My personal view is that magick is neutral, a tool to used to help change the user's reality according to their needs / will. A knife can be used to slice bread & spread butter, but it can be also used to hurt / kill someone. The knife itself is neutral but its down to the user's intentions & decisions that make it a force for goodness / evil. Same with magick.
I am from Ghana Africa Accra...I know nothing about MAGIC can someone help me personally? I might be practicing but don't know it's magic or I need to practice because maybe it's part of my Life line...and where I am from its hidden even if there is magic Can someone help me
This topic is where I completely agree with Crowley when he says that all Magick is black Magick until you have attained the Knowledge and Conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel, which I think is equivalent to the eastern concept of the Awakening that happens before Nirvana dawns. We simply don't have the insight to see or understand the consequences of forcing the desired outcome on a situation before that, and the results, whatever they are, are ours to live with. If there is any Magick for the initiate, it is to awaken first, and the what and when come by themselves. What I have also come to believe is that all the Magick a person needs is a prayer, an intention set in pure faith, which sets in motion the very hand of God and the flight of Angels. "Inflame thyself with prayer", a holy statement made by the alleged "Wickedest man in the world".
@@gianttigerfilms hmm. He talked about sacrificing children because that wouldn't get him into prison in Victorian Era England the way talking about masturbation would, which was what he was actually referring to.
I am one of those who use this form of magic I also call it clear intention makes for powerful prayers and almost instantaneous results when mixed with "pure faith 'jst to copy you' " and doubts being the destruction of it all
@@FoolishFishBooks Thank you for drawing clarity to that point. It wasn't so long ago I heard someone making that reference to Crowley in relation to 'sacrificing children' and people really do take some of his work quite literal.
Alot of magicians are also philosophers. Alot of philosophers in ancient Greece were also boxers, wrestlers and etc. If you don't master your physical skills to a certain extent you will not develop your potential as a magician.
The way you define high-/low magic can easily be re-defined as internal-/external magic; High/Internal as dealing with virtues, psychology, the self etc Low/External as dealing with materialistic things, objects, the other etc As living in this world we are the fine line between the internal and the external and thus there should be no moral judgement (high/low implies a moral value) on working with the two areas.
Ah, yes, this may be the heart of the matter. Within and without are only as separate as we suppose them to be. Thanks as always @Sejdr, for your thoughtful comment! 😁
I feel that as we are all practicing magick all the time, finding the right balance between intention and aimlessness is key. Ever met anyone who just seems inherently "lucky"? I am one, throughout life I always seem to have what I need just when I need it, in a physical sense at least. As I began to learn about magick, I realised that my "luck" through life was a result of my general positivity and "happy go lucky" attitude, always looking on the bright side, and always kind of holding a reverence and excitement for the mystical. Since learning that Magick is real, and dipping my toes in a little, a bit of focused intention then just letting go and sort of forgetting about what I want to manifest always brings me answers or solutions I need.
I think this is quite accurate, @MetaGordy. We do indeed practice magical with everything we say and do. Becoming aware of that fact allows us to fine-tune what we're doing and saying in order to direct the magical in desired directions. Thank you for the thoughtful comment! 😊👍
I've read an old grimoire from a South French shepperd. This book was truly ''black'' magic. The rituals were clearly involving child or human sacrifices. The spells were mostly directed on subjugation of other people. I've read a lot of grimoires or magic related books, but this one still stand out as something truly evil.
On the high vs low debate, Tantra is always about both with the understanding that the primary goal is non-dual realisation. For me, Shiva and Shakti are coequal, so saying High Magick (spiritual) is better than Low Magick (material) is pretty insulting to the universe manifest. The same is true in reverse of course. And best of luck with non-dual realisation when you think one part of the dual is better than the other. Balance in flow.
Everyone? We all have different “meters”. Some of us are more psychopathic than others. Without rules we are truly lost. You can’t just ignore behavioral epigenetics lol.
Isnt it always strange and ridiculous how we "the humans" always seem to want to view things in a binary context. Good & Bad, Yin & Yang, Lady & Whore, Black & White. I think you'll agree that the reality is that there's nuances to everything in life including Magick and to constantly break things down in a binary fashion is quite frankly designed to better explain things to the profane / un-initiated outsiders. When one is actually performing these rites, no one is really thinking about Black,White or Low, High labels.
This is what the "myth" of Adam and Eve is really about: when human consciousness evolved (or just morphed into binary rationality, "paradise" was lost.
John Shannon thought crossed my mind but due to the severity of my situation i had believed me to be the only one of few to draw this conclusion.... while extremely interesting it is also to opposite of what one would want to hear
Yes completely, the turth is that reality is subjective morales, ethics, goodness and evil, happiness and suffering are all human paradigms that we create no one is born knowing anything when we are born all we know is the instincts for our survival and from there we are programmed by the external world around us but we dont have to be vitcims of our upbringing by using magick whether it's high or low We become the masters of our reality. Magick and the law of attraction are one in the same and it's good people are finally waking up and seeking this knowledge
Everything is energy in different forms. Electricity is only one aspect to heat your water you transform electric energy in heat energy. As easy as you transform to heat energy you can transform all aspects into one another but you just don't know how. Yes or no
They all mirror each other at one point or another and need each other to exist. I am light grey on my best days and dark grey on my worst, even if I dream about being all high and white.
Without both black AND white, there is no contrast, and therefore no clarity. The same is true of high and low magic. Each has its use and its place. Oh, and as for the whole "Good vs. Evil" aspect, I use a simple rule: If I wouldn't want it done to me, or can not justify it being done to myself under the same circumstances, then I view it as evil. By that standard I view "Love Spells" as a form of curse. ( They subvert a person's will. )
i love your use of drawings and diagrams in your classes, it's really helpful for a visual learner like myself and additionally demonstrates you have really thought about and processed the information you've read.
I disagree with your position of moral relativism. Take your example: making someone fall in love. This is subversion of will. Just like the spell you've described that makes a dying person's spirit obey the spellcaster is a subversion of will. It's evil, no two ways about that. Naturally, not all things are as clear-cut as this. There is room for debate, in many cases. Some situations are too complex to make the right moral judgement right away. But there are such things as "right" and "wrong". The fact that we humans are too limited to make the distinction easily is no excuse. The important thing is to strive for discovering that distinction.
There has to be good and bad in order to bring balance that’s what he’s explaining with all of this. We all just share our opinions but there has to bad for good to exist dark for light to exist etc. It’s okay because the universe deals in karma it’s essentially a mirror what you put in you get out in this life or another. So if I used a love spell to control someone I’m also inviting that outcome onto myself.
@@Penutbutta50cal not denying that there could be no good without the bad. I'm just saying that there are such things as good and bad. Moral relativism, as far as I can tell, based on the premise that there are no such moral opposites.
There is no such thing as evil or good to be honest factually speaking you people need to stop viewing reality through christian rose tinted goggles, there is only high and low states of being anything else is subjective ethos based on the culture you resign in not a measurement of true reality
I am so happy I finally found this channel, as someone who has had Kundalini very active for the last dozen years it has really helped to shed some light on what happened to me, I have inmense amounts of internal energy which at first used to be very painful but then improved, this energy carries sentience within it and I know this as it communicated with me internaly via a sort of one way telepathy, it can hear my inner monologue, but from its side I hear from the equivalent of its voice which has the advantage of a filter, thus making me incredibly ugly by comparison, I call this energy Shakti and she sounds like a cat purring, lizards, bees, snakes etc. Ive been with her constantly for twelve years now and I really want to prove her existence and benefits to the scientific community, I have a few "Magick" powers with my absolute favorite being "cellular vision" basically seeing the blood vessels, cells, nerves of the back of my eyes exactly as seeing it through a microscope.
