Ato is obvious that you read and you are analytical. Thank you. I watch your program. It is amazing that Ato Atamenta has researched his father's story all these years. I was born right after the attempted Coup D'etat and I have heared about it from my father and I have read the book "Ye Tahsas Girgir" and I was present at the AAU when the 50th year was discussed chaired by Ato Indrias Eshete, the then AAU president. Sir, I have also seen a picture of your father wounded (maybe he had already pased) from a gun shot and he was lying on the ground behind a car. I saw it on one of the magazines which used to be published right after the 1974 revollution and I have never forgotten it. I am very sorry. Can't wait to see the second part
Ato Yilma !!! "Empress Menen is sick" you have to be at the Genete Leoul Palace said Messenger. My dear "Yilma is an economist not a medical doctor " replied Ato Yilma Deressa
Good story. I was born the day mengestu die my mother told me that was my birth day at that time the hospital don't have birth certificate so amazing storey from USA
Hospitals don't issue BC but the municipality of Adisaba with the letter from any hospitals but most people either for lack of awareness or care didn't get their children BC
Hassen Nuru... My only regret (in my current joy's existence and winding down journey & born in Ethiopia) not knowing my exact birthday. So, my only recollection to remember that.... when I was 2nd grade school student through our school intercom system the announcement and subsequent assassination of John F Kennedy. (Guessing my age got me enlisted into Royal Ethiopian Airborne)
@@abbelnichola3792 why you tell me that I can still remember where I was at that time I was coming back from my father store he told me what happened didn't know who Kennedy was to young good memories don't reply iam in getto in East coast trying to get my car fix
@@hassennuru8024 ouch... you ain't friendly and you... sorry to bother you this is Universal dialogue through the internet good luck to you though. Happy Ramadan.
Time-is it the right condition to open this topic at this time? For whom are you presenting this topic b/se there is no a country you want to share about
you talk this history none sense now Ethiopians are hunger for this must brimg solution it is not necessary talk too much for Ethiopian bring bread and peace
እኔም ሁልጊዜ የጄኔራል ፅጌን እውነተኛውን አሟሟት ማወቅ እፈልግ ነበር። ታሪክ ደስ ይላል ማወቅ። ክበርልን ኤያስ🙏
Waw good history 👏 naho good job keep going ethiopian we shall we thnkes 👍
ማረሚያ እና ማሳሰቢያ ለኤልያስ።
በጣም መሳጭ ታሪክን በደንብ የሚያዉቅ ሰው በማቅረብህ እያመሰገንኩህ አስራት ደፈረሱ ሻንበል እንጂ ኮሎኔል አልነበረም ። የሞተውም ወያኔ በገባ ሰሞን ሱዳን ሲሆን ቅድስት ስላሴ አርፏል።
ሌላዉ አንድ ሰዉ ልዑል ወይም ልዕልት ለመባል ሁለት መንገድ አለዉ ይኸዉም በስልጣን ላይ ያለ ንጉስ ልጅ ወይም የልጅ ልጅ መሆን አለበት ።
ወይንም በስልጣን ላይ ካለዉ ንጉስ / ንግስት ሹመቱን ማግኘት አለበት (እምሩ/ካሣ) ስለዚህ ጀርመን የሚኖረዉ የልዑል አስራተ ካሣ ልጅ ምንም እንኳን በዘሩ ከራሳቸዉ ከጃንሆይም ሆነ ከማንም በላይ ለዙፋኑ ቅርብና ተገቢ ቢሆንም ንጉስ በሌለበት አገር ልዑል ሊሆን አይችልም አይደለምም።
በአሁኑ ጊዜ የኢትዮጵያ ልዑላኖች የጃንሆይ የልጅ ልጆች ብቻ ናቸዉ የነሱ ልጆች እንኳን መሆን አይችሉም።
ማሳሰብ የፈለግሁት ስለዚህ ታሪክ በተለይ ሰለ አልጋወራሹ በደንብ የሚያዉቀዉ በጊዜዉ ከመንግስቱ ንዋይ ጋር አብሮ እቴጌ ቪላ የሄደዉና አልጋወራሹን እና ልዑል ራስ እምሩን (እነዚህ ያንተ አደራ ናቸዉ ብሎት) ከመጀመሪያው እስከመጨረሻው ድረስ ሲጠብቃቸዉ አብሯቸዉ የነበረዉ የኮርያዉ ጀግና እዚያዉ ካናዳ አጠገብህ የሚኖረዉ ሻንበል ማሞ ሃብተወልድ ነዉ ።
አርጅቷል ቶሎ አግኘዉና ብዙ ነገር ስለ ኮርያ ጦርነት ሁሉ ታሪክ መዝግብ ለሕዝብም አካፍል ።
ስራዎችህን ከሚከታተሉት ስሆን በጣም አመሠግንሃለሁ ።
የጄኔራል ፅጌ ዲቡን ውጣ ውረድ እንዲህ ባለ ሰፊ ጥናት ብዙ ያልሰማናቸውን ታሪኮች እንድናውቅ ስላደረገ ለአታመንታ ፅጌ ዲቡ ያለኝ ምስጋና እና አድናቆት ከፍተኛ ነው ኤልያስም ስላቀረብክልን እንደሁልጊዜው እናመሰግናለን።
Ato is obvious that you read and you are analytical. Thank you. I watch your program.
