22:00 It makes more sense to put time on the x-axis. That is how time is usually represented. Then the probabilities would increase as time goes by and not this as* backward way where probabilities decrease as we move forward.
Stephen, what is the source of the “weekly” source data? And are these raw weekly data points a “mean” of a larger set of data points? If a mean, how is this mean calculated?
Thank you for generously sharing your insights; it means a lot!
Giovanni, please learn how to share your slides in full screen. They are always tiny
Important info should be displayed with similar importance. This stuff is gold and should be treated with respect
So much knowledge out in the open, for free! What a time to be alive. Much
22:00 It makes more sense to put time on the x-axis. That is how time is usually represented. Then the probabilities would increase as time goes by and not this as* backward way where probabilities decrease as we move forward.
Stephen, what is the source of the “weekly” source data? And are these raw weekly data points a “mean” of a larger set of data points? If a mean, how is this mean calculated?
Don't have time watch it, so what's the prediction for 2025 peak? That's it