My practice is always for the highest good of all. Never forced on another, with love and light. So white and high. I can see where I have done white low, to help me produce physical things such as abundance because in ways it’s not to get closer to the Divine. I feel the Divine is magic and we are all an aspect of the Divine and we have the choice to use these magic tools being that here they are... Lower dark magic has karma....unless one has rites of passage and I’m not so sure humans do, maybe other beings could possibly. I enjoyed this video. Thank you
Many thanks for this video, it gave me a perspective that I needed. I've recently watched some of your other contributions to this field, and I admire your precision and understanding. You're a true researcher and, by the dominion you express, also a true practitioner who has found peace and awareness through this work. Blessings unto thee! May thy Path be granted, lit by the Fire of Eternity! May the Road Within always be clear to thee!
One of the few things (if not the only) I've taken to heart from Crowley's teachings, was his saying that White Magick referred to anything aimed at strengthening "the knowledge of and conversation with ones Holy Guardian Angel," and that EVERYTHING ELSE fell into the category of Black Magick. It stunned me at first and didn't make sense at all. It seemed like a way too harsh distinction and judgment at first. But in time, over the years that followed, I started seeing how all other practices risked being egotistical, self serving or meddling in the business of others. Even the "innocent" little love spell of some teenage girl, putting a bag of herbs under her pillow to make a boy in school fall in love with her, is actually attempting to bend his will, flow and destiny according to her personal preference. So I've come to see working on ones own communion with the HGA and Source as the only clean practice. But today I also make room for the category Grey Magick, which would for instance include benign, well intended practices for the betterment of oneself and / or others (with their consent, of course) at the expense of no one. ♥︎
I'd say that attracting someone is not black or white magic. It is the means used to attract someone which are either black or white. White magic : The person is attracted to you because they love for who you truly are within (high : mental+emotional love), and without ( low : true physical attraction). Black magic : The person is attracted to you because you use psychological manipulation, lies and deceptions (high : false love), and illusions : too much make up, plastic body parts, etc. (low : false physical attributes). Main difference here being honesty (white) vs dishonesty (black).
All that matters is what you do with magic. This is what my mentor taught me. If you use it to hurt or violate someone's free will(making someone fall in love is disgusting) than you are on the" dark "side. This is one of the reason someone should start workinv with magic after he is balanced or at least has done inner work and he/she is not doing things from a pit of atachement and lust or lack.
Its kind of ultimately about breaking free from duality so really the ultimate goal of mysticism and tantra is to break free of dualistic thought and perception.
Awesome per usual!! MAGICK is whatever you make of it… everything has polarities….both are necessary…There’s a time for everything… I channel/summons whatever I need🖤
Until discovering Crowley & some of the other major magickians in related traditions, I had always considered what they call “high magick,” in my own life, to simply be the spiritual practice of mysticism that I had been engaging in for far longer than I’d been aware of magick or its history, whether through meditative & breathing practices, spending time in nature, or yoga, or (most effectively) using psychedelics. I have still never delved into the intricacies of practicing ceremonial magick- around the time i was introduced to magick, I was having great success with my own mystical practices & achieving ego-death & union with the Divine was not a problem for me, so I didn’t see the necessity of getting all these implements & doing these elaborate rituals (maybe they are just SO effective as to be worthwhile even if you’re already doing the aforementioned practices, but I haven’t felt the need). However, what I HAVE found is that mystical practices, as well as living in accordance with the spirit/will of the Light (in the terms of Kabbalah) or the Good (in [neo-]Platonism- living altruistically & placing others/the rest of nature above your own ego- puts a “wind in your sails,” providing an attunement which amplifies your capacity for (low) magick: your capacity to actually using your will to change things in the external world. And by using that power to continue to embody the altruistic nature of the Light/the Good, the cycle continues to empower you while also attracting good things into your life (the Kabbalists say “like attracts like,” & that by embodying the “will to bestow” rather than just the egoic “will receive” that you welcome more of the Light of the Ein Sof into your life, & it bestows more gifts upon you. There’s something very Taoist about this whole conception of magick I’ve developed by studying these different traditions- it really is as if you gain magickal attunement & power simply by flowing with the the Good attributes of the Tao, going with the path of the least resistance, and rather than wasting energy resisting the natural course of its will, that energy becomes accessible to you. As for “white” vs “black” magick, I’m sure there might be some kind of equivalent power at the opposite end of the polarity between Good & Evil which one could tap into through sinister means (I never deal with dark forces & see no reason to). But I believe this would always come with a hideous cost which would never be worth the cost. Especially since such immense power & fulfillment & reward can be gained through simply being a good person & using your magick to look out for others as well as yourself. It’s not like in many of these traditions (Kabbalah & Hermeticism being the ones I’m most versed in) the Light/Good/God is moralistically limiting you in all kinds of arbitrary ways like mainstream religions, & it’s not like they ask much of you. In my experience self-initiating & self-teaching about these schools of thought & about magick, I’ve had nothing but positive experiences & would encourage anyone out there to, as Crowley or Steiner would say, do your own experiments- try living the way I’ve described above. Perhaps look to your higher self for guidance if you want a more specific path, like the paths to enlightenment taught by the Hindus (in my own experiences, Thoth seemed to nudge me very strongly towards the Path of Knowledge, Jnana Marga, which was fitting). But the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Listen to what the Kabbalists say (their worldview is most readily applicable & effective from a self-help point of view IMO), listen to what I’ve described, & give it a shot in your own life. Only then will you know whether it gets you the results it got me. But I believe living in the likeness of the Light has brought SO many similarly spiritually-minded, brilliant, loving people into my life in such a short time, as well as improving my interpersonal relationships in general, & bringing me more in tune with magick & synchronicities. It is a practice- it’s not always easy to maintain. Sometimes your ego will drag you back down into pettiness. But you get better at it & it becomes more natural to you & requires less effort over time. Best wishes to all. Thanks for a great video. 🙏
Thank you adding the high and low dimension really helps. I have always felt the ultimate goal of all magic to be to at one with god (the creator or whatever else you wish to substitute for the higher consciousness), but that black magicians believe that they can be god. Nevertheless, I completely accept that there is a continuum and that one cannot begin to describe one pole without the other.
@See Ease Ah yes of course it makes complete sense to me now. But please answer me this. If a bot walks a week in a fortnight how many eggs in Abergavenny?
i would say : white : for somedy else's good. black : for my own good. high : more about improving one's physical / mental / spiritual / energy states and abilities. low : more about operations to get / attract infos / something / somebody.
In general I define black magick as something that tends to obfuscate, confound or trick, and white magick as something that illuminates or replenish. Both can certainly be an instrument of good or evil. I don't see much distinction between high and low magick as it is a spectrum that can be perceive differently under different circumstances. And yes I believe that the witch should have a strong differentiation or categorization of things at personal level in order to assert his/her intentions clearly when performing magick.
Thank you for making this video! It's very important to talk about this topic because I've seen a surprising amount of people taking for granted the 'white magick' label.
My take on this is uncommon and based on witch lore, but here it is: High magic implies that there is a level of formality to the practice, and thus it correlated with ritual magic or ceremonial magic. In other words, soul map work, theatrical/role-based group magic and alchemical rituals, things that need a plan or spirit map of sorts. Low magic, on the other hand, is the folk's magic. Things like protection charms, hexing, devotion or honor work and the like. It's spontaneous and practical, more hands-on. You only have to know the lore or philosophy to use it effectively. As for white vs black, I agree with the Feri Traditional Witchcraft founder Victor Anderson: "Black magic is whatever works, white magic is poetry". Ethics is quite complex in magic, especially in folk magic, so it makes more sense to say that black magic is working magic while white magic is simply the transmission of the mysteries through prose and poetry; art and beauty. Black is the color or fruitfulness and mystery while white is the color of enlightenment and inspiration. Knowledge is always of use, it's how you use that knowledge that makes it for the betterment or detriment overall. To what ends this could be good or evil is almost an entire other can of worms, honestly. Color labels do not apply well in the ethics of magic.
