy for me to fall asleep😍
Apa Khabar? Masih 'Lockdown' ke kat M'sia??
Dah stop lockdown😁
Hi ,sorry for the late reply.Btw nice to meet you :)
Greetings from 🇲🇾
This one sounds really good on my speakers. close to perfect mix I'd say. The thunder is present but mellow without the sharp close cracks of lightning....and timed perfectly. Good depth in the rain. realistic, doesn't sound like sizzling bacon. Easy sleeping. Cheers.
Omg yesss they I'd thr best way to explain some of the rain videos!!!
Wet hair donot care
Jack Human as soon as u said sizzling bacon i heard sizzling bacon. thanks a lot jack human
I Wasn't thinking "bacon" but Chicken🐔 frying & grease Popping 😳 now I'm Up All Over Again Lol
I'm a combat veteran and have pretty bad PTSD along with a list of other things. But falling/staying asleep is extremely hard to do, and this really helps me to do both a lot easier. Thank you and much love to everyone from Albuquerque, NM 505 💙
As a current active duty to a past, thank you for your service.
Good nite from Georgetown, Guyana
Why don't u mind putting ur address and social Security number😎jk goodnight
from 🚯🚸⬅️🚸🚫↖️🚳🚸↖️🚳⛔↖️🚳🚸
Good night from Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
Goodnight from Georgetown California
I enjoyed this so I might as well join in.... goodnight from England
The best way to hide all annoying noises.
To find our focus. A kind of meditation. Stop being angry! Just listen to the sound of nature. Love' it! ❤️
The best part was when it rained.
what minute? I missed that
Sherlock Holmes here
It's never really rains in Arizona but listening to this sure puts me to sleep,
Goodnight from Phoenix, Arizona
Come to Iceland my friend. Can we make a deal and exchange some sun with you desert creatures? Peace
You're missing out.
The best thunderstorms of my life were during monsoon season in Phoenix years ago. The whole house would shake and the sky would light up like daytime.
Goodnight someone who reads this comment.
Good night from Houston Texas. 2:15 am
I'm in Htown too!!
3:47 am. Houston Tx.
@@stephaniegasca8651 Good Afternoon from Houston, TX 12:27 P.M.!!!!
For anyone that is still using this audio to this day to help fall asleep. No matter what the atmosphere that you were in before you snuggle up in bed with your sheets, just know you matter. Whether you had a rough day at work/school or anywhere at all. Remember you are amazing. And if you had a wonderful today, have an even greater one tomorrow! All I want you to do, if get some amazing and well deserved sleep. Sleep tight you rockstars.
Hi saiiner dftfgfhftcttdfys76gtsrfry7bve74ty7bg6ivr d7ibg6tn6ij45gtfny87rfvrg8i7n4t3v68ngiebt g6ngb bgrt6iynukte vnyuitv 3nugjirbgdnikyu5 g4cgniou3t 7n dygiinubj 6hj tj6vo tggfrvh44fhrfvfvttttgttv4
L o
Good night from USA ♥ I thought I'd be the only weirdo who likes listening to these sounds haha.
Trippy Kay Nah i listen to it every night to go to sleep. Lol its so relaxing
@@sarahschoaf3540 yeah..me too.. i love it.. ❤️
@@larasopar3260 Same its just so freaking peaceful and serene
@@sarahschoaf3540 Yes..really.. i had sleeping trouble..with rain i sleep like a baby.. i love it so much.. 😍
@@larasopar3260 Same! Im glad you found it relaxing and could get some sleep! Are you from sweden by chance lol? Asking bc of your name lol
Hey you!
Read this..
Sleep well:) enjoy the night:))
@@kenluyten3140 Are you okay in the head
I can't
Thank you
He never was
This is me and my sons favorite listen to for bedtime. We pray , listen and drift. So grateful to have each other and a warm bed. God bless all
Much more relaxing storm than the one we've got coming across the lake tonight. 10 inches of snow by morning. 😣 Sweet dreams from Canada.
Sweet dreams from SouthernCalif.
It's raining right now. Peacefully
Me: Scrolling through the comments
Comment: Stop reading comments and go to sleep 😴 have a good night guys
Me: bruh it is 3 pm here, i only came because I miss the rain
SLime myHouse lol
النوم على هذا المطر و الرعود يجعلك تسترخي نعمة من الله سبحانه و تعالى كل شيء مذكور في كتاب الله حول الغيث و هناك سورة في القرآن سورة الرعد .
You need to understand that we have friends who love rain all over the 🌎 world. Find out what time zones we are in before you tell someone to go to bed. By the way, if you turn on the video and go to sleep you won't no who's strolling the comments
Growing up as a kid in the Rockies, this was one of the best things to listen to especially during the Summer
Love the rain, good night from shanklin Isle of Wight,,,England
Love the little dog in the picture from San Diego California usa
I know a psychopath from your neck of the woods.