It is amazing that Ato Atamenta has researched his father's story all these years. I was born right after the attempted Coup D'etat and I have heared about it from my father and I have read the book "Ye Tahsas Girgir" and I was present at the AAU when the 50th year was discussed chaired by Ato Indrias Eshete, the then AAU president.
Sir, I have also seen a picture of your father wounded (maybe he had already pased) from a gun shot and he was lying on the ground behind a car. I saw it on one of the magazines which used to be published right after the 1974 revollution and I have never forgotten it. I am very sorry.
Can't wait to see the second part
Atamenta i remeber your Afro hair while i was at St. Joseph school. I was in elementary during that time. Am i right?
Nice history
አቶ ቡና የአሁንም ሆነ የወደፊት ማንነታችን የሚቀጥለው ያለፈውን ታሪካችንን ስንዘክር እና ለትውልድ ስንስተላልፍ ነው። የስልሳ ዓመት አይደለም ገና የስንት ሺህ ዓመት ይዘከራል አይገርምዎትም?
From 37:00
The indecisiveness ...
በዚህ አስቸጋሪ ጊዜና ሁኔታ ውስጥ፣ ሁሉን ማድረግ የሚችል፤ አሸናፊው የሰራዊት ጌታ እግዚአብሔር አምላክ፤ ለችግርተኞች ልጆቹ፣ እውነትን መናገር ለሚወዱ፤ ህይወትን ለማትረፍ በጎ ስራን ለሚሰሩ ልጆቹ፤ ድንቅ ስራና ፤ተአምርን ይሰራል!!! ያለና የነበረ የሚመጣም እሱ ነውና!!! ✡✝🔯☮☮☮
በተማሪነት ዘመኔ ጃ/ፅጌ ዲቡን አስታውሳቸዋለሁ በተመትቤ በአዳሪ ተማሪነት እያለሁ በምግብ ምክንያትተማሪዎች አድማ አድርገን ምክር እንዲስጡን ከተላኩት ከፍተኛ የመንግሥት ባለሥልጣኖች አንዱ ነበሩ ቆፍጣና ወታደር እያለ ተማሪው በንግግር ቅልጥፍናቸው በአባታዊ ምክራቸው በመመሰጥ በጅጉ አድንቋችው ነበር ንግግራቸው የተቆጣውን ተማሪ የማለዘብ ኃይልና ዘዴ ነበረው ጊዜው 1949 ስለነበረ ትዝታዬን የማስታውሳትን ያህል ለማካፈል ያህል ልኬአለሁ አዘጋጁን ስለጥረታቸው አድናቆቴን መግለጽ እወዳለሁ::
Ato Yilma !!! "Empress Menen is sick" you have to be at the Genete Leoul Palace said Messenger. My dear "Yilma is an economist not a medical doctor " replied Ato Yilma Deressa
Yelma answer was out of eth tradition. He had traditional obligation to go there to ask about his madam health..i think he know something about coup.
ተልከው ከጦር ሰራዊት ወደ ክብር ዘብኛ ሌቴና ጀነራል ኢሳያስ ናቸው ::
ጀንራል ሙሉጌታ ቡሊ : መፈንቅለ መንግሥት ያድርጋሉ ብሎ ተጠቆማቸው
ከውጭ ሄደው የተማሩት እነማን ናቸው? ኢትዮጵያን የመድፋቱ አንኳር ሰዎቿን የማጥፋቱ መርዝ ጥንስስ እዛውስጥ ነው።
እውነትና ንጋት እያደር ይጠራል!!! እግዚአብሔር ፍቅር፣ እውነት፣ መንገድና ህይወት ነው!!!