I think both are equally important to understand, a balance of sort, is the true key to understanding and accepting each sides limitations. Either way, each has its course of action. I prefer the middle.
Possible analogy - I like this, YMMV: maybe high magick would help you be calm and serene in your daily life, therefore avoiding situations where you get into fights in the first place, whereas low magick might give you the quick wit/craftiness/audacity to talk your way out of a fight once one starts. Prevention and cure, maybe? (always lots of maybes, as it should be!). Also, have always found 'good/evil' a tricky concept and not that helpful, whereas 'love/hate', whilst still full of that dualism we humans seem to crave, feels like a lot more of an understandable and helpful thing to keep in mind when thinking about this stuff.
The high and low category is more effective. In regards to black versus white magick, it is more about the intention. You could be doing something positive, to receive negative results to hurt somebody. For example, you could be doing a spell to give someone money, so they can maintain a drug habit, and wind up dying in the process
But if from good intention you can conjure bad consequence as well. You can mean well for oneself and that will cause evil for another. That is the trick. Selfless magic is rare and hard for monkeys like us.
Peruvian Here! one of thw most common spells around here are "Amarres" wich can be translated to "Tie downs?" . It is a ritual for making someone fall in love or stay with you forever and that, not sure if they are considered either White or Black magic
What do you think about the division between high magic and low magic, and the magic of the left pillar and the right pillar? It can be commonly called white and black, but if we understand it as a rather left and right pillar, the division becomes very clear and breaks away from not very productive moral considerations.
This was a great explanation. It is all about energy (which is neutral) and how we interpret it and use it to our benefit. Whether that is for benevolent outcomes or selfishness depends on our intent.
I guess I imagined in my mind the definition of white vs black as how you decided to go about things. Say there were two horses in a race. Black would be to try make one horse falter and lose where was white would be to help one excel and win. They might have the same ends but the way you go about it really says something about you and your magick.
High magic is like psychedelics. They are in their core the exact opposite of ego-inflating and narcissism-inducing drugs like methamphetamine. Yet many people use their experiences of harsh introspection and ego death as a building block for their narcissist egos. "Im more enlightened than you so that means im better than you, i can handle heroic doses of LSD". On the other hand methamphetamine can be humbling on comedown. Its like shadow work, brings the bad traits out. A classic duality thing.
just aim for the highest good, or at the very least, have that included in the intention. i feel like if that's in the mix, just about anything is fair game. i feel like people should do whatever they want, as long as it's not hurting anything.
I think "not hurting anything" is the clue when differentiating black and white magick. My interpretation is that "black magick" goes against another entity's free will. In this way, even invoking a demon could be white magick if it's a constructive interaction, and love potions are almost always black magick.
Superb video. I have a contrast with this opinion. It starts with what is categorization ? It is breaking down a logical understanding to subsets for recognition purpose !! Let me ask you a question does a rich man wear good clothes ? Does a poor man remains with torn clothes or half nacked or fully nacked ? Does with situation these scenarios alter ? For say gardening clothes for a garden lover or private couple moments ? So does this mean with change in situation your status of living changes ? Then how does categories stand up as a existential truth ? They are relatively true based on certain parameters. Magic is expression of your full form filtered with glasses of aspects. Diving a bit deeper. Without night day will find no meaning. Without day night is boring. Similarly every involvement decorates the other. Every emotion does the same for other, every thought is doing similar. Thus every black is occasionally white and every high is occasionally low. It's us who say, "that is of lower worth". That exactly speaks of us that we are not much high yet as we should be. When speaking of God he didn't prioritize his children. Even a piece of rock on earth is his child. He defined contribution. Few are on the path without question. Few are justifying existence with contribution. This can continue longer.. but hopefully this makes sense. Power used for productivity matters more than power wasted to stop productivity. Still context of that use of power determines how much of goodness it possess. Lots of love and light to you. Regards.
Infringing upon someone else’s free will is always negative polarity aka black magic and opens oneself to be controlled by other negative entities. Traditionally people, especially parents, tend to think if you control someone else it can be classified as love “bEcAuSe It’s FoR tHeIR own GoOd” but love is by definition absolute acceptance. There is no love where there is control of other self. As you mentioned, wisdom is needed to balance love, since it is always hard to know the full consequences of an action even if made with loving intentions. I would certainly separate this type of control from the necessity of guiding one’s child when they are too young to know the consequences of their actions, such as diverting a toddler away from a hot stove, but once an individual fully understands cause and effect, only verbal suggestions should be offered to respect their free will. An overly controlling parent will damage their own mind and soul by engaging in such behavior. Thusly, higher density beings/angels etc will only use their white magic to help us if we call for their help so as to respect the distortion of free will. And the strength of their help will be proportional to the strength/sincerity of our calling. The more we truly desire their help, and take action to prove it through prayer, meditation, fasting, etc the more they can actually influence our lives.
I've heard Jordan Peterson describe evil as akin to malevolence. Someone so lost in suffering that they declare war on existence itself. I'm no expert on the subject, but that rings true to me.
I rather like Frater Xavier's take on white and black magic. It's not good vs evil, but push vs pull, positive vs negative like in electricity. I'm not saying that you're wrong historically. I just find that other way more useful.
High/Low is a very good distinction. A Black/White only concept devolves into rigid legalism. Many think black/white ideas like, “Thou shalt not lie,” but we read the allegory in the Hebrew Bible about Rahab the prostitute who lied to protect the Israelites from discovery by Canaanite authorities, and Rahab’s house was the only one left standing when the walls of Jericho fell. In the allegory God blessed a prostitute because her motive was high, even though she told a black lie, and regardless of her profession.
Any act that violates other people free will is authorizing other entities to violate your free will. Golden rule aways gives a moral compass. Said that, do whatever thy will...
*They are the dogmaitc definitions yes however are you sure they are the correct ones for today or rather just outdated ones? Is the difference between black and white in fact nothing to do with whose side you are no but rather the way the magic works. Similarly for high and low 💜*
I don't generally practice ceremonial magic. Generally I do traditional/folk/Hoodoo inspired workings. Never malificent against others. However, I've often used low magic in a way to get closer to my higher self. So I guess low white magic? I'm looking into higher magic right now after watching some of your other videos of book recommendations. Thank you for your content! Very informative!
I use white, as for high/low I think a balance would be needed! If it helps your path to improve your work for good, a balance is needed! Thanks for awesome video
Another wonderful video, thank you. I like the idea of low and high magic, I don't think one is superior to the other as both are necessary. One can't live or do magic if one has nothing and both the physical and the spiritual is part of life. I had never heard of that before. As for the differentiation between black and white magic I always saw it as 2 things; what are you using as your source: Angels, earth elements, love, light energy or demons, negative thoughts and negative energy and what is the end result of your magic? Are you taking away someone's freewill? Are you harming someone? Are you forcing circumstances on someone? I was about to say, would you like it if someone did it to you but then realized, I might say; "yes, ok" and you might say;"No way!" to the same idea, so again, does it take freewill away from the person? I shudder at the idea of a person putting a "love spell" on me, I've had my share of people who wanted a relationship with me but I disagreed as it was good for them and not me! I love these thought provoking videos, thank you. Namaste
As an atheist and someone who considers themselves a rationalist, I randomly stumbled upon your channel, and from a theological and a sociological standpoint, your videos are very interesting. Would I practice anything here? I would definitely not but it never hurts to learn how other people view the world and open one's heart to the learning of other points of view to get a better understanding of my fellow human. Good stuff man, really fascinating stuff!