Supposed to be used for sleep yet here I am studying :’)
me too;)
Same bro
good luck*
You can use these videos for others than sleep. When i'm setting at my desk at work with my power beats on it helps to make my work day better👍
This has been my favorite white noise for sleeping for years. I have probably played this video hundreds if not thousands of times. Thank you.
Its definitely the best one! Check out ours for more
like wise this the only one that works for me
I'm so thankful to come across this sounds. I'm going to bed with this every night
This has helped me alot with forgetting all of my panic I have rn and blocked out every loud noise! Thanks!!
I want to be on a hammock and listen to the rain, trust me it is an amazing combo.
Le gasp, your pfp 😍
actually...being in the hammock, listening and feeling the rain start and then surrender to it is magic
I've been listening to this exact rain track for over 2 years now. Its simply the best, theres not a single other video that gets me to sleep quite like this one, and when i switch others on, its always with this one layered at a lower volume beneath it. 12/10
Goodnight from Brooklyn New York
Goodnight from India
Goodnight from Frankfort, Kentucky.
Goodnight from Denmark ❤️!!!
Good night from Jupiter
good night from Hawaii🌺
my dog confirms this is real thunder
Jurgen VDBerghe
Lol nice 🐾
Jurgen VDBerghe so good company that ok with you too much you too much
Jurgen VDBerghe haha
Lol 😂 😂😂😂😂😂 I know what u mean
Have a goodnight rest, even if we don't know each other, you are a good person and thank you for trying your best in life, much love
Suffering ,relief,sadness , joy and delight are all in nature .
Nature is almighty to man .
From Tokyo in Japan
Which national are you watching this video ?
Canoas, Brazil, near 30°S 51°W, literally the other side of the world from Japan.
@@RafaelPellizzari ありがとう❗お便り感謝しています‼️頑張ってください‼️
Sorry the late reply !
Thank-you very much to your excellent reply !
Japan is the rainy season soon , and the rainy days are about one month .
When the rainy season over , hell,s summer comes .
Japanese summer is severe and dreadful .
The old man has the hot stroke , and falls down every day .However ,
Japanese spring and autumn are incomparable beauty and comfortable season .
By the way
in Japan the old Emperor abdicated it for very old age , and the Crown Prince succeeds to the throne to the new Emperor .
It changed a name of the year as Reiwa from a name of the year in Heisei on May Ist , 2019.
Take care of yourself !
Good look .
So long !
Someday please come to Japan in the height of spring and autumn .
@@shin-i-chikozima Here in southern Brazil, winter is finally ending, and so comes spring with a pleasant weather. I hope one day I can visit the shrines in Kyoto and see the Sakura flowers bloom!
I recommend Iguaçu Falls in Brazil, it's an incredible natural wonder.
The OC Yorba Linda, California, USA
I’m gonna go to sleep with this relaxing video good night everyone
I am currently playing this music to assist a little young person go to sleep. This young person has been through so much trauma as a child and night time is a trigger. This music has helped her so much and really helps her see there are safe adults in this world. Thank you for such beautiful music. You are helping so many without even realising. Blessings, love and light to everyone who comes across this text
stop scrolling and reading the comments and just go to sleeepp already!! 💤💤💤💤
Anab Jimale lol 😁
`You're not the boss of me.
As a rebel I deny you, and I shall continue my scrolling.
Hi. I have never met you, we will probably never meet. But you've found my comment, among all these thousands. If you are seeing this comment then take this as your sign that things will get better, that things will be alright, that you can get through this. Whatever troubles are bring you here, or if you're simply here for the sake of relaxing, remember that you are important, you are valid and that you have a right to be here. You are braver and stronger than you think. You're still here, trying to make things better and to live a better life. So whatever is keeping you up at night, it is not stronger than you. You can get through this. I don't know you, you can dismiss this as the meaningless words of a stranger, or you can believe me. Whatever you chose, I believe in you.
Pure poetry that speaks of my life right now I'm glad I read the comments thank you
Two years later, and your comment found me when I needed it most. Thank you.
I wish the same for you 🫶🏼
To the one reading this, sleep well. Forget your troubles, everything is going to be ok. Clear your mind, relax and listen to your breathing, goodnight 🌔🌙
Good night from Ireland 🇮🇪
Hay. Give respect to my country.i 😍india
Good night paddy
Goodnight bro🙏 from south africa 🇿🇦
Goodnight Bud!
Good Night From 🇦🇺 Australia
*sigh* I love the sound of thunder and rain! I feel like cuddling in my blanket and reading a good book with my earl grey tea on my side 😌📕☕️
Can I join you?
I'm seriously serious.
Okay..so is it just me or do I still sleep with this sound for 3 years now?