ንጋት እያደር ይጠራል እውነት ግን እያደር ሊደፈርስ/ሊጣመም ይችላል 😅
Good story. I was born the day mengestu die my mother told me that was my birth day at that time the hospital don't have birth certificate so amazing storey from USA
Hospitals don't issue BC but the municipality of Adisaba with the letter from any hospitals but most people either for lack of awareness or care didn't get their children BC
@@werqzeleke2815 big damy that was 67 years ago big 👄 so enjoy the ride
Hassen Nuru... My only regret (in my current joy's existence and winding down journey & born in Ethiopia) not knowing my exact birthday.
So, my only recollection to remember that.... when I was 2nd grade school student through our school intercom system the announcement and subsequent assassination of John F Kennedy.
(Guessing my age got me enlisted into Royal Ethiopian Airborne)
@@abbelnichola3792 why you tell me that I can still remember where I was at that time I was coming back from my father store he told me what happened didn't know who Kennedy was to young good memories don't reply iam in getto in East coast trying to get my car fix
@@hassennuru8024 ouch... you ain't friendly and you... sorry to bother you this is Universal dialogue through the internet good luck to you though.
Happy Ramadan.
Time-is it the right condition to open this topic at this time?
For whom are you presenting this topic b/se there is no a country you want to share about
ብ/ ጄኔራል ፅጌ ዲቢ ትልቅ ኢዮጵያዊ እንደነበሩ አውቃለሁ : ይህ ፕሮግራም ግን ለእርሳቸው የማይመጥን በአሉባልታ የታጀበ ዝባዝንኪ በመሆኑ ያሳዝናል
Yemyasazinew Tilik ethiopiawi hulu yemanim wenbede mechawecha..yetekeberebet enkwan yemayitawek..mehon new tirfu..yene neway lijochim..mechawecha new yehonut...yaw jegnochu kaleku behwala hager ferese...kebad sera new.
you talk this history none sense
now Ethiopians are hunger
for this must brimg solution
it is not necessary
talk too much
for Ethiopian bring bread and peace
ከኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ አንዱ ነው...ከፈለግህ አዳምጥ ካልፈለግህ ተወው። ስለ ዳቦው አቢይን ጠይቅ
አቶ አበበ ዝምታ ወርቅ ነዉ
ንገርልኝ እስቲ ለዚህ ቀባጠሪ POPULIST
ሀሁ ነው ናሁ ስማችሁ?? የምትገርሙ ከ 65 አመት በላይ ያለፈን ነገር ይዛችሁ ህዝብ ከምታዝጉ እራሳችሁ ዝጋችሁ እስቲ በውቅታዊ ጉዳይ ተናገሩ አስመሳይ አድርባይ ይድፋችሁ
Why the curse? Can't just express your comment in decent form?? Ufffff
Nobody to watch. These is Ethiopian history, which ignited the revolution of 1966.
አሁን ላይ ያለው የኢትዮጵያ ሁኔታ መሠረቱ፣ ያለፈው ታሪክ ነው። መሀይም
መሀይም ስለሆነ ነው አትፍረድበት
@@werqzeleke2815 ማንም ስለታሪክ አታስተምሩ አትናገሩ ያላችሁ የለም የውሃላው ከሌለ የለም ከፊቱ ነው ፡ ምንማልት እንደፈልግኩ ሳይገባችሁ ቀርቶ አይደልም ብዙ ግዜ ምሮግራማችሁን እክታተላልሁ ግን የ 1አክቲቪስትን ያህል ምንግስትን አትቆንጥጡም እሲቲ ልህሊናችሁ መልሱ በቀርቡ አድዋ ሚኒሊክ አደባባይ አዲሳባ አይከበር ሲባል የዘገባችሁት ነገር ነበር ወይስ ቤተክርስቲያን ምስጊድ ሲቃጥል ዘግባችሁ ነበር ወይስ ህዝብ ሲፈናቀል ሲገደል ዘግባችሁ ነበር ????? ልማታዊ ዘጋቢ ?!አንዱ እንዳለኝ ማንስገድዶ እይ አልህ ብትሉ ይሻላል።