For me and my "carta" is black magick any spell, which overwrites the will of another beeing. So ... yes... there are only very few "white" lovespells and bindings against will are entirely black magick.
Thank you for this video. I found it educational. Currently, I am an apprentice studying the Quareia course offered by Josephine McCarthy. Still in the basics. Meditation, learning Tarot, and Visualization magic. I found your Channel today and your info and presentation method resonates, so I subbd. Thank you again I appreciate the content and look forward to learning more. I'm not sure what my path is yet, but I have a natural inclination to working with plants and natural medicines as well as spiritual self improvement. The majority of my work will be High White. However, I believe experience in the grey areas would be educational if not useful.
@@ASMRyouVEGANyet I mean, its magic. I would think any school would instill wonder. Lol. I chose hers because it resonated. I didn't detect an inflated ego or any Bs in her words or demeanor.
I read an interesting note in a book on the history of magick: ‘Black Magic has nothing to do with evil or the devil - the term ‘Black Magic’ originated in Egypt which was at the time known as the land of the Black sands and even then world famous for their magick so their magic was called -Black Magic to indicate it was from Egypt. … gonna have to find that book again.
Black and white, is basically the pillar of severity and the pillar of mercy, you need to be balanced and ego and selfishness is a lack of the higher not black or white
Isn't it more about intention and goal ... you are either ascending towards truth and reality, or you are decending. The means and interpretation of means are secondary to what you are in your spirit.
My intuitive view of Black vs. White Magick is pretty much the definition of High vs. Low Magick: Black = Low Magick, White = High Magick. I'm not saying that's the truth, just that its my intuition. Then whether the Black/Low Magick is done for "Good/Evil" purposes splits it to true Black Magick, and Grey Magick. But that distinction is completely superficial, arbitrary, and subjective, so exists more as a quality, than a category. For example; saying something is Hot vs. Cold, Big vs. Small, completely subjective and on a scale with no clear dividing line.
I do high and low. I want to connect with divinity, but I want to do it with a roof over my head. But definitely always light magick. Dark and light resonate as terms more than black and white. I think of it more as a spectrum and it depends on how much Light I can infuse into a given intention. Some intentions hold more or less than others. That horrible curse you read holds close to no light whereas a blessing like “May your own divinity reveal itself to you.” contains a lot of light and is actually much better at effecting change because the Will is Light. To try to take the Light out of an intention, well it’s just not really potent and requires all kinds of weird sacrifices to pull off. Basically one would have to be willing to go to a dark place themselves to cast a spell. So really they are just cursing themselves. Projection and reception are the same thing, which is like the most fundamental magickal principle in my mind (at least at this point in my innerstanding:)) Btw, Just discovered your channel and am loving it!
It might be said that there are actions an/or magic(s) that cannot be classified on this table. One might term them “necessary.” When it comes to survival, black/white, high/low, good/evil become irrelevant or unapplicable. Defending yourself or others often affords you the right to perform acts that are otherwise illegal, immoral, or unforgivable. The act of eating, plants or animals, involves consuming the life energy of something else. Necessary? Absolutely, but in any other circumstance, killing and taking energy for personal use would be considered black or at least low on the chart. For survival it is necessary and therefore not really placed on this chart.
I use all for the balance is projected in a more aligned aspect; elevated concept within its unification. Both are valid, but to exceed the base/core value of this dimension via light. *Its foundation is (Divine) light, so the darkness is only used when relative to the light.* Thus, shadow work can be mastered & only when isolated, will get the highest degree of value (& highest product of alchemical possibilities) within complete darkness...but only if done alone. Generally, this *should not* be done for &/or with others as it would incur a series of experiences in dual resistance & acts like a gummy substance when alchemizing together in darkness. It can be done, but I repeat, *shouldn’t* be. If done so, definitely NOT w some random person. Hope that helps! I felt like I channeled most of that info in for those that needed to hear it, bc we can make some disastrous errors when in practice... love & light to all. ✨🖤✨💖✨🤍✨ I also use this standing to actively & limitlessly neutralize the low/dark magick excerpt read & heard. The sampled spellwork is extended w the spirit & sole intent to educate all apprentices by use of example. May no harm be casted on those who are experiencing death/transformation on any level in any dimension, across all time. This is also extended to the reader should the reader comply w supplemental terms of intent to keep within good standing of respect towards highest degree & purpose of co-creative magick.
Personally don't think their should be a distinction between either black or white or high and low. Both to me imply that we should separate good and evil, order and disorder when you combine the two you get chaos. The universe itself is chaos, life is chaos. Chaos can be good and evil but most of the time is both and neither. I hope I explained that right because that's how I see it.
Foolish Fish, does this name have some Dagon reference? There is a lot of page there for gray areas it seems. What if the so called celestials are posing and are actually infernal, that's normally the case. White, black, gray doesn't really matter if your source is deceiving you, that source being you sometimes. The greatest source of power is the creator, but a man must test every spirit by its fruits or intentions.
Black magicians tend to entrap their spells and spirits within their aura as white magicians use their aura to aid and heal others auras this is how I was taught at least
didn't crowley make a similar but slightly different distinction? I believe he said something along the lines of any magic directed towards the self, like high magic in your description, is considered white magic. And anything else I believe he said, was considered black magic. I should mention that either way I like you're distinctions much better.
My personal view is that magick is neutral, a tool to used to help change the user's reality according to their needs / will. A knife can be used to slice bread & spread butter, but it can be also used to hurt / kill someone. The knife itself is neutral but its down to the user's intentions & decisions that make it a force for goodness / evil. Same with magick.
100% with you on this :)
Exactly I agree 100% couldnt have explained it any better...🌜✨🌛
You use the example of a knife. I like to use fire or electricity.
Great post
I am from Ghana Africa Accra...I know nothing about MAGIC can someone help me personally?
I might be practicing but don't know it's magic or I need to practice because maybe it's part of my Life line...and where I am from its hidden even if there is magic
Can someone help me
What a day to be alive, when such Information is readily available to the everyman!
This topic is where I completely agree with Crowley when he says that all Magick is black Magick until you have attained the Knowledge and Conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel, which I think is equivalent to the eastern concept of the Awakening that happens before Nirvana dawns. We simply don't have the insight to see or understand the consequences of forcing the desired outcome on a situation before that, and the results, whatever they are, are ours to live with. If there is any Magick for the initiate, it is to awaken first, and the what and when come by themselves. What I have also come to believe is that all the Magick a person needs is a prayer, an intention set in pure faith, which sets in motion the very hand of God and the flight of Angels. "Inflame thyself with prayer", a holy statement made by the alleged "Wickedest man in the world".
Yes, absolutely this :)
he allegedly sacrificed animals and young kids is what I heard
@@gianttigerfilms hmm. He talked about sacrificing children because that wouldn't get him into prison in Victorian Era England the way talking about masturbation would, which was what he was actually referring to.
I am one of those who use this form of magic I also call it clear intention makes for powerful prayers and almost instantaneous results when mixed with "pure faith 'jst to copy you' " and doubts being the destruction of it all
@@FoolishFishBooks Thank you for drawing clarity to that point. It wasn't so long ago I heard someone making that reference to Crowley in relation to 'sacrificing children' and people really do take some of his work quite literal.
Alot of magicians are also philosophers. Alot of philosophers in ancient Greece were also boxers, wrestlers and etc. If you don't master your physical skills to a certain extent you will not develop your potential as a magician.
Reach heaven through violence...
@@noobtuber10 That sounds more like Aries
@Prince of Darkness Thank you my friend.
@@noobtuber10 dude that phrase is awesome
Manly Palmer Hall said that,
to take the blackness out of magic, all one has to do, is take the selfishness out of it.