Same I’ve got into the habit of sleeping with it and now I can’t sleep without it XD
Like ur name, get some rest, luv ya!
Absolutely the same
Sleep with the angels all....from Oklahoma
When you stayed up so late the birds started chirping so now you need this.
I love that we are all so far apart and listening to same relaxing sounds of a stormy night - kinda comforting- sleep well everyone
What is it about rain that makes me miss being a kid and playing Animal Crossing on the GameCube after school??
Gooooooooood times.
Itsthat1guy 8 S
C-Threep Music buij
I love rain!
i, also, love rain!
menslady125 yeah,me too.I basically live in a desert so we rarely ever get rain:(
rain is my favorite, because it is very peaceful.
Riddle, double riddle,
A bit of thunderstorm,
In its tears I was born,
Neither wild nor dull.
Good night from Normandy, France 🇫🇷😘
My Kawaii Market good night from strasbourg france
Good night from Blois, France 🇫🇷
Good night from Yvelines,France
Goodnight Operation Overlord, From Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, USA
Goodnight 🇨🇦🇲🇶
Love love love rain and 💖💖💖💖 thunderstorms..... ☔☔☔☔☔☔
How could anyone give this a thumbs down? I love it. Thanks for posting
We wonder the same thing! Thank you for listening to Relaxing White Noise!
That would be people who love the sounds of barking dogs and screaming kids. Ahhh so soothing......
They are mongoloids
Could be the distant car alarm you hear a few minutes into the video. Other than that, the video was good.
Nice. Good night guys 😴😴
ФSSДS PSИ good night queen
screw damniaton nI2/&;-n to WYozmu$@:$:
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There is no thunder and its rarely raining here in Cali. I wish we had rain at least once a week or two weeks.
sorry to hear
I know i'm extremely late but what i do to relax and go to bed is
1. (If you have LED lights) set them on a dark grayish blue
2. Put your fan at max speed
3. Cover yourself in the covers but leave your face out
4. Put this audio on my speaker
(My record to fall asleep after i set this up is 4 minutes and 34 seconds.)
*I hope it works for you :)*
You are very smart. Big brain 🧠🧠🧠🧠
Alot of people tell me that rain makes them sad or it's God crying or it's totally a drag.....But honestly, it's just SO satisfying to listen to and to be in it is even better. To anyone who's reading this comment, may you sleep soundly and have nice dreams. 😀
God's not real
@@graememcraith4817 you’re opinion:)
@@graememcraith4817 its a man made lie and if he does exist, what on earth is the mans doing
@@user-ej2ti9te5w it’s not an opinion it actually is proven god isn’t real there is hard facts and evidence that he didn’t exists
Perfect, simply perfect.
This rain noise is perfect 💙 goodnight from OCEAN SPRINGS , MISSISSIPPI 💙💙
That's where my grandmother grew up... Omg... Do you know any Keeblers? Before anyone else starts, yes, it's like the cookie company, and yes, I'm short....
Hi if you are reading this it means you will have good luck tomorrow and will sleep perfectly goodnight
Stop reading the comments and try to sleep! Good night 💤🌙😴 - Skylar, from the Netherlands :)
wow needed this hahaha I was just thinking I should go back to sleep now.
-Ashley from Virginia, 6:16am. Good night !
Goodnight skylar from the netherlands - jessica from Australia
you fool, i just woke up
I'll try Skyler.... but , I'm not sure if it is going to work....🥴🥴🥴
Good night❤️- Karen from Brazil 🇧🇷
why would anyone dislike a video that is just 10 hours of rain?
must be the people sleeping and touching their phone by accident🤣🤣
So I don't get 100,000 recommended videos of rain
I did
You don't have to stay woke for 10 hours. If just go to sleep it will have the same impact to BRAINS just as if it was 🌧 raining outside.
To the person reading this, I wish you happiness , health, and self - fulfillment !
Hope you enjoy your day~~
Mein neuer Favorit 👍
Gute Nacht Germany 😴
Steffi Meinemeinung saldartztZźzt7Ttzt7tttzttztZtztztztrtztttZZźztttzztztxttt
Steffi Meinemeinung ttttztztZttZtztzttttttttttxtttttt
Guten nacht
I remember going out to my grandmas farm and being in the rain relaxing with her and my family.
Good Night ❤
Good night bro
Good night
Wow. I slept like a baby. Thank you so much for the video. :)
You're more than welcome! Keep up the good sleep!
Goodnight, from York, PA. Signing out, 2:42am.
Night everyone. Nothing like listening to a rainstorm to fall to sleep to. Reminds me of feeling cozy and safe, listening to them at home.
How relaxing is this😍 .Amazing sound
*To everyone who reads this- goodnight. I love you. Tomorrow could be the best day of your life. Things are gonna be okay.*