Amendment XXII (22) to the U.S. Constitution - Presidential Term Limit (Audio & Text)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • The Twenty-Second Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed by Congress March 21, 1947. Ratified February 27, 1951.
    Visit www.audiolawli... for our complete and growing catalog of free audio recordings of famous, infamous & important documents from United States history.
    Written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789, the United States Constitution is the world’s longest surviving written charter of government. Its first three words - “We The People” - affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens. The supremacy of the people through their elected representatives is recognized in Article I, which creates a Congress consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives. The positioning of Congress at the beginning of the Constitution affirms its status as the “First Branch” of the federal government.
    The Constitution assigned to Congress responsibility for organizing the executive and judicial branches, raising revenue, declaring war, and making all laws necessary for executing these powers. The president is permitted to veto specific legislative acts, but Congress has the authority to override presidential vetoes by two-thirds majorities of both houses. The Constitution also provides that the Senate advise and consent on key executive and judicial appointments and on the approval for ratification of treaties.
    For over two centuries the Constitution has remained in force because its framers successfully separated and balanced governmental powers to safeguard the interests of majority rule and minority rights, of liberty and equality, and of the federal and state governments. More a concise statement of national principles than a detailed plan of governmental operation, the Constitution has evolved to meet the changing needs of a modern society profoundly different from the eighteenth-century world in which its creators lived. To date, the Constitution has been amended 27 times, most recently in 1992. The first ten amendments constitute the Bill of Rights.
    The audio recording was created by LibriVox and is in the public domain. Reading by Jim Cadwell.

ความคิดเห็น • 4

  • @nalejbank
    @nalejbank 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why is it that no one seems to read and understand the Federalist Papers on the matter of Term Limits? Do you honestly think that the group of the wisest men likely in history didn't address this issue in detail? Are we proving wiser then they? I think that answer is very clearly NO! So, why are American citizens not only so ignorant about politics in general but their own founding and fundamental mission behind what they fought and labored so hard for?
    On every modern question, we should be asking ourselves: What did our founders think about this basic issue? Did they address it directly or did they anticipate and make provisions for its addressing in a proper and methodical process?
    Term limiting the Office of President and all other offices WAS addressed and ALL of our elective offices was trusted into the hands of the citizens so far as the House of Representatives goes! That was the only body directly elected by the people! The US Senate was chosen by the State Legislatures because THAT BODY represented the interests of the sovereign states in the general government under the Constitution.
    If you don't want to be a slave to government or to anyone, if you want to be free and not live under the heavy hand of a communist tyranny, might I suggest you get real serious about your civic duty as a citizen and free man(or woman) and obtain and read the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and a copy of the Federalist Papers - just for starters!!!
    Government will NEVER teach your youth how to limit the power of government! NEVER!!!

  • @TXMesican
    @TXMesican 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Will it be abolished by Trump?

    • @nalejbank
      @nalejbank 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      How right you were! Have you ever heard of the POLITBURO in Russia? Notice how they have different "Presidents" but all are chosen to be "front men" for the POLITBURO. That's called an oligarchy. A very common form of governments today. One central, or two false parties with few differences running the political machine of the nation offering controlled candidates, including those for President. Either one will not make any significant change in the direction or speed. The only difference is the rhetoric to placate the bases of both. That's essentially what the US has at this time. An oligarchy of the rich and powerful globalists in both parties with their elected puppets they chose.

  • @calebyocom2117
    @calebyocom2117 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    ok boomer