I think that's a really good rule of thumb 👍😁 Thanks for sharing!
One of the all time greats; a mentor of mine.
Agnello Dei you’re 100 percent correct
@Agnello Dei He was close. But thanks for adding more info.
I would want to work with a Group who agrees on this point.
The way you define high-/low magic can easily be re-defined as internal-/external magic;
High/Internal as dealing with virtues, psychology, the self etc
Low/External as dealing with materialistic things, objects, the other etc
As living in this world we are the fine line between the internal and the external and thus there should be no moral judgement (high/low implies a moral value) on working with the two areas.
Ah, yes, this may be the heart of the matter. Within and without are only as separate as we suppose them to be.
Thanks as always @Sejdr, for your thoughtful comment! 😁
I feel that as we are all practicing magick all the time, finding the right balance between intention and aimlessness is key.
Ever met anyone who just seems inherently "lucky"?
I am one, throughout life I always seem to have what I need just when I need it, in a physical sense at least. As I began to learn about magick, I realised that my "luck" through life was a result of my general positivity and "happy go lucky" attitude, always looking on the bright side, and always kind of holding a reverence and excitement for the mystical.
Since learning that Magick is real, and dipping my toes in a little, a bit of focused intention then just letting go and sort of forgetting about what I want to manifest always brings me answers or solutions I need.
I think this is quite accurate, @MetaGordy.
We do indeed practice magical with everything we say and do. Becoming aware of that fact allows us to fine-tune what we're doing and saying in order to direct the magical in desired directions.
Thank you for the thoughtful comment! 😊👍
I've just found this channel. I love it. Right up my alley. Actually, it's just what I needed right now. Well done, Sir. Well done.
Abra kadabra
I've read an old grimoire from a South French shepperd. This book was truly ''black'' magic. The rituals were clearly involving child or human sacrifices. The spells were mostly directed on subjugation of other people. I've read a lot of grimoires or magic related books, but this one still stand out as something truly evil.
On the high vs low debate, Tantra is always about both with the understanding that the primary goal is non-dual realisation. For me, Shiva and Shakti are coequal, so saying High Magick (spiritual) is better than Low Magick (material) is pretty insulting to the universe manifest. The same is true in reverse of course. And best of luck with non-dual realisation when you think one part of the dual is better than the other. Balance in flow.
It’s totally about intent and everyone knows where the meter is and if it feels good or not.. Do as thy will, harm none.
Everyone? We all have different “meters”. Some of us are more psychopathic than others. Without rules we are truly lost. You can’t just ignore behavioral epigenetics lol.
Isnt it always strange and ridiculous how we "the humans" always seem to want to view things in a binary context. Good & Bad, Yin & Yang, Lady & Whore, Black & White. I think you'll agree that the reality is that there's nuances to everything in life including Magick and to constantly break things down in a binary fashion is quite frankly designed to better explain things to the profane / un-initiated outsiders. When one is actually performing these rites, no one is really thinking about Black,White or Low, High labels.
Amen! 😄
This is what the "myth" of Adam and Eve is really about: when human consciousness evolved (or just morphed into binary rationality, "paradise" was lost.
well articulated sir.
John Shannon thought crossed my mind but due to the severity of my situation i had believed me to be the only one of few to draw this conclusion.... while extremely interesting it is also to opposite of what one would want to hear
Yes completely, the turth is that reality is subjective morales, ethics, goodness and evil, happiness and suffering are all human paradigms that we create no one is born knowing anything when we are born all we know is the instincts for our survival and from there we are programmed by the external world around us but we dont have to be vitcims of our upbringing by using magick whether it's high or low
We become the masters of our reality. Magick and the law of attraction are one in the same and it's good people are finally waking up and seeking this knowledge
Energy is energy. I can use electricity to charge my phone or heat my water for a bath. Or to scald someone. 🤷😆
I'm 100% with you on this! :)
Yeh jst different forms of energy
Everything is energy in different forms. Electricity is only one aspect to heat your water you transform electric energy in heat energy. As easy as you transform to heat energy you can transform all aspects into one another but you just don't know how. Yes or no
They all mirror each other at one point or another and need each other to exist. I am light grey on my best days and dark grey on my worst, even if I dream about being all high and white.
Without both black AND white, there is no contrast, and therefore no clarity.
The same is true of high and low magic.
Each has its use and its place.
Oh, and as for the whole "Good vs. Evil" aspect, I use a simple rule:
If I wouldn't want it done to me, or can not justify it being done to myself under the same circumstances, then I view it as evil.
By that standard I view "Love Spells" as a form of curse. ( They subvert a person's will. )
I'm starting to really like this guys content👍👌
Just found your channel friend. Thanks so much for the great info. Quite timely for me this is.. again I thank you.
Thanks for watching! 😁👍 So glad you're finding the content useful!
I literally just wrote this same message! I'm so glad I found this channel.
interesting content once again! what i also appreciate about this channel is the comment section, a lot of interesting opinions out here!
I like theurgy/thaumaturgy. They describe exactly what the magic is doing without the implied value judgement.
i love your use of drawings and diagrams in your classes, it's really helpful for a visual learner like myself and additionally demonstrates you have really thought about and processed the information you've read.
This channel is seriously underrated 😁
I hope this will growth day by day, bcz the topic & explanation is really understandable
I disagree with your position of moral relativism.
Take your example: making someone fall in love. This is subversion of will. Just like the spell you've described that makes a dying person's spirit obey the spellcaster is a subversion of will. It's evil, no two ways about that.
Naturally, not all things are as clear-cut as this. There is room for debate, in many cases. Some situations are too complex to make the right moral judgement right away.
But there are such things as "right" and "wrong". The fact that we humans are too limited to make the distinction easily is no excuse. The important thing is to strive for discovering that distinction.
There has to be good and bad in order to bring balance that’s what he’s explaining with all of this. We all just share our opinions but there has to bad for good to exist dark for light to exist etc. It’s okay because the universe deals in karma it’s essentially a mirror what you put in you get out in this life or another. So if I used a love spell to control someone I’m also inviting that outcome onto myself.
@@Penutbutta50cal not denying that there could be no good without the bad. I'm just saying that there are such things as good and bad. Moral relativism, as far as I can tell, based on the premise that there are no such moral opposites.
Love this...stole the words out of my head
Imposing one’s will on another is sometimes required-redirecting a child from a hot stove, for example.
There is no such thing as evil or good to be honest factually speaking you people need to stop viewing reality through christian rose tinted goggles, there is only high and low states of being anything else is subjective ethos based on the culture you resign in not a measurement of true reality
I am so happy I finally found this channel, as someone who has had Kundalini very active for the last dozen years it has really helped to shed some light on what happened to me, I have inmense amounts of internal energy which at first used to be very painful but then improved, this energy carries sentience within it and I know this as it communicated with me internaly via a sort of one way telepathy, it can hear my inner monologue, but from its side I hear from the equivalent of its voice which has the advantage of a filter, thus making me incredibly ugly by comparison, I call this energy Shakti and she sounds like a cat purring, lizards, bees, snakes etc. Ive been with her constantly for twelve years now and I really want to prove her existence and benefits to the scientific community, I have a few "Magick" powers with my absolute favorite being "cellular vision" basically seeing the blood vessels, cells, nerves of the back of my eyes exactly as seeing it through a microscope.
My practice is always for the highest good of all. Never forced on another, with love and light. So white and high. I can see where I have done white low, to help me produce physical things such as abundance because in ways it’s not to get closer to the Divine. I feel the Divine is magic and we are all an aspect of the Divine and we have the choice to use these magic tools being that here they are... Lower dark magic has karma....unless one has rites of passage and I’m not so sure humans do, maybe other beings could possibly. I enjoyed this video. Thank you
Many thanks for this video, it gave me a perspective that I needed. I've recently watched some of your other contributions to this field, and I admire your precision and understanding. You're a true researcher and, by the dominion you express, also a true practitioner who has found peace and awareness through this work. Blessings unto thee! May thy Path be granted, lit by the Fire of Eternity! May the Road Within always be clear to thee!
One of the few things (if not the only) I've taken to heart from Crowley's teachings, was his saying that White Magick referred to anything aimed at strengthening "the knowledge of and conversation with ones Holy Guardian Angel," and that EVERYTHING ELSE fell into the category of Black Magick. It stunned me at first and didn't make sense at all. It seemed like a way too harsh distinction and judgment at first. But in time, over the years that followed, I started seeing how all other practices risked being egotistical, self serving or meddling in the business of others. Even the "innocent" little love spell of some teenage girl, putting a bag of herbs under her pillow to make a boy in school fall in love with her, is actually attempting to bend his will, flow and destiny according to her personal preference. So I've come to see working on ones own communion with the HGA and Source as the only clean practice. But today I also make room for the category Grey Magick, which would for instance include benign, well intended practices for the betterment of oneself and / or others (with their consent, of course) at the expense of no one. ♥︎
i have used the ying and yang to express the same type of idea , thank you ...
I'd say that attracting someone is not black or white magic. It is the means used to attract someone which are either black or white.
White magic : The person is attracted to you because they love for who you truly are within (high : mental+emotional love), and without ( low : true physical attraction).
Black magic : The person is attracted to you because you use psychological manipulation, lies and deceptions (high : false love), and illusions : too much make up, plastic body parts, etc. (low : false physical attributes).
Main difference here being honesty (white) vs dishonesty (black).
Can you imagine I and my friend discovered high magic without even ever reading it from anywhere, Good stuff ma men
All that matters is what you do with magic. This is what my mentor taught me. If you use it to hurt or violate someone's free will(making someone fall in love is disgusting) than you are on the" dark "side. This is one of the reason someone should start workinv with magic after he is balanced or at least has done inner work and he/she is not doing things from a pit of atachement and lust or lack.
True magic does not rely on spirits or gods but knowledge and understanding. It comes from within.
Its kind of ultimately about breaking free from duality so really the ultimate goal of mysticism and tantra is to break free of dualistic thought and perception.
Awesome per usual!! MAGICK is whatever you make of it… everything has polarities….both are necessary…There’s a time for everything… I channel/summons whatever I need🖤
Until discovering Crowley & some of the other major magickians in related traditions, I had always considered what they call “high magick,” in my own life, to simply be the spiritual practice of mysticism that I had been engaging in for far longer than I’d been aware of magick or its history, whether through meditative & breathing practices, spending time in nature, or yoga, or (most effectively) using psychedelics. I have still never delved into the intricacies of practicing ceremonial magick- around the time i was introduced to magick, I was having great success with my own mystical practices & achieving ego-death & union with the Divine was not a problem for me, so I didn’t see the necessity of getting all these implements & doing these elaborate rituals (maybe they are just SO effective as to be worthwhile even if you’re already doing the aforementioned practices, but I haven’t felt the need).
However, what I HAVE found is that mystical practices, as well as living in accordance with the spirit/will of the Light (in the terms of Kabbalah) or the Good (in [neo-]Platonism- living altruistically & placing others/the rest of nature above your own ego- puts a “wind in your sails,” providing an attunement which amplifies your capacity for (low) magick: your capacity to actually using your will to change things in the external world. And by using that power to continue to embody the altruistic nature of the Light/the Good, the cycle continues to empower you while also attracting good things into your life (the Kabbalists say “like attracts like,” & that by embodying the “will to bestow” rather than just the egoic “will receive” that you welcome more of the Light of the Ein Sof into your life, & it bestows more gifts upon you. There’s something very Taoist about this whole conception of magick I’ve developed by studying these different traditions- it really is as if you gain magickal attunement & power simply by flowing with the the Good attributes of the Tao, going with the path of the least resistance, and rather than wasting energy resisting the natural course of its will, that energy becomes accessible to you.
As for “white” vs “black” magick, I’m sure there might be some kind of equivalent power at the opposite end of the polarity between Good & Evil which one could tap into through sinister means (I never deal with dark forces & see no reason to). But I believe this would always come with a hideous cost which would never be worth the cost. Especially since such immense power & fulfillment & reward can be gained through simply being a good person & using your magick to look out for others as well as yourself. It’s not like in many of these traditions (Kabbalah & Hermeticism being the ones I’m most versed in) the Light/Good/God is moralistically limiting you in all kinds of arbitrary ways like mainstream religions, & it’s not like they ask much of you. In my experience self-initiating & self-teaching about these schools of thought & about magick, I’ve had nothing but positive experiences & would encourage anyone out there to, as Crowley or Steiner would say, do your own experiments- try living the way I’ve described above. Perhaps look to your higher self for guidance if you want a more specific path, like the paths to enlightenment taught by the Hindus (in my own experiences, Thoth seemed to nudge me very strongly towards the Path of Knowledge, Jnana Marga, which was fitting). But the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Listen to what the Kabbalists say (their worldview is most readily applicable & effective from a self-help point of view IMO), listen to what I’ve described, & give it a shot in your own life. Only then will you know whether it gets you the results it got me. But I believe living in the likeness of the Light has brought SO many similarly spiritually-minded, brilliant, loving people into my life in such a short time, as well as improving my interpersonal relationships in general, & bringing me more in tune with magick & synchronicities. It is a practice- it’s not always easy to maintain. Sometimes your ego will drag you back down into pettiness. But you get better at it & it becomes more natural to you & requires less effort over time.
Best wishes to all. Thanks for a great video. 🙏
Thank you adding the high and low dimension really helps. I have always felt the ultimate goal of all magic to be to at one with god (the creator or whatever else you wish to substitute for the higher consciousness), but that black magicians believe that they can be god. Nevertheless, I completely accept that there is a continuum and that one cannot begin to describe one pole without the other.
@See Ease Ah yes of course it makes complete sense to me now. But please answer me this. If a bot walks a week in a fortnight how many eggs in Abergavenny?
I love your esoteric Saturdays. I’m binge watching the videos I’ve missed since I’ve been off for a few weeks. Anyway, I like this chart
Hi @Cosmic Mangaka! Love the new name :D
Foolish Fish thanks haha 😅
i would say :
white : for somedy else's good.
black : for my own good.
high : more about improving one's physical / mental / spiritual / energy states and abilities.
low : more about operations to get / attract infos / something / somebody.
In general I define black magick as something that tends to obfuscate, confound or trick, and white magick as something that illuminates or replenish. Both can certainly be an instrument of good or evil. I don't see much distinction between high and low magick as it is a spectrum that can be perceive differently under different circumstances. And yes I believe that the witch should have a strong differentiation or categorization of things at personal level in order to assert his/her intentions clearly when performing magick.
Thank you for making this video! It's very important to talk about this topic because I've seen a surprising amount of people taking for granted the 'white magick' label.
My take on this is uncommon and based on witch lore, but here it is:
High magic implies that there is a level of formality to the practice, and thus it correlated with ritual magic or ceremonial magic. In other words, soul map work, theatrical/role-based group magic and alchemical rituals, things that need a plan or spirit map of sorts. Low magic, on the other hand, is the folk's magic. Things like protection charms, hexing, devotion or honor work and the like. It's spontaneous and practical, more hands-on. You only have to know the lore or philosophy to use it effectively.
As for white vs black, I agree with the Feri Traditional Witchcraft founder Victor Anderson: "Black magic is whatever works, white magic is poetry". Ethics is quite complex in magic, especially in folk magic, so it makes more sense to say that black magic is working magic while white magic is simply the transmission of the mysteries through prose and poetry; art and beauty. Black is the color or fruitfulness and mystery while white is the color of enlightenment and inspiration. Knowledge is always of use, it's how you use that knowledge that makes it for the betterment or detriment overall. To what ends this could be good or evil is almost an entire other can of worms, honestly. Color labels do not apply well in the ethics of magic.
I think both are equally important to understand, a balance of sort, is the true key to understanding and accepting each sides limitations. Either way, each has its course of action. I prefer the middle.
Possible analogy - I like this, YMMV: maybe high magick would help you be calm and serene in your daily life, therefore avoiding situations where you get into fights in the first place, whereas low magick might give you the quick wit/craftiness/audacity to talk your way out of a fight once one starts. Prevention and cure, maybe? (always lots of maybes, as it should be!). Also, have always found 'good/evil' a tricky concept and not that helpful, whereas 'love/hate', whilst still full of that dualism we humans seem to crave, feels like a lot more of an understandable and helpful thing to keep in mind when thinking about this stuff.
The high and low category is more effective.
In regards to black versus white magick, it is more about the intention. You could be doing something positive, to receive negative results to hurt somebody. For example, you could be doing a spell to give someone money, so they can maintain a drug habit, and wind up dying in the process
But if from good intention you can conjure bad consequence as well. You can mean well for oneself and that will cause evil for another. That is the trick. Selfless magic is rare and hard for monkeys like us.
Peruvian Here! one of thw most common spells around here are "Amarres" wich can be translated to "Tie downs?" . It is a ritual for making someone fall in love or stay with you forever and that, not sure if they are considered either White or Black magic
The idea is self-defeating, as it would not be love, but control, which is selfish. Love is not selfish.
What do you think about the division between high magic and low magic, and the magic of the left pillar and the right pillar? It can be commonly called white and black, but if we understand it as a rather left and right pillar, the division becomes very clear and breaks away from not very productive moral considerations.
My thoughts exactly, thanks Michal! ^_^
It's as simple as keeping the spirit in balance. Ever hear of the golden rule? "Treat others as you wish to be treated."
This was a great explanation. It is all about energy (which is neutral) and how we interpret it and use it to our benefit. Whether that is for benevolent outcomes or selfishness depends on our intent.
Great data, leaned of using White and, Dark more so with Celestial being. 👏👏🔥🔥🔥💡🧠.
I guess I imagined in my mind the definition of white vs black as how you decided to go about things.
Say there were two horses in a race. Black would be to try make one horse falter and lose where was white would be to help one excel and win. They might have the same ends but the way you go about it really says something about you and your magick.
Hm. Yes, nice analogy! 😄👍
I always felt that high magic was created to satisfy inflated egos and narcisists 😊
High magic is like psychedelics. They are in their core the exact opposite of ego-inflating and narcissism-inducing drugs like methamphetamine. Yet many people use their experiences of harsh introspection and ego death as a building block for their narcissist egos. "Im more enlightened than you so that means im better than you, i can handle heroic doses of LSD".
On the other hand methamphetamine can be humbling on comedown. Its like shadow work, brings the bad traits out. A classic duality thing.
I adore watching your videos!! Always giving such thoughtful insights and information ...🖤✨🌜
Thank you so much! What a kind comment :D Best wishes to you!
just aim for the highest good, or at the very least, have that included in the intention. i feel like if that's in the mix, just about anything is fair game. i feel like people should do whatever they want, as long as it's not hurting anything.
"Love is the law, love under will" :)
I think "not hurting anything" is the clue when differentiating black and white magick. My interpretation is that "black magick" goes against another entity's free will. In this way, even invoking a demon could be white magick if it's a constructive interaction, and love potions are almost always black magick.
I’d love a video on high black magick or demonology. I think a lot of folks would love to know what such Mages are thinking~
Superb video.
I have a contrast with this opinion.
It starts with what is categorization ?
It is breaking down a logical understanding to subsets for recognition purpose !!
Let me ask you a question does a rich man wear good clothes ?
Does a poor man remains with torn clothes or half nacked or fully nacked ?
Does with situation these scenarios alter ? For say gardening clothes for a garden lover or private couple moments ?
So does this mean with change in situation your status of living changes ?
Then how does categories stand up as a existential truth ? They are relatively true based on certain parameters.
Magic is expression of your full form filtered with glasses of aspects.
Diving a bit deeper.
Without night day will find no meaning. Without day night is boring.
Similarly every involvement decorates the other. Every emotion does the same for other, every thought is doing similar.
Thus every black is occasionally white and every high is occasionally low.
It's us who say, "that is of lower worth". That exactly speaks of us that we are not much high yet as we should be.
When speaking of God he didn't prioritize his children. Even a piece of rock on earth is his child.
He defined contribution. Few are on the path without question. Few are justifying existence with contribution.
This can continue longer.. but hopefully this makes sense.
Power used for productivity matters more than power wasted to stop productivity. Still context of that use of power determines how much of goodness it possess.
Lots of love and light to you.
Thanks for sharing ☺️
Infringing upon someone else’s free will is always negative polarity aka black magic and opens oneself to be controlled by other negative entities. Traditionally people, especially parents, tend to think if you control someone else it can be classified as love “bEcAuSe It’s FoR tHeIR own GoOd” but love is by definition absolute acceptance. There is no love where there is control of other self. As you mentioned, wisdom is needed to balance love, since it is always hard to know the full consequences of an action even if made with loving intentions.
I would certainly separate this type of control from the necessity of guiding one’s child when they are too young to know the consequences of their actions, such as diverting a toddler away from a hot stove, but once an individual fully understands cause and effect, only verbal suggestions should be offered to respect their free will. An overly controlling parent will damage their own mind and soul by engaging in such behavior.
Thusly, higher density beings/angels etc will only use their white magic to help us if we call for their help so as to respect the distortion of free will. And the strength of their help will be proportional to the strength/sincerity of our calling. The more we truly desire their help, and take action to prove it through prayer, meditation, fasting, etc the more they can actually influence our lives.
I've heard Jordan Peterson describe evil as akin to malevolence. Someone so lost in suffering that they declare war on existence itself. I'm no expert on the subject, but that rings true to me.
I rather like Frater Xavier's take on white and black magic. It's not good vs evil, but push vs pull, positive vs negative like in electricity. I'm not saying that you're wrong historically. I just find that other way more useful.
Since life is a paradox: black magick is the only path that leads to the light!
That curse is savage. Saved. Thanks. Saved for any serious, potential arch nemesis.
Heh! I wouldn't imagine a curse like that would do much for the curser him/herself in the after-life... :o
You’re the mentor I have been needing
Thank you 🙂
High/Low is a very good distinction. A Black/White only concept devolves into rigid legalism. Many think black/white ideas like, “Thou shalt not lie,” but we read the allegory in the Hebrew Bible about Rahab the prostitute who lied to protect the Israelites from discovery by Canaanite authorities, and Rahab’s house was the only one left standing when the walls of Jericho fell. In the allegory God blessed a prostitute because her motive was high, even though she told a black lie, and regardless of her profession.
Any act that violates other people free will is authorizing other entities to violate your free will. Golden rule aways gives a moral compass. Said that, do whatever thy will...
"Do what thou wilt" sounds very different when you realise that "thou" is meant as your higher self... which is unlikely to break the golden rule.
Nice 👍 thank u 🙏🏼
Very good..💯✌️
what's the most dangerous book you own? or the most evil, black magic, etc? I find this all really interesting
*They are the dogmaitc definitions yes however are you sure they are the correct ones for today or rather just outdated ones? Is the difference between black and white in fact nothing to do with whose side you are no but rather the way the magic works. Similarly for high and low 💜*
I like the grey magic as it winds up the human category pigeon holes mindset breaks the uniformitarian paradigm.
I don't generally practice ceremonial magic. Generally I do traditional/folk/Hoodoo inspired workings. Never malificent against others. However, I've often used low magic in a way to get closer to my higher self. So I guess low white magic? I'm looking into higher magic right now after watching some of your other videos of book recommendations. Thank you for your content! Very informative!
I use white, as for high/low I think a balance would be needed! If it helps your path to improve your work for good, a balance is needed! Thanks for awesome video
Another wonderful video, thank you. I like the idea of low and high magic, I don't think one is superior to the other as both are necessary. One can't live or do magic if one has nothing and both the physical and the spiritual is part of life. I had never heard of that before. As for the differentiation between black and white magic I always saw it as 2 things; what are you using as your source: Angels, earth elements, love, light energy or demons, negative thoughts and negative energy and what is the end result of your magic? Are you taking away someone's freewill? Are you harming someone? Are you forcing circumstances on someone? I was about to say, would you like it if someone did it to you but then realized, I might say; "yes, ok" and you might say;"No way!" to the same idea, so again, does it take freewill away from the person? I shudder at the idea of a person putting a "love spell" on me, I've had my share of people who wanted a relationship with me but I disagreed as it was good for them and not me!
I love these thought provoking videos, thank you. Namaste
What is the full title of that book published by Scarlet Imprint, please?
Ah polarity, what a beautiful thing
As an atheist and someone who considers themselves a rationalist, I randomly stumbled upon your channel, and from a theological and a sociological standpoint, your videos are very interesting. Would I practice anything here? I would definitely not but it never hurts to learn how other people view the world and open one's heart to the learning of other points of view to get a better understanding of my fellow human. Good stuff man, really fascinating stuff!
If your into more atheistic or scientific magick this guy has some videos on chaos magick which is pretty much just psychology through an occult lens.
Chaos magick.
2020 I still believe in magic
For me and my "carta" is black magick any spell, which overwrites the will of another beeing. So ... yes... there are only very few "white" lovespells and bindings against will are entirely black magick.
Magic is magic. The universe is a balance of good and bad, white and black
Thanks for the knowledge and wisdom
:D Thanks for watching! Have a great weekend! :)
Side note- you have a lovely voice 🥰
KJV. Galatians 5 16-26.
A beautifully given juxtaposition between black and white
Thank you for this video. I found it educational. Currently, I am an apprentice studying the Quareia course offered by Josephine McCarthy. Still in the basics. Meditation, learning Tarot, and Visualization magic. I found your Channel today and your info and presentation method resonates, so I subbd. Thank you again I appreciate the content and look forward to learning more. I'm not sure what my path is yet, but I have a natural inclination to working with plants and natural medicines as well as spiritual self improvement. The majority of my work will be High White. However, I believe experience in the grey areas would be educational if not useful.
I have wondered about her program. Good to see it's working for you
@@ASMRyouVEGANyet I mean, its magic. I would think any school would instill wonder. Lol. I chose hers because it resonated. I didn't detect an inflated ego or any Bs in her words or demeanor.
I read an interesting note in a book on the history of magick: ‘Black Magic has nothing to do with evil or the devil - the term ‘Black Magic’ originated in Egypt which was at the time known as the land of the Black sands and even then world famous for their magick so their magic was called -Black Magic to indicate it was from Egypt. … gonna have to find that book again.
I think its best to learn some of all.
I think I probably agree :D
Black and white, is basically the pillar of severity and the pillar of mercy, you need to be balanced and ego and selfishness is a lack of the higher not black or white
Isn't it more about intention and goal ... you are either ascending towards truth and reality, or you are decending. The means and interpretation of means are secondary to what you are in your spirit.
My intuitive view of Black vs. White Magick is pretty much the definition of High vs. Low Magick: Black = Low Magick, White = High Magick. I'm not saying that's the truth, just that its my intuition.
Then whether the Black/Low Magick is done for "Good/Evil" purposes splits it to true Black Magick, and Grey Magick. But that distinction is completely superficial, arbitrary, and subjective, so exists more as a quality, than a category. For example; saying something is Hot vs. Cold, Big vs. Small, completely subjective and on a scale with no clear dividing line.
I do high and low. I want to connect with divinity, but I want to do it with a roof over my head. But definitely always light magick. Dark and light resonate as terms more than black and white.
I think of it more as a spectrum and it depends on how much Light I can infuse into a given intention. Some intentions hold more or less than others. That horrible curse you read holds close to no light whereas a blessing like “May your own divinity reveal itself to you.” contains a lot of light and is actually much better at effecting change because the Will is Light.
To try to take the Light out of an intention, well it’s just not really potent and requires all kinds of weird sacrifices to pull off. Basically one would have to be willing to go to a dark place themselves to cast a spell. So really they are just cursing themselves. Projection and reception are the same thing, which is like the most fundamental magickal principle in my mind (at least at this point in my innerstanding:))
Btw, Just discovered your channel and am loving it!
While deciding, be a mirror. But avoid to break a mirror. It brings bad luck (reflection of the unersal gears)
Gratitude 💕
I do channelling with the universe
What's an example if high/black magic vs high/white magic, anyone ?
It might be said that there are actions an/or magic(s) that cannot be classified on this table. One might term them “necessary.” When it comes to survival, black/white, high/low, good/evil become irrelevant or unapplicable. Defending yourself or others often affords you the right to perform acts that are otherwise illegal, immoral, or unforgivable. The act of eating, plants or animals, involves consuming the life energy of something else. Necessary? Absolutely, but in any other circumstance, killing and taking energy for personal use would be considered black or at least low on the chart. For survival it is necessary and therefore not really placed on this chart.
I use all for the balance is projected in a more aligned aspect; elevated concept within its unification. Both are valid, but to exceed the base/core value of this dimension via light. *Its foundation is (Divine) light, so the darkness is only used when relative to the light.*
Thus, shadow work can be mastered & only when isolated, will get the highest degree of value (& highest product of alchemical possibilities) within complete darkness...but only if done alone. Generally, this *should not* be done for &/or with others as it would incur a series of experiences in dual resistance & acts like a gummy substance when alchemizing together in darkness. It can be done, but I repeat, *shouldn’t* be. If done so, definitely NOT w some random person.
Hope that helps! I felt like I channeled most of that info in for those that needed to hear it, bc we can make some disastrous errors when in practice... love & light to all.
I also use this standing to actively & limitlessly neutralize the low/dark magick excerpt read & heard. The sampled spellwork is extended w the spirit & sole intent to educate all apprentices by use of example. May no harm be casted on those who are experiencing death/transformation on any level in any dimension, across all time. This is also extended to the reader should the reader comply w supplemental terms of intent to keep within good standing of respect towards highest degree & purpose of co-creative magick.
Personally don't think their should be a distinction between either black or white or high and low.
Both to me imply that we should separate good and evil, order and disorder when you combine the two you get chaos.
The universe itself is chaos, life is chaos. Chaos can be good and evil but most of the time is both and neither.
I hope I explained that right because that's how I see it.
Foolish Fish, does this name have some Dagon reference? There is a lot of page there for gray areas it seems. What if the so called celestials are posing and are actually infernal, that's normally the case. White, black, gray doesn't really matter if your source is deceiving you, that source being you sometimes. The greatest source of power is the creator, but a man must test every spirit by its fruits or intentions.
Black magicians tend to entrap their spells and spirits within their aura as white magicians use their aura to aid and heal others auras this is how I was taught at least
didn't crowley make a similar but slightly different distinction? I believe he said something along the lines of any magic directed towards the self, like high magic in your description, is considered white magic. And anything else I believe he said, was considered black magic.
I should mention that either way I like you're distinctions much better.